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World Civics I
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23 Cards in this Set
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King of Portugal-calls together the nobles and they set sail from Lisbon: capital of Portugal and heads to Ceuta: port in North Africa (not a very long trip) -with an army of a few thousands they easily conquer it, which is the beginning of an expansion effort in which they set up ports along the African coast, for they are unsure how long it is
Iberian Peninsual
housed Portugal and today's Spain
Kingdom of Grenada
all that is left of the Islamic state
Ferdinand of Aragon
marries Isabella of Castille-brings together both kingdoms-they modernize their army-they try to create religious uniformity with the creation of Inquisition
a court established by the Roman Catholic Church to try cases of heresy and other offenses against the church-the problem was that a neighbor who was angry or a merchant who was jealous could turn a person into the Inquisition (could say a Jewish merchant who is now Christian is still seen practicing his Jewish traditions)
Spain will defeat the Kingdom of Grenada, which will be the end of any Islamic state in the Iberian Peninsula
-Jews were kicked out of Spain if they did not convert to Christianity-many of them went to the Ottoman Empire who gladly accepted them, for they were some of the most educated
-Christopher Columbus came to Spain from Italy after the Portuguese refused to fund his expedition on the account that it went against their vision (of going around Africa)-was granted three ships and allowed to rule any he finds by Spain-the expedition is ultimately a failure for he never makes it to India, but Spain sends people for good agricultural land in the Caribbean
1498AD-goes around the tip of African and up the Eastern Coast (farther that the Portuguese traveled the first time due to a forming mutiny)-lands in Calicut, India
-brings 4 ships with him and goes to the merchants who laugh at the goods he has to offer, but he brought emergency silver which he uses to buy their spices-merchants know he doesn't know a thing about spices and sell him the lowest quality, but back in Portugal they still sell and he ends up making 10x the amount of his trip-in 1500 they go back and on the way they bomb the Swahili Coast who they saw as competition in trading with India (for it would raise the price)
Portuguese town in India
Ferdinand Megellan
AD-circumnavigates the world-proves Columbus' theory about heading westward to get east as correct (would just take a really long time)
Hernando CortesSPAIN'S SUCCESS
AD-rumors about the wealth of the Aztecs is the cause of their search-lands at Varacruz
part of the Aztec Confederation-Aztecs were facing problems within their Confederation, and they believed this to be because the gods were angry at them-when Cortes lands, a lot of the Aztecs believed them to be the gods (for they were on horseback) and do not attack them-it is not until Cortes and his men are in the capital and have taken Montezuma captive that they see them as an enemey
Aztec Confederation is conquered by myth
Francisco PizzaroSPAIN'S SUCCESS
1533AD-goes to the Incan Empire which has already been devastated by an ongoing Civil War between two half brothers and disease brought by Columbus and his animals ( the Inca is believed to be killed by smallpox, leaving his sons to quarrel)-Pizzaro supports one of the brothers who ends up winning, but after the victory he is basically just a captive of Pizzaro and the Incans cannot harm them because the helped-the Incans are overwhelmed and defeated
the silver and gold coming in from the Americas help deal with the Protestant Reformation (mentioned earlier) and used in trade
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494AD-will divide the lands in the Americans between the Spanish and the Portuguese-created by the Pope out of fear of war between Spain and Portugal
Bartolome de Las Casas
says the Native Americans are starting to embrace Jesus-writes a book containing images of torture-people in Spain: "How are we doing this to fellow Christians." (notice, not human beings, but Christians)
-he became the first resident Bishop of Chiapas-the first officially appointed "Protector of the Indians"
Canary Islands
contains West African workers who are immue to most Spanish diseases(for they have come in contact with them before) and are very good laborers
Black Legend
there are a people God intended for this type of work
'this type of work' = working the fields
-the popularity and difficulty of harvesting sugar will introduce the slave trade -people will buy slaves to work them to death-will be a 2:1 ratio of men to women(unlike the south, who will later use men and women to produce a new generation of slaves, early slave-trade would just replace a dead slave with a purchases one)
-people come in and demand a certain amount of slaves from a tribe-that tribe is responsible for getting slaves from other tribes, otherwise they becomes slaves themselves-these tribes are forced to participate
Olaudah Equiano
slave-"The Life of Gustavs Vassa": biography of his life-Gustavs Vassa = his alias-writes about the conditions of his life
how slaves were packed in a shipMEN: 16"x16"x 3' (width x length x height)WOMEN: allowed on the deck sometimes(not seen as much as a risk), but they were sexually abused
Slaves owners
Olaudah would talk/repeat the hypocrisy of the slave-owners-they would call themselves caring and 'God-fearing' but they would treat the slaves horribly-GOLDEN RULE: "Treat unto others as you would have unto you"...then they'd beat their slaves
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