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bit shift是什么意思
bit shift是什么意思 bit shift在线翻译 bit shift什么意思 bit shift的意思 bit shift的翻译 bit shift的解释 bit shift的发音 bit shift的同义词
bit shiftbit shift 基本解释 [计] 位移bit shift 网络解释1. 位移位& & bit serial 位串行 | bit shift 位移位 | bit stream 位流2. 位位移& & Bit Set/Clear Mode Addressing 单位元寻址,清除模态寻址 | Bit Shift 位位移 | Bit Significance 位有效值3. 移位& & bit sharpener 钻头修整机;截齿修整机;锻钎机 | bit shift 移位 | bit side cutting action 钻头侧向切削作用4. 位移& & bit shank || 钎尾, 钎柄 | bit shift || 位移 | bit site || 数位位置bit shift 网络例句1. It's a bit of a culture shift for utilities. & &对电力公司而言,这有点像文化上的转移。2. Could you please help me to shift it a bit backward. & &请帮我把它靠后挪一点。3. I know that the bit shift stuff could be a little strange, but it was easier to me to do the things with them. & &我知道位移位的东西可能是有些奇怪,但我更容易与他们做的事情。4. The result of practice is when you began to have a little bit of shift. & &修行的真正结果是你开始有一些转变。5. We hope that this will shift a bit of load from the main server to the database server. & &我这边今早一直连不上服务器了,还好之前多下载了些。6. The tone may shift a bit but the policy will be similar to George Bush`s & &虽然语气有点变化,但是就政策而言还是与布什的很是相似。7. It is important to remember that whenever you implement a bit shift to the left, you multiply the ADC results by two. & &需要记住的是,无论什么时候向左移了一位,就意味着ADC转换结果乘了2。bit shift是什么意思,bit shift在线翻译,bit shift什么意思,bit shift的意思,bit shift的翻译,bit shift的解释,bit shift的发音,bit shift的同义词,bit shift的反义词,bit shift的例句,bit shift的相关词组,bit shift意思是什么,bit shift怎么翻译,单词bit shift是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&  京ICP备号-6 change+shift
Chang: 长江
Shut! 骂人的话
vt.1. 转移;移动,搬移In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin.八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林。2. 替换,更换;变动,改变A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment.像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。3. 推卸,转嫁[(+on to/on)]He always tries to shift the blame to someone else.他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。4. 变(速),换(档)Should I shift gears before making a turn?我拐弯之前该不该换挡?5. 【语】使音变6. 摆脱,消除No detergent can shift these stains.任何去垢剂都不能除掉这些污迹。vi.1. 转移;移动The boy shifted uncomfortably in his chair.这男孩不舒服地在椅子里动来动去。2. 变换,改变He shifted hastily to a new subject.他匆忙转换一个新的话题。3. 设法应付;自己谋生The man went abroad, leaving his wife and children to shift for themselves.那男人去了海外,留下妻子儿女自谋生计。4. 变速,换档You have to shift as you drive around the corner.你拐角时要换挡变速。5. 推托;欺骗n.[C]1. 转换;转移;转变[(+in)]A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn over.重量突然转移使船翻了。2. 手段,办法;权宜之计[P]The lazy man tried every shift to avoid doing his work.这懒汉采取各种手段回避工作。3. 轮班;轮班工作时间She works on the night shift.她上夜班。4. 轮班职工[G]The night shift are arriving.夜班工人正陆续来到。5. 推托;哄骗6. (汽车的)变速装置7. 宽松直筒连衣裙以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
make-shift是什么意思 make-shift在线翻译 make-shift什么意思 make-shift的意思 make-shift的翻译 make-shift的解释 make-shift的发音 make-shift的同义词
make-shiftmake-shift 基本解释n. 权宜之计, 临时凑合的代用品adj. 权宜的, 暂时将就着用的, 临时凑合的make-shift 网络解释1. 权宜之计& & Self-made白手起家 | Make-shift权宜之计 | Make fun of sb =tease取笑2. 临时凑用的代用品& & low-lying 地势低洼的 | make-shift 临时凑用的代用品 | makeshift house 临时住房3. 设法,处置& & 452.make room for 让...坐,为...留余地.
| 453.make shift 设法,处置.
| 454.make something of 利用. 4. 設法安排,張羅& & make do 以...權充,設法達成 | make shift 設法安排,張羅 | no sooner ... than 剛...就...,as soon asmake-shift 网络例句1. In fact, all of the above applications are using make-shift technologies that substitute for true machine vision. & &实际上,上面所有的汽车功能应用使用的并非是真正的机器视觉系统技术。2. In fact, all of the above applications are using make-shift technologies that substitute for true machine vision. & &为了对供应链的运作和管理进行进一步的研究,该协会选择了一个参考模型,经过反复试验和发3. We`ve asked for 300 borewells and 50 make-shift hospitals. & &我们已经要求300个钻井和50个简易医院。4. However, if the cost of rebuilding your site is an issue, there are make-shift ways to go about reaching your goals. & &然而,如果重新构建你的站点已经成为一个议题,那么就肯定存在达到你目标的权宜之计。5. Also, just like yesterday we`re going to point out that there is a &make-shift& resistance level to watch if you are in front of the screen when price gets there. & &另外,就像昨天我们要去指出,有一个&移&抵抗水平看,如果你是前面的画面,当价格6. Also, just like yesterday we`re going to point out that there is a &make-shift& resistance level to watch if you are in front of the screen when price gets there. & &另外,就像昨天要去指出是&使移&抵抗水平看你在前面的代价,当屏幕上。7. Charcoal and straw was then placed inside the openings of the make-shift ovens and lit on fire. & &木炭和稻草被放置在一个临时搭建火炉的入口,并且点燃了火。make-shift是什么意思,make-shift在线翻译,make-shift什么意思,make-shift的意思,make-shift的翻译,make-shift的解释,make-shift的发音,make-shift的同义词,make-shift的反义词,make-shift的例句,make-shift的相关词组,make-shift意思是什么,make-shift怎么翻译,单词make-shift是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&  京ICP备号-6 


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