
以下是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》里抽出的问题我们有很多单词句式都没学过,所以做起来很困难英语成绩不错的帮帮忙吧,不一定要拿着《暑假作业》对照,看一遍《爱丽丝梦游仙境》应该就可以了,1.What happened when Alice drank from the little bottle2.What did the White Rabbit drop in the long room3.Which animal did Alice meet in the pool of tears4.Why did the White Rabbit come past again7.Who was smoking a pipe on top of a mushroom8.What would Alice like to be9.who told Alice that shi was an egg thief10.Who invited the Duchess to play croquet11.Who turned into a pig 12.Who didn't want to visit mad people13.Who vanished very slowly14.What did the Queen want to do before the jury decided25.What happened when the pack of cards fell on Alice's face
背景:炸脖龙被爱丽丝斩杀,红女王大势已去.红女王:R.白女王:W.扑克士兵:P.斯坦恩:S.爱丽丝:A.疯帽子:H.R:ill her!P:We follow you no more.Bloody big head.R:How dare you!Off with his head.W:Iracebeth of Crims.Your crimes against Underland are worthy of death.However,that is against my vows.Therefore ,you are banished to the Outlands.No one is to show you any kindness,or ever speak a word to you.you will not have a friend in the world.S:Majesty,I hope you bear me no ill will.W:Only this one,Ilosovic Stayne.You are to join Iracebeth in banishment from this day until the end of Underland.R:At least we have each other.(斯坦恩妄图杀害红女王,未遂)S:Majesty,please!Kill me!please.W:But I don't owe you a kindness.S:Take off my head!R:He tried to kill me?he tried to kill me?He tried to kill me!(S:Majesty,please.Please.I offer you my head!)(红女王,斯坦恩下)H:Oh!The Frabijous Day!Callou!Callay!(跳舞略过,掌声保留)W:Bloody of Jabberwocky.You have our everlasting gratitude.And for you effocts on our behalf.(对爱丽丝)A:Will this take me home?W:If that is what you choose.H:You could stay.A:What a idea,a crazy ,mad,wonderful idea.But I can't.There are questions I have to answer,things I have to do.(喝下东西```)A:Be back again before you know it.H:You won't remember me.A:Of coure I will.How could I forget.A:Hatter,why is a raven like a writing desk.H:I haven't the slightest idea.H:Fairfarren.Alice.
扫描下载二维码爱丽丝漫游记的英文大意我有个作业 要求 概括爱丽丝漫游记的全文 就是写他这篇文章的大意 50次左右即可 记住!一定要是50次左右 太多了或太少了都不可以 初中水平即可.. 来个两三篇就_百度作业帮
爱丽丝漫游记的英文大意我有个作业 要求 概括爱丽丝漫游记的全文 就是写他这篇文章的大意 50次左右即可 记住!一定要是50次左右 太多了或太少了都不可以 初中水平即可.. 来个两三篇就可以了 不要在网上复制 看了好的把我所有分都给你
大意:Alice follows down a rabbit hole and through an she rescues a baby from a cook in Duchess’ meets a Cheshire Cat who tells her direction to The Mad Hatter' then she meets the Queen who wants to kill her. Finally she wake up and realize it was all a dream.以下是参考资料:Alice falls asleep in a wood and dreams she sees a white rabbit, which she follows down a rabbit hole and through an underground passage. The rabbit leaves Alice in the hallway of many doors. On a table she finds a golden key, but finds the only door the key will open is too small for her to get through. She finds a bottle on the table labelled 'Drink Me'. She does, and it causes her to shrink until she is small enough to get through the door. However she is then too short to reach the key, which she left on the table. Finding a cake labelled 'Eat Me' she tries it, and grows again to a huge size, grabs the key, and then fans herself smaller using a fan left by the white rabbit. Now very small, she goes through the door into a garden, where she sees a big dog, and then enters the rabbit's house, where again she grows large, but by using the rabbit's fan she disappears. Alice reappears before the house of the Duchess and goes into the kitchen, where she rescues a baby from a cook, who is throwing cutlery. But the baby turns into a pig in her hands. Moving on, she is given directions to the Mad Hatter's house by a Cheshire Cat, and arrives during a tea party, which she joins. However, the behaviour of the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Doormouse offends her, and she leaves to stumble across the procession of the Queen of Hearts, who offers to play croquet with her. Alice offends the Queen, who calls her executioner, but Alice boxes his ears and runs away, which causes her to wake and realise it was all a dream.
Alice finds a rabbit when she is having a picnic with her sister.
Alice follows the rabbit to a rabbit-hole and falls into a dream underworld.Then she has several adventures. She grows to big si...
扫描下载二维码《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》英文读后感注意是书虫系列里的 要英文的 80个词左右 不要度娘有的 暑假作业 急_百度作业帮
《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》英文读后感注意是书虫系列里的 要英文的 80个词左右 不要度娘有的 暑假作业 急
爱丽丝漫游奇境记》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是一部被公认为世界儿童文学经典的童话,由于其中丰富的想象力和种种隐喻,不但深受各代儿童欢迎,也被视为一部严肃的文学作品.作者刘易斯·卡罗尔还写有续集《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》.故事讲述的是一个叫爱丽丝的小女孩和姐姐在河边看书时睡着了,梦中她追逐一只穿着背心的兔子而掉进了兔子洞,从而来到一个奇妙的世界.在这个世界里她时而变大时而变小,以至于有一次竟掉进了由自己的眼泪汇成的池塘里;她还遇到了爱说教的公爵夫人、神秘莫测的柴郡猫、神话中的格里芬和假海龟、总是叫喊着要砍别人头的扑克牌女王和一群扑克士兵,参加了一个疯狂茶会、一场古怪的槌球赛和一场审判,直到最后与女王发生冲突时才醒来,发现自己依然躺在河边,姐姐正温柔地拂去落在她脸上的几片树叶——在梦里她把那几片树叶当成了扑克牌.This is the perfect book to share with younge children.It may be intended to be read by children but I am in eighth grade and still love it.If you are looking for a funny,entergetic,and family friendly story then you have found one in Alice in Wonderland.I give this classic tail five stars and two thumbs way up.Alice in Wonderland is about a girl that falls in a hole and goes into this magical world.I think "Alice in Wonderland" is an OK book for my age if you like fantasy books.You may not like it because nothing makes sense.For example,they have a trial where the witnesses don't know about the crime and the Judge says to the jurors,"That's important!" but the Rabbit corrects him.I think it would have been a better book if I was 7 and my mom was reading it to me right before bed.The only problem with that is that younger kids might not understand much of the vocabulary but they might still enjoy it if you explain the words to them.If you're an adult and want a good book for your 5,6 or 7 year old,I recommend Alice in Wonderland


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