
【爆料】美服7.16-7.23官方FB整理 推荐号 近期不出20人
美服DNF就是美国人在运营!美服DNF是韩国人在运营!所以就不要再扯什么南海怎么怎么样了,没用的,这是韩国的,不是美国的。目录:1. 7月21日官方直播剧透:暗精灵遗迹,近期不出20人本2. 2016年7月美服官方壁纸3. 商城出售迷你守护者宠物4. 给守护者截图奖励称号+角色扩展5. 美服推荐号活动可以换夏日套时装6. 守护者二觉宣传片分享活动获奖者公布7. 官方或将继续推出螺旋猫COSPLAY作品地下城与勇士 四亿键盘的格斗梦想Dungeon Fighter Online The game over 400 million players have chosen! 7月22日Reddit论坛玩家帖子。(记者 GrabMeACoke 通讯员 wujiuqier)这个是玩家总结的7月21日官方直播的剧透内容。注意这个帖子不是官方发的,但是是玩家总结的官方直播的内容。本次官方直播透露下周更新暗精灵遗迹,但是近期不会更新20人本。Coming on Tuesday: 周二预计更新:As confirmed on the Instagram earlier, we'll be getting Dark Elf dungeons. 1. 官方已在Instagram确认,这次要更新暗精灵遗迹副本。Road to Ruin event for the new
Dark Elf dungeons. Mobs will drop interdimensional fragments which can
be used to buy selective chronicle equipment.2. 更新一个“通往遗迹之路”活动。击杀暗精灵遗迹副本里面的怪物会掉落异次元碎片。Event revolving around potions coming.3. 更新某活动药剂。Lucky 7's event is coming.4. 更新一个“幸运7”活动。Honey Time is continuing.5. 更新站街挂机活动。Another &Secret Event& is coming up.6. 更新另一个“秘密活动”。Lost Treasures will be updated.7. 遗失的珍宝限时物品更新。In the future: 未来预计更新:They still feel the player base isn't quite ready for Raid yet.8. 他们仍然认为目前玩家基数达不到开20人本的水平。They mentioned this is the
final part of Act 5, and last stream Danjun made the comment of &This is
not Act 6 yet& when responding to Lancer release. This means they're
likely to release August 9th.9. 他们提到这个是第五章的最后一篇,上次直播的时候土罐说的“这还不是第六章”。因此,无责任推测预计8月9日更新魔枪士。We already have most of
Knight's avatars from KDnF, so future avatar packages of past avatar
sets may be released without Knight avatars due to their late release in
KDnF.10. 我们已经更新了韩服几乎所有的守护者的时装。以后的更新时装可能就把守护者的时装先放一放了,考虑到韩服最近更新。Other notes: 其它:They mentioned Chaos has bugs with connection issues, and it&#39;s being fixed currently.<span style="font-family:Arialcolor:#. 他们已经知晓混沌魔灵目前存在掉线异常,目前正在修复。They&#39;re well aware of how
laughable the tagline is with DFO&#39;s recent advertising trend. They&#39;re
open to better suggestions and may hold a social media event to improve
it.<span style="font-family:Arialcolor:#. 他们已经知晓最近的宣传搞的太过于脑残,他们正在征求改进意见,估计会通过一些媒体开展相关活动。MJ seems to be sick for a little while now. Gerri&#39;s tone sounded pretty serious and hopes players will wish him well soon.<span style="font-family:Arialcolor:#. MJ最近似乎是生病了,连Gerri语气都有些凝重,希望广大玩家能够祝愿他早日康复。Nyangko is with someone now. That someone is not JungJam.<span style="font-family:Arialcolor:#. Nyangko(DNF美服工作人员)有男朋友了(?),不是那个JungJam(前韩国OGN竞赛选手)。7月10日官方Facebook说说。这个是美服2016年7月官方壁纸。这个是的分辨率,其他尺寸的也可以到官网下载。Hi there, &#8234;#&#8206;DFO&#8236; Adventurers! 各位DNF勇士,大家好!Here is a new July Wallpaper to spice some things up! Knight 2nd
awakening will be available soon! In the mean time, download the
wallpaper in your proper screen resolution at our website! &3这个是新的7月的官方壁纸!守护者二觉马上要出了[鄙人:美服于7月12日更新守护者二觉]同时,你也可以到我们官网下载适合的分辨率的壁纸!&#10084;[Website] 网址:7月13日官方Facebook说说。官方更新迷你守护者宠物(或称SD宠物)。效果还是转职自带被动+1,85二觉技能+1,四维20,双暴3%,MP+5%,爆伤7%,技能:迷你世界的玩具:恢复主人所有异常状态,冷却60秒。Hello &#8234;#&#8206;DFO&#8236; Adventurers! 各位DNF勇士,大家好!We have some cute Knight Petit Friend creatures out right now! Don&#39;t
forget to check them out :3 It comes with x200 creature food and x2
creature renaming card! &3我们这次上架了一下迷你守护者宠物!不要忘记去查看≡ω≡同时也附带200个宠物饲料,2张宠物更名卡!&#10084;7月14日官方Facebook说说。美服这次在官方Facebook和官方Instagram上展开了这样一个活动。给游戏里面的守护者角色截图,上传到Instagram相册,加上#Dream4Knight
庆称号,下面鄙人就补上这个称号的截图。原图取自dnf美服吧,作者:@SangueLolita Hi &#8234;#&#8206;DFO&#8236; Fam! 各位DNF勇士,大家好!There is an event going on Instagram right now, where you can win the
exclusive &DFO Supoorter& Title as well as a Character Slot
Expansion Kit! :3这个是一个将于Instagram上开展的活动,可以继续获得【DFO爱好者】称号,以及角色栏扩展券!~o( =∩ω∩= )m&3 EVENT &#10084;活动1. Take a screenshot of your Knight character. Brownie points for creativity!2. Upload on your instagram using &#8234;#&#8206;Dream4Knight&#8236; on the photo description3. Please also leave your IGN and server on your photo description1. 给你的守护者角色截张图。富有创造性则有额外加分奖励!2. 将截图上传到你的Instagram相册,描述加上#Dream4Knight话题。3. 注意在图片描述加上你的角色名和服务器。&3 REWARDS &#10084;奖励5 Winners will receive a &DFO Supporter& Title + Character Slot Expansion Kit!按照创意度选取5名玩家获得【DFO爱好者】称号+角色栏扩展券!&3 PERIOD: 7/12 ~ 7/24 (UTC) &#10084;时间:7月12日——7月24日附:美服DFO爱好者称号四维30,三速3%,双暴3%,双最大300,所有属强15,500px的50四维光环,城移速30%,攻击时有5%几率提升7%的暴击率,效果持续20秒,冷却时间30秒。7月16日官方Facebook说说。这次更新的活动的那个推荐号的活动可以换前段时间更新的夏日套的时装!但是没有染色剂和万能钥匙,只有时装。Hello &#8234;#&#8206;DFO&#8236; Adventurers! 各位DNF勇士,大家好!The summer is hot... what better to make it cool with some dank avatars
:P You can get the Samba avatars and Underwear package for a limited
time until August 23rd! Also, you can get the Summer Avatars with 1200
points in the Come With Me event, so make sure you get all your points
and rewards! &3夏天真热。。。看来需要整一些凉快的时装.(&#3665;&&#1538;&&#3665;)&#1782;大家目前可购买桑巴套和内衣套,限时的,只持续到8月23日!还有,那个推荐号活
动只要攒够1 200点,你就可以换夏日套的时装,所以一定要多攒点数兑换奖励![鄙人:光是时装,那还有什么意义 呢?]&3 Underwear Package &#10084;内衣套&3 Samba Package &#10084;桑巴套&3 Come With Me Event (Summer Package) &#10084;推荐号活动(可以换内衣套时装)7月18日官方Facebook说说。上次的守护者二觉宣传片分享活动的获奖者已经公布,一共20人获奖,奖励是自选迷你守护者宠物1个。不知道这次有没有吧里面的中奖了。中奖分红!!!Congrats to the winners of our Knight 2nd Awakening trailer Tag/Share
event! These 20 winners will receive a selective Knight Petit Friends
creature box on the 7/26 maintenance!Thanks for participating everybody &3 :) You guys make the DFO world go around!恭喜上次的守护者二觉宣传片的分享活动的获奖者!以下20名获奖者将与7月26日更新后获得自选迷你守护者宠物1个!感谢各位的参与&#10084;各位已经将DFO发扬全世界!7月20日官方Facebook说说。螺旋猫的COSPLAY并没有随着动漫展的结束而结束,而是继续了下去,这次官方Facebook似乎又贴出来几张图,不知道会不会继续放出呢?LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION! The &#8234;#&#8206;DFO&#8236; Adventure with Spiralcats is not over
yet! Last weekend, Danjun went to a photography session with Spiralcats
to help direct and make something real cool B|灯光!相机!行动!DNF螺旋猫的COSPLAY并没有就此结束!上周,土罐就和螺旋猫去弄了这个摄影,来做一些好看的东西(●—●)Can you tell from the set up what we will be producing from this
session?! I saw some of the raw files from the photoshoot, and one has a
cameo appearance with Danjun :P你能告诉我们从这个会议上我们将生产什么?!我看到一些原始图,有一张土罐还抢镜了呢.(&#3665;&&#1538;&&#3665;)&#1782;We&#39;ll be releasing the final production results around next week when
all retouches have been made! &3 Really excited to show you guys what
it will be because its so high-tech... WE LIVE IN THE FUTURE!我们下周就会发布这些COSPLAY的完整版,只要加上所有的美化润色!&#10084;为什么我会这么兴奋给大家分享呢,就是这些工作太高技术了。。。我们简直就像是活在未来!以上是本周官方Facebook更新的内容。有何疏漏谬误之处,不吝指正,鄙人不胜感激。鄙人翻译 DNF美服吧,COLG发行


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