
Hello, my dear chinese friends, I am Kaka and so pleased to have my own Tencent blog in chinese。 Hope we could have more communications through it. I have to say that playing at AC Milan helps me to improve my skills every day, some of my teammates have great skills and make my life on the field more easy. For example: Maldini: training every day with a champion live him teaches me professional discipline, Paolo has been playing playing at top level for 24 years, he started 5 years before pato was born, this is because as a true champion, He lives a simple life, he is a family man, he eats well every day and goes to bed early, He truly is a model an example for players who want to success. Pato: a very exciting young talent, I believe in two or three years he will be one of the top three players in the world. He is fast and unpredictable, and often he can win a game for us with his pace and tricks, speaking the same language it’s a help, I can give him some quick advise, I am like an older brother for him on the filed and off, when he arrived in Milan everything was new for him and he often asked me advise on things like housing, learning the language, shopping and other things, I am happy to have him both at AC Milan and Brazil national team. Inzaghi: some time they criticize him and some say he is not as exiciting as other strikers, but Inzaghi is a goal machine, you can rely on his performance every year,and even now at 35 is one of the most productive strikers on the market, he is another great example to follow. Pirlo: probably one of the most underestimated players in Europe, he is the brain of our team, he always know what to do, when we are in trouble we pass him the ball and he will do something useful, so when I won the award as best footballer in the world, I also have to thank my teammate because they helped my career greatly and my award was their award. 中文翻译: &&&&中国的球迷朋友们大家好,我是卡卡,很高兴来到腾讯开通我的中文博客。希望能够借此跟大家建立起更加紧密的联系。 &&&&不得不说,在AC米兰踢球能让我的技术每一天都得到提高,我的很多队友都有着出众的技术,这让我的踢球生涯变得简单多了。比如: &&&&马尔蒂尼:跟一个冠军球员在一起的每次训练和比赛,他都教我如何成为一个职业球员。在过去的24年里,保罗一直保持着高水平的竞技状态,他开始踢球甚至比帕托出生还要早5年。这是因为他是一个真正的冠军级球员:他过着简单的生活,是个居家的男人,每天都有着合理的饮食、很早就上床睡觉,他绝对是所有期待成功的球员们最模范的榜样。 &&&&帕托:他是一个让人兴奋的年轻天才!我相信在两到三年的时间内,他将成为这个世界上最好的三个球员之一。他速度奇快、让人难以捉摸,经常利用自己的跑动和技巧帮助我们取得胜利。同时,(和帕托)说同一种语言也是一种帮助,我能第一时间给他建议,无论在球场内外,我都像他的一个大哥哥。记得帕托刚来米兰的时候,对他来说所有的东西都是新鲜的,他经常来找我请教有关房子、外语学习、购物和其他方面的问题。很高兴,能在AC米兰和巴西国家队都和他做队友。 &&&&因扎吉:有时候大家在批评他,很多人说他不像别的前锋一样能让人兴奋。但是(我觉得)他就是一个进球机器,每一年你都可以依赖他的表现。现在,即使他到了35岁,仍然是这个领域里最高产的射手之一,他是另外一个伟大的榜样。 &&&&皮尔洛:也许他是整个欧洲最被低估的球员,他是我们球队的大脑。(在比赛中)当我们陷入麻烦时,他知道该怎么做,他能通过传球帮球队。所以,当我获得世界上世界足球先生的荣誉时,我不得不感谢队友。因为是他们帮助我的职业生涯得到提升,这些奖项也该有他们的一份。
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