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Emily Wants To Play
开发者:SKH Apps
只能在 iOS 设备上通过 App Store 获取此 App。
Emily Wants to Play is a scary survival horror game where a pizza man is trapped by Emily and her three dolls. Emily Wants to Play is considered by some to be the scariest game they have ever played.====It’s 11pm, and you are at the last house on your route. The lights are on, and the front door is opened. But, the windows are all boarded up and the grass is overgrown. It seems like a strange place to deliver a pizza, but at least, it looks like someone is home.You run to the front door since it’s storming pretty bad. “Hello!? Your pizza's here!" You announce. No one answers. There's an eerie silence. You are getting soaked from the rain, so you hesitantly step inside the door and look around. The front door suddenly closes behind you. You just wanted to finish this last delivery and head home for the night. Now you must figure out how to get out of this creepy house. Freely roam the strange house and try to figure out what is going on. Three dolls and a strange girl named Emily will also start roaming the house as the hours toll by. Stay away from them, but if you do end up in a room with one, figure out how to stay alive. This may be your last pizza delivery.In the mobile version of Emily Wants To Play, a bad storm causes the power to go out right away. But don't worry, Emily is here to help. :)** PLEASE NOTE: Emily Wants To Play is only supported on the following devices:iPhone 5siPhone 6iPhone 6+iPhone 6siPhone 6+siPhone 7iPhone 7+iPad Air 1iPad Air 2iPad Mini 2iPad Mini 3iPad Mini 4iPod Touch 6th generation
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计?18.00类别: 版本: 1.0大小: 1.26 GB语言: 英语开发商: Shawn Hitchcock频繁/强烈的惊悚/恐怖题材频繁/强烈的卡通或幻想暴力兼容性: 需要 iOS 8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
更多SKH Apps的产品艾米丽想要和你玩(Emily Wants To Play)丨妈妈这里有个变态尾行我!_在线播放_最新视频高清在线观看 _ 爱酷网()友情提示&&&艾米丽想要和你玩(Emily Wants To Play)丨妈妈这里有个变态尾行我!9.65万播放源:发布时间:分类:游戏作者:中国BOY-Hans声明1、所有视频来源优酷网,我们只是进行分享,不存储任何视频。若对该视频内容有任何疑问或质疑(例如违规、侵权等),请与优酷网联系【反馈地址】,提供该视频ID号:XMTQ2MDkyNjQyOA==,或提供链接该视频在优酷网的播放链接地址:/v_show/id_XMTQ2MDkyNjQyOA==.html,若优酷网做出了删除操作,本网站将在24小时内自动删除;2、如果您的视频允许在优酷网播放,而不允许我站播放,请发送邮件到&&,并注明“不允许站外播放”,我们会在48小时内进行相关处理。猜你喜欢播放:10.73万播放:26.19万播放:18.3万播放:27.31万播放:24.09万播放:5.2万播放:29.07万播放:24.73万播放:81.7万播放:23.56万播放:23.59万播放:37.48万播放:60.53万播放:12.68万播放:20.5万播放:33.76万播放:39.33万播放:21.27万播放:22.22万播放:40.87万&&&&登录后你可以:
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