
转自:/ywqu/archive//1558423.html 关于Jquery Tab插件,比较流行的是jQuery UI Tabs,最近此插件也已经有了更新,地址为 ,目前国内很多网站也在使用此插件,希望大家有时间了试用一下. 今天突然发现了一个更加轻量级的,功能更加丰富的 Jquery Tab插件.先展示一下其功能: 1.简单配置一下就可以实现如下效果: htt
cycle always forget about moving back to mark # Alternate CSS classes for even and odd numbers... @items = [1,2,3,4] &table& &% @items.each do |item| %& &tr&&%= cycle(&even&, &odd&) -%&&& &td&ite
Using javascript / css implementation GridView alternate row background color, click the line color Ask Bo a few days ago was found in someone clicks GridView question about the issue of line color, suddenly think of a long, long time ago, wrote an a
Using javascript / css to achieve GridView alternate row background color, click the line color Asked a few days ago was found in Bo was asked click on the GridView row color problem, suddenly reminded of a long, long time ago, wrote an article in a
Keywords: basic knowledge of printing in color - mixed colors In staining applications, people used to the red, yellow and blue as the three primary colors, namely, the basic color. In fact, magenta, yellow and green lights are the color of the dye a
Keywords: address the three primary colors B type reactive dyes dyeing method of low repeatability The main characteristics of B type reactive dyes dyeing process adaptability large, staining stability, good reproducibility, the uptake of three prima
Keywords: cheese, mixed colors technology Cheese Dyeing of mixed colors technology (1) (Donghua University, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) Cai mostly recycled yarn dyeing customers to sample color matching. After receiving the sample
Keywords: direct dyes, direct dyes in wet yellow dyes are: direct freeze yellow G, Direct Yellow GR, Direct Yellow R, Direct Yellow 5G, direct yellow 7GFF, CI Direct Yellow GLL, CI Direct Yellow RS, RL and so on. GL with the direct light blue dyes fr
Keywords: silk printed version, infiltration of Silk printed version of the infiltration of (diffusion, Yin-color) because Fabric color patterns on one or the outline of the edge of outward expansion, in whole or in part the edge pattern formed with
Alternate disk installation process because it involves the cloning an existing rootvg to a target backup disk backup disk so that the goal is not to be assigned an volume group. In this case, you can complete these tasks: To prepare for the alternat
Today is a new series of articles, we will discuss the design of a single color, including a summary of color psychology and a lot of visible examples. Color is a very important design element. It is used to affect our mood, influence shopping choice
When a div is defined by a region of content reaches a certain level , The div tag embedded css The style sheet, defined overflow The property value, set the scroll bar related properties . &style tyle=&text/css&& .testDiv{ border-style: s
Geometric formulas and theorems (middle) some commonly used mathematical formula 1 had two points and only a straight line 2, the shortest line between two points 3, the supplementary angle with the same angle or isometric 4 with the same angle or is
Is simple: a tool in IE, Internet Options -& Advanced -& Print (Print background colors and images) can be selected.
This table is not a table form, and use the ul and li div table form composed. HTML page results are as follows: HTML page code is as follows: &!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN&& &html& &head& &ti
COLOURlovers recent main colors of the social network was investigated, the report shows that most people preferred the blue tone of the home page, such as micro-Bo Twitter, what is the default color affected the Twitter user's choice, or really blue
Simply put, the menu window, select Preferences, in the dialog box that appears, select the font, as follows: Select Colors and Fonts in the right tree, select Basic following Text Font, font selection dialog box will pop up, and then choose your fav
package { import import flash.geom.ColorT import flash.text.TextF import flash.display.MovieC import class colors extends MovieClip { public function colors() { color.showT
Vim Set the font and color theme Today on Windows xp has the following installation gvim, The recent decision to learn Vim so I in Win And Ubuntu is installed in the . gvim After installation completes the default fonts, and theme colors used to feel
Recently with the FLEX write, run the HTML when the total tips: Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content requires the Adobe Flash Player, that the FLASH version of the problem started, re-installed several times, as usual, will open
Description of the phenomenon: In the data table, not only required the design of the current field, but also a few fields in which to stay as a backup. For example, I designed a staff table (Person), which has added the necessary fields, including n
ubuntu linux which has released a very confusing version of the-desktop. Because it has a server, so the desktop is easy to be understood literally as the desktop version. And such people usually understand do not understand is what the rest of that
昨天在搜索中使用了这个控件,不过不知道为什么在IE中反应比较慢 AutoCompleteExtender 自动完成扩展, 配合TextBox使用功能类似现在google中输入搜索字,则在TextBox下出来下拉框显示搜索目标中的项目 这个扩展控件需要配合Web Service使用,所以涉及了点web Service的使用(这里只简单谈下,等用熟了再仔细谈下web service的内容) 先介绍下AutoCompleteExtender的几个关键属性: a,TargetControlID 这个属性
FlatUI Colors Palette for Xcode 网站 : /hemantasapkota/FlatUIColorPaletteXCode 该插件可以让你在 Xcode 中使用 FlatUI Colors (/) 调色板. 可通过以下命令来安装: wget -P ~/Library/Colors /hemantasapkota/FlatUIColorPale AutoCompleteExtender的一个简单例子代码 &asp:TextBox ID=&txtTempScenic& runat=&server&&&/asp:TextBox& &ajax:AutoCompleteExtender ID=&txtTempScenic_AutoCompleteExtender& runat=&server& BehaviorID=&A
&html& &head& &title& stylesheet language transform color &/ title& &/ head& &script& function changeColor () ( var title = document.getElementById ( &title&). var select = document.getElementById ( &qu
Using the HTML document format: HTMLEditorKit editorKit = new HTMLEditorKit (); HTMLDocument document = (HTMLDocument) editorKit.createDefaultDocument (); textPane = new JTextPane (document); textPane.setContentType ( &text / html&); JEditorPane
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High school physics theorem, laws, formulas, tables First, mass movement (1) - linear motion 1) uniformly variable motion 1. The average speed V flat = s / t (defined) 2. A useful inference Vt2-Vo2 = 2as 3. Intermediate times the speed Vt / 2 = V fla
Open / templets / default / js / changeSkin.js To $ (Function () ( var cookie_skin = $. cookie (&MyCssSkin&); switchSkin (cookie_skin); addEvent (); )); Revised $ (Function () ( var cookie_skin = $. cookie (&MyCssSkin&); if (cookie_ski
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1. Define a new class and the class placed under src (default package): package { import flash.display.S import mx.collections.ArrayC import mx.controls.DataG public class RowColorDataGrid extends DataGrid { public var rowColorFun
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import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.G import java.awt.color.ColorS import javax.imageio.ImageIO; public class ImageCut { /** * Zoom Image * * @param srcImageFile * Address of the source image fil
Changes in a particular font can be a simple reference to the following code: @Override public Font getFont(Object element) { FontData fontData=new FontData(); fontData.setStyle(SWT.BOLD); Font font = new Font(Display.getCurrent(), fontData); return
First of all, make the drop-down box can be selected, select the multiple need to set the properties for the multiple. javascript code function moveOption(id1, id2){ var e1 = document.getElementById(id1); var e2= document.getElementById(id2); for(var
Requirements: There are different forms of data, request name = 'Apple' red cells show Here is sample code: &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?& &s:Application xmlns:fx=&/mxml/2009& xmlns:s=&quot
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Interior.ColorIndex color list collection. Figure
ListView every step of the formation is carried out in the Adapter, but if we do not have the line not the same as the font color or background is different, we just modify the adpter the getItemView our code on the line. Before the usual practice is
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In recent days the need of the project a bit listView data dynamically update the sliding display, which requires the data loading process in a circular progress bar shows the problems encountered is the progress bar's color settings, some in the onl
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Note: The recent swing to start learning programming, the use to swingx, but less relevant information online, and then do some examples. In this case mainly on the table dynamically set the cell background color, But after that sort according to the
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Changes in red bold text, where java code can not be custom colors, with comments marked places need to change and are changed places. Author: ddwcyl Today, my colleagues is reflected in the use of P6SPY trace SQL do not feel happy when you are on ea
Copyright (C) , All Rights Reserved.
版权所有 黔ICP备号-1
processed in 0.152 (s). 8 q(s)Createx Wicked Colors Detail Black Airbrush Paint Color 2oz W051 - 2Z
开始时间: 04:46:26(中国)
结束时间: 04:46:26(中国)
商品备注品牌: Createx
地面运输方式:UPS Ground
地面运输方式:UPS Next Day Air
地面运输方式:UPS 2nd Day Air
Application GuideProduct Information
Createx Wicked ColorsA durable multi-surface paint suited for anything airbrush including automotive, illustration and textile
Part# CRE W051-2Z
Intended for all applications: automotive, illustration, textile, modeling and most anything that can be painted
Compatible and directly inter-mixable with Auto Air Colors. Not compatible for direct mixing with Createx Airbrush Colors
Multi-surface: aluminum, textile, weed, soft plastics, synthetic fiber, fiberglass, treated metal, glass, paper, canvas, brick, concrete
Compatible with all types of urethane primers, paints and clears as well as most all other types of primers and clears such as epoxy and water-based materials
Transparent colors that dry to a matte finish. Wicked Detail Colors are available in a full palette of artistic colors that work excellent for automotive murals, illustration, modeling and more.
Wicked Colors is an ultra-high performance, multi-surface airbrush paint suitable for any substrate from fabric to automotive applications. Wicked Colors are perfect for t-shirts, automotive graphics, illustration and most any application. Wicked contains mild amounts of solvent inter-mixed with a durable, exterior-grade resign and automotive pigments for an extremely durable paint that withstands direct, prolonged exposure to outdoors elements without washing or fading.
Wicked Colors have exceptional flow and atomization right out of the bottle with most airbrush tip-sizes, including 0.2mm detail tips. Wicked Colors may be reduced with reduced with Wicked W500 or Auto Air 4012 High Performance Reducer in any ratio for improved flow, atomization and customizing viscosity preferences.
All Wicked Colors are made with the same highly durable binder. Wicked Colors are sheered to a binder size of 0.5 microns and dry semi-gloss level of 70+ degrees. Wicked Detail Colors are sheered to a particle size of 0.1 microns and dry to a flat finish of 30+ degrees, perfect for illustrators as a flat finish reflects the color’s true hue.
For automotive refinishing, a durable, catalyzed urethane clear is recommended. Wicked Colors cure to a strong film with air drying alone. Heat may be used to further assist curing and is recommended for t-shirts and fabrics intended for use with multiple washings. Heat is not required for automotive, illustration and most other applications. For more application information, visit our website’s technical pages.
5201Opaque Blue
5202Opaque Purple
5203Opaque Lilac
5204Opaque Yellow
5205Opaque Light Green
5206Opaque Aqua
5207Opaque Sky Blue
5208Opaque Coral
5210Opaque Red
5211Opaque Black
5212Opaque White
5103Red Violet
5105Caribbean Blue
5106Brite Blue
5107Ultramarine Blue
5108Deep Blue
5109Brite Green
5110Forest Green
5113Sunrise Yellow
5114Brite Yellow
5115Leaf Green
5116Tropical Green
5117Brite Red
5118Sunset Red
5121Flamingo Pink
5124Deep Red
5127Light Brown
5128Dark Brown
5129Medium Gray
5133Canary Yellow
5134Maui Blue
5136Red Oxide
5301Pearl Purple
5302Pearl Magenta
5303Pearl Turquoise
5304Pearl Blue
5305Pearl Green
5306Pearl Copper
5307Pearl Satin Gold
5308Pearl Silver
5309Pearl Red
5310Pearl White
5311Pearl Pineapple
5312Pearl Tangerine
5313Pearl Lime
5314Pearl Plum
5315Pearl Black
5316Pearl Platinum
5407Hot Pink
5505Electric Blue
5601Transparent Base
5602Opaque Base
5603Matte Top Coat
5604Gloss Top Coat
5608Illustration Base
5618Airbrush Cleaner
5619Airbrush Restorer
W008Deep Blue
W009Pthalo Green
W011Golden Yellow
W012Red Oxide
W013Laguna Blue
W300Pearl Black
W301Pearl White
W302Pearl Yellow
W303Pearl Red
W304Pearl Blue
W305Pearl Lime Green
W306Pearl Orange
W353Fastback Green
W030Opaque White
W031Jet Black
W050Detail White
W051Detail Black
W052Detail Yellow
W053Detail Scarlet
W054Detail Orange
W055Detail Violet
W056Detail Red Violet
W057Detail Blue Violet
W058Detail Blue Green
W059Detail Moss Green
W060Detail Viridian
W061Detail Cobalt Blue
W062Detail Cerulean Blue
W063Detail Carmine
W064Detail Magenta
W065Detail Yellow
W066Detail Burnt Orange
W067Detail Raw Sienna
W068Detail Raw Umber
W069Detail Burnt Umber
W070Detail Sepia
W071Detail Paynes Gray
W072Detail Smoke Black
W073Detail Driscoll Tone
W074Detail Burnt Sienna
W075Detail Black Magenta
W500High Performance Reducer
W200Transparent Base
W210UV Glow Base
5056Red Violet
5057Blue Violet
5059Cobalt Blue
5060Cerulean Blue
5062Burnt Umber
5064Burnt Sienna
5065 Moss Green
5035Old Bone White
5036Dermatitis Tan
5037Injury Ochre
5038Infectious Pink
5039Blood Red
5040Coagulated Crimson
5041Vascular Violet
5042Deep Bruise Purple
5043Expired Blue
5044Code Blue
5046Blunt Trauma Umber
5047Diseased Umber
5048Surgery Sienna
5049Vile Green
POLICIES & F.A.Q Read Before Ordering
We are an authorized dealer for all the product lines we sell.
All items we sell are brand new and are sold in original manufacturer packaging.
Orders ship from either our San Diego location or South Carolina location depending on stock availability.
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Pictures may also be required to process re-order.Contact the Support Department at (858)909-2110.
DAMAGED ITEM RECEIVED: If you received an item that was damaged in shipping you must be able to provide us pictures of the damaged item and packaging. If this information cannot be provided then claim cannot be processed. You must contact us within 3 business days for damage claims. Once we are contacted and have proper proof of damage we will file claim with shipping carrier. This process takes 3-5 business days for claim to be processed. In some cases we may not need to file carrier claim. Just depends on item.
Item MUST be returned with original packaging, manuals, and accessories in unused condition. If item is returned without any of it's original items a 15% restocking fee will be charged.
Paint Products and DVD's are excluded from this guarantee. Buyer is responsible for all return shipping costs.
DEFECTIVE ITEMS: If you have a item that may be defective, please contact our returns department for instructions on returning. Defective claims can only be made up to 30 days after receipt of your order. Once we received the item we will inspect the item and issue a full refund. If we determine the item has been abused, mishandled or altered a refund will not be issued.
HOW TO RETURN AN ITEM: YOU MUST CONTACT US FIRST for a RGA number (Returned Goods Authorization). Call us at 858-909-2111 or message us through eBay to obtain this number BEFORE shipping your item back. Returns without this number will not be processed. Then send your item back to us with a copy of the original order.
Customers are responsible for all return shipping costs. Once the item is received and processed at our warehouse we will issue a refund for the merchandise amount as stated in above return policies. Please allow up to 7 business days for your return to be processed once it is received in our warehouse.
SPECIFIC ITEM EXCEPTIONS: PAINT & DVD's - If defective or damaged they will only be replaced. We must have picture documentation of damage emailed to us on all paint related items in order to authorize a replacement order or return authorization. In the event you are asked to return your paint item it cannot be returned via USPS Mail.
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