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星球大战三部曲 生命 030077AE:3D3D 能量 :4443 人数 :0606 怒气 :6868 点数 0F 0F 全能力 0300775A:FFFF 63FFFF 全必杀 3 全特技 69 96969 96969 9 关卡全开 D0D 全难度 :FF 乐高版星球大战 生命 0200DCD4:012C 能量 0200DCE8:1388 收集品 03006ECC:03E7 自由战全开 03006F5C:FFFF 自由战全人物 03006F62:FFFF 03006F64:FFFF 队员1变更 030033EC:xx 队员2变更 030033ED:xx 队员3变更 030033EE:xx 队员4变更 030033EF:xx 2C Anakin 2D Qui-Gon 2E Obi-Wan 30 Dooku 31 Darth Maul 32 Darth Vader 33 Yoda 34 R2-D2 35 R4-P17 36 Jar Jar 37 Jango Fett 38 Clone Trooper 39 Amidala 3A Chewbacca 3B Tusken Raider 3C-61 敌兵 祝你游戏愉快!
GBA领域专家乐高星球大战GBA版游戏画面 - 电玩巴士
Last year, Amaze surprised the heck out of us -- or rather, me -- with its Game Boy Advance rendition of the wonderfully clever, original Lego Star Wars console game design. Sure it had to be developed with restrictions, and sure the game wasn't quite as variety filled as the bigger console productions. But darn it, those guys did a great job capturing all the elements that made LEGO Star Wars so darn cool on the GameCube, Xbox, and PlayStation 2. What a shame those games had to be based on the -- shudder -- prequel trilogy instead of the Original Series.
It's time to rejoice, folks. The LEGO Star Wars series was a success across the board, so much so that the original development team worked its design magic to recreate the fun action of the original game, but in the cooler and much more familiar Episode IV, V, and VI environments -- and judging from our console reviewers, the design is, once again, a success. What's more, the same team that brought us the Game Boy Advance conversion last year developed LEGO Star Wars II for the handheld, working in more of the console design elements onto the more limited 2D platform. It's a beefier product with much more ambition, but with more ambition comes problems. It's still a really good, fun, and creative Star Wars action title, but it's hard to ignore some of the quirky residue.At its core, LEGO Star Wars utilizes the plastic, jointed, inch-tall LEGO beings and connecting blocks to tell the story of the immensely popular three movie science fiction epic. Everyone's seen the movies, so everyone knows the plots. If you don't, well, it'll be hard to follow along in the Game Boy Advance version since the characters don't even pantomime dialog with wildly animated movements -- they simply "talk" with visual voice bubbles that are a little difficult to translate. If you know the movies front, back, inside and out, you'll definitely appreciate the visual jokes since the game really doesn't take itself seriously at all.The game's all action, segmenting its levels into key points in the Star Wars episodes. Most missions require simply running through environments shooting or slashing enemies with blasters or light sabers in a top-down, three-quarter isometric view of the level to "emulate" a 3D environment. Scattered throughout these levels are puzzle elements that require a little more thought -- building a bridge out of LEGO bricks using the force, or activating a door panel by switching to a specific character or donning a stormtrooper helmet. But the challenge isn't to figure out how to complete a level -- it's more staying alive and completing it with as many LEGO bits as possible. You don't lose a life when you die -- you lose collected LEGO bits, and when a lot of the game's reward is in its unlockable extras, like characters, cheats, and tricks, you want to hold onto as many of those little tokens as you can. And though it's not hard to blast through these levels, to do so unscathed enough to open up the long list of goodies is one heck of a challenge.LEGO Star Wars II tries to one-up everything that the team did in the first game, and for the most part Amaze succeeded -- LEGO Star Wars II is a better, more fulfilling game than the original was on the Game Boy Advance. There are far more playable characters, and in many levels, multiple characters to swap between during the action. There are also vehicular challenges, like the trench battle in Episode IV, that are different enough to add a bit more variety to the run-and-gun gameplay.The problem is, the team tried to employ a bit too much, and the restrictions and limitations of the Game Boy Advance, as well as the team's engine running on it, rear their heads much more frequently in this game. Enter a room and return, and everything you've accomplished gets forgotten -- previously unlocked doors once again lock themselves, all enemies that have been destroyed are magically reborn, switches flipped become reset. Familiar perspective glitches are very apparent in LEGO Star Wars II: items that should be within reach are untouchable due to wonky isometric collision, and computer controlled characters wander through doorways that you haven't yet unlocked. Slowdown is still here, though it's been cleaned up significantly since the original LEGO Star Wars last year.And with too much comes not enough. The Game Boy Advance doesn't have the power nor the cartridge space to provide the full-on cinematics of the console games, so it's acceptable to be lacking in the storytelling. But there are huge gaps from level to level that really shouldn't be there, and even though we know the story like the back of our hand, it's still a bit jarring to go from the rescue of Leia straight into the attack on the Death Star without any sort of transitional cutscene. And the Death Star simply blows up without any fanfare, making this the Star Wars game with the weakest trench run ever.Still, the Amaze team did a great job keeping up with the Joneses on the weak GBA. A ton of animation frames for a ton of playable characters, smooth animation sequences for the "build an object" tasks in the levels, and a nice assortment of music and sound samples from the Star Wars audio library compliment the production value nicely. It's a little disappointing that the GBA game has cooperative levels this time, yet didn't offer link support for the ten or so Game Boy Advance owners still lugging around cables and a second system.
The real LEGO Star Wars II product is the one for the bigger systems -- you can't get any better than running around as LEGO Luke on the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube. But for those still adamant about gaming on the go, the GBA rendition is also a really good run. The team's worked within the restrictions of the hardware to recreate as much of the console fun as possible, and though there are more bugs in this game than there are womprats on Tatooine, the game's still got a lot to enjoy, for LEGO, Star Wars, and action fans alike.
文章来源:本站原创 更新时间: 14:03:05
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902E8E1C 0C0C2A46
01.Health (Both P1 & P2)
02.Lego Studs
03.Health (Both P1 & P2)
200C201C A0941060
Extras Codes:
08.Minikit detector
09.Tea cups
11.Big Blasters
12.Classic Blasters
13.Silly Blasters
Hint Codes:
23.Hint 10
24.Hint 11
25.Hint 12
26.Hint 13


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