独立游戏lisa攻略 断臂的地方我能打过那个人么

自制 很久没来做实况了,偶然看到一款steam上的游戏感觉挺不错的就拿来做一发。风格与之前玩的一些日式RPG有一些的不同。(主角名字是布拉德念错了真是抱歉OTL....)
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Includes 68 Steam Achievements
Title: LISA
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Release Date: 15 Dec, 2014
Packages that include this game
Buy LISA: Complete Edition
Includes 3 items:
LISA, LISA the Joyful, LISA: Original Soundtrack + Art Collection
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About This Game
A game about survival, sacrifice, and perverts...
Lisa is a quirky side-scrolling RPG set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Beneath the charming and funny exterior is a world full of disgust and moral destruction. Players will learn what kind of person they are by being FORCED to make choices. These choices permanently effect the game play. If you want to save a party member from death, you will have to sacrifice the strength of your character. Whether it's taking a beating for them, or chopping off limbs, or some other inhuman way. You will learn that in this world being selfish and heartless is the only way to survive...
- Visible character sacrifices that effect your stats (removing arms, eyes, scratches)
- Recruiting 30+ new party members in towns and camps.
- Ruthless choices that permanently effect towns, characters, life...
- White knuckle shopping cart races.
- Expending party members in Russian Roulette for huge profit, but perma-death if they lose.
- Countless hidden secrets in the world for you to explore.
- A life ruining gaming experience.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP / Vista / 7 (32-bit/64-bit)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 1024 x 768 pixels or higher desktop resolution
Storage: 800 MB available space
OS: OS X 10.6.8
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Radeon HD 2400 or comparable
Storage: 800 MB available space
Additional Notes: Anything supporting OpenGL 2.0 should work in theory
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Radeon HD 2400 or comparable
Storage: 800 MB available space
Additional Notes: Anything supporting OpenGL 2.0 should work in theory
Dingaling Productions, LLC
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Well, where to even start?After playing Undertale, I got the urge to try out more Earthbound inspired RPGs, and that easily lead me to LISA.LISA is an RPG set in a Children of Men-like apocalyptic scenario with a touch of Cronenbergian body horror, deceptively disguised by a very retro and simple artstyle not unlike Earthbound.It constantly shifts between being a light hearted comedy that pokes fun at genre tropes and conventions, and a horrific violent story that deals with really heavy subjects such as masculinity, fatherhood, sexual abuse, nature vs nurture, addiction, and guilt.And this is what makes LISA so great. That tonal contrast constantly blurs itself during the game, making you question if this incredibly wacky cartoonish world really does stray that far off from reality, or if the chance of our world being filled solely by sexually frustrated men would really be all that different from what we get in the game.You will find an incredibly large cast of colorful and hilarious characters in your journey, and they will make you smile and laugh constantly, who will then suddently lead to shocking and horrific events of violence and savagery unlike everything ever seen in another videogame.It truly is a rollercoaster of emotions that has such amount of depth and poignancy that big triple A games like Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite WISHED they could even attempt to have.It really amazes me how this was done just by one guy. Undertale is great with it's meta-narrative, but I feel LISA manages to be superior just by the sheer quality of it's story alone, and it really deserves your love.If you have played any JRPG in your life, then the gameplay should be no stranger to you. It utilizes the Dragon Quest series battle system, which in turn was used by Earthbound.What's great about it is how it subverts that genre with the way some of the attacks work and how they make sense for the characters to use. For example, you can kick someone in the groins and stun them for a whole turn, or a drunk party member can spit his drink to an enemy and throwing a molotov will do double damage.Enemies almost never repeat themselves and they all have their own personalities and small ( often hilarious) stories, the bosses being the real highlights of the game.The game also features a really big roster of party members for you to choose from and they are all funnier than the one before them, and they provide a real amount of strategy and combat variety.Choices, like Undertale, are also a big deal in LISA. There will be certain moments that truly will test your moral compass and decision ability, and the best part of it is that those choices actually matter for the gameplay. I wont spoil them, but if you manage to get attached to any of your party members, you are going to have a bad time.They truly make the world feel that more cruel and hopeless as you go along.The game comes with two modes: Normal and Pain. Normal is just the normal difficulty. Pain mode changes it by adding a few new enemies and secret scenes, and the real catch here, it destroys the savepoints once you use them once, making you have to seriously consider your saving choices.I'd say go for Pain Mode right away. It's not that hard aside from a few frustrating moments. But there is nothing wrong with going Normal first.The soundtrack is also amazing. Very varied and experimental with some real catchy tunes.I highly recommend you purchase also the DLC LISA: The Joyful with the game, because it is absolutely necessary to get the big picture and it ties all the loose ends.Oh, it also features probably the highest emotional highlight of the whole game, something that will leave you teary eyed and probably make you wanna call your dad after it (but you wont do that because that would be gay. What are you, a homo? Im not crying, you're crying!)Also, if you want further context for the story, you should play the free game LISA: The First that you can find online. It was the first game to be released in this series, but I'd say you can play it either before or after the main game. Personally I found it more interesting to play it after, since it gave me the final answers I was looking for.All in all, buy this game. You are missing out on an amazing experience.
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Hope you brought your xanax, this game is more of a downer than my love life. Story and gameplay are great, though.
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Charming and beautifully disturbing game. Music is very effective in setting the mood of each moment and can push you from completely relaxed to on the edge of seat going &oh ???? oh ???? oh ????&.
I also enjoyed how the game doesn't try to use grinding to pad it's playtime and content. You have plenty of stuff to do and explore. I fully recomend this game.
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Brad Armstrong did nothing wrong. And Yazan and Shocklord are the best companions who will never betray you.9/10.
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Interesting Story, Great Gameplay, Fun Art-style, Homoerotic to the point where it will make you reconsider your sexuality, funny... this game is a must play for everyone.
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An excellent innovative and profoundly affecting RPG.
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It's so good that I pirated it, beat it twice, bought the complete edition, and then beat it again.
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I cannot, in good faith, recommend this game if you are a father or plan on being a father in the very near future, unless you can emotionally detach yourself from the events of the game. If one word can be used to describe what happens during the last 3rd of the game, it would be &devastating.& Even if you don't plan on becoming a parent any time soon, I can guarantee that the final moments of this game will, without a doubt, change you. Whether it's for the better or for the worse, that's up to who's playing.
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All I can say is that this game has left an impact on me. Reviewing it fairly is something I'll never - ever - be able to do.Suffice to say I really really like it.
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This has to be the most emotionally driving games I've ever played, with a touch of dark humor here and there to balance things out. On top of that, the soundtrack is a
(The Highway King being one of my favorites in the game). The only real nitpick I have about the game is the combat sytem... It could use a bit of tweaking to make things a bit more balanced (with a few specific characters). Nevertheless, LISA has one of the best stories I've experienced in an RPG in years. I cannot recommend it enough.
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LISA is a game that depicts a senario from the mind of Brad, a man abused at a young age by his father and later in life must endure a world where women are all mysteriously killed and the only known girl left is your adopted daughter who you named Buddy. LISA shows men who have grown insane by knowing humanity is doomed so they turn to a drug called Joy and beer to relieve their growing loss in faith for life. The game is a dark but somewhat interesting story of a man trying to protect his only family who gives him happiness in this dark time and must run from his past as well.
Even though I have sinned and be swallowed by my Darkness. Know that everything I did was to spare you the pain that i feel, Buddy, I'm so sorry..Please Forgive me~
This is the most powerful RPG I have ever played. It's dark, depressing, and mature in all the right ways. How it's able to still keep silliness throughout despite the subject matter it takes on is flooring. The gameplay itself is fantastic, perfectly tuned Menu Based RPG Combat, being underleveled for a task is near impossible, and grinding doesn't even happen.I loved this game, and I hated it, and that's what it wants from you.
Holly ????! What an amazing game! So well written and has tons of great humour! To sum it up, its quite the dark game in a sense that there is a lot of really ????ed up ???? that happens however, its also got a lot of pretty funny moments that just ????ing make you wonder hah! If your looking for a cheap game that can provide at LEAST 10 hours of great story telling and entertainment then you've found it! 10/10 for its price!Pros~- Written Very Well- Decisions Matter- Lots of Humour- Very Colorful Characters- Lots of Part Members to Obtain and Choose From!- Funny Side Quests (Such as *SPOILERS* Russian Roulette, The Fish Town, and the Power Rangers)- Deep Storyline- Lots of perverts and ???????s to kill!Cons~- Graphics Are Very Retro (Con if your not into it that).- Only 10 hours of gameplay!!! (Without DLC)- Can screw up and miss some content then you'll have to go through it again if you want the badges :/
A good friend of mine gifted me this game, and when I started out - I had high hopes for it. The art seemed charming, in a low-quality pixelated kind of way, the music was quirky, and it seemed to have a sense of humor. The problem began when I realized a few things about the game. 1. THE GAMEPLAYNow, this is arguably the most overlook-able part of my complaint. The game emulates early party-based JRPG-style games, which means a few things. Firstly, the combat is pretty generic. Attack. Guard. Use item. Escape. Sometimes characters have unique abilities, but all it boils down to is &pick the strongest attack each turn&. There's just not a whole lot of depth. The fights themselves are painful in the beginning (which isn't a mark against the game itself, seeing as it's LISA: THE PAINFUL - I embraced that aspect of it) and as you progress the only real danger seems to come from mutants and high level enemies that can arbitrarily bite your head off (no I'm not kidding) or otherwise intentionally 1-hit-ko a member of your party. Permanently. Frustrating especially considering I was playing on PAIN mode, so a lot of going back to previous saves happened until I found the wrestling arena where you can continually grind and level up. That made things a bit easier, but the depth of combat really never rose anywhere above &extremely shallow&.2. THE STORYThe game fancies itself a dark, gritty post-apocalyptic world peppered with absurdist humor and lots of man-nipples. The story is (basically) this: The world is a wasteland where no women seem to exist - only hairy, sweaty men. One day, your character (Brad) stumbles upon an infant girl swaddled and crying. Naturally, he raises it as best he can and hides it away from others, since (as far as anyone knows) it's the last woman in existence and thus the fate of the world hangs upon its survival. Sounds okay, right? Unfortunately the writing can't live up to the subject matter. Attempts at serious or emotional situations are clouded by simplistic writing and a plethora of ellipses (which is that &...& thing people love to do that makes their sentences seem to trail off...). It all ends up coming off as a very amateur storytelling effort. Nothing could pull me into caring about Buddy (the kid) or Brad - in fact, everyone in this game world has the same kind of detached attitude that makes it impossible to care about them. Sure, some funny things happen, but they are few and far between, and almost all of them rely heavily (if not entirely) on aforementioned absurdist humor. You kill someone? They say something weird. You meet someone? They say something weird. You enter a cutscene? Someone says something weird to you. The &drama& in any given cutscene is hamstrung by the bad writing. It feels more like an RPG story rather than a story that happens to use an RPG engine as a vehicle. Overuse of ellipses, constant swearing to make kids feel like they're playing a subversive game, attempts at tackling serious issues (child abuse) are handled with baseball mitts and have zero subtlety to them. Apparently this is Dingaling's vision - and if that was his intention, he executed it perfectly. There's no hidden story to uncover. Everything is thrust at your face with the subtlety of a mack truck barreling towards you. The &choices& you make don't actually affect the end of the game, just how hard it is to get there. The same events ultimately unfold, so when confronted with a choice - making the most selfish one is almost always the correct one. I'm sure you can argue that this intentional - that the point is that being selfless in such an environment is a weakness - but that's just dissembling. The point is that there's no reason to care. The game doesn't give you one. Every time you try to make the right choice, especially concerning Buddy, you still end up being the bad guy. There's just no emotional connection between the player and the characters - yet the game carries on as if there is major moral significance to each choice. 3. THE HUMORIt made me laugh a few times. However, the other 97% of the time it tries to be funny it just falls flat. I can't stress the word &asurdist& enough in this - it really just smacks of laziness. You know the guy in your school who would be LOL RANDOM all the time and make you cringe talking about how &craaazy& he is and how he &LUVS SKWERLS AND PIEE!!!11ONE11!&?
That's who wrote this game. The enemies have names like &Peach Punk Terry& and &Wallaby Jones&. Their one-liner death cries are things like &Great! Now I'll never finish my chores!& and other memorable catch phrases. There's just a general air of laziness to everything about this game except the pixel-art. 4. THE FANDOMI know I shouldn't be surprised by this since knowing that stuff like &Spooky's House of Jumpscares& and &Undertale& become popular, but HOLY CRAP does this game have an undeserved fanbase. I'm getting the distinct impression that it mostly consists of young-adults (read: millennials who grew up on Nintendo DS RPGs) who apparently have never read a decent story in their life. Anything with swearing and subversive topics seems to make them consider it high art, no matter how it's executed. This is not high art. This is mediocre at best, insulting of intelligence at worst. 5. THE MUSICThe music is probably the best part about this game, and that's AFTER you get used to it's insane Fruity Loops Sample Schizophrenia style of composing. WIddly 2 Diddly (the creator of this game's music) must be an insane person. It's most definitely an acquired taste - and after listening to all of the 70-ish tracks that come with the game, I've singled out 19 of them that are worth keeping in your music library, some seriously and others for ironic hipster purposes or guilty pleasure listening. Conclusion - this game isn't terrible, but it's not very good either. It's in a weird limbo state of quirkiness and ineptitude that keeps it interesting enough to finish, but not interesting enough to continue thinking about once you're done. The joy mutants were pretty creepy, though. Probably the best visual aspect of the game - some genuine creepiness to some of the scenes / characters you encounter. If there was a &meh& button instead of just Yes/No for my recommendation, that's what I'd give it. Since I can't do that, I must choose the answer closest to the truth. I just can't in good conscience recommend it.Games like this give me newfound respect for games like Cave Story. _THAT_ was an adequate use of retro-style cutscene storytelling mixed with retro gameplay. This? It's the videogame equivalent of a Joy Mutant.
FIVE STARSDark humor.Indie MasterpieceThis game is a work of art.= Good replay value.
= Great soundtrack. - Choices matter. - Up to 30 obtainable party memebers (first one's the start of the game)Undertale reviews mentioned this game and Earthbound as references, and I do see &kill or be killed& phrase used as an easter egg and the actual end game title sequence and dialogue style taken straight from LISA.This game is n
drugs, sexuality, ????, trauma, ptsd, oppression/abuse, and masculity (middle aged men and no women are the only survivors after &the flash& apocalypse)
&I have been dead for 35 years. Today is the day I live.Short answer:
Incredible experience, very recommended.Lisa is an Earthbound inspired RPG taking place sometime after the apocolypse in which all women have vanished. Brad finds a little girl in the wasteland, Buddy, and tries to raise her.I could continue from that point, but I'd rob you of so many emotions.Lisa plays as turnbased RPG sidescroller. You'll pass through varying areas, meet very strange people and creatures, and be Brad. There are 3 main 'hubs' where portions of the game happen and within the hubs are passageways to optional or required zones. You also gather a group of allies, 3 of which you can bring with you, but at least 14 can be found in the world by listening to a man talk, giving a guy a drink, sleeping at the inn 4 times or just giving them all your dirty magazines. Combat has its normal turn based feel except some characters get an Input Sequence attack, (Brad, Rage, .. ?) You'll learn all the skills and different button sequences will trigger them + do additional damage. It allows you to decide to stun now or use a fireball? You get to decide in the moment what is best.The game touches on very delicate and controversial topics such as manhood, ????, abuse. and children. I have to forewarn that the topics in this game are very harsh to realize and could upset some people. You will also make decisions that are amongst the hardest I've made in any RPG before (looking at you Fallout New Vegas) and while they are few, they are emotionally taxing to make.Pros:
Amazing Soundtrack
Dialogue is brutally honest and encapsulating
Every character leaves a mark on your mind. Even enemies you will find trouble hurting.
Great pacing. Characters damage scales well. Not much need for grinding (but you can if you want).Neutral:
The first zone's layout can be confusing and could deter some players. It forces you in a linear path and punishes you if you deviate. The snakes will destroy you.
Controversial themes. Not so much a neutral but a warning. Some serious stuff goes on in this game I have not seen tackled before. But they do it well, honestly, and with great seriousness.
Art is aged by choice. This could make it hard to get engrossed at first. But you will!Cons:
I spent more time thinking about cons than I did writing this review.I wholey recommend Lisa for your rainy day gaming consideration. It will stick with you.
It's been a long time since I've played a game with such a compellingly human main character and an engaging, original story.
Both Funny, Creepy as hell, and very very emotional, all to a funky soundtrack. Theres a quote from Game of Thrones that fits L&If you think this has a happy ending, you have not been paying attetion&
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