minecraft for mac v12.2对应的是pc版本多少?d版的能连minecraft自建服务器器(独立)吗?

Minecraft(非官方翻譯为我的世界)是一款来自瑞典的建造游戏,玩家可以在一个世界里用各种方块建造建筑物。最初由(Markus 'Notch' Persson)单独开发,后成立公司来开发此游戏。
《Minecraft》基于平台,开发灵感来自《》、《》、《》和《》。游戏现分为两个,和Classic版。Classic版为,但只有创造模式(Creative Mode),而且已停止更新。而正式版则添加了生存模式(Survival Mode),包括敌人、生命值等特性和更多物品。在正式版1.0加入了极限模式(Hardcore Mode),跟生存模式基本一致,但难度被强制锁定为困难,而且只有一次生命(死亡后不能重生,离开后地图会强制删除)。此外还有冒险模式(Adventure mode),旁观模式(Spectator mode)。游戏目前最新正式版本为1.8.1,最新快照版本为1.8.2-pre1。日愚人节的Minecraft 2.0是开发者的一个玩笑。
日,宣布并购瑞典游戏开发商,包含公司所有权和游戏的智慧财产权。收购金额为25 亿美元。
《Minecraft》是一個的遊戲,沒有具體的目標要玩家來完成,讓玩家有超高的自由度選擇如何玩。 然而,有一個可選的系統。在默認情況下,該遊戲是,但玩家可以選擇(按F5),也可以选择与玩家面对面的(按两次F5)。 核心玩法大多圍繞、、。遊戲的世界主要由粗糙的3D(或稱)(Blocks)組成,,表面有些固定的()圖案,代表不同的,如、、各種、和。 雖然可以在世界各地自由移動,但方塊只能被放置在的上,除了之外。玩家可以收集這些方塊,並將其放置在其想要放置的地方,從而進行各項建設。
進入遊戲時,玩家會被放置在一個幾乎的上。 玩家可以找到各種地形包括、、、、和等(生物群系)。 在遊戲中的有,每次約20分鐘。十分鐘,七分鐘,黎明与黄昏各占1.5分钟雖然上下的垂直運動有限制,但《當個創世神》的世界水平移動是找不到盡頭的,地圖是無限大的,除非達到極其遙遠的地方時,會運行到技術問題()。 此外,遊戲會將整個地圖分成許多16*16的區塊(chunks),遊戲只會載入或建立玩家附近的幾個區塊以防止被過分佔用。在遊戲中,仅對、、、,流动的水或岩浆是有效的,對是無效的,因此常被評論為不切實際。
目前遊戲中有四种地圖生成模式:「預設」、「超平坦」、「大型生物群系」、「放大化世界」(1.7版本新增)、「自定义」(14w17a加入)和「Debug World」(1.8 快照加入,用于测试材质包是否有问题),以及「主世界」、「下界」(地獄)和「末路之地」等。其中,主世界就是仿造真實世界場景,有高山、有河流、有海洋,藍天白雲,方月亮和方太陽;另外下界這個是仿造地獄形象,到處是熔岩、火焰、和萤石,還有像水母的恶魂、殭屍豬人等怪物还有一种叫做「地狱堡垒」的建筑,也有人說,下界(地獄)比較像;末路之地(终界)类似一个浮空岛屿,并有许多黑曜石柱,且存在细长的黑色生物末影人和BOSS末影龙。
在《Minecraft》創造模式展示怪物,從左到右為:殭屍、蜘蛛、末影人(小黑)、爬行者(苦力帕)和骷髏(小白) 在《Minecraft》的世界裡中,玩家可能會遇到各種各樣的,稱為「mob」,包括動物,村民和敵對生物。牛、豬、雞等非敌对生物,他們可以被獵殺產生食物和製作材料。 到了夜間或在黑暗區域,會有敵對生物刷出,如蜘蛛、骷髏、殭屍。 有些Minecraft生物,因擁有特殊的能力,因此具有關注度,且被評論,如,是一種會爆炸的生物,它會偷偷跟蹤玩家而几乎不会发出聲音;末影人,是一隻懂得、也能拿走方塊的生物。
《Minecraft》现有5个游戏模式:生存模式(Survival)、极限模式(Hardcore)、创造模式(Creative)和冒險模式(Adventure), 觀看者模式(Spectator)(於1.8出現)它们分别以不同的方式体现了游戏的核心要素。
Minecraft合成的截圖, 圖中顯示石斧的合成方法
此模式有和平(Peaceful)、簡單(Easy)、普通(Normal)及困難(Hard)四種难度選擇。玩家有10顆心來表示生命值(10顆心=20生命值),10個鸡腿來表示饑餓度;生命值跟饑餓度下面有一行綠色條表示經驗值,經驗值上的數字表示等級。每個玩家擁有一個背包,它們可以使玩家攜帶有限的物品,若玩家死亡,背包的東西會掉出來 (除非使用特殊,才能防止物品掉落),然後會在重生點重生 死亡後遺失的物品可以回到死亡地點撿回,但是處於掉落狀態的物品會在5分鐘後消失。 玩家可以通過收集經驗值來附魔,(1.8後需青金石,等級越高,所需的青金石數量也越多) 附魔後的物品通常具有某些特殊效果,可以有利生存。
極限模式是《Minecraft》中的一種遊戲模式。該模式類似於生存模式,但是不同的是玩家只有一次的生命,死亡後不能重生,並強制刪除這個世界的遊戲紀錄。遊戲難度被強制鎖定為困難,打開選項列表會發現難度被鎖定(「難度」變灰,不能點擊)。若在多人遊戲中選擇此模式,則玩家死亡後會被直接踢出遊戲。該模式於Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 2更新時引入遊戲中,並於《Minecraft》正式版1.0正式使用。這個模式的想法來源於Notch的博客。
冒险模式原名“地牢陷阱”,是一个在正式版1.3.1添加的模式。冒险模式不具备的特性。。在正式版minecraft 1.3.1的單人模式裡可以使用指令[/gamemode 2]來變為冒險模式(0=生存模式,1=創造模式,2=冒險模式,3=旁觀者模式)。
可以使用指令/gamemode spectator或者/gamemode 3或者/ gamemode sp进入在旁观者模式。
Pre-Classic版:Pre-Classic版是Classic版的前作,是《Minecraft》的前身。在Pre-Classic版時,《Minecraft》暫時稱為「洞穴暢遊」(Cave Game),而經過演變,最後由「Minecraft: Order of the Stone」簡化為「Minecraft」。Pre-Classic版的草地和圓石的材質參考了Notch以前的遊戲RubyDung,並加入了樹苗、泥土、石頭、木板等方塊。先後公開了4個Pre-Classic版的版本:rd-132211、rd-132328、rd-160052、rd-161348。
Classic版:它分为生存模式(Survival)和创造模式(Creative)。Classic版的生存模式是Beta版创造模式的一个简化版,它包含的特性较後者少的多。而创造模式只专注於游戏的基本功能,无论是单人模式还是在的 服务器上,玩家都可以建造和拆除任何东西,而无须担心遭受袭击或熔岩和山体滑坡等危险。在创造模式中,玩家拥有无限的砖块用来建造东西,并且不论哪种砖块 都能立刻放置或移除。与Beta版不同,Classic版是免费的,不过它也不再更新。Classic版预计将随着Beta版的发展而逐步淘汰,Beta 版最终会成为Minecraft的唯一版本。Minecraft网站已发布了Classic版的官方服务器软件,但一些玩家已经建起了带有附加功能的自定义服务器。
Indev版:Indev(全名為 In Development)是一個比較舊的Minecraft生存模式的測試版本。但Indev版的生存模式依舊會帶給你完美的生存考驗。在一開始的Indev裏,玩家會看見新加入的標題畫面,選項有:「創建一個新的地圖」或「載入以前的地圖」。創建地圖時,玩家可以選擇地圖的類型、形狀、大小和主題分配四個特點。玩家們將會創建「Indev的房子」。在最初的Indev版裏,房子開始有過苔石(這時苔石無法自然生成在地圖上其他地方)和箱子,而一組物品最多是99個。測試實際生存方面的檢測項目基本合格,但因為Indev進展需要而被拆除。在後來的Indev版本中,房子的模樣被改變。地板用原石做成,而牆壁和屋頂用木板製成。
Infdev版:在後來的Indev版,Notch重寫了代碼,使地圖無限生成,而不是像以前一樣有限的地圖大小。後來演變成Infdev(全名為 Infinite Development),而Inf的意思為「無限(Infinite)」。由於Infdev主要只是在Indev版本基礎上新增了無限地圖的內容,Alpha最後因作為更具標誌性的進展而取代了Infdev版。Infdev現在不再更新,相關的鏈接也從Minecraft官方網站上刪除了。
Alpha版:在Alpha階段,Minecraft的更新變得非常頻繁。這主要是由於Notch在日辭退了自己的工作,並全身心致力於開發Minecraft,而且還成立了一個小型的公司——Mojang AB. 。在幾周之內一些錯誤不斷的被修復,相關的信息也被發布到了他的博客上()。一個被稱為「Secret」的更新計劃(中文為秘密更新),為遊戲添加了大量的新功能,包括下界。
Beta版:Beta版是《Minecraft》目前已不再更新的版本,并且只有购买游戏的玩家才能玩得到。Beta版目前有两种模式,为生存模式及创造模式(Beta 1.8版本以前没有创造模式)。虽然在垂直方向有高度与深度的限制,但是Beta版支持无边界的扩展游戏范围。地图随着玩家对游戏世界的探索由程序生成,在到达技术极限之前完全尺寸可延展到近地球表面积8倍大小。 Beta版的单人或多人游戏均可在独立客户端或浏览器中运行。Minecraft Alpha版 在日从内测版升至,名称也随之变更。
日,《Minecraft》攜帶版在发布了专适用于的Alpha版,日发布适用于其他机型的Android版本。 日,释出适用于的版本。该版本只包含了PC版本的创造模式和原始的生存模式,没有实现PC版本全部功能。Jens Bergensten在他的Twitter帐户指出,由于iOS不支持Java,所以该版本是由编写的,但正在改进以尽可能实现PC版本的全部功能。与PC版本不同,部分新添加方块为攜帶版特有,如蓝色玫瑰(已移除),相机和石材切割机等。系统地图无法直接进入下界而添加了下界反應堆,地图范围有限,且地下洞穴偏小,合成系统改为不需在工作台中擺放出正確的樣子而只需拥有足够空间和合成材料就能直接获得相应道具。从0.9.0build1开始可以生成无限地图,拥有很长的地下洞穴和多种生物群系。此外NPC村庄被加入(村民无法交易),还加入了末影人和狼等生物。不过红石依然无法使用,只能用于合成指南针、钟及加速铁轨(值得注意的是,因为没有红石電源,所以加速铁轨永久呈激活状态)。
日官方正式發布《Minecraft》在[Windows Phone]]上的攜帶版,此版本並以其他攜帶版平台同步。
版於2012年由和共同公布,是由:)开发,并于日发布。的參與者可以在遊戱上市之前優先試玩。日,宣布将作为名为Arcade NEXT的新推广项目的旗舰游戏进行推出。。该版本有些功能是Xbox 360版特有的,包括新设计的合成系统,控制界面,多人分屏操作和通过Xbox Live与好友一起进行游戏等。该版本和携带版一样,合成系统不需要将指定道具摆成特定形状来完成合成,只需要有足够空间和合成材料,就能从合成菜单选出合成道具。同样,该版本的世界地图为有限度的,和PC的Classic版本相像,但正在改善以逐渐贴近现在的PC版本。
馬庫斯·阿列克謝·泊松為了防止,聲明將是Minecraft Xbox 360版的唯一平台。该版本在Xbox 360銷量超過一百萬次下載,也是於XBLA史上銷售得最快的遊戲。除外,還會在Xbox 360上售賣「皮膚包」。
在2013年展会展台与公布,原计划为该平台首发游戏,但未按时发布。Minecraft Xbox One 版将联合Minecraft: Playstation 4、Minecraft: Playstation Vita 一并于2014年8月发布。
版本将联合Xbox One、PS4版一并于2014年8月发布。现可以在英国亚马逊预定。
版本将联合Xbox One版一并于发售。
版本于2013年12月中旬发售。其游戏内容与Xbox 360版相似。在2014年5月更在欧洲推出实体碟版。
《Minecraft》最初由(Markus "Notch" Persson)单独开发,開發灵感来自《》(Dwarf Fortress)、《》、《》(Dungeon Keeper)和《》。,當時,他想建立3D建築可視化的遊戲,這將是他的靈感之間的結合,並提出了一些早期的原型。《Infiniminer》嚴重影響了遊戲的風格,包括第一人稱遊戲方面,“塊狀”的視覺風格和完全方塊建設的基本因素。然而,不像Infiniminer,佩爾松希望《Minecraft》擁有RPG元素
《Minecraft》的开发者,7岁时开始接触计算机编程。他的父亲当时已置购了一台家用电脑,并开始订阅一本有:)的電腦杂志。通过实践这些程序代码,8岁时就制作出了他的第一个。在职业上,他曾参与制作过一些游戏,如 。他还曾在网站做过4年以上的游戏开发员。
《Minecraft》的开发始於日,那时佩尔松为了专注於独立开发而刚辞去网站游戏开发员的工作没多久。在《矮人要塞》、《模拟乐园》和《地城守护者》等几款游戏的启发之下,佩尔松创作了《Minecraft》。当还在制定基本的游戏方式时,他发现了一个叫《Infiniminer》的游戏,并在独立游戏开发者德里克·於(Derek Yu)的论坛“TIGSource”上同其他网友们一起玩这款游戏。当时他已经在设想一款三维等距()建造游戏来实现他的灵感,并且已做出了一些试验性质的原型。可以说Infiniminer很大程度地影响了最终的游戏风格,包括第一人称视角和像素方块视觉效果。
这款游戏最开始於日发布了「版」,预计将在多人游戏完全整合进生存模式(Survival Mode)後升级至版。最开始诺奇还保持着在Jalbum.net网站的全职工作,不过後来就改做兼职了,再後来,当《當個創世神》的内测版卖得越来越好时,他索性辞去工作,把全部时间投入其中。《Minecraft》在不断更新,几乎每天都自动向玩家发布新东西。佩尔松打算在游戏的完整版发布後继续更新,并称只要还有一个活跃的用户群就不会停止。
据作者称未来的更新将包括丧尸围城模式(Zombie Siege),并且有新物品,砖块,以及游戏效果(比如水流动的方式)等部分的改变。簡單的冒险模式已在正式版1.3版发布,冒险模式中玩家只能使用物品,不能建造或破坏。丧尸围城模式则在制作人的采访中多次被提及,但仍处於设想阶段,预期将会於游戏最终版本出现後发布。佩尔松计划等此游戏的销售额下降,并且他想改做其它项目的时候,就会将这款游戏开源发布。
《Minecraft》的音樂和聲音效果是由德國作曲家丹尼爾·羅森菲爾德“C418”設計的。《Minecraft》中的背景音樂是非抒情周圍音樂。 日,羅森菲爾德發布的配樂的音樂專輯,名為:《Minecraft – Volume Alpha》 ,它包括大部分《Minecraft》曲目,以及其他沒有在遊戲中的音樂。視頻遊戲博客Kotaku在2011年時將《Minecraft》的音樂、配樂評為2011年最好的視頻遊戲配樂之一。
Subwoofer Lullaby
Living Mice
Mice on Venus
Droopy likes ricochet
Droopy likes your face
在上,有許多著名歌曲改編的MV,部分歌詞改為遊戲內容。其中較有名的有Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love ft. Pitbull所改編歌詞的"復仇(Revenge)"或是PSY - GANGNAM STYLE所改出來的"創世神風格(Minecraft Style)"等等。
《Minecraft》获得了广泛的支持和响应,并因其赋予了玩家创造的自由和整个游戏的开放性而受到许多赞誉。PC Gamer曾将《當個創世神》列为上班族游戏的第四位。斯科特·芒罗曾在《每日纪事报》()上发表过一篇关於该游戏内测版本的评论,称它「别出心裁」并呼吁读者购买。
In a blog post, Persson explains:
First of all, let me clarify some things about the "infinite" maps: They're not infinite, but there's no hard limit either. It'll just get
and buggier the further out you are. Terrain is generated, saved and loaded, and (kind of) rendered in chunks of 16*16*128 blocks. These chunks have an
value that is a
roughly in the range negative two billion to positive two billion. If you go outside that range (about 25% of the distance from where you are now to the sun), loading and saving chunks will start overwriting old chunks. At a 16/th of that distance, things that use integers for block positions, such as using items and pathfinding, will start
and acting weird.
Those are the two "hard" limits.
. The Courier.co.uk. August 22, 2013 .
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Meunier, Nathan. . . . May 10, 2009 .
Evans-Thirlwell, Edwin. . . . October 16, 2012 .
Evans-Thirlwell, Edwin. . . . October 2, 2012 .
日::Minecraft on consoles is Xbox 360 exclusive!(Xbox 360版遊戲只在Xbox 360!)
. . . May 15, 2012 .
. . . 10-5-2012
RIKUSYO. . Game Park. 12-3-2013
Protalinski, Emil. . . November 24, 2012 .
Owen. . Mojang. December 20, 2012.
Owen. . Mojang. February 11, 2013.
. . Mojang. .
. . Mojang. .
Davies, Marsh. . . . November 10, 2012 .
McDougal, Jaz. . .
Persson, Markus. .
. Mojang. .
. March 4, 2011 .
Hamilton, Kirk. . . . .
. . CBS Interactive. .
. . CBS Interactive. .
. . CBS Interactive. .
. . . (存档于February 22, 2013).
. . . November 28, 2011 .
Meer, Alec. . . Eurogamer Network. November 18, 2011 .
Meunier, Nathan. . . . May 10, 2009 .
. . . . (存档于February 22, 2013).
Gallegos, Anthony. . . .
Biessener, Adam. . . GameStop. November 22, 2011 .
Cork, Jeff. . . GameStop. May 9, 2012 .
PC Gamer UK Issue #204, Jim Rossignol "Building-block World"
PC PowerPlay Issue #169, Daniel Hindes "Trouble Down Mine"
Reinhart, Brandon. . .
(). 2010-07.
Munro, Scott. . .
Persson, Markus. .
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What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&More things are constantly being added and the experience will change over time. It's less beta testing at this point and more expanding on the game, although bugs and glitches are inevitable.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&Most likely for several months, but it will depend on what the community thinks.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The current final release goal is to improve graphics, upgrade networking functionality, create more content and provide full Windows, OSX and Linux support.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&The game is completely playable with hours and hours of content to explore.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&It will remain free, but the abilities provided by Gold may change. Nothing that will make the game pay to win, however.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&Throughout all of the development so far popularly recommended ideas have been added to the game. This will continue through the Steam release with the forums. The Steam Workshop could also be integrated to allow the community to create their own content. Polls are widely used to gauge community interest in various ideas.&
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"Haven't tried this out properly yet, but heard good things from other people!"
Recent updates
31 January
If you're interested in testing out this patch head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access using the secret passcode &OPERATIONMAPLELEAF& in the Betas tab.
Added new item and zombie spawning system to garuntee that they always spawn a consistent amount. On multiplayer this also makes sure that items respawn priority is based on which areas are most heavily looted.
Added grocer clothing (IDs 314-315) and applied to the grocer zombies.
Added ability to look up while climbing.
Added ladder to oil sands radio tower and radio tower near Saskatchewan.
Added docks to the two islands.
Added foreclosure command to remove old player savedata from servers.
Guns swap to sprint state when in safety mode.
Improved shadowstalker audio.
Guns no longer spawn with the safety on.
Decreased zoom on shadowstalker scope and increased damage versus all targets.
Increased loot density.
Increased contrast of midday lighting due to popular request. (Is this better? Let me know.)
Fixed air traffic control tower missing navigation data.
Fixed default map Devtest set to Canada.
Fixed naked militia zombies.
Fixed swapping firemodes while aiming.
Fixed snow at top of lighthouse.
Fixed asset refresh delegate getting assigned multiple times.
Fixed some very misaligned roads.
Fixed climbing RCMP towers.
Fixed structure wall detect radius.
Fixed some underground player spawns.
Fixed bridges higher than roads.
Fixed selected level index changing without updating the text.
Fixed road height in Ontario.
Fixed punching animations not cancelling other gestures.
Fixed floating roads.
Fixed hockey tree in the Yukon.
Fixed broken editor map selection.
Really happy to see that for the most part feedback on the Canada map is positive aside from that the buildings need furnishing and more loot! :)
Thanks for reading!
30 January
February Roadmap:
February is going to be a polishing month for 3.0 in that a lot of the features are now there, and it's just a matter of building on them to create a bit more new content. This is going to be a bit less strict of a month in that there are less specific goals other than to improve the game by doing things such as:
Expand selection of buildables such as stairs, ladders, farms, chests and traps.
Fill in the map with more detail, furniture and locations.
Implement character specialties and skill trees.
Improve the user interface.
Boost performance.
Better item spawning in multiplayer.
Due to the flexibility of this month feedback is going to be even easier to integrate into the game, so be sure to voice your opinions! Update Notes:
If you're interested in testing out this patch head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access using the secret passcode &OPERATIONMAPLELEAF& in the Betas tab.
Added ability to use backspace instead of delete.
Added ability to ctrl-delete to remove an entire road.
Gold member clothing no longer provides any warmth.
Hunger is food, thirst is water and sickness is immunity to be more understandable.
Swapped ghillie hood to hat slot so it provides heat.
Reduced delay between zombie inside range and attack.
Decreased sample counts of postprocessing. (ambient occlusion, light shafts, etc)
Disabled specular shaders, so let me know if you find any besides on the ice.
Black and white heightmaps are no longer halved since the vast majority of people have updated.
Visions have a 12.5% chance of altering each color channel at the same time.
Fixed pants being uncraftable.
Fixed node and path tools selecting the opposite and crashing.
Fixed pebble texture bleeding.
Fixed a few cases of objects misconfigured.
Fixed creating levels with the same name.
Fixed duplicating items when holding it and taking the container off.
Fixed navigation near water.
Fixed visually small objects not showing up on map.
Fixed water refraction/reflection draw layer distance.
Fixed resources generating near edge of material.
Fixed zombies cancelling searching when hit repeatedly quickly.
Fixed ragdolls to be disabled with physics disabled.
Fixed a crash when smoothing terrain.
Fixed equipment input missing a patch applied months ago.
Fixed map image resolution.
Fixed a dumb performance bug with lots of objects. (although obviously large numbers of objects still drain performance)
Keep in mind that a lot of buildings still need furniture, there will probably be quite a few performance issues that need fixing and the item spawns are poorly balanced, but the Canada map is now available to begin testing along with hundreds of new models and a few items. Do not set your expectations too high for now!
Several more locations may be added in the future as well such as a race track, golf course and mine. In the mean time be sure to let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading!
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“I think what is there looks pretty promising, to be honest.”
Steam Greenlight
About This Game
Unturned is a sandbox game in the emerging multiplayer apocalypse survival genre. Rather than focusing on being an MMO it provides players with easy systems to sit down and survive the zombie infestation with their friends. Over the course of a typical adventure, groups will have a blast fortifying locations, scavenging for supplies, trying to live off the land and negotiating with other people. The game is being developed entirely with the community in focus, and tons of features are based entirely on feedback:
Players can build massive forts out of structural building blocks, or build onto smaller buildings in the world with barricades. It is also possible to create traps and intricate electronic systems. More options for building are constantly being added based on what the community requests.
It is entirely possible to live off the wilderness by harvesting trees and rocks, growing crops and hunting animals down. What sort of survival stuff is added is entirely decided by the community.
The game goes where the community wants it to. The initial release map is set on the lovely Prince Edward Island, but over the next few months many more locations will arrive for players to explore depending on what the community wants to see. Currently the island has plenty of interesting locations to discover and loot.
Players can choose to enter player versus player servers and battle other players to steal their gear. Banditry is highly supported with plenty of weapons and sneaky devices.
Players can join player versus environment servers to team up with other people, and easily create clans to play with their pals.
Early Access:
This is the first public release of the game, but new features and content are constantly getting added as a result of community feedback. You can see how far the game has come with the help of the community since the original testing prototype:
System Requirements
Processor: 2 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 256 MB available space
OS: Leopard
Processor: 2 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 256 MB available space
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65 people found this review funny
37.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
i praise the 16 year old kid who created this game in his basement. very well done for his age.
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14.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Considering that a 16 year old made a game that became huge. You have to give this a thumbs up
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16 people found this review funny
2.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Dayz + Minecraft = Unturned.Pretty good game but need's a Cheat Protection.
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152 people found this review funny
149.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Started as a naked person in a zombie apocalypse. Gets clothes from laundry shops that fits exactly your size.Kill other people to get them naked.&Suicide& to be naked and drop your items on the floor.Everything is naked.Players are naked.I am naked.Nelson is naked.12/10 wud naked again.
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93 people found this review funny
5.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Ate a random berry in the middle of the woods. Gets tripped out.10/10 would be tripping again and again
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4 people found this review funny
65.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The term 'Free-to-Play' is slapped onto the side of a lot of games nowadays and it rarely lives up to expectations, with many of them carrying the undertone of 'Pay-to-Win'. With Unturned this isn't the case.The game is a completely free to play zombie survival game, there is an option to pay to upgrade this to a Gold membership however this is purely for aesthetic purposes - Newer/slick UI, extra character model customisations, Gold username displays on the in-game chat, you can also gain access to gold-member-only servers with a few % bonuses like exp and loot but this is a level playing field as you can only play with other Gold members with these bonuses.I don't wish to give much away about the gameplay but the game is awesome to play with friends and you can set up your own private servers fairly easily.There are a few bits and pieces that I feel could and most-likely will be improved in the near future:(There is currently a huge overhaul in development to the game so these points may/may not be valid once the update is live)The crafting system has pretty much zero guidance, and the recipes aren't exactly obvious. I don't like being spoon-fed but Stick + Bolts = Torch didn't occur naturally to me. The wiki contains everything you need to know about crafting.(Only in Player vs Environment) Once you have fortified, armed/equipped yourself, and have a steady income of growing crops the game becomes a lot less challenging - although I still manage to die in the simplest of situations... I would love to see roaming hordes on this game.At present the game only has one map, although the developer (The one developer working on this title) is in the process of creating a new Canada map.Hackers are a bit of a nuisance in online PvP servers.The above notes are just from my own personal take and experience of the game so far.These aside, I love the simple, blocky graphics, the open world feel, the insatiable appetite of your character - same goes for the zombies, the weapons and attachments, the survival mechanics, the trust issues, the uneasy silences, the countless naked respawns etc etc.I would really recommend this game to anyone who enjoys surviving with friends.
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64 people found this review funny
5.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Some things are better left....Unturned.
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76.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Built a house with my friends (Took 5 Hours) and then some ???????? shot us in the face with a crossbow
when we were least expecting it... He proceeded to take all of our crap and destroy the house by the time we got back there was nothing but a moldy carrot.10/10 would waste 5 hours of my life again.
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19 people found this review funny
8.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
You know how an Italian chef kisses his fingers and says something in Italian that translates to &A masterpiece& after tasting their own dish? That's how I feel about this game.
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26 people found this review funny
132.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Hey dude!What?Your gun look so nice~Stay away and get your ownCan I trade my medkit for your gun?OK……(drop)…now put medkit on the ground!(biu~biu~)You were shot in the head by somebodyHome
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78.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I don't really know why I enjoy this game...The graphics are similar to Minecraft, not particularly impressive but appealing.The combat is okay.Sound is minimal but it doesn't feel like anything's missing.The difficulty is very high at first.The crafting is not very self explanitory.I guess I'd classify this as a guilty pleasure. .-.EDIT:I have recently learned that this game is undergoing major updates and the update beta shows a ton of promise, fixing the crafting issues and adding tons of new items.
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5 people found this review funny
33.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
enjoyable relaxine and intense at the same time 10/10
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2 people found this review funny
18.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
this game is awesome and its free its the best survival game 4 me and here just a little comment nelson you should put in flyable planes,helicopters ect or mabye not but upgrading weapons bye finding rare sorts of bolts i would love that
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4.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
&joined game for first time& found a car near that long bridge& drive it into some zombies& one zombie left chasing me but down to 20hp&running from zomvir&end up in military base&take a jeep&end up in town i started in&get gangbanged by zombies from a ship10/10 would get infected and eat my family again
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48.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
If you feel that dayz is to realistic,expensive or even sick of the bugs fear not as unturned is a simple zombie survival game that allows you to make a singleplayer world or play with your friends.Its Amazing
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48.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Had so much fun shooting zombies in the head in the tutorial I did it multiple times. 10/10
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20.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Spawns With Friend. Hears Them Screaming Over Skype. Sees Them Drive. Forgot To Disable PvP. Dies. 11/10
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51.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Someone was chasing me all over the island with a axe, saying they are going to kill be. Turned around and blast them away with my shotgun. 10/10
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9 people found this review funny
2.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
picked berries and got high as ???? 10/10
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5.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Found a car 100% gas, headshotted
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Includes 15 Steam Achievements
Title: Unturned
Genre: , , , , ,
Release Date: 7 Jul, 2014
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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