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TPO2独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
People take certain considerations into accountin a relationship, like honesty, loyalty, courage and being considerate, etc.Among them honesty is truly one of the most important qualities that peoplevalue in any relationships. As far as I am concerned, it is of vital importance for a person to possess honesty in love, in friendships and in work.It goes without saying that no love can maintain a long time without honesty. Love is built on mutual trust and our loved ones will never expect us to lie to them.Even though we tell lies to them because of something unpleasant that we don’t want them to know, they will, however, believe what we say because they love and trust us. But, later on if they find out the truth and know we were lying to them, imagine how sad they will be: Their loved ones should actually be the ones who lied to them! They will definitely get hurt and it may bring an end to this relationship. Hopefully they may forgive us but they won’t think we are trustworthy any more. So it’s truly the most important thing to be honest to our loved ones.In terms of friendships, honesty is still the foundation. Honesty is the first factor I take into account when I make friends with others. There is no need to carry on with the relationship when I find someone lying to me. For example, I was once going to hold a party in my home and I invited a friend of mine to come to my party. He said although he wanted to come, he was busy with his work. I felt sorry for him and hoped he could finish his work soon. However, later another friend of mine told me that he was actually playing cards with his friends on that day! I felt angry and didn’t see any point in continuing the relationship.How could I ever regard someone who lied to me as my friend! So friendships are undoubtedly based on honesty.Last but not least, when we work in a company, honesty plays a crucial role in our future development. Never will bosses think highly of persons who are dishonest, and those who are thought to be reliable are more likely to get promotion. For example,Tom worked for a computer company. Tom’s working group once found a mistake in the plan made by the boss. However, nobody wanted to inform the boss of this mistake because they didn’t want to leave a bad impression on the boss, except Tom. Tom made the mistake known to the boss. Instead of being criticized by the boss, Tom was rewarded and got a promotion because he did tell the truth. We can learn from this example that companies also consider honesty as one of the most valuable qualities.All in all, always telling the truth is the most important considerationin any relationship, for it strengthens mutual trust and increases one’s reliability. Always tell the truth, and you will get true happiness in any relationship.
OG第一套题独立写作:Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time. Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
There’s no doubt that young adults will grow up and finally move away from their parents to establish their own families. Nowadays, some young adults are eager to live apart from their families as soon as possible in order to pursue a free life. However, as far as I am concerned, living with their parents for a longer time brings more benefits than living apart from their parents will do.First of all, the society has recently put much burden on young adults, and living with parents is definitely a good way to release their pressure. Young adults, especially those who just graduated from universities often have difficulty in finding jobs. Even though they finally get jobs, chances are that they earn low salaries. In contrast, however, prices remain sky-high, especially house prices. Young adults who choose to live alone have to deal with these problems by themselves, which can stress them out. By living with parents, their burden is largely reduced, at least they don’t need to worry about where to live. They can thus save lots of money and make preparations before they can really struggle on their own. When they think they can afford a new house, it’s then time to leave their parents.What’s more, young adults can learn much from their parents when they live together. Compared to their parents, young adults have far less working experience and life experience. In other words,they’re not mentally prepared enough to handle problems in their life. For example, they may not know how to deal with interpersonal relationships. Are there any persons who can be better teachers than their parents to teach them how to behave in society? If young adults live with their parents, it’s convenient for them to consult their parents whenever they meet with some trouble. So it’s better for young adults to live with parents for a longer time until they think they are mentally prepared to live alone.On the contrary, however, some people hold the view that living together with parents is not good for cultivating the spirit of independence. I admit that this view is rational in a way since parents may do everything for their children when they live together, but I have to point out that a person’s ability to live on his own is not determined by whether or not he is living with his parents, but by whether he has the courage to shoulder the responsibilities. There are many cases where those who have lived apart from their parents ask for help from their parents whenever there comes a problem. I don’t see any independence in these cases, though they havelived alone. What I want to say is that even though a person lives with his parents, his spirit of independence can also be enhanced as long as he is not afraid of challenges and difficulties.All in all, the advantages of living with parents for a longer time outweighs the disadvantages. Stay with your parents and learn from them before you finally get prepared to go out to struggle for your happiness, and this will be good for your future development.
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