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策略游戏《罗马2》Steam版包含大量成就要素,需要玩家在游戏中满足一定条件才可以解锁,也算是一种游戏彩蛋吧,下面就给各位PC玩家分享下《罗马2全面战争》Steam成就中英文列表,希望对大家能有所帮助。Auxilia:Complete 1 hour of gameplay.新兵:游戏一小时。Optio:Fight a battle from the campaign map without auto-resolving.战士:在会战中手动完成一场战斗。Veteran:Complete 10 hours of gameplay.老兵:游戏10小时。First Time Lucky:Use at least 1 special ability during a campaign battle.幸运的第一次:在战役中使用一项特殊技能。Empire-builder:Capture 3 settlements.帝国设计师:攻占三个城镇。Tempus Fugit:Play 20 campaign turns.时光如梭:完成20个会战回合。Supremacy:Destroy or subjugate a faction.势不可挡:摧毁或征服一个派系。Dock of the Bay:Fight a combined land and naval siege battle during a campaign.海浪澎湃:进行一次海陆协同的城市包围战。Power of Three:Use at least 3 different special abilities during a campaign battle.一日三次:在一场战役中使用3项不同的特殊技能。Bloodthirsty:Kill 10,000 men in battle.嗜血:战斗万人斩。In the Navy!Fight a battle with naval units in any campaign海战:参与一次有海军单位的战役。Evocatus:Complete 100 hours of gameplay.百战勇士:游戏100小时。Impenetrable Wall:Successfully defend a city without losing a single victory point during a campaign battle.坚不可摧:在一场战役中成功守护城市并且不丢掉任何胜利点。Liberator:Release 1000 battle captives.自由之子:释放1000个战斗俘虏。Siege!Successfully siege and capture a city by seizing its victory points during a campaign battle.围城:在战役中通过占领胜利点来打下一座城市。Tactician:Play at least 10 multiplayer battles.战术家:10场联机战斗。Veteranus:Attain the maximum rank with any unit during a campaign.久经考验:在一次会战中任何一个单位到达满级。Executioner:Execute 1000 battle captives.刽子手:处决1000个战斗俘虏。Unleash Hell!Kill 200 men with siege artillery in any single battle.神挡杀神:在任何一场战斗中用攻城武器消灭200人。Decurion:Fight 10 battles in a single campaign without auto-resolving.长官:在一场会战中,完成10场手动战斗。Consul:Play 100 campaign turns.执政官:会战达到100回合。Slave-driver:Enslave 1000 battle captives.奴隶主:奴役1000个战斗俘虏。Sightseeing:Successfully capture one of the great cities of the ancient world, Rome, Athens, Carthage or Alexandria, in battle.景色怡人:攻占罗马,雅典,迦太基,亚历山大这四个古代名城中的任意一个。On Land and Sea:Fight a combined battle, using land and naval forces, during a campaign.海天一色:在战役中使用陆军海军单位一起作战一次。In the Footsteps of Great Men:Complete a campaign chapter’s primary objective and all associated historical objectives.站在伟人的肩膀上:在会战中,完成一个章节的主要目标以及所有相关历史目标。Censor:Accumulate 1,000,000 talents in your treasury during a single campaign.审计官:在一次会战中积累一百万资金。Butcher:Kill 100,000 men in battle.屠夫:十万人斩。Praetor:Issue 10 edicts in a single campaign.裁判官:在一次会战中发布10个省份法案。Great Balls of Fire:Field a ballista or large onager artillery unit in a siege battle during a campaign game.熊熊烈火:在一场围城战役中布置弩车或更大的器械。The Alexandrine War:Win the Battle of the Nile.亚历山大战争:在尼罗河之战中获胜。Conqueror:Capture 30 settlements.征服者:攻占30个城镇。ntagonist:Start at least 5 multiplayer campaigns.敌手:开始5次多人会战。Reclaiming the Desert:Win the Battle of Raphia.重回沙漠:在拉菲亚之战中获胜。Legio Victrix:Attain the maximum rank with an army or navy during a campaign game.传奇军团:在一次会战中将任一陆军或海军升到最高级军队。Et tu…?Successfully assassinate a member of your own family faction.意料之外:成功暗杀一名自己家族的成员。The Boat that Rocked:Successfully breach a wall using naval artillery in any battle.坚船利炮:在战斗中用海军的攻城器械破墙。Their Legacy Lives On:Win a campaign whilst fielding an army or fleet that has existed continuously since the start of your campaign.军事遗产:在一次会战胜利时,仍然保有一支会战开局时就拥有的部队。I Will Find a Way or Make One:As Carthage, recruit a unit of elephants in one of the following provinces: Provincia, Cisalpina, Raetia et Noricum.路在何方:作为迦太基,在以下任意省份征募一队大象:Provincia, Cisalpina, Raetia et Noricum.Field Commander:Win a quickmatch land multiplayer battle.指挥官:在一场联机陆战中胜利。Centurion:Fight 100 battles in a single campaign without auto-resolving.百夫长:在一场会战中,手动完成100场战斗。The Great Library:Research all available technologies in a single campaign.浩瀚书海:研究完成所有科技。The Die is Cast:Become involved in a civil war.事已至此:参与到内战中。Ambush!Successfully ambush and defeat an enemy army in a campaign battle.埋伏:在一场战役中埋伏敌军并胜利。Balanced Force:Win a campaign battle using one of every class of land unit: Melee Infantry, Missile Infantry, Missile Cavalry, Melee Cavalry, Siege Weapon.厉兵秣马:在一场胜利的战役中使用所有类型的陆战单位:近战步兵,远程步兵,远程骑兵,近战骑兵,以及攻城武器。Weapon of Mass Destruction:Kill 5000 men in battle with siege artillery during the course of a campaign game.佛挡杀佛:在一次会战中累计用攻城机械消灭5000人。Heir of Mithridates:Complete a campaign as Pontus.高贵的后裔:用本都完成会战。Rostra:Sink more than 10 enemy ships in a single campaign battle.鼓舞人心:在一场战役中沉没10条敌方战船。Augustus!Complete 500 hours of gameplay.奥古斯都:游戏500小时。Wipe Them Out… All of Them!Win a campaign battle having completely wiped out all enemy units, a minimum of 1000 men, before claiming victory.屠戮殆尽:在一场获胜的战役中完全消灭所有敌人,起码1000人以上。Hold Your Ground!During a campaign defend your encampment without losing a single victory point.脚踏实地:在一场战役中,防卫你的营地并且不失去任何胜利点。Mare Nostrum:Win 25 or more naval battles in a single campaign game.海上霸主:在一场会战中赢得25场海战的胜利。Philosopher King:Complete a campaign as Athens.哲学之王:使用雅典赢得会战。This Forest Has Eyes:Win the Battle of Teutoburg Forest.森林之眼:在条顿森林之战中获胜。Grand Tour:Successfully capture all of the great cities of the ancient world, Rome, Athens, Carthage and Alexandria, in battle during a single campaign game.帝王之业:在一场会战中夺取所有的古代名城:罗马,雅典,迦太基,亚历山大。A League of Their Own:As Macedon, establish Athens, Epirus and Sparta as client states.马其顿联盟:用马其顿,收服雅典,伊皮鲁斯和斯巴达为附庸国。Vae Victis:As a Barbarian tribe, sack the city of Rome.切肤之痛:用蛮族势力洗劫罗马城。Alae:Win a campaign battle, using only cavalry units, without auto resolving.骑手之风:在一场只用骑兵单位的战役中手动获胜。I Came, I Saw, I Conquered:Win a campaign by Military Victory.征服王:在一场会战中获得军事胜利。Primus Inter Pares:Win a multiplayer campaign.先人一步:获得一场多人会战的胜利。Master Tactician:Play at least 50 multiplayer battles.战术大师:进行50场联机战斗。Masters of Germania:Recover all three legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher.日尔曼之主:在普通难度以上,从条顿森林里收回所有三个军团的鹰旗。This Army Will Fight On:Recover at least two legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher.屡败屡战:在普通难度以上,从条顿森林里收回起码两个军团的鹰旗。Carthago Delenda Est:As Rome, destroy the Carthaginian faction.迦太基的覆灭:用罗马打败迦太基派系。Every Day I'm not Auto-resolving:Complete an entire campaign, with 10 or fewer defeats, without ever auto-resolving.亲力亲为:在一场完整会战中,不超过10场失败,并且从不自动战斗。Veni, Vidi, Vici!Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle, without ever auto-resolving.百战百胜:在一场完整会战中,从不失败,并且从不自动战斗。The Great Escape:Successfully escape from a campaign ambush battle with at least 75% of your starting units.大逃亡:在一场战役伏击中,成功以75%以上的残存兵力逃脱。Sieze the Initiative!Capture an encampment by seizing its victory point.先发制人:通过占领胜利点来占领一个营地。Look to the Defences:Successfully defend an encampment, during a campaign, without losing more than 25% of your starting force.铁壁:在一场营地防守战役中获胜,并且损失兵力在25%以内。Surprise!Successfully defeat the enemy when ambushed during a campaign.魔术师:在被伏击战役中反败为胜。Close but No Amphora:Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle except one, without ever auto-resolving.白璧微瑕:完成一场会战,从不自动战斗,且在所有战役中只有一场没赢。Furor Germanicus:Complete a campaign as the Suebi.日尔曼之怒:以苏维汇获得会战胜利。The Lost Eagle:Defeat someone who already has this achievement in any multiplayer battle.丢失的鹰旗:在联机战斗中,打败任何已经有此成就的对手。This is Total War!Win the game having declared war on every faction the turn you encountered them, as well as never negotiating a peace treaty.全面战争!在一场会战中获胜,并且每遇到一个派系就在第一回合宣战,并且决不和平。Gore-drenched:Kill 1,000,000 men in battle.名将:一百万人斩。Legatus Legionis:Win 50 land battles during campaign play.战无不胜:在会战中获得50场陆战胜利。Walled Crown:Win 25 siege attack battles during campaign play.攻无不克:在会战中获得25场围城胜利。Praefectus Classis:Win 50 naval battles during campaign play.海战无敌:在会战中获得50场海战胜利。Imperator:Win a campaign on Legendary difficulty.战略传奇:在传奇难度下获得会战胜利。Beyond the Dreams of Avarice:Win a campaign by Economic Victory.富可敌国:通过经济胜利来完成会战。Noble Master:Attain the maximum rank with a dignitary-type agent during a campaign.达官显贵:在会战中将一名贵族事务官升到顶级。Champion of the Gods:Attain the maximum rank with a champion-type agent during a campaign.天降大任:在会战中将一名老兵事务官升到顶级。Legendary Commander:Attain the maximum rank with a general / admiral during a campaign.久经沙场:在会战中将一名将军升到顶级。Spymaster:Attain the maximum rank with a spy-type agent during a campaign.尔虞我诈:在会战中将一名密探事务官升到顶级。When in Rome…Win a campaign by Cultural Victory.博大精深:通过文化胜利来完成会战。Rome Wasn't Built in a Day:Fully expand and upgrade a province capital.罗马不是一天建成的:将一个地区首都建设至顶级。Crown of the Preserver:Win 25 siege defence battles during campaign play.坚守不懈:在会战中获得25场城市防御战的胜利。Status Quo:As Rome or Carthage, choose not to establish an empire following a civil war.维持现状:作为罗马或迦太基,在内战后选择不建立帝国。This is Sparta!Complete a campaign as Sparta.这就是斯巴达!用斯巴达获得会战胜利。Roma Invicta:Complete a campaign as Rome.无人能及:用罗马获得会战胜利。Heir of Pyrrhus:Complete a campaign as Epirus.皮洛士的后裔:用伊皮鲁斯获得会战胜利。God of War!Complete 1000 hours of gameplay.全战之神:游戏时间1000小时。Pontifex Maximus:Construct a Pantheon during a Roman campaign.大祭司:在罗马的会战中建造一个万神殿。Queastor:Complete the Prologue campaign.初出茅庐:完成序言的教学会战。The New Xerxes:Complete a campaign as Parthia.薛西斯再世:用帕提亚获得会战胜利。Alexander's Legacy:Complete a campaign as Macedon.征服王的遗产:用马其顿获得会战胜利。Master Strategist:Complete a campaign on Very Hard difficulty.战略大师:在极难难度下获得会战的胜利。Strategist:Complete a campaign on Hard difficulty.战略家:在困难难度下获得会战的胜利。Vercingetorix:Complete a campaign as the Arverni.高卢雄鸡:用阿维尼获得会战胜利。The New Hannibal:Complete a campaign as Carthage.汉尼拔:用迦太基获得会战胜利。British Empire:Complete a campaign as the Iceni.英伦帝国:用艾希尼获得会战胜利。Pharaoh of the World:Complete a campaign as Ptolemaic Egypt.世界法老:用托勒密埃及获得会战胜利。Carthage Must Be Destroyed:Win the Siege of Carthage.&&& &Conquer, Punish, Enslave& - Words for the would-be Imperialists to live by!摧毁迦太基:围攻迦太基城并胜利。
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