谁国能发新能 2017 31号个真正的PC版的GTA san Andreas HD ?

NEW GTA San Andreas HD Remastered! NEW Rockstar GTA GAME! (GTA 5Dota-在线观看-风行网
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For a game with such a big world, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas starts in a pretty personal place. In the first mission, Carl Johnson silently mourns his recently deceased mother. Thanks to the upgraded textures and higher resolution (all the way up to 720p!), I could see pain in his face that wasn't apparent a decade ago. In the second, CJ reunites with his estranged brother and sister, but the audio cut out after a few seconds, interrupting the bittersweet moment. That's a pretty good encapsulation of what this re-release of San Andreas brings to the table: it’s the same great story and setting, bolstered by relatively sharp visuals but also hamstrung by new technical issues.
Just about every Grand Theft Auto since the series went 3D attempts to mix emotion with carnage and comedy, but none has nailed the balance as well as San Andreas. Carl Johnson's adventure has plenty of betrayal and redemption, but there's plenty of good-natured ribbing amongst friends as well as offbeat interactions with some of the city's weirder inhabitants, like a weak-willed hardcore rapper and a conspiracy spouting hippie. The range of activities while the running, gunning, and driving of previous GTAs is still at the heart of San Andreas, the amount of physical activities, minigames, and gambling just a short drive away is still impressive today. Most extracurricular activities are quickly introduced and rarely overstay their welcome, save San Andreas' insistence on making CJ's health reliant on side activities like working out and visiting restaurants. It's worth noting that this is the first Xbox version of San Andreas to incorporate Achievements, so if notifications and meta-points happen to give you additional motivation, you might find additional reason to explore, experiment, and complete the campaign. When it comes to that campaign, San Andreas is a bit less of a hassle than it used to be. While the auto-aiming system remains as troublesome as ever and some of the missions you'll have to complete can be amongst the series' hardest (particularly the train-chasing sequence with Big Smoke, and Zero's maddening RC helicopter escapades), but a new checkpoint system allows for immediate retries after a failed mission. The two key benefits are that you don't need to worry about the loss of weaponry and armor that comes with being arrested, or endure the sometimes-long “drive of shame” back to the mission marker. In a few cases, you can even pick up midway through an objective. Those cases are rarer than they should be, however given how long some missions run, boring drives from the mission start point still happen far too frequently. Even though it's a far cry from the retry-friendly checkpoints in GTA V, San Andreas' system is way better than it was a decade ago. The same can't be said about the UI, which has been directly lifted from the iOS version of San Andreas. Finding a particular bit of info, whether it be a stat, option, or objective takes an extra button press than before (whereas you'd previously just scroll through the categories and see the information), and the map is confusingly omnipresent, but the menu buttons and can't be moved until you activate it with the back button. You'll have to do that often, as the static section of the map rarely fits in enough of the world to discern a proper path to your destination amongst San Andreas' entwined highways and loopy dirt roads.
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& The sights and sounds of San Andreas are the best they've ever been on consoles, but those come with the biggest caveats. While improved textures make the world more vibrant, signs more readable, and characters (slightly) less puppet-like, you'll have to deal with a surprisingly choppier framerate. It's usually manageable, only really manifesting when the camera is moved around quickly or too many cars are on the road, but it can become distracting when it plays out during action sequences. There's also that issue of audio suddenly muting during cutscenes roughly 10 percent of the time, which is stranger than the graphical issues since San Andreas' epic soundtrack and star-studded vocal performances haven't been altered.
This new version of San Andreas comes with a few unexpected performance issues that’re surprising considering how far we’ve come in the past 10 years, but it some new conveniences make some of the most frustrating missions a little less of a pain to endure. The Xbox 360 might not be the best way to get to San Andreas as a result, but there are certain perks to choosing this route.
GTA: San Andreas now has Achievements, checkpoints, and 720p on Xbox 360, but its UI and performance are disappointing.
Still-great setting
Texture upgrades
Framerate issues
Unguided navigation
IGN RecommendsNEW GTA San Andreas HD Remastered! NEW Rockstar GTA GAME! (GTA 5Dota-在线观看-风行网
播放:3,1781. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
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1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
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地区(语言):&美国(英语) 发行时间:&2004年
专辑类型:Soundtrack 唱片公司:Interscope Records 压缩比率:VBR 专辑介绍: GRAND THEFT AUTO: SAN ANDREAS, OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK BOX SET: This ...
收藏人数: 79
专辑中文名:&侠盗猎车: 圣安地列斯-OST专辑英文名:&Grand Theft Auto San Andreas OST艺术家:&资源格式:&MP3版本:&8CD豪华版地区:&语言:&简介:&
阳光明媚、白云朵朵、车水马龙……是的,玩家们所熟悉的那个GTA世界又回来了,《San Andreas》将游戏舞台由《GTA:VC》的佛罗里达州的迈阿密移至加利福利亚州,并收录了加州三大城市:洛杉矶(游戏中改称Los Santos)、旧金山(游戏中改称San Fierro)与拉斯维加斯(游戏中改称Las Venturra)。Los Santos的特点是天气比较晴朗,有沙尘的感觉时而也会有暴雨;San Fierro是被大雾笼罩的都市;Las Venturas有着清新的空气和迷眼的灯光;乡村当然是一个暖和自然的地方。加州又称金州,作为美国最富裕的洲,同时也是全世界最富裕的地区之一。游戏背景设定在90年代早期,加州史上最荒唐和扭曲的年代,赤裸裸的金钱欲望和贫富悬殊的巨大差异让这个地区充满了动荡不安,种族歧视也成了一条随时可能燃着的导火索。当时最大的有15000个黑帮分子在街头博命,疯抢贩毒与赌场的地盘。而作为执法者,警察似乎是整个动物园(加州)中的驯兽师,生杀予宰,只手遮天。平民敢怒不敢验,终于,在4名白人警察殴打黑人罗德尼.金后,洛杉矶引发了暴乱。一些贫民窟被付之一炬。烧杀抢略乱作一团,纸醉金迷的洛杉矶成了风暴的中心……  
粗犷而不失细致 此前,曾有报道说Rockstar派出了很多工作人员进行了实地调研取景,从游戏中也可验证这一点,维妙维肖的城市风景,还有许多似是而非的着名建筑物(如金门大桥,好莱坞等等)和布局都能让人产生无限遐想。令我感受至深的是游戏的地图之大,可谓系列之最。城市和乡村之间有了过渡,不像过去那样突兀了。传统的写实风格在本作有着浓烈种族背景下变得更发粗犷,随处可见的肌肉比坚尼女郎、肚满肠肥的臃肿男子……形态各异的NPC构成了异常独特的风景线。  
音乐和音效向来是GTA系列的强项,本作也不例外,电台还是很丰富的,并非此前一些网友误传的那样只有一个电台可供选择,只是按键设定变了而已,音乐风格依旧多变且精彩,总能找到一种风格是适合玩家的,EA近年来的FIFA等体育游戏也是采用了此种设定,非常体贴。但这方面,似乎只有PC版才更有优势了,毕竟,热心的DIY高手制作出风格各异的MOD能使GTA的世界变得更精彩,趣味性也得以增强,玩家做得只是最简单的-尽情发挥自己的想象力和YY精神,笑。但索尼与发行方Take-Two有着独占协议,只有等明年5月的协议期满,DIY高手才能在PC版《San Andreas》的舞台上一展才华了。游戏中的音效更细致和到位了。粗口、调笑、骂人、俗语、等语音都能在NPC的互动中体现出来,很好地反映了人物的性格特点。  
零距离接触-感受《San Andreas》 
互动性和自由度、丰富的交通工具向来是GTA系列的卖点,本作也不例外,非线性的自由任务和主线都是靠玩家的自由活动来推进流程的。动态AI系统和协作AI系统的引入让游戏显得更人性化和智能化了。所谓动态AI系统,就是与《分裂细胞》那样,NPC和对手会根据你的行动自行调节AI的反应和行动,形象些说就是狐狸对狐狸,憨企鹅对笨鸭子,笑。而协作AI系统则是AI控制的同伴如何配合玩家的行动。通过与NPC的交流互动,想成为黑帮头目不断吞噬地盘,巩固地盘、暗杀……像前不久的《纽约街头教父(Def Jam Fight For NY)》那样;还是做些经营,接送和运输的正常工作……都由玩家自行选择。这些方面都保留了GTA系列一惯的优良传统。  
交通工具比前作更多是GTA的传统,大到重型的货柜大卡车,小到BMX越野自行车,还有各种用途的工具车,花样百出的海陆空交通工具越来越齐全了,玩家可以从不同的角度和参观圣安德列斯的世界。也同时为热爱YY的玩家提供了很好的表演舞台。由于BMX越野自行车小巧便利,在一些狭小的街道巷子里,可以起到汽车所无法达到的作用。即使在拥挤的马路也能穿梭自如,同时,利用MX越野自行车灵活的特点,你还能在高速公路和立交桥上制造出类似《横冲直撞3(Burnout 3 Takedown)》里面那样的汽车连环追尾相撞的交通事故,虽然效果没那么夸张,但只要时机合适,场面同样相当壮观。  
吃喝住行是生活中不可缺少的基本要素,既然GTA源于生活,在游戏中加入与卡尔身体状态息息相关的元素也在情理之中,由于加强了与健身房、美容院、餐厅等场所的互动,强化肌肉、DIY造型如发型和服饰,进食等行动都能随心所欲。驾驶、射击、搏斗等等方面的经验积累都能使卡尔的能力得到提升。虽然视点上还有一些问题,动作也还是稍显僵硬,但增加了锁定设置后,游戏的搏斗和射击部分也变得更成熟了,战斗技巧和更自由的武器使用非常到位。防御的设定,更丰富的视点和动作是进步的有力证明。希望续作能在这方面继续强化。RPG和育成的元素更丰富了,很多场所都不再是摆设而已。你也可以在街上涂鸦,说不定,能成为着名的街头艺术家呢。驾救护车救人、做赌场大亨、成为警察或消防员、又或是经营酒吧……前作中已经非常丰富的人生道路在本作中又再次升华了。任务的种类更丰富了,也更趋于成熟了。类似RPG的状态设定很有研究的必要。这是非常值得欣喜的。虽然还有一些不足,AI强化也只是相对而言,画面整体并无很大改善,还有许多需要强化的地方,但《San Andreas》的进步让我们看到了GTA旺盛的生命力。下一作会是《GTA IV》吗?  
CD101. Bounce FM - Intro
00:0802. Kool And The Gang - Hollywood Swingin'
03:2703. Rick James - Cold Blooded
05:5604. The Gap Band - You Dropped A Bomb On Me
05:0705. Cameo - Candy
05:4606. Ronnie Hudson - West Coast Poplock
05:2607. You're On Bounce FM - Commercial
00:1108. Zapp - I Can Make You Dance
03:5909. Dazz Band - Let It Whip
04:4310. Roy Ayers - Running Away
03:1011. Ohio Players - Funky Worm
02:4012. Maze - Twilight
06:3813. That Was Bounce FM - Commercial
00:1214. Glory Hole Theme Park - Fun With Strangers
00:5015. Eris Pump Up Shoes - Commercial
CD201. Playback FM - Intro
00:1302. Public Enemy - Rebel Without A Pause
05:0203. Brand Nubian - Brand Nubian
04:3704. Slick Rick - Children's Story
03:5805. You're On Playback FM - Commercial
00:0606. Eric B. And Rakim - I Know You Got Soul
04:4307. Rob Base And DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two
04:4508. That Was Playback FM - Commercial
00:1109. Kid Frost - La Raza
03:2710. The D.O.C. - It's Funky Enough
04:2911. Da Lench Mob - Guerillas In Tha Mist
04:2612. Compton's Most Wanted - Hood Took Me Under
03:3913. Cypress Hill - How I Could Just Kill A Man
04:0714. 2 Pac - I Don't Give A [内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]
04:1915. Ice Diamonds - Commercial
00:4816. Commando Pest Eradication - Commercial
CD301. Master Sounds 98.3 - Intro
00:1702. James Brown - The Payback
07:3703. The Chakachas - Jungle Fever
04:2104. Lyn Collins - Think About It
03:2105. Bobby Byrd - I Know You Got Soul
04:4106. Charles Wright - Express Yourself
03:5107. Maceo And The Macks - Cross The Tracks
(We Better Go Back)08. You're On Master Sounds 98.3 - Commercial
00:2009. Sir Joe Quarterman And Free Soul -
(I Got) So Much Trouble In My Mind10. The J.B.'s - Grunt
03:3111. Harlem Underground Band - Smokin' Cheeba Cheeba
07:3412. James Brown - Funky President
04:0813. Booker T And The Mg's - Green Onions
02:5214. That Was Master Sounds 98.3 - Commercial
00:1615. Cluckin' Bell - Commercial
00:4916. Zebra Bar - Fun To Try
CD401. K-Rose - Intro
00:1202. Willie Nelson - Crazy
03:5803. Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
02:5404. Conway Twitty And Loretta Lynn - Louisiana Woman,
Mississippi Man05. Statler Brothers - Bed Of Roses
02:2406. You're On K-Rose - Commercial
00:0907. Jerry Reed - Amos Moses
02:1708. Eddie Rabbit - I Love A Rainy Night
03:0809. Whitey Shafer - All My Ex's Live In Texas
03:1910. Ed Bruce - Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To
Be Cowboys11. Merle Haggard - Always Wanting You
03:0612. Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In The Ashtray
02:1413. That Was K-Rose - Commercial
00:0714. Logger - Commercial
00:3215. Starfish Resort And Casino - Commercial
CD501. CSR 103.9 - Intro
00:1002. Guy - Groove Me
04:3003. Today - I Got The Feeling
03:4704. Bobby Brown - Don't Be Cruel
06:4705. En Vogue - My Lovin' (Never Gonna Get It)
04:4106. Wrecks-N-Effect - New Jack Swing
03:3707. Boyz II Men - Motownphilly
03:5508. You're On CSR 103.9 - Commercial
00:1009. Belly Biv Devoe - Poison
04:2210. Samuelle - So You Like What You See
04:5711. SWV - I'm So Into You
04:3712. Aaron Hall - Don't Be Afraid
05:1813. Ralph Tresvant - Sensitivity
04:3914. That Was CSR 103.9 - Commercial
00:0815. Renegade Cologne - Commercial
00:4916. The Epsilon Program - Covet
CD601. K-JAH - Intro
00:1102. Max Romeo And The Upsetters - Chase The Devil
03:2503. Barrington Levy - Here I Come
03:4304. Black Uhuru - Great Train Robbery
05:5305. Blood Sisters - Ring My Bell
07:5706. Toots And The Maytals - Funky Kingston
04:5407. Augustus Pablo - King Tubby Meets The Rockers
Uptown08. You're On K-JAH - Commercial
00:1109. Pliers - Bam Bam
04:0410. Dillinger - Cocaine In My Brain
02:4511. Black Harmony - Don't Let It Go To Your Head
07:1812. Reggie Stepper - Drum Pan Sound
03:2413. The Maytals - Pressure Drop
03:4214. That Was K-JAH - Commercial
00:1115. Sooth Cough Medicine - Commercial
00:5716. Wrestling On Weazel - Commercial
CD701. K-DST - Intro
00:0702. Heart - Barracuda
04:2103. Kiss - Strutter
03:1004. Boston - Smokin'
04:2005. Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind Of Wonderful
03:2206. Joe Cocker - Woman To Woman
04:2707. Humble Pie - Get Down To It
03:2408. You're On K-DST - Commercial
00:1009. America - A Horse With No Name
04:0810. The Who - Eminence Front
05:4011. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
09:0512. Eddie Money - Two Tickets To Paradise
03:5713. Rod Stewart - Young Turks
05:0214. That Was K-DST - Commercial
00:1215. Midlife Crisis Center - Commercial
01:1116. San Andreas Telephone - New Father
CD801. Radio X - Intro
00:1302. Soundgarden - Rusty Cage
04:2603. Helmet - Unsung
03:5604. Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
04:1705. Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
05:1006. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
05:1307. You're On Radio X - Commercial
00:1008. Living Colour - Cult Of Personality
04:5309. Danzig - Mother
03:2510. Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
04:5411. Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing
03:3112. L7 - Pretend We're Dead
03:5313. That Was Radio X - Commercial
00:1014. My Five Uncles - Commercial
00:5715. Exsorbeo Handheld Gaming System - Commercial


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