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当你重新安装WINDOWS后,你需要安装游戏DVD1上带的RGSC,然后拷贝REGSETUP.EXE 到你的GTA4游戏安装目录,执行即可
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冀ICP证B2-& GTA IV PC複製保護和網路激活細節
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UID1002101主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分935金钱4340 荣誉10 人气2 在线时间379 小时评议0
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Rockstar utilizes onetime activation and Securom
Continuation: GTA 4 PC DRM: Copy protection and activation in detail
Q. Why did R* choose to have copy protection?
A. Creating video game entertainment is our passion and we invest a considerable amount of time and effort to release each title, and employ a large number of people in the process. Having copy protection allows us to protect the integrity or our titles and future investments, but at the same time we have worked very hard to ensure that our solutions do not persecute the legitimate players of our games. Implemented correctly, SecuROM is the most effective form of disc based copy protection and allows us to manage authenticity on a global level for Grand Theft Auto IV.
Q. What do I need to do to start playing GTA IV on my PC?
A. A copy of the game (retail disc or digital distribution) and a computer that meets the minimum system specifications is required. An internet connection, assorted software installations, and certain service registrations are required for activation and use of all the software features. The minimum system specifications, recommended system specifications, required software installations and other requirements are listed at the end of this document.
You will need an active internet connection to activate the software and the retail disk is required to be in the computer drive in order to play.
In order to upload videos to our internet site and play online multi-player modes, you will also need an active internet connection and accounts with both Rockstar Games Social Club and Games for Window-LIVE.
GTA IV PC also requires a number of software installations, including Games For Windows, Adobe Flash, Internet Explorer, SecuROM and our Rockstar Games Social Club application.
Q. Do I need to activate this game online?
A. Yes, but to be clear, if you install the game on a computer that isn't connected to the internet, you can perform certain steps to activate your game on another PC with an active internet connection. Once the game is distributed, information on this method will be available on a GTA IV support page.
Q. I don't have any internet connection. I only intend to play offline in single player. Do I still need to authenticate online somehow? Or is there another way I can get my purchase running.
A. We have provided a means whereby users that do not have an active internet connection at home can go to another computer that does have one, and access a support site that will help you through the authentication process.
Q. I'm in the service, and I want to play this game on my laptop while overseas, will I ever run into any trouble playing if I'm away from a connection for months at a time?
A. An active internet connection is required to play multi-player games and upload user-created videos, but the offline single-player mode is always available - even if you aren't connected to the internet.
To save offline gameplay and Achievement point progress related to a particular GFWL Gamertag, you must have logged in with that Gamertag at least once and saved your progress with it. Achievement points are not tracked in 'offline' accounts in GFWL games. Single-player game progress is always tracked and saved.
Q. Does GTA IV include any version of SecuROM? If so, what kind? Is it like a rootkit?
A. GTA IV PC uses SecuROM for protecting our EXE until street date has passed, to ensure the retail disk is in the computer drive, and is used for Product Activation of the title. Product Activation is a one time only online authentication when installing the game. GTA IV has no install limits for the retail disc version of the game, and that version can be installed on an unlimited number of PCs by the retail disk owner.
Q. How many times will I need to authenticate my retail disk? I've purchased the game. why do I need to constantly remind your company that I'm not a dirty pirate?
A. You will only need to authenticate the retail disk once per Windows account per machine. Even if you uninstall and re-install the game, it will not have to be re-authenticated.
There are some unique circumstances under which you may have to re-authenticate the software on a machine. For example, if you change any two 'major' components on your PC, i.e. CPU and video card, you will have to re-authenticate the title.
Also, if you install on a different PC or under a different Windows account on the same machine, you will have to authenticate that installation as well, but this is standard to any software needing a serial.
Q. Will any type of software be running in the background of my PC while installing or playing the game? If so, what kind?
A. Games for Windows-LIVE and SecuROM will run when the game is running, but not at any other time.
The Rockstar Games Social Club application is required to run in order to launch and play the game.
Q. If so, is there anyway to get rid of them?
A. These components are required to play the game.
Q. How many times can I install and uninstall GTA IV using the retail disc I purchased?
A. As many times as you would like, if using the retail disc version.
Q. Will I need the disc in the drive at all times?
A. To launch and play the GTA IV retail version, you must have GTA IV Disc 1 in the drive. If you want to play without a disk in the drive, you should buy the digital version of the game.
Q. If I download a copy from a digital distribution channel, such as Direct2Drive, how many times can I then uninstall and reinstall the game?
A. Each digital download vendor has its own policy on the number of installations that are allowed. Check the vendor's policy before you purchase.
Q. Will the downloaded digital distribution version of the game come with any different type of DRM than the retail version?
A. All versions of the game will use SecuROM for Product Activation. Downloadable versions of the game will have additional code if the vendor requires it, such as Valve's Steam program.
Q. I have several machines, including a large rig at home, in my office, and a laptop that I take on the road. Can I install the game on all of my machines at once, and if so, how many?
A. Yes. If you have the retail disc version you will just need to take the disc with you and you can play on an unlimited number of machines. For the digital download versions you can install the game on 5 different PCs at one time, and can always REVOKE a license from any of those machines at any time to allow more new installations on a total of 5 machines at any time.
Q. If I install the digital download version on my multiple machines, will it be easy, like iTunes, to simply reset which computers I've authorized on my own?
A. Our authentication tool does not work quite the same as iTunes. Once the game is installed, if a user never goes online again, we cannot REVOKE a license from that computer. So a global 'reset' is not available for the digital distribution authentication.
There are tools on the local machine and support options to revoke a license on any particular machine, in just about any case, but they must be REVOKED one-at-a-time.
Q. If I need to activate this game online when I purchase it, what measures are in place to ensure I can still play the game in the event that a Rockstar server becomes temporarily unavailable? I don't want to be stuck with a $60 coaster in my house. I just paid for it!
A. As mentioned above, registration is a one-time process in most cases and only takes a few seconds to perform.
Q. Will I ever need to call any sort of hotline, if I should run into any trouble reinstalling the game I have already paid for?
A. There are various web-support options for both Rockstar Games and SecuROM, but phone support is available to both companies if needed.
Q. In the seemingly inevitable event that some dirty pirate manages to crack GTA IV PC and make it available, what are the advantages and disadvantages to using a legitimate copy over a pirated one?
A. Aside from the fact that warez are a great place to pick up a Trojan or key logger, using a cracked copy of GTA IV PC will result in varying changes to the game experience. These can range from comical to game-progress-halting changes.
Rockstar Games rewards loyal, paying customers and will offer incentives and downloadable content that will only be available to registered users of the game, running non-hacked copies, via Rockstar Games Social Club.
Q. Is this game going to be available on Steam? And if you are using SecuROM on the retail version, will it also be a part of the any version distributed digitally? Either via Steam or other?
A. All versions of the game will use SecuROM functionality. Steam will requires an extra layer of code to purchase and buy the game via Steam. Since Steam requires a login it will not have install limits that some other Digital Download copies will.
Q. The SecuROM name alone instantly scares away so many vocal online consumers such as me, why exactly has Rockstar decided to use it as well? I swore I'd NEVER buy ANY game with SecuROM, ever, based on principal. What makes GTA IV any different?
A. SecuROM offers a diverse toolset to publishers to help safeguard their IP and interests. Vocal 'board posters' seem to be most down on the SecuROM feature that limits the number of installations. But this SecuROM functionality is really nothing different than what iTunes has used for years now, which is used in over 500 millions files purchased from iTunes store.
We recognize that the installation limits have been a major issue, so we have not limited the number of installations for the retail disk version of GTA IV PC. The only installation limits will be the ones used by our digital distribution partners. If users are concerned about install limits, they should buy the retail disk version of the game.
Q. I share a PC with my brother. If we buy GTA IV, will we still be able to play separate games? Can I play my game and save my progress in offline and online stat tracking, while he plays separately on his own when I'm not? We won't have to buy two copies of the game, will we? We don't have to do that for our 360 games.
A. If two users who play under the same windows account want to track offline games separately, they will just need to create two profiles in the game in the Games for Windows-LIVE interface in the game.
If two users want to track their own Achievements and rankings in online MP matches, they will each need their own Gamertag, which is also created in the Games for Windows-LIVE interface.
If users would like to track their own stats progress and other features exclusive to Social Club, they would each need a separate Social Club account to do so as well.
Q. If I uninstall GTA IV, how can I be certain that there won't be anything left on my computer? I remember hearing that SecuROM was still on computers even if someone uninstalled Spore. I don't want to have to jump through any hoops just to uninstall a game and anything else that was on the disc when I installed it.
A. As part of the uninstall process, the Rockstar Games Social Club application and the GTA IV game can both be removed. Shared software and plug-ins, such as Games for Windows Live, Adobe Flash and Direct-X may have to be deleted separately. In regards to SecuROM, deleting GTA IV will remove the active functions if it is the only application that requires SecuROM, but some traces will remain, such as a registry entry and file, which allows you to reinstall without re-entering your authentication code. We are working with SecuROM to post information on our support pages regarding how to remove these inactive traces of the program for users who wish to do so.
Q. I have serious problems with software or registry entries being installed on my computer by games and then not allowing me to uninstall them. Even if I do manage to get them off of my computer, how can I be sure my game will still run?
A. If you remove any components needed for GTA IV, like SecuROM, Games for Windows-LIVE or Social Club, the game will not run. Period.
Registry entries are part of each of these components and if removed will stop you from playing the game until you re-install all necessary components.
Q. Once I finish playing GTA IV, how can I go about giving it to my brother or friend as a gift? I bought it in the store just like all my other games, I can still hand it off to others once I'm done with it, right?
A. You can give the game out to anyone you want, at any point. If you bought the disc version, only the user who currently has the disc in the drive while playing will get to do so.
Q: What are the Minimum System Requirements?
OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athalon X2 64 2.4Ghz
Memory: 1.5GB, 16GB Free Hard Drive Space
Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900
Q: What are the Recommended System Requirements?
OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / Windows XP - Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz
Memory: 2.5GB Vista / 2GB XP, 18 GB Free Hard Drive Space
Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512MB ATI 3870
Q: What are the Other System Requirements?
Initial activation requires Online play requires log-in to Games for Windows - LIVE and Rockstar Games Social Club (13+ to register); retail version requires disc in drive to play (unlimited installations for retail discs in most countries); software installations required including Sony DADC SecuROM, Adobe Flash, DirectX, and Microsoft's .NET Framework, Games for Windows - LIVE, and Internet Explorer.
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继续: GTA 4个人计算机DRM : 详细拷贝保护和活化作用
Q. R*为什么选择有拷贝保护?
A.创造电子游戏娱乐是我们的激情,并且我们在过程中投资相当数量时刻和努力发布每个标题,并且雇用很大数量的人民。 有拷贝保护允许我们保护正直或我们的标题和未来投资,但是我们非常努力同时工作保证我们的解答不迫害我们的比赛的合法的球员。 实施恰当地, SecuROM是磁盘基础拷贝保护的最有效的形式并且允许我们处理在一个全球性水平上的真实性偷窃汽车的IV。
Q. 我需要做什么开始演奏在我的个人计算机的GTA IV ?
A. 符合极小的系统规范需要比赛(零售圆盘或数字式发行)和计算机的拷贝。 互联网连接、被分类的软件安装和某些服务注册对于对所有软件特点的活化作用和用途是必需的。 极小的系统规范、建议使用的系统规范、必需的软件设施和其他要求是列出的在结尾的本文。
GTA IV个人计算机为Windows、Adobe闪光、Internet Explorer、SecuROM和我们的Rockstar比赛俱乐部应用也要求一定数量的软件安装,包括比赛。
Q. 我是否需要在网上激活这场比赛?
A. 是,但是确切,如果您在没有被连接到互联网的计算机安装比赛,您可执行某些步激活您的在另一台个人计算机的比赛与活跃互联网连接。 一旦分布比赛,关于这个方法的信息将是可利用的在GTA IV支持页。
Q. 我没有任何互联网连接。 我在单打队员只打算使用离线。 仍然我是否需要莫名其妙地在网上证实? 或者有我可以得到我的购买赛跑的另一个方式。
A. 我们提供手段,藉以在家没有活跃互联网连接的用户可以去有一的另一台计算机,并且访问通过认证过程将帮助您的支持站点。
Q. 我是在服务,并且我想要打在我的膝上型计算机的这场比赛,当国外,我将遇到使用时所有的麻烦,如果我每次是远离连接几个月?
A. 要求活跃互联网连接打多功能单放机的比赛和上载用户建立的录影,但是离线唯一球员方式总是可利用的-,即使您没有被联络到互联网。
要保存离线gameplay和成就点进展与特殊GFWL Gamertag关连,您一定至少一次登录了与那Gamertag和保存了您的与它的进展。 成就点在‘在GFWL比赛的离线’帐户没有被跟踪。 唯一球员比赛进展总是被跟踪并且被保存。
Q. GTA是否IV包括SecuROM的任何版本? 如果那样,什么种类? 它喜欢rootkit ?
A. GTA IV个人计算机为保护我们的EXE,直到街道日期通过了,保证零售盘使用SecuROM在计算机驱动和为标题的产品活化作用使用。 当安装比赛时,产品活化作用是仅一次网上认证。 GTA IV有没有安装比赛的零售圆盘版本的极限,并且那个版本在无限数目的个人计算机可以被安装由零售盘所有者。
Q.我将需要证实多少次我的零售盘? 我购买了比赛。 我为什么需要经常提醒您的公司我不是一位肮脏的海盗?
A. 您只将需要证实零售盘一次每个Windows帐户每个机器。 即使您卸载并且再安装比赛,它不会必须重新鉴别。
有您可以必须重新鉴别在机器的软件的一些独特的情况。 例如,如果您改变在您的个人计算机,即CPU和显示卡的任何二个‘少校’组分,您将必须重新鉴别标题。
Q. 任一种软件是否跑在我的个人计算机背景中,当安装或打比赛时? 如果那样,什么种类?
A. 要求这些组分打比赛。
Q.我可以安装和卸载多少次GTA IV使用我购买的零售圆盘?
Q. 我是否一直将需要圆盘在驱动?
A. 要发行和播放GTA IV零售版本,您必须有在驱动的GTA IV圆盘1。 如果您想要使用,不用在驱动的一张盘,您应该买比赛的数字式版本。
Q. 如果我下载从一条数字式分配渠道的一个拷贝,例如Direct2Drive,多少次能我那么卸载并且再安装比赛?
A. 每个数字式下载供营商有它由于允许设施的数量的自己的政策。 在您购买之前,检查供营商的政策。
Q. 比赛的被下载的数字式发行版本是否比零售版本将来与任何不同种DRM ?
A. 比赛的所有版本为产品活化作用将使用SecuROM。 比赛的下载的版本将有辅助码,如果供营商需要它,例如阀门的蒸汽节目。
Q. 我在家有我在路采取的几个机器,包括一套大船具,在我的办公室和一台膝上型计算机。 我可以立即安装多少比赛在所有我的机器,如果那样, ?
A. 是。 如果您有零售圆盘版本您将需要采取与您的圆盘,并且您在无限数目的机器能使用。 对于数字式下载版本您在5台不同个人计算机一次安装比赛,并且能在任何时候总是取消从的一个执照任何那些机器在任何时候允许总共5个机器的更新的设施。
Q. 如果我在我的多个机器安装数字式下载版本,是否将是容易,象iTunes,重新设置我独自地批准了的计算机?
A. 我们的认证工具不相当运转同iTunes一样。 一旦安装比赛,如果用户再从未联机,我们不可能取消一个执照从那台计算机。 不因此全球性‘重新设置’为数字式发行认证是可利用的。
Q. 如果我需要在网上激活这场比赛,当我购买它时,什么措施是到位保证我能仍然打比赛,在Rockstar服务器变得临时地无法获得情况下? 我不在我的房子里想要困住与一艘$60沿海航船。 我支付了它!
Q. 将我需要叫所有类热线,任何; 如果我应该遇到再安装比赛的任何麻烦我已经付出了?
A. 有各种各样的网支持Rockstar比赛和SecuROM的选择,若需要,但是电话支持供给两家公司。
Q. 在某些肮脏的海盗设法崩裂GTA IV个人计算机和做它可利用的表面上不可避免的事件,什么是好处和缺点对使用在一被盗版的一个的一个合法的拷贝?
A.除事实之外warez是拾起一个巨大的地方特洛伊人或钥匙日志记录器,使用GTA IV个人计算机的一个破裂的拷贝导致对比赛经验的变化的变动。 这些可能从可笑范围到比赛进步制止的变动。
Q. 这场比赛是可利用的在蒸汽? 并且,如果您使用在零售版本的SecuROM,它是否也将是数位分布的任何版本的部分? 通过蒸汽或其他?
A. 比赛的所有版本将使用SecuROM功能。 蒸汽意志要求代码额外层数通过蒸汽购买和买比赛。 因为蒸汽要求注册它不会有安装其他数字式下载拷贝将的极限。
Q. 命名单独Rockstar为什么立即把许多声音网上消费者吓跑例如我的SecuROM,正确地决定使用它? 我发誓我根据校长不会买与SecuROM的所有比赛。 什么使GTA IV任何不同?
A. SecuROM为出版者提供一个不同的成套工具帮助保障他们的IP和兴趣。 声音‘委员会海报’似乎下来在限制设施的数量的SecuROM特点。 但是这种SecuROM功能真正地是不同没什么跟什么iTunes多年来现在使用了,用于从iTunes商店购买的500成千上万文件。
我们认为设施极限是一个主要争论点,因此我们未限制设施的数量GTA IV个人计算机的零售盘版本的。 唯一的设施极限将是我们的数字式发行伙伴使用的那个。 如果用户有关安装极限,他们应该买比赛的零售盘版本。
Q. 我与我的兄弟分享个人计算机。 如果我们买GTA IV,仍然我们能打分开的比赛? 我可以打我的比赛和除我的进展离线和跟踪网上的stat之外,而他独自地分别地使用,当我不是时? 我们不会必须买比赛的二个拷贝,是? 我们不必须做那我们的360场比赛的。
A. 如果使用在同一个窗口帐户之下的二名用户想要分别地跟踪离线比赛,他们在比赛将需要创造二外形在比赛为Windows居住在比赛的接口。
Q. 如果我卸载GTA IV,我怎么可以肯定任何左在我的计算机上? 我记得听见SecuROM仍然在计算机上,即使某人卸载孢子。 我不想要必须通过任何箍跳只卸载在圆盘的比赛和别的,当我安装了它。
A.作为卸载过程一部分,可能去除Rockstar比赛俱乐部应用和GTA IV比赛。 共有的软件和插入,例如活的Windows的比赛, Adobe闪光和指挥X也许必须分别地被删除。 关于SecuROM,删除GTA IV将去除活跃作用,如果它是要求SecuROM的唯一的应用,但是有些踪影将依然存在,例如登记词条和文件,允许您再安装,无需再进入您的认证代码。 我们与SecuROM一起使用张贴关于我们的支持页的信息关于怎样去除节目的这些不活泼的踪影希望如此做的用户的。
Q. 我有在我的计算机被安装的软件或登记词条的严重的问题由比赛然后不允许我卸载他们。 即使我设法出发他们我的计算机,我怎么可以是肯定我的比赛将跑?
A. 如果您去除为象SecuROM的GTA需要的任何组分IV,比赛为Windows居住或俱乐部,比赛不会跑。 期间。
Q. 一旦我完成演奏GTA IV,我怎么可以去给它我的兄弟或朋友作为礼物? 我在商店买了它象所有我的其他比赛,我可以仍然递它到其他,一旦我做与它,正确?
A. 您能给比赛您要的任何人,在任意时候。 如果您买了圆盘版本,只有当前有圆盘在驱动,当使用时的用户将得到如此做。
Q : 有何最低系统要求?
OS : Windows Vista -服务配套1/XP -服务配套3
处理器: 英特尔核心2二重奏1.8Ghz, AMD Athalon X2 64 2.4Ghz
记忆: 1.5GB, 16GB释放硬盘空间
显示卡: 256MB NVIDIA MB ATI X1900
Q : 有何建议使用的系统要求?
OS : Windows Vista -服务配套1/Windows XP -服务配套3
处理器: 英特尔核心2方形字体2.4Ghz, AMD杰出人材X3 2.1Ghz
记忆: 2.5GB景色/2GB XP, 18 GB释放硬盘空间
显示卡: 512MB NVIDIA MB ATI 3870
Q : 有何其他系统要求?
最初的活化作用要求互联网连接; 网上戏剧要求注册对比赛为Windows -居住和Rockstar比赛俱乐部(登记的13+); 零售版本要求在驱动的圆盘使用(零售圆盘的无限的设施在多数国家); 软件安装需要包括索尼DADC SecuROM, Adobe闪光、DirectX和微软的.NET框架, Windows的比赛-居住和Internet Explorer
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