
- This applies only for RU for all I know: it's possible that e-sports and tournaments (including Clanwars) will get their own dedicated server with separate statistics
- Storm on the amount of rage the "First campaign" generated (specifically the fact the reward tanks will be available only for clanners and not good players in general, despite the fact some good clanless players already paid a lot of money for free XP and are loyal to the game): "Well, if you don't dare to enter a clan and prove you play better than others - we can't help you. Loyalty has something to do with it? What - was it necessery to give those vehicles to everyone for free?" and "If we made the vehicles available for all random players but with such difficult conditions that only a few thousand most skilled players would be able to get them, you would still whine because you still wouldn't be able to get those tanks (looking at your stats)."
Storm针对某些玩家的回应(简而言之呢,就是只有加了军团的玩家才有资格获得诸如M60那样的坦克,而那些不加军团的高玩,即使投入的钱和精力再多,也不会有这些车):&嗯,如果你不敢进军团(打联队)来证明你是个高玩的话&&对不起,我们爱莫能助。忠诚是什么,能吃么? 还有,你觉得我们有必要给每个人送一台M60或者907?对了,如果我们能让那那些野队玩家获得这些车&&但前提是,必须是超高中级的WOTER。你们依然要开启喷子模式&&因为我们没送你车。&
- devs made the Campaign event so more players would enter clans and play the Clanwars
- the new reward tanks won't be stronger than the regular T10 vehicles
- there won't be a public te♂st of those new T10's, "they have already been te♂sted"
- SerB (SS: as an answer to a particularily dumb physics question): "Hurry to school. Learn physics from like 6th grade. Or was it seventh? In other words: uninstall the tanks and learn, learn, learn. And then we wonder why our rockets are falling from the sky..." (SS: "Learn, learn, learn" is a known Russian V.I.Lenin quote)
SerB针对某个特别白痴的物理问题的回复:&别玩CF了,赶快滚回学校,从6年级的物理书看起,或者从7年级看起也行。 要不然,把卸了,好好学习。然后我们再来讨论为什么我们的火箭从天上掉了下来(学习,学习,再学习,这是伟大的革命导师弗拉基米尔&伊里奇&列宁的名言)
- SerB doesn't consider an archievement to unlock a whole branch (or tree) to elite status
- SerB to player complaining that there will be no random rewards: "And why should we indulge your whims?"
SB大叔,为什么没有随机的福利啊?? &你觉得我会迁就于你这种幻想么?就让我用这只手,将你那无聊的幻想杀个片甲不留!!
- while an engine (or transmission) can be set on fire by ANY hit , the vehicle catches on fire only from completely destroyed fuel tanks
- on the forum, according to SerB, Storm plays the "good cop" and SerB the "bad cop" - this is a tactic they developed based on experience with the community
共青团中央主办 共青团中央网络影视中心承办 版权所有:中国青年网坦克世界8.11版本8级银币车要悲剧_飞翔单机游戏网
→ 坦克世界8.11版本8级银币车要悲剧
在大家都在上班第一天长假综合症中煎熬的同时,毛子放出了世界最新的相关情报,其中就有关于8.11版本8级银币车分房的调整,让我们先睹为快。- Storm confirms, T49 will come this year (SS: T49 LT is a project to upgun Walker Bulldog with 90mm)Storm 证实T49轻坦今年会出现。(SS:它是沃克斗牛犬轻坦装有90mm炮的升级项目)- Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”Sheridan (60年代的美国轻坦)出现在游戏里?没机会了。- Storm is not happy with the fact that a tank can “disappear” when not moving and “reappears” when it starts moving again, he thinks about changing this somehowStorm对于一辆坦克不移动就在视野内消失,移动时就出现的情况很不满意,他正考虑改变这种状况- vertical aim aid will be optional (SS: as in, you will be able to select where you aim horizontally too, I can’t remember how this damn thing is called)垂直辅助瞄准会作为一个可选项- Storm states that various way of fighting illegal mods and software like CRC checksums and memory detection are “not easy to implement and not effective”, they are apparently easy to bypassStorm 指出打击非法插件和软件的多种方式里,比如像CRC 校验和内存检测 并不容易实现,并且没什么效果,那些非法软件能够轻松的绕过。- there will “relatively soon” be a “big new mode for clanwars”近期领土战会有新模式And a big change:还有一些大的变化:Developers decided to remove the 12th battletier in 8.11 (SS: If you don’d understand what that means, refer towotwiki). The reason for it is that “it is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”. Apparently, this was a player idea, that got considered and was found good.(SS: effectively it means tier 8 vehicles will see more of tier 10′s in their battles, this will not affect tier 8 premium vehicles)开发人员决定在8.11版本里移除12级战斗等级,如果你不了解,可以去看下wotwik,这么做的原因是可以很省事的去降低8级车的排队时间,并且也会让玩家有更大的积极性去练10级车。显然,这个主意是一个熊孩子想出来的,开发人员拿来考虑过,发觉还真的挺不错。(SS:这意味着8级车将会更多的见到10级车,但对8级金币车没有影响)- it’s possible that open-topped vehicles might be nerfed (by 2,5 percent or so), but their crew get an “open-topped” skill bonus to compensate (so people don’t complain about not being able to use the ventilation on them)有可能敞篷车会被削弱,2.5%这样子,但成员会给于一个“敞篷”技能加成用以补偿)――(因此熊孩子别再抱怨敞篷车不能装通风了)- KV-5 will not return to the ingame shop apparentlyKV-5不会返回到游戏商店&
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