野性燃料攻略游戏打开弹出 please use the Games for windows live launchar

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New to Modding? Don't forget to check the Modding guide in the sidebar!
created by a community for 3 yearsthatmodteam.thatmodteam.fixguide
Fixes for all fallout games listed below. Please read everything for your game
For all games, Ensure you have your Audio and Video drivers up to date!
before asking for help, make sure your computer meets minimum requirements
If you find any errors in the guide, due to links being changed, or things no longer being available (like games for windows live) Please tell me in
Some people will have a &Rainbow& effect on videos and certain parts of the game. There are three options here for Vista , Windows 7 and 8.
(backup files before editing them) Find ddraw.ini in your Fallout Folder, Under [Graphics] find the Mode=0 and change it to 4 for full screen and 5 for windowed.
Right click on the falloutw.exe in your game directory. Go to compatibility. Run it for XP compatibility, in 256 Colors, and in 640x480 resolution.
Option 3 (best option)
You can also get the unofficial patch for the game from here:
allowing you to install the High Resolution Patch here
A lot of F2 not starting is due to a need to be ran in administrator mode. Right click the game, click on properties, click on compatibility, and select &run as administrator& this includes most instances of &Fallout2.exe cannot be started&
People often have an issue in fallout 2 similar to Fallout 1 with graphical errors and the obvious hindrance of low resolution or any amount of bugs.
The best bet is Killaps Fallout 2 Restoration Project.Many years in the making, It fixes over a thousand bugs, adds some minor content, adds high resolution, and includes Killaps unofficial patch that I had linked before. It should solve most issues you may have with fallout 2. (Note, Fallout 2 cannot be in Program Files for this to work, install it elsewhere first, or move it to the desktop for install)
If you do not want to use the restoration project (I suggest you do), you can try the following
steam/steamapps/common/fallout 2 Folder and find ddraw.ini file, Open with notepad. Find &Graphics&, look 4 lines down and find &mode=0& change this to &mode=4&,
Look Further down and find &graphics height& and &graphics width& This is your resolution, change the values to the resolution you want, up to
Fallout 3:
Fallout 3 works better with older hardware and older OS, in this case &the newer the better& is not fully true.
Run the game launcher and the game executable in your game folder as an admin. (right click the files, go to properties, go to compatibility, select &run as administrator&)
F3 Windows 7 and 8(.1) Issues
First and foremost, The game runs on Windows 7 and 8, it is just &not optimized& for it. A company is not going to add compatibility for a new OS after release because its a giant headache for them.
This is the multicore fix and is one of the most important things. You should do this for Fallout 3 and New Vegas if you have a quadcore processor (or any processor with more than 2 cores). The Gamebyro engine (which runs fallout 3 and NV) has issues with 2 or more cores. This fix forces the game to run on two cores. It will fix a LARGE majority of crashing for most people.
Go to /Documents/My games/Fallout 3/
Find fallout.ini
Open with notepad
Use find (Ctrl F) and type &bUseThreadedAI=0& without quotes
Replace &bUseThreadedAI=0 & with &bUseThreadedAI=1&
Add an extra line and type &iNumHWThreads=2&
*If you STILL have a lot
of crashes you can reduce that number to 1 but it will effect game performance. *
Do not confuse fallout.ini in /my games/Fallout 3/ with the fallout_default.ini in your fallout game folder, DO NOT edit fallout_default.ini)
the INI file can be overwritten if you use the normal fallout launcher. You can stop this if the launcher does not run as an administrator, and you set the ini to read only by right clicking the ini file, pressing properties, and clicking &read only&. A better way is to launch your game using a mod manager, such as Nexus Mod
Manager, regardless of if you use mods or not
The runtime files that come with the CD version of Fallout 3 may not work correctly, you should download the current ones from Microsoft.
Fallout 3 Large Address Aware.
If you run a lot of mods, Fallout will crash due to high memory usage. This program will set a flag allowing the game to use more than 4GB of ram. It can be downloaded here
FO3 Performance
If you have performance issues, you can get mods that will reduce the amount of unused clutter in the game. This is an example of such a mod
Fo3 Games for Windows Live
more recently known as Games for Windows Marketplace, [Now gone completely, but still downloadable] Can cause issues in fallout 3 across all versions of Windows. Windows 8 users need to update games for Windows live before using this mod
update here :
You can then disable it via this mod ONLY DISABLE IF THE GAME WILL NOT RUN AFTER UPDATING AND YOU HAVE DONE OTHER FIXES otherwise leave it alone! :
I don't like relying on Codecs fixes as they can cause issues with other applications, but if you have done the multicore fix and Fallout 3 still freezes in the opening scene giving birth, you can try using klite (You no not need to try this fix unless you freeze in the FO3 birth scene, or you have exhausted all other options)
fo3 Fake Fullscreen
Running in a full window is an option. This is a mod that allows the game to run in &fake fullscreen& which can stop issues from instant crashes and using Alt-Tab
Fo3 &The ordinal 42 could not be located &
If you get the error &The ordinal 42 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\windows\SYSTEM32\xlive.dll.& You need to get games for windows live, as I linked above. You may also need to disable it after, but it DOES need to be installed first.
Fo3 Crash on &New Game& - d3d9.dll fix - Intel Fix -
If you crash on clicking new game and if you have an onboard Intel graphics card (This can also work for non Intel cards, it's a very common issue) you can use this fix, which tricks the game to thinking you have a different video card. (Windows Vista, 7 and 8 confirmed) (This fix overrides fallout.ini and includes the multicore fix)
Fo3Stutter Issues
Fallout 3 Stutter Remover mod can help many people who have issues with stuttering. It requires the FOSE. You can download the mod here
Fallout 3 Audio Errors
The most common thing I see is music not working, and funny enough it is often because the music levels have been turned down in the options menu. Make sure your volumes are up in the settings in game.
After that you can try using the codec above (
If this does not work, and you are in windows Vista or 7, launch the game and open the game console. Type &snd_legacy_surround 1& without quotes.
You need to ensure your audio drivers are up to date as well. Here is a list of audio driver companies.
Prebuilt Systems may need drivers from the manufacturer:
You may also have FFDshow Codec, without knowing, which you need to disable for fallout, or, remove FFDShow.
It is part of several codec packs that stop Klite from running. Check Add/Remove Programs (Programs and features on Windows 7 and 8) area of your control panel, if not you can disable it as so:
1.Find the ffdshow video decoder configuration window in the start menu. If you have other Codec packs, it will be under its submenu (like CCCP or Vista Codecs) (You may also be able to use the &Run& button on the start menu by typing
'C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe ffdshow.ax,configureAudio' or
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe ffdshow.ax,configureAudio'
2.Tick the Don't use ffdshow checkbox
3.Press the edit. Press Add.Browse to the Fallout 3 installation directory and locate fallout3.exe file. Select it and press open. Press &OK&.
For Windows XP Audio Stutter and problems
Try the following
Control Panel -& Sounds and Audio Devices -& Volume tab -& Speaker Settings section -& Advanced... -& Performance tab -& Hardware Acceleration -& Basic
Don't turn it off, or all sound will end up stuttering!
If all sound stutters at Basic, go up to the next level.
Fallout New Vegas
Run the game launcher and the game executable in your game folder as an admin. (right click the file, go to properties, go to compatibility, select &run as administrator&)
A lot of these fixes will be the same here for 3 and NV, with slightly different links.
First and foremost, the Multicore fix. Use this if you have a quadcore processor (Bethesda was aware of this issue in the engine and somehow did not fix it across Fallout 3, All patches, new Vegas, and all patches. It affects less people in NV, but does still happen)
Go to /Documents/My games/Fallout New Vegas/
Find fallout.ini
Open with notepad
Use find (Ctrl F) and type &bUseThreadedAI=0& without quotes
Replace &bUseThreadedAI=0 & with &bUseThreadedAI=1&
Add an extra line and type &iNumHWThreads=2&
*If you STILL have a lot
of crashes you can reduce that number to 1 but it will effect game performance. *
Do not confuse fallout.ini in /my games/Fallout New Vegas/ with the fallout_default.ini in your fallout game folder, DO NOT edit fallout_default.ini)
the INI file can be overwritten if you use the normal fallout launcher. You can stop this if the launcher does not run as an administrator, and you set the ini to read only by right clicking the ini file, pressing properties, and clicking &read only&. A better way is to launch your game using a mod manager, such as Nexus Mod
Manager, regardless of if you use mods or not
Fallout 4GB - If using a lot of mods, ram usage will go up. This is similar to FO3 Large Address aware. Even if your game is not reaching 4GB of ram, this patch can fix crashes.
NV Fallout 4GB
This is a performance mod that gets rid of a lot of useless clutter in the wasteland for people with performance issues.
FNV Performance Issues
New Vegas Stutter Remover is a mod that can help with random stuttering in the game. It Requires NVSE.
If your New Vegas save will not load and the roulette wheel keeps spinning on the loading screen, this is an easy fix. If your quicksave, or autosave will not load due to this issue, load another unrelated save. Once in this save, try loading the one that was earlier stuck on the load screen. It will now work. (Some people say you can start a new game instead of loading a good save, be warned, this will delete the autosave)
Issues with NV and Fallout 3 regarding steam and UAC in Windows Vista and 7
It is suggested that people instal steam outside of Program Files. The main reason is UAC in Windows Vista and less so in 7 causing some issues with writing files in protected locations. If you install steam to another location such as
C:\steam you can fix issues across a lot of different games involving User Account Control.
I have not found issues with Fallout Tactics but can post fixes if they are needed
Minimum Requirements
This website can tell you if you meet the requirements for FO3 and FNV. It is not a 100%. Some people can run the game if you barely fail the requirements, but be warned, if you buy the game and do no meet the requirements, it is your own fault.
THIS GUIDE. PLEASE CLICK HERE IF YOU NEED HELP AFTER READING THE GUIDE**](/r/FalloutMods/comments/1zktxt/fallout_fix_guide_current_post/)
**Fixes for all fallout games listed below. Please read everything for your game**
**For all games, Ensure you have your Audio and Video drivers up to date!**
**before asking for help, make sure your computer meets minimum requirements**
If you find any errors in the guide, due to links being changed, or things no longer being available (like games for windows live) Please tell me in [our current discussion post](/r/FalloutMods/comments/1zktxt/fallout_fix_guide_current_post/)
##**Fallout 1**
Some people will have a &Rainbow& effect on videos and certain parts of the game. There are three options here for Vista , Windows 7 and 8.
**Option 1**
(backup files before editing them) Find ddraw.ini in your Fallout Folder, Under [Graphics] find the Mode=0 and change it to 4 for full screen and 5 for windowed.
**Option 2**
Right click on the falloutw.exe in your game directory. Go to compatibility. Run it for XP compatibility, in 256 Colors, and in 640x480 resolution.
**Option 3** (best option)
You can also get the unofficial patch for the game from here:
allowing you to install the High Resolution Patch here
##**Fallout 2**
A lot of F2 not starting is due to a need to be ran in administrator mode. Right click the game, click on properties, click on compatibility, and select &run as administrator& **this includes most instances of &Fallout2.exe cannot be started&**
People often have an issue in fallout 2 similar to Fallout 1 with graphical errors and the obvious hindrance of low resolution or any amount of bugs.
The best bet is Killaps Fallout 2 Restoration Project.Many years in the making, It fixes over a thousand bugs, adds some minor content, adds high resolution, and includes Killaps unofficial patch that I had linked before. It should solve most issues you may have with fallout 2. (Note, Fallout 2 cannot be in Program Files for this to work, install it elsewhere first, or move it to the desktop for install)
[Killaps Fallout 2 Restoration Project](http://www./forum/viewtopic.php?t=63996)
If you do not want to use the restoration project (I suggest you do), you can try the following
steam/steamapps/common/fallout 2 Folder and find ddraw.ini file, Open with notepad. Find &Graphics&, look 4 lines down and find &mode=0& change this to &mode=4&,
Look Further down and find &graphics height& and &graphics width& This is your resolution, change the values to the resolution you want, up to
##**Fallout 3:**
Fallout 3 works better with older hardware and older OS, in this case &the newer the better& is not fully true.
Run the game launcher and the game executable in your game folder as an admin. (right click the files, go to properties, go to compatibility, select &run as administrator&)
##F3 Windows 7 and 8(.1) Issues
First and foremost, The game runs on Windows 7 and 8, it is just &not optimized& for it. A company is not going to add compatibility for a new OS after release because its a giant headache for them.
This is the **multicore fix** and is one of the most important things. You should do this for Fallout 3 and New Vegas if you have a **quadcore processor** (or any processor with more than 2 cores). The Gamebyro engine (which runs fallout 3 and NV) has issues with 2 or more cores. This fix forces the game to run on two cores. It will **fix a LARGE majority of crashing for most people.**
1. Go to /Documents/My games/Fallout 3/
2. Find fallout.ini
3. Open with notepad
4. Use find (Ctrl F) and type &bUseThreadedAI=0& without quotes
5. Replace &bUseThreadedAI=0 & with &bUseThreadedAI=1&
6. Add an extra line and type &iNumHWThreads=2&
*If you STILL have a lot
of crashes you can reduce that number to 1 but it will effect game performance. *
**Do not confuse fallout.ini in /my games/Fallout 3/ with the fallout_default.ini in your fallout game folder, DO NOT edit fallout_default.ini)**
**the INI file can be overwritten if you use the normal fallout launcher. You can stop this if the launcher does not run as an administrator, and you set the ini to read only by right clicking the ini file, pressing properties, and clicking &read only&. A better way is to launch your game using a mod manager, such as Nexus Mod
Manager, regardless of if you use mods or not**
##Fallout 3 .net runtime files
The runtime files that come with the CD version of Fallout 3 may not work correctly, you should download the current ones from Microsoft.
[Fallout comes with 3.5 that you can get here](/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=21)
[You can also update to version 4 here](/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17718)
##Fallout 3 Large Address Aware.
If you run a lot of mods, Fallout will crash due to high memory usage. This program will set a flag allowing the game to use more than 4GB of ram. It can be downloaded here
##FO3 Performance
If you have performance issues, you can get mods that will reduce the amount of unused clutter in the game. This is an example of such a mod
##**Fo3 Games for Windows Live**
more recently known as Games for Windows Marketplace, [Now gone completely, but still downloadable] Can cause issues in fallout 3 across all versions of Windows. **Windows 8 users need to update games for Windows live before using this mod**
update here :
[Games for Windows Live](/en-US/LIVE/PC/DownloadClient)
You can then disable it via this mod **ONLY DISABLE IF THE GAME WILL NOT RUN AFTER UPDATING AND YOU HAVE DONE OTHER FIXES** otherwise leave it alone! :
[Disabler Link](/mods/1086/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D1086&pUp=1)
I don't like relying on Codecs fixes as they can cause issues with other applications, but if you **have done the multicore fix** and Fallout 3 still freezes in the opening scene giving birth, you can try using klite (You no not need to try this fix unless you freeze in the FO3 birth scene, or you have exhausted all other options)
[Codec Link](/download_kl.htm)
##fo3 Fake Fullscreen
**Running in a full window is an option.** This is a mod that allows the game to run in **&fake fullscreen&** which can stop issues from instant crashes and using Alt-Tab
[Fake Fullscreen] (/mods/16001/?)
##Fo3 &The ordinal 42 could not be located &
If you get the error &**The ordinal 42 could not be located in the dynamic link library** C:\windows\SYSTEM32\xlive.dll.& You need to get games for windows live, as I linked above. You may also need to disable it after, but it DOES need to be installed first.
[Games for Windows Live](/en-US/LIVE/PC/DownloadClient)
##Fo3 Crash on &New Game& - d3d9.dll fix - Intel Fix -
If you **crash on clicking new game** and if you have an **onboard Intel graphics card** (This can also work for non Intel cards, it's a very common issue) you can use this fix, which tricks the game to thinking you have a different video card. (Windows Vista, 7 and 8 confirmed) (This fix overrides fallout.ini and includes the multicore fix)
[Intel Fix](/mods/17209/?)
##**Fo3Stutter Issues**
Fallout 3 Stutter Remover mod can help many people who have issues with stuttering. It requires the FOSE. You can download the mod here
[Stutter remover](/mods/8886/?)
##**Fallout 3 Audio Errors**
The most common thing I see is music not working, and funny enough it is often because the music levels have been turned down in the options menu. Make sure your volumes are up in the settings in game.
After that you can try using the codec above ([Linked right here](/download_kl.htm)
**If this does not work, and you are in windows Vista or 7, launch the game and open the game console. Type &snd_legacy_surround 1& without quotes.**
You need to ensure your audio drivers are up to date as well. Here is a list of audio driver companies.
[Audiotrak USA](http://audiotrak.net/international.htm)
[Creative Technology](/)
[Philips Electronics ] (/)
[Terratec Promedia](http://www.terratec.net/)
[Turtle Beach](/)
**Prebuilt Systems may need drivers from the manufacturer:**
[Acer America](/)
[Hewlett Packard (HP)](/)
[IBM Corp.](/)
**You may also have FFDshow Codec, without knowing**, which you need to disable for fallout, or, remove FFDShow.
It is part of several codec packs that stop Klite from running. Check Add/Remove Programs (Programs and features on Windows 7 and 8) area of your control panel, if not you can disable it as so:
1.Find the ffdshow video decoder configuration window in the start menu. If you have other Codec packs, it will be under its submenu (like CCCP or Vista Codecs) (You may also be able to use the &Run& button on the start menu by typing
'C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe ffdshow.ax,configureAudio' or
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe ffdshow.ax,configureAudio'
2.Tick the Don't use ffdshow checkbox
3.Press the edit. Press Add.Browse to the Fallout 3 installation directory and locate fallout3.exe file. Select it and press open. Press &OK&.
**For Windows XP Audio Stutter and problems**
Try the following
Control Panel -& Sounds and Audio Devices -& Volume tab -& Speaker Settings section -& Advanced... -& Performance tab -& Hardware Acceleration -& Basic
Don't turn it off, or all sound will end up stuttering!
If all sound stutters at Basic, go up to the next level.
##**Fallout New Vegas**
Run the game launcher and the game executable in your game folder as an admin. (right click the file, go to properties, go to compatibility, select &run as administrator&)
A lot of these fixes will be the same here for 3 and NV, with slightly different links.
First and foremost, the Multicore fix. Use this if you have a quadcore processor (Bethesda was aware of this issue in the engine and somehow did not fix it across Fallout 3, All patches, new Vegas, and all patches. It affects less people in NV, but does still happen)
1. Go to /Documents/My games/Fallout New Vegas/
2. Find fallout.ini
3. Open with notepad
4. Use find (Ctrl F) and type &bUseThreadedAI=0& without quotes
5. Replace &bUseThreadedAI=0 & with &bUseThreadedAI=1&
6. Add an extra line and type &iNumHWThreads=2&
*If you STILL have a lot
of crashes you can reduce that number to 1 but it will effect game performance. *
**Do not confuse fallout.ini in /my games/Fallout New Vegas/ with the fallout_default.ini in your fallout game folder, DO NOT edit fallout_default.ini)**
**the INI file can be overwritten if you use the normal fallout launcher. You can stop this if the launcher does not run as an administrator, and you set the ini to read only by right clicking the ini file, pressing properties, and clicking &read only&. A better way is to launch your game using a mod manager, such as Nexus Mod
Manager, regardless of if you use mods or not**
Fallout 4GB - If using a lot of mods, ram usage will go up. This is similar to FO3 Large Address aware. Even if your game is not reaching 4GB of ram, this patch can fix crashes.
##NV Fallout 4GB
[Fallout 4GB](/mods/35262/?)
This is a performance mod that gets rid of a lot of useless clutter in the wasteland for people with performance issues.
##FNV Performance Issues
[Performance of the Gods](/mods/45475/?)
New Vegas Stutter Remover is a mod that can help with random stuttering in the game. It Requires NVSE.
[Stutter Remover](/mods/34832/?)
If your New Vegas **save will not load and the roulette wheel keeps spinning** on the loading screen, this is an easy fix. If your quicksave, or autosave will not load due to this issue, load another unrelated save. Once in this save, try loading the one that was earlier stuck on the load screen. It will now work. (Some people say you can start a new game instead of loading a good save, be warned, this will delete the autosave)
##**Issues with NV and Fallout 3 regarding steam and UAC in Windows Vista and 7**
It is suggested that people instal steam outside of Program Files. The main reason is UAC in Windows Vista and less so in 7 causing some issues with writing files in protected locations. If you install steam to another location such as
C:\steam you can fix issues across a lot of different games involving User Account Control.
I have not found issues with **Fallout Tactics** but can post fixes if they are needed
##**Minimum Requirements**
This website can tell you if you meet the requirements for FO3 and FNV. It is not a 100%. Some people can run the game if you barely fail the requirements, but be warned, if you buy the game and do no meet the requirements, it is your own fault.
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