
Black Ops 2 II - Weapons ListHere you will find all the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 multiplayer weapons for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U and PC versions. Unlike in previous Call of Duty games, the new
system allows you to choose your weapon loadout as you please - you can also opt-out and only use a combat knife, which gives you more room for perks and equipment.Each primary weapon in BO2 can carry 2 attachments, but the limit can be increased to 3 with a . Secondary weapons can only carry 1 attachment, but like with primary weapons, the amount can be increased with a . You can carry one Lethal and Tactical equipment, but there's a slot for an extra. Most of the
can be equipped with additional attachments with BO3 Wildcards.Each gun in the game has its own level and gains experience when it's used - guns can also gain individual Prestige levels. You'll need to gain experience with each gun to unlock new attachments, sight reticles, and camouflages. If you decide to Prestige, the guns won't reset and you'll be able to continue where you left off after you've unlocked them again.Primary BO2 WeaponsSecondary BO2 WeaponsEquipment投稿:9粉丝:187分享3dynmicweibozoneqqbaidu将视频贴到博客或论坛视频地址复制Flash地址复制Html地址复制微信扫一扫分享收藏1硬币4稍后看马克一下~用手机看转移阵地~用或其他应用扫描二维码手机下视频请使用扫码若未安装客户端,可直接扫此码下载应用看过该视频的还喜欢miniOFF


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