
比特币挖矿时期:1场没法回本的生意,比特币. 这带来了大批投机者的同时,也让很多人动了挖矿的心思,比特币挖矿教程迅速 矿工们,怎样办?
比特币是经由1种称为「挖矿」的过程产生,参与者透过处理交易验证和记录来获取作为手续 比特币可经由挖矿获得,也可用来交换货物、服务,和其他货币。 货币对金融体系的挑战http:/
&&& 网络黄金(Egdcoin)的概念1982年被美国戴维博士提出后,随着互联网的发展,历经30年的时间,在2009年中本聪等国际合作玩家不断发明、完善的基础上,最终在日由微软前工程师为首的7个国家17位IT专家发明面世。网络黄金,国际通用名E-GOLD,简称EGD。EGD是一种P2P形式的互联网数字货币。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。EGD弥补了目前BTC的缺陷,让家庭电脑可以轻松参与挖掘。 与大多数货币不同,EGD不依靠特定货币机构发行,它依据特定算法,通过大量的计算产生,EGD经济使用整个P2P网络中众多节点构成的分布式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为,并使用密码学的设计来确保货币流通各个环节安全性。P2P的去中心化特性与算法本身可以确保无法通过大量制造EGD来人为操控币值。基于密码学的设计可以使EGD只能被真实的拥有者转移或支付。这同样确保了货币所有权与流通交易的匿名性。
&&& EGD与QQ币等&公司发行数字货币&最大的不同,是其总数量非常有限,具有极强的稀缺性。该货币系统4年内只有不超过4200万个,之后的总数量将被永久限制在8400万个。 EGD可以用来兑现,可以兑换成大多数国家的货币。只要有人接受,也可以使用EGD购买现实生活当中的物品。随着数字货币的发展,现在越来越多的国家和企业接受EGD的理念和付款。 EGD和法定货币相比,EGD没有一个集中的发行方,而是由网络节点的计算生成,谁都有可能参与制造EGD,而且可以全世界流通,可以在任意一台接入互联网的电脑上买卖,不管身处何方,任何人都可以挖掘、购买、出售或收取EGD,并且在交易过程中外人无法辨认用户身份信息。
&&& EGD网络通过&挖矿&来生成新的EGD。所谓&挖矿&实质上是用计算机解决一项复杂的数学问题,来保证EGD网络分布式记账系统的一致性。EGD网络会自动调整数学问题的难度,让整个网络约每2.5分钟得到一个合格答案。随后EGD网络会新生成一定量的EGD作为赏金,奖励获得答案的人。 日EGD诞生的时候,每笔赏金是50个EGD。诞生2.5分钟后,第一批50个EGD生成了,而此时的货币总量就是50。随后EGD就以约每2.5分钟50个的速度增长。当总量达到4200万时(8400万的50%),赏金减半为25个。当总量达到6300万(新产出2100万,即4200的50%)时,赏金再减半为12.5个。
&&& 首先,根据其设计原理,EGD的总量会持续增长,直至100多年后达到8400万的那一天。但EGD货币总量后期增长的速度会非常缓慢。事实上,87.5%的EGD都将在头12年内被&挖&出来。 凯恩斯学派的经济学家们认为,物价持续下跌会让人们倾向于推迟消费,因为同样一块钱明天就能买到更多的东西。消费意愿的降低又进一步导致了需求萎缩、商品滞销,使物价变得更低,步入&通缩螺旋&的恶性循环。同样,通缩货币哪怕不存入银行本身也能升值(购买力越来越强),人们的投资意愿也会升高,因此EGD是一种具备通缩倾向的货币。
&&& EGD经济体中,以EGD定价的商品价格将会持续下跌。 EGD的本质其实就是一堆复杂算法所生成的特解。特解是指方程组所能得到无限个(其实EGD是有限个)解中的一组。而每一个特解都能解开方程并且是唯一的。以人民币来比喻的话,EGD就是人民币的序列号,你知道了某张钞票上的序列号,你就拥有了这张钞票。而挖矿的过程就是通过庞大的计算量不断的去寻求这个方程组的特解,这个方程组被设计成了只有8400万个特解,所以EGD的上限就是 8400万。要挖掘EGD可以下载专用的EGD运算工具和EGD电子钱包。电脑计算出的EGD会存到你的钱包。
&&& EGD优点
&&& 1.完全去处中心化,没有发行机构,也就不可能操纵发行数量。其发行与流通,是通过开源的p2p算法实现。
&&& 2.匿名、免税、免监管。
&&& 3.健壮性。EGD完全依赖p2p网络,无发行中心,所以外部无法关闭它。
&&& 4.无国界、跨境。跨国汇款,会经过层层外汇管制机构,而且交易记录会被多方记录在案。但如果用EGD交易,直接输入数字地址,点一下鼠标,等待p2p网络确认交易后,大量资金就过去了。不经过任何管控机构,也不会留下任何跨境交易记录。
&&& 5.山寨者难于生存。由于EGD算法是完全开源的,谁都可以下载到源码,修改些参数,重新编译下,就能创造一种新的p2p货币。但这些山寨货币很脆弱,极易遭到51%攻击。任何个人或组织,只要控制一种p2p货币网络51%的运算能力,就可以随意操纵交易、币值,这会对p2p货币构成毁灭性打击。很多山寨币,就是死在了这一环节上。而EGD网络已经足够健壮,想要控制EGD网络51%的运算力,所需要的cpu数量将是一个天文数字。
&&& &世界首台&数字币自动提款机日在加拿大温哥华启用,办理加拿大元与数字币的兑换,迅速迎来排队办理业务的人群。
中国财经网版权所有Hey everyone, brand new episode of the David Hour on i-tunes Stitcher. This episode is brought to you 100% commercial free, sponsorship free, thanks to small tips from listeners out there via Bitcoin and PayPal.
The next episode will probably have a sponsor- there’s an exchange that’s gonna start selling Bitcoin and E-Gold and they’re interested in sponsoring the show and that’s something that’s
totally in mind with my values and the thing that I’m interested in.
So, if somebody’s gonna be throwing money at me to talk about a service that I’ll be talking about anyway, I don’t have a problem with that. And, with no further ado, I want to bring in our guest Paul, who’s gonna be joining us- where you at now Paul?
主持人:毕竟,如果有人愿意出钱赞助我主持的节目,我很乐意接受。话不多说,下面请出今天的嘉宾,Paul先生。Paul, 你在哪?
Paul: uh, I’m in London
Narrator: London, and Paul is a member of the E-Gold development team, a Cryptocurrency that launched back in January, I believe right?
PB: Yea, that’s right, early January.
Cool. So what is your background? What got you interested in launching a coin that can either take out Litecoin or maybe even be a competitor for Bitcoin down the road?
PB: Um, well, I think one of the things about E-Gold is I wasn’t involved at the launch. I came to E-Gold as a miner, um, as a user of E-Gold, and as outsider as everyone really did. Really, it was launched, um, just by one guy, who had worked for Microsoft, etc.- I know you mentioned him before- to create this Asic-resistant coin, you know to bring what I thought was a good level of innovation to bring something new to the table. And it wasn’t pre-mined, it’s a fairly descriptive coin, and so me and a bunch on other guys just got involved because we wanted to help, so we kind of came to the table after the launch.
Paul:好的,首先我不是最早参与网络黄金的, 最开始我只是网络黄金的矿工和用户,就像大家一样。网络黄金的创始人之前在微软工作,-你提到过他-,网络黄金可以抵抗大规模集成芯片,我认为这是很好的一个创新,而且它没有预挖,它很公平,所以我和另外几个朋友决定加入这个项目。
N: Cool, I came, obviously, much later than you, but I just started reading about it, stumbled across it somehow as I
researching these altcoins. Some things really struck me as it is.
PB: Yea, I think this sort of movement is gonna get a lot bigger. I think people have underestimated how quick stuff would get to market. You know, we’re starting to see the first now. I don’t think people realized how quickly this gonna happen in six month the landscape for mining scriptcoins is gonna be rapidly changed as a result.
N. Definitely. And do you feel that E-Gold is aggressive enough? I know there have been some questions on the forums about the scheduling of the “Anti-ASIC”; is that aggressive enough, or should be people be looking towards something with a bunch of different hashing functions on top.
Paul: Well, you see we had an extensive discussion about this at one point. Once a lot of the other guys had already got enrolled and we had a decent sized group of guys to discuss this amongst, so, when the impact to scheduling was actually tweaked, when we changed the difficulty algorithm- that was, I don’t know, six weeks ago now or something. Essentially, we were trying to find a fine line between, on the one hand, not squeezing out miners with old graphics cards, and not putting us in a situation when for a coin that does whatever it takes to remain unmineable by ASIC economically.
N: Right, well, when I first came across the coin, one of the first things I saw was the Twitter account for E-Gold just said “Beat Asic” and nothing else. It was Beat Asic,that really sort of caught my attention, because that is the biggest issue for me with Bitcoin, that it’s really being done by a handful of mining companies, and when you look on Blockchain- I’m gonna go there right now to see where the new blocks are coming from, and it’s always the same two or three companies.
主持人:是的,我从推特上第一次接触黄金币, 它的口号是“打败大规模集成电路”,这引起了我的注意,因为这是我在比特币中遇到的最大问题,比特币的开采现在垄断在几家挖矿公司手里,你可以登录Blockchain去关注新的区块从哪里来,显然它们来自同样的两三家公司。
PB: Yea, I look at that regularly as well.
N: Yea, right now, it’s the last, let’s see, relaid by GHash.io, BTC Guild, Eligius, yea it’s literally like three companies are running Bitcoin right now. So people out there go, “So what’s the problem with that?” It’s become so popular right now that it’s something only professionals work with, and I, it just doesn’t make sense to me! If somebody is an objective outsider, that’s not the conclusion they would come to. The conclusion they would come to is it’s not healthy for a decentralized network to be owned by a couple companies.
主持人:没错,目前三家公司GHash.io, BTC Guild和Eligius垄断了比特币的挖矿,简直像这三家在运营比特币,外界的人们说“这有什么问题吗?”,比特币变得越来越热,以致成为只和专业人士相关了,这在我看来简直毫无道理。客观来说,这种几家公司的垄断状态让去中心化的网络系统恶性发展。
PB: Sure, exactly, and I love Bitcoin, and, um, you know,
but they do have a problem--- you know, --- hash, I mean if you read some of the original --- in the White Paper, ---- his vision was for a decentralized currency, that has all of the technical tools, which are, you know, pretty opaque, people --- technically who get involved in this. And really, a lot of them are just tools to try to decentralize the mining, once we get into the second and third generation of the Litecoin
------ We’re gonna see the same situation develop with this industrial-scale processing.
Paul:Paul: 没错,我很热衷比特币,但是它有一个弱点,如果你看过比特币的白皮书,就会知道它的创始人最初想法是创造一个去中心化的货币,完全是技术工具,纯粹技术团队仅仅通过去中心化挖矿的形式,升级出莱特币的二代和三代,我们还是一样会看到产业规模的过程。
N: Right, yea, uh, some of the clones that have come out, taking Bitcoins ideas and then running with it and going further, I think that some of those are a bit misguided, because a big part of the coins valuation is the community, and the fact that people are willing to accept it, and at least buy it and store it. And I think some of these very small coins like Exa Coin (is that how we pronounce it?). I looked into that one and I think it’s overkill. I think a lot of these are just trying to be the next thing because they saw that E-Gold took off, and they want to jump in and do a pre-mine or whatever it is they do, just own a lot of the coins. And I
feel it’s so transparently- I don’t want to say dishonest- because I’m all in favor of competition, and I’m sure that Bitcoiners feel the same way about E-Gold- they’re probably a little bit annoyed. But, I feel that these things that add in too many different elements are bad because for a coin, I don’t think you want to have too many different layers, it’s the more things that can go wrong.
主持人:是的,很多山寨币在推出时采用了比特币的理念,我觉得人们可能被其中一些误导了,因为一种币的主要价值来源于它的社会化应用,以及人们是否愿意接纳它,购买它和存储它。比如有一种叫Exa的币,就被过度炒作了。还有一些币在看到网络黄金的迅速崛起后想要模仿网络黄金, 但是它们都是有预挖的,我不想说他们这些行为不诚实,因为我喜欢有竞争,我认为比特币的爱好者们也会认同网络黄金,即使他们可能对网络黄金的出现有些懊恼。然而,我不认为在一种币中加入过多元素是件好事,因为那样出现错误的概率也更高,对一种币的长远发展也不利。
PB: --- one of my concerns is to keep things relatively simple, t to be essentially conservative, because when you’re dealing with, ah, something where money is involved, and, uh, I have some background in IT security. And really, the more simple you can keep things, the more robust you can keep them.
So you personally, what kind of coins are you holding right now?
PB: Um, essentially E-Gold. . I have some Bitcoin, I have a bit of Litecoin- even though I think the Litecoin guys have gone kind of the wrong way,but I like Litecoin, I think it’s a good --- . I think there’s a good future for a lot of coins with different views but I don’t think that necessarily that --- be asic resistance is gonna turn out to be the only way to have a successful block --- but I do --- that the industrialization and industrial scale mining that --- bring is a problem-. I personally, em, 95% of my Cryptocurrency holdings are E-Gold because I’m a great believer in that, but we’ll see the future.
Paul:嗯,主要还是网络黄金。另外我也有一些比特币和莱特币,虽然我觉得莱特币的开发团队做了一些错误的决定,但是我还是很喜欢莱特币。很多理念不同的币都可能会有不错的前景, 但是抵制大规模集成芯片是获得成功的基本要求。产业化的挖矿是一个大问题。我持有的95%的虚拟货币都是网络黄金,因为我对网络黄金的未来充满信心。
N: Yea, I’m a believer as well. I’ve kind of stuck my neck out --- that I think this is gonna be one of the big coins of the future, because this is j you read the white paper on the E-Gold webite, you read through the Anti-ASIC scheduling, you read what people have, uh, are saying about it, you go on any of the Cryptocurrency forums you see a lot of miners are fed up with Dogecoin, they’re seeing that they’re losing profitability on Litecoin, because of this new E-Gold that’s coming out, and they want to try something new.
PB: Yea, I think so. But, on the converse side of that, one of the things that we have really got with E-Gold which is great, it’s not just the networking factor, the fast growth, the number of members that are, em, being built around it, and the number of growth and acceptance that we’ve got so quickly, but aside from that we’ve got a lot of people who like the idea, they like the fact that it’s not pre-mined. Those people are bringing big contributions to bringing the word out there about E-Gold and they’re building services around it. And I think that one of the interesting things about E-Gold is the number of people involved who have a more long-term view.
N: Yea, and I’ve noticed there are some people on the development team who are intellectual heavyweights, and when you read that white paper, it’s not just some guy who wanted to make some money by launching a coin and, uh, slapped together something and put it up there, as you see so often on Bitcoin talk. What this is really is a thought-out approach to the issues that Bitcoin and Litecoin have experienced, and I also think that, uh, the creators for a former developer at Microsoft, and I looked at the features of its app, and that looks completely amazing. I’m blown away by how quickly this community is developing these new products and stuff, when it’s only 3% the size of the Bitcoin ---, and even less than that.
PB: Yea, and again this is all people getting involved because they like the idea, they like the ethic, and they want to get involved with the community. There’s - who’s put out the app, who is the community service, and other technical work. We’ve got people coming in all the time and developing these great services and features --- which is just because they love the community and the ethic.
N: Yea, and by the way it’s kind of a tangent, but it was a big mistake for Apple to reject Bitcoin apps from the app store, and that for me was the deciding factor in pledging to no longer buy Apple phones. My next phone is gonna be Android because I think it’s so ridiculous for a company to say, “nope, we’re not gonna allow you to use currencies”. I mean, if they -----, I mean, “who the fuck are you to tell people that they can’t do a very basic function on your phone”, why don’t they just remove email because email is not an approved product of Apple.
It’s really the first time is as long as I can remember that I was really just disgusted with Apple. I mean, they’ve come under fire for their labor practices in China, but that’s a complex situation because a lot of it is contracted out。
This sounds weird, but that app store thing bothered me more than their labor practices, because they’re slowing down innovation and it’s not correct for them to do that. The other thing I wanted to very quickly rant about and hear feedback on is, so, I asked a friend of mine who works in finance who’s very successful and one of the smartest people I know, “regulators are gonna crush it?”, and I didn’t believe it.
But, since then, they’ve been so many regulatory agencies in the US, and also in the UK and throughout the EU, and they’ve just come out of the woodwork and they’re just laying claim to Bitcoin. Recently one of these agencies was like, “it’ it’s a commodity so we’re gonna regulate it”, and another goes “it’s a currency, so we’re gonna regulate it”.
I totally believe in regulation, that it protects consumer’s deposits, but that’s so easy to do, all you’ve got is to keep a ---- on the block-chain, a public address, show it to regulators, provide tangible proof that you always have customer deposits on hand. ----- that’s so easy to do, with no possibility of fraud. And instead of doing that, we have
They go after Bitcoin really has me a bit concerned because it’s not in the interest of consumers, it’s not in the interest of citizens when they’re doing this.
And when they’re treating something like Bitcoin like a state- it’d be one thing if you walked into the mall and people hand over some currency that was launched by the Spanish or French government, and now American citizens are using it to buy stuff. I can understand that regulators would want to jump in there and be like, “hold on there, let’s see what’s going on”, because if you have a state-issued currency and it’s being used in the US, that’s a kind of competitive force that we need to look into, but this is not a state-issued currency! What they’re doing with this would be like requiring a broadcasting license to sign up for a T it’s kind of getting ridiculous.
PB: Yea, for sure, you know that there’s a great need to encourage and foster innovation here, because essentially cryptocurrency is gonna do to money what the internet did to bookstores, to TV channels to newspapers, to traditional media. We can’t really make any accurate predictions about where this thing’ but there’s one thing for sure, it’s gonna make a big difference to how we do.
Um, they all eventually inflated away. The system is set up in such a way that there is a limited system of currency, and there’s no central institution that can make a decision to print more of it, for the sake of their own interest at the expense of everyone else. I don’t know. The UK regulatory system actually isn’t too bad. It’s kind of a little confusing if you like, these things aren’t considered money, they aren’t considered a financial asset, there’s no
measure on how to handle them for tax purposes.
Paul:它们最后都会升值。因为网络黄金的总量是固定的,没有中央机构能只根据他们的利益考虑决定增印超发,而不惜牺牲别人的利益。实际上,英国的监管机构还不算太糟,只是有些模糊不清,他们不承认这是金钱,也不承认这是金融资产, 他们现在还没有想出如何定义来作为收税的标准。
N: Things are not terrible in the US. Even you see the government is making regulations, his rules are still on the book. I feel like something is amazing like the decentralized currency, it’s a shame that the ordinary people can not participate. I have no doubt that E-Gold will take over.
PB: Yes, you put effort on it to obtain.
N: Right, that’s a good point. I do think, I have no doubt that cryptocurrency takes over, it’s just finding the right seat at the table, and it’s a matter of finding which coins are going to do well in the next year or two. I actually wrote an e-book about it, “Cryptocurrency Supernova”, I think we’re literally about to head into a wealth supernova that will look a little like the .com Boom, except less cheesy and a lot more money!
N: Because in the 90’s they were basically reinventing communications and some aspects of commerce, and there’s actually an interview that some people should watch a show at Netflix called “Steve Jobs: the Lost Interview”. It was this hour TV interview that Jobs gave in 1995, and toward the end they asked him, “what do you see in the next ten years?”, and he said the internet is going to transform commerce and people are going to be spending billions of dollars every year from their computers. And the interviewer was a little skeptical, because he was saying this in 1995, which is the year that Amazon started, or maybe even the year before Amazon started.
N: So, he was very forward thinking, and I can see that what cryptocurrency is in a market, and I’m not the only person saying this, I believe that Mark Anderson, the creator of the Netscape webrowser- is saying very similar stuff. Here you have people in Silicon Valley and London and all over the world, and these people are reinventing money itself, they’re not only reinventing communication or shopping, they’re reinventing what it means to have transactional value.
Paul: Yea, if somebody reinvent this successfully, it’s not going to be billions of dollars a year, it’s gonna be trillions of dollars. Cryptocurrency is in the same place where the internet was in in
Paul:没错,如果人们成功地重新定义进去本身,那它所带来的收益就不仅仅是每年数十亿美金,而是每年数万亿美金 。现在数字货币正处在,1997年互联网的时刻。
N: It’s incredible how quickly this gonna take off. I read a lot these on E-Gold, and the more I know it, the more I use it, it’s really something that gonna grow within years.
Paul: Yea, I think that’s certainly to happen, whereas you see right now a lot of E-Gold clones, but their market cap is very low and they relatively vulnerable.
N: Yea, so, let’s just summarize here,
we get more interesting stories in the future. Thank you Paul!
Paul: It’s my pleasure! Thank you! Bye!
N: So that was Paul, a member of the development team for E-Gold.
Other than that, let’s see what I have going on this week, I wrote an article the other day about some of that stuff, about the E-Gold stuff, what ASIC resistance means and why it’s important. I’m gonna sign out in a few minutes and you can check that out. ASIC resistance and pool resistance are not hard concepts, they just sound very technical, but basically the analogy I’ve heard that I like is that if you’re the individual miner of a cryptocurrency, you just have a pickaxe
If you’re just doing it on your PC, it’s like you’re mining gold with a pickaxe, but if you have a GPU, which is
a graphics card, and you install a high-end graphics card you buy. So you buy one of these, you install it, you set up your miner on your computer, then you’re what’s known as a GPU miner.
And then, there are ASICs. ASIC is not something that comes up once in the White Paper by Nakamoto, because it wasn’t invented! You know, it wasn’t invented for Bitcoin. It wasn’t invented, Bitcoin was something that people were supposed to be mining on their personal computers, which was his intention. And, I think that E-Gold brings us much closer to that kind of goal. It is a lofty goal, and it is a good goal.
大规模集成芯片并不是中本聪发明的,也不是为比特币专门发明的。最开始比特币也是通过个人电脑挖掘,这是中本聪的本意。现在, 网络黄金的出现让我们更靠近了原来的目标,这是好的方向。
Decentralization of E-Gold is a big deal. It’s what gives you the confidence to store money in it in the first place. And, it means that if a couple of companies go under, or a problem like the Mt. Gox situation or incompetence, then it actually doesn’t destroy the currency because it’s decentralized. It doesn’t matter if a couple of participants go under, there’s millions of people mining it, and that’s a very cool idea.
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