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Heroes of Order & Chaos - Multiplayer Online Game
By Gameloft
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Team up and fight alongside friends in the best Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)! Plan your strategy, strengthen your Heroes and wipe out the enemy base in thrilling, fast-paced, real-time battles. For centuries, Sinskaald Rift, a mysterious region of Haradon, has been the battleground of immortal warriors known as the Heroes of Order & Chaos. Now it’s your turn to join their honored ranks as the most powerful champions in the realm!>> AN EXCEPTIONALLY RICH AND ADDICTIVE GAME <<o Choose from 50 unique and varied Heroes, from melee bruisers to devastating wizardso Play for free with an ever-changing roster of amazing Heroeso Develop your skills and upgrade equipment to overpower your foes and win victory for your team!o Real-time action: Scout out the map and lure opponents into an ambush in the fog of war>> AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE WITH FRIENDS OR ON YOUR OWN <<o Fight solo or in multiplayer mode on three distinct maps (3v3, 5v5, and Steampunk 5v5)o Blends cooperation with buddies and competition against enemies for an addictive experienceo Develop teamwork and cunning strategies to rule the world of HaradonHOC is free to play, but if you wish you can enrich your experience by purchasing game items with real money. You can disable in-app purchases by adjusting your device’s settings. By using this App, you may be offered advertising content. You can disable your device’s ad identifier being used for interest-based advertising in the settings menu of your device.____________________________________Visit our official site at .Follow us on Twitter at http://glft.co/GameloftonTwitter or like us on Facebook at /Gameloft to get more info about all our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers at /Gameloft.Discover our blog at http://glft.co/Gameloft_Official_Blog for the inside scoop on everything Gameloft._____________________________________________This app allows you to purchase virtual items within the app and may contain third-party advertisements that may redirect you to a third-party site.Privacy Policy : /privacy-notice/Terms of Use : /conditions/End User License Agreement : /eula/
What's New in Version 2.0.0
NEW HERO >> Melina Spellmann, Maven of Magic – Mageo Orphaned at a young age, Melina Spellmann made her living through petty crime until she tried to pickpocket the legendary Grandmaster Airurasth. Recognizing in Melina the potential for a great sorceress, Airurasth took her under his wing. Unfortunately, he mysteriously disappeared before her lessons could be completed and Melina was left to find her own way. Though she is still figuring out her craft, she is immensely powerful and determined to succeed at all costs with her unstable magic.2 NEW SKINS>> Searing Swordsmith for Evistix>> Serpent Queen for Sia TidesingerOTHER UPDATESUpdated and redesigned user interface to better distinguish between normal and ranked gamesImproved matchmaking systemAdded a level requirement for different game modes to help new players with their skill progressionRebalanced Experience requirement for upgradesAdded a cooldown to Revival Rune usesGameplay balance adjusted based on player feedback
Customer Reviews
Don't stress
Out of all the free apps this is first place, I have read many of these reviews and considered the issues written. Guess what...it's free people and if you can't deal then don't play. The game overall is awesome, the characters, leveling, and multiplayer atmosphere make the game what it is. Forget for a moment the lottery, and players dropping out skilled or otherwise, and the time it takes without money to purchase heroes. What's left? A fantastic mmo is what, take these reviews lightly because I play this once or twice a day and have no problem being a &noob& so long as no one else does...oh wait they don't have a choice! Haha. Give people a chance you jackasses. Furthermore, if everyone playing received one emblem for every time someone was ridiculed, everyone would be equal. I think slow progress in this game makes the updates more enjoyable and fair. Just one thing, please update with a few new maps say... One per mode? Revise the amount of time after deaths, tweek the lottery a bit, tune the grouping of PVP and co-op, and overhaul overall look and feel a bit. Do this and I will be playing for a very long time. Thanks Sphvin Illios
Bad update
I really love this game I play it all the time. But there are definitely things that could be fixed. First off the whole cool down with the revival runes is absolutely awful. At one point for me the cool down was 30 minutes when I was already in the game for at least 30. There's no way a game lasts that long and it is completely unfair to wait the long. Also I think the matchmaking should be better. The teams are never equal. And I think the lottery should be fixed. I've won the same skin for a hero that I don't even own at least 3 times. I think that every time the lottery should give you something that you don't own, or at least give way more essence for repeated items. I think there should be more of a penalty for leaving the game or the lobby. It is extremely annoying trying to play a ranked game when you have to wait 10 min just for the game to start because people keep leaving. And in the game it puts your team at an extreme disadvantage if someone body leaves. Thanks but great game overall.
Very good game.
Not the best character art.
Sound and music isnt that good.
From day one this game has gone through a lot of changes.
It took many months until connection issues were solved.
Balance issues took awhile too, but it was fun playing with overpowered heroes.
The game finally got it right around the time Akartu was released and with Under the Realms ruins.The game is simply fun and the multiplayer aspect keeps this game right up there with some of ipad's best.
Right now, I dnt know what is going on with the game.
The menus are not user friendly.
The overall layout has gotten worse.
I am talking about the home screen and all the menus and submenus.The game mechanics and items have changed a bit.
Tbh, I havent played this game in a while.
They kind of messed up when releasing the ape hero in the lottery.
Now, they have another hero in the lottery.
It's just a scheme to get players to spend a lot of money for a couple of heroes.
As a long time player, I dont appreciate it and goodluck getting much money from me anymore.Honestly, I would rate this game 3 stars, but since it is fun and has a multiplayer aspect unlike any other, it deserves an extra star.
Vain Glory is similar but different enough to be unique too.
The game plays smooth with touch screen.Kudos for all the updates to try and make game better.
You succeeded maybe half the time, but all the effort is appreciated.
Maybe work with Marvel to make a new moba?
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 2.0.0Size: 796 MBLanguages: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, TurkishSeller: GameloftFrequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.1.6 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
&&&&&842 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&28129 Ratings
Top In-App Purchases
Handful of Runes$1.99Chest of Runes$14.99Pile of Runes$6.99Bottle of Runes$24.99A Radiant Bottle of Runes$12.99A Radiant Pot of Runes$24.99A Glowing Handful of Runes$0.99Pot of Runes$49.99A Radiant Barrel of Runes$49.99A Radiant Chest of Runes$7.99
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and discover new iTunes Radio Stations and the music we love.Heroes of Order & Chaos v1.6.0 - 混沌与秩序之英雄战歌
集结队伍,与好友一起在App Store中首个多人联机在线竞技游戏(MOBA)中奋勇战斗!在惊心动魄,引人入胜的游戏节奏中集结队友,强化英雄,摧毁敌军基地。在哈拉顿神秘的辛斯卡德裂口,不朽的战士们浴血奋战,已有数个世纪了。他们用自己的鲜血与荣耀谱写着这首磅礴的英雄战歌!
& 超过30个能力各异的英雄可供选择,从近身格斗好手到可毁灭一切的巫师
& 免费使用不同游戏角色,欢享各个轮流免费的英雄
& 升级技能和装备,击垮敌人,赢得胜利!
& 真正的实时动作游戏:游走于地图各处,利用战争迷雾的掩护引诱对手,给予他们出其不意的致命一击。
& 在两类地图(3v3或5v5)的单人或多人模式下浴血奋战
& 与队友上演绝妙配合,在精彩纷呈的战斗中击败对手,欢享畅快竞技体验
& 利用团队配合和各种战术,在哈拉顿中加冕为王!
版本 1.6.0 中的新功能
新玩家现在可以通过Game Center或Facebook账户注册,直接开始游戏。
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混沌与秩序之英雄战歌Heroes O&C
版本:2.0.0 &
混沌与秩序之英雄战歌(Heroes of Order & Chaos)是一款由Gameloft打造的全新类Dota类网络对战游戏。
呼朋引伴与您的好友在行动装置上初次体验多人连线竞赛 (MOBA) 的打斗刺激!集结您的队员一起参加令人斗志高昂、节奏紧凑且引人入胜的竞赛,加强英雄的战力并扫荡敌人阵营。
【格外丰富且引人入胜的游戏 】
- 可从 30 款各式各样独特的英雄中选择您要的角色,从好战拳击手到毁灭精灵,任君挑选
- 免费试玩各种不同的角色,您可以变换角色,免费体验整个系列的英雄战力
- 游戏进行期间,您可以加强及升级您的战技与配备,压制住敌方,赢得胜利!
- 即时行动:在地图上漫游,引诱对手进入您的埋伏范围,然后在战争迷雾中突袭他们
【 您可单独或与好友一起体验3D虚拟实境 】
- 您可单打独斗或使用多人连线模式在两种地图上进行征战 (3v3 或 5v5 对战)
- 与好友同心协力撂倒敌队,保证您战到欲罢不能
- 设计团队合作模式与战略,统驭海洛顿人 (Haradon)
广受好评的 MMORPG「秩序与混乱」Online 回来了,一探这个免费的策略游戏。
MOBA 游戏将 RPG 与 RTS 结合多人 PVP!加入混吨中建立秩序的英雄联盟成为传奇!
游戏测试机型:NEXUS 5
哎。没有谷歌play 玩不了
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