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本帖最后由 isis0805 于
13:22 编辑
求能翻墙或者有正版的大神帮忙搬运下这个兵种MOD 非常感谢
我的邮箱是 跪谢啊 跪谢啊!!!
最后登录贡献度5 金元1939 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限25帖子主题精华0积分214UID2129993
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贡献度5 金元1939 注册时间积分214精华0帖子
这是个真心不错的兵种皮肤MOD 基本各个国家的兵种全部修改了 比如日本的侦察兵 武士形象 中国的剑士穿着中式铠甲 韩国的侦察兵则带着斗笠 哪位好心人帮帮忙啊 感谢了
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Powered by【求大神】找一个帖子 有马过的好心人 发下传送门好吗 跪谢。_dota吧_百度贴吧
【求大神】找一个帖子 有马过的好心人 发下传送门好吗 跪谢。
一个推荐恶心和恐怖电影的。我不知道为什么我马了 找不到了。莫名其妙的饿。。。是的。 第一个 推荐的貌似是个什么食人的。 有谁马过吗?谢谢了。!!!
为保障患者权益,我们仅接受有资质的医学专业人士的回答,请您先认证为医生谁能帮我修改一下英文作文?是大学申请海外交换的个人陈述,说明为什么要交换本人英语写作不太好,希望好心人帮我改一下语法错误,以及所有表述不当的地方,跪谢!The news of international exchange_百度作业帮
谁能帮我修改一下英文作文?是大学申请海外交换的个人陈述,说明为什么要交换本人英语写作不太好,希望好心人帮我改一下语法错误,以及所有表述不当的地方,跪谢!The news of international exchange
谁能帮我修改一下英文作文?是大学申请海外交换的个人陈述,说明为什么要交换本人英语写作不太好,希望好心人帮我改一下语法错误,以及所有表述不当的地方,跪谢!The news of international exchange makes me excited because I have been longing for it since last year.I wish to seize this opportunity to refine myself and enrich my campus life.I have reasons for applying for the exchange.The main purposes are:To experience the atmosphere of the study in foreign country.I have lived near Tsinghua for over six years and must have formed some kinds of fixed ideas.I am eager for totally different things,new thoughts,brand new lifestyle to refresh my mind so that I can have a brainstorm.Getting an opportunity to study abroad even for a while is precious to me.I believe that various environments make a man versatile and very able while monotony makes him improvident.So a chance to learn abroad is really necessary for me.To gain ability of adapting to a new environment.Studying abroad also means living in a environment I have never experienced.The climate,what I eat,the people I will meet,their language and their way of living …All of these will differ from the present ones.I will have to change my habit to adapt to it.And this ability is very significant because the entire world is changing rapidly in recent years.One cannot adjust himself to new way of life is sure to be left behind the tide of the date.The exchange gives me incentive to gain this ability.To learn and practice foreign language skill.The best way to learn a language is to make it essential in living.I find it true because I have been in Japan for 8 years and this experience make me proficient in Japanese.When in Japan I had to use Japanese in every occasion ,otherwise I could not make myself understood.Now I notice that even the top students in Japanese department can only speak Japanese in a rather strange tone,which makes me realize that it must be the same when I speak English to native speakers.Therefore I have a great motivation to practice English in western country.To try my competitiveness.The last reason I apply for the exchange is to test myself,as a student in China's top university,whether still excel other students in the world.I want to identify my position in the worldwide battlefield,and I need this adventure!If I win this opportunity,I will do the fullest preparation in order to study abroad effectively and make the most of it.I will not waste this chance definitely.
The news of international exchange made me excited because I have been longing for it since last year. I wish to hold this opportunity to improve myself and enrich(?) my campus life.I have many reasons for applying this exchange. The main purposes are: To experience the atmosphere of the different studing system in a foreign country. I have lived near Tsinghua over(for about) six years and must have formed some kind of fixed ideas. I am eager for learning totally different things, new thoughts, brand new lifestyle to refresh my mind so that I can get adapt to different societies. Getting such an opportunity to study abroad, even if it's for a while would be precious to me. I believe that various environments make a man multitalented and very capable while monotony makes him improvident. So a chance to learn abroad is really necessary for me. To gain ability of adapting to a new environment. Studying abroad also means living in a environment I have never experienced. The climate, the food, the people I'll meet, local language and their culture...All of these will differ from the present ones. I will have to change my habit to adapt to it. And this ability is very significant because the entire world is changing rapidly in recent years. If one cannot adjust himself to the new way of life, will sure be left behind the tide of this development. The exchange gives me incentive to gain this ability. To learn and practice foreign language skill. The best way to learn a language is to make it essential in living. I find it true because I have been in Japan for 8 years and the experience made me proficient in Japanese. When I was in Japan I had to use Japanese in every occasions, otherwise I could not understand anything. Now I notice that even the top students in e department can only speak Japanese in a rather strange accent, which makes me realize that it must be the same when I speak English to native speakers. Therefore I have a great motivation to practice English in a western country. To try my competitiveness(没有这个单词吧). The last reason I apply for this exchange is to test myself. Whether I, as a student in China's top university, still more eminent comparing other students in the world or not.I want to identify my position in the worldwide battlefield, and I need this adventure! If I win this opportunity, I will do my best to prepare in order to study abroad effectively and make the most of it.I will not waste this chance definitely.
1,‘...I have been longing for it since last year...'oh, come on! that's really not convincing...2, ‘I have reasons for applying for the exchange. The main purposes are:'The reasons/purposes of applying for this program are as follows.算了,有空再说
The news of international exchange makes me excited because I have been longing for it since last year. I wish to seize this opportunity to refine myself and enrich my campus life.I have reasons for a...跪谢好心人帮忙转发一下吧,希望得到大家的帮助_成都吧_百度贴吧
我儿子户籍四川省遂宁市篷溪县,姓名:李浩添 男,日满22岁,于日深夜在成都市新都区新繁镇香江紫钻旁边530公交总站台斜对面,工地大门口指挥渣土车辆进出,发生严重事故致我儿子这年轻的生命就这样没有了,我就这么一个儿子,白发人送黑发人,到现在为止没有正面出来解决事情 ,我们也不知道死因到底是怎样的,我们走访事发周围百姓了解很多人都摇头小声说,这些老板都是不好惹的人,官商之间的关系都是不清不楚的,其他就并没有人敢透露任何有利信息,我们都是外地人在当地举目无亲,人生地不熟。我跪求社会平台,更希望百姓的父母官有关政府部门给予帮助,尽快给我儿子讨回公道,早日入土为安。如果有可利用的信息希望广大群众给予帮助与转告联系我,我是遂宁的农村人,不知道怎么办了,跪求大家的帮忙。马上就到头七了,事情都还一点也没有头绪,尸体都还是满身泥浆的躺在殡仪馆,至今还未入土,日的生日过不了,我至少要让他早日入土让他安息,我只是普通的不能在普通的老百姓了,农村人文化又不高,完全不知道怎么办,该求助谁,希望好心人能够帮忙想想办法我该怎么做,我的电话:谢谢散布转发,跪谢好心人,


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