
嗯 = =为啥叫这个呢=W=,因为这次的整合是我和苍炎の传说共同完成的喵~~
更多背包,更多箱子,后背背武器和工具,顶部指南针,右下显示物品ID附魔数量,左下显示物品耐久,左上显示当前人物收到的属性(如没有则不显示 属性如:吃蜘蛛眼的中毒),OptiFine,R键背包整理,小地图(默认关上,想开开游戏内摁M),G键合成表,NEI,官服指令MOD
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&JAVA路径& -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar&
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您可能还会喜欢Hungry Animals 1.0.3 - More Realistic Animals! - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
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2. Animals got disease
Pens with many piles of excreta are unhygienic. In nature sand, dirt and grass absorb them as fertilizer but in you pen with 'hard' floor can not dissolve them fast. Therefore fatal outbreak of disease could occur in your farm.
What disease teases animals? Infected animals become very slow and need a lot of food to survive. Purple particles are release from them. Don't worry, they do not even infect other animals.
The animals are naturally cured after a day "if they survive." Then you may wonder how to cure them immediately. Very easy, just feed them a mushroom, red or brown.
3. Animals are hungry - Food Box
In this mod, animals could be died without enough food. Food box is very useful block to supply food to animals. With very simple crafting, you can get the food box.
Now place this food box in you pen. Food box is very similar to the vanilla bed. This occupies two blocks.
Item entity on food box will not be despawned. One thing that you should consider is that only one entity with less than or equal to 16 stack size is affected by food box.
4. Niter Bed
Do you need saltpeter? In past, saltpeter is gathered from niter bed. Niter bed is mixture of manure, dirt and wood ash. If you have enough manure, you can make saltpeter farm!
To make niter bed, wood ash is required. Wood ash is made from saplings, simply smelting them.
Now you can make niter bed. Follow next picture :
Ripening the niter bed is final step. Just put them anywhere. Ripening speed isn't influenced by place where it is. Anyway it takes 3~5 day in minecraft to finish ripening. Its color and spot changed as it ripens :
Now break it!
3. Change Log
As previously announced, I updated my mod to not 1.0.4. The main theme of 1.0.3.* is "Animals and Excreta". Therefor excreta and manure are added at 1.0.3(.0). Disease is new feature of this version( I apply feedback and bug report.
Disease is a kind of potion(magic). This only affects animals and amplify basic metabolism rate as 5 times. Infected animals are also slowed down. Disease remains a day.
InfectionAnimals can be infected from excreta block containing more than 2 excreta. The disease can infect animals within 3 blocks. You can configure the probability. (Default 0.2 (20%))
CureRight-click a infected animal with mushroom. You can just leave them during a day, but you should feed them to keep alive.
AppearancePurple effect appears on the infected animal. Additionally, the animals are slower than others.
Block ExcretaFertilization
The block can be absorbed into sand, dirt, grass. (Speed is configurable) In block, manure is absorbed first. Sand is fertilized into dirt, dirt to grass.
ErosionManure on other blocks(except sand, dirt, grass) is eroded away slowly. (Also speed is configurable)
Eats only when hungry
SpawnEvery spawn of vanilla animals is controlled to spawn hungry animals. (spawn egg, chicken egg)
Fixed bug : conflict with biome-list.
CompatibilityMAYBE! Compatibility with other mods is improved. This is not a direct support.
PropertyAlmost every properties of animals are configurable but I try to give nice default values.
I set food's hunger value as a standard. Then each animal's properties are configured. Grass give 1.0 hunger.
Following "maximum survival time" refers how long the animal can live without any food. This assume that the animal doesn't move. Therefore in real, they can't live that long.
Additionally as some hunger price(child, courtship) is increased, hunger from food is changed(increased) also.
Max hunger : 150
Basic Metabolism Rate : 0.002/tick
Maximum Survival Time : 3.125 day
CowMax hunger : 400
Basic Metabolism Rate : 0.005/tick
Maximum Survival Time : 3.33 day
PigMax hunger : 300
Basic Metabolism Rate : 0.004/tick
Maximum Survival Time : 3.125 day
SheepMax hunger : 300
Basic Metabolism Rate : 0.004/tick
Maximum Survival Time : 3.125 day
DropsDrop chance of meats are decreased.
LanguageKorean language file is added
*Fixed animal spawn on added biomes.
Excretion value*Animals have excretion value from 0 to 1.0. It increases when the animal consumes its energy(hunger).
AI*excretes when its value reaches to 1
*eats grass more rapidly. This will cause population growth of wild animals. (The hunger value of grass is lowered from 2.0 to 1.0)
*Target position selecting algorithm is changed. They will make crowd but prevent to be concentrated too much.
*Fixed stopping animal far from player.
*Vanilla animals have a tendency to walk to -X, -Z direction. Now fixed.
*Material is Circuit, so is broken by water flow.
*In a block, 1~4 of excreta or manure can be stored. This is recorded on metadata.
*Block becomes harder as it stores more excreta and manure.
*It falls like sand.
AppearanceIts height is proportional to its contents.
Manure and excreta have different color.
FermentationExcreta Blocks changes to Manure through fermentation.
Excreta ferments when placed in the world. Never in inventory.
SpeedExcreta ferments faster when it stores more excreta in on block. Each fermentation can cause another process of neighbor block.
can make bone meal. (more usage will be added soon!)
AbsorptionExcreta and manure can be absorbed into grass, dirt or sand. By this process, sand is changed to dirt, dirt to grass.
before 1.0.3
Now animals follow their crowds. This change does not affect your farm but for wild animals this is very significant. This crowding behavior makes them get together and this causes increment of their breeding rate. They can find their partner easily.
Animals are afraid of their death. Therefore they have strong desire to foods. They follow players with foods as well as fallen items on the ground. Naturally they can eat grass and fallen items. Don’t worry. You can feed them on your hand.
2) Hunger and Breeding
Animals could die when they are very hungry. They can get full by eating foods and grass. Additionally, they consume energy constantly, and use more when walk. Animals eat and find more grass when hungry, and finally they feel comfortable on grassland. However if they can’t find any grassland, they become nervous and cause more energy consumption.
From now on your feeding can’t make animals fall in love instantaneously. Just feed them and wait. Stuffed animals would fall in love sometimes. If fortune smiles upon them, they can find their own partner.
3) Decoration
In this mod, you can chisel some stones. These chiseled stones have nice 3D models to expand your building. I add them for multi-block structures but they are not included yet. I consider them as a building material so you can’t get them easily. You may fail carving and even lose your stone. More valuable tools have better performance.
4. Configuration
This mod supports in-game configuration GUI. You can modify some constant easily with nice tooltips. You can customize various stats of animals including which food would they eat and follow. Players can set difficulty of ranching for your preference.
Now follow these pictures.
You can put you cursor on the title of property to get the tooltip. Configure properties of animals!
5. Known Bug
- Summon excreta when spawn egg is used to an animal.
Private Mod Note
SCP 1840 j
I support this 1000% Great job. Could you possibly make it so that animals are naturally affraid of the player and so they would run when a player tries to get near making it more difficult to obtain food?
I tot its one of those 'things" that should have been in minecraft.
Quote from I support this 1000% Great job. Could you possibly make it so that animals are naturally affraid of the player and so they would run when a player tries to get near making it more difficult to obtain food?
For weapons, there are plenty of mods out there such as Balkon's weapon mod that adds javelins and such to hunt, so this may not be needed.
Also, how fast does animals die off if they don't feed?
For example, cage animals up on top of cobblestones only, will they die?
I tot its one of those 'things" that should have been in minecraft.
For weapons, there are plenty of mods out there such as Balkon's weapon mod that adds javelins and such to hunt, so this may not be needed.
Also, how fast does animals die off if they don't feed? For example, cage animals up on top of cobblestones only, will they die?
You're talking about adding another mod such as balkon's and using the lowest tire weapon to try to make it harder. I'm talking about using only this mod and vanilla minecraft. the mod maker already changed the mob AI so why not tweak it further?
Private Mod Note
Also, how fast does animals die off if they don't feed? For example, cage animals up on top of cobblestones only, will they die?
Basal metabolic rate can be configured, this affects animal's 'life'. Basically animals die when its hunger reaches 0, can have at most 100. The default value of BMR is 0.005/tick = 0.1/sec = 6/min = 120/MinecraftDay. So 'cage animals' will die in a day.
Ops, I tested. These two mods do overlap each others. I think it depends on which mod loads first but the minecraft didn't crash.... anyway.
Hmm I'll stick to Herdcraft then, thanks for answering.
I add some explanations of in-game config editing and tooltips on my thread
Private Mod Note
SCP 1840 j
Hello! Your update seems to not like my Minecraft
I think you have a mod that changes biomes. I will fix it and next version will be released soon(minor update). Thank you for bug report.
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