chloe bridgess第65回怎么玩

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期号:1985年 4期 总8期
开本:大16开中文名: 伟大工程巡礼英文名: Megastructures别名: 伟大建筑巡礼资源格式: TVRip版本: 更新太阳引擎发行时间: 2008年地区: 美国语言: 英语简介: 【类型】:建筑/科学/记录【集数】:连载中【片长】:每集50分钟【字幕】:台湾版繁体中文字幕,美国版无字幕【服务器】:随机【供源状况&分享时间】:非自己供源全天24小时【内容简介】:本系列节目将纪录全球最具野心和愿景的工程建筑案是如何展开的。藉由各式各样的档案以及高解析度、专业拍摄的影片,节目里将叙述每项工程落成背后的精彩、戏剧性、充满英雄胆识的故事。由主要设计师、工程师、专案经理及工地人员,来说明他们如何克服挑战,打造现代最高、最长、最快和最複杂的工程建筑案。当你阅读这篇文章时,你可能正坐在某栋建筑物或某种交通工具内。我们在其中生活和工作,搭乘它们往返住家和公司,但我们是否全然领略到建筑的伟大?想要大开眼界,一窥鬼斧神工的话,请拿起您的遥控器,转到国家地理频道。在《伟大工程巡礼》系列节目中,观眾们可以见识建构我们日常生活的建筑工程奇观。位於巴西的伊太瀑水坝是全世界最大的水力发电场。逾四万名的巴西和巴拉圭工人日夜赶工完成了这个巨大的水坝。从初步规划到铺上几百万吨的混凝土,让我们一步步看看这个庞大的建筑是如何打造出来的。法国和英国向来不是亲密伙伴。然而,他们却联手打造了海峡隧道。这项百亿英镑的计划僱用八千名工人,历时八年才竣工。现在的英法海底隧道是一项非凡成就,然而在完工的路途上却是满佈挫折。您可以在《伟大工程巡礼:英法海底隧道》中一探英伦海峡究竟。地震会毁灭城市和国家。加州被预测在未来五十年内会发生大地震,因此必须採取一些防范措施。金门大桥就是一座应受保护的建筑。於是政府提拨了四亿经费,以确保这个非凡的建筑能够吸收地震造成的破坏性震波。从大桥到隧道及其他林林总总的建筑,尽在国家地理频道的《伟大工程巡礼》。分集简介:伟大工程巡礼1:罗纳德·里根号航母  罗纳德·里根号超级航母令人望而生畏,犹如巨大的机械蜂巢,部署着众多致命战机。它就是一座有六千居民、严阵以待的小型城市。“尼米兹”级航空母舰-它是目前世界上吨位最大、在役数量最多的一级核动力航空母舰,其首制舰于1975年服役,迄今共服役7艘,第8、第9艘正处于建造中。该级航空母舰满载排水量在91000吨以上,从第5艘起由于加装了几千吨重的装甲防护板,使其满载排水量增至102000吨,成为世界有史以来最大的舰船。 伟大工程巡礼2:德国高速公路   德国的高速公路全长将近七千三百哩,相当于美国宽度的两倍,路面总面积约和蒙大拿州一样。它之所以有名,不仅是因为它是一项精准的工程杰作,更是因为它是个无速限公路系统。其实德国高速公路约只有一半不设速度限制,车辆的平均速度也只有时速八十哩。但只要你敢开快车,你就能在这条道路上尽情奔驰。本节目将带领观众看看德国高速公路的建造、营运和维护过程,并体验在这条超级高速公路驰骋的快感。  伟大工程巡礼3:英法海底隧道   两个数百年来一直相互敌视国家被海峡分隔。有人想在一百米深处挖一条连接两国的隧道,赌注是数十亿英镑和八千名隧道工人的生命。但海水涌入、火灾和财务问题,使海底隧道的建设从一开始就险象环生、困难重重。 伟大工程巡礼4:西尔斯大厦   西尔斯大厦向空中伸展近半公里,直指芝加哥的天空。铝和玻璃打造的外墙包裹着42万平方米的空间。我们深入探索这座高楼,揭示它运转畅通的奥秘。这栋大楼是北美洲最高的办公楼。最高可用楼层是第110层,楼顶的高度是442米。若是在这个庞然大物旁边,把六架波音747客机迭加起来,还比西尔斯大厦矮了28米左右。这可不是一般的高楼。伟大工程巡礼5:关西国际机场   在一个空间紧缺的地方,你会让飞机在哪里起降?日本人的回答是,在关西国际机场。1987年,当时全球最大的人工岛破土动工。大阪湾由松软的粘土构成,并不适合修建跑道。为了解决下沉问题,工程师们采用了沙桩排水技术:将沙子里的水吸出来,以支撑机场的地基。伟大工程巡礼6:明石海峡大桥日本明石海峡大桥,全球最高、最长、造价最昂贵的悬索桥,横跨日本最危险最繁忙的海运航道。从来没有一座桥可以修建在这样一个地方,这里地处台风区,风速可达每小时290公里,足以刮起屋顶,将大树连根拔起,更糟的是,它位于一个地震带的中心。曾有人断言:明石海峡大桥永远不可能建成。如今,大桥已经顺利通车了,但将来会怎么样呢?伟大工程巡礼7:伊泰普水坝   巴西拥有世界上近10%的淡水,全长4万公里的河流可以整整环绕地球一圈。巴西政府计划建一座巨大的水坝,以解决大部分能源需求。于是,4万名工人向大自然发起挑战,与灾难隐患展开较量。伟大工程巡礼8:双子星塔马来西亚的双子星塔是全球最高的双塔建筑,这两座450米高的摩天大楼把建筑技术发挥到了极致。从设计到施工,建造过程中发生的每一次曲折都触目惊心几乎酿成大难。如今双子星塔昂然耸立,象征马来西亚的骄傲和现代化。请随我们一同去揭开它背后的精彩秘密。伟大工程巡礼9:超级赌场伟大工程巡礼10:金门大桥 70年来,全球最著名的大桥时刻面临着自然力量的破坏。然而,最严重的问题尚未降临。地震学家预测,未来的一场大地震、将使20世纪最惨烈的灾难相形见绌。这是一场与时间的竞赛,旧金山的金门大桥正重塑自我,准备对抗地球上最强大的力量。伟大工程巡礼11:恶魔岛伟大工程巡礼12:五角大楼 伟大工程巡礼13:新加坡港让我们一起看看新加坡港如何利用海运和高科技系统来完成全世界约三分之一的贸易。伟大工程巡礼14:陶托那金矿千百年来,为了以最快的速度到达最远的地方,人类历尽了种种艰辛。人类离开地球,旅行了5千5百万公里。但在南非约翰内斯堡附近的宁静小镇卡尔顿维尔,工程师、科学家和地质学家却在向地下进发,到达了无人企及的深度。这座水泥塔里是世界上最深的矿坑的入口。在这个复杂的庞大结构内,大地成了敌人,而战利品则是黄金。这座矿井深2.2英里即3.6公里,被称为“陶托那金矿”、“黄金之城”。 伟大工程巡礼15:拉斯维加斯  一座沙漠城市,根扎黄沙之中,却向云端伸展。在这里,数十亿美元可能是成功的奖励,也可能是失败的代价;在这里一切旧事物都会被抛弃,即将诞生的新事物也会很快过时;在这里,水会跳舞,沙子会变成黄金。这个城市只有一个目标,那就是认认真真地搞好娱乐事业。这座城市叫——拉斯维加斯。伟大工程巡礼16:沙中取油 在加拿大埃布尔达省的森林底下,深藏着价值高达九兆元的宝藏。这处丰厚的石油矿藏量比沙特阿拉伯还多上五倍,不过珍贵的油品却蕴含在沙土里。一般抽取探钻的方法在此根本不管用,想要把这个地底宝藏挖出来,得利用新科技才行。一家加拿大公司肩负从沙中取油的艰难任务,且看他们如何运用巧思开采这处高难度的油矿。伟大工程巡礼17:艾卡提钻石矿   在加拿大的北极边缘,酷寒的艾卡提钻石矿是全球一大偏远矿区。为了在此严苛的亚北极地带工作,可需要世界最猛的挖掘工具。力量强大的德马格 655液压挖土机,每小时就能挖起九百部校车的重量;还有一种搬运卡车,一趟就能承载三十六头大象的重量,而其所搭载的炸药,足够在一天之内炸毁五万吨重的冰冻花岗岩。本集节目将探索艾卡提矿区的火山历史和不可思议的发现,研究这些重型机具移山挖宝的工作内幕,并一探工人如何勇闯这极端的环境,每年起出近五百万克拉的钻石。 伟大工程巡礼18:海上发射平台这是独一无二的结构绝无仅有的任务,从海洋之中将火箭发射至太空, 稍有失误都足以酿成大祸。一项惊人的科技壮举,为将此一革命性火箭发射升空,一家名为“海上发射”的私人联合企业,结合了美国…欧洲…俄罗斯和乌克兰最顶尖的太空科技。这些昔日在太空竞赛的对手。扛下这项耗资超过10亿美元的空前挑战……… 伟大工程巡礼19:北海屏障 荷兰是一个富裕的欧洲国家,也是一个处境危险的国家。致命的水灾已夺走了数万人的生命,吞噬了数千平方公里的土地。但是,荷兰人并未就此屈服。他们在北海沿岸打造了一系列独特而复杂的巨型建筑,用以阻止大海的入侵。 伟大工程巡礼20:迪拜人工岛  这是有史以来最大胆的工程之一。伸入阿拉伯湾5.5公里的朱迈拉棕榈岛,规模庞大,甚至从太空中都能看到。它完全用沙子和岩石搭建而成。在地震、暴风雨和海水侵蚀中,它的存在,本身就是一个奇迹。伟大工程巡礼21:印第高速赛道伟大工程巡礼22:鹿特丹港   鹿特丹港位在荷兰的海岸,是全球最忙碌最厉害的港口之一,让全球最大的船只安然进港,就是一项永不休止的挑战。今天鹿特丹是大满档,三艘超大货船载着几乎超量的货物。超高、超深、以及超宽的船只,即将同时驶入港口。鹿特丹港有发达的机械装置,也有足够的水深容纳这些巨大的船只。全球95%的货物仰赖航运,最大的船只就是开到这里。伟大工程巡礼23:C-5运输机   当美国军方需要另一部坦克或是六架直升机,唯有一个方法能够快速送达所需:重新定义何谓庞然大物的C-5运输机。这是巨型的飞行仓库。长度将近是一个美式足球场、同时有6层楼那么高。C-5运输机的翼展为68公尺,能以时速788公里巡航,货舱和八个保龄球道一样大,不仅能快速将大型装备送往任何地方,续航力也形同不受限制。靠着空中加油机的协助,C-5运输机能在飞行途中进行加油。本集节目将介绍C-5银河运输机的关键任务:将重达58513公斤的装甲武器送交给位于伊拉克的部队,同时也将揭露其中的飞行秘辛。 伟大工程巡礼24:北支流监狱    北支流监狱关了两千名暴力犯,监狱的安全措施是狱方的首要考虑,对狱警及受刑人都很重要。本节目除了探讨该监狱的历史,也将探讨专家从历来发生的监狱灾难事件所学到的经验,及让北支流监狱成为美国一大安全监狱的科技。 伟大工程巡礼25:空中巴士A380客机   新空中巴士A380是天空中最高、最长、最重的商用客机,7层楼高,73公尺长,两侧机翼的顶端之间长达80公尺,足以容纳555名旅客,堪称是史上最大的工程学和建筑创举。本节目要带领观众到世界各地的几家工厂,看看A380的生产过程,还要见证空中巴士A380,在日的处女航。 伟大工程巡礼26:弗吉尼亚号 美国军舰弗吉尼亚号,是用高科技武装起来的潜艇,它有着令人惊叹的能力。它是世界上最先进、功能最多的潜艇,也是有史以来最复杂的潜艇。潜艇成员都是美国海军中最训练有素的精英。它能用毁灭性的鱼雷对其他舰船发动进攻,也能发射巡航导弹,准确无误地打击内陆1000英里内的目标。弗吉尼亚号潜艇的潜水深度可达800英尺。潜艇所配置的最精密传感器,使它的监视和监听能力超过了其它所有的美国潜艇。该潜艇能通过自动导航系统,缓缓穿过浅水区,抵达确切的坐标位置。高强的隐蔽能力,使它具备了一流的情报搜集功能。卓越的适应性成就了这艘独一无二的潜艇。 伟大工程巡礼27:豪华赌场为了建造全球最大的赌场饭店,数千人聚集在拉斯韦加斯市中心。饭店如同意大利威尼斯的翻版,从运河到凤尾船一应俱全……伟大工程巡礼28:超级云霄飞车3秒半鐘内从零时速增加到205公里的感觉是什么?坐坐全球最快的云霄飞车「京达卡」就知道了。京达卡座落在美国纽泽西州的六旗游乐园,是全球最高的云霄飞车,最高点相当於45层楼。本集节目将探索工程师如何克服最困难的工程和天候的挑战,设计及打造出前所未见的云霄飞车。伟大工程巡礼29:北美防空联合司令部伟大工程巡礼30:柏林火车站一个施工团队正在柏林赶工,兴建全欧洲最新最大的火车站,準备迎接前来观赏世界盃的数百万球迷。为了在限期之内完工,工程师必须在两天之内,在火车站刚完工的玻璃屋顶上加上两座巨大的钢筋塔楼。新车站座落在东西德昔日的边界上,成为德国统一的鲜明象徵。更重要的是车站连接了两条重要铁路线:从巴黎到莫斯科的铁路,以及从斯德哥尔摩前往维也纳的铁路,让柏林稳坐新欧洲的中心位置伟大工程巡礼31:改造波士顿伟大工程巡礼32:极限钻油石油和天然气的储量不是无限的,剩余储量的开发难度越来越大。全球对能源的需求不断增长,迫使能源公司到海上寻找油气资源。从1980年起,有350多名北海油田的工作人员丧生,但海底的丰富资源足以令人不惜性命。 伟大工程巡礼33:人造卫星发射基地伟大工程巡礼34:米约大桥 米约大桥是全球最高的桥梁,跨过法国一段深邃的河谷。即使站在埃菲尔铁塔顶端,也要仰望这座巍峨的大桥。施工团队面临三个严峻的挑战:建造全球最高的桥墩,铺设三万六千吨的高速公路,和竖起7座几百吨重的桥塔。 伟大工程巡礼35:超级货船伟大工程巡礼36:柏林墙伟大工程巡礼37:里永·安蒂里永大桥 科林斯湾非常适合海上交通,却把希腊一分为二,阻碍了希腊南部和欧洲各地的交通。建设大桥要经历前所未有的考验:海水太深,海床过于松软,地震断层线也经过此地。如何才能克服恶劣的自然条件,建设出一座超大型桥梁? 伟大工程巡礼38:厄勒海峡大桥 厄勒海峡大桥是一座斜拉桥,仅一段跨径就长达近半公里,并且一段行车道位于海底隧道中。这项工程把科技的潜能发挥到极限,创下了新的世界纪录:全世界最大的沉管隧道,最长的铁路公路两用双层桥梁,和最高的自撑式双支柱索塔。 伟大工程巡礼39:胡佛水坝 胡佛水坝于1935年宣告落成,是历史上最庞大的建筑之一。胡佛水坝不仅是一座雄伟壮观的水坝,如今更成为一处旅游胜地。70多年过去了,新建成的水坝不断挑战这个伟大的先驱,但胡佛水坝仍堪称史上最具标志性的大坝。 伟大工程巡礼40:NCIS内部伟大工程巡礼41:垃圾山 垃圾,我们都制造垃圾,也讨厌垃圾。美国制造的垃圾每年高达2亿3千万吨,比两千艘满载的尼米兹级航空母舰还重。面对如此庞大的垃圾山,该如何保护我们不被危险废弃物伤害?美国最大的加州朋地山垃圾场,结合科学技术和强大马力给出了答案。 伟大工程巡礼42: 坦克-战争机器伟大工程巡礼43: 超级油轮 它们是大海上的巨兽,协助推动现代社会的运行;它们是超级油轮,载运着液化天然气体。建造超级油轮,也是一项终极的工程挑战,这需要准确的工程与精密的科学。只有船上的每部分都完美无缺,它们才能与其他超级油轮并行,成为巡航大海的伟大工程例证。伟大工程巡礼44: 导弹-战争机器伟大工程巡礼45: 原物料大妙用-钢铁 钢是地球上最强的材料,改变了历史的发展进程,影响了人类文明与生活方式。建筑工程因为它而有了重大突破,造就出美国三大里程碑式建筑物。科学家在重新设计钢的分子结构,创造新型钢,以期能建造出更高,更坚固,规模也更大的建筑物。 伟大工程巡礼46: 阿帕奇战斗直升机伟大工程巡礼47: 枪炮-战争机器伟大工程巡礼48: 巴拿马运河伟大工程巡礼49:小砖块大妙用 砖块是史上最早的人造建材,体积之小能一手掌握。但堆砌成百上千,甚至数百万块,小砖块就能创造奇迹,打造人类的未来。然而堆砌砖块的方式,却能决定日后是悲是喜。无论是推动古老伟大建筑的工程革新,还是成为现代建筑的美学造型,砖块科技正日新月异。 伟大工程巡礼50:原物料大妙用——水泥 混凝土是地球上最常使用的建材,曾是建筑罗马帝国的基础,如今也被用来兴建新一代违抗地心引力的摩天大楼。全球每个国家几乎都生产这种神奇配方的原物料。然而这些简单成分的混合方式决定了到底会酿成悲剧,还是人定胜天。 伟大工程巡礼51:超级工厂-法拉利伟大工程巡礼52:金钱工厂伟大工程巡礼53:伟大的中国桥梁 中国拥有两条世界级长河,陆路交通因此受阻。它们曾是桥梁工程师们的噩梦:水路航运不能耽搁,淤泥可能淹没桥基,还要经得住台风和地震的考验。如今,中国的桥梁工程师们迎接挑战,打造出全球最壮观的桥梁。主要讲述三座桥梁:卢浦大桥-世界上跨度最大的拱形桥、润扬大桥-中国第一世界第三的特大跨径悬索桥、 苏通大桥-世界跨径最大斜拉桥。伟大工程巡礼54:超级潜艇 潜艇游弋在大洋里,能无预警地发动攻击。得克萨斯号独树一帜,巡航深度接近海面下1000英尺,装备了鱼雷、导弹和特种部队。在任何需要它的地方,都能祭出致命一击。让我们透过钢铁外衣,探索超级潜艇的秘密。 伟大工程巡礼55:冰雕旅馆 三万立方米的积雪,三千吨全球最纯净的冰。从野性的北极河川裁出巨大的冰砌块,运用雪砲、链锯、铲子和凿子,一群建筑师、工人和雕塑家开始和时间赛跑,与北极的严酷天气搏斗。他们正尝试着在六周内,只用雪和冰来兴建一座冰冻的世界奇景。 伟大工程巡礼56:采矿利器伟大工程巡礼57:超级管道 由于处在偏僻而又深邃的海底,奥蒙朗格一度被认为是人和机器都无法到达的区域。这是天然气业界有史以来风险最高的建筑工程之一,也是全世界最长的海底管道。利用庞大的船舶铺设10万根管子,太空时代机器人在人类鞭长莫及的深处,挖掘出像月球表面般的沟渠,但这项工程能承受波涛汹涌的北海吗? 伟大工程巡礼58:巨大钻掘机伟大工程巡礼59:超级直升机 直升机不只是用来飞的,它也是战争的武器、行善的媒介、史上最多才多艺的飞行器具。这个工程上的奇迹带着我们到达几乎任何地方,并且平安归来。但有时天空也会反击,雷霆万钧,招招致命。21世纪全力打造的超级直升机奥西地EH101是如何抗拒重力,进而一统天空? 伟大工程巡礼60:超级工厂-哈雷机车伟大工程巡礼61:超级工厂-强鹿收割机伟大工程巡礼62:超级工厂-彼得比尔特卡车伟大工程巡礼63:超级工厂-艾布兰坦克伟大工程巡礼64:大迁移-大教堂伟大工程巡礼65:大迁移-古迹伟大工程巡礼66:大迁移-巨大机器伟大工程巡礼67:大迁移-整个城镇伟大工程巡礼68:磁悬浮列车  时速四百六十公里的磁浮列车,从浦东国际机场出发,前往上海新金融区龙阳路站,全程三十公里只需八分鐘就能抵达。全球第一个商用磁浮列车系统,上海磁浮列车结合铁道传统,与航空交通的省时性,这种节省能源、维修需求度低的高安全地面运输方式,将改变二十一世纪的交通面貌。磁悬浮列车是一种革命性的运输系统。它的优点是能有效率载送乘客与货物,而且无需动用活塞和涡轮等运动零件,最重要的是磁悬浮列车不像火车或飞机需要燃油。世人是否准备好全面接纳磁悬浮列车?伟大工程巡礼69:神奇世界岛  迪拜正努力要成为全球顶尖的观光胜地,棕榈岛的兴建,把这个酋长国的海岸线几乎加长了三倍。棕榈岛是棕榈形的庞大海上城市,现在迪拜为了稳居世界舞台决定打造世界岛。这是在阿拉伯湾兴建的3百座人工岛,是有史以来最大的土地填筑工程,人类从来没有完成或尝试过规模如此宏大的工程。 根据酋长的要求,世界岛必须只用自然元素兴建,而且必须对抗自然界最大的毁灭力量---大海。伟大工程巡礼70:帆船酒店 帆船酒店雄踞海岸,高度超过埃菲尔铁塔,成为迪拜的国际象征。这是全球最奢华的一家旅馆,让宾客以非常尊贵的方式入住。独一无二的建设方案,令其它任何旅馆都难以望其项背。建设这座21世纪的地标,必须将所有建设者的潜力发挥到极限。 伟大工程巡礼71:莫斯塔尔古桥 本期介绍莫斯塔尔古桥。位于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的莫斯塔尔桥是全球少数能够展现东西方文化交汇的地点之一。莫斯塔尔桥于1566年落成,最初的作用是充当辅助军用、马匹和货运的桥梁。莫斯塔尔以宗教融合而著称,这里的基督教徒和伊斯兰教徒可以自由来往……想更多地了解这座神秘的古桥么?欢迎观看我们的节目! 伟大工程巡礼72:超级破碎机   长度有两架波音747客机那么长,这是全世界最大的破碎机。它正面临了世界级的挑战,一艘庞大的货轮往码头快速前进,但无法逗留太久。这艘船必须在72小时后启航,船上载着破碎机制造的2万7千5百吨高级金属碎片。快速制造货轮所需的碎金属,将会使这架庞大机器的产能达到极限。伟大工程巡礼73:巴林世贸中心伟大工程巡礼74:夏威夷超级渡轮伟大工程巡礼75:玛丽皇后二号  玛丽皇后二号是有史以来最大的客轮,比铁达尼号大上三倍,重达十五万吨,为了让它顺利在海上航行,建造者得发挥革命性的创意才行。玛丽皇后二号打破了眾多纪录-它是全球最高、最长、最宽、最坚固、速度也最快的班轮,当然造价也最为昂贵,将近十亿美金打造而成。此外,玛丽皇后二号有极佳的操控性,能自行转弯360度;本节目将对这艘豪华巨轮的兴建有完整介绍。 伟大工程巡礼76:南极研究站  欢迎来到南极,这是全球最孤单的一个角落。数十年来,南极一直是最适合研究天文学、气候学和其它科学领域的地点。距离第一座研究站的兴建过了将近五十年以后,有一群人企图兴建一座21世纪的科学研究站。但期间将充满挑战:建材必须空运过来、飞机每年也只有四个月可以降落。更糟糕的是每季只有一百天的时间可以打造这座超大建筑,同时还得面对积雪和无法预测的气候。 远古工程巡礼77:沙特尔大教堂 沙特尔大教堂位于法国沙特尔城,迄今已经屹立了8百年,它代表了哥特式建筑和中世纪基督文明的辉煌成就。但在这座伟大的工程背后,却隐藏着一个有关人性弱点的黑暗轶事,那里充满了口是心非,毁灭和暴力。远古工程巡礼78:古罗马圆形竞技场 古罗马圆形竞技场,一位意外登基的皇帝创意的结晶。鲜血飞溅,尘土飞扬,巨星级的格斗士在这里进行着一场终极的冒险。它是罗马建筑史上的一座里程碑,宣示着罗马统治全世界的开始。打造古罗马圆形竞技场的传奇就是一部血泪史。 远古工程巡礼79:吉萨大金字塔 古代世界曾有7大奇观,他们是人类智慧的结晶。然而这些奇观却在时间的沙砾中随之化为尘土。只有一个例外,吉萨大金字塔。它经历了4500年的风雨洗礼仍旧屹立不倒。它的古老奇观象征着人类巧思的丰碑,也由此产生了无数的神话传说。 伟大工程巡礼80:超级工厂-宝马伟大工程巡礼81:超级工厂-科维特跑车高性能取向的科维特Z06可爆发出505匹马力,极速达时速320公里。这是科维特最快也最有力的量产版本。我们将探访位於肯塔基州博灵格林的科维特工厂,这是全球唯一制造Z06的地点,从开始到完工全在36小时内。每具Z06的引擎均由一名师傅以手工组装,而这款跑车的结构亦煞费苦心以达成轻量化:全铝合金车身、碳纤维叶子板、西印度轻木车室地板,以及镁合金引擎架。这一切都让科维特Z06成为跑车界中的佼佼者、性能与操控均属上乘。伟大工程巡礼82:北京水立方   首都北京,工人正在打造人类史上一座最令人惊叹的建筑。当北京点燃奥运圣火的那一时刻,世界的眼球都将汇聚于这座无与伦比的建筑杰作。这座由全球华人资助兴建的世界奇观,代表了炎黄子孙对中国主办奥运的希望和梦想,并再一次向世人展示了中国融入世界的决心和能力。  数千年来,中国屡屡打造出世上最伟大的建筑里程碑,借此宣示其伟大及国力。到了21世纪,中国更以霹雳之姿跻身于世界强国之列。并再次以钢铁、混凝土、玻璃和石材,向世人宣誓其融入世界的决心和能力。不过在今日的中国,令人惊叹不已的远不止于此。  泡沫很常见,但您能够想象用泡沫造一座坚固耐用的房子吗?在中国的首都北京,工人正在打造人类史上一座惊骇世俗的建筑。当北京点燃奥运圣火的那一时刻,世界的眼球都将汇聚在无与伦比的国家游泳中心——一座让钢筋混凝土建筑相形见绌的超级建筑。不过在超级建筑的世界里,人们都叫它水立方。  水立方由全球华人资助兴建,代表了他们对中国主办2008年奥运的希望和梦想。建筑设计由澳洲PTW建筑事务所和ARUP的结构工程师,以及中国建筑工程总公司联手设计打造。并由中国民众通过网络投票表决,最终由中国领导阶层拍板定案。  水立方的设计融合了多项科技成果,设计理念更是来自于肥皂泡泡——四氟乙烯。四氟乙烯简写为ETFE,化学家称之为含氟聚合物,我们一般人管它叫塑胶。这种材料以其特殊的结构造就了水立方环保、防火、耐震的特质。  这座令人叹为观止的蜂巢,耗费长达90公里的钢材,两万两千根钢梁,完全违背了传统的直线设计。错综复杂的金属构架,这些钢材足以绕过奥运跑道200多圈。外覆10万平方米的塑胶膜,足以覆盖14座原尺寸的橄榄球场。切割成直径9米的气枕,但厚度只有0.2毫米,比一分钱的镍币薄了近8倍。这一切无一例外的使其成为21世纪中国建筑的杰作。伟大工程巡礼83:地热钻探伟大工程巡礼84:中国终极港口   公元前220年,万里长城;公元1420年,紫禁城;1997年,三峡大坝;2002年,中国又有石破天惊之作,中国工程师和工人展开全球数一数二的庞大建筑工程,坐落在汪洋大海中深水港,这是中国有史以来最大的基础设施。  这里即将成为中国历史上第一大深水港,码头岸将长达20公里,有50个船位,离岸超过30公里,由全球第二大跨海大桥衔接大陆本土,这里有巨大的起重机,最尖端的控制系统和全神贯注的工作人员,早已刷新了装卸巨大货柜船的世界纪录,在全球最大的进出口贸易中争夺霸主地位。  码头上配备了全球功率最强大的起重机,高科技的拖车和全球货柜港最先进的控制系统,加上几位业界一流的货柜港营运人员,从这艘大船驶进码头的那一刻起,他们必须在20个小时之内卸下将近3千个货柜。  这是一个充满美好前景的建筑方案,用短短数年就打造出这座港口,未来将成为全球第一大货柜港.大家都因这项成就而骄傲,然而航运公司已经着手设计更大的货柜船,这些超大船只将需要更长的码头,更大的起重机和更深的海水,这座历史上第一大的货柜港,将来恐怕还要再进行扩建工程。伟大工程巡礼85:上海超级塔  以将近五百公尺的高度在上海巍峨矗立,上海环球金融中心的造型优雅,是一座以玻璃、钢材和混凝土打造而成的塔楼建筑,也是中国大陆最高的建筑物。以六万多吨钢材和二十六万立方公尺的混凝土兴建而成,这栋大楼动用了业界最优秀的建筑人才和两千名中国的建筑从业人员来监督这项工程。工作人员日夜操劳,每三天就盖完一个楼层,耗费的钢筋长达一万五千公里--足以来回国际太空站十九趟。这座上海超级塔是建筑设计上的终极挑战,动用了两千根钢棒,把塔楼锚固在地面上,再加上一个在功能上相当实用、但在视觉上令人惊嘆的风洞,使大楼在强风中屹立不摇。完工之后的上海环球金融中心将成为中国大陆最高的建筑物,也是全球第三高的大楼。其中七十个楼层将作为办公室空间,容纳一万七千人,接著是一家佔据十四层楼的豪华旅馆,楼顶则是全球最高的观景台。 伟大工程巡礼86:终极摩天大楼伟大工程巡礼87:超级工厂-救火车伟大工程巡礼88:超级工厂-UPS快递伟大工程巡礼89:超级工厂-卡特彼勒工程机械伟大工程巡礼90:超级工厂-温尼贝戈房车伟大工程巡礼91:大型强子对撞机  大型强子对撞机是科学大角色,这浩大的工程打造出全球最大的电脑游戏。我们追踪这超大机器最后的组装阶段,也要来见见这惊人实验的中心角色:队中的关键玩家,打造出的超环面仪器与紧凑渺子线圈侦测器,成为全球大的摄影机。超环面仪器与紧凑渺子线圈侦测器的建造规模史无前例,用於捕捉已知宇宙中最小的粒子,并拍下大爆炸后十亿分之一秒的宇宙样貌,但这些科学家和工程师能否达成任务? 伟大工程巡礼92:世界最大赌场澳门"威尼斯人"伟大工程巡礼93:拆桥任务   曾是世上最长的公路桥梁之一,如今却面临拆除的命运。2万2千公吨钢筋水泥,全部都得回收。工程师们要尝试革命性的新方法。他们的一举一动都在挑战着极限。老卡基内斯桥或许已不存在, 但巨大墩的钢不会消失,拆卸、回收与融化后,卡基内斯桥将再次获得新生。伟大工程巡礼94:沉没航空母舰/沉舰任务伟大工程巡礼95:冰岛超级大坝伟大工程巡礼96:北京国家体育场鸟巢中国身为2008年奥运的主办国,正紧锣密鼓地赶工,兴建北京国家体育馆,也就是鸟巢,馆内足足可以容纳九万名观众,是现代中国最具企图心的建筑物。本节目将带领观众欣赏鸟巢从无到有的兴建过程。Get an inside look at the planning and engineering behind creating some of the greatest buildings and machines ever made. ‘MegaStructures’ takes you inside the superstructures and all the inner workings that muscle together to make the structures function as a whole. Megastructur skyscrapers in big cities, subway trains years ahead of their time. Discover these and more!1. USS Ronald Reagan First aired: 9/15/2004 The USS Ronald Reagan is a 4.5 billion dollars Nimitz-class supercarrier. Powered by 2 nuclear reactors, the 1100ft. long vessel is equipped with all the necessary facilities to house 6000 personnel and over 80 aircraft. Viewers are given an exclusive look at how the crew of these ‘floating naval base’ is put through a series of test in order to obtain their flight deck certification. Take a glimpse at the various facilities on the ship that keep the 6000 strong crew fed, rested, and entertained.2. Autobahn First aired: 9/19/2004 What began as a racing track, and thanks to Adolf Hitler’s World War II propaganda efforts, the track grew into a sophisticated high-speed road system, linking to almost all the major cities in Germany. The Autobahn boasts of having super thick road beds, 4% or less grades, wide lanes, and build on layers of technology. The Autobahn allows vehicles to travel at speeds exceeding 160km/h for roughly 2/3 of its roads. The episode profiles the operations of the highway cops, and their reliance on technology in training, monitoring of roads and various methods of arrest. It also looks at the ADAC, an automobile club, which provides on the spot road assistance. Nicknamed ‘The Yellow Angels’, they also provide air medical rescue. The system of maintenance of the Autobahn is also examined. All this infrastructure makes this mega structure into one of the world’s most safest super highway.3. Channel Tunnel First aired: 9/22/2004 The Channel Tunnel or Euro Tunnel is one of the world’s longest underground rail tunnels, and links England with France. Consisting of two rail tunnels and a small service tunnel in-between, they total 153 km in length. The documentary looks at the race between the British and the French to complete the tunneling of the Channel Tunnel and the obstacles faced in its construction.Episode #4: Sears TowerOriginal Airdate: September 29, 2004The Sears Tower is the tallest building in North America, but how does this mega structure work? Understand the quirks of building and running a super-tall skyscraper by going deep inside this one-of-a-kind structure.Episode #5: Kansai International AirportOriginal Airdate: October 13, 2004The Kansai Airport in Japan is considered to be one of the great engineering achievements in the world, second only to the Panama Canal. It is a state of the art facility that handles over a million passengers a week. It has all the operational problems of a normal International Airport, but on top of that it has to contend with typhoons, earthquakes and to top it all off - it's sinking! We will go behind the scenes to figure out how this feat of engineering works.Episode #7: The Itaipu DamOriginal Airdate: October 27, 2004The Itaipu Dam is the world's largest hydroelectric power plant and a triumph of giant-scale engineering. Find out how engineers and over forty thousand Brazilian and Paraguayan workers toiled around the clock to create this immense structure. Follow the story as they lay millions of tons of concrete, divert the course of the world's 7th largest river, and relocate thousands of people and animals in order to bring power to millions of people in two countries while overcoming impossible odds and breaking construction and engineering records.Episode #8: Petronas TowersOriginal Airdate: November 10, 2004The 450 metre Petronas Towers, the tallest twin towers on the planet, pushed the outer limits of construction technology and stand as a symbol of Malaysian pride and modernity - all in a country that had never built a mega skyscraper before. But building the towers was a construction challenge like no other - at every turn unexpected problems threatened the project. The towers were built in a torrential monsoon belt. The construction site wasn't made of bedrock but unstable sediment, and the towers were not made of lightweight steel but reinforced concrete. The six-year endeavour turned out to be a high-risk showcase project with a hugely ambitious schedule. 9. Inside a Super Casino First aired: 12/1/2004 Megastructures gets an inside look into the 13-year design and construction of Atlantic City's towering new casino, the Borgata.10. Golden Gate Bridge First aired: 3/2/2005 In 1906, an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 rocked San Francisco. An earthquake of similar or greater proportions is expected to occur in San Francisco again, and soon. The episode takes a look at the efforts that are being made to retrofit and strengthen America’s most recognized bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, before the next big earthquake happens. It also gives a brief history about the construction of the suspension bridge, and the people who were involved in its construction.11. Alcatraz First aired: 3/16/2005 12. Inside The Pentagon First aired: 4/1/2005 Cameras are taken inside the Pentagon for a rare look at the usual going ons in the Pentagon, and a look at how the important meetings might be conducted. High ranking military officials and politicians also share their feelings about the Pentagon.Episode #13: World's Busiest PortIf you drive a Japanese car or drink Brazilian coffee, if the shirt you're wearing was stitched in Mexico or the Philippines, chances are that sometime in your life, something of yours passed through this port. Pick any day to view the floating city anchored in Singapore's port. 1000 ships loaded with cargo, headed for 600 ports, 123 countries, six continents. Straddling one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, this is the largest port on earth - a mega structure through which passes a third of the world's trade - moving at the pace of one ship every two minutes.14. Tau Tona - City Of Gold First aired: 5/27/2005 Located near Johannesburg, South Africa, the Tau Tona is a gold mine. The Tau Tona is the main economic life blood of Johannesburg, supplying half the world’s gold needs. It is the deepest and largest working mine in the world. Its main shaft is 3.6 km deep and consists of 800 km of tunneling. This episode gives viewers a tour of the dynamic systems involved in maintaining a working environment deep in the earth. It also provides a glimpse of what life as a mine worker is like in Tau Tona. Risking heat exhaustion, and with 10 earthquakes a day, the miners work through narrow tunnels to extract gold from a 25 cm thick gold vein.15. Special. Las Vegas First aired: 6/22/2005 Episode #16: Black Gold (aka Oil Mine)Original Airdate: June 29, 2005Just beneath the surface of Canada's Alberta forest sits the largest oil reserve in the world. Mother Nature has thrown a curveball though—the oil can't be pumped because it's trapped in sand, and extracting it is already causing major environmental impacts. Watch as multiple companies race to develop technologies to unlock the vast oil and profit hidden below Canada's forests.Episode #17: Diamond Diggers (Ekati Diamond Mine)Original Airdate: July 27, 2005On the edge of the Canadian Arctic, the frigid Ekati Diamond Mine is one of the most remote mines on earth. To work in this brutal sub-Arctic land, Ekati demands some of the world's fiercest digging tools: a DeMag 655 hydraulic shovel so powerful that it scoops the weight of 900 school buses every hour, a Cat 793C haul truck so strong that it can carry the weight of three dozen elephants in one trip and enough explosives to demolish 50,000 tons of frozen granite in a single day. Diamond Diggers explores the volcanic history and incredible discovery of the frozen Ekati Mine, the inner workings of its monster machines that move mountains of gem-studded earth, and the extreme conditions braved by workers to unearth nearly five million carats of diamonds each year.Episode #18: Sea LaunchOriginal Airdate: August 3, 2005The two giant ships of Sea Launch, a NASA-like mission control and a launch pad floating on the ocean, form part of an outrageously expensive, multi-national venture for blasting commercial satellites into space. It's a story of spectacular engineering successes, and a couple of costly failed launches.Episode #19: North Sea WallOriginal Airdate: August 17, 2005The construction of this colossal hydraulic-powered moveable barrier is one of the greatest feats of civil engineering in history. Three sandbars were built up into islands to accommodate harbours, material yards and work sites. A dam connected two of the islands, effectively creating three chann each protected by a section of the barrier. Described by the American Society of Civil Engineers as "One of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World", the North Sea Wall has conquered the elements and defied the oceans. Episode #20: Impossible Islands (Dubai's Palm Island)Original Airdate: September 13, 2005An enormous project is underway in the Arabian Gulf that will change the face of the coastline. It is so vast that it can be seen from space. Palm Jumeirah, one of the most audacious engineering projects the world has ever seen, is an artificial island in the shape of a massive palm tree. A breathtaking megastructure and an ambitious engineering feat, Palm Jumeirah is part of an even bigger plan to transform Dubai into one of the world's premiere tourist destinations. But with only a few years to create this paradise island, it's a race against time. Besides the construction of the island, there is also the challenge of building a small city, including 4,500 luxury houses and apartments, 29 hotels, miles of roads, and all the utilities required by the thousands of people who will be living on and using this island including water, electricity, gas and sewage. The project is due for completion in 2008 - are they on course to meet their deadline? And what other megastructures has the Sheikh planned for Dubai?21. Indy Motor Speedway First aired: 9/13/2005 Episode #22: Port of Rotterdam (Super Port)Original Airdate: September 20, 2005The Port of Rotterdam is a marine freeway. Every day an unending parade of ships goes in and out, moving 350 million tons of cargo through the port each year. It's one of the biggest ports in the world and it's one of the most challenging to operate. Traffic, tricky currents, narrow channels and some of the biggest cargo ships in the world make it a mega-operation where the stakes are high, the potential for disaster ever present. As one of the world's busiest ports, Rotterdam manages to handle a huge number of ships because of highly specialised mega-movers and expert coordination. But today the Harbor Control's skills and machines will be put to the test - Rotterdam is about to receive three of the largest, most challenging ships on the planet: The Berge Stahl, the world's largest dry bulk carrier, hauling 350,000 the Mighty Servant 3, delivering an entire oil rig weighing 6,000 and the Savannah Express, hauling 8400 containers - the second largest container ship in the world.Episode #23: Air Force Transport (Mega Plane)When the U.S military needs another tank or half-dozen helicopters, there is only one way to get the goods quickly: the C-5 Galaxy aircraft, a plane that redefines jumbo. This mega mover is a flying warehouse, it's almost as long as a football field and stretches six stories high. With a wingspan of 68 metres, a cruising speed of 788 kilometres per hour and a cargo compartment as big as an eight-lane bowling alley, the C-5 can move big things almost anywhere in a hurry. Its range is virtually limitless - with the help of an air tanker, the C-5 is able to gas up while in flight. Air Force Transport profiles the C-5 Galaxy's critical mission: transporting 58,513 kilograms of armour to troops in Iraq and reveals the secrets behind flying some of the world's heaviest loads.Episode #24: North Branch Correctional Institution (Hi-tech Prison)Original Airdate: December 13, 2005Security measures in the North Branch Correctional Institution are more than technological marvels—they will protect prison guards and revolutionize rehabilitation programs for inmates. See the secret control rooms, remote-controlled cameras, impenetrable steel doors, the latest engineering feats that offer new safety from—and hope for—the most dangerous criminals.25. World's Biggest Airliner (Airbus A380) First aired: 10/4/2005 It is the largest passenger plane ever built and it is a 12 billion dollar investment. The episode documents the history of the Airbus A380, from its design concept, its interior features, the precision manufacturing, the logistics, the final assembly and its final maiden flight.26. USS Virginia First aired: 10/11/2005 The USS Virginia is the US newest class of attack submarines. Built as a more cost effective submarine than the old Seawolf class, the new submarine is also faster to build. The supersub is equipped with a nuclear powered reactor, advanced spying abilities to see and hear better, auto-navigation systems, various ballistic missiles and torpedoes, has stealth capabilities, is able to deploy navy seals, and can remain motionless in the waters for 3 months. The episode looks at the history of the USS Virginia. It looks at how Electric Boat first began the use of 3D computer aided designs to develop the designs for the new class of attack submarine, their joint cooperation with Northrop to manufacture the submarine, and the vital training that the submarine crew is subjected to.27. Ultimate Casino First aired: 10/18/2005 The Venetian in Las Vegas is the ultimate casino. Dreamed up and owned by Sheldon Adelson, the Venetian replicates the beautiful Venice in Italy. Megastructures looks at how this Las Vegas hotel and casino was built. The documentary includes brief comments from the Venetian's Theme Design Director, Robert Hlusack.Episode #28: The Ultimate Roller CoasterOriginal Airdate: October 25, 2005How would it feel to go from zero to 205 kph in three and a half seconds? Ride the world's fastest roller coaster, Kingda Ka and find out. Located at Six Flags Great Adventure theme park in New Jersey, U.S. this monster thrill ride is also the world's tallest roller coaster, with its highest point at a record-setting 45 stories. In this episode of MegaStructures, find out how workers overcome some of the most difficult engineering and weather challenges to design and construct the world record-breaking ride. Join the designers as they test their creation and follow the entire construction process from its slow and steady start through to its dramatic and heart-racing finish.Episode #29: NORAD (Spy Fortress) (original Airdate: November 8, 2005)When the Cold War was looming, the United States and Canada built an aerospace defense command center deep inside a Colorado mountain. But it wasn't easy.... It was a race against time as the military overcame engineering and technical challenges to build NORAD before it became too late!Episode #30: Berlin Train Terminal (Berlin's Grand Central)Original Airdate: November 15, 2005In Berlin a construction team races to finish Europe's newest and largest train station, before millions of fans descend on the city for the World Cup. To meet this deadline, engineers will tip two massive steel towers over the station's newly completed glass roof in just two days. The new station is a bold symbol of German reunification. It sits squarely on the former border between East and West Germany. More importantly, it connects Europe's two main rail routes: from Paris to Moscow, and from Stockholm to Vienna - placing Berlin firmly at the centre of a new Europe. Designed by world famous architect Meinhard Von Gerkan, it is sheathed almost entirely in glass. Follow this daring team as they attempt an engineering feat never before accomplished in construction history.Episode #31: Boston's Big DigOriginal Airdate: November 22, 2005How do you dig a 'state of the art' ten-lane tunnel highway directly underneath the downtown area of one of the busiest cities in America? And how do you do this without disrupting the daily life of that city? The Boston Big Dig is one of the largest, most complex and technologically ambitious city transformations ever undertaken. An entire transport network is being built under and around this living city. The construction will cost more than the Panama Canal and Hoover Dam combined - $15 billion dollars and climbing. When completed it will transform one of America's oldest cities into one of the worlds most modern. 32. Ultimate Oil Rigs First aired: 12/6/2005 The dwindling energy supplies have forced oil companies to set up their oil rigs in some of the harshest environments on the globe. Ultimate Oil Rigs introduces viewers to the Noble Piet, an oil rig built to withstand the fury of the natural elements of the North Sea. The episodes follows the roughnecks as they drill for natural gases deep under the ocean bed. As well as follow the crew of Keppel FELS shipyard in Singapore in the designing and building of 23 rigs within 2 years.33. Cosmodrome First aired: 12/13/2005 Episode #34: Millau Bridge (aka World's Tallest Bridge)Original Airdate: December 20, 2005Opened in 2004, the Millau Viaduct in Southern France is the tallest bridge in the world. At 343 metres it is almost a third taller than any other. With the roadway above the clouds, many believe it to also be most beautiful.35. Mega Ship First aired: 12/27/2005 The episodes documents the 134,000 ton Mega Ship's voyage through the pirate infested waters of the Singapore and Malacca Straits carrying millions of dollars of precious cargo. From the bridge to the engine room, Megastructures follow Captain Llewellyn as he guides his ship to the port of Singapore.36. Berlin Wall First aired: 3/14/2006 Episode #37: Impossible Bridges: GreeceThe Rion-Antirion Bridge in Greece is the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, with a continuously suspended deck of over two kilometres. The challenges of building a bridge across the Strait of Corinth stumped architects for over a century. Built directly over a seismic fault line, the bridge spans water more than sixty metres deep where bedrock is found only deep below the surface. For millennia, movements in the Earth's crust have been splitting Greece. Find out how designers and engineers overcame nature's worst to make Greece whole again. Episode #38: Impossible Bridges: Denmark To SwedenDenmark and Sweden are linked again for the first time since being landlocked 7,000 years ago during the Ice Age. The world's longest single bridge carrying both road and railway traffic, the Oresund, now connects these neighbours. Follow the progress of this project from its inception in the early 1990s to its opening in 2000 and the challenges faced by the designers, engineers, and construction team, as they build a structure that radically changes the face of Scandinavia. The solutions they employ in tackling three very separate projects, the centrepiece of which is this massive bridge, challenge traditional building techniques. Find out what extreme equipment, massive supplies and innovative designs it takes to create this unique ten mile link.Episode #39: The Hoover DamIt took five years to build. When completed in 1936, Hoover Dam was one of the world's largest hydroelectric facilities. Today, it generates 4 billion kilowatt-hours of energy a year, enough to serve 1.3 million people. An astonishing 660 feet thick at its base, the dam needs to be strong enough to store up to two years' worth of the Colorado River's average water flow. 40. Inside NCIS First aired: 5/30/2006 Episode #41: Garbage MountainIt's big, it's nasty but it's more than just a hole in the ground. Puente Hills is Los Angeles' dirtiest suburb. Mammoth machines trundle around a pile of trash twenty stories high. Man and technology are pitted in battle against a tidal wave of waste. Some landfills take in 2,000 tons of trash a day but America's largest active dump takes in that amount each hour. Take a spin in the 120,000 lb Bomag Compactor with its 55-inch garbage crushing steel wheels. Puente Hills powers over 100,000 homes and a fleet of vehicles with the landfill's methane gas. Sift through the gargantuan world of garbage and find out what happens to your trash when you're not looking.42. Tanks: Machines of War First aired: 8/17/2006 Episode #43: SupertankerThese giants of the sea can hold the energy equivalent to 60 Hiroshima bombs and help sustain the global economy. Discover how these incredible ships are designed and built.44. Missiles: Machines of War First aired: 9/7/2006 Episode #45: SteelSteel is one of the strongest materials on earth. It has altered civilisations and changed the course of history. From the soaring skylines in a vast metropolis to dinner tables across the world and razor sharp tools responsible for medical miracles: steel has helped sculpt life as we know it. Come face to face with this alloy's marvellous simplicity and the grand and innovative structures it has given birth to, such as the Brooklyn Bridge and Empire State Building.Episode #46: Megafactories: Apache HelicopterThe Apache is perhaps the most lethal attack helicopter in the world. Pass through the security protocols at the Boeing plant in Mesa, Arizona, to see how this battle tank of the air is built. How it is engineered to be a stealth fighter, flying low over the battlefield, resistant to heavy groundfire. Built to take multiple hits yet bring its pilots home. How it is engineered to hide its tracks as it steals through the skies, to evade enemy radar and heat-seeking missiles. How it sports some of the most sophisticated military technology on the planet. Workers at the Boeing plant, and the men who actually fight the battles and return home in the Apache, reveal the secrets of this deadly fighting machine.47. Guns: Machines of War First aired: 10/12/2006 Episode #48: Panama CanalOriginal Airdate: October 19, 2006Lifting a mind-blowing 14,000 ships a year over a nine-storey mountain range, the Panama Canal relies on some of the mightiest machines in the world: gargantuan locks, a colossal crane, and the world's largest dipper dredge. This is one of the trickiest waterways in the world, but thousands of ships risk it every year to deliver their goods faster. Demand is so high, traffic never stops and plans for a bigger, better canal are underway. Can the mother of all mega movers handle the pressure?Episode #49: Built from Brick (aka Science of Bricks)It was used to construct the Great Wall of China and it's still used by builders today. Find out how bricks are made and why this old-fashioned technology has lasted for centuries.Episode #50: ConcreteThe building block of the Roman Empire is also the material of choice for a new generation of gravity-defying skyscrapers. From the sidewalks of New York to the fast-growing Burj Dubai (slated to be the world's tallest building when it is completed in 2008), the most widely used building material on Earth continues to be a crucial tool of engineers and architects alike. Concrete's footprint is everywhere but the quiet power of this ""liquid rock"" is too often taken for granted. Cross the globe, visiting the break-neck construction in Dubai and the batch plants of the Panama Canal as well as the concrete pours of Hoover Dam before travelling back in time to see one of the first concrete icons, the Pantheon in Rome.Episode #51: Megafactories: FerrariIt is the world's most famous sports car. Go behind the scenes of Ferrari's top-secret factory in Marnello, Italy, to see why vehicles bearing the Prancing Stallion emblem are so highly prized. Out of molten metal is born the latest, most powerful sports car that will top 200 miles an hour. Incredible robots and spectacular processes at every point in the production line are filmed with special close-up lenses and illustrated with advanced 3D graphics. Learn the design secrets of Ferrari's newest car and put the pedal to the metal with a test drive on Ferrari's private race track.Episode #52: "Money Factory" // U.S. TreasuryEpisode #53: Impossible Bridges: ChinaChina is having a bridge-building boom in the lead up to the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in 2008. Three ultimate bridges call this nation home: the Lupu is the longest arch bridge in the world, the Runyang is the largest suspension bridge in China (third longest in the world) and the Sutong is soon to be the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world. Tall enough to straddle huge cargo ships and strong enough to withstand powerful earthquakes and typhoon-force winds, these bridges aren't anything but mega. But to build these structures engineers have to overcome enormous challenges. They battle floods, unstable soil, strong currents, and potential ship collisions. See the amazing solutions they must devise to construct three of the world's most astonishing Mega Bridges.Episode #54: Ultimate SubUltimate Sub deconstructs a mystery machine that few of us have seen up close - and even fewer fully understand. How can a super-size hunk of heavy metal, packed to the gills with fragile humans, dominate an underwater world where the pressure is so intense it could crush you to death in seconds? Focusing on the latest-generation submarine, the USS Texas, as well as other international subs, Ultimate Sub tells the story of this incredible invention. Through exclusive access to training missions, CGI and recreation, we'll show how today's submarines defy the imagination: they dive deeper, are quieter (and deadlier) and are capable of feats that would amaze even science fiction writers. We also investigate what happened in some historic accidents and show how new technologies seek to prevent future calamities. Episode #55: Ice Hotel10,000 tons of crystal clear ice and 30,000 tons of pure snow are needed to build the Ice Hotel in Sweden every year. The hotel accommodates over 100 guests and every bedroom is unique. It has become renowned for its ingenuity and originality but it isn't the only structure created from ice. A little further into Sweden's northern wilderness is a network of roads that are created every winter on top of the Baltic Sea. Witness the construction and disappearance of two of the world's most unique Megastructures.Episode #56: Rockeaters (Iceland's Big Dig)Six hundred feet below the surface of Iceland's remote Eastern highlands, a gigantic Tunnel Boring Machine grinds constantly. Over 25 feet in diameter and nine miles down through solid basalt, one of the world's hardest rocks, 'Jaws' is just days away from finishing a tunnel it's spent two years creating. The passageway is the lynchpin in a massive hydro-electric project that plans to use the melt water from a massive glacier to make electricity. With water bursts turning the tunnel into a river, the constant danger of rock falls and mechanical breakdowns bringing Jaws to a standstill, the chances of missing the target are high. It takes a team of surveyors, geologists and operators to turn some very complicated math into reality and a mega mover with plenty of punch. Will Jaws breakthrough or bust?Episode #57: Super PipelineBy 2008, Norway will be connected to the United Kingdom via a 1,200 km super pipeline - the longest sub sea pipeline in the world. But this connection is just one part of an enormous plan to tap into Norway's second largest gas deposit, capable of providing 20 percent of the UK's gas needs for decades to come. Located 3 km below the ocean's surface and 120 km offshore, the deposit is beyond human reach. All construction has to be completed by robots working against strong underwater currents, sub-zero temperatures and extreme wind and wave conditions. When tapped, the gas will be transported to one of the largest automated gas processing plants to prepare it for shipment to Britain. Each phase of this tricky project puts ingenuity and engineering to the ultimate test.Episode #58: Deep Sea DrillersIn an attempt to tap some of the most inaccessible natural gas on the planet, five hi-tech mega vessels will complete a 1,800 square mile gas network, over a mile and a half below the ocean's surface. At the heart of the project is the enormous gas-processing platform, the Independence Hub. This massive floating platform stretches over 80 metres and towers almost 34 stories high. If the mega movers succeed in creating this deep sea gas project, the system will produce a whopping 1 billion cubic feet of gas per day, enough to supply nearly 5 million US households. But if the mega movers can't synchronise perfectly to make the complex gas gathering station work, the project will be nothing but a US$2 billion mistake.Episode #59:"Ultimate Chopper" // AgustaWestland EH101 Episode #60: Megafactories: Harley-DavidsonThe Harley-Davidson V-Rod is the first Harley-Davidson motorcycle to go from 0 to 96 kilometres per hour in just 3.52 seconds - nearly twice as fast as any other Harley-Davidson bike. With its thrilling speed, liquid-cooled engine and exterior frame, the V-Rod represents a number of important firsts for Harley-Davidson. At the Harley-Davidson factory in Kansas City, US, it is up to the engineers, designers and factory workers to ensure the V-Rod can handle the high speeds for which it was designed, whilst maintaining the signature Harley-Davidson style consumers have come to love. Robots engage in a carefully choreographed dance to create the motorcycle's unique frame and remove any kinks. The engine assembly line, which puts together the V-Rod's powerful V-Twin engine, includes miniature cameras that monitor for any missing parts. Inside this mega factory, workers also build the V-Rod's custom-made cousins: Screamin' Eagle V-Rod and the Screamin' Eagle V-Rod Destroyer, the fastest factory-built drag racer ever made.61."Megafactories: Corvette" // 62."Megafactories: Trucks" // Peterbilt trucks 63."Megafactories: Tanks" // M1 Abrams 64."Huge Moves: Colossal Churches" // moving churches 65."Huge Moves: Historic Homes" // moving houses 66."Huge Moves: Massive Machines" // lifting a train into the London Underground/lifting a sunken floatplane from a lake bed 67."Huge Moves: Total Towns" // moving floating houses to Victoria, Canada/building houses and moving them to make a new neighbourhood Episode #68: Future TrainsSpeeding at 430 kph, a futuristic magnetic levitation train links the Pudong International Airport with Shanghai's Longyang Road Station. The 30 km journey between air strip and financial district is now only an eight minute joyride. As the world's first commercial electromagnetic levitation train system, MAGLEV combines the technology of conventional rail and the time advantages of air travel to produce a safe, energy efficient and low-maintenance form of transport that could change the face of 21st century travel. Episode #69: World Island Wonder (aka Building the World)Dubai's desert landscape is transforming itself into the tourist capital of Earth, and the location of the most audacious reclaimed land project to date. From the depths of the Arabian Gulf, 300 new islands are appearing above the waves to form the world map. It's so large it can be seen from space and so challenging to build that it threatens to push the construction team to the limit. Go on a rollercoaster journey through the story of The World Islands and see how an extraordinary dream is being transformed into an amazing reality.Episode #70: Dubai's Dream PalaceDubai is on the verge of entering the new millennium but is faced with a serious problem. The oil is running dry and the emirate needs an urgent solution. The ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has a brainwave to turn Dubai into the world's number-one tourist destination, and the idea for the iconic Burj Al-Arab hotel is born. It's an audacious dream. The project team will have to build the first reclaimed island in the Middle East and construct the world's tallest atrium, a helipad 650 feet in the air and a cantilever restaurant. It will push the team to their limits but, if they succeed, they will put Dubai on the map and secure its future for the 21st Century.71."Bridge of Mostar" Episode #72: World's Biggest ShredderExperience the mighty mega shredder. The world's largest recycling machine takes the floor space of an entire factory. It reduces the equivalent of 450 cars an hour to an unrecognisable pulp. And that's just one part of the 9 million tonnes of scrap metal spat from the jaws of the world's biggest metal shredder every year. Hauling away the fragments of what were once refrigerators and other household goods demands the services of a gargantuan gantry crane. In only 72 hours that crane will fill a 30,000 tonne cargo ship that in turn will lug the precious scraps onto the world metal recycling market.Episode #73: World Trade Centre BahrainWitness the Bahrain World Trade Centre. Two 50-storey glass "sails" rise over 240 metres into the sky along the shores of the Persian Gulf. This unique architectural marvel is powered in part by a revolutionary new means for a building this size - wind. This is the world's first large-scale integration of wind turbines into a skyscraper. Three massive turbines supply clean power to the buildings. Explore the science behind the concept and discover how engineers and construction crews tackle this audacious project. In an oil-rich region of the world, the team transforms the vision to reality and looks to the future, committed to a renewable energy source of mega proportions.Episode #74: Hawaii Super FerryConstruction is underway on the Hawaii Super Ferry. This Mega-Mover will be the largest aluminium vessel of its kind ever built in the US - a floating city complete with shops, restaurants and enough storage space to stash nearly 300 cars. It is designed to ride the big waves of Hawaii and forge new routes for inter-island commerce and travel. A team of workers in Alabama must convert the innovative design into a functional ferry, built for stability and speed. Will they succeed?Episode #75: Queen Mary 2The Queen Mary 2 is the biggest passenger ship ever built. Three times bigger than the R.M.S. Titanic and weighing in at 150 thousand tonnes, Queen Mary 2’s design must be revolutionary to keep it afloat. Breaking all records it is the tallest, longest, widest, strongest and fastest of all liners, but is also the most expensive, costing almost a billion dollars to complete. Despite all this, it is also the most manoeuvrable, able to turn unaided a full 360 degrees, in port. Examine the engineering genius behind one of the most impressive Megastructures in the world.Episode #76: South Pole StationWelcome to the South Pole, one of the most isolated places on the planet. For decades, the South Pole has been a haven for astronomy, climatology and other science fields. Now, nearly 50 years after the first research station was built, a team of mega-builders is daring to construct a 21st century science research facility: the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. But it will be fraught with challenges - construction materials must arrive by air and planes can only land here four months of the year. Worse, builders have just 100 days every season to construct this behemoth, battling the endless snow accumulation and unpredictable weather. If the team succeeds, they'll pull off the largest construction project ever attempted at the South Pole. But if they fail, they could leave an entire community hanging on ice.77."Ancient Megastructures:Chartes Cathedral" // 78."Ancient Megastructures:Colosseum" // 79."Ancient Megastructures:The Great Pyramid" // Episode #80: Megafactories: BMWTake a behind-the-scenes tour and gain insight into BMW's high-tech and innovative manufacturing plants as they create the sleek and stylish Z4 Roadster.Episode #81: Megafactories: CorvetteGo behind the scenes at Corvette, where they create the ZO6 supercar. It has a unique, hand-built, powerful engine that can propel it to speeds of 200mph.Episode #82: Beijing Water CubeJust in time for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, workers are feverishly putting the finishing touches on the National Aquatics Centre – the Beijing Water Cube. A stroke of design genius, this Olympic Megastructure is a steel honeycomb-like frame enclosed entirely by a unique skin, modelled after soap bubbles. Using 90 kilometres worth of steel in 22,000 beams following no conventional straight lines, the Beijing Water Cube must be topped with 100,000 square metres of bubbles. Looking for a truly unique covering, the design team focuses on ETFE – a light-weight plastic invented to protect spaceships from cosmic radiation. Among ETFE’s unique properties, dot patterns on its surface can trap solar energy in the winter and reflect solar energy in the summer, keeping the building cool. The Beijing Water Cube is the largest ETFE construction in the world, and because of its honeycomb-like structure, 3,500 ETFE bubbles must be cut individually, and sized. Factor in that the dimensions have been created in Germany and must be translated into a Chinese database and the Beijing Water Cube becomes a bit of a logistical nightmare. Beijing’s Water Cube represents a true morphing of molecular science, architecture and structural engineering.Episode #83: Deep Earth Drillers (aka Steam Drillers)Journey around the globe in search of what is perhaps Earth's most available green energy: geothermal power. Visit Iceland, where an abundance of geothermal energy is helping Icelanders achieve an incredible 70 per cent green energy use overall. Explore the world's largest geothermal power complex in northern California, and hear from scientists and visionaries racing to help geothermal technology not just dig deeper into the Earth's hottest layers but also to try to expand the potential of geothermal power across the planet.Episode #84: Deep Ocean PortYangshan Deep Water Port is located in the middle of the ocean, 30km from dry land. With 20km of quay and 50 berths, Yangshan is destined to become the biggest deep water port ever built.Episode #85: Shanghai Super TowerThe Shanghai World Financial Centre will, on completion, be mainland China's tallest building. At 101 floors tall, the skyscraper has been built to withstand anything nature and man can throw at it.Episode #86: Ultimate Skyscraper, NYCVisit amazing construction and engineering projects as building experts employ green technology on a mega scale.87. Fire Truck88."Megafactories: UPS" 89.Megafactories: CaterpillarWith more horsepower than 30 Ferraris, CAT make the biggest mining trucks in the world, with 12ft wheels and engines bigger than a car.90. Megafactories: Winnebago91. Atom SmasherThe Large Hadron Collider is a titan of science. A monster of engineering, the biggest computer game in the world.Episode #92: World's Biggest CasinoGroomed as Asia's gambling capital, Macau is home to the world's largest casino - the Venetian. We follow the construction of the resort which will include a huge hotel, 15,000 seat arena and a canal.93."Bridge Breakdown" Megastructures Breakdown: Extreme Bridge DemolitionA young demolition team must lower an historic bridge to recycle 25,000 tons of steel, concrete and rebar (steel bars used to reinforce concrete), all while testing their limits, fighting the elements and racing against a ticking clock. 94."Sinking An Aircraft Carrier" 95."Icelandic Super Dam" 96: Beijing Olympic StadiumYou can't host the Olympics without a world-class facility and, for 2008, China's gearing up to do the honours by building one of the world's largest enclosed facilities - the Beijing National Stadium. 42,000 tons of twisted steel and a stadium to seat 90,000 people - one of the biggest and most ambitious constructions projects ever attempted in modern China. Against the backdrop of China's rush to the Olympics, examine the unique features of the "bird's nest" stadium, following its design, engineering and construction up until the ultimate test, where Games organisers will find out if this ambitious project is ready in time for the Opening Ceremony of the XXIX Olympiad.台湾版经原发布者同意转自《Discovery/NGC 频道录下来的纪录片蒐集》


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