
  & Ammo loadouts will be introduced (shell capacity for ships);
  & Ability for your secondary equipment to fire at torpedo barrages to stop them (cruisers only) and save your B
  & Signal flags (already disclosed by devs into the community) which increase certain characteristics of ships, earn them by
  & Paintjobs (like wot camo) but they wont provide any bonus (currently);
  & Devs do listen to the community, they have taken note on the new American Battleship battery firing ranges and a reminder to all that this is a closed beta and may incur in changes depending on outcomes, (personal note: players must stop whining in a closed beta game);
  & Dreadnoughts wont be introduced as a class, they will be part of any battleship b
  & British, French, German, Italian and Soviet trees are planned,
  -German &pocket battleships& will come for certain, B
  -Consumables will be introduced, one of them will be a better fire extinguisher system (either like a one-shot firefight or something that extinguishes fires more quickly, apart from the equipment ones);
  & Submarines in WoWs? Too early to tell, they have been considered but currently aren&t planned due the technical problems they pose (battleships would be completely defenseless against them, apart from being completely hidden in the battle until they fire, oneshot wonders wouldn&t work well, and to kill a submarine would require depth charges, sonar, and much more, so & not at the moment.);
  & A reminder that dreadnoughts are warfare ships built before subaquatic warfare, they are slow but very well armored, (complaining about Warspite being too slow? the next patch should increase its survivability a lot, reflecting on the change of shell/torpedo mechanics);
  & The next patch includes shell balances off AP and HE, devs expect a lot of survivability issues will be addressed with such (specially battleships), if anything falls short, and a ship becomes too OP or too weak,
  & Based on this case, several ships have been tagged as &problematic&(about 6) if the shell rework doesn&t address the issue, the
  -The introduction of ammo loadout would bring the Sims&s destroyer (and others) &OPness& to a more reasonable level (it can fire a full volley every 4 seconds and easily set any ship on fire by a constant barrage of derps), however, the sims is a very fragile destroyer, a single shell salve could sunk her, that would be addresse
  & There is a small known bug when a ship fires its torpedos too close to a target (almost melee range (50 yards or so), the torpedoes wont cause any damage, this is caused because the server &thinks& the torpedo fired on its own sender, will be corrected);
  -When a ship explodes (by ammorack) there may be a SMALL shock wave by the blast, it would cause damage to nearby ships (I must denote the word small, because its not a nuclear bomb going off, you&d only get damage if you are stupidly close to it);
  -Different ship explosions and destructions will be introduced depending on the type and causes of the death incurred, (ammorack explosion would literally send turrets flying, entire ship rocking violently (USS Arizona, anyone?) and amounts of debris). New animations for the ship breaking in two, flooding, and even the classical &titanic-esque& sinking where half the ship would lift into the air and sunk, even completely turning over.
  & Kongo is a Hiei, will be graphically corrected (not anytime soon);
  -Dev team is well aware of the large amount of anime fanbase WoWs has (Kantai Collection, Arpeggio of Blue Steel & others);
  -Mod support will come, the aim mod that&s currently in use
  -XVM in WoWS is coming (hide your kids, this one is actually being received negatively by the community, I can see why, I&ve seen good willed and knowledgeable and polite people (supertesters and devs even) getting shat on their winrates, xvm is an unfair tool to them, being unicum on wows is like playing Russian roulette, too early, so many variables, unjust to many).
  & More skills will be added, option to accelerate commander&s tr
  & As of now, the current beta gives a lot of exp/credits per battle, this is intentional to help players research and play their desired ships, once the game reaches open beta or release, the rates will get properly changed, otherwise, in a good 2 or 3 evenings playing, a normal player would be able to reach a Yamato
  & Co-Op battles will stay, they provide a lot of entertainment for players who &just want to blow out steam&, promote a healthy training environment and doesn&t affect your win rate, plus you can make credits and exp (at a reduced rate), and helps you learn the play style of any ships you&ve acquired against same tier peers
  & Too early for a MM rebalance, once the game is in open beta with higher player influx, n
  & Despite what it seems, the Kitakami Premium ship (can fire a volley of 60 torps) doesnt have impressive win rate across the current player base a
  -WoT-Like missions will come, will reward tokens, credits, equipment and even ships.
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新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分13510精华0UID帖子金钱18552 威望2
Lv.8, 积分 13510, 距离下一级还需 6490 积分
UID帖子威望2 多玩草352 草
Yoooo+ m& k' O, e" B% }2 W' i* ]
23:00:42 上传
各位,准备好没有,今天是由Super北上大人带来的雷击Gif教程啊!!!!(阿武隈你个弱受就别看了)) Q&&@3 V$ C. `& O) K8 O
各位,慢慢看吧,对以后有帮助的&&X& ^2 f* Y4 m% q) u0 U0 L
我们直接切入正题吧. L) B5 b0 c# @7 ^, W3 U9 Z
4 ?&&j$ h2 V2 r
<font color="#. Lets say we got 3 torp launchers, is it possible to shoot torpedo gradually per click or do we have to salvo the whole torpedo at once?&&假定我们有3具鱼雷发射器,那,我们是点一下就能把所有鱼雷打出去,还是点一下打部分鱼雷出去9 _1 V" `1 j2 W
4. One click will launch torpedoes from one torpedo launcher. For example, to launch all torpedoes from Shimakaze class destroyer (3*5*610mm) player will need 3 clicks.&&鼠标点一下,打出去一个鱼雷发射器中的鱼雷。以岛风为例,岛风有3个5联装鱼雷发射器,所以,你要点3下才能把所有的鱼雷打出去0 \8 s& c6 _# B: d* {3 x
怎么样,明白了吧!- [8 a, S7 L) v, `* I/ W6 p# h( p
The main difference between torpedoes and the usual high-explosive shell was that upon detonation, torpedoes had a chance to cause further damage after blowing up. If the detonation occurred underwater, the resulting breach may be more than sufficient to drown even the largest of warships. Even if the ship is fortunate enough to stay afloat, her speed was likely to be significantly reduced due to the water pouring through the breached hull.
19:46:51 上传
&&o/ n8 j5 Z+ I( u&&d) p$ ^2 n% H
5 c( _4 ^! w* X" X
Only cruisers and destroyers — specifically those bearing torpedo launchers on their decks — possessed the ability of using this powerful, underwater weapon. Aircraft carriers, through the use of their onboard aircraft, also have the ability to use this silent weapon. Though some thought was put into placing torpedo launchers on battleships, due to the low range of the torpedo compared to the rest of the armaments, the only launchers ever placed on these capital ships were used for training purposes.嘛,只有巡洋舰和驱逐舰——准确说是那些能甲板上有鱼雷发射器的——才能使用这种威力巨大的水下兵器。航母,通过使用舰载机,也能使用这种安静的水下兵器。虽说有些战列舰也有鱼雷发射器,不过由于鱼雷的射程实在比不上战列舰的主炮,这些鱼雷发射器也就一般用来做训练而已- H&&r4 Y, V+ L5 _( T: a! `0 c* j: p
So, what do we need to launch torpedoes? Well, you need an enemy ship, our own ship with a torpedo launcher, and don’t forget a few torpedoes, of course. Torpedoes should be tweaked accordingly: their speed should be set alongside the travel depth, and the salvo divergence angle (wide/narrow) needs to be reviewed. You also need to define the target’s azimuth, leading point, launch intervals, and your own azimuth after the launch… Wowsers! This soun it’s not like we’re building a sim, after all! So, luckily, we went an alternate way.那么,怎么发射鱼雷捏? 首先,你得有个敌人在面前,然后你自己要有鱼雷发射器,当然,别忘了装鱼雷。然后设定鱼雷的速度,深度,再设定齐射扇面的宽度。当然,你还得了解目标的航向,还要确定鱼雷的齐射间隔,鱼雷发射后本舰的航向………………
嘛,听起来看上去很复杂不是么? 当然,WG并不想做一个模拟游戏,所以说,我们有特别的鱼雷发射技巧(当然不是什么假装四处看风景)- k! ?! [, M9 w1 r) m
In World of Warships, the leading point is shown in the game interface, so all we need to do is define the launch direction and its divergence angle. Although simplified, it’s still rather hard to calculate the angle, as when in a fierce battle, you must correctly anticipate the actions of your enemy and correctly aim the torpedo towards them. Essentially, the projectile angle is dependent on the distance between you and the enemy ship. At closer distances, you can give your torpedoes a wider spread to increase the chance of hitting the enemy target, while narrower spreads will ensure heavier impacts (the latter being slightly easier to dodge however).在我们的水着撸炮世界里面,我们可以从游戏界面上直观的看到目标点,所以说,我们只要确定鱼雷的方向以及发射的扇面角度。虽然我们进行了一定的简化,不过在复杂的战斗中计算这些角度还是个麻烦事,你得准确的预判出敌人的运动轨迹然后瞄准。基本上,扇面的大小取决于你与敌人的距离,离敌人不远的时候,你可以把齐射扇面弄大点,这样就能增加命中率,不过采用小的齐射扇面的话,就能给敌人狠狠一击(虽说命中率不高)" {! ]; `- N( P# [# N: g
6 v- N8 S# b& R4 P, ~# H
嘛,具体如图所示: r9 J% @/ \. g& q
0 o% Z& U6 b' n$ Y3 ]! y
20:08:22 上传
20:08:56 上传
Longer ranges may turn the tables, as wider spreads allow enemies to sneak through the windows between torpedoes. . Z' G1 j$ H. K2 [; h
9 B, _2 p5 U9 ^1 F( G
20:12:44 上传
20:12:53 上传
% z8 q! d0 P9 c
One might wonder, since torpedoes fly out of tubes and advance to the target, what can opponents do to counter that? First, they can try to stay in motion and attempt to evade the attack. Some of the lighter, agile vessels may be able to avoid the incoming torpedoes, but those who are too heavy are surely doomed. Second, a clever captain may use islands as natural cover from such attacks. These situations are precarious as well, as there are certain shallow locations where torpedoes may easily cross" }) L9 [& N&&`1 x
嘛,有人会问了,那个鱼雷一打出去?我们的敌人能做什么反制措施么? 当然可以,首先,他们会尽可能的保持机动,从而躲过鱼雷。有些灵活的小船可以通过这个方法规避鱼雷,不过那些大家伙就可能不行了。第二,有些机智的船长可能会利用小岛充当天然掩体。不过这个方法并不保险,有些浅水区鱼雷还是能过去的
20:19:33 上传
' ]4 y# f8 g9 ^% {0 d" ~&&V
1 u1 k4 k( ^$ v0 {
) b( D, W3 J2 K; l& M1 l4 V
/ z5 X; m- ?, M: Q# j
& X9 G. o+ a/ x. N
<font color="#. Can you confirm these:( }7 V% h! C0 {% E% {
Map based on1 F( c4 {; o2 |7 I# p, n
-Battle of Samar
-Battle of Surigao Strait3 @( R8 q$ t, |
-Battle of Jutland' T3 C2 T' S: s' I% e( a
-Scapa Flow?
( H) q! r' _' z8 q) w
嘛,有以这些为原型的地图么?————————萨马岛,苏里高海峡,日德兰,斯卡帕湾- I- [/ g. i& S2 u0 _5 Q( j4 e$ ?
+ [# I) v! H1 m0 b
<font color="#. Does battleship's power output will directly affects the speed of the ship (such as WOT's speed system) or It will have some time-lag when It increase the power to speed up?& &战列舰的出力是不是直接影响传输,就和WOT差不多,还是说在提高出力加速的过程中存在一定的延时?
<font color="#. Does Torp/dive bomber will able to switch different types of bomb on in game?& &游戏中的鱼雷机和轰炸机是不是换不同的弹药?4 `, A+ l: T/ _
<font color="#. Will Japanese Type 91 shell have underwater piercing effect as historical?& &九一式彻甲弹是不是像历史那样有水下穿甲效果? 5. Does the ship must completely stop to retrieve seaplanes or It will retrieve automatically?& & 船是不是必须完全停下来才能回收水上飞机还是说是自动回收水上飞机的% K4 [' q8 @1 ~! r8 H
<font color="#. If the ship hit by a torpedo, will the ship still float/controllable while the part of bow/stern is completely destroyed?& & 如果船被鱼雷击中,舰首/舰尾被完全摧毁,船是不是还能浮在水面,是不是还能操控?
<font color="#. Any chance of 18& gun for Montana?& &蒙大拿能不能装18寸炮?/ W1 }' y% _" O" x, r% v0 |" P
<font color="#. If one side of ship is flooded, will it able to balance the ship by filling water on other side of the ship?&&假如船一侧进水,我能不能在另一侧灌水用来保持平衡?
<font color="#. Will there be a anti air rocket launchers that used by IJN or RN?& &游戏中有没有日本和英国用过的防空火箭弹?
( Y&&D' Z2 r$ ]7 S6 E5 a9 B6 R
1. All maps like these is possible.& &你说的这些都有可能/ [' _# _' k2 G4 u& t, F% s
2. We plan to make a&&such lag, but not very large.& &有一些延迟,不过延迟不算太大
3. We still have a&&lot of discussion about it.& & 我们还在讨论这个0 H+ {2 J& D: [) ^- {( R0 f
4. Most likely yes.& & 很有可能
5. Planes will retrieve automatically8 t$ n( s5 G) P6 y2 e8 U8 e8 B# K
& & 水上飞机是自动回收的
6. That depends on taken damage.& & 这取决于所受的伤害: {& f/ V5 `3 J" `% v% R! c
7. Such chances are exist :)& &嘛, 还是有可能的- d. k4 i" H. D. T6 B( s" ~$ {, R
8. It will be done automatically.& &这些事系统自动完成的( t( T) d&&b' _' C4 W: [* {& ]3 Q
9. That's strongly possible.& & 有此可能
& &Any NF player remembers the &torp wall& from the Kitakami and fear it will once again be abused in WoWS.( s, k: Z6 c* M- S' O0 w7 J) N
&&嘛,每个大海战玩家都知道Super北上大人的“渔网”,而且我担心这个会在WOWS再次上演,这会毁了游戏的$ r3 u) [: p3 V& P1 c
) r: I2 \- D* G$ D) n4 m&&C
Kitakami will can make a torpedo wall (20 ll at one salvo), but torps in WoWs will not explode at the end of movement. Just sink (if not hit an enemy). 嘛,游戏里的北上也能拉渔网,一次打出20发鱼雷,不过鱼雷如果没有碰到敌人,超过射程,鱼雷就会沉0 [. M4 N&&R5 A& |: {
本帖最后由 舰队偶像那珂酱 于
23:00 编辑 ; N2 ]7 _9 s& ^! z7 l
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19:47:18 上传
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&前几天练小学生队 才沉了两阳炎&
&好吧,我看错了。MAD是秋津丸。- - 我还以为第一个图是秋津丸。就算改建了也是白色的- -&
总评分:&金钱 + 220&
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you sm a d&&
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舰队偶像那珂酱 发表于
20:48 # l$ z. r& s2 f9 a' [: y
Yoooo* m2 h% z" c% V, g& ~& {& C) V
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限50积分1112精华0UID帖子金钱19772 威望0
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zzhhss111 发表于
21:10 * Q9 h! e) v3 e
鱼雷有最短射程和最长射程么?6 @5 K) j&&d4 o0 V3 h' n
   「 ありがとう、爱してる。」
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舰队偶像那珂酱 发表于
21:23 & `: @- `! M, B2 c
; S6 q& \8 Y+ R% v# ]
必须有0 s7 R$ m2 S% c7 |* O
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限60积分3766精华0UID帖子金钱3394 威望0
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