求助里面的Aura Kingdom是幻想刀剑神域2 动漫

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游戏名称:Aura Kingdom中文名称:幻想神域OL法服网站:说实话,咱国人看得懂法语的真心少。美服太卡,只能去法服瞎玩玩了。如果有人会法语想玩法服可以一起加群:
1楼 10:12&|
2楼 10:26&|来自
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3楼 19:52&|
坟贴                       ______柒德武功成, 月明洲渚生。 山响传凤吹, 猫子彩丝牵。   
4楼 20:02&|来自
5楼 08:30&|
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玩 Aura Kingdom
Free to Play
此游戏的 DLC
Happy holidays everyone!
We hope you're all having a wonderful December with the new Scythe patch. Old players may have noticed something too... Aura Kingdom is now one year old!
Head out to our
and grab a key!
To get your present, just go the , log in with your Aeria Account (not Steam Account!) and enter your key to receive your present in-game!
Merry Christmas!
The entire Aura Kingdom Aeria Team
After the Ranger and the Ronin, the Necromancer has finally reached Azuria's shores! But he is not alone.
Check out all the new features that are now available in Aura Kingdom thanks to the latest patch!
Grab a few guild friends, take part in the new Guild Instance and fight your way through all the tedious battles that await you and your guild! Too much into a holiday mood to fight? No problem! You can simply take part in one of the Christmas Event quests, or event both!
In any case, whatever it is you're looking for, you're bound to find something to your liking in Aura Kingdom.
See you soon in game!
Patch Notes:
Content additions:
New playable class: The Necromancer.
Highly awaited, this new class will enable you to fight with a new weapon type, the Scythe. Of course, with this new class comes with new Secret Stones and Enchantment cards to boost up your Necromancer's spells as well as his 6 minions.
New Guild Instance system:
A new feature has been added for all the guilds out there to try out. It includes both Solo and Group battles which will enable you to obtain Guild Contribution points. The more battles you participate in and complete, the more points you get. Obtaining a certain amount of these will unlock rewards, such as Cyril's Key Fragments!
Note: Players will have to have been in a guild for at least 24h beforehand to be able to participate.
New Eidolons:
Athena and Cyril are two new Eidolons that have now been implemented in the game.
New Eidolon 3-Star evolutions:
Aelius and Vayu can now be evolved into their third form.
New Gear Type:
Gaia Emblems. You can now equip this new type of gear onto your character. Gaia emblems can only be obtained if you have a certain score of Eidolon Points and can be purchased in Navea from the Senior Eidolon Researcher at coordinates X:804 Y:605.
Christmas Events:
Two new Christmas daily event quests have been added. Here are the locations of the NPCs for these quests:
1) Port Skandia: coordinates X:278 Y:608
2) Candeo Marsh: coordinates X:196 Y:245
New items:
New mounts, new back/weapon/head/body costumes, as well as new costume Fusion Scrolls have been added to the game database.
Content Changes:
EXP Curve: adjustments have been implemented for a more optimised leveling experience.
New Item Mall Daily Reward: log in everyday and receive 10 Loyalty Points for free for doing so!
“Fun, polished, and addictive experience”
“If you haven't started playing, it's time to jump in.”
“Offers a unique Anime type MMORPG that many fans of this genre have been waiting for.”
Aura Kingdom is a new Anime MMORPG published by Aeria Games. Developed by the studio behind the highly popular Eden Eternal and Grand Fantasia, Aura Kingdom offers a grand and beautiful world for every player to explore with beautiful anime graphics.
Starting with one out of eleven different classes, Aura Kingdom offers the possibility for players to select a sub-class once they reach level 40, allowing for countless of original builds! Players will also walk along the side of their Eidol they are loyal interactive companions who grant the strength to unleash massive combos.
Thousands of players already walk the world of Azuria. It is time for you to join them!
Key Features:
Interactive companions – Eidolons are no ordinary pets. Not only do they participate in battle, but they will also remember your actions and tell you what's on their mind. They are part of Azuria!
Fast-paced, dynamic fights – Mobility is a key aspect in battle. Think fast, act faster! Dodge your foes' attacks and call upon your Eidolon to unleash spectacular combos!
Adaptability – Customize your character so he can overcome every challenge! Improve the skills that fit your play-style and switfly change them during battle to adapt to your opponent's strategy. Creativity can win you the battle!
A wonderful world – Travel the immense lands of Azuria, visit towns brimming with life and explore mysterious and hidden dungeons to stop the evil of this world. You can make the difference, hero!
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32bit/64bit), Windows 8
Processor: Intel Pentium4 2.8 GH AMD K8 2600 or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce 6600 ATI Redeon X1600 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 6 GB available space
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32bit/64bit), Windows 8
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.66 GH AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000 or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce 9500 ATI Radeon HD2600 or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 6 GB available space
0.2 小时(记录在案的)
今天看到Aura Kingdom的图标的妹子发现有点熟悉,打开一看开果然是幻想神域。因为以前玩过一段时间港澳服,所以说下这个游戏吧。一开始接触这个游戏是冲着日式MMORPG和萌妹子= =,后来放弃是原因是鬼服和时装坐骑太难抽。。首先,游戏呢职业很多,不过有一半职业是鸡肋般存在(要不是妹子够萌技能炫酷谁会选),由于到达一定等级可以选着一个副职业(比如主双刀副双手斧),于是双手斧这个职业作用就不大了。因为双刀伤害和操作都比双手斧要好,副职业还能学到双手斧一些关键的buff技能,所以会出现职业严重不平衡的状况。还有一点就是到了游戏中期大部分技能的伤害已经低得无法直视了,甚至不如普通攻击。当然啦每个职业都有一个奥义技能(副职业没法学),技能很炫酷,鸡肋职业还有值得选的价值。。游戏的背景故事和任务是这个游戏一大萌点,恶搞各种动漫的人物和事件。。。但是我不太喜欢这种恶趣味,可以说完全乱来的对白。。。没有自己一个严谨的背景故事。其实港澳服还是很良心的,每天都有点券送,还有声望任务也有大量的点券送,而点券则用来商城抽箱子开时装用的(说到这里有人就开始想象国服怎么怎么圈钱了吧233)。游戏里的装备基本跟团刷副本就能出,玩家之间的差别就是时装(时装也可以刷副本出,几率超低)和坐骑,说白了有些玩家时装比你萌你会不服(并不是装备差异_(:3」∠)_)。坐骑的话能抽中的人也屈指可数,所以卖也是各种天价。。。评分的话 7/10 - 7分!最后的最后,其实我是不推荐这个游戏的,不过鉴于它有萌妹子还有类似刀剑神域的N层天空塔。。
0.1 小时(记录在案的)
0.6 小时(记录在案的)
aura kingdom幻想神域……太久以前的技术了…比较渣渣…胜在免费,注册邮箱要用谷歌邮箱或者foxmail之类的,可以用QQ邮箱绑定一个foxmail英文帐号来完成游戏注册。测试了下弓箭手,找找以前泡菜的感觉。不玩网游太久了,已经没法沉迷进去。只能说网游不是我的喜好,给差评原因是个人认为如果真要玩网游的话与其玩这个不如花点钱玩ff14吧
1.9 小时(记录在案的)
2.4 小时(记录在案的)
很久之前就关注了这个游戏,直至前两天看见好友评测才开始玩,职业较多,不过近一半都是鸡肋酱油的下水道,达到一定等级之后可以选择副职业,而且还能学到副职业的一些重要BUFF,所以很多职业也就没有必要去玩了,捏脸的范围太小这点上较为不爽,福利上比国服良心的太多了,基本上算是免费时装了,国服嘛,呵呵呵呵呵呵,初玩之时想起两款游戏,WOW和Queen's Blade相比较之下没有wow庞大的故事背景,有的却是相当多的neta(没有较为完整的世界观与严谨的故事情节)剧情方面大打折扣也没有Queen's Blade的打击感,说实话,这游戏的打击感感觉根本就没有,而且技能释放也没有什么实感,脸滚键盘说的就是这种,顺带一提弓手平A一下就可以直接操纵移动什么都不用管了→_→自动A怪,还不怕近身被打延迟很低,也不用VPN好评7/10 10分给个7分吧,如果是以萌妹子为目标来放松的,那么这款游戏值得一试.如果是追求剧情,打击感,连招的核心玩家,这款游戏还是算了,会相当失望的
0.9 小时(记录在案的)
10.7 小时(记录在案的)
I've played this game before it came to steam and had one chars over level 67.It's free and easy to play. If you are a big fan of anime game, you will love this game.Once you reach level 60, you can enjoy a
40-player raid every weekend.Anyway, welcome to join our chinese guild in Hydra server.You can enroll our QQ group().The reason I choose US server to play is the atmophere in the game.People in US server are lovely, friendly and helpful.And if you come into the Chinese server, welcome to watch two rich men counting each other on world channel .(It is normal in Chinese online game that ppl quarrel with others on world channel and finally they decide to spend money to count on world channel, the man who can't continue would be the loser.)____________________________________________________________說實話這遊戲就是沾了刀劍神域的光了不然也沒這麼火。不過遊戲還算是好玩吧,現在在美服有個67的雙槍。時裝還是挺多的,喜歡萌妹紙和胖次的人就來玩吧。60級以後有40人的天空塔副本.歡迎加群,我們在H服有個小公會,歡迎大家來玩大家玩美服一般就是受不了國內的風氣,一般來說國服都會有土豪在公屏上面對罵或者數數的。美服這邊的風氣不錯,當然部分原因可能是你看不懂他們在說什麼(印尼語你看得懂么)不過大規模的對罵是木有滴這點可以放心。
4.8 小时(记录在案的)
10.6 小时(记录在案的)
I think the game screen is beautiful, very rich game content, style is also good.
1.4 小时(记录在案的)
操作性和游戏性很高 画面非常生动
0.1 小时(记录在案的)
I played many hours of this game before it came to Steam. It's not the perfect MMO and it caters to a specific demo, I would recommend it based on the fact that is is free to try and worth a look. Pros- Beautiful world. The enviroments and the animals look like hand drawn anime.. the good kind. Not the cheesy cliche kind- Very populated with a (usually) friendly player base. - I thought I had to pay for the scarf around level 20 to continue the main quest line but apparently I did not need to. I think they make that a bit confusing on purpose. Other than that the F2P model is pretty good.- Very easy to understand and pick up and play. Nothing is overly complex and the UI and all other things surrounding gameplay make sense.Cons- The million dollar MMORPG word.. grindy. The game is VERY kill 10 of these and collect 8 of these. They throw some curveballs in there occasionally but this is what ultimately had me stop playing in the 40s. It just stopped being fun. - Dungeons are repetitive cut and paste. Nothing special there for sure. - Didn't care for the music so I put my own ambient soundtrack to it.- Easy. This could go under pro or con. I didn't mind it but some will. Aside from dueling I never got too much into PvP in this game so I can't really speak on that. Each class seems pretty cool and you get to pick a secondary skill along the way which helps keep combat fresh. The battle companions are cool but can get annoying with the constant dialogue thing. Overall I'm happy with the time I put into it. I'm sure it gets more fun when you are at or close to cap but I could not continue any longer. You can check out my video review in my First Impression/Final Impression videos below. Enjoy!
6.9 小时(记录在案的)
i played this game before it was released on steam and i reached a level 42 character after a week of on and off gaming. i gotta say i really enjoyed my time with it. im gonna show a list of
pro's and con's of this game just to shorten this out and give my own overall opinion of the game.pro's1. its a free MMO2. the anime design and texture quality is pretty good compared to other titles. also pretty unique 3. has many graphical opions for a wide array of systems4. no mana - very well done cooldown combat system with quite smooth movement. ( not perfect movement but good for what it is)5. very large areas and a arrray of monsters to fight and quests to complete6. ALSO COULD BE CON! simple 1 click quest navigation allowing you to quickly get to a quest location without having to hunt for its location7.
has a great starting area and not as dull and lengthy as other starter areas.CON'S1.
ALSO COULD BE PRO! simple 1 click quest navigation. for those who like to explore and find what you need with a group this could ruin the experience2. very specific audience if you dont like the asthetic of anime or cartoon look then this wont be for you3. camera can be a hassle when playing for the first time and no real lock on system. would help those who cant multitask as well as others with controls4. after a while it can be a grind to complete certian quests if they are repeated quests.5. can be quite easy and no really challenge if your fighting at low levels. even at higher levels you can do most of the questing alone without a group. 6.PRO/CON: certian dungeons require a group to complete allowing more co-op opportunites or a hassle if you wish to play alone 7. in certian areas and certian times. it can strain your system and according to other users. runs porrly on certian compontents ( be sure what your pc parts are and any issues with them and the game before playing if you wish to avoid problems out the game)for me i really enjoyed this game. alone and in the company of random people in those specific dungeons. there is no hostility and is just a blast to play for a few minutes to a few hours. i also really like this games art design and the character design ( even though there is clearly fan service) overall i would recommend you give this game a solid try and see if you enjoy it. if you like numbers on a scale i give it a 8/10
not perfect but worth a try if this game has your interest
0.3 小时(记录在案的)
super easy MMO that lets you become the loli princess of your dreams
508.5 小时(记录在案的)
One of the greatest (if not the greatest) free mmorpg right now for several reasons imho. I will give you my pros and cons and keep in mind that this is an ANIME mmorpg , i know that not every1 likes animes but i love them and based on my experience i ll assume that to be in the pros category ! :) PROS : - It is FREE , you can become great without even spending a single euro/dollar ! - Anime graphics , well designed world and characters !- New player friendly , anyone can learn all he needs to know from the in-game tutorials which are all implemented in the story-line and are presented at the proper time. - Nice storyline that will keep you interested (if you are ever read missions and not skip them) - Clever way to involve pets (named eidolons in the game) in the storyline and awesome system to get them gathering key fragments. (pets and mounts are different)- A big variety of classes and the abillity to choose a subclass at later levels allows for many different playstyles and combinations !- Fishing , digging and other extra stuff to keep you busy even when you think you are done leveling up (you ll never actually be :P ).- Nice and friendly community, you can surely make a lot of in-game friends and have fun in the game !- Quests offer an autopath for the monsters you have to slain or the things you have to find so you wont need to blindly search for them. CONS : - For those who skip missions it will be boring as it doesnt offer anything more in leveling up other than grind and more grind. - There are not TOO many dungeons , you will have to repeat some of them at certain points which you may find tiring. - Lags and glitches do exist but they are not unbearable , considering that the game is still young they shouldnt be a problem that will last for long. - IF you decide to buy something with real money you need to know that things in the store are TOO expensive. - Still in progress so the game still doesn't offer an ending at it's story line , it will be released at a later date. RESULT : As you can see : PROS && CONS and overall this is a GREAT mmorpg that i strongly recommend to every single gamer out there , either you are a fan of mmorpgs or not ! It will keep you playing for hours and you will have a great time ! Awesome game , awesome kingdom ! :)
471.1 小时(记录在案的)
This game is a enjoyable MMORPG. If your a anime fan and you like MMOs this might just be the game for you.
Now this game is lacking in places and still has alot of glitches but the game is not very old and still has a chance to fix these issues. The world is very creative and nothing hurts the eyes. You get the ability to choose a secondary class at level 40. Not really much pay 2 win but its still there of course. great game, cool story, and nice community.I recommend this game to anyone who likes anime and MMOs!
445.3 小时(记录在案的)
Aura Kingdom is a fantasy anime-style MMORPG that has the player take on the role of an 'Envoy of Gaia' - a human with abilities far exceeding those of all but other Envoys. Every player is given three Eidolons throughout the story, NPC companions each with their own unique set of abilities, stats, and even personality.The gameplay of Aura Kingdom is fairly repetitive, with hundreds of kill __ of __ and gather __ of __ quests. There is also very little 'multiplayer' as far as MMOs go. One could potentially complete every quest alongside friends rather easily, but there is little merit to doing so other than the obvious social benefits. Armour grants you stats and costumes grant minor benefits and the visual appeal. While this somewhat stifles players' creativity in creating costumes from inexpensive armours, you will also never have to walk around in a barrel. Everything is stylish and fits someone's tastes.The level cap set at 65 (correct me if I'm wrong) the grind to 40 goes smoothly enough, with quests being the best source of EXP around. Monsters grant players VERY little EXP, usually below .15% per. Now here' this game can be quite addicting when played with friends, and there is always a fresh, shiny new set of armours and weapons waiting for you at every level milestone. Despite being an MMO, this game holds plenty of replayability to try out each class, skillsets, and offensive/defensive point spreads. I would recommend this game to anyone looking for a casual game to goof around in with friends. Disclaimer This game may contain panty shots. Select costumes with care.
67.2 小时(记录在案的)
i can see their panties
4.9 小时(记录在案的)
You can have a magical loli dance for you. 100/10
7.9 小时(记录在案的)
Graphics: 10/10The graphics are by far the best part of the game in my opinion. The game looks lush and explorable. At times more explorable than it actually is. It looks like you really CAN go more than two minutes into the ocean without bumping into an invisible wall! (of course you can't though, the invisible wall is very much there. ;D) Each place looks unique and beautiful. I'm in love with the style as well. Anime styles can often go wrong, especially in games, but this one is the good kind of anime, not the cheesy kind. The characters are cute and vibrant, and just look plain good.There is a lot of eye candy here!Customization: 8/10The customization at the beginning of the game is average. 10 or so hair choices and eye choices with colors to go along with them. You can choose your class (all of them play very similarly by the way) and skin color. The classes aren't gender locked which I liked very much.I would have liked to have sliders for things such as height, weight, and length of hair. If you'd like a shorter or chubbier character you're out of luck. I also would have liked to be able to choose the bangs and back of hair seperate. There are many hair styles that I only liked the front or back of. You are going to look cute no matter what you choose but it could use some more options. You will find characters that look just like you.Gameplay: 5/10This is where the game goes wrong. I've heard it was too easy, but I didn't think I would mind. I've enjoyed plenty of easy games, such as Kirby and Pokemon but this isn't just the 'leveling up too fast' easy. This is the 'holding your hand throughout the entire game' easy. You can literally press a button for any quest and be guided to wherever you need to go without moving your character at all. The character is drawn by a shining path and you can just sit back, relax, have a soda, and watch your character move for you. Kind of ruins the point of a &game&, eh?Quests: 3/10I'm not very far in the game yet, but the quests are already pushing me away. They are painfully generic. A couple of &Kill these bad guys for a reward& quests are fine in an MMO, but those kinds of quests are ALL this game has. Every single quest is nearly exactly the same. Expect a whole lot of &Sure...I can help you...but first you need to kill 10 sheep for me.& And when you finish the quest they will tell you that another person could help you and they will ask you to do something very similar. The loop goes on.One thing that annoyed me is that the things they ask you to kill aren't even bad. Most of them are animals that seem docile and don't harm you unless you harm them. Seems a bit unfair...Story: 4/10Average MMO story. You most likely won't get attached to any of the characters and won't care about the story much. Overall pretty boring.Sound: 4/10Repetitive, and unmemorable.Recommendation:My opinion may change, but so far I can't really recommend this game. The graphics are gorgeous, but the gameplay is awfully generic and boring. If you are in love with the graphics however, and want to become the amazing OP anime character you dream of, you should give this game a try! I'd say just download the game, play it for a couple of hours, and toss it if you aren't interested. After all, it is free right?
1,191.9 小时(记录在案的)
This game is really fun! The community is awesome, people keep dancing in front of me :3 It's very populated and it's F2P.
If you are a fan of anime and MMO then this game is for you.
标题: Aura Kingdom
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发行日期: 2014年7月
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