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济南火车站增开4对旅客列车 进站可直接托运
来源:济南日报 作者: 时间: 11:25
  2015年暑运将于下月开启,济南火车站暑运方案今天出台,为期62天的暑运期间,济南站预计发送旅客403万人次,同比增长13.5%。济南站将增开4对旅客列车,满足旅客需求。为方便旅客托运行李,济南火车站将在进站大厅增设行包托运代办点。  针对2015年暑运特点,济南火车站共安排增开旅客列车4对,其中直通1对,北京~日照K次;管内列车3对,分别为青岛北~济南东D次、济南东~烟台D次、烟台~泰山K16/7次。此外,图定列车丹东~青岛北K958/5 K956/7次运行区段也将变更为白城~青岛北。
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Nothing can replace the simple joy of paper craft. Be inspired to get creative with these ideas using our Paper Lover's Book.
Be inspired to live with positivity with our beautiful new Thrive Collection. Splashes of watercolour and flecks of gold will be sure to add some fun to each and every day.
When you have a plan for finding balance between the different areas of your life, it's so much easier to work productively and find more time for what matters
Be inspired to start making small changes today that can help you build a better tomorrow with our Pause Personal Planner.
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blog: Be inspired
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Nothing can replace the simple joy of paper craft. Be inspired to get creative with these ideas using our Paper Lover's Book.
Be inspired to live with positivity with our beautiful new Thrive Collection. Splashes of watercolour and flecks of gold will be sure to add some fun to each and every day.
When you have a plan for finding balance between the different areas of your life, it's so much easier to work productively and find more time for what matters
Be inspired to start making small changes today that can help you build a better tomorrow with our Pause Personal Planner.
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