
独角兽文化,是一家策划包装新声代的公司,主要致力于制作原创音乐、 流行音乐 ,以及包装经营艺人等项目。公司拥有国内优秀的团队,优秀的媒体传播模式、丰富的音乐版权及媒体资源,立志成为文化事业及传媒领域中的新锐主力军。
独角兽企业日益国际化 5家中国企业榜上有名
译者:连晨佳 原文来源:
全球独角兽俱乐部由189家私人公司组成,截至日,每家公司的平均价值均超过十亿美元。 这批世界上最有价值的民营企业总价值约6590亿美元,其中大部分份额由位于美国的公司所持有。 事实上,世界独角兽公司中有52%位于美国,美国独角兽公司占全球独角兽俱乐部累计估值的53%。
然而,美国以外的独角兽公司近年来一直在增长:2014年达到十亿美金以上估值的所有公司(包括现在和过去的独角兽)中有37%位于美国以外地区。 2015年达到独角兽状态的所有公司中有53%位于美国以外的地区。 2016年,这一数字再次上升至58%。2017年到目前为止,已有11家公司加入了全球独角兽俱乐部,其中有8家在美国境外。
我们使用CB Insights数据库,绘制了自2013年以来,每个地点(美国与非美国)所占的新增独角兽公司份额,以及目前在美国以外的价值十亿美元的私人公司的地点。
在2013年,超过70%的获得独角兽身份的公司是美国的。 自2013年以来,每年在全球独角兽俱乐部增加的以美国为基地的独角兽的份额已经下降。 在2016年,加入俱乐部的公司中有42%是美国的,而美国以外的则为58%。
2017年到目前为止,加入到俱乐部的8个非美国独角兽公司包括:Avaloq Group(瑞士),ReNew Power Ventures(印度),BrewDog(英国)和中国公司:今日头条,NIO,OfO,URWork以及知乎。
The global unicorn club is comprised of 189 private companies that are each valued at $1B+ as of 4/10/2017. Collectively, this cohort of the world's most valuable private enterprises is worth approximately $659B. The lion's share of that value is held by companies that are located in the US. In fact, 52% of the world's unicorn companies are located in the US, and US unicorns comprise 53% of the cumulative valuation of the global unicorn club.
However, unicorns that are located outside of the US have been proliferating in recent years: Thirty-seven percent of all companies (current and past unicorns) that achieved a $1B+ valuation in 2014 were based outside the US. The following year, 53% of all the companies that reached unicorn status that year were based outside of the US. In 2016, that number increased again to 58%. So far in 2017, there have been 11 companies added to the 8 are based outside of the US.
Using CB Insights' database we charted the share of unicorns that have been added to the club each year since 2013 by location (US vs. non-US). We also mapped the locations of current private companies valued at $1B+ that are based outside of the US.
In 2013, over 70% of the companies that achieved unicorn status that year were US-based. Each year since 2013, the share of new US-based unicorns added to the global unicorn club has gone down. In 2016, 42% of the companies added to the club were US-based vs. 58% from outside the US.
The 8 non-US based unicorns added to the club in 2017 so far, include: Avaloq Group (Switzerland), ReNew Power Ventures (India), BrewDog (United Kingdom) and the Chinese companies: Toutiao, NIO, Ofo, URWork, and Zhihu.
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