
1 This sitcom has a lot of voice-over.  这个连续剧有好多画外音。  2 My life, it hasn’t turned out like I thought it would.  我的生活不是向我所想的那样。  3 Do you ever feel that way?  你从没有过那样的感觉吗?  4 No time, I have to intubate.  没时间了,我得马上插管了。  5 Please get someone to take my place.  求求你找个人来接替我吧。  6 He hasn’t shown an ounce of remorse since the accident.  意外发生以来,他没表现出丁点的懊悔和自责。  7 Would you knock it off? My mom’s right over there.  你不要这样了好吗?我妈妈就在那边。  8 Alphabetize them.  按字母顺序排一下。  9 Word on the street is you and her might break up.  正在传你们要分手啊。  10 I broke it off with her.  我和她分了。  11 Helen stands there frozen.  海伦站在那吓呆了。  12 Are you afraid of your dad?  你怕你爸吗?  13 I’m innocent, I swear to God.  我对天发誓,我是无辜的。  14 If you can’t afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you at government expense.  如果你请不起律师,政府会给你指定一个。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  sophomore 帖    1 I know the sacrifice you are making.我知道你正在做出的牺牲。  2 What is he going to think if you don’t show up.如果你不到场他会怎么想?  3 I’ve got millions of errands to run.我有好多家务要做。  4 I don’t want you worrying too much about it.我不想让你太担心。  5 I have flaws.我有缺点。  6 I’ve got a lot to learn about parenting.要养育孩子,我还有很多要学。  7 If you don’t back me up on this, I’ll loose it.如果这事你不帮我我就完了。  8 How can you say that it doesn’t matter, of course it matters.你怎么能说这没关系呢,当然有关系。  9 I couldn’t just let you make a fool of me.我不能就这样让你把我耍了。  10 Thanks for your confirmation of our training offer.感谢您对培训安排的确认。  11 We are now pleased to issue the invitation.我们也很高兴发出邀请。  12 Detailed information regarding what,where and when the training courses will be held, please kindly find the following.关于培训的细节,请见以下信息。  13 I’ll get the door.我来开门。  14 I admit I was way out of line.我承认我太过分了。  
  明天六级!!就算考完了六级,英语还要继续。    再次声明,学英语不是为了考试!!    但要没考过那咋整呢,不是丢人么?    先学着吧!!
  junior 帖    1 Can we not go together? 我们不要一起去,好吗?  2 I am drawn to her.我被她迷住了。  3 Once this case is over, I’ll take my business elsewhere.这个案件一结束,我就会别处工作了。  4 You made no impression at all.你没给人留下任何印象。  5 All rise.全体起立。  6 Misdemeanour!行为不端。  7 I know these questions are embarrassing.我知道问这些问题会令人难堪。  8 I am not talking about him specially, I’m talking in general.我不是特指他,而是广泛的说。  9 Have you ever fantasized about...你从没幻想过。  10 How would they feel about me joining in?我加入,他们会怎么想呢?  11 Offence is the best defense.进攻时最好的防守。  12 Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。  13 Promise is debt.一诺千金。  14 It’s easy to be wise after the envent.事后诸葛好当。  
  今天考六级啊 6band .. 大纲里的词汇知道的太少啊!!!蒙了都!!保佑一个吧!!
  senior 帖
  senior 帖  1 When is the zero hour for the attack?发动进攻的确切时间是什么时候?    2 This place turns into a zoo at this time of day.每天的这时这儿就变的热闹非常。    3 Over the years I have seen a lot of growth in this area.这些年我们在这个领域中看到了很多发展。    4 I am gonna fix his wagon.我要报复他。    5 There’s not nothing we can do but wait out the crisis.除了等待危机过去我们别无他法。    6 Hey, wait up.等一下。    7 I don’t know why you let her walk all over you.我不明白你为什么让她对你为所欲为。    8 I went up to talk with her, but she just walked off.我上去和她说话,她却走开了。    9 My boss just handed me my walking paper.我老板刚把我开了。    10 I feel like I am up againt a wall.我觉得碰了一鼻子灰。    11 My wife drives me up the wall.我妻子将我逼上了绝路。    12 I pray that God will watch over you.上帝保佑你们。    13 What’s the matter with you, you look like a fish out of water.你看起来烦躁不安。    14 Is this watch waterproof?这支手表是防水的吗?    
  今天Macau回归10周年,可喜可贺!!! 今天还是玲花姐姐的生日,祝她生日快乐!!!
  The 5th 帖     1 This drink tastes like it has been watered down.这个饮料喝起来像是掺了水了。  2 That’s all water under the bridge.那些都是过去的事情了。  3 I am amazed at how fast she can turn on the waterworks.她装哭的速度令我惊讶。  4 There used to be an overpass here.原来这儿有座立交桥。  5 Thanks a lot for going out of your way to help me.感谢你耐心的帮助。  6 Please lead the way.请前面带路。  7 Make way.让开。  8 That style is definitely on the way out.那个样式明显就要过时了。  9 She has always been a wayward individual.她一直是个任性的人。  10 It’s just as well I was not invited, I couldn’t have gone anyway.刚好没请我,反正我也去不了。  11 We might as well give it a try.我们不妨试一试。  12 Don’t be a wet blanket.不要扫兴啊。  13 What if I don’t want to?如果我不愿意呢?  14 What the heck! Let’s try it.无论如何,让我们试一试。  
  The 6th 帖  12.22    
1 I need something to wet my whistle.我需要点东西来润湿下我的嗓子。  
2 He is a whistle-blower.他是个爱告状的人。  
3 Do you think our conversation could be wiretapped?你觉得我们的谈话被
4 Please put in a good word for me.请为我美言几句。  
5 I’d like to have a word with you in private.我有些话要和你私底下说。  
6 Jonh is a coward in so many words.说白了,他就是个懦夫。  
7 Tom is a man of his word.他是个守承诺的人。  
8 My father is a man of few words.我父亲是个沉默寡言的人。  
9 I thought the professor’s speech was a little wordy.我认为那个教授的
10 David has been out of work for over a year.他没工作已经有一年多了。  
11 I wouldn’t hurt you for all the world.无论如何,我绝对不会伤害你。  
12 Don’t be a worrywart, everything is going to be fine.不要自寻烦恼了
13 The more you worry,the worse it’ll get.你越担心情况会变得越糟。  
14 She is so vain.她很虚荣。
  The 7th 帖        1 You’ve got to keep up with the time.你得跟得上时代。  2 I felt used.我感觉被利用了。  3 Just put in on my tab.就记在我账上吧。  4 She takes after her mother.她长的很像她妈妈。  5 What do you take me for? A fool?你以为我是什么,傻瓜?  6 When did you take up fishing?你什么时候开始钓鱼的?  7 Would you help me take down this tent?你能帮我把这个帐篷拆下吗?  8 He can talk his way out of anything.不管什么事,都能为自己找出辩护的理由。  9 Let’s talk turkey.让我们坦率的谈一谈。  10 That show is a real tearjerker.那部演出是一部真正让人落泪的演出。  11 The thing is...问题是...  12 It was my pleasure, think nothing of it.乐意为你效劳,请别客气。  13 That novel was written in third person.那部小说用第三人称写的。  14 That’s just a 3-rate company.那只是个三流公司。  
  The 8th 帖  
Holy night    1 Sit tight and I’ll be back in a few minutes.坐着别动我马上就回来。  2 My aunt is too tight-fisted.我姑姑用钱太小气了。  3 He is such a tightwad.他是个吝啬鬼。  4 He will be here in no time.他马上就到。  5 We are out of time.没时间了。  6 Don’t be so snappish.不要太急躁。  7 I was just being concerned.我只是关心关心。  8 You made all of that up.那些都是你胡编的。  9 It took Susan a few years to realise that even the best of parents make mistakes now and then.Susan花了几年才明白,最好的父母都会时不时的犯错。  10 I’m going to handle this once and for all.我这就去一次性解决这个问题。  11 She hasn’t been returning my phone calls.她一直都没回我电话。  12 Maybe it would be better if we just cooled it for a while.也许我们都先冷下来一段时间更好些。  13 The smell is a little intense.味有点重。  14 Smells have been making me nauseous lately.最近气味总让我恶心。
  The 9th 帖            Christmas Day    1 I don’t see us having much in common.我看咱们没有太多共同语言。  2 This is absolutely a thing worth spending your time on.这绝对是值得你花时间在上面的。  3 This is a very entertaining show.这部戏很有意思。  4 Her face looks like a foot, why people find her attractive?她的脸长的像只脚,怎么会有人觉得她有魅力?  5 I tried a couple of times to sit down and see this show and I was more disgusted each time.我几次尝试坐下来看这部戏,但多看一次我就多一份厌恶。  6 You will not be disappointed, you have my word.有我得承诺,你不会失望的。  7 Ericsson assumes no legal responsibility for ...爱立信不对......负法律责任。  8 This book may not be copied without the express written consent of Ericsson.没有经过爱立信的书面许可,此书不可复制。  9 This book is used for training purpose only.这本书仅做培训用。  10 Upon completion of this charpter the students will be able to...学完这章,学员们应该掌握...  11 Intentionally blank.有意留空。(当人问你,这一页怎么是空的啊,你可以这样昂回答。)  12 Would you like to refresh yourself first?你要先上下厕所吗?  13 She is expecting.她怀孕了。  14 Don’t talk to me, don’t you see I’m in the middle of calculating.别打岔,没看见我在数数吗。
  今天圣诞节,祝亲人们节日快乐。        Today is Christmas Day, the best wishes to you, all my loves.      Merry Christmas!!!!
  The 10th 帖        1 It’s about time you show up.你差不多该上场了。  2 This story is based on real historical events.这个故事源自真实的历史事件。  3 The so-called Han race didn’t exist yet.所谓的汉族当时还不存在。  4 China was divided into big and small kingdoms.中原被分割成大大小小的王国。  5 Flight AH9580 to Nanjing will be delayed, the new departure time will be 15:00.9580航班飞往南京延误,起飞时间推迟到三点。  6 Does he look dangerous to you?你看他很危险吗?  7 It looks like gingers to me.我看那象姜。  8 Please have your belongings to gate 12 for boarding.请带上你的行李到12号登机口登机。  9 I say he could stay, but that doesn’t make him my friend.我说他可以留下了,这不代表他是我的朋友。  10 This is the final boarding call for flight MU24.MU24航班就要起飞了。  11 You are such a stick in the mud.你真扫兴。  12 I feel trapped.我感觉被困住了。  13 Oh, tonnes of bicycles.好多自行车。  14 I have a tonne of errands to run.我又很多杂活要做。
  The 11th 帖        1 Can I bum a smoke?我能来根烟吗?  2 I am nice too, aren’t I?我也很不错的,不是吗?  3 Put it into a good use.好好利用它。  4 You go, go do your things.你走吧,你去做你的事吧。  5 The feeling is mutual.那种感觉是相互的。  6 I am just curious.我只是好奇。  7 I worship you.我很崇敬你。  8 I feel like I know you.我感觉认识你。  9 Suddenly the guys are holding all the chips.突然间,男的掌握了优势。  10 I totally believe that love can conquer all.我完全相信爱可以战胜一切。  11 The older we get, the more we keep self-selecting down to a smaller group.越老,我们自主选择的空间会越少。  12 If you are a whore, what that makes me?得了,如果你是婊子,那我还算是什么呢?  13 Are we really that cynical?我们有那么愤青吗?  14 What a tempting thought.多么诱人的一个想法!
  The 12th 帖      1 Straight love has become closeted.异性恋反倒成了另类了。  2 The man is scum.那个男的就一人渣。  3 Are you out of your mind?你疯了?  4 Don’t you have any friend that you can hook me up with?你有什么朋友可以介绍给我吗?  5 He is one of the city’s most un-get-able bachelors.他是城里最抢手的钻石王老五之一。  6 He is a big shot in the publishing world.他是出版界的巨头。  7 I was pissed off the way you left.你那样离开我很生气。  8 I like this new you.我喜欢这全新的你。  9 Charlotte was playing hard to get, but she didn’t want to end it too abruptly.Charlotte故作矜持但又不想(约会)结束的太唐突。    Date 和 Appointment都有约会的意思,但Appointment是指除男女约会外的预约,约会等。    10 She’d played the entire evening flawlessly.她整晚都表现的完美无缺。  11 You can’t find it anywhere.不是哪儿都能找到的。  12 What have you been doing lately?你最近怎么样啊?  13 My friends think I’m shallow.我朋友说我很肤浅。  14 I felt it was time to call it a night.我觉得今天就到此为止吧。  
  The 13th 帖          1 I can’t take these crowds.我受不了这个喧嚣。  2 Beauty is fleeting.美貌是短暂的。  3 She’ll be right back.她马上就回来。  4 It’s been years.好久没见了。(后面的被省略了)  5 Where are you registered?你们在哪登记的。(被动语态)  6 I get off at 6:00.我六点下班。  7 I made a faux call to him.我打了电话给他,他还没接我就挂了。(暗恋一个人是也许会这么做)  8 You know this was a fix-up, right? 你知道这是个特意的安排,是吗?  9 I want to add a lesbian couple in our circle.我想在我们的朋友圈里有对同性恋。  10 Your friend invited me up.你朋友请我上来的。  11 Let me get the door for you, miss.小姐,让我来给你开门。  12 I was hoping you’d stay over.我正想着你能留下来(过夜)呢。  13 You can smell my desperation, right?你能感觉到我的绝望,对吗?  14 You said you weren’t coming.你说你不会来的。      1 fleeting 飞逝的,转瞬间的,稍纵即逝的  
Both joy and sorrow are fleeting, only love can last forever.    2 faux pas :[’fəu’pɑ:] 失礼的,失态的。      3
fix up   
fix sb up with a job 为某人安排好一个工作  
  The 14th 帖          1 Do you want to get out of here?你想离开这儿吗?  2 I can’t believe you let him talk you into this.我不相信你能被他说动了。  3 Stop embarrassing me, ok?别给我丢人了,好吗?  4 It is a wobbly table.这个桌子不稳。  5 This is
humiliating.真丢人。  6 He insisted on picking me up.他坚持要来接我。  7 You guys are ganging on me.你们合起火来欺负我。  8 Teaching doesn’t pay well.教书报酬不高。  9 Here she goes again.她又来了。  10 You will never guess who I ran into.你绝对猜不到我碰见谁了。  11 He was acting weired, like he didn’t want me to meet him or something.他的表现很怪,像是不想让我遇见似的。  12 How long have you been seeing her?你跟她多久了?  13 The question nagged me for days.这个问题困扰了我好多天。  14 I am sympathetic to what he is going through.对他正遭受的,我深表同情。    gang chief &&henchman 混混头子和其小弟的关系    nag 叨叨   wobbly 摆动的;不稳定的;歪斜的  talk into 说服  
  作者:幸福小傻 回复日期: 16:40:40 
    我支持你           ...........................................................    thanks
  The 15th 帖          infinite 无限的,无穷的  collapsible 可折叠的  monogamous 一夫一妻的  inevitable 不可回避的  rush off one's feet 忙的不可开交的  juge person by appearance 以貌取人  deceptive 迷惑的,虚伪的,诈欺的  dispatch 派遣 alert 惊动      1 She claims to be the daughter of one of your agents.她声称是你们一个员工
的女儿。  2 Is it a collapsible chair?这是个折叠椅吗?  3 Is it monogamous in that country?那个国家是一夫一妻制吗?  4 I just wanted to say it was great running into you.我只想说很高兴遇见你
。  5 I've gotta be totally honest with you.我必须对你说实话。  6 In a city of infinite options, sometimes there's no better feeling than
knowing you only have one.在一个充满选择和机会的城市,有时最好的感觉是
只有一个选择。  7 That's a inevitable question.那是个不可避免的问题。  8 That night, she had an eye-opening experience.那晚,她开了眼界了。  9 Knowing the guests are on the way already, he immediately rushed off his
feet making arrangements for them.知道客人就要过来了,他立即为他们安排起
来。  10 After a night's rest.经过一夜的休息。  11 Never judge a person by appearance, one's appearance is the most likely
deceptive.千万不要以貌取人,人的外表是最具欺骗性的。  12 I'll dispatch men to find out what's going on.我马上派个人去看看怎么回
事。  13 It's important that we don't alert them.重要的是别惊动了他们。  14 They had no option but to return. 他们别无选择只有回来。     
  New Year is coming to us!!!!!!!!!!    Insist on studying!!!!!!!
  The 16th帖          seize vt. 抓住;夺取;逮捕;理解  seize the day 享受每一天  have sth. to do with... 与...有关  overhear vt. 无意中听到;偷听  bear a remarkable resemblance to sb 和某人长得非常像  engross 使全神贯注  feign 假装  He feigned death to escape capture. 他装死以逃过被俘获。  lack even the strength to tie up a chicken  frown 皱眉  remarkable 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的    1 Many people have been seized for no reason at all.许多人无缘无故被抓了。  2 Could it have something to do with...会不会与...有关呢  3 I couldn't help overhearing.我不小心听到的。  4 I have a friend who bears a remarkable resemblance to you.我有个朋友和你
长得非常像。  5 All the students listened, engrossed.所有学生都是全神贯注的在听。  6 Please feel free to ask.请尽管问吧。  7 I have no wish to be an official.我不想当官。  8 Simple folk such as myself can't be compared with you.像我这样的平民怎么
和你比。  9 What is that all about? He asked, feigning ignorance.怎么回事,他假装不
知道地问到。  10 What basis do you have for saying that?你有什么根据那么说?  11 I lack even the strength to rise up a chicken.我手无缚鸡之力。  12 No wonder security was so tight.难怪戒备森严。  13 Why keep frowning?为何皱眉呢?                
  The 16th           seize vt. 抓住;夺取;逮捕;理解  seize the day 享受每一天  have sth. to do with... 与...有关  overhear vt. 无意中听到;偷听  bear a remarkable resemblance to sb 和某人长得非常像  engross 使全神贯注  feign 假装  He feigned death to escape capture. 他装死以逃过被俘获。  lack even the strength to tie up a chicken  frown 皱眉  remarkable 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的    1 Many people have been seized for no reason at all.许多人无缘无故被抓了。  2 Could it have something to do with...会不会与...有关呢  3 I couldn't help overhearing.我不小心听到的。  4 I have a friend who bears a remarkable resemblance to you.我有个朋友和你
长得非常像。  5 All the students listened, engrossed.所有学生都是全神贯注的在听。  6 Please feel free to ask.请尽管问吧。  7 I have no wish to be an official.我不想当官。  8 Simple folk such as myself can't be compared with you.像我这样的平民怎么
和你比。  9 What is that all about? He asked, feigning ignorance.怎么回事,他假装不
知道地问到。  10 What basis do you have for saying that?你有什么根据那么说?  11 I lack even the strength to rise up a chicken.我手无缚鸡之力。  12 No wonder security was so tight.难怪戒备森严。  13 Why keep frowning?为何皱眉呢?                
  The 17th            1 The secret to sucess is just two words to persist.成功的秘诀就是两个字坚
持。  2 If I were you, I would quit smoking.如果我是你我会戒烟。  3 Thank you all the same anyway.不论如何还是谢谢你。  4 All we can do is sit back and hope for the best.我们所能做的就是坐等最好
的结果。  5 All you have to do is fill out this form.你只需填好表格。  6 As I see it, teachers should get more pay.依我看,老师工资应该再高些。  7 But for the storm, we would have arrived already.要不是暴风雪,我们早到
了。  8 Could you by any chance giving me a lift home?你能不能让我搭个便车回家?  9 Come to think of it, you are probably right.细想一下,你也许是对的。  10 Could I possibly ask you to drive me to the airport?我能请你送我去机场
吗?  11 Either you leave now or I call the cop.要么你现在就走,要么我就报警了。  12 Excuse me for interrupting, but you have an urgent call.对不起打扰了,
你有个紧急电话。  13 Forgive me for my carelessness.请原谅我的粗细。  14 Have you considered changing your job?你有没有考虑过换个工作?
  Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!    God rest you merry!!!!!
  The 18th              1 How are you getting along with your roomates?你和舍友们相处的如何啊?  2 How much should I pay for this?这个多少钱?  3 I can't stand it anymore.我再也没法忍受这个了。  4 I can't wait to see you.我迫不及待想见你。  5 I hate to say it, but I really need my money back.我不想说这个,但我真的
需要(你还)我的钱。  6 I have no choice but to accept it.我只能接受它,别无选择。  7 The post was recommended to me by a friend.这个帖子是我的一个朋友推荐的
。  8 I should have gotten up earlier.我本应该早点起床的。  9 You should not have said that.你真不该那么说。  10 I strongly advise you to apply for the position.我强烈建议你申请那个职
位。  11 I was impressed by your perfect English.你流利的英语给我留下很深的印象
。  12 I'd be happy to lend you the money.我很乐意借钱给你。  13 I'd like to point out that ...我想指出...  14 I will bet she could not make it.我打赌她来不了。
  作者:熊老八 回复日期: 22:36:01 
    共勉~~          thanks
  The 19th           1 I'm convinced that he is right.我确信他是对的。  2 I'm honored to talk with you.很荣幸和你聊天。  3 I'm not really one to cirticize everything.我不是事事都挑剔的人。  4 I'm occupied with cooking now.我正忙着做饭呢。  5 I'm positive she'll be crying within 3 minutes.我肯定她能在三分钟内哭出
来。  6 I'm terrible at finding directions.我是路盲。  7 I'm willing to help you.我很乐意帮你。  8 I'm wondering why she did this.我真的很想知道她为什么这么做?  9 I have been meaning to leave.我一直打算着要离开。  10 In addition to this, she also cheats on him.除了这些,她还对他不忠。  11 In any case, that's very unfair.无论怎样,还是非常不公平。  12 In other words, it'll be all the same if you will come or not.也就是说
,你来不来都一个鸟样。  13 Whether you will come back or not is fine with me.你来不来吧,对我来说
都ok。  14 Is it all right if we just wait for you here?我们就在这儿等你行吗?
  The 20th           1 Is it so that you will not come?你真的不会来了吗?  2 It's not acceptable.这是不可接受的。  3 It doesn't matter if you really don't come.你来不来都无所谓。  4 It goes without saying, that you had kissed goodbye to that money.不用说
,你的钱要不回了。  5 It's apparent that she doesn't want to cooperate.很明显她不肯合作。  6 It's a shame you have to leave so soon.真遗憾,你这么快就要走。  7 It seems to me that that's a good idea.我看那是个好主意。  8 It's forbidden to smoke in the bus, don't you know that?  9 I can't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buying it.我都租不起
那样的房子更别说买了。  10 Let me put it this way.让我这么说吧。  11 Looking back on it, I should not have given it up so easily.回过头看,
我不该那么轻易放弃。  12 My family means a great deal to me.我的家庭对我很重要。  13 My advice would be just let her go.我的建议是随她去。  14 Nobody could image she would have done this to me.没有人会想到她会这么
  以后跟楼主学英语,每天都来。  画圈mark
  作者:erickjia 回复日期: 22:59:36 
    以后跟楼主学英语,每天都来。    画圈mark        加油!!谢谢支持!!!!!
  The 21th        1 It was not boring, on the contrary we were greatly interested.这部无聊,
相反我们还很感兴趣。  2 She is so hot that I can't help falling in love with her.她很性感,我忍
不住爱上了她。  3 That can't be too hard.那不(能)会太难。  4 There's nothing as tiresome as gossiping.没有什么比说三道四更无聊的了。  5 To tell the true, I'd rather stay home.说实话,我更愿意呆在家里。  6 What's your opinion about my plan?你对我的计划有什么意见?  7 Word has it that the CET band 4 will be canceled.传言说大学英语四级会被
取消。  8 You are not supposed to do that.你不该那么做。  9 She never uses doubles.她从不用替身。  10 Don't worry about thing, I'll be there.什么都不用担心,我会到场的。  11 I sparked with him.我跟他有火花了。  12 I'm more than prepared to go to the court.我随时准备对簿公堂。  13 That is it?就这样?  14 Pop the cork for me, please.请帮我拔开这个瓶塞。
  昨天晚上6点半补考数据库原理与应用,考完回宿舍 doat了几盘,结果就忘了时间了,现在赶紧补上!!!!!罪过罪过!!
  The 22th        1 Snap it up.干脆点。  2 She dosen't even want to be seen in public with me.她甚至不想在公共场合
和被看到和我在一起。  3 You take this as a sexually harassing?你认为这算性骚扰?  4 He is even better looking in person.他本人长的更好看。  5 Fax it over.传真过来。  6 Maybe he took yours by mistake.也许他错拿了你的。  7 I can loan you some shoes to go home in.我可以借你鞋子回家。  8 This is a domino effect.这是个多米诺效应。  9 I'm not very arty.我没有那么多的艺术细胞。  10 I just don't buy the not eating for a month thing.我就是不相信一个月不
吃东西这样的事。  11 Snap to it, don't play hard to get with a man who is hard to get.干脆点
,不要和这么抢手的男人玩矜持。  12 I made this decision after careful consideration.经过认真考虑,我做了这
个决定。  13 You are quiet today, what is it?你今天讲话很少,怎么了?  14 My feet sleep.我的脚麻了。
  昨晚等你很晚啊。。。  可怜我在寒夜里受冻。。。  罪过罪过!
  作者:erickjia 回复日期: 22:39:22 
    昨晚等你很晚啊。。。    可怜我在寒夜里受冻。。。    罪过罪过!    罪过罪过!!!!我只能保证每天发帖,保证不了啥时发,我得等到有空我才能发!!
  The 23th         discord 不调和 不一致  polisher
抛光机  slap 拍打;耳光  around the clock 日以继夜的,连续一整天  今天学了很多话 都与apple 有关 我已用大写标出       1 Fill it up.满上。  2 False alarm.错误警报。  3 Keep doing that, you will get slaps.还(接着继续这么)做,我煽你。  4 You were saying?你(刚刚)说什么?  5 She won the best supporting actress this year.她获得今年的最佳女配角奖。  6 We are done.我们没戏了。/我们干完了。(这得看说时的语气了)  7 I sense an APPLE of discord between you two.我发觉你俩有点不和。  8 She is the APPLE of my eye.她是我的掌上明珠。  9 She likes to keep everything in APPLE-pie order.她喜欢把一切都弄的井井有
条。  10 He has always been an APPLE polisher.她是个马屁精。  11 The suspects are armed and dangerous.嫌犯有武器很危险。  12 Someone is on duty here around-the-clock.这儿昼夜都有人值班。  13 I want this room left as it is.我希望这间房子能保持原样。  14 On average, I spend 100 on books each month.我每个月平均花费100快在买书
  The 24th             1 We won't back down on this issue.在这个问题上,我们是不会让步的。  2 All kidding aside.别说笑了。  3 We want to back out of the deal.我们想退出这个生意。  4 The traffic is backed up for miles.交通拥堵,车排了好几里。  5 I hit a telephone pole while backing out.我在倒车时撞到的电话杆。  6 Are you gonna go back on your word?你打算食言吗?  7 Your friends are talking about you behind your back.你的朋友在背后议论你。  8 Please don't turn your back on me.别不理我。  9 My back is against the wall.我走投无路了。  10 She never wants to take a backseat to anyone.她事事不甘人后。  11 Stop being a backseat driver.不要瞎指挥。  12 Would you stop giving her a bad time?你能别在折磨她了吗?  13 I will go get myself ready.我去准备下。  14 Raising six children is definitely a balacing act.抚养六个小孩绝对不是件轻易的事。
  The 25th           1 Were you wounded?你受伤了?  2 I do not remember much else.我记不起其他的了。  3 That is past tense.那都是过去的事了。  4 I think maybe we should split for a while.我觉得我们先分开一段。  5 Can I be blunt?我可以直说吗?  6 We stayed up until dawn talking.我们聊天聊到通宵。  7 Don’t get snide.别说谎了。  8 As your wish.随你便了。  9 Who spilled the beans about Jill being pregnant?谁说出Jill怀孕的事了?  10 Where should we bed down for the night?我们今晚睡哪啊?  11 We’re running behind schedule.我们在赶进度。  12 We can only walk about 5 miles an hour at best.我们每小时最多走5公里。  13 Your mother is a big-hearted woman.你母亲是个心胸开阔的人  14 I’ll take the blame for not reminding everyone.没有提醒大家是我的错。  
  昨天看神话了!!!!!忘了发帖,罪过罪过!!!!!今天赶紧不上!!!        Stick it out...
  The 26th            1 On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to ...请允许我代表所有员工...  2 You have no idea how regreteful I am.你不知道我有多后悔。  3 Do you think I am scared?你认为我怕了?  4 He wants to seek/get revenge for last night.他想为昨晚的事报仇。  5 This meeting can't be postponed anymore.这个会议不能再拖了。  6 Who is he cursing?他骂谁呢?  7 He had never suffered a setback.他没经历过什么挫折。  8 You may not be able to stand this shock.你可能经受不起这个打击。  9 I'm just an ordinary citizen.我只是个平头百姓。  10 He is carrying this too far.这事他做的太过了。  11 One moutain can't contain 2 tigers.一山不容二虎。  12 If I lose, I will be at your disposal.如果我输了,我就任你处置。  13 He morosely considered his dilemma.他愁容满面地思考他的两难处境。  14 He gave her a look of hatred.他恶狠狠地瞪了她一眼。
  get revenge for   不知dota里的复仇之魂 怎么翻译???  soul of revenge ???  on behalf of 是代表的意思。。不是...的一半。  carry sth. too far 某事做的太过火  go too far on sth. 意义同上    今天的新词:    disposal
处置  morosely (摸肉丝哩)愁容的,忧郁的  dilemma (地来么) 困境  hatred 敌意,憎恨  
  The 26th        1 The affairs of my brother and I are of no concern to anyone else.我和我    兄弟间的事和外人无关。  2 Is your mind at ease over such things?发生这样的事你还能安心吗?  3 Who says I don't dare?谁说我不怕?  4 Drink it down at one draught?一口干。  5 If you're afraid, there's still time to pull out.如果你害怕,现在退出还    来的及。  6 The county produces abandant quantities of tea.这个县盛产茶。  7 He is a strong adversary.他是个强劲的对手。  8 I think there will be a ambush, we won't go forth anymore.我担心前面有埋    伏,我们不要再往前了。  9 He is no misnomer.他果然名不虚传。  10 What a despicable thing.真卑鄙下流。  11 I will see if you have the effrontery to face her.我看看你还有什么脸见    她。  12 It is you that is shameless.你才不要脸。  13 You didn't win very honourably.你赢的不是很光彩。  14 I have no alternative but to ask you to ...我别无选择只好找你...    
  The 26th        1 The affairs of my brother and I are of no concern to anyone else.我和我兄弟间的事和外人无关。  2 Is your mind at ease over such things?发生这样的事你还能安心吗?  3 Who says I don't dare?谁说我不怕?  4 Drink it down at one draught?一口干。  5 If you're afraid, there's still time to pull out.如果你害怕,现在退出还来的及。  6 The county produces abandant quantities of tea.这个县盛产茶。  7 He is a strong adversary.他是个强劲的对手。  8 I think there will be a ambush, we won't go forth anymore.我担心前面有埋伏,我们不要再往前了。  9 He is no misnomer.他果然名不虚传。  10 What a despicable thing.真卑鄙下流。  11 I will see if you have the effrontery to face her.我看看你还有什么脸见她。  12 It is you that is shameless.你才不要脸。  13 You didn't win very honourably.你赢的不是很光彩。  14 I have no alternative but to ask you to ...我别无选择只好找你...
  good issu!
  where can you find so many terifica sentence?
  作者:青春风景线 回复日期: 17:45:59 
    where can you find so many terifica sentence?          以前有个很有名的帖子,你可以搜一下-------难也不难!!
  The 27th           1 It's made of the finest steel, no file could get through.那是用最好的钢制成的,没有锉刀能锉开。  2 I'll spare you for the sake of your mother.看在你妈妈的面子上放你一马。  3 Stop wasting words.别废话了。  4 Are you not afraid of death?你怕死吗?  5 How did you get into such a mess?你怎么会变成这个样子?  6 With one against so many, I'm dead meat.一个人对付这么多,我死定了。  7 I will hand him over to you with all past scores forgotten.我把他交给你,以前的事情一笔勾销。  8 Please write and inform me so that my mind can rest easy.请及时通知我,让我放心。  9 You guys just won by numerical superiority.你们只是因为数量多而胜的。  10 Don't be so stubborn.不要这么固执。  11 But the more she kept him at arms length, the more he desired her.她越是疏远他,他越想得到她。  12 When had a woman ever rejected his advances?什么时候有女人拒绝他的主动示好?  13 We have to take precautions against a trap.我们不得不小心以免中圈套。  14 It was barred from inside.从里面反锁了。  
  The 28th        1 They can't find anything suspicious and let go the suspect reluctantly.他们找不到任何可疑的东西,很不情愿的放走了嫌疑犯。  2 He is pale frightened and completely at a loss for what to do.他吓坏了,不知所措。  3 What's the hold up?怎么这么久啊?  4 Damn your ancestors.操你祖宗!  5 The road became uneven.路变得不平坦了。  6 The wind is gusting angrily.狂风怒吼。  7 A life for a life.一命抵一命。  8 They will come to relieve us soon.他们很快就来接我们的班了。  9 My hunger is becoming too much to bear.我饿得受不了了。  10 He was secretly ecstatic at what he saw.看到这些,他心里暗自高兴。  11 Are you sure this fruit is inedible?你确信这个水果能吃吗?  12 Please forgive me for not being able to see you sooner.请原谅我没能早点来看你。  12 He is wolfing down the food.他狼吞虎咽地吃着。  14 You are not filial at all.你一点都不孝顺。
  The 29th        温故而知新!!!!!!!!!!!!    1 They can't find anything suspicous and let go the suspect reluctantly.他们找不到什么可疑的,很不情愿的放走了疑犯。  2 He is pale frightened and completely at a loss for what to do.他吓得脸色发白,不之所措。  3 What's the hold up?怎么这么久?  4 Dama your ancestor.你祖宗的。  5 The road became uneven.道路变得不平坦。  6 The wind is gusting angrily.狂风怒吼。  7 A life for a life.一命换一命。  8 They will come to relieve us soon.他们马上就会来接我们的班了。  9 My hunger is becoming too much to bear.我饿得受不了了。  10 He was secretly ecstatic at what he saw.看到这些,他心里暗自高兴。  11 Are you sure this fruit is inedible?你确定这个水果可以吃吗?  12 Please forgive me for not being able to see you sooner.请原谅我没有及时来看你。  13 He is wolfing down the food.他狼吞虎咽地吃着。  14 You are not filial at all.你一点也不孝顺。  
  The 30th    温故而知新!!再温习一遍。    1.16  1 他们找不到任何可疑的东西,不情愿的放走了他们。  2 他吓得脸色发白,不知所措。  3 怎么这么久?  4 你祖宗的。  5 道路变得不平坦。  6 狂风怒吼。  7 一命换一命。  8 他们马上就来接我们的班了。  9 我饿得受不了。   10 看到这些,他暗自高兴。  11 你确信这些水果能吃吗?  12 请原谅我没能早些看你。  13 他狼吞虎咽的吃着。  14 你一点也不孝顺。
  1 They can't find anything suspicious and let go the suspect reluctantly.  2 He is pale frightened and completely at a loss for what to do.  3 What's the hold up?  4 Damn your ancestors.  5 The road became uneven.  6 Wind is gusting angrily.  7 A life for a life.  8 They will relieve us soon.  9 He was secretly ecstatic at what he saw.  10 My hunger is becoming too much to bear.  11 Are you sure this fruit is inedible?  12 Please forgive me for not being able to see you sooner.  13 He is wolfing down the food.  14 You are not filial at all.
  作者:shuiandbo 回复日期: 17:21:08 
    还不如直接学六人行。一己之见        这里就有很多那里面的话啊!
  英语交流群                            大家一起学习英语!交流经验~~    期待您的加入~~  
  sympathize with you 同情你  get depressed 消沉  depressed 还能和什么搭配的呀?  reconfirm my flight 确认我的航班。  hate sb's guts 对某人恨之入骨  road junction 十字路口  the fitting room 试衣间
  filthy 丑陋的  filthy movie 淫秽电影  creep爬行  sneak 潜行,鬼鬼祟祟  get even算账,报复  impudent无耻的  go down the drain浪费  fill sb in on sth. 向某人提供某事的详情  level with sb和某人说实话  1 You are a filthy liar.你个丑陋的骗子。  2 That sneak, low life creep.那个狡诈卑鄙的家伙。  3 We've got to get even.我们得反抗了。  4 How impudent you are to say such a thing.你还有脸这么说。  5 It went down the drain.全浪费了。  6 I will fill you in.我全告诉你吧。  7 I will level with you.我跟你说实话吧。


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