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Includes 75 Steam Achievements
Title: Craft The World
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Release Date: 24 Nov, 2014
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25 December, 2017
+ Added constructions for training combat skills of dwarves: dummies for warriors, targets for archers and magical spheres for mages. A dwarf can be sent to practice by clicking on it and selecting the appropriate command in the context menu, also by using the button in the equipment dialog or by pressing CTRL+T for several dwarves at once.+ Inside the abandoned underground rooms are added doors with treasures (level restart is needed), which can only be opened by collecting a certain combination of runes. Doors are additionally guarded by stone gargoyles and giant mechanical golems.+ Added New Year content: themed clothes for zombies and green goblins, Christmas tree, decorations for home and cookies.+ Added improved archers towers, sheathed with iron, they have more protection and damage.+ Added magic transmitters that reduce mana cost when moving away from the main stockpile. For campaign levels has been added a small drain of mana.+ Added 5 new pennants to decorate the house, corresponding to 5 hard-to-receive achievements in single game mode.+ Added new items of equipment: rings and amulets, giving different bonuses. They can only be found inside abandoned underground rooms.+ Many changes in recipes (in most cases - in the direction of simplification): planks, arrows, oil, dishes, threads, cloth, fences, wooden bridge, rails, wheel, catapult, additional stockpile.+ Improved direct control of the chosen dwarf.+ Improved dwarves pathfinding. Corrected the behavior of dwarves when fishing.+ Fixed some cases of generating a world without a room with the portal.+ Opened doors inside secret rooms can now be destroyed.+ The conditions for obtaining the achievement Naturalist have been changed from studying all creatures to study more than 50 creatures.+ The server now has the ability to change the speed of the multiplayer game.+ Fixed a duplication of objects at a time when the dwarf and imp simultaneously took one object.+ Fixed group selection of blocks with the SHIFT button.+ Fixed: dwarf digged the ladder instead of the back block when you select it in the context menu.+ Fixed: biomes did not show resource icons when camera moves away from blocks.+ Fixed: fishes did not allow to fill up pond with blocks.+ Fixed: dwarves could not jump into the portal hanging in the air next to the block.+ Fixed: extension of the farm fence sometimes caused releasing some animals.+ Workout speed was increased in 2 times.+ Increased the delay of the arrival of a new pet instead of the deceased one.+ Many other minor fixes and improvements.
31 October, 2017
Update 1.4.011+ Dwarves can now sleep without beds, but their health is restored much more slowly.+ Added displaying of icon of current work and path arrows for the selected dwarf.+ Added additional animations for dwarves.+ Furniture and workbenches can now be broken by monsters at the dwarves’ shelter.+ Improved AI of monsters, now large monsters can also break blocks to clear a passage.+ A progress indicator was added to the mining blocks, which allows you to better track the completion time.+ In the Grunt’s shop you can buy additional mechanisms that simplify the full conquering of the world: the mana generator - accelerating mana regeneration, mana storage - increasing maximum reserve of mana and portal gates - allowing to maintain a constant web of active portals.+ In the 4th world “The land of dangerous caves” secret rooms have also been added.+ Added new backgrounds for the biomes of forest and cave worlds.+ Improved the interface of the game: the settings dialog, the appearance of text labels and time.+ Optimized performance.+ Added many other minor fixes and improvements in the balance of the game, recipes, sounds, controlling of dwarves, tutorial.
About This Game
Craft The World is a unique sandbox strategy game, the
mix of Dungeon Keeper, Terraria and Dwarf Fortress.Explore a random generated world populated by dangerous creatures, build a dwarf fortress, gather resources, and craft all the items, weapons, and armor you need.GOD-SIMULATIONYou control a tribe of dwarves by giving them commands to dig in certain places, attack enemy creatures, and build houses and other structures. You'll need to provide your dwarves food and clothing, as well as help them with magic when fighting against other inhabitants of the world. You start the game with one dwarf and gain additional dwarves as your experience level increases.SANDBOX GAMEEach game level has many layers of earth to explore, from the sky down to boiling subterranean lava. The level is randomly generated as an island, restricted by natural boundaries: oceans on the edges, lava beneath it, and the sky above. Other features include day and night and changing weather conditions. The worlds differ in size, humidity, temperature, terrain, and flora and fauna. Abandoned halls and rooms with treasure are hidden somewhere deep within the islands.CRAFTINGOne feature of the game is a user-friendly system of recipes for crafting. The recipes are organized and easily accessible. You can craft dozens of different items: building blocks for houses, furniture, decorations, weapons, armor, ammunition, and food for your dwarves.RTSAt the outset you find the recipes for basic tools and items, and build a small house with places to sleep and eat. Then, the size of the tribe increases and catches the attention of other inhabitants of the world. Most of them are night creatures and dwell underground. The worlds are full of fantasy creatures like zombies, skeletons, goblins, beholders, ghosts, giant spiders, and others. Some of them pay little attention to the dwarves, as long as the dwarves do not come into their field of vision. Others gather into quite large groups and try to break into the dwarves’ residence.TOWER DEFENSEEspecially dangerous are the waves of monsters that appear from time to time from portals. So, do not neglect to build a safe haven with strong walls and numerous trapdoors, cells, firing towers, and secret passageways.MAGICAs a divine being, you possess various spells. You can speed up the movement of the dwarves, open small portals, illuminate dark caves to scare away monsters, evoke natural magic in the form of rain or tree growth, hurl fireballs at the monsters’ heads, and find useful resources and hidden rooms underground, thereby helping to speed up resource extraction, exploration of the world, and the population growth of your assistants.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows XP or laterProcessor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core CPUMemory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: Intel GraphicsDirectX: Version 9.0Storage: 200 MB available space
Recommended:OS: Windows 7 or laterProcessor: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPUMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: 512 MB graphics memory (Radeon HD 4600, GeForce 8600)DirectX: Version 9.0Storage: 200 MB available space
Minimum:OS: 10.6Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core CPUMemory: 1 GB RAMStorage: 200 MB available space
Recommended:OS: 10.9Processor: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPUMemory: 4 GB RAMStorage: 200 MB available space
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View mobile websiteSteam夏促刚结《迸发》厂商的折扣又开始了Steam夏促刚结《迸发》厂商的折扣又开始了07073单机游戏百家号Steam夏季特惠刚刚结束,又有一波新的优惠到来。Focus Home nInteractive旗下25款游戏及DLC在7月6日上架杉果,同时杉果开启了为期一周的Focus厂商周活动。Focus是一家法国厂商,和我们熟悉的另一家法国公司育碧不同,n旗下作品都是一些中等规模的游戏,这些游戏既有着独立作品的创新玩法,又有着接近3A游戏的高画质表现。公司与《战锤》及《战锤40k》的开发商GamesnWorkshop合作密切,推出了多款相关题材游戏作品,如《莫德海姆:诅咒之城》与《太空战舰:死亡之翼》等,同时最近推出的《迸发》(ThenSurge)颇受欢迎。Focus Home Interactive厂商周折扣游戏如下:太空战舰:死亡之翼 | 原价:170 | 杉果限时折扣价:127《太空战舰:死亡之翼》是一款类《求神之路》的科幻射击游戏,游戏中玩家扮演《战锤40k》中的星际战士成员,探索一艘被外星生物占领的巨大太空战舰。作为学士的玩家在游戏中可以学习到各种技能强化角色,让探险旅程逐渐变得更加有趣。模拟农场2017 | 原价:200 | 杉果限时折扣价:180顾名思义,《模拟农场2017》是一款让玩家扮演农夫,经营自己农场的游戏。和《牧场物语》或是《星露谷物语》不同,《模拟农场》系列中的农场有着全套的现代化农业设备,身在其中的你可以体验到当一名现代农场主的特别乐趣。机械巫师 | 原价:178 | 杉果限时折扣价:89《机械巫师》是一款后启示录风格的动作角色扮演游戏,动作要素,三系技能,深度的锻造系统,可被玩家选择影响的世界,一切优秀美式RPG中应有的要素在这款游戏中全部具备。职业自行车队经理2016 | 原价:120 | 杉果限时折扣价:60和《足球经理》一样,《职业自行车队经理2016》也是一款管理运动队参与比赛的游戏,对公路自行车运动有兴趣的玩家不妨了解一下这款游戏。哥特舰队:阿玛达 | 原价:112 | 杉果限时折扣价:56《战锤40K》题材游戏《哥特舰队:阿玛达》将男人们大舰巨炮的梦想延续到了太空,开着太空战舰进行排炮齐射的畅快在这款游戏里表现的淋漓尽致。冥河:暗影大师 | 原价:152 | 杉果限时折扣价:38《冥河:暗影大师》是一款硬核潜行游戏,虽然身为地精的主角长相实在抱歉,但是游戏可玩性与关卡设计都非常出众。另外,《冥河:暗影大师》的续作《冥河:黑暗碎片》也上架了杉果,但似乎并没有打折,可能要等到杉果夏促期间才能放出折扣了。火焰限界 | 原价:80 | 杉果限时折扣价:20《火焰限界》同样是Focus推出的一款一款美式RPG作品,讲述了被火焰恶魔占据的主角的冒险故事。游戏中玩家必须在利用恶魔的力量和保持自己的人形之间做出平衡。虽然本作的名气不大,但是各方面系统都较为完善。太空疾行:银河 | 原价:85 | 杉果限时折扣价:42《太空疾行:银河》是一款科幻塔防游戏,玩家在自己的太空运输船上修建炮塔执行保卫工作,阻止敌对方与海盗的袭击,通过货物和攻击、防御、推进炮塔的合理安排保证任务的完成。怒火橄榄球 | 原价:38 | 杉果限时折扣价:15《怒火橄榄球》是一款《战锤》背景的策略游戏,虽然被包装成了一款橄榄球游戏,但玩家的实际游玩过程都是在打人而不是打球。怒火橄榄球2 | 原价:178 | 杉果限时折扣价:71《怒火橄榄球2》是初代游戏的进化版,相比原作在画面上有很大的进步,除了在赛场上的对抗之外,游戏中还有球队管理等内容。莫德海姆:诅咒之城 | 原价:112 | 杉果限时折扣价:38同样以《战锤》世界为背景的《莫德海姆:诅咒之城》是一款十分硬核的策略游戏,游戏中玩家要从几大种族中宣促一个组建战团,带领战团征战四方。游戏的玩法类似《XCOM》,但是难度极高,即使是熟谙《XCOM》系列的玩家仍然可能在这款游戏中体会到更深的恶意。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。07073单机游戏百家号最近更新:简介:07073单机游戏,新鲜有趣的单机游戏媒体。作者最新文章相关文章


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