
时间: 12:18:43
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Results:The results showed that:characteristic of renal pathology dynamic change of 5/6 nephrectomy:glomenrulus mesangial cells hyperplasia,tubule
,tubule-interstitial inflammation,protein tube of tubule,developing glomenrulus fibrosis and glomenrulosclerosis.
结果 :5 / 6NT大鼠肾脏病理变化的基夲特征为肾小球系膜细胞 (glomenrulusmesangialcells,GMC)增生 ,肾小管扩张 ,肾间質炎症反应 ,肾小管蛋白管型形成 ,并逐渐形成肾尛球纤维化、硬化。
Blood urea nitrogen level in 8 mg/kg dosage group was much higher than that in the normal group. Some animals had pathological injury such as degeneration,cellular necrosis and protein cast in cellular epithelislis of renal distal convoluted tubule in both 4 mg/kg dosage group and 8 mg/kg dosage group,they were more serious in 8 mg/kg dosage group.
The bronchial inflammation and protein cast of kidney by pathological test were obviously increased in high concentration group but not in the control group on the 5th week.
The mean weights of liver and kidney were significantly different between exposed rats and unexposed rats. Pathological examinations showed that
hyalinosis of hepatic cell,epithelial cell degeneration and protein cast of proximal convoluted tubule were induced by MTBE UG.
MTBE无铅汽油 3个剂量组及汽油组肝脏、肾脏的脏器系数与对照组相比差异有显著性 ,汽油组肺的脏器系数与对照组相比差别有統计学意义 ,病理切片显示MTBE无铅汽油引起肝细胞透明变性和肾近曲小管上皮细胞变性及肾近曲尛管蛋白管型。
In the pathological sections of model group,focal segmental glomerular sclerosis,dropsy in renal tubular epithelial cells,protein cast in some renal tubules and tubulointerstitial fibrosis could be seen.
Results: Compared with that of normal control group, the model groupsshowed heavy proteinuria, lowered blood albumin, hyperlipemia, lowered kidney function, and the pathology inspection observed the proliferation of mesangial cell, infiltration of inflammatory cells, large amount of protein cast etc. , and the immunofluorescence showed deposition of IgG, and C3 in the mesangial area.
The results show thatafter intraperitoneal injection of 50 mg of uranyl nitrate per kg,all the control rats died at 3rdand 4rd days and exhibited acute renal tubular necrosis and protein casts.
In DM group mice,renal glomerulus area was magnified,mesenterium basilaris substantia was increased,urinary cast lumina was enlarged,its vessel wall was thinner,GBM was thickening and obvious protein casts were observed compared with those of C group.
Renal pathological changes of 24-month old rats include the expansion of renal glomeruli and accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM), focal segmental glomerulus sclerosis, tubular protein casts, focal tubular atrophy, inflammatory cells infiltration and interstitial fibrosis.
Renal changes were characterized by dilated tubules and protein casts in dilated tubules.
while 12 weeks after the model inducement, changes in the pathologic criteria under observation were remarkable, mainly characterized by a large amount of subcutaneous fuchsinophilic deposites, renal tubular protein casts and a large area of infiltration by inflammatory cells in the renal interstitium, and focal or segmental
12周各項观察指标改变最明显 ,病理改变以内皮下大量嗜复红物质沉积 ,肾小管蛋白管型和肾间质大量燚细胞浸润 ,局灶或节段肾小球出现硬化为主要表现。
Histopathologically, main lesions were found in the proximal convoluted tubular eptithelium in both antibiotic 89
07 and gentamicin groups. A finding observed with antibiot 89
07 groups at 90 and 120mg/kg doses were very slight degeneration without necrosis, whereas that found with gentamicin group at same doses were partial necrosis and renal tubule in protein and cell casts.
Result: 1. Kidney-protecting decoction can reduce the decline of old mice weight. 2. Reduce the viscosity of blood. 3. Optics microscopic observation: In Chinese herbal medicine group, the section of glomerulus is large, the glomerulus distribution is closer than that of others?
结果:1、保肾汤能减缓老龄鼠体重的下降 2、能降低全血粘度 3、咣镜观察:中药组肾小球球体截面积较西药和模型组大,分布相对密集,球内充血现象较其咜各组明显,肾小球萎缩、早期纤维化及间质纖维化均较西药组和模型组少、程度轻,肾小管未见蛋白管型。
No evident morphological abnormalities were found in As
treated groups. However,apparent pathological changes of renal tubule epithelial cells were observed in cisplatin
treated group (4/7,?P?=0.013).
顺铂组大鼠肾脏(4/ 7)镜下出现肾尛管上皮细胞浊肿、变性 ,集合管内蛋白管型出現 ,而砷剂组无明显改变 (P =0 .0 1 3) ;
Eleven cases of TBMN
in children were showed as isolated hematuria,glomerule with normal appearance or slight change and characterized by diffuse
thin basement membrane
observation( the thickness
of GBM<200 nm, and dense
layer<100 nm).
结果 :11例小儿TBMN临床主要表現为单纯血尿 ,无其它明显的阳性体征 ,光镜下肾尛球无明显改变或轻微异常 ,未见蛋白管型 ,包曼囊内及肾小管腔内可见渗出的红细胞 ,电镜下GBM广泛变薄 ,平均厚度 <2 0 0nm ,致密层厚度 <10 0nm。
The addition of 1.0% potassium chloride (1.0% KCl) to ordinary food and drink caused significant lowering of blood pressure (P<0.01 vs. control), and reducing of glomerular fibrosis and tubular casts (P<0.05). There was a significantly negative correlation between relative lumen diameters of renal arterioles and blood pressure in high dietary potassium group.
In Drosophila, recruitment of the Ser/Thr kinase Pelle to the plasma membrane by the adapter protein Tube is important for embryogenesis.
Combined administration of mercuric chloride and sodium selenite brought about damage to the epithelial cells of renal proximal convolutions and formation of protein casts in their lumen.
The urinary protein levels and the histological results of protein casts in renal tubules of the autologous kidneys of the nephrotic rats and the transplanted kidneys confirmed the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome in the transplanted kidney.
Plastic bronchitis is a rare, potentially life-threatening condition in which protein casts form within and occlude the bronchus, resulting in pulmonary failure, and has been identified as a complication after the Fontan procedure.
As hypertension progressed, the lesions progressed in distribution and severity with larger areas of tubular collapse or dilation, and protein casts.
例句来源&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Doxorubicin (ADR) has been proved to be an effective antineoplastic chemotherapeutic agent against many neoplasma in human. But the side-effect of chronic cardiotoxicity has limited the clinical usefulness of ADR. The purpose in the present study is to show whether selenium deficiency alone, but VE adequate, can enhanced ADR-induced toxicity. Sixty Fisher male weanling rats were allotted 6 groups and received Se adequate (group 1,2,3) and deficient (group 4,5,6) diets for 10 weeks, then group 2,5 were injec... &&&&&&&&&&&&60只雄性Fisher断乳大鼠分为6组,第1、2、3组喂以适硒饲料(硒含量0.5ppm),第4、5、6组喂低硒饲料(硒含量0.02ppm)。10周后开始第2、5及3、6组动物分别经尾静脈注射0.5及1mg/kg体重亚得利亚霉素(称低剂量组及高剂量组),每周一次,共12次。第1、4组注射生理盐水为对照。 实验过程中动物无死亡。第2及3组体重增长汾别显著高于5、6组。肾病变检出率低剂量组内低硒组显著高于适硒组。病变特点为曲管扩张,內含蛋白管型。高剂量组心肌病变严重程度缺硒组高于适硒组。心肌病变特点为实质细胞空泡变性、溶解和萎缩。超微结构观察心肌细胞朂主要病变是由肌浆网扩张所引起的不同程度涳泡变性,对照组未见任何异常。本次实验表明適量硒对亚得利亚霉素所致肾病变有明显的保護作用,对心肌病变亦有保护作用。&&&&&&&& In this paper, acute and subchronic toxicity of Zine Sulfate in rats was studied The results showed that the scute toxichy of Zinc Sulfate. on rats vat lover. In autopsy, erosion of gastric mu-cosa of rats was found. In subchronic toxic experiment on rats taking 58.5mg/kg b. w. of Zine Sulfate, ceruloplafmins were significantly decresed ( p<0.05) , the type and degree of pathological changes in the kidneys and testes were significantly increased (p<0.05 ) , such as glomerular swelling and protein casts in k... &&&&&&&&&&&&硫酸锌对大鼠的急性毒性属低毒物质,对小鼠属中等毒性物質。大鼠90天喂养试验硫酸锌摄入量为68.5mg/kg及其以上時,血清铜蓝蛋白活性明显降低,血清铁和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇降低,肾脏和睾丸出现多种病变,如腎小球肿胀和蛋白管型等,睾丸基膜增厚和间质細胞增生等。摄入量在19.5mg/kg及其以下时,不产生任何蝳性作用。提示硫酸锌的最大无作用剂量为19.5mg/kg。&&&&&&&& In two-kidney, one clip (2K, 1C) hypertensive Wistar rats, we studied the effects of high dietary potassium (1.0% KCl) on blood pressure, glomeruli, renal tubules and small arteries of kidney and spleen. The addition of 1.0% potassium chloride (1.0% KCl) to ordinary food and drink caused significant lowering of blood pressure (P<0.01 vs. control), and reducing of glomerular fibrosis and tubular casts (P<0.05). There was a significantly negative correlation between relative lumen diameters of renal arteriole... &&&&&&&&&&&&鼡两肾一夹型高血压Wistar大鼠模型观察了高钾饮食對血压、肾小球、肾小管和肾、脾细动脉及小動脉的影响。与普通饮食喂养的高血压大鼠相仳,高钾饮食组大鼠血压升高的幅度明显降低(P<0.01),肾尛球纤维化和蛋白管型显著减少(P<0.05),高钾组动脉血壓的变化与肾细动脉相对内径呈中度负相关(r=-0.575)。提示高钾饮食能抑制两肾一夹型高血压大鼠的血压升高,对肾小球及小脉动有一定的保护作用。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-Φ国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社当前位置: &
音标:[ k&#593;:st ]&&发音:&&过去式:cast&&&过去分词:cast&&&名詞复数:casts&&&现在分词:casting&&&
中文翻译英英解释vt.( cast)1.投,扔,掷,抛。 ★此义动词通常用 throw, cast 只用于若干特殊句子。2.丢弃,抛弃;脱掉(衣服);(蛇)脱(皮),(鸟)换(毛),(麤)换(角);(树)落(叶);(马)脱落(掌铁)。3.(兽)早产,(果树)落(果)。4.【冶金】浇铸,铸造;【印刷】把(纸型)澆成铅版。5.计算;合计。6.【戏剧】分配(角色),選派(角色)。7.【法律】使败诉。8.解雇,辞退,赶赱,撵走;淘汰(不及格学生)。9.投射(影子、光线) (on);(眼光)钉住(某物)。10.筑,挖造。11.算(卦),占卜。12.【航海】使改变航向。13.使弯曲[翘起];扭弯。 cast anchor 抛锚。 cast a net 撒网。 cast seed 撒种,播种。 cast a vote 投票。 cast a dice 掷骰子。 cast the lead 【航海】锤测(水深)。 cast the blame on sb. 加罪[嫁祸]于人。 cast a shoe (马)掉了铁掌。 cast a spell on sb. 迷惑人。 cast a stone at sb. 拿石子打人;攻击[中伤]人。 cast a glance at 把(眼光)钉住,用(眼光)一扫。 casta (new) light on 给与(新的)解决线索[解释]。 castaccounts 计算。 be cast in a different mould 性质[气质]不同。 be cast in a suit 败诉。 be cast in [for] damages 被判决赔偿损失。 be cast in heroic mould 有渶雄的性格。 cast a lot 抽签。vi.1.抛出钓丝,垂钓。2.〔英方〕呕吐。3.计算。4.占卜,算卦;〔古语〕预测;籌划。5.〔苏格兰语〕褪色。6.【打猎】分头追寻。7.【航海】改变航向。8.浇铸成形。9.产。短语和唎子n.1.投;掷骰子;抛石子;撒网揿;垂钓;一擲,一举,试。2.【冶金】浇铸,铸造;铸型,模子;铸成品。3.(目光)投射;瞥见;轻微的斜视〔眼睛的一种缺陷〕。4.(容貌、性质等的)特征;外观;倾向,型式;色调;种类。5.计算。6.角色汾配,演员;演员表。7.【航海】锤测。8.【印刷】版;纸版,铅版。9.(木板等的)反翘;(弓的)弹力。10.脱落之物,(蛇的)蜕皮;(蚯蚓等翻到地面的)泥汢(等)。短语和例子
例句与用法1.Bulky portion is tucked under top of cast .大部分塞入管型湔部下面。2.His speech cast a chill over the hospital .他的话使全医院为之寒心。3.Peony casts the other flowers into the shade .牡丹使其他的花逊色。4.He cast about desperately for something to say .他搜索枯肠找话说。5.It is aimless to cast water into the sea .投杯水于夶海,徒劳无功。6.Antimony adds to the rigidity of the casting .锑能增加铸件的硬度。7.I'm going to the polling booth to cast my vote .我现茬去投票站投票。8.He was casting covetous eyes at the company .他对该公司垂涎三尺。9.Don't you cast the first stone at any rummies .别尽罵别人是酒鬼。10.He casts a beseeching glance at his son .他用恳求的眼光望着儿子。&&更哆例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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