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Photoshop BLP Format Plugin - Development Tools - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
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Release Type: Release
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Newest File: Photoshop BLP Format Plugin 1.0
It must've been around the 500th time or so, of converting various BLP files back and forth, when I thought..
Why all this converting nonsense? Why can't I just load up BLP files right into Photoshop, edit them, and save them back to BLP? And then I remembered - because there's no Photoshop plugin for that format.
So I figured I'd try to change that, and I have.
Supported Formats
x86 (32-bit)
Mac OS X plugin requires OS X 10.6 (Lion)+
Find your Photoshop Folder
eg1: (x64) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\
eg2: (32-bit) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\
From that folder, go to \Plug-ins\File Formats\
Drop the appropriate plugin (x64 or x86) in that folder.
Run Photoshop
Find your Photoshop Folder
eg: /Applications/Photoshop CS6/
From that folder, go to \Plug-ins\File Formats\ (create "File Formats" folder if it doesn't exist)
Drop BLP.plugin in that folder
Run Photoshop
Supported Variants
It was my goal to support every variant of the BLP format that Blizzard uses in WoW - for both opening and saving. The end result is a total of 11 different combinations of compression and transparency. Below is a listing of these.
Alpha Bit Depths
This is the amount of detail allowed in transparency of your image.
0-bit - No transparency at all
1-bit - simple transparency, similar to GIFs. It's either transparent or not.
4-bit - slightly better range of transparency, but will turn smooth fades into visible "steps"
8-bit - This is the same level of transparency you'll ordinarily see in PNG/TGA formats, with 256 levels of transparency.
Compression Types
Indexed (256 Color) - Very similar to a GIF, as it uses a palette that can fit up to 256 colors, but BLP files have indipendent transparency. Indexed BLPs can make use of all 4 types of alpha.
DXT - This is the defacto compression type used in modern games, with the most popular format that uses this, being .dds. DXT compression gives you a better color range, with a slightly larger size, than indexed. It also supports all 4 levels of transparency.
DXT-5- Would normally be lumped in with the above category, however it's the second DXT type that supports 8-bit alpha. The result is a bit better color, and a slightly larger file size than the 8-bit alpha
under the DXT category.
Uncompressed- Very much like a Bitmap, with no compression to speak of. It can support either 0-bit or 8-bit alpha. This version is only used by Blizzard for sky textures, where every bit of color detail is necessary.
Please comment below, especially if you find a bug not already mentioned above. Whether that be a problem loading a WoW BLP file, or saving your own, let me know. If it's a WoW file, let me know the name, and if it's one of your own - I would appreciate linking me (either in the comments or PM) the original image you're trying to convert. If you don't feel comfortable with sending me a PSD file, that's ok too, but whatever the problem is, might get lost in the conversion.
Mac Users, Thank you for your patience!
I never intended on "Soon" rivaling Blizzard's definition, but life has a tendency of interfering with intentions. I hope you find it useful, and if you run into any problems - please let me know.
Interested in Batch Conversions?
The Photoshop plugin is great for loading, editing and saving single BLP but if your main goal is simply conversion,
might be more your style. Whether it be a single file, or an entire folder tree, BLPNG Converter will quickly, and easily convert any (WoW era) BLP file to PNG, or popular image formats (bmp,gif,jpg and png) to BLP!
The limitation that prevented saving when a "flattened" Background layer was present in the document, has been solved and subsequently removed.
Now that the plugin is "feature-complete", it has shed it's beta...ness.
Initial Release
Fixed an issue where Photoshop would hang and/or give a "Disk Error" message when attempting to open a BLP file without mipmaps.
In older versions of Photoshop, the Compression Drop-down list in the save options, wouldn't expand all the way. This has been fixed.
Fixed issue that was preventing saved BLP files from being displayed in game
Plugin will now throw an error if the image you are attempting to save, does not have dimensions that are a power of 2
Initial Release
2 Screenshots
this is so cool!!! I've always wanted something like this
trying it now :)
It doesnt seem to work... i drop the 64 version in the plugin folder but cant open it heres what i havec:program files/adobe/photoshop cc(64)/plug-ins/panels, where do i put it
You need to put it in the "File Formats" folder, not "Panels". If the File Formats folder doesn't exist in the "Plug-ins" folder, then it needs to be created first.&
Posts: 129
Well done!
I'm looking forward to the Mac version. &This is quite an undertaking, and a specialized one at that. &I wish I had the time and ability to learn coding for things like this. &I've dabbled in Terminal and some scripting, but nothing to this level.
Author... what is your background and how did you create this? &I'm curious how one reaches the experience and comfort to do projects like this, and what is the skill "tree" in getting there... particularly with names of languages and software... nothing more detailed than you're willing to disclose, of course.
Thanks for your wisdom and time to answer my queries, and moreover for your efforts in this interesting plug-in.
Quote from
I'm looking forward to the Mac version. &This is quite an undertaking, and a specialized one at that. &I wish I had the time and ability to learn coding for things like this. &I've dabbled in Terminal and some scripting, but nothing to this level.
Author... what is your background and how did you create this? &I'm curious how one reaches the experience and comfort to do projects like this, and what is the skill "tree" in getting there... particularly with names of languages and software... nothing more detailed than you're willing to disclose, of course.
Thanks for your wisdom and time to answer my queries, and moreover for your efforts in this interesting plug-in.
Well, first off, I'd suggest starting with a language that's fairly forgiving. JavaScript is a good start to both get used to common language elements, as well as gaining an understanding of basic programming logic. Once you're comfortable with doing a varitey of tasks in this language, then you can use that to start with a language like C# or Java - and then from there - C/C++ will be the last step.&Beyond languages - when it comes to file formats, I suggest finding yourself a Hex Editor, and some documentation on a common file format. Load a file of that type into the Hex Editor, and use the documentation to help guide you through recognizing and identifying the various information/structures in a file.
And finally, get the SDK for the application you wish to make a plugin for, read the documentation, and put it all together. And above anything and everything else - Google is the best friend you'll ever have. & The best thing about all of this is, it's all free. All it requires is time and the ability to take the initiative to make use of all the tutorials out there, to teach yourself.&
The Mac version is still on the table - but right now I'm working on taking the BLP related code, and sticking it into a library, so I can both reuse it for other projects, as well as making things a lot easier to maintain.&
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and many More Features:: [6.0.2][14年12月31日更新]分享一直在用的单体插件 - Aurora6.1.1简体版 Bagnon6.0.12+Jpack
Myslot 等 ::
[6.0.2][14年12月31日更新]分享一直在用的单体插件 - Aurora6.1.1简体版 Bagnon6.0.12+Jpack
临时编辑[size=150%][color=red][b]AURORA 6.1.1
中文版[/b][/color][/size]6.0.1更新重新美化新的考古框架的 前后翻页按钮和文字重新美化 界面“启用鼠标灵敏度”的勾选框修复一个关于ACP的错误6.0注意:Aurora 版本6.0和之后的版本 只支持 WOW 6.0.2之后的版本兼容性:目前已经兼容到6.0.2新特性:为第一次使用的用户添加插件启动画面更改项:添加物品品质颜色边框,品质颜色边框现在使用新的暴雪系统修改版看起来像是旧的Aurora.
重新编写和清理大量代码我自己汉化的 有问题还请大家多多反馈 谢谢[size=150%][color=red][b]Aurora Missing Textures v2.34[/b][/color][/size][size=150%][color=red][b]Aurora_RaidManager v1.3[/b][/color][/size][size=150%][color=red][b]Bagnon6.0.12+Jpack
新版Bagnon自带整理 不再更新 [/b][/color][/size][size=150%][color=red][b]Clean Icons - Thin Version: 6.0.2 Build (19034)[/b][/color][/size]增加2312个新图标[size=150%][color=red][b]Myslot v5.2.1[/b][/color][/size][size=150%][color=red][b]PlateBuff - WoD v1.18.1[/b][/color][/size][color=deeppink][b][size=300%]插件下载 百度网盘文件夹分享地址[/size][/b][/color][collapse][url]/s/1hqf4Klu[/url] 提取码 1nvu[/collapse]----旧档分割线------------------------旧档分割线-------------------------------旧档分割线--------------------旧档分割线-------------------这是第一次发帖几个单体插件要分享给朋友 希望大家喜欢 有一部分是自己汉化的 可能有问题 希望大家留言帮助改进!按照字母排序A-Z
下载地址在帖子最下面 以文件夹形式分享 [color=red][collapse=目前在用的所有插件][/color]我用ACP建立3个方案 普通模式
只开启PVP下使用的插件 如果再细分可以分竞技场和战场模式在不同的环境中开启不同的方案 可以帮电脑缓解不必要的压力[color=red]下图中的效果就是后面带标注的美化插件的效果[/color]_NPCScanACPAtlasLootAurora
头像美化SimpleILevelSkadaTidy Plates
如果使用PlateBuffs 就吧里面的buff&debuff 关闭TipTac
鼠标提示美化TrinketBarXloot[/collapse]插件配置已经加入分享 我的屏幕分辨率度是
要自己稍微调整一下下载后进入X:&#92;World of Warcraft&#92;WTF&#92;Account&#92;CYANC(你的帐号)&#92;SavedVariables
在游戏中在相应的插件配置中选择方案 CYAN 即可[img]/114/1149207/month_da8eaa1d6c339257.jpg[/img][img]/114/1149207/month_8ddfbbb8e6aa28d8f77c75a63b5.jpg[/img]
MSYH + FRIZOQT__.ttf 微软雅黑+ 暴雪默认英文字体
并调小字号 [color=crimson]这个字体是专门在登录界面用的
如果在游戏中使用会有点儿小 要配合字体插件使用[/color]因为正常字体放在登录界面都很大
如上图示 登录界面的字体放 XI:&#92;World of Warcraft&#92;Fonts[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Aurora 5.0.6a 简体汉化版[/b][/size][/color]皮肤插件 透明支持5.4.7我的修改 - 默认不开启替换游戏字体 现在要手动开启 - 删除原本不支持的中文的字体 调用 游戏内置的黑体 ARHei.ttf 12月11日13年 更新 [img]/114/1149207/month_eadaec0c9.png[/img][h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Aurora Missing Textures v2.30[/b][/size][/color]3月14日更新到2.30fixed: Buttons&#92;UI-MicroButton-BStore-Down.blpfixed: Buttons&#92;UI-MicroButton-BStore-Disabled.blpfixed: Buttons&#92;UI-MicroButton-BStore-Up.blpadded: ARCHEOLOGY&#92;ArcheologyToastadded: ARCHEOLOGY&#92;ARCH-PROGRESS-FILL2月25日14年 更新 for 5.4.7&#92;Buttons&#92;UI-DialogBox-goldbutton-...&#92;Buttons&#92;UI-DialogBox-Button-Gold-...&#92;Buttons&#92;UI-Panel-Button-Highlight&#92;Buttons&#92;UI-Panel-Button-Highlight2&#92;Store&#92;Store-Main
& && &[color=crimson][b]注:此插件是安装在infterface下面 不是Addons下面![/b][/color]安装后效果如上登录界面[img]http://www7.pic-upload.de/21.09.11/sq6nzfq7z2vk.png[/img]
[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Bagnon5.4.9[/b][/size][/color]2月26日14年 更新10月24日13年 更新修复银行不能整理战斗宠物BUG (感谢[url]/read.php?tid=5802200)[/url]Bagnon5.4.1 + Jpack
整理按钮在背包左下角[img]/114/1149207/month_2cce9f3d8b6a44e3.png[/img]& &3月12日13年 更新版本新增 增加背包对保存的套装染色
- 青色边框我的修改
- 新增上述选项没有汉化 现已经添加对应的汉化 简繁都有& &- 最新版已经添加此项翻译[collapse=修改添加代码][code]L.HighlightSetItems = &#39;对已经保存为套装的物品染色&#39;L.HighlightSetItems = &#39;高亮已保存為套裝的物品&#39;[/code][/collapse]
[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]5.4.2 Build (17658) - Repackage[/b][/size][/color]
12月10日13年 更新
增加4个新的图标已有 [img]/u/4479083/Count.png[/img]
完成[color=crimson][b]注:此插件是安装在infterface下面 不是Addons下面![/b][/color]之前
之后 [img]/114/1149207/month_417eaf5a83eb8228d.png[/img][collapse=下载地址][url]/downloads/info19844[/url][/collapse]
[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]DBM旧世TBC WLK CTM 模块[/b][/size][/color]
9月18日2013年更新 [h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]EventAlertMod[/b][/size][/color]11月4日13年 更新
转自 巴哈原始插件作者:EventAlert2 (作者:PinkyCurse) / EventAlert (作者:CurtisTheGreat)功能修改作者:ACDACD (冰風崗哨 - 永恆滿月)后续修改作者:AT (Whitep - 雷鱗)、ZYF (ziyuefan死鬥 -巴哈姆特)ForteXorcist[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]ForteXorcist 1.987[/b][/size][/color]支持5.4更新1月28日14年
[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Fonter1.6.8.6 汉化简繁[/b][/size][/color]12月14日13年支持5.4.2 5月17日12年 更新支持5.4我的修改 - 添加简体汉化 - 添加繁体汉化[img]/114/1149207/month_47d0b5e262e581971.png[/img]
[collapse=&#92;Fonter&#92;Locale&#92;zhCN.lua][code]--[[& &Fonter Localization: Chinese Simplified& &Last Update:
by Cyanc - NGACN.CC--]]local L = LibStub(&AceLocale-3.0&):NewLocale(&Fonter&, &zhCN&)if L thenL[&None&] = &无&L[&Outline&] = &细轮廓&L[&Thick Outline&] = &粗轮廓&L[&Outlined Fonts&] = &字体轮廓&L[&Text Outlined By Blizzard&] = &默认有字体轮廓&L[&Non Outlined Fonts&] = &无字体轮廓&L[&Text Not Outlined By Blizzard&] = &默认无字体轮廓&L[&For Fonts Rendered Using This Size&] = &使用此大小的字体渲染&L[&Center Screen&] = &屏幕中心&L[&Center Screen Font&] = &屏幕中心 字体&L[&Center Screen/Map Location Text&] = &屏幕中心/地图区域 字体&L[&Raid Warnings Font&] = &团队报警 字体&L[&Raid Warnings/Spell Warning Text&] = &团队报警/施法报警 字体&L[&Center Screen Size&] = &屏幕中间文字值&L[&Center Screen/Raid Warnings Outline&] = &屏幕中心/团队报警 字体轮廓&L[&Chat&] = &聊天&L[&Chat Font&] = &聊天字体&L[&Chat Frame/Chat Input Text&] = &聊天框架/输入 字体&L[&Chat Input Size&] = &聊天输入字体值&L[&Chat Box Outline&] = &聊天字体轮廓&L[&Chat Input Outline&] = &聊天输入字体轮廓&L[&Damage&] = &伤害&L[&Damage Font&] = &伤害字体&L[&Damage/Healing/Experience Text&] = &伤害/治疗/经验 字体&L[&Scrolling Font&] = &滚动字体&L[&Scrolling Combat Text&] = &滚动战斗字体&L[&Health Frame&] = &血条框架&L[&Health Frame Font&] = &血条字体&L[&Health Frames/Undefined Text&] = &血条框架/未定义的文本&L[&Health Frame Size Small&] = &血条框架小字体值&L[&Health Frame Size Medium&] = &血条框架中字体值&L[&Health Frame Size Large&] = &血条框架大字体值&L[&Nameplates&] = &姓名版&L[&Nameplates Font&] = &姓名版 字体&L[&Nameplates/Unit Names/Friends Text&] = &姓名版/单位名称/好友 字体&L[&Nameplates Size Small&] = &姓名版小字体值&L[&Nameplates Size Medium&] = &姓名版中字体值&L[&Nameplates Size Large&] = &姓名版大字体值&L[&Quest Log&] = &任务日志&L[&Quest Font&] = &任务字体&L[&Quest Log/Books/Mail Text&] = &任务日志/书/邮件 字体&L[&Quest Size Small&] = &任务小号字体值&L[&Quest Size Medium&] = &任务中号字体值&L[&Quest Size Large&] = &任务大号字体值&L[&Stacks&] = &界面&L[&Stacks Font&] = &界面字体&L[&Stacks/The Bag Frame/Tooltips Text&] = &角色信息面板/设置菜单/任务追踪/背包物品堆叠数字/字体&L[&Stacks Size Small&] = &界面小号字体值&L[&Stacks Size Medium&] = &界面中号字体值&L[&Stacks Size Large&] = &界面大号字体值&end[/code][/collapse][collapse=字体安装简介][quote]实际例子 比如要添加字体 “微软雅黑”
“ Msyh.ttf ”1. 把字体复制到
x:&#92;World of Warcraft&#92;Interface&#92;AddOns&#92;Fonter&#92;Fonts&#92;CN&#92; 里面2. 用记事本打开 x:&#92;World of Warcraft&#92;Interface&#92;AddOns&#92;Fonter&#92;Fonts.lua 3. 找到& && &--China & && &elseif GetLocale() == &zhCN& then& && &FonterFonts = {& && &[&&] = &Interface&#92;&#92;Addons&#92;&#92;Fonter&#92;&#92;Fonts&#92;&#92;CN&#92;&#92;.ttf&,
& &}& && && &4. 删除 [&&] = &Interface&#92;&#92;Addons&#92;&#92;Fonter&#92;&#92;Fonts&#92;&#92;CN&#92;&#92;.ttf&, 或者在下面另起一行
[&微软雅黑&] = &Interface&#92;&#92;Addons&#92;&#92;Fonter&#92;&#92;Fonts&#92;&#92;CN&#92;&#92;Msyh.ttf&,
最后效果 & && &--China & && &elseif GetLocale() == &zhCN& then& && &FonterFonts = {& && &[&&] = &Interface&#92;&#92;Addons&#92;&#92;Fonter&#92;&#92;Fonts&#92;&#92;CN&#92;&#92;.ttf&,& && &[&微软雅黑&] = &Interface&#92;&#92;Addons&#92;&#92;Fonter&#92;&#92;Fonts&#92;&#92;CN&#92;&#92;Msyh.ttf&,
& &} & && && && &*字体路径要添加在 大括号内
5. 保存文档6. 进入游戏调试 在聊天框输入 /fonter
就可以字体选择的下拉菜单中看到 新添加的字体了
如果不生效 检查路径和字体文件名字的大小写
* 其实字体不用放在他指定的文件夹内 并不方便
& & 建议在infterface下面建立一个Fonts的文件夹 然后专门放自己的字体
这样做的好处是不用每次都进那么多文件夹很麻烦 还有编辑字体路径的时候不用写的太长 & & 例如:& & [&微软雅黑&] = &Interface&#92;&#92;Fonts&#92;&#92;Msyh.ttf&,[/quote][/collapse][h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Gladius V3[/b][/size][/color] 来源
[url]/addons/wow/gladius-v3[/url]9月30日13年 更新 V3.0.8[img]/114/1149207/month_dd3afeffed40bad753be26bd0ca8.jpg[/img][quote]/gladius ui/gladius test 2-5/gladius hide/gladius reset[/quote]
[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Myslot 5.1.54 [/b][/size][/color]
9月30日13年 更新支持5.4一个帐号间配置复制插件Myslot可以帮你把 按键布局 宏 按键绑定 导出成方便传递的字符串任何人物都可以使用Myslot从导出字符恢复这些配置使用方法游戏中输入 /myslot 呼叫主界面按 [导出]按钮保存你的按键配置
[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]PlateBuff - Mop v1.16.13[/b][/size][/color] 支持5.42月08日2014年更新自定义边框设置 - 问题:图标旋转阴影计时 当转动视角时阴影会闪烁来源 [url]/downloads/info21377-PlateBuff-Mop.html[/url]
[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Tiptac13.09.21 完全汉化简繁版[/b][/size][/color][color=crimson]因为有其他作者发布更好的汉化版本所以不再更新 请转去其他帖子下载[/color] [url=/read.php?tid=5835502][b]传送[/b][/url]2月19日13年 更新支持5.2 可显示天赋我的修改 - 为新版本加入汉化 修复添加汉化性别选项和显示 - 更改一些简体翻译 更容易理解设置的内容*声明一下这个插件汉化是最早从宝岛的一个社区下到的 作者更新到12年9月都没在更新了之后是我自己参照他的汉化更新
同时也把简体这部分比较不容易理解的重新改了一下了感谢原汉化作者吧[color=blue]*如果需要查看装等 可以选择安装 SimpleILevel 或者 ItemAnalysis新[/color][color=crimson][size=150%][b]Tidy Plates6 12 6 TW 繁体中文版[/b][/size][/color] [h][/h]12月14日更新支持5.4.2
姓名版字体改为ARHei.ttf 10号大小[color=crimson][size=150%][b]TrinketBar 0.5.2 简繁汉化 很简单的饰品插件[/b][/size][/color] [h][/h]支持5.45月22日13年 更新过期版本号我的修改 - 增加简体汉化 - 整合对 Masque (ButtonFacade)动作条皮肤支持[h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]小修改美化[/b][/size][/color] [color=darkblue]自用的DBM样式[/color]5.4.7更新后 作者吧计时条样式模块分离出来 所以覆盖有些调整DBT-Template.xml 目前在 DBM-StatusBarTimers下 覆盖即可
材质路径不变还是在DBM-Core然后进入游戏设置/dbm 然后调整计时条长度和位置[img]/114/1149207/month_e9da1c8078ddd7c3d543e64b909.png[/img][color=darkblue]ShadowUF 的光环边框[/color]是Tukui 风格
自己做了一个 风格和上面的 ICON THIN 一样了 [img]/114/1149207/month_4cfc.png[/img]简单点儿就是改名覆盖 X:&#92;World of Warcraft&#92;Interface&#92;AddOns&#92;ShadowedUnitFrames&#92;media&#92;textures 下面的 border-dark.tga 对应“深色” border-dark.tga 对应“明亮”[color=darkblue]DBM战场图标修改 Thin风格[/color]由于DBM在5.4以后已经把PVP作为单独扩展模块 所以要单独下载 [url=/addons/wow/dbm-pvp/download]Deadly Boss Mods - PvP Mods[/url]所以这个奥山的炮塔图标也要覆盖到DBM-PVP下面的Textures才生效
原来是这个路径DBM-Core/Textures*已经重新打包分享[img]/114/1149207/month_6d0ba962ac8c5b7.png[/img][h][/h][color=crimson][size=150%][b]论坛站内资源转帖[/b][/size][/color] [url=/read.php?tid=5397726]DBM 语音版MOP[/url][url=/read.php?tid=5835502]TipTac提示信息增强 汉化版[/url][color=deeppink][b][size=300%]插件下载 百度网盘文件夹分享地址[/size][/b][/color][collapse][url]/s/1mgumJQo[/url] 提取码 4k79[/collapse]
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by hitTT ( 10:37)[/b]刷新下就有了 可能刚才还没传好
有两个版本一个是默认没有字体要自己添加的 一个是我添加好字体的 有点儿大
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by 古月圣 ( 11:15)[/b]Shadowed Unit Frames[url]/ui/174[/url]
Tiptac 一直在用一直找不到好的汉化版,感谢楼主!
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by winsphinx ( 10:42)[/b]功能非常简单的一个插件
绑定键位 快速切换饰品 [img]./mon_/200_59.jpg[/img] [img]./mon_/200_5e4.jpg[/img]默认按alt会弹出背包中其他的饰品 按着alt的同时鼠标左键点弹出的饰品会装备到左边/上面的栏位中
嗯 还是自己试试吧
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by ragnarok-03-20 15:23)[/b]头像插件是 Shadowed Unit Frames[[url]/ui/174[/url]] 材质是 Glaze2 应该是skada里面的建议你还是自己来 我现在这个设置头像的BUFF和DEBUFF比较适合输出PVP 设置的话就是第一次花的时间比较久
以后再弄的时候思路比较清晰就快了 布局 弄好 以后边玩儿变改文件覆盖 X:&#92;World of Warcraft&#92;WTF&#92;Account&#92;你的账号(不是角色)&#92;SavedVariables&#92;ShadowedUnitFrames.lua
重新登录游戏 在配置里面选择Cyan的方案就行了 最好调一下光环设置(就是头像的buff和debuff)
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by Cyanc ( 06:26)[/b]多谢楼主。还有一个问题,我用的是墨盒自带的背包整合,用了你发的Aurora 4.4.3 汉化版,其他都透明化了,就是整合背包没有,请问怎么解决?
因为墨盒自带的背包插件并不兼容Aurora 你可以选择其他的背包插件 比如Bagnon 本身就是透明的 不需要Aurora
stacks 翻译成 堆叠 比较好点,比如说 布 20个为一组
跪求方正艺黑字体 ! 最好简繁都支持的 !我找了许久啊 . 总算找到一个比较全的 , 可是国服种种奇葩名字让我欲罢不能 ![s:37]
求最新的Myslot 5.1.3的下载地址
下载地址在最下面 注意看一下 ^^
[b]Reply to [pid=71002,1]Reply[/pid] Post by 筱免點子 ( 12:15)[/b]自己合了一个
[b]Reply to [pid=71002,1]Reply[/pid] Post by Cyanc ( 04:30)[/b]灰常感谢 ! [s:37]
为嘛我用了这个不透明啊。文件都没错啊 LZ看看 谢谢


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