万元以内有CD机/SACD机能超越kaqney linn karterUNIDISK SC的吗

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交易0 分威望3915 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1418 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分18195精华0UID87664
交易2 分威望6534 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间831 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分14934精华0UID21067
交易0 分威望2875 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1867 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分21645精华0UID96769
交易0 分威望26663 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1741 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分44173精华2UID80141
交易50 分威望13388 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间790 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分21415精华0UID103220
交易0 分生日1977 年 3 月 18 日威望-35 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间8191 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限80积分81975精华37UID41556
交易1 分威望8419 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1338 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限112积分21899精华2UID51550
原帖由 KCW 于
09:59 AM 发表
交易0 分威望947 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间163 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2677精华0UID108827
6.1ES, 积分 2677, 距离下一级还需 2323 积分
报价近40000元的LUXMAN中端SACD/CD机即将问世 LUXMAN宣布:将于本月发布一台新的SACD/CD播放机——D-06。据悉,这是其原有旗舰D-08的简装版,定位中端市场。不过虽说如此,它还是保留了机械转盘系统。
交易0 分威望1094 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间104 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2234精华0UID115461
6.1ES, 积分 2234, 距离下一级还需 2766 积分
交易0 分威望3937 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间337 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分7407精华0UID47351
7.1CH, 积分 7407, 距离下一级还需 593 积分
交易2 分生日2000 年 7 月 14 日威望26237 点收听数听众数星座巨蟹座生肖龙QQ居住地青海省买家信用卖家信用在线时间4262 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分68957精华1UID4647
还有好多厂家在推SACD机????&&o_O '.......
平平地...有声! 會叫!! 好過冇!! 至爱 CAV ^_^
Lo-fi系统& &&&
功放:CAV 1688
音箱:CAV 555
低音炮:CAV 3號箱
视频:29寸 CRT -850
咸菜 : 怪獸 M-1000
交易0 分威望612 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间223 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2942精华0UID123499
6.1ES, 积分 2942, 距离下一级还需 2058 积分
交易0 分生日1981 年 12 月 29 日威望2255 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间286 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分5215精华1UID105894
7.1CH, 积分 5215, 距离下一级还需 2785 积分
JBL 4429 + Gryphon Atilla + Kenwood DP-950(CD机待搭配)
ATC scm19 + KRELL S300i + GOLDENOTE Mini Koala
MacBook + TC K8 + DAC1 + 莱曼 + HD650
交易0 分威望612 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间223 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2942精华0UID123499
6.1ES, 积分 2942, 距离下一级还需 2058 积分
交易0 分威望1612 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间386 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分5572精华0UID113476
7.1CH, 积分 5572, 距离下一级还需 2428 积分
交易6 分威望103968 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间2887 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限80积分132938精华37UID30717
欧博CD2.3+欧博M100十周年签名版+劲浪906+PROCO金蛇信号线+思铂合金音箱线+超级瓦卡罗跳线+蓝精灵 或 玛维电源线至CD+金卡达斯电源线至功放
交易0 分生日1961 年 12 月 12 日威望6623 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间817 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分14893精华0UID20272
交易4 分威望25290 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3976 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限112积分65150精华4UID30855
 独 孤 爱 乐 , 乐 爱 孤 独
交易0 分威望13774 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间6345 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分77324精华1UID40836
美国CARY 306SACD机听CD,效果一样会出色
[ 本帖最后由 倾听 于
05:41 PM 编辑 ]
交易0 分威望13774 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间6345 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分77324精华1UID40836
交易0 分威望1722 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间784 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限20积分9662精华0UID119424
9.2CH, 积分 9662, 距离下一级还需 2338 积分
交易0 分生日1972 年 10 月 30 日威望6443 点收听数听众数QQ居住地山西省 太原市 万柏林区买家信用卖家信用在线时间949 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分16033精华0UID75146
& && & McIntosh MA6900G Limited Edition
& && & Accuphase DP-500 CD
& &&&HD83+变形镜头
& &&&100灰幕
& &&&120画框幕
& &&&MARANTZ-SR6004
& &&&BDP2018 HDVISION N2 A410
& &&&DM AV7005前级
& &&&5400后级
other:Opera M100plus+COMPACT 维真一号(98年)原创A6+pioneer DV-3310+CDT15A
交易0 分威望1722 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间784 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限20积分9662精华0UID119424
9.2CH, 积分 9662, 距离下一级还需 2338 积分
交易0 分生日1961 年 12 月 12 日威望6623 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间817 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分14893精华0UID20272
[quote]原帖由 &I&倾听&/I& 于
05:42 PM 发表 &A href=&/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2267858&ptid=215576& target=_blank&&IMG onmousewheel=&return imgzoom(this);& onmouseover=&if(this.width&screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}& onclick=&if(!this.resized) {} else {window.open(this.src);}& alt=&& src=&/images/common/back.gif& onload=&if(this.width&screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}& border=0&&/A&&BR&一部优秀的SACD机听CD,效果一样会出色。&IMG alt=&& src=&images/smilies/.jpg& border=0 smilieid=&53&& &IMG alt=&& src=&images/smilies/em171.gif& border=0 smilieid=&23&& [/quote]&BR&真正优秀的SACD机价格就不是一般人能接受的了~!
1.AV:DENON 3803 + PIONEER 989 + CANTON&&150QX
3.稳压器:APC 5KB
交易0 分威望612 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间223 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2942精华0UID123499
6.1ES, 积分 2942, 距离下一级还需 2058 积分
交易0 分威望13774 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间6345 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分77324精华1UID40836
原帖由 JMQ 于
07:56 PM 发表
同意 ,优秀的sacd机价格高高在上,可能在5w以上了
[ 本帖最后由 倾听 于
09:17 AM 编辑 ]
交易0 分威望1860 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间505 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分7010精华0UID52137
7.1CH, 积分 7010, 距离下一级还需 990 积分
原帖由 独孤爱乐 于
04:07 PM 发表
再其次,CD技术发明于30年前, ...
请教独孤版:我想买一部马兰士SA11S2 CD机,它的音质能超过我现用的CEC51X+DAC1吗?谢谢!
交易0 分威望41 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间22 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分361精华0UID125656
4.1CH, 积分 361, 距离下一级还需 139 积分
交易0 分威望25 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分155精华0UID125721
3.1CH, 积分 155, 距离下一级还需 145 积分
交易0 分威望612 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间223 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分2942精华0UID123499
6.1ES, 积分 2942, 距离下一级还需 2058 积分
: &&&&&&: &&&&&&: &&&&&&:
Copyright & 2002 - 2013
All Rights Reserved
Powered byAyre C-5xe universal disc player
• Posted: Jul 24, 2005
You'd think I'd be used to
by now. After all, I've been speaking to Ayre Acoustics' renaissance man for a decade, having first encountered him when I was trying to arrange the review of Ayre's 100Wpc V-3 power amplifier that was published in the
(Vol.19 No.8). I thought the V-3 was impressive.
Then I met Hansen. In person, Hansen resembles nothing so much as Mr. Mxyztplk, the mischievous imp from the fifth dimension in the Superman comics&and, like that little pixie, Hansen tends to chortle maniacally as he throws out his barbed observations.
The trick to dealing with Charlie Hansen, however, is to never assume that he's kidding. When he says something that really seems too silly to be true, he's almost certainly not fooling around.
Like when he told me, the day before the 2005 Consumer Electronics Show, that Ayre's new C-5xe universal disc player ($5995) was the best thing I'd hear at the show. That wasn't brag, it was true. But the C-5xe was a typical Hansen product in that it ignored conventional wisdom&in this case, that universal means multichannel.
"That's just marketing BS," Hansen said. "If you're a high-end company and you make a high-resolution player, it has to offer better sound&and that means better two-channel sound. Who cares about what's happening behind you?"
The purpose of genius...is to ask new questions
The C-5xe is an impressive hunk of audio jewelry. It sports a 5/8" aluminum front panel, and the rest of it isn't much less substantial. A large, centrally located display is housed, along with the disc drawer, in the center of the faceplate, while an inset control wheel sits to its right&an outer ring accesses play, skip forward and back, and open/ the inner button controls stop and pause. (In DVD mode, the skip forward and back commands allow you to navigate the menu options without resorting to an external display&sort of.)
The front-panel display is impressive and conveys a lot of information, such as whether the C-5xe is playing a track with 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz, DSD, DTS, or Dolby Digital data. Additional lights indicate DVD-Video chapter numbers, DVD-Audio group numbers, or CD, SACD, or DVD-V track numbers. An indicator labeled V-Part lights up when you play tracks with video content. There are also indicators for Play, Pause, and other disc information&and my favorite, Display Off.
The rear panel is a much simpler affair, boasting an AES-EBU digital audio out (Ayre can supply an adapter if you require an S/PDIF connection), single-ended RCA outputs, balanced XLR connectors (pin 2 hot), a control port, and an IEC AC input plug.
There are, however, two nonstandard switches on the rear panel. One switches between the IR remote control and command port inputs, such as Creston or AMX systems. Actually, this also controls the digital filters, allowing consumers to choose between two algorithms&one labeled DF Measure, which Ayre says produces greater accuracy in the frequency domain, and the other, labeled DF Listen, which Ayre says is more accurate in the time domain. (I used both, but settled on DF Listen for my auditioning.) The other switch turns off the digital output when the analog outs are being used.
The owner's manual doesn't list much in the way of specifications, other than maximum output levels for balanced and single-ended in PCM and DSD modes (there's a 6dB difference between PCM and DSD), XLR output polarity, output impedance (balanced and SE), power consumption, dimensions, and weight. It does list various "frequency responses" that are tied to sampling rates, but these are given without reference limits. They do all go down to DC, for what that's worth.
So I called Hansen for elucidation and a technical description of the C-5xe. He cackled. "Specs? I don't know what the hell they are...let me look in the owner's manual. Oh! I can tell you what its dimension are, so you can figure out whether or not it will fit on your shelf. We don't do much with specs, because specs have very little to do with how the thing sounds."
Actually, Charlie, I just want the audio porn. Tell me about the C-5xe's naughty bits.
That's when he got down to business and gave me the facts, Jack&faster than I could transcribe them. Fortunately, my Panasonic microcassette recorder was on.
"We're using a Pioneer universal transport and a Burr-Brown DSD1792 DAC chip, which has outstanding performance specifications, as well as a current output, which allows us to use our own discrete current-to-voltage converter for better sound quality. The SACD decoder is the Sony CXD2753R.
"We use only linear [nonswitching] power supplies. There are two separate transformers: one for the transport and decoder, which has four separate windings feeding eight the other is for the DAC and audio circuitry, featuring two separate windings and 14 separate regulators. As usual with Ayre, the clock, DAC, and audio-circuitry regulators are all fully discrete, zero-feedback, custom components.
"The DSD1792 DAC chip processes each format in its native state, whether PCM or DSD. The output of the DAC chip feeds the same analog circuitry for all formats. And you may have noticed that the maximum output level is different in PCM and DSD."
That, at least, is in the owner's manual.
"Well, the reason for the output difference is that the DSD1792 DAC has more than one built-in filter. For example, on DSD, it actually has four different filters. We listened to them all, and the best-sounding one has a lower output level than PCM. [cackles] We were torn: Should we use the best-sounding one and have people carp at us about having lower output level on DSD, or should we try to keep it all the same?"
I bet that was a hard decision. [snort]
"Well, you'd be surprised. People call us up and complain about the weirdest things.
"Basically, there's the two operating modes. There's the PCM mode and there's SACD. When you play an SACD, it works in the native DSD, it doesn't convert the signal. There's nothing happening there, except your basic purity approach. The only thing unusual happening there is the clock, because one of the problems with the universal players is that you have two clocks you have to deal with, one for the 44.1kHz sample rate and one for the 48kHz sample rate.
"We designed our own clocks, which are as low-jitter as we can make 'em&we don't use any canned modules or off-the-shelf solutions, we make our own from scratch. Then we turn off the unused clock, so you don't get any interference, modulation, or crosstalk from the clock that's not being used. We just shut it off completely.
"I suppose, if we're talking about audio porn, I should explain why we use the Pioneer transport. You don't have a lot of choices when it comes to universal transports&there are exactly four: Pioneer, Denon, Yamaha, and Linn. We chose the Pioneer because it's really a native universal transport, it works really well, and it has an acceptable user interface. Also, Pioneer does a great job of supporting its transports with replacement parts.
"That is not an insignificant consideration. If you design a product that is built around that part, you might have to mortgage your company to buy enough of the part to keep making the product, and to take care of your customers who trusted you enough to buy it in the first place. Do you buy 5000 transports and stick 'em in the warehouse so you can keep that product going for five years?"
Is that what you did?
"Well, we're putting that off for as long as we conscionably can! But that is what we did with the D-1X&we had to go to the bank, and what I did was put my house on the line to secure the loan.
"Right now, the C-5xe's transport is still in production, but you just can't get a straight answer on how much longer that will be the case. I think it's important to be able to keep a product going, to be able to upgrade it, to be able to support it. If you don't want to do all that, make mass-market disposable stuff&just don't charge a lot for it and pretend it's high-end, because that's not what the High End is supposed to be about."
Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains
Usually, when it comes to discussing system setup, there's not a lot to say, but with the Ayre C-5xe, little things meant a lot. First, Ayre insisted on sending an entire Ayre-approved system, including an Ayre K-5xe preamp, Ayre V-5xe power amp (which I had previously reviewed elsewhere), and Cardas cables and AC cords. I also had on hand the , the , and the Shunyata cables I've been using in my reference system, as well as the Canton Vento 802DC, , and
loudspeakers I've used successfully in systems past. Late in the review cycle, John Atkinson dropped by the
Art Dudley had reviewed in June, so I could have another universal player for comparison.
2300-B Central Avenue
Boulder, CO 80301
(303) 442-7300
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Innersound Kaya& && && &&&$20,000/pair
Peak Consult Empress& &$25,000/pair
Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage& & $40,000/pair
Wilson Audio Specialties MAXX Series 2& & $44,900/pair
Harbeth Super HL5& && && && && &&&$3995/pair
NHT Evolution T6 System& && &$4000/system
Paradigm Reference Studio/100 v.3& && && &$2300/pair
Paradigm Signature S2& && && && && && && && && &$1900–$2200/pair
Spendor S8e& && && && && && && && && &$2999/pair
(18.57 KB, 下载次数: 71)
22:45 上传
(24.03 KB, 下载次数: 51)
22:45 上传
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22:45 上传
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22:45 上传
交易0 分威望31559 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1698 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限2积分48639精华24UID8927
DarTZeel NHB-108 Model One power amplifier& & $18,181&&
NHB 的意思就是&Never Heard Before&&&(从来没有听过)
Aesthetix Calypso preamplifier& && && && && && && && && && &&&$4500
Burmester 001 preamplifier& && && && && && && && && && && && &&&$14,995
Channel Islands Audio D-100 monoblock amplifier& &$1599/pair
Classé Omega Omicron power amplifier& && && && && && & $20,000/pair
Coda Technologies S5 power amplifier& && && && && && &&&$3950
Conrad-Johnson ACT 2 preamplifier& && && && && && && && &$13,500
Grace m902 D/A headphone amplifier& && && && && && && &$1695
Lamm Industries ML2.1 monoblock power amplifier $29,990/pair
Quad II Classic monoblock power amplifier& && && && &&&$2700/pair
Simaudio Moon Rock monoblock power amplifier& && &$37,000/pair
(15.47 KB, 下载次数: 28)
22:53 上传
交易0 分威望31559 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1698 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限2积分48639精华24UID8927
3. 数字音源
Ayre C-5xe universal disc player& && && &$5950& && && &&&(所有格式全兼容机)
dCS Verdi La Scala SACD transport & Delius D/A processor   $17,500  (转盘+解码一套)
Apple Airport Express WiFi Hub-D/A processor& && &&&$130     (高速无线网音频解码器)
Cary Audio Design CAD-303/300 CD player& && && && &$4000
Esoteric X-01 SACD player& && && && && && && && && && && && && &$13,000
Linn Unidisk SC universal disc player& && && && && && && && &$4995& && && &&&(所有格式全兼容机)
Naim CD5x CD player& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&$2950
Simaudio Moon Orbiter universal disc player& && && && &$7200& && && && &(所有格式全兼容机)
(10.03 KB, 下载次数: 28)
23:00 上传
(11.46 KB, 下载次数: 24)
23:00 上传
交易0 分威望31559 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1698 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限2积分48639精华24UID8927
交易0 分威望5878 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间589 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分11868精华15UID16716
交易6 分威望103968 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间2887 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限80积分132938精华37UID30717
欧博CD2.3+欧博M100十周年签名版+劲浪906+PROCO金蛇信号线+思铂合金音箱线+超级瓦卡罗跳线+蓝精灵 或 玛维电源线至CD+金卡达斯电源线至功放
交易6 分威望103968 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间2887 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限80积分132938精华37UID30717
欧博CD2.3+欧博M100十周年签名版+劲浪906+PROCO金蛇信号线+思铂合金音箱线+超级瓦卡罗跳线+蓝精灵 或 玛维电源线至CD+金卡达斯电源线至功放
交易0 分威望3724 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间81 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分4634精华0UID32913
6.1ES, 积分 4634, 距离下一级还需 366 积分
Paradigm Reference Studio/100 v.3& && && &
Paradigm Signature S2& && && && &&&
加拿大/ 美国 产,枫韵------本人的就是这个牌子,加拿大产(总部), 三分频, 4 喇叭,落地。
交易0 分威望3724 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间81 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分4634精华0UID32913
6.1ES, 积分 4634, 距离下一级还需 366 积分
可惜,只买了个国产的 SACD,尽管是 电子管输出。
线材 更是鸡线!
交易0 分威望31559 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1698 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限2积分48639精华24UID8927
交易0 分生日1975 年 3 月 3 日威望3750 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间88 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分4730精华0UID35430
6.1ES, 积分 4730, 距离下一级还需 270 积分
交易0 分威望3744 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间470 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限20积分8544精华0UID25729
9.2CH, 积分 8544, 距离下一级还需 3456 积分
交易0 分威望3744 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间470 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限20积分8544精华0UID25729
9.2CH, 积分 8544, 距离下一级还需 3456 积分
2005 Recommended Components
- You can read the whole product reviw online at
- Price is in US dollar
- The meaning of the Class A, B, C, etc at the end of this post
- $$$ = perform much better than might be expected from its price = good value :-)
- * = products that have been on this list before since 2002
- No time to type up all the comments
- More listings are coming in the next few days when I have time
- It's cheap to buy this issue (Apr 2005) of Stereophile online, around US$XX, also you can subscribe to it online for US$12.97 instead of buying it each month at bookshop for nearly HK$70
Class A - Full Range
Aerial Acoustics Model 20T $25,000-$30,000
Avantgarde Uno 3.0 $11,970-$13,970
Burmester Audiosystems B99 $53,995
Calix Phoenix Grand Signature $67,500
Dynaudio Evidence Temptation $33,000
Focal-JMlab Grande Utopia Be $85,000
Focal-JMlab Nova Utopia Be $37,500
Innersound Kaya $20,000
Linn Komri $40,000 *
mbl 101E Radialstrahler $45,900
Meridian 8000 digital active $49,000 *
Mission Pilastro $40,000
Nola (Alon) Circe $12,800
Revel Ultima Studio $15,000
Rockport Technologies Antares $41,500
Rockport Technologies Merak II/Sherita II $29,500
Snell XA Reference $25,000-$30,000
Sonus Faber Stradivari $40,000
Triangle Magellan $35,900
Wilson Audio Specialities WATT/Puppy System 7 $22,400
Class B - Full Range
Audio Physic Virgo III $7,495-$7,995
Focal-JMlab Electra 926 $4,195
Gershman Acoustics Opera Sanvage $23,000
JosephAudio RM22siMk.2 $2,499-$2,899 $$$ *
Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 $6,498 $$$
Opera Quinta $3,595
Paradigm Reference Studio/100v.3 $2,300 $$$
Paradigm Reference Studio/60v.3 $1,600 $$$
PBN Montana SP3 $3,995
PSB Platimum T8 $6,999
Shahinian Acoustics Hawk $9,020
Sonus Faber Cremona $7,995
Thiel CS6 $8,900 *
Totern Acoustic Forest $3,195 *
Triangle Celius Es $2,699 $$$
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature $1,549 $$$ * (Bookshelf)
Class C - Full Range
Audes Jazz $1,999
Jean-Marie Reynaud Arpeggione $1,590
Meadowlark Audio HotRed Shearwater $3,195
RBH 641-SE $1,549-$1,899
Thiel CS1.6 $2,190-$2,390
交易0 分威望3908 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间298 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分6988精华0UID27976
7.1CH, 积分 6988, 距离下一级还需 1012 积分
请问Vandersteen 2Ce Signature $1,549 $$$ * (Bookshelf)国内有吗?叫何名?
交易0 分威望3750 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间29 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分4140精华0UID37756
6.1ES, 积分 4140, 距离下一级还需 860 积分
交易0 分威望6118 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1175 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分17958精华0UID13776
2005 Recommended Components
- You can read the whole product reviw online at
- Price is in US dollar
- The meaning of the Class A, B, C, etc at the end of this post
- $$$ = perform much better than might be expected from its price = good value :-)
- * = products that have been on this list before since 2002
- No time to type up all the comments
- More listings are coming in the next few days when I have time
- It's cheap to buy this issue (Apr 2005) of Stereophile online, around US$XX, also you can subscribe to it online for US$12.97 instead of buying it each month at bookshop for nearly HK$70
Class A - Full Range
Aerial Acoustics Model 20T $25,000-$30,000
Avantgarde Uno 3.0 $11,970-$13,970
Burmester Audiosystems B99 $53,995
Calix Phoenix Grand Signature $67,500
Dynaudio Evidence Temptation $33,000
Focal-JMlab Grande Utopia Be $85,000
Focal-JMlab Nova Utopia Be $37,500
Innersound Kaya $20,000
Linn Komri $40,000 *
mbl 101E Radialstrahler $45,900
Meridian 8000 digital active $49,000 *
Mission Pilastro $40,000
Nola (Alon) Circe $12,800
Revel Ultima Studio $15,000
Rockport Technologies Antares $41,500
Rockport Technologies Merak II/Sherita II $29,500
Snell XA Reference $25,000-$30,000
Sonus Faber Stradivari $40,000
Triangle Magellan $35,900
Wilson Audio Specialities WATT/Puppy System 7 $22,400
Class A - Restricted Extreme LF
Canton Karat Reference 2 DC $12,000
DALI Euphonia MS5 $12,000
Dynaudio Confidence C4 $16,000
Eggleston Works Andra II $18,900
Focal-JMlab Micro Utopia Be $6,000 (Bookshelf)
Harbeth Super HL5 $3,995 (Bookshelf)
Isophon Europa II $10,540-$13,020
Joseph RM33si Signature $7,499-$7,799 (Bookshelf)
KEF Reference 207 $15,000
Krell Resolution 1 $11,000
Linn Akurate 242 $9,495
Lumen White Whiteflame $37,750
Marten Design Coltrane $50,000
MartinLogen Ascent $4,495 $$$
mbl 111B $23,600
NHT Evolution T6 $4,000 $$$
Opera Callas Divina $8,995
Opera Callas $3,195 $$$ (Bookshelf)
Peak ConsultInCognito $13,000-$15000
Piega C8 LTD $16,295
Quad ESL-988 $6,650-$7,300 *
Quad ESL-989 $8,650-$9,500
Tannoy TD 12 $8,350
Triangle Magellan Concerto $19,990
Verity Audio Sarastro $29,995
Wilson Audio Specialties Sophia $11,700
Wilson Benesch A.C.T. $12,500
Class B - Full Range
Audio Physic Virgo III $7,495-$7,995
Focal-JMlab Electra 926 $4,195
Gershman Acoustics Opera Sanvage $23,000
JosephAudio RM22siMk.2 $2,499-$2,899 $$$ *
Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 $6,498 $$$
Opera Quinta $3,595
Paradigm Reference Studio/100v.3 $2,300 $$$
Paradigm Reference Studio/60v.3 $1,600 $$$
PBN Montana SP3 $3,995
PSB Platimum T8 $6,999
Shahinian Acoustics Hawk $9,020
Sonus Faber Cremona $7,995
Thiel CS6 $8,900 *
Totern Acoustic Forest $3,195 *
Triangle Celius Es $2,699 $$$
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature $1,549 $$$ * (Bookshelf)
Class B - Restricted LF
B&W 705 $1,500 (Bookshelf)
Bohlender-Graebener Radia 520i $3,998
Dynaudio Special Twenty-Five $4,800 (Bookshelf)
Earthworks Sigma 6.2 $3,500-$5,000 (Bookshelf)
Focal-JMlab Cobalt 816S $1,895
Focal-JMlab Cobalt 806S $1,095 $$$ (Bookshelf)
Harbeth Compact 7 ES-2 $2,695 $$$ (Bookshelf)
JosephAudio RM7si Signature MK.2 $1,799-1,999 * (Bookshelf)
Morel Octwin 5.2 $4,199 (Bookshelf)
ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signature $1,800 (Bookshelf)
Reference 3A MM de Capo i $2,500 (Bookshelf)
Rethm The Third Rethm $4,500
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor $3,995 (Bookshelf)
Spendor S5e $1,799 $$$
Totem Model 1 Signature $2,150 * (Bookshelf)
Triangle Antal Es $1,999
Triangle Heliade Es $1,199 $$$
Class C - Full Range
Audes Jazz $1,999
Jean-Marie Reynaud Arpeggione $1,590
Meadowlark Audio HotRed Shearwater $3,195
RBH 641-SE $1,549-$1,899
Thiel CS1.6 $2,190-$2,390
Class C - Restricted LF
Amphion Helium2 $1,150 (Bookshelf)
Epos M5 $650 $$$ (Bookshelf)
Epos ELS-3 $329 $$$ (Bookshelf)
HornShoppe Horn $775
Kirksaeter Silverline 60 $849 (Bookshelf)
Magnepan MGMC1 $750 $$$
Magnepan CC3 $990
Magnepan MMG $550 $$$
Meadowlark Audio Swift $1,195
Monitor Audio Silver S2 $749 (Bookshelf)
Nola (Alon) Li'l Rascal MK.II $695 (Bookshelf)
NHT SB-3 $600 (Bookshelf)
Omega Grande 6 $795
Paradigm Reference Studio/20 $650-$900 $$$ * (Bookshelf)
PSB ImageB25 $449 $$$ (Bookshelf)
Spendor S3/5se $1,399-$1,599 (Bookshelf)
Totem Rainmaker $950 (Bookshelf)
Triangle Comete Es $650 (Bookshelf)
Triangle Titus Es $450 (Bookshelf)
Athena Technologies AS-F2.2 $599
Audes Bravo $999 (Bookshelf)
Jean-Marie Reynand Twin Mk.III $990 (Bookshelf)
Klipsch RB-15 $299 (Bookshelf)
Polk LS/7 $820 (Bookshelf)
Polk RTi4 $320 $$$ (Bookshelf)
PSB Alpha B $249 $$$ (Bookshelf)
Usher Audio Technology Compass X (Bookshelf)
Infinity Primus 150 $198 $$$ (Bookshelf)
Paradigm Atom v.3 $199 (Bookshelf)
Xhifi Xducer 2.1 $795
ZVOX Audio 315 $199
Paradigm Signature 52
JBL K2 S9800
MartinLogan Montage
Legacy Audio Whisper
交易7 分威望9071 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间466 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分13831精华0UID27628
交易0 分生日1970 年 10 月 1 日威望4512 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间82 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分5432精华0UID37636
7.1CH, 积分 5432, 距离下一级还需 2568 积分
原帖由 hurricane 于
06:05 AM 发表
2005 Recommended Components
- You can read the whole product reviw online at
- Price is in US dollar
- The meaning of the Class&&...
请问CLASS K属于哪个级别
爱乐者 适合才最好
交易0 分威望112793 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间15937 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限80积分272263精华24UID22121
原帖由 苏州印象 于
10:45 AM 发表
Paradigm Reference Studio/100 v.3& && && &
Paradigm Signature S2& && && && &&&
加拿大/ 美国 产,枫韵------本人的就是这个牌子,加拿大产(总部), 三分频, 4 ...
Studio Series& & & & Studio 100是百里登的录音室系列,价格大约是32000元左右。
Paradigm Signature S2 是百里登的签名版系列,价格大约在42000元左右。
交易0 分威望8848 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1412 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分23068精华1UID18120
原帖由 乐满西楼渐醉 于
08:18 PM 发表
请问CLASS K属于哪个级别
交易0 分生日1979 年 7 月 5 日威望1377 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1377 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分15247精华0UID33176
原帖由 avstyle 于
11:11 PM 发表
Studio Series& & & & Studio 100是百里登的录音室系列,价格大约是32000元左右。
Paradigm Signature S2 是百里登的签名版系列,价格大约在42000元左 ...
: &&&&&&: &&&&&&: &&&&&&:
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