ingress egress怎么加入sticky

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freckle defect macula stipple submarine raft yawl yacht anchor kayak galley armada seafaring earing banner fencer bow cabin vehicle convertible barrow pan cullender stigma blemish dapple smirch submerge dredger skiff deck dinghy tugboat hovercraft harbor piscatorial mast rudder gangway hull hold automobile limousine coach skillet cleaver
(1)斑点 speckle speck fleck smudge
(2)船与船相关的物品 cruiser shallop keel winch propeller barge pier fleet hulk pennant helm hawser scuttle oar (3)车辆 glider flatcar buggy (4)炊具 goblet spoon (5)差异
dissimilitude discrepancy ambivalence
shade exception
distinction divergence (6)地理
atlas gazetteer miasma conlony resort domain locale corner patio bazaar 位置 zenith pinnacle reverse brink 景物 mirage vista seascape terrain marsh bog estuary shoal savanna
chart legend
地图 longitude 环境
biosphere hotbed hermitage purlieus locality outskirts terrace rendezvous nadir climax acme brim crepuscule envision panorama fallow mire swamp dune ford moor
doldrums habitat hinterland vicinage locus environs piazza
obverse summit apex flange twilight prospect effulgence 山川地形 loam morass oasis strand archipelago glade
plateau inclination puddle notch hummock ravine canyon crater ramification rapids cascade tarn maze entrance freeway harbor bulwark moat sewer alcove quarry cemetery pantry hangar barn residence shanty lodge sanitarium institution tepidarium
tableland incline patch precipice knoll gorge gulf cavern tributary rivulet eddy mere
cant acclivity detour crag mound gully strait downstream affluent brook vortex (7)房屋建筑等
labyrinth ingress intersection viaduct fastness fosse gutter niche forge sepulcher larder cellar vault abode hovel igloo refuge institute solarium
edifice egress alley aqueduct fort trench embankment recess tumulus necropolis kitchen repository repertory dormitory hut penitentiary asylum conservatory lavatory
boutique foyer ballroom bower spire podium beam rafter thatch plinth pen noose flagellum curb
attic lobby bleacher arbor pinnacle blinds girder frieze eaves stake palings sling lash harness
loft lounge arena kiosk steeple sill banister shingle buttress stockade lattice (8)放牧工具 saddle lasso goad (9)废物 残余 vestige junk remnant 碎片
oddment hangover trash relic detritus wreckage fasicine slice
remainder refuse litter debris tatter scrap lumber
fragment strip chunk 锈
patina cinder sediment
verdigris 渣滓 soot scum slag dross 屑
sawdust crumb shard
shavings splinter
filings sliver (10)法律
ordinance decree interdict regimentation filibuster frame-up infringement implication interrogation disbarment reprieve exemption subpoena writ testimony utensil facilities ingredient emulsion lubricant inhibitor hydrate
prescript edict stipulation regulation invoke contravention guilt imputation
法令 circular fiat constitution legislation commandment 违法 illegality larceny 处罚
lynch expulsion acquittal remission testament warrant jury doodad implement solvent galactagogue siccative distillate
deprivation internment immunity absolution 程序 authorization allegation trial (11)工具总称 apparatus gadget (12)化学品 reagent coagulant desiccant halitus
(13)混合物 mixture amalgam compound awl generator loom (15)建筑工具 pulley lever axis ailment astigmatism convulsion stupor derangement hysteria ulcer hemorrhage leprosy psychosis flatulence asphyxia arthritis pneumonia cholecytitis prurigo cynophobia frigidity idiopathy scaffold fulcrum hub (16)疾病 fracture measles automatism coma delirium dizzy tumor metrorrhagia leucocyte amnesia dyslexia insomnia hepatitis gastritis encephalitis dipsomania rabies impotence lkleptomania diabetes allergy hypnosis dysphoria distraught vertigo lump hypochondria scurvy anemia paralysis paranoia jaundice bronchitis diphtheria addiction plague gynephobia megalomania purchase guy blend concoction alloy (14)机器 auger dredger compressor hoist compost medley
inanition elite gist
torpor marrow tenor
nostalgia (17)精华 要点 quintessence burden (18)经济领域 经济常用词 inflation incorporation expiration 合同
reciprocity investment probation liquidation concord contract default reimbursement exchequer disbursement bonus pension ransom mortgage forfeit installment patronage portfolio ledger inventory
recession commodity internship
pact indenture liability deficit capitation espenditure dividend subsidy stake collateral expropriation remittance sponsorship stock list
compact deed 债务 obligation tariff levy 费用 rebate fare subvention 租赁 rent foreelosure moratorium drawback auspices 单据 lottery discography 赔偿
restitution requital peculation exaction asset pelf bequest perquisite monopoly
reparation remuneration appropriation extortion
compensation emolument embezzlement 资产
property lucre heritage prerogative patent
belongings bullion legacy 特权 privilege royalty (19)军事 军事战术
regiment infantry cordon stratagem recruit reprisal massacre incursion feint assail landslide ordnance munitions helmet trigger trajectory
legion chivalry sentry strategy levy duel carnage invasion foray onslaught fiasco arttillery fusillade mortar missile poniard
cavalcade armada crossfire foothold 征兵 enlist 行动 holocaust ultimatum armistice raid siege rout 武器 cannon accoutrement pistpl projectile stiletto
foil lance sheath ordeal travail woe calamity adversity predicament deadlock
baton haft scabbard scourge toil anguish distress extremity quandary stalemate
truncheon hilt holster (20)苦难与困境 parturition trauma agony affliction tickler hot water logjam (21)量 小量
crumb paucity speck 大量 chunk ruck slew nick laceration vent schism cleavage fissure
iota modicum
heap mort scads
plenitude batch (22)裂痕与裂口
gash incision dent rift cleft interstice
lesion aperture indentation slit crevice rent (23)贫富 贫穷 缺乏 不足
impoverish famine shortfall
poverty scarcity shortage
penury deficiency impecunious
straitened deviod abound teem pregnancy plethora lush abundant ample extra
necessitous exiguous
penurious 富有 充足
enrich satiety profusion surfeit prosperous gilded fulsome
satiate repletion affluence redundancy opulent copious otiose (24)其他设备
siren semaphore stilt sledge
tinder propeller barrier
filament loop hurdle (25)组织器官
vessel sphygmus corpuscle compiexion marrow pepsin slaver callus cavity esophagus huckleback liver intestine wviscera
aorta flatus leukemia countenance incretion hormone slobber scab molar fauces hump kideny cerebrum vestige
artery appendix membrane dimple bile insulin skull gore incisor larynx palate spleen cerebellum teat (26)器官组织与其他
mamilla temple ligament fetus cuticle 称谓 appellation alias cognomen paragon specimen personification memento loot testimonial maxim precept proverb bumper muffler gas pedal radiator fumes bouquent scent gustation
lobe rib torso ankle epidermis
bronchus brawn cadaver heel hypoderm (27)其他
compellation incognito surname
designationn pseudonym 典型
paradigm showpiece archetype souvenir garland memorial
epitome formula prototype 纪念品 scalp laurel 格言
gnome truism idiom clutch dynamo trunk axle odor aroma perfume acerbity
axiom motto tenet (28)汽车及相关组件 chassis steering-wheel accelerator piston (29)气味 stink fragrance relish
(30)人 dealer maestro canary tragedienne stuntman poetaster lampooner cartographer reaper opponent exponent fanatic accomplice suitor defendant accomplice peer consanguinity cotenant mentor incumbent scion sapling fledgling neophyte adept laity prankster sluggard delegate fop impresario composer vocalist comediam acrobat dauber playwright lexicographer mannequim adversary booster partisan attorney plaintiff respondent demagogue fraternity affine confidant preceptor spouse progeny stripling greenhorn novice dilettante laymen wag laggard benefactor dandy aesthete virtuoso personage ballerina conjurer author adapter cartwright gladiator antagonist votary adherent litigant indicter lessor petitioner subordinate sibling intimate disciplinarian progentitor posterity cub debutant rokkie amateur plague sloven hulk beneficiary prodigal
spendthrift nonentity nonesuch savant introvert dissident iconoclast harbinger stoic solitary stowaway flagellant retailer huckster bromide yokel negrophile lowbrow beholder ostrich lapidary gourmand agronomist coach sampler rudder forger chiropodist minion fag warden pawn
wastrel cipher nonoareil storehouse stickler pedant wanguard sphinx aspirant pedestrain refugee raconteur vendor vintner mediocrity yeoman snob snoop ideologue numismatist epicure glutton dietitian groom tanner craftsman seamstress menial thrall factotum custodian lackey
skinflint genius polyglot sage disputant nonconformist precursor doctrinaire hermit revenant perfectionist miller hawker chandler boor herdsman highbrow voyeur philatelist gourmet guttler spelunker bridegroom aviatrix proctor cobbler ancilla helot retinue janitor aid
parasite plebeia pauper villain cur curmudgeon convict fugitive shrew harridian pawnbroker voluptuary client craven infant wraith pygmy cripple dolt imbecile purpera ecdysiast verderer sovereign potentate despot emissary heir magnate parvenu celebrity literatus(literati)
hireling pariah mendicant hooligan mob fidget culprit hostage vixen fairy hustler addict clientele coward imp scrub dwarf moron twit loon nymph meretrix sheriff figurehead imperator vassal functionary heiress aristocrat upstart socialite shareholder
hack supplicant miscreant scamp brute insomniac felon host vamp arsonist magpie inebriate poltroon daredevil octogenerian minikin hubrid dunce idiot psychotic belle magistrate deputy monatch autocrat diplomat executive entrepreneur patrician laureate luminary populace
alien habitant rabble rudder interlocutor arbiter philanthropist hypocrite toady braggart martinet shammer charlatan fusilier infantry herald jingo apostate crate tub cistern mortar impedimentab
aboriginal ruck horde moderator intermediary nomad moralist lecher informer gushart malingerer impostor mercenary archer gorilla bodyguard malcontent renegade trunk harrel litterbin hamper sack
denizen constituent huddle pacifier insider vagabond prig respecter ingrate gusher baletudinarian moutebank sniper fencer sentry cadet mutineer traitor (31)容器 coffer receptacle ewer sieve haversack (32)人的情绪及动作 哭
howl whimper
chortle gibe(jibe) scoff
chuckle jeer derision
guffaw ridcule howler
taunt rag lark
mock rib snigger(snicker)
tease prank simper 动物 1.小动物 (33)生物
fawn lamb tiddler fledgling drove farrow hack buffalo hound goose piglet puma vixen chipmuck leopard jackal mamoth hedgehog hippocampus skunk vertbrate rodent reptiles crustacean
filly pullet minnow cub
colt yeanling kitten 2.家养或野生动物
herd litterbin jade bison cheetah gosling swine panther kangaroo squirrel lionesss lynx dormouse gazelle hippopotamus weasel
flock cattle steer cur falcon sow giraffe jagura sable vole tigeress hare badger leviathan mastodon 3.动物总分类
invertebrate mongrel finch prey
marsupial primate hexapod predator
folivore simian bhimpanzee bevy canary heron robin ostrick gawk parrot vulture
quarry 4.灵长类 ape gorilla 5.鸟类 flock penguin kingfisher magpie grouse owl peacock brood swan swift lark rooster thrush falcon 6.爬行类 baboon
lizard chameleon
terrapin 7.鱼类
minnow salmon mermaid
octopus perch
cuttlefish shoal 8.虫及甲壳类
oyster crayfish mosquito beetle dragonfly housefly caterpillar scorpion gadfly whale
ostracean prawn proboscis feelers flea bait larva locust wasp
clam lobster swarm butterfly pupa vermin tadpole crab 9.海洋类
walrus 植物 1.树
oak elm sallow seedling sapling
almond eucalyptus willow trunk
maple birch spruce bough 2.灌木
vegetation scrub
thicket 3.草木
tare fig orchid hibiscus herbaceous xerophyte mildew leaven
nettle gourd vanilla chrysanthemum liana phanerogam plankton yeast
ginger rhubarb 4.花 carnation balsam conifer fern 微生物 ephemeron 器官 1.植物器官 5.植物总分类
needle bark tuber rib tegument hull sprout
frond node stem gnarl chaff kernel sprig
foliage bud stalk rind pod scion twig
spear 2.动物器官 plume gossamer slough sting proboscis spawn hoof den roost corral kennel pestle skewer harrow screw mop anvil trowel razor scythe pincers spike wrench auger corksrew rake slot axe plumage test snout fang tusk roe talon 动物的巢穴 lair nestle fold fishery pendulum barbecue hoop handle gavel spatula plane shears forceps pliers tack crank sickle spanners lawnmower thread hammer burrow aviary pigsty hive (34)手工、五金工具及部件 gouge grill bolt knocker sledgehammer anvil saw snips clamp nippers screwdriver vice secateurs hoe bit washer punch fluff ecdysis tusk horn antenna carapce
scissors value hydrant artifact filigree arabesque textile upholstery bolster mosaic marionette tassel
blade throttle hosepipe
head (33)水管 sluice (36)手工艺品
forgery stencil sampler fabric couch cushion tapestry kaleidoscope fringe
porcelain die embroidery wreath four-poster canopy illumination antique lacework (37)石头 宝石
gem emerald amethyst gneiss granite
opal jade rhinestone
ruby verde 矿石
flint grit hone intellect turn
boulder monolith millstone forte flair
pebble meteorite grindstone (38)素质 knack (39)思想与行动 道德
probity patriotism nudism infatuarion nihilism empiricism contemplate meditate speculation pensive obeisance familiarity decorum conduct malapropism incivility discredit fallacy detriment inebriety brutality
integrity feminism celibacy insularity elitism plutolatry
rectitude optimism exhibitionism cynicism chauvinism 思考
muse ruminate cerebral ruminant endearment complaisance etiquette comportment
brood speculate deliberate ruminative 正面行为 intimacy deference deportment 负面行为
solecism impropriety forfeiture deficiency delinquency inertia
gaffe gaucherie offense foible ineptitude hardball (40)说话方式 赞扬
tribute benediction compliment
kudos euphemism
approbation eulogy 诅咒
imprecation 诽谤
personalities innuendo cannard
aspersion opprobrium
calumny invective 誓言
oath pretence concoction
affidavit pretext
perjury 借口 subterfuge 各种说法
articulate ejaculate reiterate babble stutter falsify twaddle euphemism
enunciate elaborate extemporize bumble utter equivocate locution
declaim reiterate murmur stumble gabble rave lobby 声音
euphony rotund cacophony raucous sibilant detonation shriek skirmish squabble
dulect resonant strident blare croak din shrill
mellifluous sonorous grating howl honk clack 争吵
hassle quebble (41)时间 短
ephemeral momentary
evanescent temporary
fleeting transitory
长 antiquity perpetuity permanent lapse fad aftermath incentive drudgery fluke bane longevity perennial everlasting flux anachronism (42)事件及后果 repercussion feedback grind freak particular incipience emergency makeshift irony specifics (43)天文 天气 mistral hurricane cataclysm deluge blizzard icicle havoc perigee galaxy cynosure eclipse plait toupee gust tornado conflagration monsoon avalanche fulmination scorcher apogee empyrean crescent implosion ringlet wig (45)文具 gale zephyr drizzle cloudburst landslide decomposition sizzler 天文学 magnitude ether corona nebula (44)头发 curls eon perpetual eternal 变化 vicissitude 错误
stationery canvas abscissa ammonia mean bisect calorie chlorine common counterclock-wise decagon dehydrate diameter distillation echo equation etching fathom frequency hexagon impetus infiltration intercept irrational lever magnetize maximum minus multiplication nozero
staple brush algebra arc arithmetic caffeine catalyst circumference divisor crystal decibel denominator dimension dividend elasticity equilateral exposure ferrous geometrician hoist impulse inflammability interior angle isosceles leverage margin median momentum multiplier nucleon
stapler palette (46)物理、数学和化学 altitude area progression calcium centrifuge clockwise common congruent cube decimal deseccate dissolved divisible ellipse equilibrium exuerior angle flammable gild hydrate inert inhibitor inersect lathe lumen mass membrane monthol multiply octagon
complementa-ry angle cone
osmosis percolate pigment polymer proportion quadrant radian reactant remainder rhombus sequence solder spectrum subtract summetry tie velocity width
overlab perimeter plane power pulley quadrilateral radius reagent resilience rigidty set solidity sphere sulfide tagent tiemes vibrance
oxidize permutation plasticity prime factor pulverize quantum ratio reciprocal resilient round slope solution square sum tension torque volume (47)文艺 乐器
clapper tambourine piccolo dulcimer viola accordion bugle scenario chorus
drum percussion saxophone harpsichord cello horn baton
stick bassoon oboe harp bow cornet 剧本
score orchestra
libretto 乐队 troupe 演出
premiere audition rendering
strum rehearsal
debut improviastion 艺术手法
verve diminuendo atonal note obbligato gamut piano timbre barition caricature pastel mural cursive
anvant-garde lento allegro phrase presto string forte soprano bass
perspective 音乐常识 pulsating vivace tonality moderato inflect staccato 音色 alto 绘画
collage etching taspstry
tableau cartoon 书法 雕塑
statuary statue effigy minuet choreography  fantasia finale rhapsody
colossus relief cornucopia
statuette bust 舞蹈 
pirouette terpsichorean
tango 乐曲
capriccio nocturne serenade
caprice canzonet sonata
symphony effigy aria duet choir recital
fugue jazz
prelude 歌剧
operetta trio descant
cantata quartet ensemble 戏剧
thespian prologue skit pageant strophe epigram eclogue paean keen impresario vocalist saga fiction log pillory guillotine
histrionics epilogue melodrama pantomime stanza epic lyric threnody lullaby pastiche percussionist legend travelogue autobiography manacle gallows
costume comedy burlesque repertoire 诗歌 doggerel ode verse dirge madrigal 其他与剧、乐有关 minstrel mellifluous 小说传记 anecdote memoir reminiscence fetter (49)学科 人文 社会 经济 (48)刑具
humanity bibliography
anthropology demography
chronology census
exogamy economy dermatology pediatrics psychiatry anatomy psychology
folklore plutonomy ophthalmology gynecology gastrology pharmacology
psephology jurisprudence 医疗 orthopedics gerontology obstetrics pathology
教育 饮食 卫生 pedagogy gastronomy athletics stratigraphy alluvium topography 农业 生态环境 agronomy morphology entomology paleontology symbiosis genetics acoustics ballistics 哲学  metaphysics methodology expertise ontology dichotomy lore agnostics infinity 技艺及其他 ken ecology histology ornithorlogy taxonomy stirp recessive photics meteorology 生物 botany mammalogy fauna stirpiculture dominant 科技 aeronautics didactics cuisine hygiene 地质 fault speleology tremor petrology hypnopedia domesticity
horticulture horology aesthetics etymology rhetoric pornography nomenclature stenography
apiculture equitation statuary philology elocution hieroglyph cant
zymurgy fencing choreography 语言文学 linguistics typology papyrology jargon 神学
mythorlogy theology astrology bug antenna fluorometry transformer reticule trawl harpoon veneer pitch cement satin linoleum suede hide mantle
hymnology homiletics horoscope astrolabe tactometer chronometer muffler snare creel hook papyrus crude adobe flax yarn fleece pelt
atheism arcanum chiromancy (50)仪器 abacus gouge chromatron mute (51)渔具 seine gaff barb
(52)原料与成品 parchment ferroconcrete timber linen skein rawhide (53)衣冠服饰 mackintosh panoply
robe apron apparel garment
vestment collar finery vestment
tuxedo cuff attire vesture (54)衣冠装饰品 折缝皱痕
pleat ruck ruga
ruffle wrinkle
crease furrow 帽子
veil bonnet epaulet medal
muffler hood chevron
scarf millinery 徽章 insignia 首饰
earring trinket perfume fillet girdle mitten
spangle bauble
torque 化妆品
emollient 其他 cravat sock glove (55)饮食 瓜果蔬菜 buckle lace
squash prune 饮料 potation vintage
beet acorn beverage
melon almond cider 肉类
mutton veal cuisine condiment pepper jam pastry cheese appetizer hunk desideratum victuals cereal forage oat
beef fillet instantize seasoning margarine polp
pork carrion 烹饪 fermentation 调味品 flavoring grease 食品
confection curd hors d'oeuvre loaf pabulum viands starch gleaning maize
icing gruel dainty necessity provisions fare provender granule (56)医疗 疾病特征
remittent remediable recuperate salutary
acute relapse recuperative
congenital inflamed 健康 restorative 医疗物品
splint hemostat incubator
tourniquet scalpel
ligature stethoscope 消毒
scald 治疗方法
vaccination dissection homeopathy quarantine gestation habitus nostrum anesthetic analgesic tranquilizer astringent balm vermicide iodine laxative venom antibody hue pallid purple sapphire pigment
inoculation clyster allopathy
immunity feticide 其他
incubation puberty dose panacea opiate painkiller bromide nicotine unguent preservative antidote vulnerary toxin antigen livid sallow megenda celeste
latency heyday prescription (57)药物 magistery soporific placebo stimulant ointment salve sanitizer cathartic irritant auxin vaccine
(58)颜色 颜料 rubicubd drab emerald magenta (59)语言及文学 标点符号 punctuation hyphen quotation motif apostrophe period parenthesis theme ellipsis comma brackets 作品结构 scheme
emendation digression
longueur 书籍
potpourri archives facsimile epitaph leaflet disquisition oration inception harangue seminar peroration glossography parable simile exaggeration induction illustration salutation acronym
primer dossier epistle scroll pamphlet
lexicon anthology holograph spool 论文
monograph discourse screed tirade colloquium ovation
treatise valediction heroics diatribe forum 散文 杂文
演讲 讨论 会议
parody chronicle
lampoon 修辞
metaphor emblem deduction
analogy embodiment 注解
annotation heading
gloss byline (60)娱乐 游戏 笑话 谜语
charade prestidigitation
rebus legerdemain
conundrum jigsaw 爱好 习惯
proclivity inclination groove
idiosyncrasy fondness
avocation habitude
节日 庆祝 宴会 gale carnival saturnalia tournament karate recess interlude 旅游 itinerary migration expedition exodus jaunt safari (61)政治 政权形式 oligarchy patriarchy autocracy 地位 throne estate regime sovereignty coercion tenure deposition honors stratum interregnum autonomy despotism 任期 investiture feat inauguration glimmick hierarchy clique 统治 anarchy ascendancy plutocracy matriarchy polyarchy gerontocracy emigration excursion banquet halloween acclamation 体育比赛 joust foul 假期 furlough intermission sparring carousal festival
行动 fidelity espousal conference remonstrance disturbance suffrage featly endorsement crusade instigation insurrection petition (62)宗教 仪式 ablution libation obsequies 物品 totem altar fetish cult fast fatality omen portent precursor apocalypse 鬼怪 specter imp gorgon incubus telepathy spook vampire halcyon fiend necromancy apparition monster juggernaut deity 法术 sorcery oblation talisman mace sect deification retribution bodement presage harbinger immolation icon sceptre 行为 faction profanity nemesis 预兆 foreboding precognition herald rogation liturgy invocation ordination homage parley disaffection upheaval slate
经书 scripture gospel apocrypha 建筑 minaret hieron inferno pantheon chancel vestry gravestone spire altar pillar lectern anthem paean acolyte oracle pilgrim puritan bigot heretic monasticism nirvana pharisaic orthodoxy nave sanctum parish monastery chapel tower belfry weathercock screen porch candlestick 赞美诗 carol psalm 人员 priest sibyl choir ascetic idolater pagan 信仰 asceticism devotion superstition stoicism piety heresy preacher pontiff proselyte martyr atheism chant sacrarium sanctuary seminary nunnery 教堂建筑及设施 aisle pinnacle gargoyle cross choir arch canon exegesis creed genesis
(63)自行车相关组件 brake-cable saddle mudguard terrace hedge chimney eaves sill conservatory sprinkler antenna chain crank wheel bungalow knocker cowl gable lawn climber hose aerial hub sprocket axle gutter doorbell slate garage sod drain border lamp-post (64)住房及室内外设施
第二章 人类行为特征分类速记
(1)安静 halcyon quiescent stationary repose unflappable ignoble sordid turpitude (3)不重要 inconsequential menial venial ancillary peddling overshadow marginal trivial paltry subsidiary trumpery nonentity peripheral trivia negligible niggling trashy dormant sedate tranquil serene imperturbable (2)卑 鄙 ribald base scurvy reptilian pastoral sedative hush phlegmatic
(4)惩 罚 castigation condemnation recriminate penance antediluvian decrepitude shop soiled stereotype banality trite dreary tedious monotonous audacious hardihood gallant valor venturesome embolden courage timorous spineless dissolute unconscionable rambunctious bacchanalian abandon (8)讽 刺 castigate condemn exoneration penalty (5)陈腐 破旧 无聊 乏味 antiquated dilapidated conservative cliché hackneyed commonplace menial tedium prosaic audacity temerity gallantry intrepid nervy spunk cowardice craven dastard extravagant liberated debauchery bacchanal shibboleth dowdy reactionary platitude stale drab stodgy humdrum prose (6)胆量大小 daredevil bravado valiant stouthearted perky pluck pusillanimous gutless abject (7)放纵 放荡 immoderate unbridled raffish indulge chastise culpable exonerate
acidulous caustic vinegared flippant ridiculous poke contempt persiflage derisive innuendo sarcasm burlesque parody
acrimonious vitriolic nipping flippancy taunt jibe disdainful pillory derision spoof satirical caricature
acrimony mordant pungent raillery twit jeer disdain ironical deride scoff satire epigram (9)抚 慰
appease propitiate solace console
placate reassurance conciliation
mollify reassure conciliate (10)概 要
compendious synoptic excerpt sketch prodigal dissipated lavish wastrel
compendium synopsis configuration summarily profligate dissipate improvident
prospectus precis profile summary
(11)挥霍 浪费 spendthrift profuse footle (12)好色 淫荡 pornography debauch lascivious amorous dissolute lecherous erotic voluptuous lechery
libidinous prurience flirtatious ogle excesses bawdy liaison frugal sparing provident abstemious eschew moderate sobriety
libido salacious fickle craving immoral obscene bacchanalian frugality economical thrifty
lubricious salacity mash lust smutty libertine bacchanal (13)节 约 prudent economy (14)节 制
abstinence wean modest
abjure continent temperate (15)谨慎 小心
chary cogitate provident discretion prudence scruple alert compact laconic brevity spare alleviate palliation
wary reflective providence guarded punctilious cautious siren
circumspect reflect calculating measured reserve meticulous (16)简 洁
compactness pithy primitive sententious
concise terse simple
(17)减少或增加 assuage palliate cushion extenuate
temper reduce relent bate exacerbate multiply amplify accrue increment accretion
modify lessen subdue curtail aggrandize propagate fortify wax increase
moderate abate wane diminish proliferate mount upswing enhancement augmentation (18)慷慨大方
bounteous generous liberality apathetic nonchalant phlegmatic grim
bountiful generosity princely apathy nonchalance offish
bountiful magnanimous munificent (19)冷 淡 forbidding indifferent snub (20)懒 惰
idle lax lassitude supine sloth loon prolix lengthy periphrastic prolonged belabor
idleness loll lounge torpid slothful slacker verbose redundant tautological lingering labor
indolent lull shiftless torpor sluggish malingery (21) 累赘 verbiage redundancy circumlocution temporize screed
(22)掠 夺 depredation reave sack harry (23)朴素 纯洁 austere ingenuous naivete reproach rebuke scold fulmination denunciatory censure sturdy tonicity hardy tough lyrically fervor abuse revile vituperate berate (28)疏忽大意 indiscreet negligent indiscretion negligence delinquent oblivious austerity pristine chaste reprobate reprehensible chide fulminate denounce stricture robust brawny sinewy virile (26)热 情 ebullient ardor (27)辱 骂 execrate vilify broil opprobrious lambaste obloquy effervesce spartan inviolate chastity (24)谴 责 reproof reprimand flak impugn blame admonition (25)强 壮 stalwart brawny stocky rapine rifle plunder ransack pirate maraud
cursory precipitate slovenly foolhardy impudent commotion disturbance turbulent
perfunctory reckless audacious forwardness lowbred
slapdash scamp temerity hardihood (29)骚 乱
bedlam turmoil
convulsion tempest (30)骚 扰
badger obsession vexation harassment bigoted hard-bitten stubborn pertinacious recalcitrance stark rebellious arbitrary peremptory pedantic agog ebullience exalt gratify jocund buoyant
heckle obsess perfurbation molest bigotry stout stubbornness opinionated tenacious intractable rigid despotic presumptuous pedantry animation perky glee gusto jolly convivial
nag obstacle persecution infest (31)顽 固 hidebound obdurate adamant persistent pronounced indocile rigidty imperious tyrannical static (32)兴 奋 animate enrapture rejoicing yeast jollity festal
frolicsome hilarious overwrought intriguing
gaiety hilarity rapture
mirth unfettered gloat (33)性情好坏
clement benignity lenience amiable fractious splenetic churlish touchy iniquitous foul virulent ferocity barbarity brutality tyrant vicious fell malevolent malignity parsimonious stint sticky niggard assiduous
clemency genial amenable amicable waspish peevish grumpy cantankerous iniquity ruffian satanic fierce truculent outrageous relentless inhuman fiendish malicious malign skimpy begrudge stingy skinflint
humane geniality submissive meek spleenish peeve snappish disagreeable atrocious villainous enormity savage truculence outrage oppressive nefarious felonious malice baleful (35)小气 吝啬 skimp grudging illiberal (36)辛勤 艰苦 (34)邪恶 凶残
painstaking strenuous lucubration tumultuous hurly rackety debility emaciated enervate floppy limp frail languish feeble maudlin
industrious drudge lucubrate
arduous travail (37)喧 哗
rhubarb hullabaloo racket debilitate emaciate groggy flaggy lissome frailty puny wan
pandemonium rumpus fracas (38)虚 弱 effeminate macerate flabby flag lithe inanition spindly vulnerable (39)吸引力
adorable fascinating glamour comely riveting affinity appealing stunning gorgeous indifferent inanimate gloom dismal
beguiling fascination captivating seraphic rivet magnetism appeal charm pulchritudinous indifference apprehensive glum melancholy
engaging fascinate captivation taking seductive flash lure charismatic pulchritude lukewarm aprehension dolorous lugubrious (40)忧 郁
somber huffish dishearten torpid depress pathos plangent aplomb self-possession demulcent flagrant opprobrium infernal resentment nauseate irk undersirable objectionable spiteful rankle abhorrent enmity repugnant appreciable momentous crucial primary stellar
morose deflated maddening torpor poignant distress harrowing
sullen despondent mope unprovoked lament woeful (41)镇 静
composure tacit dispassionate infamous scurrilous loathsome resent pesky rebarbative averse objection spite venom abhor dall repugnance
equanimity taciturn imperturbable imfamy heinous repulsive detest pest obnoxious allergy odious rancorous abominable anmosity revolting (43)重 要 (42)憎恨 厌恶
consequential preponderate vital prime magnitude
imponderable strategic overriding cardinal
第三章 GRE常考反义意群
(1)煽动,激发,促进 foment 阻止,平息,抚慰 placidity mollify stifle quell inhibit squelch foster facilitate repress douse thwart obstruct hamper prod agitate permit catalyze assist vitalize promote rouse impel abet precipitate aid incubate spur encourage catalyze prompt patronize rein equanimity proscribe inhibit impede arrest stymie mollify restrain forestall forestall thwart squelch curb scotch inhibitor check boycott
unobstructed goad startle abet nurture instigate provoke abet srir(up) stimulate trigger roil incite cultivate whip(up)
occluded lull lull stymie soothe balk*(move ahead willingly) console subdue frustrate dam bar foil*(implement) settle halt hinder taboo ban prohibit exclude forbid
(2)使变薄 rarefy
浓缩 densify concentrate condense make denser
thin arrenuate extenuate (3)清晰,清醒,透明 clarity
denser condensation thicken 模糊或说话不清楚 opaque
obfuscate clear lucid limpid* perspicuous transparent well-defined lucid limpid* speek distinctly enunciate* speak animatedly* communicate straightfor-wardly* pellucid* transparency* unequivocal manifest conspicuous unburied explicit patent lucent luculent luminous transpicuous obfuscate murky murky opacity opaque vague vague turbid mutter mumble drone equivocate murky opacity equivocal nubilous sibylline tenebrous unexplicit unintelligible puzzling abstruse enigmatic esoteric mysterious slur ambiguous dusky obscure dim daze
(4)天生的,内在的 indigenous intrincsic endemic instinct innate connate connatural inborn inherited native unacuired ingrained inherent domestic (5)分离,分散,瓦解 separate
后天获得的,外在的 acquited exotic extraneous foreign exotic learned response alien accidental adventitious extrinsic
接合,合并,集中,混合 concatenate intersection meld compound amalgamate
fragmentation disperse diverge isolate
consolidation coalesce aggregate focus together amalgamate group
detach dissipate* dissipation* dissipate* rend* break disaggredgate fork scatter partition disconnected disslodge breach rent disjunction sunder dichotomize disjoin dissect disunite divide sever disgregate dispel alienate estrange discrete detach dissociate
adhere accumulate accumulation gather unite coalesce coalesce converge nucleate collect unify nexus anchor solder made whole continuity link assemble associate blend mingle bind cement fuse weld combine bracket coagulate attach mix miscible affiliation
fasten (6)最低点 nadir 最高点,顶点 zenith topmost summit* lowest point bottom base foot basement zenith zcme zpex pinnacle peak climax culmination (7)批评,指责,攻击性演讲 denounce 赞扬,赞美诗 advocate tribute tout aspersion diatribe tout glowing tribute supportive speech eulogy laudatory piece of writing encomium rail vituperate criticize lambaste censure fulmination excoriate defamation supportive speech praise accolade extol praise praise praise eulogy
denunciation castigation harsh lampoon pan harsh criticism* censure tirade scold baste upbraid reprove blame reprobate chide rebuke abuse reprehend decry malign rap inveigh flak flay truculent invective philippic harangue jeremiad flagellate reproach reproof
eulogy approbation paean rave extol encomium commend dispassionate speech acclaim lauding eulogistic panegyric bless glorify hymm psalm exalt proclaim anthem
(8)大量,许多,丰富 slew(或:旋转) abundance plenty prodigal affluence* profuse teeming plethora prodigious rife plenitude spate profligacy frequency trivial rife pandemic scads adequacy sufficient cornucopia ample copious fulsome extravagant swarming lavishness
少量,贫乏,有限 limited pinch iota penury penury scant scanty scant scarcity dearth slight(grievous) poverty infrequency dearth sparse frugality rarity substantive sparse limited diminishment paucity deficient exiguous meager skimpy inadequate insufficient whit sprinkling
superfluity glut raff
smattering thimbleful morsel scantling sparing thrifty
(9)厌恶 antipathy aversion repulsion odium abhor loath repulse distaste repellency repugnance revulsion disgust dread loathing dislike hatred (10)真诚,天真的,坦率的 artless honesty natural
喜欢,迷恋 liking fondness affinity attraction infatuation fancy admire eager captivate affection predilection prepossession attachment benevolence
狡猾的,不自然的 cunning improbity chicanery guile
mannered ingenuous candor guileless unartificial innocent na? ve simple unartful unsophisticated unstudied untutored unpretentious candid frank forthright unteserved unmannered aboveboard brobity integrity uprightness (11)短暂的,间断的 evanescent interim* sqoradic sporadic* intermittent 持续的,长久的 permanent permanent incessant chrocic constant* chronic perpetual fleeting perennial gukle artifice manipulative covert furtive artful crafty foxy guileful sly tricky wily deceitful
discrete mercurial meteotic transient ephemeral fugacious fugitive transitory volatile (12)精确 exactitude nice precision accuracy correctness definiteness definitude exactness preciseness (13)肯定,证实,承认,断言 affirm affirm* reaffirm* justify* verified posit* aver corroborate
continuous constant* tradual lasting substantial durable stable
不精确,不准,不可靠 imprecision imprecise inaccuracy obscurity unclearness vagueness unreliability untrustworthiness vagueness 否定,驳斥 negate gainsay abnegate argue against unsubstantiated deny deny less certain controvert deny
prove approbation verification axiomatic substantiate* attest certify guarantee vouch aver avouch declare depose profess protest predicate announce proclaim encorse caccredit sanction applaud commend ratify confirm (14)即兴的,不加考虑的 impromptu offhand precipitate extemporaneous extimporize
refute condemnation refutation controversial controvert debate contradict contravene debute censure negative traverse confute disprove rebut antagonize counter oppose refect repudiate
预先考虑的 carefully rehearsed premeditated deliberated planned follow a script
unrehearsed unprepared improvised act* (rite) (15)加强,支持 strengthen fortiry 削弱,使沮丧,疲劳 enervate attenuate vitiate* bait* sap enervate champion* strong reinforce undergird reinforce bolster disappoint enervate subvert undermine undermine undermine sap decrease support energize brace support anneal sinew tone(up) toughen nerve gird steel brace up underpin cripple disable enfeeble tear down dejict discourage dishearten dispirit emasculate weaken exhaust fatigue
jade tire weary (16)凸出 bulge protuberate emboss beetle jut overhang plke pouch pout project protrude stick out bump lump 凹金,下陷 depression depressed region depression flatten out basin concave dip hollow sag sink sinkage scoop void notch indentation indenture nick recess (17)加剧,加大 exacerbate aggravate 缓轻,抚慰 alleviate mitigate extenuate console ameliorate harrow intensify* assuage assuage
augment aggrandize(relegate)
palliate propitiate cussion placate(antagonize) relieve appease mollify pacify conciliate soothe
(18)不可信的 inpausible flimsy inconceivable incredible unconvincing unsubstantial fishy puzzling (19)胆怯,畏惧 cower timorous cowed* redoubtable* pusillanimous* apprehensive timid
可信的 believable berisimilar plausible conceivatle credible convincing faithful trustworthy
勇敢,无畏 bristle brazenly confront scrappy intrepid undaunted not formidable dauntless intrepid audacious
craven diffident timidity blench flinch quail recoil shrink wince fawn cringe grovel kowtow toady slaver truckle formidable coy fearsome cower(bristle) (20)热情,充满活力,强健的,感兴趣的, invigorating
valorous bold effrontery browbeat bulldoze bully cow(embolden) intimidate strut swagger courageous intrepid valiant doughty obtrusive
冷淡,消瘦无力,乏味 emaciation lassitude pine
excitement vigor exuberance keen interest* fervor
stolid ennui torpor lethargy ennui ennui apathy
vital thrive* zealotry* moribund* ardor fatten invigoration invigorated sinewy invigorate* hale* revive* animate vigilant express joy buoyancy ebullience vigorous ibacious stimulant exciting* cntertaining* racy* effervescence lively exhilaration ferment agitation enthusiasm gaiety vitality
apathy languish lack of ferbor increasingly vital indifference emaciate emaciation pine weak debilitate infirm with enervation supine supine passivity clam restraint impassiveness loll phlegmatic soporific stodgy tedious tame impassivity vapidity languor listless sluggish stolidity torpidity inertia
vivacity agitation (21)简洁,直接的 laconic succinctness* laconism* bief extreme brevity succinctness* taciturnity taciturnity concise breviloquent compendious curt short and sweet summary terse abridged compressed condensed meaty pithy lean (22)顽固的,难驾驭的,不易被说服的 obstinate
deisinterest soporific 唠叨,话多的 garrulous verbose prolixity verbosity prolix prolix circumlocution garrulity loquzcious voluble wordy redundant glib ralkative
顺从的,容忍的 tractable* complaisance amenable
inexorable* recalcitrant contumacious headstrong indurate obdurate refractoy* ossified* stubborn intransigent* opposing resisting withstanding unruly fractious indocile indomitable intractable undisciplinable untoward perverse headstrong insubordinate dissident nonconformist recusant ornery wayward balky disobedient
relenting amenable alacrity tractable* tractable* soften amenable complaisant responsive amenable to change submissive open to compromise complying conformable obeying bowing down servile slavish subservient tame subdued biddable docile amiable compliant forbearing tolerant forbearance obedient domestic
(23)争吵 polemical conflict inconsonant imbroglio quarrel altercation bicker brabble brawl controversy feud fracas broil fuss hassle rhubarb ruckus spat squabble tiff wrangle fray affray broil melee rumpus scrap (25)犹豫,摇摆 inability to choose
协调,一致 conciliatory jibe agreement harmony accord concord concordance cononant consistent congruity consonance consistency concurrent coincident compatible
果断,坚韧 volition
vacillation* hesitate diter falter stagger waver whiffle capricious shift vacilate (26)尊敬 esteem revere venerate respect treat reverently* awe estimable deference redoubtable refer to admire appreciate cherish relish worship adore honor reverence devotion
tenacity pertinacity resolve settle resolute decide tenacious teadfast stubborn persisting obstinate 嘲笑,蔑视,亵渎 execrate profane deride deride profane irreverence irreverence contempt unimpressive disdain scorn despise abhor contemn scout abominate detest loathe repudiate
acknowledgment compliment regard
spurn snub scoff ridicule taunt mockery flout jeer disparage gibe mockery infamous demean badinage(serious conversation) stain disgrace
(27)挑剔的,苛刻的 captious caustic criticism carping caviling faultfinding pernickety censorious criticism critical overcritical discriminating finicky fussy
不苛刻的,不挑剔的 complaisant innocuous cursory uncritical shallow superficial encouraging fattering praise appreciative
particular caviling cavillous hypercritical (28)水,潮湿的,加水 sodden reconstitute* awash* hydrate steep saturate inundate wet deluge douse drench drown soak souse damp humid rinse dripping soggy moist dank (29)有偏见的,有倾向的 prejudiced factional* disposed 客观的,公正的,中立的 disinterested disinterested disinclined 干的,去除水 desiccated dehydrate dry desiccated parch dehydrated drain sere anhydrous deplete baked exsiccate sear anhydrate evaporate
tendentious biased colored jaundiced one-sided partial partisan prepossessed unindifferent unneutral warped inclined predisposed slant skew prejudge (30)严肃,沉静 serious grabe earnest* dreary earnest* seriousness* staid repressed suppressed composed sedate severe solemn
unbiased detached dispassionate impartial neutral opin-minded fair honest just
活泼,高兴,轻浮 toy jocular blithe facetious jocund flippant flippancy jaunty lively animated bright chipper vivacious agile
sober self-possessed abstemious composure equanimity tranquillity
brisk nimble buoyant effervescent jolly merry gleeful mirthful chirping chirrupy levity
(31)纠缠,束缚 fetter constrain roil check mire* enmesh ensnare entangle manacle shackle frammel immure imprison incarcerate restrict inhibit curb restrain
解脱,释放,自由 set free liberate* release settle unbridle extricate manumit emancipate unbind redeem unshackle
enslave enthrall subjugate entrapment (32)认真的,谨慎的,警惕的 vigilant* punctillious painstakingly thorouth slow and thorough attention intentional sedulous lucubration careful cautious cherry circumspect discreet wary alert vigilant cagey canny foreslighted precautionary shrewd provident prudent conscientious heedful meticulous 马虎的,懒惰的,疏忽的 oblivious slipshod cursory cursory inadvertent inadvertent careless cursory consideration negligent ingnored overlooked regardless remiss slack delinquent incurious slovenly derelict feckless heedless inattentive thoughtless unreflective unrecking
punctual attentive observant concerned considerate exact fussy rigid attentive punctilious scupulous (33)博学的,有知识的 erudite savant learned lettered well-read studious scholarly cultivated cultured academic pedantic esoteric recondite (34)支持,认同,证实 contenance 反对,对立,指责 condemn forbid disfavor 无知的 ignorant unlettered unlearned illiteracy uneducated untutored illiterate benighted unschooled uninstructed unintellectual
sanction corroboration concur concord* assent to* support* bolster support* endorse uphold fortify accept aver verify acquiesce agree champion welcome reinforce strengthen applaud approve favor plunk embrace espouse defend maintain
proscribe disapprove less of certainty deny dissent gainsay dissension buck contravene forbid gainsay oppose abnegate abrogate condemn dispute deny refutation resist factious impugn rebuff counter battle combat fight vie converse contrary antipode antithesis inverse
sustain bear up brace buttress dprop stiffen underpinning
adverse antonym opposite resistance conflict controvert hostile antagonistic
(35)教条,正教 dogma canonical canon tenet doctrine religion doctrine instruction orthodox
异教,非传统的 heresy heterodox nontraditional unorthodox unauthoritative uncanonical cult pagan paganism heathen
(36)减少,删减 dwindle
增长,增多,延长 proliferate increase accrue
abbreviate curtail* abrade* cut short* curtail* abridge lessen
protract protract augment protract prolong amplify enlarge
decrease ebb subside(burgeon) wane attenuate thin moderate disappear fail abate diminish lessen peak(out) dock drain(away) peter(out) rebate recede reduce taper(off) abridge clip retrench trim shrink mitigate subtract wither(burgeon) (37)有创意的 ofiginal
multiply elongate extend lengthen dilate distend amass
陈腐的,派生的 trite platitude
hackneyed novel* siminal precursory fresh innovative ingenuity deviceful ingenious innovational innovatory ofiginate constructive productive fertile inventive (38)初生的,刚开始的,基本的 inchoate 成熟的,终结的,明确的 realized explicit completely formed fully formed nascent callow* outset embark on incipient initial beginning inceptive initiative mature fully established behaving with adult sophistication terminate conclude full-blown develop mellow ripen blossom bannal derivative derivative hackneyed derivative lack of inventiveness
introductory basic elementary first fundamental embryonic germinal infant antecedent primary callow (39)完全的,彻底的,耗尽的 exhaustive absolute* profound full developed deep utter integrity complete full-dress thorough thoroughgoing whole-hog comprehensive full-blown full-scale out-and-out intensive radical
flower completed conclusive ultimate
不完全的,肤浅的 partial incomplete qualified superficial vestigial shoal partial incompleteness slipshod unthorough cursory shallow sketchy fractional fragmentary scrappy
sweeping bottemless unfathomable (40)适当,得体的,相关的 relevant apposite germane* apt* intrinsic germane* pertain felicitous opportune seasonable timely apropos pertinent appropriate proper apt* fitting suitable significant weighty allied cognate related material 不相关的,外在的 extraneous immaterial irrelevant extraneous* irrelevant extremely inappropriate extraneous inappropriate irrelevant impertinent inadmissible inapplicable unassociated alien extrinsic foreign infelicitous inapposite irrelative
(41)聪明的,灵巧的 intelligent* bring off* deft glib finesse sagacity handle adroitly adroit dexterous astute perspicacious shrewd quick-witted smart arful subtle neat-handed nimble agile adept canny slim crafty brilliant (42)脾气不好的,易怒的 irascible peevish curmudgeon spleen
笨拙的,笨拙的处理 vacuous bungle awkward awkward heavy-handed fatuous fumble asinine foolish simple clunsy gauche inept maladroit dull fumble botch
和谐的,温和的,忍耐的 affable clam good-natured agreeable goodwill
tesyu intemperate choletic cranky cross hot-tempered ireful passionate peppery quick-tempered ratty temperish tatchy touchy fractious huffy irritable petulant querulous snappish waspish impatient jittery junpy nervous restive bristly crabbed surly cantankerous (43)吹牛,夸张
patient equable amiable complaisant obliging quiet relaxed long-suffering rolerant gracious gentle genial delicate mellow tender
bombastic* bombast* hyperbole bombastic* garandiloquent overestimate overstatement exaggeration coloring embellishment embroidering aggrandize stretching overdrawing (44)安静,安详,宁静的,冷漠的 tranquil
unpretentious down-to-earth language understatement understatement minimization minimization minimization depreciation underestimation
喧闹,不安,打扰,骚动 pandemonium commotion foment
halcyon peaceable serene quiet quiescence hush silence gentle pacific tranquillity calm
tempestuous fracas miserrable havoc boisterous restless action din din turbulent turbulent turbulent restive
flustered calm commodious perturbation agitation placid balmy bland lenient mild untroubled quiescent reposing unruffled imperturbable nonchalant unflappable even-tempered impassive phlegmatic 45整洁的,潇洒的,纯洁的 natty unspotted splendor purify aseptic sterilize aspetic pristine wholesome dapped spiffy stormy agitated disturbed perturbed turbulent uneasy bothered confused fidgety shaky tense upset flurry turbid obstreperous 肮脏的,玷污的 sloppy malculated squalor contaminate contaminated contaminated squalid contaminated tainted unstylish slatternly slipshod
spruce neat tidy chichi jaunty rakish showy 46有利适当的端庄的 seemly decorum civility deference decent decoropus above reproach irreproachable compatible congenial congruous consistent consonant pleasing becoming befitting civilized comely conforming correct decent nice proper
slovenly unkempt untidy disheveled dowdy frowsy shabby 失礼不得体冒犯粗俗 indecorous effrontery impropriety rudeness effrontery scurrilous unseemly bawdy scurvy opprobrious blatant clamorous obstreperous strident aggressive pushy coarse gross vulgar unbecoming unseemly undue impudent impertinent insolent
respectable ceremonial conventional dignified elegant appropriate seasonable suitable prim puncilious stiff stuffy 47对称均衡 symmetry balance harmony proportion conformity equality evenness regularity ryhthm 48诽谤辱骂 aspersion vituperative calumnious anathma calumny scandal reproach discredit
asperity mildness of temper
不对称不均衡 disproportion asymmetry dissymmetry imbalance irregularity unbalance
推崇赞扬拍马 flattery tribute complimentary flattering panegyric prase acclaim extol laudation
disrepute detraction belittlement calumuny defamation depreciation dispraragement slander calumunniation malign vilification muck invective abuse lampoon skit squib obloquy slam reflection slur censure criticism imputation insinuation 49乡村(人)的农村的 bucolic boor rural campestral countrified outland
approbation approval commendation eulogy applause plaudits compliment
都市(人)的城市的 urban civil person metropolititan municipal citified urbanite
pastoral provincial rustic yeoman yokel 50虚假伪造 mendacious fictious bogus feigned dissembing mendacity spurious posture dissemble prevarication perjury adulterated adulteration apocrypha apocryphal gild imitation counterfeit fake phony pseudo sham snide pretended deceptivw delusive
burgher townsman
真正真实 honest factural authentic authentic genuiune candid thuthful genuine natural honest veracity thuthful deposition unalloyed purifocation canon authenticated represent accurately valid bona fide veritable
fraudulent aprocrypha fictitious forged 51有弹性的易变形的 plastic resilience flexible elastic springy stretch strechy supple whippy ductile malleable pliable pliant rubberlike rubbery adaptable moldable stretchable yieling bouncy limber lithe bendable softened 52秘密隐秘 cover occult 公开裸露显示 denude bare 硬的不易变形的 rigid inelasticity stiff tense brittle inflexible immalleable impliable incompliant unbending inflexible unyielding stiffish hardened petrified resistant stark
bury secrete secrete covert hide withhold information close off fill up cache shelter ensconce screen stash mantle mask obscure shade shield entomb inter curtain shroud veil harbor lodge seclude 53弯曲的缠绕的 byzatine circuity convoluted tortuous tortuous
disinter divulge overt open evince apprise broach evacuate disclose discover expose uncover unmask unveil unwrap flaunt parade
直接的坦率的 straightforward straightforward straightforward straightforward direct
anfractuous flexuous meandering meanderous serpentine sinuous snaky bending curving twisting crooked devious circuitous indirect roundabout winding 54散漫的无序的混乱的 desultory arrhythmic anarchy welter vagrant fitful spasmodic disorderly unmethodical unsystematic capricious fickle inconstant mercurial
stright aboveboard forthright plain dealing upright barefaced undeviating unswerving immediate
有序地有条不紊的 methodical carefully planned regular order orderly arrangement systematized systematic analytical logical
disorderly chaotic 55真实的有效的 valid reportorial vertiable inerrancy valid argument verified cnvincing solid sound telling persuasive potent attested confirmed corroborated demonstrated determined established substantiated validated cogent lawful legal licit effective clarifying elucidative explanatory 谬误的不现实的 specious fallacious imaginative specious fallibility fallacy unsubstantiated beguiling decieve deceptive deluding delusive flase deceitful specious sophistical unfounded groundless shaky fictitious invalid equivocal misleading
illuminating veracious veridical 56变动的巡回的徘徊的 migratory mutate peripatetic fiuctate 静止的不变的 sedentary remain the same stationary invariance stabilize remain steady variation variable versatile flowing deversity protean metamorphose vacillation capricious flexible itinerant ambulant ambulatory itinerate nomadic perambulating perambulatory vagabond vagrant wandering ramble roaming uniformity fixed limited stagnant uniformity static unaltered motionless steadfast obdurate stock-still immobile stagnant unmoving constant stable labile unfluctuating fixed rigid sticky inert stalled
moving shifting undulate flickering slither 57腐败的贪污的败坏的 unsrupulous improbity corrupt venal bribable corruptible purchasable flagitious infamous iniquitous vicious mercenary praetorian unethical unpriciple
unwaving reliable durable steady 正直的廉洁的 probity honesty incorruptible integrity morality goodness rectitude righteousness rightness uprightness virtue merit quality superiority ethical principled scrupulous
58新手初学者 tyro novice fledgling apprentice beginner boot colt
老手专家 expert old hand veteran experienced practitioner pro professional doyen old-timer
fledgling freshman neophyte newcomer novitiate prentice punk recuit rookie trainee undergraduate 59悲伤的 morose dyspeptic sadness morose lugubrious grievous sorrow grief bemoaning bewailing deploring affliction anguish rue woe mournful dejection depression 愉快的高兴的 saguine genial exhilarate lighthearted cheerful cheerful facetious slight gaiety glad happiness joyfull ecstasy joy rejoice grouse jocund dreary blithe cheery chripy chirrupy
melancholy agony distress dolorous mistery suffering groan moan sob doleful dismal harrowed blue saturnine heavyhearted dispirited 60插入介入加入 embed insert harbor affiliation introduce fill in insinuate intercalate interject interpolate instill inset implant intrude interlope
lightsome carefree vivacious jaunty animated
驱走逐走离开 extract remove exict dissociation detach disengage abstract withraw eject oust eliminate exclude discard retain ostracize welcome
obtrude incalcate 61放荡不羁无节制的堕落的 without restraint indulgent intemperance sybarite excessive liberine abandoned dissolute licentious depraved profligate reprobate unprincipled debased perverted riotous incorrigible lascivious lecherous lewd wanton corrupt degenerate prurient libidinous goatish martine restained teetotalism equable ascetic parsimonious ascetic abstemious abstinent austere moderate temperate severe disciplined rigid stringent sober stern 有节制的 bridled
salacious lustful 62紧张拉紧的 tauten taut firm resilient trim stretched tight tense tied skintight rigid stiff drawn stringent 63骚扰扰乱烦扰激怒 perturbation overwrought grate pique harrow ire rankle discompose bother dismay disquiet disturb flurry fluster 使镇静安抚 equanimity impassive soothe mollify assuage mollify pacify quiet settle tranquilize allay alleviate assuage appease 放松松懈的 loosen slack limp flaccid loose unconstricked flabby relaxed desulutory lax
unhinge unsettle alarm anxiety apprehension discomposure untune upset annoy irk harass harry pester plague worry provoke agitate 64贪婪渴望关心 avid solocitude covetous craving desirous importunate urgent gluttonous omnivorous acquisitive grasping greety itchy prehensile
conciliate calm placate propiciate compose phlegm sangfroid self-possession equipoise poise aplomb assurance confidence detachment placidity serenity 漠不关心冷淡 indifferent indifferent disinterested uninterested disinclined indisposed loath averse sober sparing backward hesitant reluctant uneager
rapacious voracious disposed keen anxious predisposed 65繁重的 cumbersome onerous arduous burdensome demanding exacting exigent grievous oppressive sperincumbent taxing tough trying weighty difficult hard laborious heavy hefty ponderous cumbersome unruly unwieldy heavy-handed 66坏名声辱骂卑微的地位
protesting objecting antipathetic
轻松不费劲的 easy to handle effortless sinecure easy effortless facile light simple smooth unexacting untaxing sinecure
mean obscurity lake of distinction ignominy ignominious opprobrium estimable disgrace contempt discredit disesteem disfavor dishonor disrepute infamy obloquy odium opprobrium shame humble 67可渗透的 porose permeable porous passable penetrable pervious
noble celebrity repute honor honorable good repute infamous regard awe reverence fame glory reown repute esteem respect distinction
无法渗透的 impermeable waterproof impermeable impassable impervious impenetrable firm solid
68过多过量 surfeit
不足饥饿 famish starve
deprivation insufficient supply deficiency state excessive overfill overindulge satiate overdose cloy glut gorge jade 69草率的马虎的 coarse cursory 细心的完全的 fastidious lucubration thorough extremely delicate gloss over desultory depthless shallow sketchy uncritical casual superficial haphazard random 70有敌意的,对立的 inimical hostile scrutinize carefully planned meticulous cscrupulos painstaking comprehensive full inclusive detail in-depth critical 友善的和睦的 friendly benign starve too little lusting thirsting thirsty insatiated unsatisfied
ill unfriendly argumentative contrary dim disaffected opposite unfavorable dour sour bellicose belligerent contentious pugnacious warlike antipathetic suspicious white-hot febrile fevered feverish hectie summery tropic tropical mild warm cordial 73巨大过度 gargantuan elephantine sensation
unhostile harmonious accordant amicable affectionate intimate agreeing concordant frictionless
小的细微的无价值得 minuscule microscopic unnoticed event
bull husky oversize colossal enormous gigantic huge immense mammoth vast voluminous monumental prodigious stupendous tremendous excessive exorbitant extensive hefty 74流出排挤出去发出 disgorge expel excrete emit egress exude reflect radiate aerate bleed ooze
paltry piddling trivial slight small insignificant minute tiny wee diminutive slender slim thin nonentity detritus valuable
吸收进入接收 swallow ingest ingest ingest absorb entrance absorb absorb absorb receive remove air from assimilate
percolate seep strain sweat transude weep emanate dischange trickle eject vomit 75容忍忍受接受 stomatch tolerante bear abide digest endure brook suffer sustain swallow sweat out condone countenace permit acquiesce bow submit yield/accept pocket/assent/capital forbearance
imbibe incorporate infuse
拒绝放弃逃避 refuse to tolerate disavow disown brush/aside deny reject repudiate decline refuse spurn avoid bypass elude evade shun shirk eschew/habitually indulge in
impatience 76感知的能察觉的 perceiving appreciable feeling sentient at a perceptible conscious noting observing remarking vigilant watchful aware apprehensive awake cognizant conversant sensible witting perceptive 77危险的不安全的 dangerous precarious chancy hairy hazardous jeopardous perilous risky unhealthy 安全的避难的不受损的 haven safe harbor shelter asylum cover refuge sanctuary unscathed 无意识的察觉不到的 unconscious insentient imperceptible insentient unconscious subliminal anesthetic impassible insensible insenstive ignorant unaware senseless inanimate exanimate unanimated
unsound wicked insecure haphazard menacing serious threatening injurious 78光泽的光辉的 refulgent flamboyant radiant bright beaming brilliant effulgent incandescent lambent lucent lucid luminous lustrous undimmed illuminated coruscating flashing gleaming glistening glittering scintillating shimmering sparkling
unharmed uninjured intact invulnerable unassailable
灰暗的无光泽的 lackluster subdued lackluster dark dusky gloomy murky tenebrous colorless drab dreadry leaden somber cloudy gray overcast shadowy moonless starless sunless faint pale weak
blazing flaming glowing burnished polished shiny sunshiny 79混血的杂种的杂种杂交 mongrel hybrid bastard crossbred crossbreed half-blood half-breed mule mixture composite outcross incrossbred mixed 80普通的世俗的正常的朴素的 normal conformity to norms prevalent predestrain commonplace ordinary prosaic commonsensical universal
纯种单一 purebred pureblood thoroughbred pedigree pedigreed full-blooded
异常的非凡的特别的杰出的 pathological anomaly unuasual uncommon inimitable preternatural inimitable extraordinary preposterous particular
conformity normal mundant quotidian stock predicted occurrence everyday plain routine unremarkable usual workaday commonplace natural regular customary familiar frequent unexceptional unnoteworthy earthly madiocrity uneventful
abnormal anomalous aberrant unearthly exoic extraordinary unusal uniaue anomaly exceptional noteworthy remarkable excellent marvelous prodigious wonderful aberrant divergent eccentric rare occasional accidental fortuotous metaphysical supernatural supermundane superordinary outstanding phenomenal paranormal excessive supernomal
infrequent 81疏远陌生 alien estrange alienate estrangement diaffect disunite disunite wean division divorce withdrawal schism 和睦 acclimation reconciliation reuninte rapprochement conciliation propitiation appeasement approachable nonviolent pacificatory peaceful propititory inoffensive gentle 82凶残 truculent ruthless feral barbarous cannibalistic cruel fell ferocious grim inhuman inhumane savage wolfish brutal merciless 和蔼亲切温柔 kind clemency cultivated benign gentle kindly peaceful subdued submissive tame mild affable amiiable tender sympathetic
vicious wild malignant malevolent fiendish demoiac satanic serpentine diabolic atrocious heinous monstrous wicked 83好斗的 bellicose polemical belligerent combative contentious gladiatorial militant pugnacious quarrelsome scrappy truculent warlike battling warring invading aggressive antagonistic timorous 友好的调和的 inclined to make peace pacific conciliatory neutral peaceable amicable friendly
fierce hostile 84安置任职上任 ensconce settle install establish fix locate place plant seat situate station enthrone instate inaugurate 取代移走放逐革职 displace supplant barnish deport exile expatriate expel expulse ostracize oust relegate transport eject dismiss cashier discharge boycott exclude debar evict/harbor dethrone uncrown subvert usurp replace supersede abandon desert forsake
discard 85无缘无故无根据的 aloft gratuitous aloft precarious baseless bottomless foundationless groundless unfounded ungrounded unwarranted unsupported reasonless FALSE vain idle 有根据站得住脚真实的 grounded warrantable/warranted grounded grounded justifiable condonable defensible excusable tenable vindicable reasonable allowable admissible pardonable authentic actual real genuine valid 86完好的完整的 intact entire flawless perfect sound unblemished unbroken undamaged unhurt unimpaired 受损的不完整的 riven broken damaged defective impaired injured marred flawes spoiled unsound
uninjured untouched complete plenary healthy integral 87灾祸不幸威胁 untoward untoward baleful hapless untoward misfortune ominous apocalyptic baneful dieful doomful fateful ill-boding ill-omened inauspicious unlucky unpropitious evil sinister malefic menacing forbidding commination malign portentous
imperfect blemished
幸运友好的 fortunate fortunate beneficent fortunate favorable and anticipated boon bless anspicious benign favorable promising propitious beneficial lucky happy providential advantageous felicitous halcyon hopeful dexter cheering reassuring benignant kindly
grim calamitous cataclysmic catastrophic disastrous fatal unpromising denunciation threatening imprecate 88分歧不同偏离 variance antagonistic individually devised divergence disparate variation discord inconsonant variable stratify diversity deviation aberration deflection departure diversion alteration breach transgression violation blunnder 相似一致和谐 congruity synergic concerted unification homogeneous uniformity harmony agreement fixed homogenize uniformity affinity analogy congruity resemblance similitude accordance consistency conformity correspondence similitude
error lapse differ disagree vary division opposite atypical irregular dissimilarity alternate/altercate discrepancy dissemblance distiction divarication disparity discordance inconsistency i


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