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。。玩不懂EZ的都喜欢发这种SB帖子 见多了也就没意思了
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上学去好么- -..& && && && && && &&&
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LZSB 楼下保持阵型
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旧情念清殇丶 发表于
。。玩不懂EZ的都喜欢发这种SB帖子 见多了也就没意思了
看贴不回者,打排 位不会赢,打野被 野打死,被 偷野偷光
打上单 被 打爆,打中单一直被 抓 ,要蓝从不给你蓝,
打下路,没有坑 的辅助 ,只有更坑 的辅助
打辅助 ,ADc就掉线,让你自己补兵,爽 死你
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尼玛上学了 发表于
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看贴不回者,打排 位不会赢,打野被 野打死,被 偷野偷光
打上单 被 打爆,打中单一直被 抓 ,要蓝从不给你蓝,
打下路,没有坑 的辅助 ,只有更坑 的辅助
打辅助 ,ADc就掉线,让你自己补兵,爽 死你
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新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限50积分1806精华0UID帖子金钱3687 威望0
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尼玛上学了 发表于
LZ的意思是这样的。 你微笑时好美丶是坑B&&小孩游神是坑B&&是么?
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限30积分204精华0UID帖子金钱435 威望0
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RE: EZ世界上最垃圾最烂最脑残最2B的ADC,我要喷死你!
看贴不回者,打排 位不会赢,打野被 野打死,被 偷野偷光
打上单 被 打爆,打中单一直被 抓 ,要蓝从不给你蓝,
打下路,没有坑 的辅助 ,只有更坑 的辅助
打辅助 ,ADc就掉线,让你自己补兵,爽 死你
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限50积分1806精华0UID帖子金钱3687 威望0
Lv.5, 积分 1806, 距离下一级还需 694 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝
尼玛上学了 发表于
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&&&& 世界上最烂的国家是美国。当然一人一个眼光,一人一种文化。
日本 用夜用卫生巾当国旗的国家 你说呢?
& 可以随便找个借口就把人枪毙了。
是中国! 中国的环境污染、空气污染、食品安全、素质低下、无情冷血(强奸、杀人、不扶老人……)、外貌协会、崇洋媚外、没有自主创新能力、骄傲自大、死性不改(被别的国家侵略多次还不觉醒,还不努力发展科技……)、说做不一(只会说废话,而没有实际行动!) 等等许多缺点都是世界各国看不起中国的原因! 中国就是世界上最烂的国家,经济实力第二又怎么样!都是靠低价的13亿人口劳动力和低价出售国家的资源!垃圾国家!
历史话题领域专家阅读(3079)回复(1) 美国被美洲土著人评选为世界上“最烂公司”
原英文标题:The United States was voted the Worst Company in the World, followed by Monsanto, Peabody Energy Corp. and Barrick Gold
Censored News新闻读者选择美国作为&最坏的公司在世界范围内, &在读者投票今天结束。 Readers, primarily Indigenous Peoples, voted Monsanto as the second Worst Company in the World.读者,主要是土著民族,投孟山都公司作为公司的排名倒数第二的世界。 Peabody Energy Corp., recently granted a life-of-mine permit to expand coal mining on Navajo and Hopi lands, was voted the third Worst Company in the World.皮博迪能源公司,最近获得生命的地雷许可证扩大采煤的纳瓦霍和霍皮土地,被评为最差的第三次在世界上。
Barrick Gold Corp., which began the destruction of the Western Shoshone&s Mount Tenabo region during Thanksgiving, was voted the fourth Worst Company in the World.巴里克黄金公司开始销毁, Western Shoshone人的山Tenabo区域在感恩节,被评为最差的第四次在世界上。 Blackwater Worldwide, responsible for murders and brutality worldwide, was voted the fifth Worst Company in the World.黑水公司在世界范围内,负责全球谋杀和暴行,被评为最差的第五次在世界上。 GEO Group, Inc., formerly Wackenhut, profiteering from the misery of migrants and people of color in prisons, was voted the sixth Worst Company in the World.全球环境展望集团有限公司,前身瓦肯胡,牟取暴利的痛苦移民和有色人种在监狱中,被评为最差公司在第六届世界。
Cameco uranium mining and Sithe Global/Navajo Nation, tied for the seventh Worst Company in the World.卡梅扣铀矿开采和Sithe全球/纳瓦霍部落,并列第七最坏在世界上。 Israel&s Elbit Systems and Raytheon tied for eighth place.以色列的埃尔比特系统公司和雷声公司获得并列第八名。 Boeing, constructing the US/Mexico Apartheid Border Wall, followed in ninth place.波音公司,构建美国/墨西哥种族隔离边境墙,随后在第九位。 Newmont Mining was voted the 10th Worst Company in the World by the readers of Censored News blog, which focuses on the censored news of Indigenous Peoples and international human rights.纽蒙特矿业被评为最差的第10次在世界上的读者截断新闻博客,其重点是审查新闻土著人民以及国际人权。
The United States emerged in truth as one of the worst violators of international human rights during the Bush regime, with torture, kidnappings and secret renditions in violation of the Geneva Conventions.美国出现了一个真理的最严重的违反国际人权在布什政权,与酷刑,绑架和秘密的表演,违反了日内瓦公约。 The bogus war in Iraq resulted in the widespread murder and displacement of Iraqi people.虚假的伊拉克战争导致了普遍的谋杀和流离失所的伊拉克人民。 Corporations seized the freefall of US democracy, with mercenaries, private prison profiteers and war manufacturers reveling in their profits.公司抓住了自由落体的美国民主,雇佣军,私人监狱奸商和战争制造商却还在他们的利润。 During the Bush regime, the United States ceased to be viewed as a democracy by many US citizens, who now view the United States as a company comprised of select individuals seeking corporate gain and control.在布什政权,美国已不再被看作是一个民主的许多美国公民,谁现在认为美国作为一个公司的个人组成的选择寻求企业获得和控制。
It was not just the US corporations that benefited.这不仅仅是美国企业从中受益。 In the corporate get-rich schemes to construct the US/Mexico border wall, the contractor Boeing subcontracted Israel&s Apartheid border wall builder, Elbit Systems, for the multi-million dollar dysfunctional debacle of the US border spy towers.在企业致富计划建造美国/墨西哥边境墙,承包商波音公司转包以色列种族隔离边界墙建设者,埃尔比特系统,为价值数百万美元的功能失调引起的美国边境间谍塔。 While xenophobia and racism toward migrants ruled in US television news, Wackenhut, owned by G4S in England and Denmark, seized the opportunity to profiteer from a Homeland Security contract for the transportation of migrants from the US/Mexico border.虽然排外主义和种族主义的移民排除在美国的电视新闻,瓦肯胡,拥有G4S在英格兰和丹麦,抓住机遇,牟取暴利从国土安全部的运输合同的移民从美国/墨西哥边境地区。
Monsanto, in second place, continued to threaten the future of humanity with genetically altered seeds.孟山都,排在第二位,继续威胁着人类的未来与基因变异的种子。 Depleting the world of a rich diversity of seeds and crops, Monsanto continues to destroy sustainable systems of food production around the world.臭氧的世界丰富多彩的种子和作物,孟山都继续破坏可持续的粮食生产体系在世界各地。 Monsanto was the primary supplier of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.孟山都的主要供应商橙剂在越南战争中。 Even Prince Charles exposed Monsanto recently, revealing that thousands of farmers have committed suicide in India because of Monsanto&s promise of riches.即使查尔斯王子暴露孟山都公司最近透露,数以千计的农民自杀,因为在印度的孟山都的承诺财富。 Those promises only resulted in failed crops and a flood of debt in India&s &Suicide Belt& after switching to genetically modified seeds.这些承诺不仅导致失败作物和洪水的债务在印度的&自杀腰带&后,切换到转基因种子。
Navajos and Hopis united and protested a life of the mine permit for Peabody coal mining on Black Mesa.闯入白宫和Hopis部落和抗议美国的生活许可证矿井采煤的皮博迪布莱克梅萨。 However, the US Office of Surface Mining approved the permit in December, continuing the US genocide on Black Mesa, where more than 14,000 Navajos have already been relocated to make way for coal mining.然而,美国办事处的露天采矿许可证批准的12月,继续在美国种族灭绝布莱克梅萨,超过14000闯入白宫已经搬迁让路采煤。 The so-called Navajo Hopi land dispute was orchestrated by Peabody Coal.所谓的纳瓦霍霍皮土地纠纷是由皮博迪煤炭。
The Navajo Nation Council's 88 members receive their salaries and travel expenses primarily from energy leases, while many Navajos live without running water and electricity.纳瓦霍部落理事会的88名成员接受他们的薪金和旅行费用主要来自能源租赁,而许多闯入白宫生活没有自来水和电力。
Klee Benally, Navajo, said the US permit was a blatant act of US genocide.克利Benally ,纳瓦霍人说,美国允许公然美国种族灭绝行为。
Calvin Johnson, Navajo, said, &Our local leaders, including the president of the Navajo Nation, continue to pursue this senseless plan to give Peabody a life of mine permit and continue using pristine water for coal operations without the impacted resident&s decision, which continues to be ignored.凯文约翰逊,纳瓦霍,说: &我们的地方领导人,包括总统的纳瓦霍部落,继续进行这种毫无意义的计划,使生活的皮博迪地雷许可证和继续使用纯净水,煤炭业务没有影响居民的决定,继续被忽视。 When will our leaders stand up and fight for us?&当我们的领导人会站起来,争取我们的? &
Vernon Masayesva, Hopi, said the US permit, &The decision was announced during the Hopi Soyalung ceremonies throughout our villages. Soyalung is when Hopis plant their prayers for the coming year. It is a time the priests carry out sacred rituals to renew the earth, and pray for peace and harmony throughout the world. It is similar to the Jewish Chunaka observance, of bringing light to darkness.This is the ancient ritual the Office of Surface Mining has rudely interrupted. It is a blatant action sanctioning Peabody to exploit our natural resources for the benefit of its wealthy owners, officers and stockholders.&弗农 Masayesva ,霍皮说,美国允许& ,宣布这项决定是在霍皮Soyalung仪式我们整个村庄。 Soyalung是当Hopis部落植物祈祷来年。这是一个时间的祭司进行神圣仪式延长地球,并祈求和平与和谐的世界各地。它类似于犹太Chunaka遵 守,使光线darkness.This是古老的仪式厅的表面开采粗暴中断。这是一种公然的制裁行动,以利用我们的皮博迪自然资源造福于富裕的业主,管理人 员和股东。 &
Barrick Gold, responsible for the deaths of Indigenous Peoples around the world, began its onslaught on the sacred lands of the Western Shoshone at Mount Tenabo during the Thanksgiving holidays.巴里克黄金公司,负责人的世界各地的土著人民,开始攻击的神圣土地, Western Shoshone人山Tenabo在感恩节假期。 Before leaving office, President Bush Sr. made it possible for Barrick to lease lands for gold mining in Nevada.卸任前总统老布什使巴里克以租赁土地的黄金开采在内华达州。 Once out of office, Bush Sr. went to work for Barrick as a senior consultant.一旦离开办公室,老布什前往工作巴里克作为一个高级顾问。
In Australia, DR Congo, Ghana, Tanzania and New Guinea, Indigenous Peoples are fighting Barrick&s destruction in solidarity with the Western Shoshone.在澳大利亚,刚果民主共和国,加纳,坦桑尼亚和新几内亚,土著人民的战斗巴里克的破坏团结与Western Shoshone人。 They are fighting the coring out of mountains for minute particles of gold and the poisoning of water with cyanide leaching.他们是战斗的钻取了山区的细微颗粒物的黄金和水中毒的氰化浸出。
Carrie Dann and other Western Shoshone grandmothers said the United States is trespassing on Western Shoshone treaty land, destroying mountains, trees, food and medicine, while leaving dirty polluted water ponds for birds and animals.嘉莉丹恩和其他的Western Shoshone祖母说,美国是非法的Western Shoshone人的条约的土地,摧毁了山,树木,粮食和药品,同时把受污染的水脏池塘鸟类和动物。
&Why doesn&t the mining company go dig up the Vatican or the Mormon Tabernacle instead of Western Shoshone lands, I&m sure they will find gold there,& said Mary McCloud, Western Shoshone grandmother, mourning the bulldozing of the pines near the ceremonial grounds on Mount Tenabo in November. &为什么不矿业公司去挖掘梵蒂冈或摩门教幕不是Western Shoshone人的土地,我相信他们会找到金表示, &玛丽麦克劳德, Western Shoshone人的祖母,莫宁的推土机附近的松树礼仪理由山Tenabo在11月。
Near the Porgera mine in New Guinea, Jethro Tulin of the Akali Tange Association, told Barrick Gold, &Your security guards have been shooting and killing our people and raping, even gang-raping, our women with impunity for years now.&附近的Porgera金矿在新几内亚, Jethro图林的阿卡利丹协会,巴里克黄金公司表示, &您的安全保卫人员开枪打死我们的人民和强奸,甚至轮奸强奸,我们的妇女不受惩罚的几年。 &
GEO Group, formerly Wackenhut, and other private prisons continued to profiteer from the orchestrated hysteria against migrants and people of color at the southern border, gaining lucrative US and state prison and detention contracts from California to Texas.全球环境展望集团,前身瓦肯胡,和其他私营监狱继续牟取暴利从策划歇斯底里对移民和有色人种在南部边境,获得利润丰厚的美国和国家监狱和拘留所的合同,从加利福尼亚到得克萨斯州。 GEO was recently named in charges filed in Texas, in an attempt to prosecute Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for private prison profiteering, resulting in the death of at least one inmate.土力工程处最近被点名的指控在得克萨斯州,企图起诉副总统切尼和前司法部长冈萨雷斯为私营监狱牟取暴利,导致死亡的至少有一个犯人。
A second private prison profiteer, Corrections Corp of America, imprisons and abuses migrant women and children at the T. Don Hutto Residential Center in Taylor, Texas.第二个私人监狱牟取暴利,惩戒公司的美国,关押和虐待移民妇女和儿童吨唐Hutto住宅中心的泰勒,得克萨斯州。
Cameco is the Canadian company which purchased the mysterious shipment of 500 tons of yellowcake uranium from Iraq, transported by the US to Montreal in July of 2008.卡梅扣是加拿大的公司购买了神秘的装运500吨铀的铀来自伊拉克,由美国运到蒙特利尔2008年7月。 Cameco continues to push for uranium mining on Lakota lands, resulting in the poorest of the poor struggling to fight the world&s largest uranium mining company in court in Nebraska.卡梅扣继续推进铀矿开采的拉科塔土地,导致最贫穷的人挣扎斗争是世界上最大的铀矿开采公司在法庭上的内布拉斯加州。 In Australia, Aboriginals at Alice Springs continued their protests of Cameco, while research studies in Port Hope, Canada, show the people are being poisoned by Cameco&s uranium mining.在澳大利亚,土著人在艾丽斯斯普林斯继续抗议卡梅扣,同时研究在港希望,加拿大,显示人民正在毒害卡梅扣的铀矿开采。
&The result of testing conducted on a small group of residents of Port Hope has found contamination by uranium of military or industrial origin. &测试的结果进行了一小部分居民的港口希望已经发现铀污染的军事或工业起源。 Four of nine people tested had unusual types of uranium in their bodies, including one who carried measurable quantities of depleted uranium, which is used to make armour-piercing weapons, and another who had uranium at levels about three times higher than average concentrations of the element,& according to the Globe and Mail.四个9人已不寻常的测试类型的铀在他们的尸体,其中包括谁数量进行衡量的贫化铀,这是用来制造穿甲武器,另一谁了铀水平的3倍左右高于平均浓度内容: &根据环球邮报。
Sithe Global, in a relationship with the Navajo Nation elected government, is pushing to build a coal fired power plant, Desert Rock, on Navajo lands in New Mexico. Sithe全球,在与纳瓦霍部落选出的政府,是推动建立一个燃煤电厂,沙漠石,对纳瓦霍土地在新墨西哥州。 Grassroots Navajos at Dooda Desert Rock continue to fight the power plant, which would be the third power plant in the area, where the air, land and water are already poisoned by unreclaimed uranium tailings from the Cold War and widespread oil and gas wells.基层闯入白宫在Dooda沙漠摇滚继续打击电厂,这将是第三发电厂在该地区,那里的空气,土地和水已经中毒荒地铀尾矿从冷战和广泛的石油和天然气井。 Sithe Global&s financier is Blackstone Group, cofounded by Steve Schwarzman of the Bush elite Skull and Bones secret society based at Yale University. Sithe全球的金融家是黑石集团共同创办的史蒂夫斯瓦茨曼布什精英骷髅和骨头秘密社会的基础在耶鲁大学。
Israel&s Elbit Systems, a producer of Apartheid spy and border wall systems in Israel, continued to gain US contracts, including Boeing&s subcontract for the border wall.以色列的埃尔比特系统,生产商种族隔离间谍和边界墙系统在以色列,继续获得美国合同,包括波音公司的分包合同的边界墙。 Raytheon Missiles continued to be protested in Tucson for its weapons production and contamination.雷声公司导弹继续抗议在图森的武器生产和污染。 Raytheon has a manufacturing plant on the Navajo Nation&s commercial farm of Navajo Agricultural Products Industries, where potatoes, corn and other crops are produced with Monsanto&s genetically-modified seeds.雷声公司拥有制造工厂的纳瓦霍部落的商业农场的纳瓦霍农产品产业,其中土豆,玉米和其他农作物的生产与孟山都公司的转基因种子。
Boeing continued to build the US/Mexico border wall, as Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff waived all federal laws to build the border wall, including the laws designed to protect endangered species and the graves of Native Americans.波音公司继续建立美国/墨西哥边界围墙,作为国土安全部部长切尔托夫放弃所有联邦法律建立的边界墙,其中包括法律旨在保护濒危物种和土著美国人坟墓。 On the Tohono O&odham Nation, Boeing dug up the graves of the Tohono O&odham ancestors in 2007.论民族的Tohono O'odham ,波音挖的坟墓的Tohono O'odham的祖先在2007年。 In Arizona, border wall construction endangered the jaguar, Sonoran pronghorn and other species in violation of all federal laws.在亚利桑那州,边界墙施工濒危捷豹,索诺兰pronghorn和其他物种的行为违反了所有的联邦法律。 Further, Indigenous Peoples traveling in their own territories on the border are harassed, threatened and treated as criminals by the US Border Patrol.此外,土著人民在自己的旅行领土边界上的骚扰,威胁和视为罪犯,美国边境巡逻队。
Tohono O&odham human rights activists continued to be targeted as they defined their homeland as an occupied militarized zone. Tohono O'odham人权活动家继续有针对性的,因为它们定义自己的家园作为一个被占领非军事区。
The poorest of the poor in America used their last dollars in 2008 to fight the United States construction of the US/Mexico border wall and seizure of their lands, including the Lipan Apache in Texas who are in court to protect their lands from seizure by Homeland Security for the border wall.最贫穷的人在美国利用其在2008年最后美元,打击美国建造的美国/墨西哥边界围墙和没收他们的土地,包括在德州利潘阿帕奇谁是在法庭上保护他们的土地被检取的国土安全的边界墙。
At the northern border, the United States pushed for more militarization of the region.在北部边境地区,美国将更多的军事化的地区。
Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, is among the authors published in Censored News. Kahentinetha非洲之角的出版商莫霍克新闻,是作者发表于截断新闻。 Kahentinetha was beaten by Canadian border guards on June 14, 2008 and suffered a heart attack as border police tightened a stresshold. Kahentinetha被殴打加拿大边防部队于6月14日, 2008年和心脏病发作的边防警察加紧了对stresshold 。 Mohawk Nation News editor Katenies was also beaten and jailed.莫霍克新闻编辑Katenies还遭到殴打和监禁。 Kahentinetha is recovering and the two Mohawk grandmothers have filed suit. Kahentinetha正在恢复和两个莫霍克祖母已经提起诉讼。
In recent articles, the Mohawk Nation News exposed the fact that carbon market scams seek the seizure of Indigenous Peoples forests for corporate profiteering and the fact that Canadian officers are being trained in Israel, where the border has become a militarized war zone.在最近的文章,莫霍克新闻曝光的事实,碳市场组织寻求扣押森林土著人民和企业牟取暴利的事实,加拿大军官正在训练在以色列,那里的边界已成为一个军事化的战区。 The carbon credit scam, profiteering for the World Bank and private corporations, is one of the most censored stories worldwide.碳信用欺诈,牟取暴利的世界银行和私营公司,是全球最截故事。
Throughout the United States, the poorest of the poor fought for justice during the Bush regime, often resulting in arrest or imprisonment.在美国各地,最贫穷的人争取正义在布什政府的政策制度,往往导致逮捕或监禁。 While the US and multi-national corporations received millions, billions and trillions in bailouts, widespread unemployment and hunger increased in the US.虽然美国和多国公司收到了数百万,数十亿和十万亿的救助,广泛的失业和饥饿,增加了美国。
While the US spy factory vaporized rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, the US media gave up the fight.尽管美国间谍气化厂所保证的权利美国宪法,美国的媒体放弃了斗争。
While the corporate seizures of lands was dismal during the Bush regime, Indigenous elders spoke of a time of cleansing and regeneration.虽然该公司的土地缉获欠佳在布什政权,土著老人说的时候,清洗和再生。
&We will outlive their ways. Our ways will outlive America's ways. It is because we regard the earth as sacred,& said Floyd Red Crow Westerman said before his passing to the Spirit World. &我们将会比他们的办法。我们的方法将会比美国的方式。这是因为我们认为,地球是神圣的,说: &弗洛伊德红乌鸦韦斯特曼说,在他的精神传递世界。
In the Censored News poll, one-half of those voting chose the United States as the Worst Company in the World (50 percent.) The other percentages of total votes were: Monsanto (30 percent) Peabody Coal (26 percent) Barrick Gold (20 percent) Blackwater (17 percent) GEO (15 percent) Cameco and Sithe Global/Navajo Nation tied (14 percent) Raytheon and Israel&s Elbit Systems tied (12 percent) Boeing (11 percent) and Newmont Mining Corp (9 percent.)在截断新闻调查显示,有一半的人投票选择美 国作为最恶劣公司在世界各地(百分之五十。 )其他总票数的百分比是:孟山都(百分之三十)皮博迪煤炭(百分之二十六)巴里克黄金(百分之二十)黑水(百分之十七)格鲁吉亚(百分之十五)卡梅扣和 Sithe全球/纳瓦霍部落并列(百分之十四)雷声公司和以色列的埃尔比特系统并列(百分之十二)波音公司(百分之十一)和纽蒙特矿业公司(百分之九。 )
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作者:发表于: 22:22:21We will outlive their ways. Our ways will outlive America's ways. It is because we regard the earth as sacred,& said Floyd Red Crow Westerman said before his passing to the Spirit World
& 个人签名:国共携手共创中华民族伟大复兴!


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