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古典音乐大师作品精选集二(世界经典名曲系列 2)
[ 全新发布 ]在听众的强烈要求下,《古典音乐大师作品精选集二》隆重推出110首全新的,西方历史各时代中的世界经典音乐之最。每首乐曲由西方古典音乐专家精心裁剪,欧美各闻名交响乐团倾情演奏,精心制作,音质上成。让您感受音乐的震撼!全面的 iOS 9 以及 iPhone 6s / 6s Plus 优化支持。[ 精心挑选 ]《古典音乐大师作品精选集二》选曲着重于触动灵魂以及浪漫的气氛。从李斯特的匈牙利狂想曲,柴可夫斯基的1812序曲,巴赫的小步舞曲,肖邦的小夜曲,施特劳斯的维也纳圆舞曲,爱的礼赞,月光奏鸣曲,埃及进行曲... 等110首全新的大师作品,带给您更永恒更唯美的古典音乐感受!从维也纳新年音乐会,到中西经典影视屏幕... 旋律无所不在![ 畅销排行 ]《古典音乐大师作品精选集二》同时与第一集风靡于全球范围的应用商店。是全球70多个国家排行最受欢迎的,已受到苹果应用商店以及美国纽约时报大力推荐的经典音乐软件。同时排行全球前十,用于心灵调节,智力开发音乐的系列应用。==== 亮点 ====[ 经典选曲 ]- 音乐入门的敲门砖- 音乐发烧友的经典收藏- 带给多种截然不同时代风格,走入音乐历史殿堂。- 熟悉发觉常出现在影视屏幕,西方文化中的经典乐曲。- 找到耳熟但难以寻找的世界经典[ 心灵调节 ]- 放松心灵,解压抒心!- 恢复活力,自我更新!- 用古典音乐特有的旋律使您轻松愉快,帮助睡眠。[ 启蒙教育 ]- 挖掘大脑潜能,强化思维,增强工作学习效率。- 音乐教育,作曲家知识- 儿童启蒙思维,智力开发- 陶冶情操,熏陶经典---------
---------- 110首全新经典曲目,完全线下欣赏。不需联网,不耗流量- 展示音乐动态的五彩视觉展视器,体验有如音乐会中的演奏动感- 支持后台播放,远程控制,屏幕锁定控制- 支持车载音响,AirPlay遥控,Apple TV,蓝牙耳机,怎么听都可以- 中英文曲目对照(点击地球图标切换),曲目命名精确详细,方便学习记忆- 随意搜索中英文作品及作曲家名称,即刻欣赏您最爱的古典巨作- 作曲家和其作品简介 - 中文百度百科/英文维基百科(地球图标切换)- 精彩音乐影视 - 优酷视频/YouTube视频切换,观看现场演奏- 收藏夹播放列表功能(点击心形图标添加/删除)- 自动睡眠功能 (点击时钟图标启动,定时停止播放)- 随机播放,单曲重复,循环播放全部曲目列表- 触屏控制: 双击屏幕 - 播放/停止音乐,左右滑动 - 切换音轨- 升级一次,永远拥有!可免费在其它iPad/iPhone/iPod设备上升级兼容享用[ 提示 ] 下载此免费应用,将能试听全部110首乐曲经典片段,浏览曲目,帮助您识别世界音乐经典! 若您喜爱软件及曲目,可由程序内部升级到完全豪华版,带给您优美完整的全长播放。==== 用户帮助 ====联系客服: 如果您购买过完整版,因为任何原因又回到了免费版,用同一苹果帐号再次免费恢复购买就可以了。在您拥有的其他设备(iPod,iPhone,iPad)上也能免费升级到完整版!感谢听众们的支持与意见回馈! 有您的支持, 我们将能够带给您更多更好的更新。
我是鼓手 iAmDrums
史诗架子鼓 (Epic Drum Set)
Rhythm Pad (Drums/Drum Pad) – 在手机上播放鼓
使用这款携带方便且易于操作的鼓板程序来玩击鼓吧。程序包括一系列高质量的击鼓工具。只需将您的iPod/iPhone/iPad连接至音箱, 便可以马上开始自己的乐队演奏了。您也可以伴随iPod音乐库中的音乐演奏。Rhythm, Pad由音乐家为音乐家研发。现在就马上下载适用于iOS最棒的打鼓程序! 顶级功能包括: - 逼真的开启与关闭Hi-Hats功能 - 'Smart Levels': 在中心位置音效最好 - 特别优化布局创造iOS设备上的最佳游戏体验 - 高质量的音响效果伴随最大限度的多声音效,带来最佳的现场感 - 能够单独为每个鼓板配置级别 包含工具: - Real - Real (with Ride) - Real (with Rimshot) - Real (Pop Kit) - Dance/Club - Chemical - Hip-Hop - Percussion- Rock Kit- Trip-Hop- Classic Rock - Funk Kit
音乐游戏王国 - 家庭育儿益智,启蒙教育必备的,宝宝最喜欢的儿童游戏
儿童音乐王国包含MP3的儿歌:胎教音乐,动画片主题曲,智慧树儿歌,日文歌谣,韩文歌谣,80后儿歌,喜洋洋与灰太狼,钟辰乐,韩国七公主,Connie talbot,2012儿童大奖赛,粤语儿歌,红色革命儿歌,学英语儿歌,校园流行儿歌。。。。。。等等等。。。儿童音乐王国包含MV的儿歌:铃木福,起跑线,贝瓦,MattyB,Dcaln,大小姐,Cleopatra Stratan,宫崎骏MV,天使之翼合唱团,关注儿童专辑,anna,芦田爱菜,sabrina,schnuffel,七公主,troye。。。。。等等等。。。MV歌曲儿童音乐王国给宝宝无限的儿童音乐乐园。分为IPHONE版本和IPAD版本,但是两个版本完全就是不一样的!您只需要一个价格买到两个不一样的儿童音乐王国,完全不一样的儿童音乐享受。
SoundPrism Pro
SoundPrism Pro 是什么? * 一款专业编曲工具和 midi 控制器 * 一款交互式旋律声音素材与史诗级影院音轨的产生器 * 一种控制已有 VSTi,合成器和声音模块的全新方式 * 一种可视化和内在化音乐关系的直观方式 * 一种与几何音调空间可视化互动的创新方式 * 一种使用全新 PitchClassShifter 定义超棒的音调编排的方式 我能用它做什么? * 为电影音轨编曲 * 为您的流行与摇滚乐曲找到新的和弦进行 * 使用高级音调创建循环 * 为您的下一部电子游戏编写史诗般的声音纹理 * 为您的多媒体演示提供自己制作的音乐 我在哪里能找到详细信息? * 观看预告片(使用 SoundPrism Pro 编曲):/audanika * 前往
阅读我们的博客来了解关于背后科学理论的更多信息 * 尝试 SoundPrism 标准版来测试 SoundPrism(不包含 MIDI 和 PitchClassShifter)我们的用户说: “我向你们强烈推荐 Sound Prism Pro- 这是我最爱的 3 款音乐应用程序之一。现在提供更多 midi!”Jim Guthrie(Swords&Sworcery:EP 作曲者)-“使用它是极为愉快的体验,今天晚些我会录制一段弹奏的视频!!我超爱它!!”Jordan Rudess 通过 Skype 说道 “只需几分钟就可以创作出诗歌与和声的旋律。在这段快速演示中,我使用了一些免费的 Rolan TR-808 采样以及通过 D16 的 Devastor 失真的软件 Korg Wavestation。真正给我带来了灵感。”Oliver Chesler - “我不是一名键盘手,这款应用程序已经为你弹奏的和旋,你可以通过你使用的声音模块得到全新的声音。”PalmSounds 上的评论 “SoundPrism Pro 是一款 iPad 上非常实用的无线 midi 控制器” Paul Bailey 通过 Twitter 发表 “我有许多 midi 应用程序,SoundPrism Pro 是目前最棒最好用的应用程序,谢谢” Cane Creek 通过 Twitter 发表
"... the sound quality blew us away."- Music player with the most powerful and acurate equalizer in the app store as well as the most advanced playlist controls.+ Play music directly from your Music library including podcasts and music video (audio only)+ Adjust the powerful parametric equalizer by moving the seven control points or type in the values directly.+ Adjust the EQ curve for your left and right ear separately (now extends from -30 to + 30 dB. Use the StereoEQ setting for that)+ Select from over 10 presets or save your own. You can even share them via email and import presets from other people via email.+ Full background support including remote control (from docks, headsets, car stereos)+ Visualize the music with the spectrum analyzer.+ Use AirPlay to listen on your AppleTV, or your Bluetooth headsets and even a dock. + Use the pre-amp slider to adjust the overall boost or cut. Make sure to turn the slider down if you experience distortion. Use the auto-normalizer function to prevent clipping automatically and have the best dynamic range possible with your eq curve. (on/off in settings)+ Curve screen: curve redraws as controllers are dragged. Pinch to modify Q. Three stage clipping signal on preamp slider. Keyboard entry for pre-amp. Twitter/Facebook/Weibo integration to share your current EQ curve. Bypass.+ Crossfade between songs. Make sure to stop the music before changing the crossfade time slider.+ Now playing screen includes repeat (all, single no repeat) button and shuffles like the music app. Improved stability of on the fly modifications of the playlist. Add more songs to the playlist at any time. Sort playlist alphabetically.+ Music selection is very similar to default music app.+ Turn landscape to display the frequency analyzer. + Built in sleep timer to stop Equalizer after a certain period if time. + Crossfeed option to blend audio between channels+ Apple Watch support incl. complicationsKNOWN ISSUES:No known issues. please contact support if you have any problems.INTERNET RADIO:Please have a look at our dedicated online radio app: RadEQ - Equalizer for streaming online Radio COPY-PROTECTED MUSIC:Equalizer will not play copy-protected (DRM). You need to convert DRM songs. Apple Music Streaming uses copy-protected songs.iCLOUD:Only the Apple Music app can manage songs in iCloud (iTunes Match). You will need to make sure the songs are downloaded to your device to listen and enhance them via Equalizer. If you want to stream and eq your music, you can try our other app: CloudEQ. It allows you to stream and eq music from SoundCloud and your Dropbox account without the need for storage on your device.MUSICIANS:Equalizer is not providing the functionality for rendering your eq curve to the song. However, our other app: Remaster does!From the reviews:EXCELLENT PROGRAMI connect my iphone 4 to a car audio system, with the application the music began to sound incomparably better ....A little clear interface, but to understand it and understand need no more than 5-10 minutes. -- P_S_B_***LOVE ITThis is the EQ I have been looking for, and because of bad ratings I almost passed on it! I consider myself an aspiring audiophile and have the equipment -- Klipsch, Sunfire, Nottingham, Denon, Paradigim, etc. -- (and debt) to back it up. This EQ performs flawlessly and is very easy to use. It enhanced my music dramatically. Yes, dramatically! Just make sure you are running the recommended IOS, as the developer suggests. -- J. Paul DiMaggio***PLEASE if you have concerns or encounter problems with the app: post on and we will explain how things work, until you can use all the features of the app to the fullest. Thank you
FingerPiano Plus
"FingerPiano" allows you to play the piano with just your finger. You don't need any skill, scores or practice. You only need a motivation to play the music. Instead of reading the score, scrolling guides appear on the screen. Just touching the keyboard with scrolling guides, that's all you have to do. This application provides you with Over 100 pieces of famous music. There are 2 ways you can play. Play with one hand or both hands. These are all famous masterpieces, you might have listened to. If you are able to perform well, enjoy a musical session with your friends and family. "Play" the piano with "FingerPiano", and discover the pleasure of music.
EQu - the quality equalizer
EQu - 高品質等化器(均衡器)EQu讓你隨心所欲地塑造屬於你的聲音,這是第一個賦予iPhone、iPod Touch和iPad完備等化功能的應用程式。想要更清脆的高頻或更有力的低頻嗎?EQu將發揮你聆聽系統的極致!根據音樂的類型、個人的喜好、或者是聆聽的音響環境,你可以細微地調整各音域頻帶的平衡感,在任何聆聽音量之下都能發揮揚聲器或耳機的最佳效果!一般的等化器只能增幅或抑制若干頻帶,EQu則提供一千多個頻帶的精確調整,配合簡易的觸控界面,讓你輕鬆設計圓滑的頻率響應。此外,EQu等化器的線性相位設計忠實呈現你的音樂,毫無空間感的扭曲、失真。EQu無法播放DRM(數位版權管理)保護的曲子。
音乐对儿童的好处:- 提高聆听、记忆和集中技巧。- 引发儿童的想像力和创造力。- 刺激儿童的认知发展、动作技能、感觉、听觉和说话能力。- 通过与家人和朋友互动和轮流使用app,改善社交技巧。
主要功能:- 在app中使用真的玩具木琴弹奏,或使用屏幕上的钢琴。- 弹出你自己的音乐,或透过指导逐个音符学习歌曲。- 智慧声音辨认能够聆听你的木琴声,并调校app去和你的乐器协调。- 个人化app去配对木琴的音调,或为每个音调选择你的小朋友最喜爱的颜色。- 免费下载 — 提供5首儿歌学习弹奏,并可于我们的音乐库购买多25首歌。- 易学易用,即使是婴儿也能使用!
不包含木琴 — 请自行准备。
**请注意,本app虽然免费,同时亦含有付费内容。你可以调校装置的设定,停用app 内购买功能。
私隐政策:/privacy-policy 使用条款:/terms-of-use
Ringtones free for iPhone-latest and hottest music
iMillion Ringtones allows you to customize your phone and text message ringtones. Huge collections of the latest and hottest ringtones. You can preview online or set them as your phone's ringtone. You may also love many of the trending collections of ringtones handpicked by the editors.It's time to change the boring default ringtones and get a unique one from iMillion Ringtones.
Notetracks - a collaborative platform to review, record and share your music ideas.
Notetracks provides an intuitive and interactive way to take notes for audio on your iPad, iPhone & iPod touch exclusively for iOS. Presenting lyrics, mix notes or general review comments in a way that is easily accessible. Store projects or share with collaborators, all in a mobile and easy to use format for users on the go.
“A handy app, useful for taking a wide range of notes on any imported audio file.” - AskAudioMagazine.
“It’s one of those ridiculously useful apps for songwriters, composers, vocalists, anybody! A clever app” -
"Feature-rich and suited for professional collaboration" - Product Hunt
Import or Record your Tracks
o Import audio (mp3s, wavs, etc) via your iTunes library, Dropbox, Wifi or AudioPaste
o Assign markers to your tracks to access certain parts of your audio quickly
o Speed up or slow down audio to pay closer attention to certain segments
o Filter frequencies to listen to certain parts more clearly
o Record audio directly into Notetracks
Add your comments, thoughts & ideas along the Waveform
o Place notes along the waveform synced to the audio
o Organize text into various sizes
o Color code your notes for quick reference
o Annotate using a library of music symbols
o Write out and sketch notes using the draw tool
o Save and retrieve notes
Share your project and collaborate with others
o Export the entire project into a PDF for presentation
o Share projects directly via Email, Evernote, Dropbox, Drive and more
o Share Notetracks projects directly between iOS devices using AirDrop for iOS
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Odesi Chords - Create Rhythms, Basslines, Chord Progressions
Odesi Chords is a sonic sketch pad for making great 4-bar compositions. Explore different rhythms and create the perfect chord progressions, basslines, and drum beats. As quick as a flash, lay down the foundation for your next big hit. When you're done with your session, your chords, basslines and drums will be 100% finished. Jam out to your new track with a live instrument, create vocal lines and sing or rap along. Export to the desktop version of Odesi, or any of your other favorite music production software. Odesi Chords, tap into your musical genius!Features:* Produce great music on the fly, anywhere, anytime* Fastest way to write a 16-beat chord progression that's 100% custom and unique* Deep customization of chord progressions* Ability to apply custom rhythms to basslines and chords for an infinite number of possible combinations* Craft original compositions that follow the same ideas as today's hottest music* Choose from a bank of high-quality, popular sounds* Export your finished song as an audio or MIDI file to share with friends or bandmates and start collaborating now (MIDI export requires In-App Purchase)
JBSmartBulb智能彩灯设备,进行音乐推送,播放,控制彩灯灯光颜色和灯光模式,调节亮度,设置定时关灯等。JBSmartBulb Intelligent lights equipment, music push, playback control lights, light color and light mode, adjust brightness, set the timer to turn off the lights etc..
NOIZ: Make Epic Music
Stream music from your PC, Mac or Network Drive and access every album in your collection, creating playlists of your favourite music for instant playback.None of the other music player apps we tried did what we wanted.These are the must haves:Reliably streams music directly from a PC, Mac, Time Capsule, or Network Drive.Effortlessly supports tens of thousands of tracks.Supports lossless FLAC and OPUS files as well as the usual mp3, m4a, aac, aif, wav.Supports gapless playback.Is easy to set up and has an intuitive and powerful user interface.Provides excellent playlist management.Can AirPlay audio to AppleTV or AirPort Express or a compatible device.Can stream to Chromecast devices.Scrobble to album tracks based on your existing folder arrangement.Extracts tags and album art embedded in audio files but also uses album art from files in your music folders.We’ve worked hard to provide all of these in MusicStreamer!If you like to listen to an entire album, simply tap play on it and that’s it. If you like to browse your music collection and queue up tracks as you go, this is really easy and doesn’t require you to make a playlist first. The Play Queue puts you in control and you can queue multiple tracks, albums, or playlists. Change your mind and re-order while playback is in progress or tap shuffle to mix it up. "MusicStreamer is easily one of the best music streaming apps available for the iOS operating system. This app allows simple and automatic synchronization between your device and your PC." --- "Music Streamer is a smart, new app that makes local music streaming easier than ever." --- ***** 5 Star App Store Reviews *****- Absolutely indispensable!- Really easy to use?- Your search for a way to stream from your NAS drive is over! - Awesome App!- The BEST FLAC streaming app- Fantastic network music streamer!We would love to hear your feedback on
and this will drive new features in future updates.
跑调 - 免流量、会变速的跑步音乐播放器,体验每一步都与音乐合拍的感觉
媒体评价:《最美应用》:“跑调,每一步都与音乐合拍。”《少数派 - 高质量应用推荐媒体》:“如果你喜欢在跑步时听音乐,一定不要错过跑调,因为用起来真的是太舒服了。”《爱范儿》:“跑调,完美解决跑步过程中的音乐需求问题。”「跑调」是一款由 Misfit 出品的可变速跑步音乐播放器,专注于提升跑步过程中细微的音乐体验。实时步频检测、音乐变速、智能缓存和曲目无缝衔接等功能,为你提供最大化的音乐能量,更好地享受跑步的纯粹和愉悦!● 跑步音乐智能缓存 - 免流量自动更新精选跑步音乐。● 音乐变速算法 - 不用切歌,实时检测你的步频、调整音乐节奏。每一步都踏在拍子上的感觉,就像在用跑步创作音乐。● 音乐时光机 - 在跑步结束后快速回顾听过的每首歌,在安全和放松的状态下将喜欢的音乐收藏起来。● 本地音乐 - iTunes曲库音乐变速,自动过滤适合跑步的歌曲。● 音乐无缝衔接 - 曲目之间自然过渡,音乐不停,节奏不断,一口气跑10公里。● 兼容性 - 将「跑调」与您已长期使用的跑步记录软件一起使用。*第一次使用请先在WIFI环境补充足够的『音乐能量』:)欢迎大家下载使用并给我们提供意见反馈或者贡献你的脑洞。问题反馈:发送邮件至
派罗 (Serato Pyro) - -自动混合您的音乐
Serato Pyro与音乐共舞,从不错拍。 “Serato Pyro helps set fire to your aux cord” -
Pyro 是一款免费iOS应用程序,是聚会、驾车出行抑或运动健身时的绝佳音乐播放器。 安装操作非常简单,在您设备的iTunes文库或者您的iCloud音乐库中,选择音乐,创建播放列表即可。Pyro会自动播放没有版权保护的音乐 (即从iTunes购买的音乐,或者已经由iTunes Match移除了版权保护的音乐),并且对播放的歌曲自动排序,让您享受持续不间断的音乐。不管您是选择了一长串的列表或仅是一两首歌,Pyro都会根据您已经播放的歌曲,直接选择下一首曲目。
完美混音 歌曲之间没有令人尴尬的静默,也没有很差的音乐叠化,因为Pyro采用先进的计算法,实现当前曲目和下一曲目的完美组合,带来流畅动听的音乐。向下拖动播放列表,展示“Mix-up”功能,此功能会根据节奏重新排列您的播放列表,以实现最流畅的混音。
智能查找 通过智能查找功能,您可以跳到一首歌的任意地方,同时音乐不会中断,也就是说,您可以跳到您最喜欢那部分,而不会打乱音乐的播放。
编排重组 无论您是喜欢事先设定的播放列表,还是倾向于即时切换,Pyro的播放列表都可为您轻松实现。移动播放列表中的歌曲,或者向左或向右轻移、拖放,或者向右轻移将歌曲放到列表的顶端。
难忘之夜 查看历史中Pyro的每次播放记录,回想您度过的每次难忘的聚会、运动健身或驾车出行。您还可以重组和混合播放记录,也可以重新命名,保存到您的收藏夹中。 功能
o 与iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch 及 Apple Watch 兼容
o 在iTunes 文库中创建播放列表,混合歌曲
o 过渡引擎:完美混合歌曲
o 建议:Pyro根据您上一次的选择推荐歌曲
o Mix Up - 让Pyro给您的歌曲自动排序,实现更流畅的混音
o 音乐不停歇:当您所选择的歌曲播放完时,系统会自动播放推荐音乐 简单直观的设计: o 向左滑动即可删除歌曲
o 向右滑动播放下一首
o 向左或向右轻移将歌曲拖到新位置
o 智能查找:跳过歌曲中的任何部分,仍然完美地保留音乐节拍
PlayGround o 玩转音乐于指尖
*App Store 最好的新App*Mashable App 当前的选择*下载次数超过了38万次体验一种全新的互动乐器 。通过滑动和轻拍不断变化的彩色形状,就可以创造世界各地艺术家的实时电子舞曲的音乐(每月新内容)。使用Playground来创造音乐是轻而易举的。即使少了技巧,仍然听起来很棒!每一集是新的经历,任你发挥无限的创作。Playground是崭新的音乐体验,在游戏与乐器之间有意想不到的音乐魅力。目前设有音乐来自:* D-Styles [美国]* 20Syl [法国]* Free The Robots [美国]* Pixelord [俄罗斯]* Cotton Claw [法国]* LTGL [比利时]* Le Motel [比利时]* Herrmutt Lobby [比利时]* Richard Colvaen [比利时]* Ssaliva [比利时]* Beath [西班牙]* DFLN [美国]* Chantal Goret [比利时]* Hiccup [法国]* May O [美国]。。。每月新内容 :-P**拥有最佳的经验-请使用耳机或场声器-别用蓝牙或AirPlay-禁用多点触摸功能
NOISE is a powerful modular music app that lets you make music in minutes, whether you’re a beginner or a pro musician. Using simple, easy-to-learn gestures, you can create beats, melodies and songs with a huge library of sounds. NOISE was developed by music technology pioneer ROLI, and the app’s expressive power can be expanded with ROLI BLOCKS, the modular music studio. A NEW APPROACH TO MAKING MUSIC Your touch screen becomes a real musical instrument with NOISE, which lets you shape sounds by drumming the screen, gliding your fingers along it, pressing into it, and lifting off. You make music through intuitive gestures on a grid of colorful pads. Each pad is a particular instrument or a note in a scale. AN INSTRUMENT AND A STUDIO IN ONE NOISE makes you both a performer and a producer. Start by choosing from custom-made sounds that range from bongo drums to string sections to zithers. Shape those sounds into beats and melodies, and record them as loops. Then mix and match these loops and build amazingly multi-layered songs. DESIGNED FOR LEARNERS If you love listening to music but don’t think you can play an instrument, NOISE may change your mind. It’s a fun, interactive learning tool. In Learn Mode, just trace illuminated Light Trails to learn how to shape beats and melodies. Choose from one of 15 scales, and the notes of that scale light up on the grid. Turn on Hide Mode to always stay in tune — it hides notes that not in the key. Use Snap Mode to stay in time — it snaps your performance to the tempo. STAR MUSICIANS ARE SHARING THEIR SOUNDS Grimes, RZA, Steve Aoki, and other world-renowned artists are releasing signature soundpacks for everyone making music with NOISE. Build your next song with sounds straight from the studio of a professional artist. Available through in-app purchase and on ROLI BLOCKS TAKES YOUR MUSIC TO THE NEXT LEVEL The power of NOISE expands when it’s connected to ROLI BLOCKS, the modular music studio. Pairing wirelessly, NOISE is the software engine for BLOCKS. Visit
to learn more about the Lightpad Block, the central Block in the system. On the Lightpad Block’s pressure-sensitive, illuminated surface you shape sound in all the ways you do in NOISE, with a surface that lets you be even more expressive. Minimum Requirements- iPhone 6 or higher- iPhone SE- iPad Mini 4, iPad Air 2, and iPad Pro- iPod Touch 6th Gen- iOS 9 or 10
儿童歌曲大全,弹指间,触摸中华纯粹国学,这是一款小孩子一定会喜欢的儿歌应用,可以跟着自己学习的好应用。不仅有经典的中文儿歌,还包括轻松上口的英文儿歌,唐诗,还有睡前故事。让孩子有更多选择。官方推荐,家长必备,百万儿歌,故事,童谣,动画片,童话!儿歌多多,拥有百万儿歌故事资源,适合0-12岁儿童及家长使用。 首家精准逐字歌词,宝宝边听边学!提供妈妈和宝贝最爱的胎教音乐、儿歌童谣、儿童故事、睡前童话、唐诗三字经、作文朗诵、少儿英语、百科全书等有声读物。海量故事,天天更新; 儿歌故事屋,给孩子一个快乐的童年。西游记,儿歌大全,三字经,弟子规,百家姓,安徒生童话,字母歌,摇篮曲,唐诗三百首,宋词,小燕子,智慧树,黑猫警长,两只老虎,小星星,巧虎,成语故事,猜谜语。
Cheeky Fingers - Piano Chord Dictionary, Progressions and Suggestions
Cheeky Fingers is a beautifully crafted piano chord dictionary for iPhone & iPad. We've designed a beautiful sidekick for any beginner or advanced pianist. No fuss, no confusing menus or terminology - just the chords, in a handy little app.Choose a key to see chord variations, related chords and great sounding progressions in that key. Find chord inspiration for your next song.Features:·
Quick access to hundreds of chords·
Find chords that sound great together·
View accurate musical notation·
Listen to great sounding progressions·
Add and share your own progressions·
Playback as chords or arpeggio·
View chord inversions·
Slow, medium and fast playback·
4 great sounding pianos·
Toggle between octaves·
No in-app purchases·
Buy once and install on iPhone & iPad
Melodist 让照片流淌出美妙旋律
Ripple Player - 智能风格化播放器
荔枝FM是一款集录制、编辑、上传、存储、收听、下载于一体的播客APP应用,致力于打造全球化的声音处理平台,收录、存储和分享一切声音。直播功能火热上线,随时随地收听音频直播,和主播、听众连线互动,海量精彩内容.....尽在荔枝FM,人人都是主播,声音才华不埋没!【海量播客】,超全海量的声音内容,超过200万个自媒体播客的聚集地,在此,人人都是主播。【语音连线】,万人直播连线功能,让你参与到节目音频互动,与心爱的主播拉进距离,直接对话!【明星直播】,多位大牌明星红人入驻直播,总能让你有所期待,更多惊喜互动【内容丰富】,涵盖各类型音频内容,无论你是二次元还是宅腐基,亦或是小说音乐爱好者,总能找到你想听的内容!【情感治愈】,温暖你的深夜疗伤室,为你带来各种窝心情话、励志美文、恋爱技巧,时刻陪伴你左右【精彩互动】,能在直播间与主播跟听众进行评论交流,还可以为心爱主播打赏各种礼物哦【精彩活动】,超多有趣站内活动,让你轻松参与,互动分享,声音才华不埋没!超高人气的好玩的“谁是女王”百万悬赏赛正在开展,等你围观!播客专属社区,粉丝聚集地,交流参加活动,找到与你共同爱好的人,精英用户群:。喜欢使用荔枝FM的人群包括:1. 需要被治愈的你:荔枝FM的情感治愈系电台,是你温暖的深夜疗伤室,为你带来各种窝心情话、励志美文、恋爱技巧、两性知识。2. 爱轻松娱乐的你:荔枝FM的脱口秀大咖、名嘴播客,让你的无聊时光一秒变得鲜活有趣。3. 身为追星一族的你:无论你是谁家的粉,荔枝FM的众多明星电台和粉丝电台里,总有你的根据地。4. 爱看小说爱听故事的你:悬疑、爱情、校园、小清新,鬼故事……有各种爆红网络小说改编的有声书与广播剧。5. 喜欢音乐的你:原创音乐、优质翻唱、经典歌单、精彩乐评……一切与音乐相关的话题,荔枝FM都希望与你分享。6. 立志成为外语达人的你:听英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、俄罗斯语、泰语等播客节目——荔枝FM在手,学外语神器我有!7. 作为二次元爱好者的你:众多男神女神都在荔枝FM召唤你!还有各路死宅和你一起吐槽新番,聊聊游戏,还不快来投靠组织!8. 爱思考、爱阅读的你:想聊一聊文化、艺术和生活?众多明星和你分享他们对世界的有趣看法。


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