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> 饥荒23版更新内容饥荒23版更新内容更新:&&&&编辑:生猎人&&&&来源:会员投稿&&&&人气:加载中...&&&&字号:|标签:&&&&&&
这是的的更。让玩家们对这次的有一个很详细的了解。更Add naughtiness to smallish tallbird 杀死青年高鸟会增加淘气值。shadow maxwells scare rabbits老麦的影侍会吓跑兔子。wilson is invincible while sleeping在时不会被攻击打醒。fix recipe prototyping to work with new tech level splits 修复物品合成以适应新的科技魔法分离的科技机制。fix for Winter is generated in spite of the 'Season' preset setting being set to 'Only Summer'. in the 'World Menu'修复选用世界设置“只有夏天”时冬天仍然生成的。fix for wolfgang saying how mighty he is and totally ruining everything in the intro NIS修复大力士在开场动画中说“我真是太给力了”和毁灭一切。Make telelocator check for water when teleporting randomly传送法杖现在会在传送时检测水域(意思应该是不会传到水里了)。prevent infinite loot fountain from beaver-gnawed spiky tree阻止海狸啃咬荆棘树时掉落物品。Stumps can now be lit on fire after loading.树桩现在可以点燃了(这是真的吗,那薇落怎么办?)。Stumps now propagate fire.树桩现在可以传播火焰。fix for placing structures after eating a glow fruit修复吃掉荧光果后不能合理建造物品的(原来版本中,吃掉荧光果后无法再脚下建造物品)。fix maxwell mine visibility修复老麦陷阱不可见的问题(应该是冒险模式里的尖刺陷阱)。heatrocks work in backpacks暖石可以在背包中生效了(原来版本中必须放在身上,背包里不行.....)。instead of clearing followers from saveindex on load which can result in them being lost, clear followers on any save that is not an ascend/descend存档不会导致随从失去跟随的问题。fix crash when lureplants eat bees修复食人花吞噬蜜蜂时游戏崩溃。Now reset the colour cube on load to deal with loading and saving between insane and non insane games.加载时重置颜色方块以处理存档读档时由于SAN值临界时颜色转换导致的颜色错误(这个应该是指出现影怪后存档/读档导致游戏颜色错误)。made evergreens and cave entrances non-clickable when they are first worked to stop you from interacting with them by accident在次点击常青树和洞穴入口时不会检视它们,以防玩家意外停下。Planted pine cone has different name from unplanted树种在种植前后有不同的名字(这个是什么意思?回去试一下)。Abigail is is now tagged as a "character", additionally the tentacle will retaliate against anything in range that is attacking it阿比盖尔(温蒂她姐)现在拥有“角色”;额外的,触手会报复任何在其攻击范围内伤害它的目标。(原来版本中,触手有时攻击不到阿比盖尔,而且触手攻击不到眼球草和杀人蜂,这些应该被修复了。)lantern swap bug fix灯笼开关的BUG修复(是说永久灯笼的BUG修复了吗?)。lantern can't be turned on in pocket灯笼无法在背包内被打开。killing a baby beefalo is very naughty杀死一个小野牛将获得更多淘气值Made a "SelfStacker" component and added it to the houndstooth, monster meat and spoiledfood to improve base clenliness and performance in very long games在狗牙、怪物肉、腐败食物中加入一个自动叠加组件,来提升长时间游戏时基本的清洁和性能。(这个我早上试了一下,现在位置相邻的怪物肉会自动组合到一起,捡起来都是2个、3个的,赞啊~~)Rubble no longer crashes古代文物不再会导致游戏崩溃了。Armour will always return 0 damage if the absorb percent is &= 1.防具在吸收百分比大于等于1时会吸收全部伤害。There is now only one "Sinkhole" room per task. This will remove the case of regularly seeing two cave entrances near each other.每个区域中只会出现一个洞穴入口了。这可以使俩个洞穴入口出现在一起的现象消失。Made "characterspecific.lua" a component for items that are only supposed to be on one character. Added it to all character specific items.添加characterspecific.lua文件来统一管理角色特有物品。fix bug where nightmare stuff was getting turned on in second overworlds修复梦魇裂缝在二层的开启问题。fix for occasional cave gen fail修复洞穴内偶然的数据错误。Fix for wes talking修复小丑说话的问题。Walrus blow dart is no longer targettable/inspectable during flight海象的吹箭在战斗中不能检视/成为目标了(曾经可以吗?)。Fix for two bugs: Leif not exiting frozen once hit and minotaur being stunlockable.修复2个BUG:树人被冰冻时受到攻击不解冻;独眼守卫被永久击晕(冰杖杀树人神马的,终于木有了.....)。Made beefalo poop in the old way, and fixed a problem with their babies never showing up野牛的粪便以旧版的方式出现,并修复了小野牛不出现的错误。Catcher now makes sure the projectile it's tracking is valid before attempting to preform functions with it.回旋镖(应该是回旋镖吧,Wiki上也没有Catcher这个东西,,应该是接回旋镖的那个script)在尝试预制功能前会确保它追踪目标的弹道是有效的。(这个应该是指回旋镖打鸟时,有时扔出去了鸟却飞走了。)Combat function now ensures that the entity it's on is still around before calling GetDistSqToInst.战斗功能现在会在确保它所在的实体在周围后再调用攻击命令。Ham bat no longer loses durability from being used, but does spoil over time火腿棒在使用时不再损失耐久度(赞!),但仍然会随时间腐败。Ham bat and flower hat both display spoilage graphics instead of text percentages in order to reflect that they are spoiling over time火腿棒和花环都以腐败的图形代替文字百分比来显示出它们随时间腐败。fixed occasional invisible maxwell intro bug修复麦爷的介绍有时不可见的BUG。properly report farm plot fertilization success适当的农场施肥成功(大概是农场施肥完成后有时玩家会说话)。make the build placers opaque so that they show up better建造建筑时不再透明,以使它们更好的显示。make burnt trees more visible when they are highlighted提高烧焦的树木在光照下可见度。Deerclops will knock down anything he collides with that is tagged "tree", allowing him to pass through.巨鹿会撞倒任何碰到的被标记为“树”东西,以令它自己通过(是说巨鹿可以砍树了么...)。Divining rod will not disappear when attacking.恶魔探测器在攻击时不会消失了(原来版本中,持有恶魔探测器攻击时显示为空手)。made ham bat non-edible to avoid interface confusion. Gave it higher damage to compensate.火腿棒不再能食用,以避免给猪人时的问题(将火腿棒给二师兄食用,原来版本中就直接带上揍它了....)。赋予火腿棒更高的伤害来补偿(赞!!)。flower hat is not edible to reduce interface confusion花环不再能能食用,以避免给猪人时的问题(给二师兄花环吃,原来版本中它就直接带上了.....)。make dusk announcement more generic, so that it doesn't mention fire.角色黄昏时的话语变得更加隐晦,以便它不提及火焰。Inventory items that also have brains will now hibernate while they are held by an owner.储物箱内的有AI的东西(就是活的兔子、鸟之类)现在会失去AI效果。Bees no should no longer buzz while in a container.蜜蜂在储物箱内不再嗡嗡叫了。Fix for mandrake crash when travelling between cave levels.修复曼德拉草在进出洞穴时游戏崩溃。Use consistent language for the settings screen in FE and pause menu在主菜单、暂停界面的设定菜单使用一致的语言。Fix for inventory items getting into a bad state when you try to put them into an already-full chester修复向一个已满的狗箱中放入物品时,导致物品进入糟糕的状态。Birds can no longer be killed while flying away.鸟类在飞走时不再能杀死了。Shadow Creatures will not trigger tooth traps.影怪无法触发狗牙陷阱了。Fix woodie, chester contents, and beard issues when time catches up when leaving / entering caves修复在进出洞穴时,伍迪、狗箱内物品、胡子的长出的问题。Fix for dropping equippable tools under full-container conditions修复在储物栏全满时,可装备的掉落的问题。Maxwell's Shadows will now die when he does.麦爷的影子会随麦爷一同死去。Fix bee spawn schedule修复蜜蜂生成的情况。=============================================================Controller stuff控制(手柄)相关(本渣渣只玩过PC版,其他的一概不明.....不这部分会有多大问题。)Added a controller debug menu加入了控制器BUG修复菜单。Improved attack/interaction picker改良攻击/互动操作。Added vibration (it can be toggled off)加入震动(可以被关闭)。added controller hints to the front end screens and made them more consoleish when a controller is attached在首尾页加入控制器提示,并在控制器连接时更有控制台的感到。When using dpad to use un-equipped item on the scene, it will now be equipped if required使用Dpad:当在屏幕上使用未装备的物品时,它现在会被装备(如果需要的话)。Fix for item-on-item interactions with controller修复控制器物品叠加互动。Fix "for science!" button controller focus when you beat the game修复“为了科学!”控制器按键焦点(当你赢得了游戏时)。Inventory hint stays up longer储物箱提示停留更长的时间。Added trigger tooltips to inventory and crafting bars加入触发至储物箱和界面。Controller tips for inventory and container items are at more sensible offsets储物箱和物品栏的控制器索引更加智能了。add louder controller focus change sound控制器焦点变化时声音加大。added repeat rate for controller page/value changes控制器页码/数值变换速度加快。hooked up sounds to page flips连接声音至轻击翻页。don't play scrolling sounds after the ends of the crafting menu在的末尾不再播放滚轮音效。When using a controller pressing the "INVENTORY_USEONSELF" bind will now first toggle deployable mode on (if applicable) a 2nd press will execute any action related to the bind if deployable mode was triggered.在使用控制器按“Inventory_unsonself”动作时,次会切换至“deployable模式”开启(如果适用的话),第二次按执行涉及到的动作如果(在deployable模式触发时)。Keep the crafting menu open as you open and close the map在打开和关闭时,保持制作界面打开。make controller scrolling move a page at a time in the character select screen在角色选择界面,控制器滚轮每次翻一页。changed the sense of the rotation buttons to be more logical改变视角旋转按钮,以使其更符合逻辑。controller focus movement in FE has repeat when held在主菜单内,控制器焦点在按住时会重复。Use the correct string (based on type, not index) to name the controller you're configuring on the controls screen为控制设置界面的按键显示正确的名字(基于控制器类型,非)。Added default PS3 controller bindings on OSX添加OSX平台的默认PS3控制器按键(完全不能理解......)。Added various missing control bindings across platforms添加各种跨平台的缺失按键。Split ui focus controls from movement将UI焦点控制与动作分离。Split prev/next controls from prev/next page, bound to spinner将前一个/后一个控制从前一个/后一个页面分离,与旋转器结合。Controls screen listens for pgup/pgdown, scrolls by half-screens so you can see some paired controls better控制界面以上页/下页翻页,以滚轮翻半页,使玩家可以更清楚的看到一些成对的动作。Deprecated "custom control" values which are unused inhouse, hopefully unused in mods反对游戏内未使用的自定义控制数值,也希望不要在MOD中使用。Increment control mapping version, invalidating users' current mapping settings (sorry!)定期增加控制版本,玩家现有地图设置将失效(抱歉!)。 When hovering a stackable item over a stack of the same type the hint now says "Put" instead of "Swap" to match the behaviour在点击一个可堆叠物品到相同类型的物品上时,会提示“放置”来代替“”,以使动作与描述相同。=============================================================Performance性能Re-enabled mipmapping on pc - the game should look much cleaner at low resolutions now在PC上重新启用纹理映射时,游戏会在低分辨率时看起来更整洁。Set up better timer code for osx and linux为OSX和Linux平台设置了更好的定时器代码。Lots of GPU / shader optimizations - the game should run better on older cards对于很多图形处理器/阴影优化器,游戏在旧卡上运行会更好了。made killer bee brains cheaper杀人蜂的头脑更加简单了(嗯?是说杀人蜂不会走位了吗?)。made controller button popup checker cheaper使控制器的按钮弹出方格更加简洁。Fire fighting ) - Perf improvement with burning trees (lights in general). Light buffer is now quarter res (actually it's fixed res)火攻 - 提升燃烧树木的性能(光照不变)。光照效果现在为四分之一物品(实际上是已经修复的物品)。Lua spike prevention - no defered userdata cleanup, timeslicing "built-in"(这一段没什么用......)=============================================================UI fixes 用户界面修复disable crafting/inventory opening when you are a beaver变成海狸时,不能打开制作栏/储物箱。adjust recipe description text over slightly稍微调整了食谱描述文本。properly pause game when prompting the player to confirm activation of adventure portal so that controller input isn't picked up by the game在提示玩家确认进入冒险传送门时,适当的暂停游戏,以防控制器按键没有被游戏识别。The audio settings are automatically changed when starting a new game on a fresh install在刚安装的后开始新游戏,声音设置自动改变。fix scrolling issue with crafting UI修复制作界面的滚动问题。Fix mousewheel zoom on map screen修复鼠标滚轮放大地图视角的问题。clock is now more legible时钟现在更加清晰易读了。Don't stop FE music when a character is selected选择角色时,不再停止主界面的。Updated fonts in inventory bar for legibility物品栏字体,使其更加易读。Spoilable inventory items now also have a highlight outline behind their icon/text物品栏内能够腐败的东西现在会在它们的图标/文本后,显示高亮的轮廓。fix text cut-off in crafting menu修复制作目录中文本界限。replaced big arrow button anims with image buttons以动画按键代替大箭头按键。hide hud and squelch interaction when going through wormhole穿越虫洞时,隐藏游戏内容和噪音。map screen panning is smooth instead of chunky地图panning中,以平滑代替粗糙(这个panning实在没找到合适的意思)。Remove non-functional open/close prompt for equipped containers when using controller使用控制器时,移除无用的背包打开/关闭提示。arrow added to hud for backpack在界面中为背包添加箭头。inventory bg is one solid image物品栏BG是一个固态。move chester open menu up to the top of the screen将狗箱打开目录移植屏幕最上方。opening chester will close chests and vice-versa (so they don't overlap)打开狗箱会关闭储物箱,反之亦然(以保证它们不会重叠)。Display deaths recorded as "unknown" as "shenanigans" instead在讣告中死亡原因“未知”替代为“恶作剧”。=============================================================Misc杂项Did full string pass - there should be no more missing strings添加完整的字符目录 - 现在不会再有缺失的名字了。Player character Art is high-res for nicer closeups游戏角色现在是高分辨率的了,有更好的特写镜头。=============================================================游戏名称:饥荒23版中文版


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