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Air Cavalry PRO - Carrier Ops Combat Flight Simulator of Infinite Sky Gunship and Hardest Tanks Hunter
Game Center
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THE MOST ADVANCED FLIGHT SIMULATOR IN APP STOREFly some of the most advanced helicopters in the world, including the UH-60 Black Hawk, AH-64 Apache, UH-1 Iroquois, OH-6 Cayuse, CH-47 Chinook, AH-1Z Cobra, Mi-24 Hind, Mi-8 Hip or Ka-50 Black Shark in various regional environments, building on your flying skills and experience. Join a new Carrier Operations on USS Nimitz or Admiral Kuznetsov!Fight in new Afghanistan location. Air Cavalry offers next-gen console quality graphics, ultimate physics of aircrafts and weapons. Complete Game Center milestones and see your progress against others. Use your weapon systems to practice engaging buildings and moving vehicles. Features: - 9 aircraft (more in developement) - Carrier Operations on USS Nimitz CVN 68 - Apache front (gunners) and back seat (pilot) positions - Multiple regional environments - Refuel and rearm aircraft to continue flights - Destroyable buildings - Achievements via Game Center - Leaderboards - Realistic 3D virtual cockpit details - Realistic weapon management and targeting systems - Realistic weapon system physics engine - And much more in development- iOS 8 opitimization - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus optimizationThe continuing development of our advanced helicopter flight simulator will bring new aircraft and missions, so check back often! *** check our other simulators *** - Apache SIM - Black Shark HD - Black Hawk 3D We always look forward to hearing the views of our customers. You can contact us directly using: - email () - twitter (@apache3dsim) - facebook (/aircavalryapp) - website ()
版本 1.0.5 中的新功能
New version is here and comes with a great new content as usually !!! Thank you for your feedback...*** NEW helicopter CH-47 Chinook ****** NEW location Afghanistan ***- new missions- iOS 8 performance improvements- optimization for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus- fixed app crashes in some missions- minor bug fixes*** next update you will get a new chopper and next missions as usually ***
Great game!But...
Expecting shorter way to battlefield and longer time in battle.And why not have v-22
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计?30.00类别: 版本: 1.0.5大小: 252 MB语言: 英语开发商: Filip Kasik兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5、iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus 优化。
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Air Cavalry PRO - Carrier Ops Combat Flight Simulator of Infinite Sky Gunship and Hardest Tanks Hunter
By iTechGen
Game Center
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
THE MOST ADVANCED FLIGHT SIMULATOR IN APP STOREFly some of the most advanced helicopters in the world, including the UH-60 Black Hawk, AH-64 Apache, UH-1 Iroquois, OH-6 Cayuse, CH-47 Chinook, AH-1Z Cobra, Mi-24 Hind, Mi-8 Hip or Ka-50 Black Shark in various regional environments, building on your flying skills and experience. Join a new Carrier Operations on USS Nimitz or Admiral Kuznetsov!Fight in new Afghanistan location. Air Cavalry offers next-gen console quality graphics, ultimate physics of aircrafts and weapons. Complete Game Center milestones and see your progress against others. Use your weapon systems to practice engaging buildings and moving vehicles. Features: - 9 aircraft (more in developement) - Carrier Operations on USS Nimitz CVN 68 - Apache front (gunners) and back seat (pilot) positions - Multiple regional environments - Refuel and rearm aircraft to continue flights - Destroyable buildings - Achievements via Game Center - Leaderboards - Realistic 3D virtual cockpit details - Realistic weapon management and targeting systems - Realistic weapon system physics engine - And much more in development- iOS 8 opitimization - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus optimizationThe continuing development of our advanced helicopter flight simulator will bring new aircraft and missions, so check back often! *** check our other simulators *** - Apache SIM - Black Shark HD - Black Hawk 3D We always look forward to hearing the views of our customers. You can contact us directly using: - email () - twitter (@apache3dsim) - facebook (/aircavalryapp) - website ()
What's New in Version 1.0.5
New version is here and comes with a great new content as usually !!! Thank you for your feedback...*** NEW helicopter CH-47 Chinook ****** NEW location Afghanistan ***- new missions- iOS 8 performance improvements- optimization for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus- fixed app crashes in some missions- minor bug fixes*** next update you will get a new chopper and next missions as usually ***
Customer Reviews
Great Game
This game is great. The physics are good for helicopters and weapons, the missions are pretty original, and the selection of aircraft keeps it entertaining. However, there are a few things that would make the game better. One is the addition of flares and/or chaff to deal with SAMs. Another is the option to have legit targets in the free fly mode. Finally, some sort of autopilot would make the long distances of missions a little more bearable. Obviously, real helicopters don’t have autopilot but a single button to press that keeps the aircraft at its current pitch and heading could get the job done in this game. Either that, or shorten up some distances on missions. Great game though. Keep the helicopters and missions coming.
Great chopper sim!
I highly recommend this game.
I love realistic sims and this one is one of the best ones out there. Realistic missions and diverse platforms.
Torque effects are important in chopper sims and this one has that.
I would recommend to have enemy in free flight mode so there is something to do or maybe even a mission planner!
One thing also is doing a coordinated turn in this game seems impossible.
Looks like theres a lotta slipping when you turn and tail rotor effects in choppers arent very effective at mid to higher speeds.
Other that that its very realistic and FUN!!!!
Good, but...
First and foremost, the recent update was pleasing.
The chinook is a reasonable addition. The Afghanistan setting needs more life. It needs more transportation, settlement, and mountains with trees. Adding people wouldn't be a bad idea either. For the next campaigns, one of them should include transporting the POTUS in an osprey with the call sign &marine one.&
In twin pilot helicopters, one pilot controls the weapons, while the other pilot flys.
Also most helicopters are now equipped with chaffs or flares. This should be offered as a defense system against guided missiles. There should be an option in the settings to change the time of day and the weather.
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad$4.99Category: Version: 1.0.5Size: 252 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Filip KasikCompatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
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真实战争 攻略秘籍作弊代码 游侠创作室:天丝一、不算
游侠创作室:天丝一、不算前言的前言这款名为真实战争的游戏虽然被当做即时战略类型的商业游戏来发售,但其本质却因为制作者特有的官方背景而带有浓郁的战争模拟的味道。不过,不管这个游戏中间到底有多少真实意义上的战争成分都不重要,对为一个普通的玩家现在要做的就是做在屏幕前几个小时,品位一下这个能让美军军官服服帖贴的东东到底是怎么个好玩法。游戏的背景也很合乎当代世界格局的现状,加上是美国人自己的作品,所以游戏中美国凭借其先进的武器装备和科学技术,其军队的实力是很强大的。但因为其不安分的到处染指他国和地区纷争,使得恐怖主义组织有了借口和原动力来对美国采取极端行动。并经由双方多次的较量后,恐怖组织开始体系化和规模化,而且他们还控制了一股武装到牙齿的可怕军事反抗力量。在受到组织中意志坚定领袖的激励,他们的目标就是要将美国的部队与影响力永远逐出东半球,这就使得两者间全面性的冲突将无可避免的发生。不过既然是全球发行的游戏软体,制作者知趣的没有用到现实中的实体名称,只是用了一个比较抽象化的概念--独立解放军(ILA)。ILA在毫无事先声明的情况下,大肆对美国本土及其各地的军事基地发动大规模的自杀式攻击,让美国损失惨重。按照美国的传统做法,报复是必然的,但出乎世界预料的是这次他要打个大仗,企望一劳永逸的解决掉针对其的恐怖活动的全部隐患。(听着似乎象911后的行动吧,不过这个游戏的企画可是911以前的哦)二、上手指南游戏的系统就如其游戏名中的三个单字一样,分为空军(AIR)、陆军(LAND)及海军(SEA),并分布有序的被单元化和模块化,这样的设定明显更能适应不同玩家间不同技巧性的需求。例如玩家点击AIR就可以显示自己当前直升机和喷气战斗机的分布位置,而点击LAND则显示自己的所有战车和步兵单位。由于游戏中几乎所有的指令都可以由玩家进行热键分配,所以这里在操作上就不做具体的介绍了。因为制作公司OC Incorporated承诺将游戏的游戏性放在首要的位置上进行优化,所以玩家不要对战斗中恐怖组织的实力表示怀疑,如果他们的实力真象现实中的阿富汗那样和美军不成比例,那么游戏就失去了进行下去的乐趣。同时,游戏还允许玩家在单人任务时自由的在ILA和USA中进行选择,也显露出制作者并没有局限在自己的小圈圈中。下面讲解一下游戏的设施和兵种(具体参看双方科技树组成图)。上面已经说了游戏根据兵种来具体分布玩家制作兵种的顺序,这点有些象星际争霸,这时首先要求玩家建立起各自兵种对应的指挥中心(Command Center),才能进行后续的建设工作。点击你的主基地(Main Headguarters),屏幕左下角就会出现可以建造的建筑选单,其中的内容会根据玩家攀爬科技树的情况来具体增减变化。Generator的作用类似于电厂,可以为玩家提供能量,在屏幕右上角有Power的能量条来表征现在玩家所拥有能量的情况,同时能量还关系到建筑和兵种的生产快慢水平。当能量条是蓝色时表示能量充足,当然其越长也就作用更大了;如果小心使之变成红色时,就说明能量供给不足,这时建造的速度就会变慢,严重时会完全停止一切的建造活动。Supply比Generator的意义还要重要,因为它是玩家建设资源的供给站。由于在真实战争中摒弃了采矿赚钱的老路,而取而代之的使用更合乎真实战斗中的补给线概念,所以玩家一定要保护好自己的Supply,不然会被人不战而屈的。Combat Engineering Center是战斗工程中心,也就是研发新科技的地方,建立它以后才可以铺桥架沙包搭碉堡,另外开分基地也少它不得。Land Command Center为陆军指挥中心,因为陆军永远是战争打击和防御力量的中坚,所以陆指一般也作为游戏战局起始除基础设施以外最先修建的。USA方修建它后可以再继续建造Barracks(兵营)和Vehicke Yard(重工)。兵营里可以训练Infantry(机枪兵);重工里可以建造Track(运输卡车)、Rocon(侦查吉普车)、Demolition(扫雷车)、Light Armor(轻型装甲车)、Light Anti-Air(轻型防空车)和Artillery(自行火炮)。而ILA此时不同为它没有Light anti-air和Demolition,但其可以生产Mobike GTA和Mine Layer(布雷车),以及Tank(坦克)。在有了兵营和重工中任何一个以后可以生产Strategy Center(战略中心),这时便可以升级Supply、Barracks和Vehicke Yard,以及建造Satellite(雷达)。USA的Upgraded Barracks(高级兵营)可以训练Rocket Infantry(导弹兵),而ILA为Terrorist(恐怖分子)和RPG。USA的Upgraded Vehicke Yard(高级重工)增加APC(装甲运输车)、Guided Anti-Air(制导防空)、Tank和Multiple Launch Rocket(MLR 多管火箭),而ILA为Guided Mobike GTA、Advanced Tank(高级坦克)、MLR和Scud(飞毛腿导弹)战略中心建成之后的另外一个陆军发展方向是Special Operations Center(特别行动中心),USA这里专管训练可以爆破建筑的Rangers(特种兵),用以完成爆破任务;而ILA则为功能相近的Guerrilla(游击队员)。此外,双方都可以建设Tactical Nuke(战术核武器)。以上两者的造价都很高,但因为其可以起到画龙点睛的奇妙作用,所以在熟悉游戏规则后可以选择使用。在现实战争中制空权有时可以说是起到决定战局走向的关键因素,所以在有了一定实力后就要赶紧修建Air Command Center(空军指挥中心)。这时就可以Transport Helicopter(运输机)和Attack Helicopter(武装直升机),AirField(飞机场)。有了飞机场,还要Supply(供给站)、Plane Parking(停机坪)才可以建造Air to Ground Fighter(空对地战斗机)和Air to Air Fighter(空对空战斗机),以及Bomber(轰炸机)。在有了Field Extension(扩充空间)后,可以拥有Carpet Bomber(大型轰炸机)用以地毯式轰炸。注意空军中ILA还多出一种Fighter Bomber(战斗轰炸机)的选择,当然USA也不会吃亏,在有了Stealth Center(秘密行动中心)后他们可以建造可以对地对空的最强飞机Stealth Fighter(隐形飞机)。Strategy Center(战略中心)在空军中也有,它对应Airlift(空投伞兵)和用于空投策反传单的Propaganda Plane(宣传机)。海军虽然兵种不多,但在游戏中的作用也很大,因为需要海战的关卡还是不少的,再说还有不少多人地图就是专门针对海战的。在建造海军指挥中心和海军供给站后,USA可以修建运输士兵的Light Transport Boat(轻型运输船)和运输战车的Hovercraft Transport Boat(气垫运输船),及行动快但只能供给水上目标的Light Attack Boat(轻型战舰)和可以发射巡航导弹(Cruise Missile)的Cruiser(导弹巡洋舰);而ILA方对应为pontoon(充汽筏)和landing craft(登陆艇),及Gunboat(炮舰)和Mine Layer(布雷艇)。在升级海军对应的Strategy Center和Special Operations Center后,USA可以生产完成海上爆破任务的seal(蛙人)、可以发射巡航导弹Nuclear Submarine(核动力潜艇)和Destroyer(导弹驱逐舰);而ILA方对应为Special Ops、Diesel Submarine(柴油动力潜艇)和Assault Skimmer。USA海军最后的究极武器为Super Carrier(大型航空母舰),而ILA为Carrier。USA航母上可以建造Naval Fighter(海航飞机)、Fighter Bomber(海基战斗轰炸机)、 Sub-Hunter(潜艇猎手)、Mine sweeper(水雷清道夫)和Electronic Jammer(电子干扰机);ILA为Attack Helicopter(武装直升机)、Fighter、Bomber、Anti Submarine(反潜直升机)和Cruise Missile(巡航导弹)、由上面的可以看出基本上双方的兵种是很接近的,只在细微上有些分别,所以玩家不用在意选择那方,因为都差不多。三、美军简易流程第一关:按照现有即时战略游戏的常规,第一关都是用来玩家上手的,不用担心难度的问题。在战斗的开始时,我军备置有十几个机枪兵和两个火箭兵以及2辆运输车和6辆坦克,另外水上还有3艘巡洋舰也处于待命中。很快敌方就会用自杀船来撞沉你的战舰,这虽是程序安排,不过玩家控制得当的话,保留下一两只也是有可能的。分布好兵种,将装甲部队分布在步兵的两翼,只要在敌人来临时稍微调配一下人手就可以轻松完成任务。第二关:此关任务为守卫我军基地左下方的学校不被敌人占领,因为敌人的速度很快,所以要尽快发展并集结主要部队保卫学校。注意河上的桥梁是敌人的必经之路,只要能将其炸毁就可以暂时延迟一下他的进攻节奏。在抵挡住来犯之敌的势头之后清扫战场所有敌人就可通关。第三关:此关任务的重点找到敌人的核实验室并摧毁它,只要按部就班的来,这关应该不难过。第四关:这关的胜利条件是将敌人的建筑和部队全灭,所以先防御后发展出自己的部队反攻敌人的基地是唯一选择。注意此关中敌人有空军单位,要有一定的防空设施才不至于打得太累。第五关:此关有一刻左右的敌方攻击时间限制,时间一到,敌人就会向你的基地发射导弹。当然如果玩家先期发展出强大的防空,也不用担心敌人的导弹的袭击。胜利条件是摧毁敌人的两辆导弹车,而无须将敌人全灭。比较轻松的办法是用空军偷袭,但敌人防空很强大,飞机出击时要尽量从两边绕到岛的后方攻击导弹车,只要一次配置足够的飞机,多攻击几次就可以了。注意在两个岛连接处的一片浅色区域是地雷区,只有用扫雷车清扫地雷才能让地面部队安全通过。第六关:这关和第四关一样都是要将敌人的建筑和部队全灭才能胜利,但本关的敌人更强大,所以步步为营要好过猪突猛进。另外敌人离你的基地很远,所以试着在其附近开个分基地可能会发现这样要更轻松一些。第七关:此关有30分钟的时限,只要30分一过敌人就会大举进攻,而且还会投放核弹。没有绝招,唯一要说的是多存档,不然不小心被核弹亲一下会很痛的。第八关:此关没有陆地和空军供应站,只有一处海军供应站,所以你很可能会一直承受钱不够用的压力。不过好在战斗一开始你的实力就很强大,1艘航母和4艘核潜艇,并备置有2架轰炸机、2架隐形飞机、2架直升机、1架空对地飞机和一架海航飞机。当然,这些也不是白给你的,敌人很快就会从陆地和水中同时向你发动猛攻,用空军力量消灭来犯的敌人陆军,而敌人的潜艇可以用你的潜艇来对付。在抵挡住敌人的首轮狂轰乱炸以后,注意整编你的剩余部队并即时修理它们,然后就是筹集力量消灭敌人。第九关:这关敌人分散在不同岛屿上,而且它们的防御都很强大,因为胜利条件是将敌人全部消灭,所以只有发扬蚂蚁啃骨头的精神打持久战了。第十关:任务为全灭敌军,地图很大,开第二基地可以加快战斗的节奏。第十一关:这关的任务是守住阵地一段时间,同时被限制只能训练部分兵种,所以有些难度。不要冒机的一开始就正面和敌人发生冲突,这样只会引来敌人的大肆反击而得不偿失。记住将部队分布好,并补充充足的防空,然后就看你的运气了。第十二关: USA的最后一战,开始被困在小岛,所以争取早开第二分基地,这样后面的战斗要稍微好打一点。敌人的主要进攻手段是用飞机空袭,同时会不时发射核弹,实在是很讨厌,但也没有其它的办法,修补防空,然后不断骚扰敌人的补给线。经过USA的战斗,ILA的关卡就很容易过了,不过其中也不乏精彩的地方,限于篇幅,这些还是留给玩家自己去慢慢摸索吧。
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New version is here and comes with a great new content as usually !!! Thank you for your feedback...
*** NEW helicopter CH-47 Chinook ***
*** NEW location Afghanistan ***
- new missions
- iOS 8 performance improvements
- optimization for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
- fixed app crashes in some missions
- minor bug fixes
*** next update you will get a new chopper and next missions as usually ***
*** As usually this update brings a new chopper and many other great tweaks ***
- new AH-1Z Cobra helicopter
- new missions
- night missions (green night vision, thermal FLIR)
- added a bullet ground impact thermal effect (in FLIR WHOT/BHOT) like in real.
- new Mini-gun sound effect (from a real one)
- many other tweaks
- fixed (mission 6 after landing in the target area)
- fixed (mission 3 crash)
- some GameCenter achievements fixed
- many other fixes
*** As many of you wishes the next update will be a CHINOOK ;) ***
- new Carrier Operations (USS Nimitz, Admiral Kuznetsov)
- new helicopter Ka-50 Black Shark
- restart button after crash
- mini-gun sound changed
- various bugs fixed
- new helicopter Mi-24 HIND
- ZOOM button for FLIR view (AH-64 Apache)
- UH-60 MFCD map fix
- APP SIZE REDUCED (70%) !!!
*** next package with new missions in development and coming soon ***
* Mi-24 Hind (in development) *
- Fixed GameCenter issues
- Facebook page for news & support


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