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& Riot Games, inc. All rights reserved.Play PvP. In this type of game, all champions (or controlled characters) are played by actual players, rather than the game’s AI. There are a few different options in this game mode:
Classic - In this mode, the plays work to destroy the enemy’s Nexus (or base structure).
Dominion - In this mode, the point of the game becomes about taking control of a number of capture points or locations (which are very similar to the turrets encountered in Classic mode).
ARAM - In this mode, all of the player’s champions are chosen at random, and it is intended for all players to fight together in the central road (or lane).
Play Co-op vs AI. In a co-op vs. AI game, you will play on a team with other player controlled characters against computer controlled opponents (or bots).
Only Classic and Dominion modes are available when playing this type of game.
Play a custom game. In a custom game, you can choose the number of players, as well as password protect it to ensure that only your friends can play. The opposing team can either be other players or bots.
Choose the map. Choosing the map means choosing what environment you play in. It also affects how many players will be on a team and what game types are available. These are easy to see, so choose whatever map fits the criteria you want.
Choose Game Type. The game type determines how the champions are chosen. In a blind pick, players cannot see which champions have been chosen. In a draft pick, players take turns banning the use of and then choosing certain champions. Ranked games are more competitive in nature and consist of game-ranked players being matched according to experience.
Invite your friends. You can play with your friends in any game type. Simply click "I will invite my own teammates" when prompted in the bottom right corner after choosing the last option (either game type or difficulty).
Use Riot Points. Riot Points, which are purchased with real money and viewed at the top right of the screen next to your name, are used to buy new champions (other than the rotating free champions), new appearances or skins for your champions, or boosts (which increase the rate at which you earn Influence Points).
Use Influence Points. Influence points are the other type of in-game currency, except that they are earned by playing games. These can be used to permanently unlock champions, purchase Runes, or purchase additional Rune Pages.
Choose a character. After joining a match you will choose your champion (or have one chosen for you). What character you choose is really important, so don’t choose one just because they look cool. Choose your character based on how you play best and based on what your team needs. There are many roles but here are a few:
Tanks are champions with high health and magic resistance, who should generally be on the front lines. They deal low damage, but aid their team by drawing the enemy’s attention.
Fighters are similar to tanks but deal more damage. Their usual purpose is to backup weaker champions.
Marksmen are champions who are relatively weak, in terms of defense, but do great long range attacks. They are frequently targets for the enemy, so they will likely need to be protected. Mages are highly similar to marksmen.
Support champions are there to help any member of their team who needs help. They usually have an ability to shield or heal their allies.
Assassins are champions who do a high amount of damage in short bursts. They focus on killing enemies quickly and remaining hidden between kills.
Pay attention to character attributes. Attributes determine the effectiveness of the armor, the amount of health your champion has, and the amount of magical power (or mana) that they can draw from. Each character has a major attribute (one which is higher than the others) which greatly determines how they will play. Attributes increase with level.
Attack power determines how much damage a champion can do with basic attacks. A high attack power generally makes for a good marksman.
Defense power determines characteristics like the champions armor level, making them harder to damage. Characters with high defense power make good tanks.
Ability power determines how often the champion can use their abilities. This is similar to mana or stamina in other games. Characters with a high ability power are generally meant to use abilities often, so be sure you are acquainted with how to use your characters abilities.
Purchase items. When you first enter the map, you will be placed next to the store, where you should buy some items. You can purchase consumables (potions and similar items), items which fortify your attributes, armaments to protect yourself with, and magical items (if your character is so inclined).
You will purchase these item with gold. Gold is earned passively (every few seconds) but also for things like killing enemy soldiers (called Minions), destroying enemy turrets, and various other accomplishments.
Choose a strategy to win. There are three main roadways on the classic Summoner’s Rift map (two in Twisted Treeline, no defined ones in Crystal Scar). These are called lanes. During the game, you and your enemies will largely be positioned in these lanes, in varying numbers, where you will fight for control in order to reach and destroy each other’s turrets and eventually the Nexus. You and your teammates will need to figure out how you want to handle your lanes.
Work with your teammates. Work together with your teammates to slowly kill the enemy. Remember, the goal is not to kill them but to instead destroy their turrets and Nexus. Remember that Minions, the little guys that you can’t control, are also part of your team. They are the key to winning the game and protecting yourself. They fight with enemy Minions and turrets, protecting you from damage, as both will default to killing them over you.
Stay behind the Minions as they are your line of defense.
Minions will spawn every 30 seconds and come in waves down the lanes.
Win by destroying enemy turrets and their Nexus. The game is won when the enemy’s main structure, called their Nexus, is destroyed. This structure is located on the opposite side of the map from where you begin. Progress your way there by destroying the intervening turrets that block your progress.
The other side of this, of course, is that the enemy team will be trying to destroy your turrets. Protect your turrets.
Destroy enemy inhibitors. Once you've destroyed 3 enemy turrets in one lane, you can destroy one of their inhibitors the same way. This one will not attack back. Once you have destroyed one, you will spawn waves of super minions. These are stronger than normal minions and have increased health. Use these to distract and eventually destroy the enemy base turrets and also their Nexus.
Attack the enemy. Mostly you’ll be dealing with enemy Minions but you will also fight enemy champions and turrets. Attack the enemy but remember your focus on getting to their turrets (and eventually their Nexus). Don’t be stupid and don’t be impatient. Take your time and make smart kills.
Right clicking on enemies performs basic attacks.
Use and advance abilities over the course of the game. Abilities will be different for every character. They are assigned to keys which are defaulted to Q-R (each is labeled on the screen). Experiment with abilities and find the best ways to use them. Use them to help your teammates as well as yourself.
Make sure to get last hit. Last hit is a very important part of playing League of Legends. Only the player who gets the last hit on an enemy or turret gets gold. Make sure you’re getting the last hit if your character is one that benefits from gold. One way to do this is to go in for the kill when you see an enemy’s health is low. Timing last hit is a learned skill.
Don’t forget about Baron Nashor and the jungle monsters. Don’t forget that there are neutral monsters in the jungles between the lanes who will attack you given opportunity. There is also the monster Baron Nashor lurking just off the lanes. He is powerful and deals a high amount of damage but killing him will give you several worthwhile rewards. Never take him on alone.
Heal yourself to stay alive. Your health is represented by the green bar in the lower left as well as above your character. The easiest way to heal yourself is by returning to base, which is done by pressing the “B” key. You can also buy health potions but these are only helpful at the beginning of the game, when your overall health is low. Sometimes supporting characters can help with keeping you alive as well.
Stay alive. The goal in strategy games like this one is not to get the most kills, but rather to stay alive. Doing this requires skill and patience. Dying is punished, as you will be missing out on experience and gold, and your teammates are going to take serious damage while they wait for you. If faced with the choice of making a kill or staying alive, always choose staying alive.
View your results. When the game is over you will be shown the results screen. Here you can see every player's kills/deaths/assists during the game, as well as items purchased and minion kill amount. Also, if you look at the header you will see the amount of xp (or experience) your account gained and the amount of IP (influence points) your account gained. Also, the more XP you gain, the more levels your summoner account will gain, allowing you points in your masteries (which gives you extra help during games) and more rune pages (which are basically the same thing.) Another thing xp gives you is more options for summoner spells.
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- Reader from Palo Alto, CA on Mar 17, 2015
Never follow an enemy Champion near a turret or an Inhibitor, as the Turret will give you the necessary blow to cripple you, and then the enemy Champion will most likely finish you off. But hey, You can use that tactic too, if you want!
AD Carriers such as Ashe or Miss Fortune are too strong for most beginners. Miss Fortune should be avoided at all costs, as her Bullet Time can rip you apart in seconds.
If you’re the kind of person who can’t handle criticism, this is not the game for you. Brutal...honesty comes standard with games like this.
If you don't obey the Summoner's Code, you'll most likely to lose the match and get reported by your teammates, which can follow to getting banned for a long period or forever!
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Becomean Author!League of Legendsyou are trying to open the league of legends是什么意思_百度作业帮
you are trying to open the league of legends是什么意思
you are trying to open the league of legends是什么意思
you are trying to open the league of legends 意思你是想打开英雄联盟例句:1.I've been trying to open the door,without result so far.我一直想打开这扇门,但是现在还打不开.如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,我就问英雄联盟里,游戏时触发的隐藏任务造成后有何奖励_英雄联盟吧_百度贴吧
If you sign in with a day 4 experience,
= 75000 days, if start check-in at the age of 1, 100 = 100 days, you want to live almost 200 years to keep every sign in (who knows there is no sign in this thing after 200), water 4 experience again if you every day, half the time, but considering the reality, you can't live again in 100, in 50 years, you have to water every day 16 experience, may be you are a diligent person, every day water 32 experience, that needs to be 25 years!!!!!!!!!!! Again if you are a big monster, daily water 64 experience, then as long as 12.5 years!!!!!!!!!!! If you are an impatient person, water 128 experience every day, you as long as 6.25 years!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are hungry, water 256 experience, every day that you fort, as long as 3.125 years!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, you will feel or too far away for 3 years, every day you are idle egg hurts, busy water 512 experience, bunkers, you only need to 1.5625 years, only a little more than a year and a half!!!!!!!


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