helix x4petra stuntt 怎么玩

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where we will give you a
and go through some of the features and give you the lowest price for Christmas 2014.
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First off let us have a look at the
of the RC Helix Quad Copter:
The Helix X4 Stunt is a high-performance, easy-to-fly Quad Copter that delivers an unbeatable flight experience!
The Helix X4 Stunt performs insane backflips, barrel rolls and 180 flips with the push of a button!
4-ducted fans and on board gyroscopic stabilization maintain flight stability delivering top quality control.
The remote control uses 2.4Ghz communication, increasing the strength and distance of the control’s signal.
Includes: 1 Air Hogs Helix X4 Stunt, 1 USB Charger, 1 Controller/Charger, 1 User Instruction Guide
If you are looking for a fun toy this Christmas you can’t go wrong with the Air Hogs Elite Helix X4 Stunt copter. You will get a high performance RC quad copter that will give you a 2.4 Ghz radio control, gyro stabilization and 4 ducted fans.
You will find the toy is very maneuverable and very fast.
Main Features:
You will find that some main features with the Helix X4 will include a backflip, barrel roll and it will also flip 180
List Price:
Current Price:
If you are worried about the toy breaking you should know that it is made of crash resistant materials that will protect the rotors and make it sturdier.
The speed and maneuverability comes from the fact that it has 4 channel control and will outfly any other copter and out stunt them as well.
In the box you will get:
1 Air Hogs Helix X4 Stunt, 1 USB Charger, 1 Controller/Charger, 1 User Instruction Guide
This toy is perfect for anyone that wants the ultimate stunt RC copter. You will find it fast, fun and with the added features it will keep you playing for hours.
Where To Buy?
If you are looking to
we recommend that you . The reason being is that you can order from Ebay but you may not get the toy you wanted or worst case scenario you may not receive anything.
With Amazon you will get super-fast delivery, a reasonable price and peace of mind at Christmas 2014.
At the moment you can save 19% off the RRP and you can also save money if you choose to buy the Air Hogs RC Megabomb Heli at Amazon as they are frequently bought together.
Customer Reviews:
Dad of Divas:
I have used Air Hogs Helicopters in the past with my daughter and have to say that those were a lot more difficult to master in my opinion than this was, and you get to do some very cool tricks with this. I loved the unique design on this and the ability that you have to use the 4 fans to hover and do tricks. What was nice with this was that you can really get some height with this, do flips and really have good handling control. Don’t get me wrong, it still takes some practice to get it down, but I found it to be much easier to use than the last air hogs product that I used. Like some of the other air hogs products that I have used in the past the design of this allows you to charge it easy and you get maybe a good 10 minutes at best on a full charge (that has been what we have received at least)…it is enough though to have fun with it and then recharge. All-in-all we had a blast with this and you will too!
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新手“学飞”就是如此简单 带你走进无人机模型世界
09:49| 发布者: | 查看: 1555| 评论: 0
|责任编辑: 通航小博士
|来自: 任玩堂
摘要:男生们多多少少都有一点喜欢摆弄玩具、模型这一类的东西,有时候看着电视上或者商店里摆放的高级飞机模型都会心动不已(就像女生见到橱窗里的婚纱一样…),不过众所周知这些都是贵重物品,拥有高空拍摄、远程遥控等 ...
& & & &男生们多多少少都有一点喜欢摆弄玩具、模型这一类的东西,有时候看着电视上或者商店里摆放的高级飞机模型都会心动不已(就像女生见到橱窗里的婚纱一样…),不过众所周知这些都是贵重物品,拥有高空拍摄、远程遥控等功能的价格就更加不菲了。也许是为了安慰这样一些人群,近来一款价格较便宜、功能却依然高大上的微型无人机(四螺旋桨飞行机)开始在市场上流通,而中国方面更是开始大批量生产。& & & &这些小小的无人机为什么人气这么高?一方面原因是在价格方面,它们仅为商店出售的半自动飞行机(带摄像头约1200美元)的十分之一(约100美元),另一方面是因为它们功能健全多样,操作简单易上手,在玩家迷路的时候甚至还能用来视察环境找到方向。& & & &如此物美价廉的无人机即使是在专卖店里也未必能够轻易找着,即使网上类型多样但对于新手来说要买到一架便宜、多功能又结实耐用的也相当困难。今天就给喜爱无人机模型的玩家们送上福利,告诉大家哪些型号的无人机拥有哪类型的酷炫功能。综合性最佳:Air Hogs Helix X4 Stunt& & & &这款 Air Hogs Helix X4 售价65美元,就速度而论它并不是最快最猛的,它的整体由质量较轻的聚苯乙烯制造,普通的刮伤不会给它造成太大的损害,收到撞击时的反弹力也比较好。在操控上它也属于容易上手的类型,对于玩家的操控它会自动做出细微的反馈调整,并且可以从遥控器处进行充电,相当方便。& & & &缺点:但需要注意的是 Helix X4 启动发出的引擎轰鸣声会像吹风机一样响亮,让人不禁担心它飞行过久引擎是否会超负荷。进阶新手必备:Blade Nano QX& & & && & & &当玩家对无人机模型有一定了解和认识后就不再只是个懵懵懂懂的新手,这时候就可以开始接触进阶型号——Blade Nano QX,这款无人机售价90美元,与上面介绍的 Helix X4 相比它的体型就小了许多。它采用的是业余爱好者级别的电动机组装,属于轻量机型,速度相当快,玩家可以通过遥控器在新手模式以及专家模式间切换,体验不同级别的非凡操作感受。& & & &缺点:由于该机型马力较大,机身较轻,所以承受不了太大程度的冲撞,一不小心很容易粉身碎骨。最出色微型机:UDI U839& & & &微型无人机 UDI U839 的特色是小巧玲珑,精心设计的外型和柔韧材质让它可以被玩家托在手中,坚固的螺旋桨不容易损坏和脱落,比起其它同类的微型飞行机来说马力也要更强,想要在室内操控好这小家伙可是一点也不简单。UDI U839 无人机的机身与遥控器采用的是相同规格的锂电池,飞机电量低的时候可以拆开遥控器的进行交换,然后又能快乐地飞上6、7分钟,售价30美元。& & & &缺点:马力大质量轻,所以在空间有限的范围内操作有相当大的难度和风险,无人机本身的陀螺仪设置过于严谨,稍有碰撞就需要手动进行调整,想要做好一次正式飞行的事前准备工作相当繁琐。最佳摄像无人机:Syma X5C& & & &现在的模型机中并没有很多能够同时兼顾摄像头以及螺旋桨的机型,而这款价值60美元的 Syma X5C 就恰好是这么一款模型机。它不像市面上打着低价广告,使用廉价材料和劣质摄像头制作的模型机,在众多模型机中它的性能也是相当稳定,在狭小的室内飞行毫无难度,轻风吹拂的程度也不会有多大影响。& & & &缺点:由于飞行机的主要功能还是飞行,因此携带的摄像头并不是特别高清,甚至可能比一般手机像素更低,受风力影响录制的视频和拍摄的画面会更加模糊。最安静的无人机:Syma X4& & & &几乎所有的微型无人机在飞行的时候都会因为4个螺旋桨产生的强大推动力而发出声响,虽然算不上噪音的程度但也相当吵,可是这款价值35美元的 Syma X4 却不一样,低噪音的安静引擎是它最大的特色。它造型圆滑结实,在室内能够保持非常稳定的飞行状态。& & & &缺点:安静的引擎是马力不足的一种表现,飞行机本身的遥控器按键设计上也有一定缺陷,基准线对不齐,要达到精确的操控有一定的难度。& & & &关于各类无人机的介绍就到这里了,希望有兴趣接触微型无人机的玩家能够从中得到帮助和启示,选择自己最喜欢的、最适合的机型才是最重要的。新手进阶到专家需要一定的时间,所以不需要急着购买昂贵多功能的微型无人机,学会玩了能够玩转了再彻底融入高手玩家系列,使用专家级装备也不迟。
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