
实用英语|桌游英文怎么说 _英语网
发布时间: 10:05:17
  曾经,因为网络的出现,传统桌面游戏与纸牌游戏的市场大幅萎缩。如今,越来越多的年轻人迷上了新桌游。相比一成不变的传统游戏,新的桌游在融合时尚元素上下足了功夫,并不断推出以最新的电影或电视节目为主题的新游戏。&  Chen is among a growing section of society - largely teenagers and 20-somethings - who are cutting back on cyberspace to spend more time playing card and board role-playing games, a trend sociologists say is being fueled by a desire to reconnect in the Internet age.&  和陈一样,越来越多的青少年以及20岁上下的年轻人不再成天泡在网上转而玩起了纸牌游戏和桌面游戏。对于这一新趋势,社会学家将其视为年轻人在网络时代与社会重新融合的一种渴求。&  在上面的报道中,board role-playing games(BRPG)就是时下流行的&桌上角色扮演游戏&,是board games(BG,桌面游戏)的一种。桌面游戏强劲的发展势头证明了面对面坐在一起,而不是孤独地对着屏幕,依然符合人类需要交往、需要伙伴的天性。&  Board games有许多种,传统的桌游有mahjong(麻将)、Chinese chess(中国象棋)、the game of go(围棋)等,新桌游有现在非常热门的Killers of the Three Kingdoms/ Sanguosha(三国杀)等。由于三国杀等桌游的盛行,board game studio(桌游店)也在全国迅速蔓延开来。&  相关推荐        &当前位置: &
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英文翻译[物理学] major calorie&&&&major calorie&&&&calorie(cal)&&&& mv600; six- truck&&&& beam callipers&&&&heavy gauge&&&&bolshoy karay&&&&great karroo&&&& groot-karoo&&&&nagykallo&&&&bolshoy kamen&&&&grande cache&&&&david caruso&&&&nagykata&&&&therm = megacalorie&&&&kilogramcalorie&&&&cal.calorie(s); kcal(kilocalorie); kilocalorieabbr.kcal&&&&six-by&&&& butelline&&&&cal large calorie&&&&great kabylia&&&&great cubley&&&&gross karlbach&&&&grand carbet&&&&store kalsoy&&&&coffee mug&&&&coffea liberica bulliard
例句与用法You can not live on 200 calories a day .200大卡一天是维持不了生命的。The huge lorries shook the foundations of the house .大卡车驶过时,连房基都震动了。There is not enough clearance for large lorries passing under this bridge .桥下没有足够的空间供大卡车通过。Vans, trucks, and recreational vehicles, dried up instantly。厢式载重车,大卡车,以及娱乐车等,立刻都销不出去了。The calorie is the unit usually used for measuring the amount of energy transfer in biochemistry .生物化学中测定能量转移量的单位是大卡。Ardythe showed him where the papers were-in three large cardboard cartons in what had been walter's den .阿黛丝指给他看文件在哪里--在过去是沃尔特书房的三只大卡纸板盒子里。Yeah , a truck load . - so you ' re a player , huh有,有一大卡车呢-这么说你很花心哪- yeah , a truck load . - so you ' re a player , huh-有,有一大卡车呢-这么说你很花心哪The waste from the factory was taken away in trucks工厂的废料被装在大卡车里运走。 Suddenly , a truck was coming and he didn ' t notice突然一辆大卡车开过来,他没看见。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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