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Samurai Siege
By Space Ape Games
Game Center
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Lead an army of Samurai, Ninjas, and fantastic monsters of the East to glory! Build your village into a mighty stronghold! Raise powerful armies! Fight against other players!Please note that Samurai Siege is free to play. Some in-game items can be purchased with real money. You can turn off the payment feature by disabling in-app purchases in your device's settings.Samurai Siege is a fun multiplayer combat strategy game.
Defend your village against hordes of enemy ninjas, samurai, and creatures!
Explore a mystical world as you battle through lush forests, snowy mountains, and deserts.
Fight other players from around the world to capture loot and steal rare items.
Or join forces with other players to create the most powerful Alliance!
Wage war with other alliances and compete to dominate the realm.FEATURES* Epic real-time strategy combat* Build your humble village into a mighty stronghold* Recruit an army of Samurai, Ninjas, Battering Rams, and Eastern Monsters* Battle with other players online* Rid the world of evil as you travel across a vast world map* Fight in multiple environments: from lush valleys to rocky mountains* Create Alliances with other players* Alliance Wars!
Declare war on rival Alliances and compete for valuable rewards* Chat and share battles with your team in Alliance Chat!Note: a network connection is required to play
What's New in Version 3.7
Winter is coming and as its icy breath cools the valley an unusual figure appears from the mist. The Necromander stands tall with his skeleton army, resurrected from the ashes of former warriors... The Necromander will surely be needed to defeat the Blizzard Tower, capable of changing the weather patterns and slowing troops in their steps. As the holiday season approaches expect FREE gifts for all Samurai Siege players. You can win troop camps, premium currency and much much more simply by logging in!Expect these new troops, buildings and prizes to arrive in the coming weeks.
Customer Reviews
Love this game
I never played clash of clans because by the time I got into this type of gaming they was really high levels and I had no chance of competing against them.I started playing this game and it's actually fun. I've played it for just over 410 days and I think maybe I've spent ?5 max on the game. If you just play you kind of get a hang of it. Key is to save diamonds and dont waste on speeding up troops and do the carpenter up! I wish I knew that when I 1st started lol 10 out of 10 and the developers are very active in updating the game and creating new things to do. This game is so addictive :)
yeah addicting but annoying at the same time mismatching most of the time, too high levels without even a good amount of loot which makes sense and actually very little characters compared to CoC, and just because of the tournament that makes it exciting but what if the same games do the same tournament???? would this be still interesting????
Has a great single player campaign, some really nice animations and new content or tweaks seem to happen every week.However it's a little too money focused, and needs some optimisations as it runs much slower than say clash of clans.
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 3.7Size: 97.5 MBLanguages: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, TurkishDeveloper: Space Ape Games (UK) LtdFrequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5.
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目前沒有建立攻略選單。作品相關新聞  由英國遊戲公司 Space Ape 自製營運的手機塔防對戰遊戲《武士攻城記》今(25)日釋出最新改版訊息,宣布即將推出最新的「聯盟制度玩法」,成功晉級的玩家將有機會獲得稀有虛寶「鑽石」的獎勵。除此之外,強力的遊戲角色 - 飛龍也將開放玩家升級至等級五,讓攻城對戰增添更多戰略變化。&【以下內容為廠商提供資料原文】&【聯盟制度新玩法】&&想要在武士中體驗脫穎而出的榮耀嗎?&  沒問題,因為全新的【聯盟機制】即將登場!全新玩法等您來大膽挑戰!&也想贏得超多鑽石及瑪瑙嗎?&  沒問題,武士們的心聲指揮官都聽見了!【聯盟機制】這次讓人人都有機會贏得大...最新玩家心得
讓我來寫〔Samurai Siege〕的第一篇心得。
  由 SpaceApe 製作的對戰型經營策略遊戲《》,有別於其他同類經營遊戲,玩家們除了要建立好自己的城鎮、生產士兵以外,還要用心的設計城鎮的防禦設施,讓他成為一座難以被突破的堡壘!此外玩家也得要生產士兵,攻打其他玩家的城鎮。遊戲的畫面風格融合了日本武士題材與一點美漫風格像我這樣雜亂無章的城鎮是最容易被敵人攻打的...  雖然是對戰類的遊戲,不過《》在單人遊玩方面也是準備了不少的任務喔。  新來的玩家都會進入一連串的遊戲教學,包括如何戰鬥,如何經營自己的城鎮。《》的介面對新入玩家非常友善,每一種建築物不只有詳細說明,還有動態圖片會跟玩家解釋他跟那些其他建築物有關係。建築物之間的關係都說明得很詳細,錢、金庫、生展防禦  在有了自己的基本城鎮後,就能開始生產兵隊進行劇情任務了。  遊戲的戰鬥非常特別,玩家們要選擇好自己欲放下的兵種,點擊敵人城鎮周圍就會開始出兵了。每點擊一次就會出來一隻,按著不放的話會快速出兵。不過,兵可不能隨便亂出!玩家們的武士會優先攻擊周圍建築,所以如果不將武士放在敵人防禦塔周圍,那麼在攻擊過程中就會損失不少士兵。  此外出兵也是有規則的,敵人城鎮的周圍會有一小圈的紅色框框,玩家們無法在紅色框框內出兵。優先攻擊敵人防禦塔,沒了防禦就能輕輕鬆鬆破壞所有敵人建築每個關卡有什麼解鎖獎勵都能看得一清二楚  單人劇情任務是《》中很重要的一環,隨著任務的進行,玩家們會有更多的兵種以及防禦建築。不過,想賺錢的話當然還是攻打其他玩家最快。玩家們在劇情任務選單的下方可以隨時進入對戰模式,只要花個兩百銅板就可以攻打其他玩家。如果覺得這個玩家資源不多或是防禦太強的話,可以再花個兩百銅板換下一個玩家。地圖介面的下方就是對戰了這個玩家的防守好嚴密阿,雖然資源多,不過還是放棄吧  攻打其他玩家時,對手的城鎮都是自動控制的,所以不必擔心對手是否會在線上干擾你。  玩家們優先的攻擊目標就是對手的市場、水井和主堡。這些經濟建築只要打到他就會有錢噴出來!如果有解開忍者的話,忍著的攻擊目標就是對手的經濟建築,非常好用。玩家們也不必擔心攻打敵人會害他的家園被破壞,敵對玩家被攻打後,他的建築不會有任何影響,頂多就是讓他損失一點金錢而已。所以同樣的,玩家們也不必擔心自己的城鎮會不會一覺醒來就不見了。  除此之外,被敵人攻打後,玩家們的城鎮會有十幾個小時的無敵時間,這樣一來也不怕被敵人連續攻打。這種經濟建築都放外面的最棒拉一口氣把他家拆個精光  遊戲中的金錢有分為兩種類,一種是銅板,銅板主要的功能是培養城鎮,以及防禦建築。另一種是精華液,可以用來培養士兵。玩家們可以生產市場來增加銅板,也能生產水井增加精華液。要讓你的城鎮偏向攻擊或防守就取決於玩家們偏重市場或是水井囉。生產士兵要去道場生產,道場等級越高,就能一次生產更多的兵生產出來的兵會集合在訓練場,訓練場的大小決定玩家的兵力最大值  《》要求玩家們除了拼命攻打敵人外,還要細心照料自己,算是一個相當需要動頭腦的優質經營遊戲。最重要的就是有付費和沒付費玩家的差異性不會太大,有積分系統也不怕高等玩家常常來光顧,只是遊戲要求一定要上網才能遊玩,包含單機也是,所以網路是必備的喔。忍者,專門用來搶錢的,優先鎖定對手經濟建築攻城兵能夠輕鬆破壞敵人城牆
資料統計中。查看: 776|回复: 18
积分3368精华0阅读权限90注册时间最后登录在线时间101 小时
, 积分 3368, 距离下一级还需 2632 积分
UID3298717帖子拇指币30 威望度30 贡献值20
19:10 上传
名称:武士围攻:Samurai Siege
游戏大小:31.12 M
游戏介绍···武士围攻Samurai Siege游戏以日本战国为背景,玩家扮演一个封建势力领袖,通过建造、发展据点,不断生产资源,训练士兵来壮大自己的势力,然后率领由武士、忍者、巨魔等东方传说中的展示来攻城拔寨.
v173.0.0.0:-Seasons Greetings! Winter has arrived!
-An amazing winter theme
-Announcing our first Live Event: a weekend long special Alliance War. Win rare prizes and fame for your alliance.
-Festive Trees: upgradable bonus practice yards
-Snowball spell
-Santa Onis
-Five new missions
19:10 上传
19:10 上传
19:10 上传
19:10 上传
积分51880精华0阅读权限90注册时间最后登录在线时间852 小时
UID183669帖子拇指币27694 威望度14 贡献值4
积分73精华0阅读权限20注册时间最后登录在线时间3 小时
, 积分 73, 距离下一级还需 127 积分
UID3443558帖子拇指币60 威望度10 贡献值0
积分2289精华0阅读权限70注册时间最后登录在线时间228 小时
, 积分 2289, 距离下一级还需 711 积分
UID1357912帖子拇指币1911 威望度0 贡献值0
积分63666精华0阅读权限90注册时间最后登录在线时间779 小时
UID40976帖子拇指币35149 威望度1 贡献值1
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, 积分 3106, 距离下一级还需 2894 积分
UID1273265帖子拇指币1996 威望度10 贡献值0
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UID1273265帖子拇指币1996 威望度10 贡献值0
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UID2026985帖子拇指币885 威望度10 贡献值0
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, 积分 132, 距离下一级还需 68 积分
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