完美国际fmg是什么安装field to create是什么意思

【完美国际2在安装的时候在91%的时候老是提示 Failed to create 怎么解决啊 ?】-突袭网
23:14:40【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"完美国际2在安装的时候在91%的时候老是提示 Failed to create 怎么解决啊 ?"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"完美国际2在安装的时候在91%的时候老是提示 Failed to create 怎么解决啊 ?"相关的详细问题如下:RT,我想知道:完美国际2在安装的时候在91%的时候老是提示 Failed to create 怎么解决啊 ?===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
问:还是一直错误报告?求解?答:完美更新过之后很吃内存的,时间越长占用内存资源越多,导致会弹BUG,一是等看完美会不会良心大发的优化游戏,二就要自己提高电脑配置了,比如内存什么的。别的没办法了===========================================问:哪种方式解压具体点 我快郁闷死了答:客户端是分两个部分的,你需要把两个部分全部下载后(两部分下在一个文件夹),直接解压第一部分就可以了,解压完成后点击下面这个图标进行安装,安装完成后,打上最新的补丁,就可以玩游戏了! ===========================================问:我下载的完美国际文件打开时候老是提示文件不完整,我网上搜索了一下,...答:把你以前下载的全部删除干净,再下载看看,下载二部分再解压这些你应该知道===========================================问:开始是3小时一次 现在是1-2小时一次BUG...答:因为玩儿的人多===========================================问:! E:\完美国际\w2i_clientV1246.rar: 完美世界国际版\data2.pck CRC 失...答:文件被破坏,没办法。到网吧去拷贝一个算了===========================================问:! E:\完美国际\w2i_clientV1246.rar: 完美世界国际版\data2.pck CRC 失...答:工作室太多了,不建议去新区,现在完美的新区,还不如热闹点的老区有意思 物价高,工作室多,上线上不去,真正玩家比工作室少,做任务打不到怪===========================================问:这样怎么玩啊老是被挤出来答:挂机小号太多 占用服务器===========================================问:完美国际2更新后在游戏登陆界面老提示服务器维护中,无法进入游戏是什么...答:你的版本是多少?最新补丁是1677,如果更新了还是显示维护,进入游戏看一下,应该可以玩游戏,不要在意这些细节===========================================问:求大神解答,本人技术渣,不懂咋么回事。。。。。答:百度然后各种试。一个机子一个问题。可能是软件兼容方面的问题吧。===========================================想挂机吧?小嘟嘟最好了,攻击防御都不错,不过得到很难,其次小叶蜂。唉,前天刚到58级,昨天91%了。===========================================安装方法很多,有ISO镜像文件用虚拟光驱安装的,有U盘安装的,有用nt6 hdd installer v2.8... 但是此法早就被微软知道,会不会被黑及什么时候被黑,暂不清楚,但在近期应该都没啥问...===========================================缺乏国际竞争力。因此,国内市场主要被进口产品占据。 2生产工艺及其特点 多聚甲醛生... 一般有2种:一种是用催化剂来控制多聚甲醛聚合度的工艺;另外一种是在生产过程中不加...===========================================国内产的天然橡胶基本上为标准胶,也称颗粒胶。国内标准胶(SCR)一般按国际上统一的... 四级标准胶。 市售的天然橡胶主要是由三叶橡胶树的乳胶制得。其成分中91%~94%...===========================================田芸 9月下旬,长期以来一直是黄金忠实拥趸的埃贝尔(Christoph Eibl)突然公开表达出悲... 在过去的一周内,在全球债市、股市、大宗商品接二连三"跳水"的同时,曾经的"避险天堂...===========================================发射成功率为91%。在年间曾一度几次发射失败,使我国在国际商业发射市场... 随后,播放了长征3号发射失败的场景,升到半空的时候爆炸的炸成2段。最精彩的是旁白...===========================================脂肪酸、灰分、糖类等非橡胶物质。天然橡胶是应用最广的通用橡胶。 世界上约有200... 颜色指数等理化性能指标进行分级的橡胶。标准橡胶包装也比较先进,一般用聚乙烯薄膜...===========================================一种是商家和卖主(例如百货公司、石油公司等)发行的信用卡,普通的信用卡是银行发行... 在沿海和经济中心城市的73个分支行开办国际业务,建立了遍布全球77个国家和地区...===========================================全世界损失最大的前五名: 第一名:美国赌王,资产损失率91%,损失249亿美元。 第二... 的时候从来不忘记退,因为真正伟大的企业家不是能赚多少钱,不能以财富来论,而是在大...===========================================其中,铬是使翡翠具有翠绿色的主要因素。通常翡翠含氧化铬O.2~O.5%,个别达2~3.75%... 中国在世界上有"玉石之国"之称,这同发现和使用软玉的悠久历史有关。 软玉在我国...===========================================
12345678910完美世界服务端 完美服务端 完美国际服务端 完美刷机教程 5.0.1完美越狱教..
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1. First uninstall any existing versions of Patch Analyst and
then run the setup program (e.g., pa_Setup_v93.exe).
2. Open ArcMap, but note that on Windows 7
and Vista you must right click on the ArcMap icon, and "Run as
Admin " in order to see the dlls and finish the final install
steps, even if you are logged on to the computer as Admin.
You probably also need to be logged on as Admin on Win XP.
3. Click on "Tools and select "Customize".
4. Click on the "Commands" tab.
5. Find "Menus" in the 'Categories' column and click on it.
6. - Click the "Add from file" button at the bottom.
- Navigate to the directory where Patch Analyst is stored (usually
- Select "PatchAnalystv93.dll".
- A window will appear showing the objects added. Click "OK".
- Repeat for PatchGridv93.dll
7. In the 'Commands' column (right hand side) click and drag and
drop "Patch" (or "Patch Grid") onto the menu bar.
- When you move the item to an acceptable location (e.g. between
Windows and Help menu items, a vertical bar will appear)
8. Open the tutoria data set map. Under File...Open, navigate to
C:\Patch Analyst\Samples and select Patch Analyst
Sample Datav93.mxd
(按:大概由于现在所分析的数据空间尺度过大,导致fragstats运行无法分配内存,提示“cannot allocate
什么是ARCGIS & 斑块分析师?
Patch analyst is an extension to the ArcGIS&software
system that facilitates the spatial analysis of landscape patches
and the modeling of attributes associated with patches. It is used
for spatial pattern analysis, often in support of habitat modeling,
biodiversity conservation and forest management. The program
includes capabilities to characterize patch pattern and the ability
to assign patch values based on combinations of patch attributes
(e.g. combinations of stand age, overstory composition and crown
closure). It is available in two versions, Patch and P
the former is used with polygon layers while the latter is for
raster (grid) layers.
Once the program is downloaded and added to the
ArcGIS toolbar the user simply clicks on Patch or
Patch Grid to reveal a pull down menu. If relevant data (e.g. a
raster file for Patch Grid) is not a part of the current map,
options pertaining to that data type will be unavailable and appear
faded on the menu.
A variety of available operations allow the user to:
dissolve (clump) and re-class polygons or rasters by fields,
intersect (combine) layers, create core areas, make hexagon
regions, add or refresh area and perimeter fields, make variables
from FRI string fields as well as calculate a variety of spatial
statistics on the data in the layers.
&栅格和多边形图层的空间的的计算是不同的,因此是一个“空间统计”的实现要涉及patch analyst
和 patch grid两个模块。
The Spatial Analysis statistics for raster and
polygon layers are calculated differently and therefore there is a
‘Spatial Statistics’ selection on both the Patch Analyst and Patch
Grid menus.
Some functions differ depending on whether the layer
is a polygon or raster file. For example, the dissolve function in
Patch Analyst uses the Dissolve tool in ArcGIS&, while in Patch
Grid the tool clumps adjacent like pixels together.
The Intersect (combine) command also works
differently in Patch Analyst and Patch Grid. When intersecting
polygons in Patch Analyst, the ArcGIS& Intersect tool is used and
Patch Grid uses a different method for raster layers.
Analysis can be automated by using either batch
analysis or regions analysis. Batch analysis will run separate
analyses on pre-selected shapefiles. Regions analysis is used where
a single large analysis layer is subdivided into regions, and
analysis is desired on each of these maller analysis units. Regions
can be administrative, ecological or arbitrary, and can include
such things as administrative districts, watersheds, or a hexagon
grid overlay. Patch Analyst provides a facility to generate a
hexagon overlay, and this overlay can be intersected with the
original analysis layer.
Create Patch Theme from Grid creates a new layer
(theme), where each clump of like-classified pixels is assigned its
own area and perimeter. This is a necessary step for patch
Clumping rasters (grids) (analogous with dissolve
for shape files) is complex and requires that careful attention be
paid to the process. Performing a landscape pattern analysis on a
raster (grid) file is often faster than on a shape file. Clumping
rasters (grids) is not necessary when performing a spatial analysis
in Patch Grid because this is done by the Fragstats routine.
However, clumping is required when information for each patch
within the same class is needed (i.e., producing patch histograms).
When creating a raster (grid) from a shape file or coverage, the
user is prompted for the feature field to use to create the raster
(grid), the clumping method (see below), and the location to store
the raster (grid). The result is a raster (grid) with a table of
feature attributes. The table contains one row for each class. To
produce patch histograms, calculate the number of patches etc., a
row is needed for each patch (contiguous clump of pixels) within
each class. Dissolving a raster (grid) will simplify the table and
create a row for each patch.
Note: When dissolving a raster (grid) you will be asked to select a Clumping Method.
4N和8N之间的区别是聚簇邻接像素的邻居(N)数量。例如,在下面的例子中有两个斑块A和B(白色像元)。如果4N -
- 使用对角线被选中的搜索将包括每个像素的四边和对角线上的每个像素,或每个周围的像素,因此八个邻居。在这个例子中,如使用8N -
&The difference between 4N and 8N is the number of
neighbours (N) used in clumping contiguous pixels. For instance, in
the example below, two patches are present, A and B (white cells).
If 4N - Use Orthogonals is selected, a search around each pixel
will include the four sides of each pixel. If a pixel with the same
value is found on any of the four sides of pixel, the two pixels
will be clumped together. In the example below there are two
distinct patches when the 4N - Use Orthogonals method is used
(Patch A and Patch B). In contrast, if 8N - Use Diagonals is
selected the searches will include the four sides of each pixel and
the diagonals of each pixel, or each surrounding pixel, hence eight
neighbours. In the example, only one discrete patch would be
defined using the 8N - Use Diagonals method, and it would include
all the white pixels
dissolve a raster (grid):
Select the desired raster (grid) to dissolve from the
ArcMap table of contents.
Choose Create Patch Theme from
Grid from the Patch Grid menu .
Choose the field to clump by and then click OK.
Select the Clumping Method
(4N - Use orthogonals or 8N - Use Diagonals) and then click
OK and the tool will execute. For more
information on Clumping Method refer to .
<img TITLE="" BORDER="0" NAME="image_operate_00875" HSPACE="0" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/bmiddle/44b367b1tad933eb8e514&690"
ALT="景观分析工具:arcgis中patch&analyst模块" />
Intersect (Combine) Grids
Intersect (Combine) Grids
allows users to intersect raster (grid) layers (themes), and is
especially useful to intersect the hexagon layer (theme) (once its
been converted to raster (grid) format) with a specified patch
layer (theme).
Intersect (Combine) Grids Tutorial
Intersecting grids is often the first step for Analysis by
Regions. To combine to raster (grid) layers (themes) into one layer
(theme) select Intersect (Combine)
Grids from the Patch Grid Menu.
Choose the first raster (grid) from the pull down menu of
available layers (themes) and click OK.
Choose the second raster
(grid) from the pull down menu of remaining available layers
(themes) and click OK.
The user will then be
prompted for a name and location of the new layer (theme) that will
be created. Once that is done and the user clicks Save the rasters (grids) will be
Clip Grids to Polygon Theme
This function will clip a raster (grid) to a polygon layer
(theme). It differs from other similar procedures you might find in
ArcGIS in that the extents of the new grid is defined by the
extents of the clip polygon theme. This results in a considerable
reduction in the size of the grid, and especially the exported grid
file that is used by Fragstats. Using this function may resolve
many of of the "Fragstats Output File Not Found" or other Fragstats
errors encountered, as the Fragstats engine is limited by the size
of the input raster data file.
Clip Grids to Polygon Theme Tutorial
To clip a raster (grid) to a polygon layer (theme) select
Clip Grids to Polygon Theme
from the Patch Grid Menu.
A dialog box with a pull-down menu containing all available raster
(grid) layers (themes) (i.e. on the current map) will
<img TITLE="" BORDER="0" HSPACE="0" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/bmiddle/44b367b1tad&690"
ALT="景观分析工具:arcgis中patch&analyst模块" />
Choose the raster (grid) layer (theme) that
is to be clipped and click OK.
The next dialog box to appear will contain a list of all possible
polygon layers (themes) that can be used to clip the raster (grid).
Choose one and click OK.
<img TITLE="" BORDER="0" HSPACE="0" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/bmiddle/44b367b1tad934ad314f3&690"
ALT="景观分析工具:arcgis中patch&analyst模块" />
The user will then be prompted for a name and
a location (drive path) for the new layer (theme) to be saved. Once
the file name is entered and the user clicks Save,
the tool will execute and clip the raster (grid) to the polygon
layer (theme)。
Spatial Statistics (FragStats Interface)
从patch grid 菜单选择Spatial Statistics (FragStats
Selecting Spatial Statistics (FragStats Interface)
from the Patch Grid menu brings up the "Spatial Statistics"
dialog box.
<img TITLE="" BORDER="0" HSPACE="0" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/bmiddle/44b367b1tad934cafb6ea&690"
ALT="景观分析工具:arcgis中patch&analyst模块" />
When Run is clicked, the
selected grid is exported to the system temporary directory,
whereupon a parameter list is generated, Fragstats is executed, and
then the files frag_av.class, frag_av.land, and frag_av.full are
generated. These temporary text files are removed with the next
execution of Patch Grid, therefore renaming the files is necessary
if you wish to keep the original Fragstats output.
Statistics from these are read into ArcGIS, and presented in a
table in the location specified by the user (analysis will not run
if an output table name and location are not specified). Depending
on the speed of the computer being used to run Patch Grid and the
size of the raster (grid) layer (theme) being analyzed, it may take
a few minutes before the user gets a message saying that the output
was created successfully. The output table will not be available
for viewing until after this confirmation message is received.
The following is a
breakdown of the "Spatial Statistics for Grids" dialog box, one
section at a time:
In the Layers panel (top left), the
layer(s) (theme) selected from ArcMap's table of contents will
appear. Each layer (theme) that is present in the Layers menu can
however, only one layer (theme) can be analyzed at a
time. Select the layer (theme) that you wish to analyze.
The Class box allows selection of the
class field from the selected layer's attribute table to be
analyzed. Both character and numeric classes can be analyzed.
The Analyze By option allows
calculation of spatial statistics at either the Landscape or Class
level. If the layer (theme) is being analyzed at the landscape
level, all patches, regardless of the class they belong to, will be
analyzed and a single value will be reported for each statistic. In
contrast, if the layer (theme) is analyzed at the class level, the
statistics will be reported for each class within the
Output Table
Output Table Name is the name (and
drive path) of the output table that will be created containing the
spatial statistics. If the table already exists, the
Append/Overwrite options become available. The default is
There are six categories of statistics
available in the Patch Grid Analyst:
Patch Density and Size Metrics
Edge Metrics边缘
Shape Metrics形状
Diversity Metrics多样性
Core Area Metrics核心区
&Simply select the statistics to be calculated
and reported in the spatial statistics output table. Choose "Select
All" to select all the statistics or choose "Select None" to clear
the selection. Certain statistics are only applicable at the
landscape level. Similarly, certain statistics are only applicable
on polygon layers (themes). For a listing of statistic
applicability (polygon or raster) and abbreviations refer to
Core Area Metrics from the spatial
statistics dialog are only available for raster (grid) layers
(themes). When core area statistics are required for vector layers
(themes), the user must first
(create a core area layer (theme)) from the
Patch menu and then treat the core area layer (theme) as a
normal patch layer (theme). Choose the desired statistics (i.e.,
Mean Patch size, etc.) from the spatial statistics dialogue and the
result will be core area statistics. When creating core area layers
(themes) two fields are added to the layer's attribute table: i)
Core Area and ii) Patch Area. Therefore be sure to
choose the proper field to calculate statistics when analyzing core
area layers (themes).
Set Analysis
Fragstats also allows the user to change some other analysis
parameters including the MPI Threshold, Buffer Distance, CWED file
name, and the Boundary Influence. The current settings of these
parameters can be seen in the "Analysis Parameters" panel at the
bottom of the "Spatial Statistics for Grids" dialog. To change any
of these settings, click the Set
Analysis Parameters
Spatial Statistics
Output Table
The spatial statistics output table
created from a landscape pattern analysis contains the results of
the analysis. The first four columns/fields will always be the same
regardless of whether a raster (grid) or vector layer (theme) was
analyzed. The four fields are: i) (the name of the layer (theme)
analyzed), ii) Run Date (the date of the analysis), iii) Run (the
Run number), and iv) Class ( the class that the statistics for a
particular row represent). If an analysis is performed at the
landscape level the Class field will report full. The following
fields in the table will contain the statistics that were selected
in the "Spatial Statistics" dialog box. For a complete listing
including abbreviations and units that the statistics are reported
in refer to the
table. A full definition of each statistic is
also available on the
输出表将作为一个dBASE IV(DBF)文件被保存到用户指定的位置。在程序运行前系统将提示用户指定输出表名称及其位置。
The output table will be
saved as a dBase IV (.dbf) file and will be saved to the location
predetermined by the user. The user will be prompted to name the
output table and set it's location before the analysis will
Patch Analyst Statistic Summary
Layer (Theme)
Class Area
Total Landscape Area
Percentage of Landscape (%)
Largest Patch Index (%)
Density & Size Metrics
No. of Patches
Mean Patch Size
Median Patch Size
Patch Size Coefficient of Variance
Patch Size Standard Deviation
Patch Richness
Patch Richness Density
Total Edge
Edge Density
Mean Patch Edge
Contrasted Weighted Edge Density
Mean Shape Index
Area Weighted Mean Shape Index
Mean Perimeter-Area Ratio
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension
Area Weighted Mean Patch Fractal Dimension
Landscape Shape Index
Double Log Fractal Dimension
& Interspersion Metrics
Mean Nearest Neighbour Distance
Mean Proximity Index
Interspersion Juxtaposition Index
Shannon's Diversity Index*
Shannon's Evenness Index*
Simpson's Diversity Index*
Simpson's Evenness Index
Modified Simpson's
Diversity Index
Total Core Area
Mean Core Area
Core Area Standard Deviation
Core Area Coefficient of Variance
Core Area Density
Total Core Area Index
Core Area percent of Land (%)
Number of Core Areas
Mean Corea Area per patch (ha)
Patch Core Area Standard Deviation (ha)
Patch Core Area Coefficient of Variation (%)
Mean Core Area Index
All core area metrics are per
disjunct cores.
* applicable only at the landscape
** core area metrics are directly applicable for
raster (grid) layers (themes). For vector layers (themes) create a
core area layer (theme).
Metric Definitions (from
McGarigal and Marks, 1994 and McGarigal and Marks,
Class Area (CA)
areas of all patches belonging to a given class.
Example: Conifer Class Area (CA) =
CA = 69.6626 hectares
If the map units are not specified
(i.e., Data F see ) and "State areas in Hectares" has not been
selected in the "Advanced Options" of the "Spatial Statistics"
dialog box, then the resulting statistics will be reported in
native map units (vector layers (themes) only).
units). This is the case for most statistics.
Landscape Area (TLA)
Sum of areas of all patches in the
Example: Landscape Area (TLA) =
TLA = 184.11 hectares
Percentage of Landscape
When analyzing by class,
ZLAND is the percentage of the total landscape made up of the
corresponding class (patch type).
Number of Patches (NumP)
Total number of patches in the
landscape if "Analyze by Landscape" is selected, or Number of
Patches for each individual class, if "Analyze by Class" is
Example: Class Level: Number of Patches
Mixedwood = 5, Conifer = 4, Deciduous =
Landscape Level: Number of Patches
(NumP) = 14
Patch Richness
the number of different patch types within the landcape's
Richness Density (PRD)
is equal to PR divided by the total area of the landscape (metres
squared) multiplied by 10,000 and then 100 (to convert to hundreds
of hectares).
Largest Patch Index
The LPI is equal to the
percent of the total landscape that is made up by the largest
When the entire landscape
is made up of a single patch, the LPI will equal 100. As the size
of the largest patch decreases, the LPI approaches
Mean Patch Size (MPS)
Average patch size.
Example: Mean Patch Size of Conifer
Patches (Class Level)
MPS = 17.42 hectares
Example: Mean Patch Size of Patches
(Landscape Level)
MPS = 13.15 hectares
Median Patch Size (MedPS)
The middle patch size, or 50th
Example: Median Patch size of Conifer
Patches (Class Level)
MedPS = 13.22 hectares
Example: Median Patch size of all
patches (Landscape Level)
MedPS = 7.59 hectares
Patch Size Standard Deviation (PSSD)
Standard Deviation of patch areas.
Example: Patch Size Standard Deviation
of Conifer Patches (Class Level)
PSSD = 11.05 hectares
Example: Patch Size Standard Deviation
of all patches (Landscape Level)
PSSD = 9.51 hectares
Patch Size Coefficient of Variance (PSCoV)
Coefficient of variation of
Example: Coefficient of Variation of
Conifer patches (Class Level)
PSCoV = PSSD/MPS = (11.05 hectares /
17.42 hectares) *100 = 63
Example: Coefficient of Variation of
all patches (Landscape Level)
PSCoV = (9.51 hectares / 13.15
hectares)*100 =72
Total Edge (TE)
Perimeter of patches.
Example: Total Edge Conifer (Class
TE = Sum of perimeter of all conifer
TE = 10858.88 metres
Units are expressed in native maps
Example: Total Edge all patches
(Landscape Level)
TE = Sum of perimeter of all
TE = 28607.27 metres
case of vector layers (themes), edge calculations include all the
edge on the landscape including boundary edge. The contrasted
weighted edge feature allows edge weight at the boundaries to be
set to zero. In the case of raster (grid) layers (themes), edge
calculations do not include the edges that surround the landscape
boundary edge or any interior edges that include pixels classified
as No Data.
Edge Density (ED)
Amount of edge relative to the
landscape area.
Example: Edge Density Conifer (Class
ED = 10858.88 metres/184.11 hectares =
58.98 metres/hectare
Example: Edge Density of all Patches
(Landscape Level)
ED = 28607.27 metres/184.11 hectares =
155.38 metres/hectare
Mean Patch Edge (MPE)
Average amount of edge per patch.
Example: Mean Patch Edge Conifer (Class
MPE = TE / NumP
MPE = 10858.88 metres/4 patches =
2714.72 metres/patch
Example: Mean Patch Edge all Patches
(Landscape Level)
MPE = TE / NumP
MPE = 28607.27 metres/14 patches =
2043.38 metres/patch
Contrasted Weighted Edge
Density (CWED)
CWED is a measure of
density of edge in a landscape (metres per hectare) with a
user-specified contrast weight.
CWED is equal to 0 when there is no
edge in the landscape, in other words the whole landscape and it's
border are made up of a single patch. It's value increases as the
amount of edge in the landscape increases and/or as the user
increases the contrast weight.
Landscape Shape Index
LSI is the total
landscape boundary and all edge within the boundary divided by the
square root of the total landscape area (square metres) and
adjusted by a constant (circular standard for vector layers, square
standard for rasters). The LSI will increase with increasing
landscape shape irregularity or increasing amounts of edge within
the landscape.
Double Log Fractal Dimension
DLFD is a measure of
patch perimeter complexity. It nears 1 when patch shapes are
'simple', such as circles or squares and it approaches 2 as patch
shape perimeter complexity increases.
Mean Perimeter-Area Ratio (MPAR)
Shape Complexity.
Example: Mean perimeter-area ratio
Conifer (Class Level)
MPAR = Sum of each patches
perimeter/area ratio divided by number of patches.
MPAR = (132 m/ha + 112 m/ha + 201 m/ha
+ 84 m/ha)/4 patches
MPAR = 182 metres/hectare
Example: Mean perimeter-area ratio all
patches (Landscape Level)
MPAR = (200 m/ha + 132 m/ha + ... + 175
m/ha)/14 patches
MPAR = 185 metres/hectare
Mean Shape Index (MSI)
Shape Complexity.
&MSI is equal to 1
when all patches are circular (for polygons) or square (for rasters
(grids)) and it increases with increasing patch shape
MSI = sum of each patch's perimeter
divided by the square root of patch area (in hectares) for each
class (when analyzing by class) or all patches (when analyzing by
landscape), and adjusted for circular standard ( for polygons), or
square standard (for rasters (grids)), divided by the number of
Area Weighted Mean Shape
Index (AWMSI)
AWMSI is equal to 1 when
all patches are circular (for polygons) or square (for rasters
(grids)) and it increases with increasing patch shape
AWMSI equals the sum of
each patch's perimeter, divided by the square root of patch area
(in hectares) for each class (when analyzing by class) or for all
patches (when analyzing by landscape), and adjusted
for circular standard ( for polygons), or square standard (for
rasters (grids)), divided by the number of patches. It differs from the MSI
in that it's weighted by patch area so larger patches will weigh
more than smaller ones.
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension (MPFD)
Shape Complexity.
Mean patch fractal dimension (MPFD) is
another measure of shape complexity. Mean fractal dimension
approaches one for shapes with simple perimeters and approaches two
when shapes are more complex.
Area Weighted Mean Patch Fractal Dimension (AWMPFD)
Shape Complexity adjusted for shape
Area weighted mean patch fractal
dimension is the same as mean patch fractal dimension with the
addition of individual patch area weighting applied to each patch.
Because larger patches tend to be more complex than smaller
patches, this has the effect of determining patch complexity
independent of its size. The unit of measure is the same as mean
patch fractal dimension.
Mean Nearest Neighbor (MNN)
Measure of patch isolation.
The nearest neighbor distance of an
individual patch is the shortest distance to a similar patch (edge
to edge). The mean nearest neighbor distance is the average of
these distances (metres) for individual classes at the class level
and the mean of the class nearest neighbor distances at the
landscape level.
Interspersion Juxtaposition Index (IJI)
Measure of patch adacency.
Approaches zero when the distribution
of unique patch adjacencies becomes uneven and 100 when all patch
types are equally adjacent.
Interspersion requires that the
landscape be made up of a minimum of three classes. At the class
level interspersion is a measure of relative interspersion of each
class. At the landscape level it is a measure of the interspersion
of the each patch in the landscape.
Mean Proximity Index (MPI)
Measure of the degree of isolation and
Mean proximity index is a measure of
the degree of isolation and fragmentation of a patch. MPI uses the
nearest neighbor statistic. The distance threshold default is
1,000,000. If MPI is required at specific distances, select Set MPI
Threshold from the main Patch pull-down menu and enter a threshold
Both MNN and MPI use the nearest
neighbor statistic of similar polygons in their algorithm.
Occasionally a blank or zero will be reported in MNN and MPI
fields. This happens when one polygon vertex touches another
polygons border but the two similar polygons do not share a common
border. When this happens a manual edit (move) of the touching
vertex will correct the problem in the layer (theme). This problem
will not happen when analyzing raster (grid) layers (themes).
Shannon's Diversity Index (SDI)
Measure of relative patch
Shannon's diversity index is only
available at the landscape level and is a relative measure of patch
diversity. The index will equal zero when there is only one patch
in the landscape and increases as the number of patch types or
proportional distribution of patch types increases.
Diversity Index (SIDI)
Measure of relative patch
Simpson's diversity index is only
available at the landscape level and is a relative measure of patch
diversity. The index will equal zero when there is only one patch
in the landscape and increases as the number of patch types or
proportional distribution of patch types increases.
Shannon's Evenness Index (SEI)
Measure of patch distribution and
Shannon's evenness index is equal to
zero when the observed patch distribution is low and approaches one
when the distribution of patch types becomes more even. Shannon's
evenness index is only available at the landscape level.
Simpson's Evenness Index
SIEI is a measure of the distribution
of area among patch types. It equals 1 when the distribution of
area among patches is exactly even. SIEI approaches 0 as the
distribution of area among the patches become more and more
dominated by one patch type.
Modified Simpson's Diversity Index
MSIDI is a measure of
patch diversity. It equals zero when there is only one patch in the
landscape and increases as the number of different patch types (PR)
increases and the area among patch types becomes more
Modified Simpson's Evenness
Index (MSIEI)
MSIEI is a
measure of the distribution of area among patch
types. It equals 1 when the distribution of area among patches is
exactly even. SIEI approaches 0 as the distribution of area among
the patches become more and more dominated by one patch type. It
differs from SIEI in that it is derived from the Modified Simpson's
Diversity Index (MSIDI) rather than the Simpson's Diversity Index
Direct analyses of Core Area through the
spatial statistics dialogue are only available for raster (grid)
layers (themes). If core area statistics are required for vector
layers (themes), first
(create a new core area theme) from the
Patch pull-down menu and then calculate statistics for the
new layer (theme) as you would for a normal vector layer (theme).
The results will be core area statistics.
Total Core Area (CA)
The total size of disjunct core
The total size of disjunct core area
patches (hectares).
Mean Core Area (MCA)
The average size of disjunct core
The mean size of disjunct core area
patches (hectares).
Number of Core Areas
The total number of
disjunct core areas within each patch of a corresponding patch type
(or class).
Mean Core Area Index
MCAI is the average percentage
of a landscape patch that is core area. It will be equal to 0 when
there is no core area present in any patch in the landscape and it
increases (towards 100%) when patches contain mostly core
Core Area Standard Deviation (CASD)
Measure of variability in core area
The standard deviation of disjunct core
areas (hectares).
Core Area Density (CAD)
The relative number of disjunct core
patches relative to the landscape area.
The total number of all disjunct
patches divided by the landscape area (number of disjunct core
Total Core Area Index (TCAI)
Measure of amount of core area in the
Total core area index is a measure of
the amount of core area in the landscape. Total core area index is
a proportion of core area in the entire landscape and is equal to
zero when no patches in the landscape contain core and approaches
one as the relative proportion of core area in the landscape
Core Area Percentage of Land
C_LAND is the percentage
of the total landscape which is made up of core
Mean Core Area per Patch
MCA1 is the average core
area per patch (as opposed to all distunct core
It equals the sum of the
core areas of each patch or corresponding patch type, divided by
the number of total patches of the same type, divided by 10, 000
(to convert to hectares).
Core Area Coefficient of
Variance (CACOV)
CACOV represents the variability in
size of disjunct core areas in relation to the mean core area.
Patch Core Area Standard
Deviation (CASD1)
Measure of variability in
patch core area size.
The standard deviation of
patch core areas (hectares).
Patch Core Area Coefficient
of Variation (CACV1)
The standard deviation in
core areas (CASD) divided by the mean core area per patch (MCA) and
multplied by 100 (%).
The variablility in core
area among patches relative to the mean core


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