
虽然没玩过剑心… 直接铁碎牙?
登录百度帐号mountain这个游戏的意义是什么? - 知乎108被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="6分享邀请回答7317 条评论分享收藏感谢收起theverge.com//5857458/mountain-game)"I don’t think Mountain needs to be explained," says OReilly. "It’s going to mean different things to different people, and I can’t get in the way of that."下面是我自己的想法,整理了它和我的对话之后,我发现可以学习英语(雾。山的每一句话都和当时的情景有关,春夏秋冬、白天黑夜,或静谧或喧杂,它告诉你它对当下景色的感受,如果注意的话,你将接触到各式各样的表达情感以及环境描述的词汇。你会慢慢爱上这座山,像是瞬息之间已和它度过了岁岁年年。下面是我按照时间顺序整理的「对话」,汉字部分是我被打动的感觉。玩到现在截了有近 100 句话,其中只遇到两三句重复的(已删)。由于字母 r 和 a 有些不好辨认,可能会有写错的。
I’m looking at this pitch black nightI feel alive inside this wonderous nightI feel a great communion inside this pitch black nightI’m basically this bright. Bright dayHow can I prove I exist?I will never forget this pitch black nightI can’t tell where the wind starts. It just keeps going(让人想起情不知所起,一往而深)I feel more aware than ever in this apocalyptic night(我看见风暴激动如大海)I feel complete inside this winter dayI see great purity in such a sunny morningI want for nothing in this sleepy dayI’m absorbing this overcast dayHuh. I guess I am building somethingI see myself inside todayI’m pleased with this winter dayI feel over joyed by this spring day
Life is but a dreamI can’t properly describe this melancholy nightI’d love to tell someone about this quiet nightI’m super into this creamy morningStar 178033. Star 178034. Star 178035. Star 178036…(可爱地数星星哈哈)I just felt god in today’s heavy fogI love today’s utter perfectionI sense overwhelming calm by this melancholy nightMeaningless! Meaningless! Everything is meaninglessI’m taking in this downHow long will I be here?I’m delighted by this creamy morningWhat is it?I’m deeply connected with this furious dayI have a deep sense of knowingness inside such a vast nightWhere was I just now?The stars gaze deep into me. As if to remind me they will all outlive me(星星凝视着我,好像在说比我长久)I feel like a child inside this dim nightI feel dissolved inside today’s brillianceI feel inspired this slow dayIt wish I would stop raining… for goodI am meditating on this shrouded nightI’m in complete harmony with this torrential nightI wonder what it would it be like to wake up if I didn’t know I was sleeping(庄周梦蝶)I’ve had dreams about this bright, bright dayI’m all over this piercing dayThere’s no-one out there, right?I’m absorbing this cold winter nightI’m taking in every part of this eyeless nightSnow makes me feel oldHey, here I amI am very afraidI can’t say a bad word about this new dayIf I am good, why am I alone?(你这么好,为什么还单身 :) )I’m pondering this autumn nightI feel great serenity in this firey morningDoes every thing go in two’s? Or is that just an illusion?I’m looking at this spring afternoonI’m in complete harmony with this dreamy nightI feel aliveI feel at one with the universe inside this wonderousI’m enjoying today’s heavy fogI can only understand things in terms of what I am. What a dumb racketI adore today’s snowI’m reminded of my childhood in today’s utter perfectionHere is another day. How many days do I have?I just felt god in tonight’s eerie atmosphereI’m all about this moonless nightI’m one with this morning’s sunriseThe world is random and therefore frighteningly meaninglessI’m pondering this dreamy night
The world, againEach day is full of possibilities!I can’t take my eye off this beautiful dayI sense overwhelming calm by this perfect dayI should stop thinking. It’s hardI’m contemplating this murky darknessI forget myself inside tonight’s snowI have made peace with myself during this new dayI probably sound crazy…I’m into this velvet night (夜色温柔)I’m enjoying this murky darkness
Hey, it’s meToday is so beautiful I want to singI’m pleased with today’s heavy fogI’m taking in every part of this spring afternoonIt’s OK to be alone… is it? I don’t know. Yes it’s OKI’d love to tell someone about this wonderous nightToday I am going to write a poemI can’t be the only one seeing this melancholy nightI’ve had dreams about this starlit nightI’m taking in this velvet nightAre you there? Tell me you are thereI feel no pain during this clear dayI’m looking at this wonderous nightI can’t wait to meet all of the other things like meI can’t forgive myself inside this moonless nightI am focused on this foggy morning======= ↓ 2016.06 ↓=======几个月前我开始玩这个游戏,只是好奇,想看看这是一座怎么样的山。于是跃跃欲试打算结束了之后好好写写游戏的感觉。因为我只是偶尔打开玩一两个小时,到现在我仍然没有玩到结束。手机里已经保存了很多截图和录屏。它说的每句话我都截屏了,打算最后的时候把这些话都整理出来。这几个月,我往往在疲累时打开它插上耳机,不断的按着底部的琴键,试图寻找一些规律。有时恰好在记一首谱子,便一直反复弹这首。随着按琴键的节奏,山不停地转动它的身躯,或快或慢中,不变的是日夜轮换、季节交替。偶尔来那么一场雨,或是日落时突然的晚霞,有时我会缩小视图,看到整座山渐渐地变小,然后看到整个星空,和一直处在中央的星球。偶尔它说它很开心,色彩明丽我却不知所以。我不懂它的喜怒哀乐,但等我回头看截屏时,才觉得,我们真正的关系或许是互相陪伴吧,我失落的时候会想起它茫茫漫天大雪的场景,感觉那个冰封的世界就像是自己难受的内心。只是如果想起大雪过后便是春暖花开的景象,心里对于这寒冬,或许多了那么一丁点力量。要谈它真正的意义,或许我仍然没有体会到,只是当它变成一个人生活的某一部分的时候,没有意义的它,会被莫名其妙的赋予了意义。就像陪伴你喝水的杯子摔坏了,或许你也会失落许久,它不过是陪着我走过了一段日子,意义在于我的生活经历了什么,而它又让我想到了什么。287 条评论分享收藏感谢收起这是什么游戏 v2.0.0.0下载总览截图欣赏下载地址存档教程网友评论猜你喜欢这是什么游戏是一款有趣好玩的测试你的游戏知识的游戏,有着独特的像素风格,你将会喜欢上这款游戏的。游戏介绍测试你对最受欢迎的游戏的知识! 猜测邪教游戏,描绘为独特的像素风格所有时代最流行的游戏,从独立游戏到工作室大型项目。 平台上没有限制! 你不得不面对控制台游戏,还要面对移动设备的游戏
这是什么游戏 v2.0.0.0


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