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荒岛求生概括介绍荒岛求生是一款由Beam Team Games开发并发行的第一人称冒险独立游戏,玩家扮演的主角要在一个荒岛上靠自己努力活下来了,这位苦逼的主角是因为飞机失事幸存下来漂到了这座孤岛上,但是这座岛真是小的可怜,除了稀疏的植被和几棵树之外就没别的东西了荒岛求生游戏介绍游戏名称:荒岛求生英文名称:Stranded Deep游戏类型:动作冒险类(ACT)游戏游戏制作:Beam Team Games 游戏发行:Beam Team Games 游戏平台:PC发售时间:日荒岛求生玩法介绍玩家需要利用岛上的树木制作木屋,竹筏,桌椅,武器等基本生活设施,食物来源只能靠海里的各种海鲜了(高蛋白啊~)。但是玩家出海捕鱼时必需提防海中的鲨鱼,一不小心就被鲨鱼GAME OVER了。除了这些玩家还可以潜到海底,海底的沉船中会找到一些有用的物资。游戏里的每一天玩家都会面对不同的挑战,就看玩家有没有能力将主角生存到获救的那一天了
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★荒岛求生★Stranded Deep《籽岷的新游戏体验 贝爷式荒岛沙盒生存》
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嗨~大家好~我是极游网的籽岷~今天给大家带来Steam上新出的一款3D沙盒生存类游戏~荒岛求生~Stranded Deep~目前是测试版本~飞机坠毁后玩家漂流到一个荒岛上开始生存~希望大家喜欢~
播放数: 475,754
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What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&We have a great game and you have great ideas - Early access is a platform that allows us to put those things together so you can help Stranded Deep grow to it's full potential.
...As those ideas come together and evolve, there may be some hiccups, but we'll always be doing our best to make sure that Stranded Deep is a playable, enjoyable game. Early Access is getting a bad reputation lately and we'd like to help turn that around. This is a game made by gamers - Beam Team - not a faceless corporation. We care about the game and the people who play it.
See our roadmap below for more details on the great things to come!&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We don't want to work on Stranded Deep forever. If all goes well, we're hoping to have it completed by the end of 2015.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&We're using Early Access to add more content and balance game mechanics through community input. We would like to think of the full release as the conclusion to this process.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&This is Early Access and this is an early build.
All core mechanics for crafting, building and interacting are in place and functional. Players will be able to manage their character's vital system and accumulate resources. Every current object and item in the game has a purpose and functionality that we will no doubt have to balance as development continues.
The world is infinitely procedurally-generated and full of different biomes. Areas will not be inco Instead, the biomes and world generation will evolve as development progresses.
There is no &end-game& yet, so players will not be able to &beat& the game or be rescued.
Optimization is an ongoing process. We've made many optimizations along the way and have incorporated comprehensive graphics options, but there's always more to do. We are confident in a stable performant build but this is never a guarantee.
We are very passionate developers and have put our heart and soul into Stranded Deep. We prefer not to give estimates of percentages or timelines for our development but we can be confident in saying that we're not releasing bug-ridden shovel-ware.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The price will remain the same during Early Access. After Early Access has finished, the final price will reflect the additional content added during development - but it won't be a big change.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We will be releasing a public board that lists our progress, concepts and issues so players can see what's being addressed at the time and also that their feedback is being received and used positively.
We always read our feedback and take everyone's opinion seriously. Receiving player feedback is important so we can use it to improve and evolve. We will see it.&
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&#36;14.99 USD
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About This Game
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes.
No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Hunting and fishing - Spear small animals in the shallows or risk the depths with a spear gun in search of larger meals. Starve an island of resources or maintain and manage its growth.
The things we want and things we know you want!
Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
More Wildlife - Incorporating more fish and shark species and more interesting island wildlife like birds, snakes and lizards.
An End-game Scenario - Making it possible to complete a series of optional tasks and progress through the world in an attempt to be rescued.
Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
Improved User Interface - All of the in-game UI is temporary and will be replaced with a more fitting theme.
Occulus Rift Support
Controller Support
Much more! - See our website for more details,
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista or higher
Processor: 1.8GHz Intel dual-core and above
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD5000 with minimum 512MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 or higher
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX600 or ATI HD7000 series with 2GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
OS: OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion
Processor: 1.8GHz Intel dual-core and above
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD5000 with minimum 512MB VRAM
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
OS: OSX 10.9 Mavericks
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX600 or ATI HD7000 series with 2GB VRAM
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
All rights reserved, Beam Team Pty Ltd 2014.
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24 people found this review funny
2.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Date of writing this review: 24/1/14, just one day after it has come out so obviously if you are reading this att a later date, my criticisms may have been addressed (in which I am almost sure they will be). I would like to also state, that at the time of writing this review, I only have 3 hours of playtime - and so this is more of a first impression.The PositivesUnique game idea. Cast away being one of my favourite movies, it feels great to relive Tom Hank's struggle! And yes, it is possible to get Wilson!This game is visually gorgeous. The sunrises and sunsets look real. The colours spread across the whole sky, and it is absolutely breathtaking. These graphics add a sense of immersion to which I have not experienced in many other games before. A sunrise in Stranded DeepThe game is realistic (at times). Chipping away at a tree, then finally seeing it fall down is truley incredible, and in my opinion, much better than the Forest. This is as the tree doesn't simply split into pieces like it does in the Forest, but rather you must further cut the tree into logs, and then sticks. Again, this adds another sense of immersion to the game, making the player feel as though they are in fact stranded.The NegativesThe game feels a bit too easy, and repetitive. You can go without eating or drinking for 2-3 days without consequence, even so, there are millions of coconuts lying around which you can drink, and 3 or 4 potato plants in each island in which regrow after a day. It is near impossible to die from hunger or thirst. I would have liked to have seen them focus more on making actual survival hard, rather than worrying about that shark (that in my opinion adds nothing to the game).Currently, there is no end game (although they have stated that it is in the works). This wouldn't be a problem at all if actual survival was challenging. Base building is useless. So what you build a 3x3 home? You just have to move to another island at somepoint anyway. Would be better if they focused more on being able to build an awesome raft, as building a home is useless, and being mobile is key. The VerdictIf survival is your type of game, and/or you loved the movie Cast Away, I would definitely reccomend purchasing this game as is, now! It has so much potential, and I hope to see so many more features in the future. All up, I will give it a 7/10 in it's current state, however it definitely has the potential to be the best survival game on the market.Thank you for reading, should you have a question, feel free to comment, or even add me. I will respond ASAP. This being me second proper review, could you guys also leave me some constructive criticism, thanks guys!
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373 people found this review funny
4.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
T.Hanks survival simulator.Figured out how to build a hut.Still don't know how to eat coconuts.It's been raining for 2 days now.I've run out of rocks on my island for crafting axes/hammers.But I found a Mysterious Box, from &DeadEx (Because why not)(TM)&Decide to paddle to the next nearest island once the rain cleared up, in search of more rocks.Left the box in my little hut. A shrine of sorts.Halfway to the island, sharks on the horizon, sun slowly setting, inky blackness below.....My life raft COMPLETELY DISAPPEARS AND I SINK INTO THE ABYSS.Panic. Sheer and utter panic. Erratically looking all around (looking down was the worst part), I've audibly yelled out at this point, &nnnooooo!&. My options are incredibly limited. Swim back or restart from my last save (2 days and many crab dinners ago).Suddenly, I see that yellow saviour. My life raft, within arms reach! I'm saved!! Swim close, eager to get away from all the things I imagine are about to snap at my feet. Then the raft disappears. Just. VANISHES!And thats where I am now. The game has been paused for about 15 minutes. I'm still freaking out a bit. It's gotten dark. And the music has started. I've only heard two notes of it, but it's clear what's going on. I'm in the physical spot where my raft should be, and it's not there, and I'm stranded deep.
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4.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm surprised! A 0.01 Alpha with nearly no bugs? This could had been released as a full game if the price was lower.It looks good, you need to experiment a bit with crafting, look over your resources since well. Your little island is just a little island. Conqour the open water and start transporting stuff from your neighbhoor island. Also do some diving! Haven't even touched that, but the few times i been underwater it looks good.Performance is also good.What's going on? This has to be magic but i believe a very competent development team made this happen. I hope they read this and get damn proud.
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528 people found this review funny
1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
After I awoke, I paddled my boat to the island.I continued to paddle my boat through the sand... and over the entire island then back to the water again.I AM THE MASTER PADDLER10/10 would paddle again
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15 people found this review funny
2.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A very promising inital release, although it doesn't only barely has enough gameplay right now to warrant the cost of the game, I'm sure if supported properly it will have a long and awesome development cycle ahead. Sharks don't work too well honestly, which is the main downside of the game, but once that's fixed, all of the current features work great and I'm excited to see what's in store in the future for Stranded Deep.
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7.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Alpha Review and impression Subject to changesWent out to search for rocks around the islands, now I am lost at sea because of foggy weather, where is my base no seriously, I built a kickass bungalowThe search for rock simulator 2015150/10will rock on On the bottom is the Impression and what there is so far in this early Alpha. I didn't really do a review at all because the game isn't released yet of course and I'll keep my eyes on this game. But I am still lost big time and still haven't found my island. I am on the verge of giving up hope.Video ImpressionPros+ Great looking Graphics for an indie title, skybox, lighting and day and night cycle along with weather rain and fog etc+ The interface is clean due to it being on your wristwatch+ Castaway type of gameplay survival, build hammers, axe, raft and a bungalow+ Drink coconut, eat coconut, crabs, fish to survive using spears uncooked food is dangerous+ Sharks!+ discoverable diving areas with wrecks and nice looking reefs+ Creating a paradiseCons/bugs/quirks ( will be upgraded as it fixes)
Bugs and quirks are expected of alpha, rowing, copy and pasted island etc distance of island so on these are just a list of them and are not worthy to mention in my video above. They are just a reference for you the player to know what you will see or expect and to help devs fix them up.- Not much in terms of content yet, game is still being worked on so you can pretty much do everything in a couple of hours. maybe 2-3- Theres potatos, coconuts, fish, crabs, so many stuff to eat when you're lost. You can't possibly die or go hungry yet in this game, there isn't any real challenge.- Sharks don't work too well yet, they do attack but only at the wierdest times as if they smell your fear.- Sometimes when you jump in ship you'll never get out BE CAREFUL- Do not save in the waters your ship disappears- Island distance looks close but actually
miles away- Rocks exist on the land but you can't mine for more. You gotta go to other island to find piece of rock- Copy and paste islands- Ya can't cut down certain trees except palm trees- can't carry much and putting stuff on your raft or in your raft sometimes just falls out if you decided to row with them in the backset.- The direction the game is heading from developer could make or break the game, does the devs have a plan? We want to know it! Remember buying this game is an investment- The way islands are arranged will confuse the hell out of you. Who puts 10+ islands together in a 360 to confuse your brains!?
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2.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I just tried to use my raft to get to another island to find more rocks. Found a shipwreck on the way to the island, tried to dive down to it to see if anything useful was there. Came back up after not finding anything, and my raft was gone. So I swam over to an exposed portion of the ship to get my bearinds, and a tiger shark appears and begins to circle me on the exposed outcropping.So I say &f**k it, and dive in the water, chasing the tiger shark and attacking it with my crude axe. I swing wildly, missing mostly, until I connect. Then I hit it repeatedly. I found my zone, and I chased that damned shark. You wanna eat me? Oh hell no. The moon rose right around the time I made it back to my island. I have no way to build anything. No raft. No rocks. no hammer. I'm sorta screwed.But I survived. Take that, shark.
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5.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Must admit, love this game, only two problems i am having, 1. im not very brave when it comes to exploring the sea :D. 2. When i go far from island, when you leave the island zone or, &Chunk&, the raft dissapears, leaving me dead in the water for sharks to eat, personally i have a fear of the deep sea, but im getting better with it, but the raft thing is an issue if i want to expand my main island. Please fix :)
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6.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Just like being stranded in real life, there's nothing to do
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7.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is what I wanted &The Forest& to be like.This game is GREAT fun already and it's only just been released as early access!I've been waiting for The Forest to be fun for ????ing ages.Feels great to play, looks absolutely stunning, sound is spot on, realistic and fun physics, crafting done right (you gather your sticks/rope/rocks/whatever and drag them into a pile on the ground and craft on the spot, no crafting grids, just a bit of common sense), building, diving, sharks, shipwrecks to loot for better gear. Dude just buy it, there's unlimited potential and a bright future for this game.Sex/10
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12 people found this review funny
6.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I can tell this will be a long review so i'll do a TL;DR Fantastic potential, but no promise of reaching itSuggestion:Follow it, watch its content youtube/twitch ectBuy it later down the line if still interestedNON TL;DRSo when i first saw this game i thought it looked interesting, and i started watching trailers and suchWhen it came out i thought it was worth the look, so i purchased it.currently on just under 6 hours play time, first impressions are as follows, i feel like its not tried very hard to be different from 'The Forest' and thats not directly a bad thing, At the moment it shares many pros and cons with The ForestPros:-------------------------------------|----------------Cons:Very pretty-----------------------------|---------------No content (Explained further down)Interesting concept------------------|---------No replayability (Explained further down)Engaging game mechanics--------|--------Bugs (Explained further down)Good atmosphere--------------------|------No promise of improvement (Explained further down)Sharks-----------------------------------|------Disgustingly low quality rain sound Shipwrecks----------------------------|------Shark behavior/quantity/models/sound(Explained further down)---------------------------------------------|-----Island size (Explained Further Down)---------------------------------------------|-----Shipwreck variation (Explained Further Down**ANIMALS, AI** &--IF THE DEVS READ ANYTHING, THIS PART PLEASE]]Now for me, this is the most important changes i think* should be made Sharks, the sharks are weird AI wise, model wise ecti go into detail about it abit more below but basically, sharks should be somewhat rare sightings but f***** scary when its there.You shouldn't see sharks every thirty seconds, and they should be remodeled, especially the Great whites, they should be completely redone IMO* and resizedFish, i think fish should be locational, large amounts of small fish, some large around coral and such, larger fish further outFish types (Im not sure ive seen all) but i'd love to see large shools of tuna, makerel ectSchools, what it says on the tin really, large groups of fish swimming together ect, and should be higher chances of encounting sharks around them, so if you're hunting them with a net (fishing nets should be added) or such there is also riskI think this game will 100% be made by the wildlife so heres someAnimals id like to see:TurtlesDolphinsWhales (multiple types) &---- PLEASE done right this could be beautifulHammerhead sharksStingraysPufferfishIguanasBirds (Dont over-do them though *Cough* The Forest *Cough*)LobstersSpider CrabsThe list goes on and on but you get the ideaIsland size:The island sizes are simply too small, if there is to be ANY replayability to this there NEEDS to be the chances of large islands, not HUGE but a good deal larger than the max seems to be, one that could house a small farm on it, a house, a beach hut, a dock, and still some jungle/treesthis is a MUST for the replayability of this gameShipwreck variation:Pretty simple, the shipwrecks are cool, but get boring, there should be variation to them, old wooden ships such as galleons would make me REBUY this game at full priceLarge liner ships would be interesting but not a necessityWW2 planes would be interesting (And could contain things such as hunting knifes, maybe even a rusted old handgun & might break the game idea so not needed)Small airlines would be interesting to search tooShark behavior, quantity, models, sound:Now i stuck this at the bottom at first, but im moving it because i feel its 100% my main issue with this gameFor a start, i love sharks, and i love the idea of them in games, but they're always done wrong, and heres how.The behavior, it kills me, seeing a tiger shark swim up to my face and swim away 300 times is game breaking, its dissapointing and ruins the encounter.Along side the behavior issue, the idea that i could stab a shark to death before it would attempt to attack me is peculiar and a strange AI choiceQuantity, in this again is silly, i love sharks being in the game, but should be ALOT less often, i dont want to see three sharks every time i walk close to the water, i'll stick my idea for how the animals in this should be right at the top so, see top for that (Or in theory you've already read it)Models, the models in game arent bad, but theyre not amazing, the sharks need a touch up, at the moment the Tiger is the well done one, and the Great White looks silly, its got a stubby face all of them are beefy and they're all the same small size, id rather see mixes, some small sharks, and then Whites that are huge, imagine seeing a white the size they can grow to be 'IRL' just gently gliding alongside your raft, and swimming away, THATS the shark encounters i want to see (yes i think they should also attack now and then too)Sound, i play with music off, but every time theres a shark around the music changes, i do not like this at all, i end up looking to see where it was, id rather have no notice, turn to see one and have it scare the ????? out of me like it would 'IRL'Also, the fact that the sharks growl is laughable at best, they should make noise when breaching the water (fins coming out or them rearing out to bite ect)And maybe some underwater noise of them turning fast or suchNo Content: As it stands the game is in Early Access, so all things should consider thatBut for purchasing it you have to consider that as it is, it feels very emptyNo replayability:Tied in with the content issue, the amount of content, and fact you will lose out alot to bugs and such, you dont often find yourself desperate to start a new lifeBugs:I've not come across a HUGE amount as it stands, but there is a major one.If you save your game, when you go to travel (Raft or Starter raft)When you're halfway out in the ocean (most likely surrounded by sharks) your raft will despawn, most likely killing you and voiding that life do to a bug No promise of improvement:Now this ones a big one for me, and the reason its ultimately a 'No' on the recommendation, this game is clearly built off the idea of The forest (Again, not saying thats all in all a bad thing)But it could be, the game has started out very similar, and for the forest, one of its plauging issues, is the updates, small, non issue fixing and infrequent, if this game has a similar update path as The Forest, it will not be worth the Early Access, and i would fully recommend that you purchase once its complete (Or close to)***BITS AND BOBS***Just a small section of things id like to see in game, but couldn't categorizeFishing nets should be addedAbility to create larger rafts, small boats evenThe ability to build on shallow water, docks that extend out onto the ocean ectFarms and farming should be addedThe ability to strap the knife to a stickFishing and Fishing rods should be addedFull diving gear should be added, suit, mask, and large air tanks ect (I know theres small items of it but there should be more)Bit of a weid idea but shark netting, like beaches have, basically you could surround an area of sea thats somewhat close to your island or seabed and small fish could get in but not larger, and perhaps sharks could damage it and try to get in so you would have to fix itHomemade markers (Bouys ect)Even if its just a coconut a stone and some rope, so you could mark a path in the oceanMaps, again, even if its just cutting into a leaf, so you could mark things outDiary+ Pencil, small but might be an interesting thing to write in now and thenFurnace, make sand into glass kinda thing (because a glass bottom boat raft would be fab)Craftable items - Containers, bow, snorkel, torch (stick and cloth or such) Better + bigger waves
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4 people found this review funny
1.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Very interesting game, I assumed that it would be a copy of the forest but was a plesent suprise and very different.
I also expected it to be far more buggy but wasn't bad besides a few shadows and such.
A lot of it is trial and error with the crafting and such but after you play for a bit you'll figure it out.
Here is a video of me playing if you wanna see some gameplay before you buy it.
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0.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
tom hanks simulator
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0.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
So my adventure began in this game as the fearless pilot (without a co-pilot) died in the wreckage (likley due to lack of co-pilot). I was then thrown into cold water with nothing but a raft. I clambered onto the raft and continued to the island of safety. To my surprised I found mountins of crabs, sticks and stones, when found these I knew I was safe. The issue came to when I saw the tempting boat on the shore, I got aboard and found a hatch. I was then trapped by the wicked witch of temptation when I hopped in and found out, there was no way out.I starved to death 3 days later with my good old friend broken engine.I rate 10/10. Would play again(Pro Tip: Avoid the boats)
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3.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Stranded Deep30 secs in- Man theese graphics are goood50 secs in- its getting pretty wild out there i think im gooing to make me a martini1 minute in- oh ???? we going down2 mins in- SHEET A SHARK IS GON GET ME HALP2 mins 20 secs in- I love you life boat plz let me marry you3 mins in- oooooh a island das nice5 mins in- oh kewl a boat i wonder whats inside6 mins in- dafuq i cant climb a ladder- WAIT WHATS DAT..... IZ BAKE BEANS7 mins in- i think ill heat u theese beans when i get a fire going10 mins in- oh kewl a bed i can sleep in14 mins in- cmon bake beans its sleepy tiem16 mins in- *gets out of bed* ah what a lovely vie- WAIT what is dat... i think it is
a .. a shark 17 mins in- CONFIRMED IZ A TIGER SHARK18 mins in- tiger shark is stuck in sand 19 mins in- i name you jacob24 mins in- * falls of tree trying to get coconuts* i think i broke something owww27 mins in- hey whats that pole sticking oout of the ocean29 mins in- let me investigate32 mins in- god why didnt i take my life boat with me :(33 mins in- i think i found something34 mins in- oooo a axe das nice36 mins in- going back down38 mins in- hmm what else can i see40 mins in- *accidently presses Q* NO BAKE BEANS NOOOOO *bake beans float into cabin*42 mins in- BEANS IM COMMING FOR YOU43 mins in in- *turns around* jacob? IS THAT YOU?43.20 mins in- confirmed its jacob44 mins in- JACOB STAHP SWIMMING ROUND ME I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS45 mins in- JACOB YOU WILL NEVER GET MY BEANS GO BACK TO SWIMMING IN SAND45.40 mins in- *jacob gets pissed* nooo you will never get him46 mins in- *jacob kills kyle*R.I.P Kyle fighting for what he loved most~ beans10/10 would die protecting beans again
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17.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I have played up to 10 hours and haven't showed any boredom at all. Frankly There are still a couple of bugs and glitches you may find but no worry it won't shut the fun playing stranded deep rather besides its bugs ang glitches you can find lots of awesome other features implemented to keep you playing it and help you forget the annoying bugs. This game is basically like the forest but on tropical islands, stranded alone cause of non multiplayer feature just yet. Fortunately the Devs promised us they will most likely bring multiplayer to this game e.g. co-op. I'm so looking forward to playing co-op in this game since its singleplayer is great already.Last but not least this game serves a great experience for an early access which is quite satisfying in this state. I hope they will keep making more cool stuff in the future as the game development progresses.And one more thing. This game is worth every penny :)
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9.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Stranded Deep is ireally good in its current form and I can only see it getting better. It's familiar and yet different enough from other current survival games and thank God there aren't any zombies. It has a pretty cool crafting system. Fishing and gathering is key. Exploring other islands and ship wrecks as sharks circle above.. or below you in the dark. Swimming in the ocean to far from your raft or life boat is pretty spooky and visually, it is quite stunning. The moon light is fantastic. The lighting overal is really nice. It's a little rough. Some bugs like your boat suddenly vanishing and throwing you into shark infested water, but it isn't anything game breaking. But it is an early access game and bugs come with that.I have high hopes for this game. I can't wait to play along as it grows and gets better.Well worth 15 bucks.
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2.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Its a good game, with randomly generated island(s), but only lasts a hour or so until you run out of supplies. (explained below).---------------My Story:---------------Day 1: I woke up in a life raft and paddled to the nearest island. I searched everywhere and put all of my gathered stuff in one big pile. I made some tools a foundation and a camp fire to cook my crabsDay 2: I chopped all my trees down and can expand my home, survival look bleak, I then find a boat on the cost and find a machette! I gathered all of the resources onb the island and built my home (with a missing wall) and a bed. Night fell and my coconut collection was taking up and 3rd of the island and crabs where everywhere.Day 3: I rose after a night of cooking crabs and eating potatos and decided to paddle to the next nearest island. I packed all I could with room to spare for my quick trip. I set 'sail'.Half way there I realised all the distant islands looked the same. But I though it was because it was alpha. Then my life raft teleported away and diapeared from sight.... I dove into the ocean too see if it sunk. but there was a ship wreak, I swam towards it and a tiger shark swam infront of me and I crapped my-self. I swam to the surface and realised this was my fate.*quits*---------------Overall the game is stunning and has potential. The crafting is really good and easy, which works well with the environment. As you can't plant more trees or 'sail' t another island the game only is short lived.Current - 7/10
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7.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I have a little over 4 hours in and I am really enjoying it so far. I have ran into some bugs that make the sharks swim through land and your raft can randomly disappear but if you save often it isn't too bad considering it is alpha. The crafting system is pretty cool, though I am a little frustrated that I can't keep fires lit like in The Forest. The farthest I have made it is 4 days and after the 3rd day I noticed other types of sharks and various sea life started appearing that didn't in the beginning. I really like how you have to pay attention to where you are taking your raft, because it is very VERY easy to get turned around and subsequently lost when you are out exploring. I find it easier to set out at either sunrise or sunset. Otherwise, you are going to have to put some effort and ingenuity into finding what direction you are heading. I usually hold my watch directly under the sun or moon and you can figure it out pretty well. This game was a dream game for me, as I played a LOT of Treasures of the Deep on playstation and I always wanted a game where I had to fight off sharks and survive in the ocean.It is definitely not without bugs and flaws and people who don't like buggy Early Access probably won't be swayed by this, though in 4 hours of gameplay I have had zero CTDs. It obviously shares similarities with the Forest, but this game is very Jaws whereas The Forest is the Descent. It's basically going to come down to your taste in location. I personally love both games for similar reasons, and for what makes them different from one another. I am excited to see where this game can go. PS: The addition of multiplayer later in development is a good idea. Thinking of ramming other peoples rafts and letting them get attacked by sharks makes me laugh. Make it happen.
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4.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Like The Forest, but with no nudists.I threw a coconut at a sharkMy raft dissappeared in the middle of the oceanI found a mysterious box and named it Ramone because it wouldnt open
I tried everything to open Ramone, I hit him, burnt him, drowned him, I even threw coconuts at him.
I was forced to ship Ramone away.I also built a hut fit for a sea bird.
&Im yet to find a sea bird in this game.Good game
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Includes 8 Steam Achievements
Title: Stranded Deep
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 23 Jan, 2015
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