
【i手游】有故事的三消类游戏Pudding Legend
腾讯数码讯(多多)说到三消类游戏,也许很多资深手游玩家都会觉得不再惊艳,不会再有任何惊喜。不过三消游戏由于特点十分明显,变化多端且可玩性强,依旧拥有众多铁杆粉丝。今天【i手游】给各位带来的这款三消类游戏Pudding Legend有些与众不同,是一款故事性极强、情节十分丰富的卡通版游戏。游戏中男孩和女孩一同到魔法学院学习并且相互比赛。他们相互约定看谁能够率先拥有法力超强的无敌布丁战士。于是为了赢得这个比赛,他们开始了漫长的修炼之旅。游戏名称:Pudding Legend测试平台: N1这款Pudding Legend整体采用卡通风格设计。进入游戏界面,淡蓝色的背景加上穿着火辣的美少女战士,着实为游戏增色不少。并且首次进入游戏还会出现有关故事情节的介绍,与传统三消类游戏开门见山的简约式设计有很大区别。作为玩家,会有使命感瞬间增强的感觉。下面来说说背景音效,说句实在话这款游戏的音效并没有界面设计来得惊艳,可以说表现得中规中矩。节奏欢快的背景音效,虽然与快节奏的游戏操作十分相配,但与其他传统三消游戏几乎没有区别。Pudding Legend游戏的界面功能设置十分合理。在游戏主界面上可以直接进入“设置”、“商店”和“成就榜”等页面,操作起来十分方便。下面来说说这款Pudding Legend的游戏规则。首先,有关三消游戏的玩法不用详细介绍,无非就是三个相同颜色的方块遇到一起消除。不过在这款游戏中,就不仅仅是消除相同颜色的布丁这么简单了。玩家消除三个相同颜色的布丁,就可获得更多的血液,并且取得发动攻击的主动权。另外点击“炸弹”就可以消除炸弹所在一整行的布丁。此外,一次性消除三个以上布丁可以得到更高的分数。另外,游戏中还会出现各种各样不同的加分道具,点击即可消除更多的布丁,得到更高分数。这款Pudding Legend游戏最大的特点就是采用了丰富的故事情节设计,并且卡通风格、精致的画面绝对称得上上乘,看得出游戏开发商的良苦用心。此外游戏中操作简单的界面设计,让玩家操作起来没有后顾之忧。另外,同所有的三消类游戏一样,这款Pudding Legend在每个关卡都设有不同的加分道具,玩家可以充分利用道具来获得更高的分数。唯一表现平淡的就要数游戏的背景音效了,说句良心话节奏欢快的音效设计也表现得可圈可点。但与表现出色的游戏故事性和画面精致度来说,就显得稍逊一筹了。不过总的来说,这款Pudding Legend虽然在画面风格、游戏故事性以及其它方面表现得比较出色,但归根结底还是逃不了三消类游戏的本质。所以说,对三消类游戏有情节的玩家会对Pudding Legend爱不释手,但如果玩家天然的对此类游戏“不感冒”,就会觉得有些平淡无奇,甚至会觉得换汤不换药。目前这款Pudding Legend在Android平台的软件商店中可以免费下载,对三消类游戏感兴趣的玩家不妨尝试一下吧。 查报价,看新品,尽在腾讯数码官方微信 扫描左侧二维码即可添加腾讯数码官方微信 您也可以在微信上搜索“腾讯数码”或“qqdigi”,获取更多数码资讯。
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Steam上看到一个新游戏Endless Legend,做endless space的公司出的,有人关注过吗
高级玩家, 积分 514, 距离下一级还需 86 积分
高级玩家, 积分 514, 距离下一级还需 86 积分
也是一款4X游戏,只是背景换成了奇幻。看样子挺不错的,现在还在early access阶段,截几张图给大家看看:
<font color="#.探索(eXlore):和文明5开局派侦查兵去开图差不多,EL也需要去探索各种遗迹,和野外部落战斗,寻找各种战略资源,奢侈品。但EL加入了英雄,任务和季节的设定,为游戏增加了不少RPG特色和可玩性:
<font color="#.扩张(eXpand):游戏地图被划分成了不同的行政省份,每个省份只能供一个种族建造一座城市,这座城市会享受整个区域资源的加成,这在避免文明AI那种密密麻麻乱铺城的同时,也强调了EL探索战略资源和及时扩张的重要性,同时也会造成更为紧张的外交关系。虽然城市会获得整个省份的战略资源和奢侈品,但每座城市建造的位置还是非常重要的,因为每个城市的格子数一开始是固定的,每个格子依照地形不同分别产出粮食,科技,生产力,这些格子的产出之和就是你的综合国力,因此将城市建造在特殊资源或者有快乐奖励的奇观附近是非常重要的。随着城市的发展,可以建造新的区县(选定一个格子扩张三个新的格子),以降低人们快乐度为前提增加你的国力。不同的种族有不同的地形加成和perk,比如wild walker在森林地形会增加生产力,圣堂种族完全不需要粮食,需要将城市建造在金钱产出多的地形上。类似文明,EL还可以对内政进行细节化管理,既可以设定成自动注重粮食,生产力某一方面,也可以手动管理每一位市民。这在游戏中非常重要,每回合,每个季节,不同的时代细节化管理能对整体战略能起到关键性的作用。
<font color="#.开发(eXploit):测试版暂时为每个种族提供了6个时代的科技圆盘,虽然种族间科技略有差异,但都分为四大类,内政,军事,科技和扩张,每学满10个,就可以解锁下个时代的科技。同时EL还设定了影响力的这个重要的属性,每过一定回合,玩家就可以使用影响力为整个种族设定了总体发展方向(一个很多同心圆的帝国战略圆盘),也是上述四个方向,每层圆环需要不同时代解锁,消耗影响力和所获得的奖励也各有不同。战略不能随时调整,一旦决定需要一定回合后才能再次设定。影响力这个属性还可以用在英雄征服的野外部落的融合上,融合后不仅可以获得特殊兵种,还可以获得不同部落的特性加成。就连外交也需要大量的影响力点数,宣战和平谈判都是需要民意支持的。
<font color="#.消灭(eXterminate):EL中不仅英雄可以升级,各种兵种也可以升级。战斗在双方接触后在大地图直接展开阵型排布,不像英雄无敌那样需要切换画面,现代感和流畅感非常强。战斗节奏很快,每回合在为每个部队选定攻击目标和阵型后就自动展开攻击。在没有有利地形的情况下,速度快的近战兵种是远程兵的克星,同样远程兵种也是速度慢的近战的噩梦,随着科技的解锁还会出现新的兵种,合理选择英雄搭配不同兵种才是战斗胜利的关键。当然专注战略的玩家也可以以三种方式选择快速战斗(攻击型,防御型,原地型)。
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游戏狂人, 积分 1385, 距离下一级还需 615 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1385, 距离下一级还需 615 积分
正式版出来再玩,受够了现在的各种alpha beta版本
高级玩家, 积分 549, 距离下一级还需 51 积分
高级玩家, 积分 549, 距离下一级还需 51 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2312, 距离下一级还需 1188 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2312, 距离下一级还需 1188 积分
初级玩家, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
初级玩家, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
还是文明4的mod, FFH2
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太空策略游戏《遥远的世界:传奇(Distant Worlds:Legend)》最新截图欣赏
12:08:26 来源:互联网 作者:未知 编辑:迦偌 浏览:loading
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Includes 25 Steam Achievements
Title: Legend of Kay Anniversary
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 27 Jul, 2015
Buy Legend of Kay Anniversary
About This Game
10 years after its initial release, Legend of Kay - Anniversary is a thoroughly remastered version of the original game: high- new, more detai modern rendering techniques and crystal-clear surround sound give this great classic a new shine.
Full of fond allusions to old martial arts films and pop culture quotes, Legend of Kay - Anniversary is both an incredibly funny game and a challenging action-adventure for young and old alike.
25 different levels with over 15 enemy types and epic boss battles.
3 different primary weapons (sword/hammer/claws) with distinct combat styles.
Various mini-games such as wild boar racing, dragon flying and wolf riding.
Online rankings: compare your score with your friends’ and compete against the best in the world.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7/Windows 8.1 32 or 64 bit
Processor: Dual Core Processor at 2.0+ GHz or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB NVidia or ATI graphics card
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 6 GB available space
OS: OSX 10.7 +
Processor: 2.0+ GHz or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB NVidia or ATI graphics card
Storage: 6 GB available space
(C) 2015 Nordic Games GmbH, Austria. Developed by Kaiko. Published & Distributed by Nordic Games GmbH, Austria. Legend of Kay is a trademark of Nordic Games Licensing AB, Sweden. All other brands, product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
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Very Positive
(94 reviews)
both the story and platforming i found decent but the combat was awfull, sword did decent overall and seems to be where they put most of their effort but all of them the hammer most of all suffer from a lack of motion, you can hit an enemy and push him so far away that your second strike will miss and they can hit you back, the somersalt strike has a major drawback, though strong it takes to long to recover from it that an downed enemy can get back up and hit you back. even when you hit them unarmored on the ground it sometimes has the effect of striking armor and semingly negates any damage.the voiceacting and lines for the main character was anoying and would have been an improvement to put in animal noises or something instead.the camera was awfull in most stages, any fight was too far zoomed in that it was hard to see enemies and made it hard to aviod anyone behind you (charging crocodiles were a nightmare), demons can stunlock you if your unlucky and the same can happen when fighting mobs,the castle cortyard was the worst part of the game as it throws hoards of enemies on you without any chance to get suplies before it, the closest merchant is in the earlier chapter and with no real save system you can go back and get potions to survive the gauntlet that is ahead, i was lucky and managed to roll stab with the hammer and claws so i got past this but as it was on nightmare, i could die in about 6 hits witout armor and 16 with but apes that ignores stuns and range using crocodiles that often wasen't enough. and they did this for several rooms! this wouldn't be so bad if a merchant was avalible before the gauntlet. i might have enjoyed this more on an easier difficulty but i would rather have left it and done something else if that was the only's not as polished as i would have liked, but it's fun on most of the stages. and overall it's playable and not bad enough to warant a negativ score.
As someone who played this game when I was younger it's great to be able to re-live Legend of Kay once again. The story is enjoyable and the voice acting is decent, though I didn't buy this game expecting anyhting more or less than what it is: a nice remaster of a good game.
I would recommend this game to both old and new players alike as for those who have played it get the nostalgia factor and those who haven't get a brand new experience. It's a nice, simple game with an engaging story and a nice soundtrack as well.
- This review isn't written by a native speaker, thank you for your understanding –- If you haven't found this review helpful or if you have found a mistake please leave a comment below -- Note1 : I got this game on IndieGameStand for $6
-- Note2 : Perfect means to get all achievements and for that game there is still all the extra contents to unlock that can be missed
-Family Rating Everyone 10+Rating between Mixed, Good and Must Play- Key features below ---- Review after -----------------------------------------------Play time needed (perfect)About 15 hours up to 20 hoursGaming levelFrom Casual to GamerAchievement levelCasual (-) and Gamer (+)Game styleAdventure (+); Platformer (+); Fighting (+); Puzzle (-)Game modesS Extra raceOnline communityExtra race leaderboardsGraphicsGreat !StoryGood.PlaythroughOne.VoiceJust fine. (Childish)MusicGood.CameraAwful! Refer to (*).EnvironmentOpen linear levels ( with mandatory and optional quests)ControlsKeyboard and mouse or controller. Refer to (#).TutorialYes, cut in several parts.Unmissable / backtracking contentNo! Refer to (@) at the end.Extra contentsYes, plenty if you’re good at it ! Refer to (~).Glitches / bugsOne good (and several bad?). Refer to (!) at the end.SizeAbout 5500 MoWorth priceIf you have played the original Legends of Kay and loved it, you may be able to purchase it with a lower discount: the game hasn’t changed except the graphics, models and sounds. (According to the steam store description.) So there were no improvements made on the awful camera or some bad gameplay parts or issues.For the achievements hunter I would recommend it if you like great challenges: some parts are tedious especially several fighting parts. (would be easier if there was a better camera)For the others I would not recommend this game unless you are accepting playing this game with an awful camera. Refer to the (*) at the end.- Review below -----------------------------------------------------------------------/!\- Characters limit exceeded - full review here -/!\- :
Legend of Kay Anniversary is back 10 years later after its initial release on one or several gaming platforms.You are Kay a young cat wishing to be a warrior in order to save his village and fight against the gorillas and rats invasion that are now ruling the kingdom. Despite having the worse mayor of the kingdom, there are several cats willing to rebel against the invaders. There are the ex-legendary warrior cat that wish to train his apprentice to be as he was in the past years ago and a female cat that wish to set a resistance movement against the invaders and a mysterious seller that wish to help everyone that wish to rebel against the new rulers if they are wealthy enough.The story itself is fine, graphics and sounds are great! But the voices are just fine and mostly childish so you are more willing to skip every cut scene.The game feature linear based levels but not as bad as you may think: you can move freely in a very open area exploring, doing optional quests and leaving it when you wish to. (except the first level if you don’t know what triggers the end of the level) So the only bad thing is you can’t go back to a previous level. When I say you can’t, you really can’t ! Even with the save file because you have a unique save for your whole play through and the game save at the beginning of every new chapter. So following a guide to not skip any collectible is greatly recommended especially if you’re going for achievements and wish to make it in one playthrough. And as I said except the first level, all the others can be freely explored as long as you don’t reach the exit marked on the map. (A gate shape icon)The game features a lot of platforming as well as many fighting parts: so I’ll say that platforming and fighting are fairly shared. There are also a good number of races and bosses. And you have a few puzzle parts.Back to the game itself: let’s talk about the HUD. You begin the game with 3 health points and 4 chi points. You can extend each of them up to 15 points as long as you find them. You can earn them in various ways: buying them at the shop, finding them in some red chests and doing some events or quests. You have also a life system and begin with 3 lives and you can have an unlimited amount of it as long as you find them and not lost them. You can find a life the same way as the health and chi points except you can’t buy it at the shop. When you’ve taken a fatal damage you lost a life and respawn at the last checkpoint with half of your life and the remaining chi points. Do not be confuse with checkpoint and save-point : they are different. Checkpoints are not visible unless you die or fall out of the screen so you’ll respawn at one. So checkpoints are only used for that and save-point are where you resume the game so you should leave your game after you found one if you don’t want to lost anything. Except at the beginning of every new chapter as the game is saved. Save-points are red Asian lanterns that save your game every time you come near of them restoring your health up to 10 health points.Also you’ll have the number of silver keys you have not used yet and a five slots parts under your main HUD (health and chi) for your potions. That’s limited to 5 because if there wasn’t a limit the game would be too easy. There are 5 kinds of potions as far as I remember and of course you can’t stack them up so each potion takes one slot. You’ve got the health and chi potions that instantly restore all your related points. Then you’ve got the berserk potion that makes you deal very much more damage for a short amount of time. You’ve also the swarm potion that cast a swarm of bees that attacks nearest enemies for a limited time. And you’ve the demon potion that is only used to enter a demon gate. When you drink it you see the edge of the demon world for a short time and you can enter in the demon world if you pass through a demon portal/gate. The only very bad thing about it is the very short time you can be at the edge of the demon world and the fact you can’t know where the gate is unless you drink potions until you find out if there was one or not in this chapter. Also you can find or purchase an armor (green, red and black) which can sustain damage instead of being hurt and each armor has their own durability but are all very effective against damage. Finally you can buy any potion you wish as long as you have an empty slot and the money for it. I talked about buying but not about the currency: you get it while destroying many breakable things or opening chests or rescuing imprisoned people. You’ve got several kind of coins with their own values.-/!\- Characters limit exceeded - full review here -/!\- :
As I've seen some other Negative reviews say, I really wanted to like this game. I love platformers and I think the game looks great, but whenever there's a conversation happening I find myself tuning out. The game needs more gameplay and less chatting. A dialogue skip button would be nice.
When i was kid i played this game on Playstation 2 so cool game but when i saw this game on steam i said i must have it.I didnt have money but my friend bought for me this game thanks my friend ( ?° ?? ?°)
Ive enjoyed
playing, reminds me of titles like old good Rayman 2 or Croc.This game is going through few maps, best thing is that You can somehow explore in case of finding coins, armors, weapon upgrades, etc.Secrets arent hidden God knows where like in other games, You can find them easily. About fighting... Every weapon has its style, so You dont have to fight using only sword, but also there are claws and hammer.Would like to see more of old games in reworked design with Trading Cards and Achievements.
I love the game play, it reminds me of mystical ninja starring geoman on n64... But my god, the voice acting. I have been so tempted to try to mute the voices in the game as they make me CRINGE!!!!! I would recommend it, but just be warned you will want to headbutt a kitten after listening to them talk for 5 min.
Product received for free
One of my favorite games by far that is rpg-like!
I love this game! I missed the chance to play it on the PS2 and was exstatic to find this on steam! It's an excellent platforming game with variety to the combat and a beautiful soundtrack! So the acting isn't the greatest, it doesn't bother me. I highly recommend this if enjoy games like Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, or Crash Bandicoot!Edit: I've noticed some reviews saying that they have had crashes. I personally haven't had any but even if there are some, it can't be worse than other games *cough* Skyrim *cough* yeah...
MY 8 year old love it.
- This review isn't written by a native speaker, thank you for your understanding –- If you haven't found this review helpful or if you have found a mistake please leave a comment below -- Note1 : I got this game on IndieGameStand for $6
-- Note2 : Perfect means to get all achievements and for that game there is still all the extra contents to unlock that can be missed
-Family Rating Everyone 10+Rating between Mixed, Good and Must Play- Key features below ---- Review after -----------------------------------------------Play time needed (perfect)About 15 hours up to 20 hoursGaming levelFrom Casual to GamerAchievement levelCasual (-) and Gamer (+)Game styleAdventure (+); Platformer (+); Fighting (+); Puzzle (-)Game modesS Extra raceOnline communityExtra race leaderboardsGraphicsGreat !StoryGood.PlaythroughOne.VoiceJust fine. (Childish)MusicGood.CameraAwful! Refer to (*).EnvironmentOpen linear levels ( with mandatory and optional quests)ControlsKeyboard and mouse or controller. Refer to (#).TutorialYes, cut in several parts.Unmissable / backtracking contentNo! Refer to (@) at the end.Extra contentsYes, plenty if you’re good at it ! Refer to (~).Glitches / bugsOne good (and several bad?). Refer to (!) at the end.SizeAbout 5500 MoWorth priceIf you have played the original Legends of Kay and loved it, you may be able to purchase it with a lower discount: the game hasn’t changed except the graphics, models and sounds. (According to the steam store description.) So there were no improvements made on the awful camera or some bad gameplay parts or issues.For the achievements hunter I would recommend it if you like great challenges: some parts are tedious especially several fighting parts. (would be easier if there was a better camera)For the others I would not recommend this game unless you are accepting playing this game with an awful camera. Refer to the (*) at the end.- Review below -----------------------------------------------------------------------/!\- Characters limit exceeded - full review here -/!\- :
Legend of Kay Anniversary is back 10 years later after its initial release on one or several gaming platforms.You are Kay a young cat wishing to be a warrior in order to save his village and fight against the gorillas and rats invasion that are now ruling the kingdom. Despite having the worse mayor of the kingdom, there are several cats willing to rebel against the invaders. There are the ex-legendary warrior cat that wish to train his apprentice to be as he was in the past years ago and a female cat that wish to set a resistance movement against the invaders and a mysterious seller that wish to help everyone that wish to rebel against the new rulers if they are wealthy enough.The story itself is fine, graphics and sounds are great! But the voices are just fine and mostly childish so you are more willing to skip every cut scene.The game feature linear based levels but not as bad as you may think: you can move freely in a very open area exploring, doing optional quests and leaving it when you wish to. (except the first level if you don’t know what triggers the end of the level) So the only bad thing is you can’t go back to a previous level. When I say you can’t, you really can’t ! Even with the save file because you have a unique save for your whole play through and the game save at the beginning of every new chapter. So following a guide to not skip any collectible is greatly recommended especially if you’re going for achievements and wish to make it in one playthrough. And as I said except the first level, all the others can be freely explored as long as you don’t reach the exit marked on the map. (A gate shape icon)The game features a lot of platforming as well as many fighting parts: so I’ll say that platforming and fighting are fairly shared. There are also a good number of races and bosses. And you have a few puzzle parts.Back to the game itself: let’s talk about the HUD. You begin the game with 3 health points and 4 chi points. You can extend each of them up to 15 points as long as you find them. You can earn them in various ways: buying them at the shop, finding them in some red chests and doing some events or quests. You have also a life system and begin with 3 lives and you can have an unlimited amount of it as long as you find them and not lost them. You can find a life the same way as the health and chi points except you can’t buy it at the shop. When you’ve taken a fatal damage you lost a life and respawn at the last checkpoint with half of your life and the remaining chi points. Do not be confuse with checkpoint and save-point : they are different. Checkpoints are not visible unless you die or fall out of the screen so you’ll respawn at one. So checkpoints are only used for that and save-point are where you resume the game so you should leave your game after you found one if you don’t want to lost anything. Except at the beginning of every new chapter as the game is saved. Save-points are red Asian lanterns that save your game every time you come near of them restoring your health up to 10 health points.Also you’ll have the number of silver keys you have not used yet and a five slots parts under your main HUD (health and chi) for your potions. That’s limited to 5 because if there wasn’t a limit the game would be too easy. There are 5 kinds of potions as far as I remember and of course you can’t stack them up so each potion takes one slot. You’ve got the health and chi potions that instantly restore all your related points. Then you’ve got the berserk potion that makes you deal very much more damage for a short amount of time. You’ve also the swarm potion that cast a swarm of bees that attacks nearest enemies for a limited time. And you’ve the demon potion that is only used to enter a demon gate. When you drink it you see the edge of the demon world for a short time and you can enter in the demon world if you pass through a demon portal/gate. The only very bad thing about it is the very short time you can be at the edge of the demon world and the fact you can’t know where the gate is unless you drink potions until you find out if there was one or not in this chapter. Also you can find or purchase an armor (green, red and black) which can sustain damage instead of being hurt and each armor has their own durability but are all very effective against damage. Finally you can buy any potion you wish as long as you have an empty slot and the money for it. I talked about buying but not about the currency: you get it while destroying many breakable things or opening chests or rescuing imprisoned people. You’ve got several kind of coins with their own values.-/!\- Characters limit exceeded - full review here -/!\- :
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3 people found this review funny
Very good remaster of a fun game I played on PS2 almost 10 years ago.Pros: - Great platforming- Fluid and challenging combat- A lot of variety in activities and challenges- New textures look great- Comic book cutscenes are cool- Very nice soundtrackCons: - Voice acting needs improvment- Script outside of comic cutscenes is quite poor at times- Camera can be annoying at times (especially in constrained areas)8/10
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4 people found this review funny
God I didn't know how bad the voice acting for this game was when I was a kid.But seriously, looking past the graphics menu and bad voice acting, this game is still enjoyable years down the line. It offers fun gameplay both platforming and combat wise, funny dialogue and an allround laid back, nice experience.P.S: Problems with tabbing out is fixable by running Borderless Gaming in the background
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I among many other people who bought this played this as a kid but by no means is this game only fun because of nostalgic value. These sort of kid like platforming games is what pc honestly needs.+ Great graphical update from the original+ Combat is great among most hack & slash games, its pretty solid on all levels+ Platforming is fun and brings you back to when platformers weren't only 2d indie hardcore platformers+ The sound is a huge bump up in quality, although I did experience a few very minor odd sound placements but I won't detract any points from it+ Runs great on a 1080p monitor and at 60 fps, so all the resolution problems people are talking about are foreign to me+ Beautiful levels+/- Quests are what you'd expect from games like this, fetch whatever to do whatever or activate some thing, personally I had never thought of this as a problem but you be the judge+/- Voice acting in my opinion is great for me, its the original voices (I believe) and sure while the protraying of the emotion is laughable its far from being unbearable nor does it detract from the feeling of the game at all+/- The camera needs a bit of work since it feels like its pointing more so to the ground, not really giving you the control of having a full 360 view of the world, so seeing whats ahead of you is a bit of a mystery until it hits you like a boar. Pretty sure this was the same problem with the original so I don't hugely mind but if this can be addressed i'd say it'd be pretty welcome.+/- This is my own personal gripe on two points, unskipable dialouge and the UI. With the original dialouge you could just skip past boring tutorials an other small quick conversations. The original UI, while not styleized in its sort of Chinese style with paintbrushed texts and scrolls and whatnot it feels too bare. The way it was in the original was even more akin to a Chinese style with having a Jade stone background where the health and items were so i'm not sure why they changed it Quick comment about the weapons and armor if anyone is curious and hasn't ever played this, you can get 3 types of weapons with around 2 upgrades each (If I remember right) if you exclude the base weapon which changes the apperance quite a bit and of course the damage outputs. The 3 main types are the sword, claws and the hammer. There are also 3 different types of armor, Jade, Red colored armor and cool looking black armor. This game is in every way a must buy if you want to relieve your past of 3d platforming, I don't wholey remember how long it took me to beat the game, since as a kid I had the IQ level of a bug, but i'd say its safe to assume you'd clock in at least around 7 hours, give or take. It all entirely depends how fast you rush through but this game should honestly be taken at a steady pace, it just feels so good to play it.Edit: Looking at my current time this game will probably take you longer than 7 hours to beatThey also say b*stard twice for an E rated game, if I was a kid I would feel so edgy right now
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2 people found this review funny
in case you don't know, this is a remaster of a PS2 game of the same name of course. the remaster is great in terms of graphics and steam integration (cards, achievements..etc) but lacks graphics options (it will run at the same resolution as your desktop's) and only in fullscreen. there is a quick fix for the fullscreen thing to run in borderless if you want that involves creating an .ini file. the audio seems out of sync a little with the characters lips but i don't recall if it was that way from the PS2 game or its only here. other than that the game runs for the game itself, it is a classic 3D platformer like Jak and daxter and Sly Cooper, the combat is solid and the platforming is really fun, with lots of secrets to find and fun mini games takes the game's length to somewhat close to 15 hours. though the voice acting is really really terrible and should be skipped for sure (fortunately you can skip the cutscenes). and the camera is a little annoying sometimes but thats a common thing in most 3D games.
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A blast from the past! Legend of Kay Anniversary is a HD remake of an old PS2 3D Action-Adventure Platformer.First of all, yeah there are no graphics options but for me the game runs great. No hiccups, works perfectly in my native resolution. I really dig the asian setting, the HD remake looks great, the controls are fluid for an old game and it's time that we get some 3D platforming action back.
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Legend Of Kay went under the radar during the golden age of platform games of PS2. Now, we have a new chance to enjoy this game, here, in steam. This title could never compete with the Ratchets and the Jaks of its era, but it's still a very solid game.The platforming is very fluid, the combat is challenging and fun at the same time. Of course, we have a lot of other things to do, like unlock extras, races, exploration... a bit of everything, just like games were back in the day.It is also a funny game, as you are a cat and you fight using martial arts and several weapons (swords, hammers...). Also, you can't swim for a long time, your enemies are the rats and your friends are communist pandas.This anniversary version is perfect. HD textures and models, a great optimization, 1080P and 60 fps no scope. Shout-out to the OST, it has some great tracks too.The only downside is the voice acting. It could be better, yes, but doesn't really matter for a game of this kind.A cult classic. Now in Steam. You like platforms? You buy this.
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Finally, my favorite PS2 game gets a remake it much deserves.
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On the plus side this is almost EXACTLY like the original PS2 classic. Let the nostalgia flow through you.On the down side this is almost EXACTLY like the original, including the crappy voice acting and clunky camera controls.That being said it's still a great game that deserves some attention, just don't expect anything mind blowing... and maybe wait for it to go on sale.
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Time for some nostalgia.
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