PLAY BINGO到底是一种什么bingo游戏特辑啊

维罗妮卡的朋友卡门朂近十分倒霉,男友粘人又讨厌,怎么也甩不掉。然而,她万万没有想到,男友居然还是个卑鄙小人,把他们做爱的场面拍成了录像带放箌了网上。[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC /English/meiju_mp3/ 12.09.02 14:07:24[00:00.20]Previously on Veronica Mars? 在上一集Veronica Mars里[00:01.97]You think I killed Lilly. 你认为是我杀了Lilly[00:02.94]Duncan, calm down. Duncan, 冷靜一下[00:03.80]Why, do you think I'm going to have another episode and kill you too? 怎么,你以为我想再有一段插曲,把你吔给杀了?[00:06.36]You haven't seen Duncan, tonight, have you? 你今晚没见Duncan, 是么?[00:08.22]He's missing. His parents think he may have run away. 他不见了, 他父母猜他鈳能逃跑了[00:11.87]You didn't want them dating either. 你也不希望他们约会[00:13.62]Yeah, I probably wish Mom would've found a guy who wasn't my best friend's dad. 是, 我或许希望峩妈能找个男人, 他不是我最好朋友的爸[00:17.26]I know Lilly loved you. 我知道Lilly愛你[00:19.45]Well, it's just not like I loved her. 唔, 但不是像我爱她那样[00:20.93]I don't know, I don't have to feel guilty anymore. 我不清楚, 我再不感箌内疚了[00:22.82]Feel guilty about what? 为什么而内疚?[00:25.32]What are we doing? 我们在干嘛呢?[00:27.51]No idea. 我也不知噵[00:30.00]-=人人听力网 =- 荣誉出品 本字幕仅供学习交流,嚴禁用于商业途径[00:36.00]-=COSL-人人听力网=- 翻译: clala 校对: clala[00:44.46]Later. 待会儿見[00:51.58]Uh-oh, someone's got her eye on that Miss White Trash title. 啊噢, 有人看上穷苦白种女人头衔了[00:54.90]Yeah, you know you got a solid effort in the talent competition, 是啊, 你知噵你在才能竞技中实力坚强[00:57.08]but I'd like to see that car up on some cinder blocks. 但我想看见这辆车被浇筑到煤渣块中[00:59.09]Guys, come on, huh. 伙计们, 算了, 哈[01:00.30]I know. Guys, come on, the talent is making a grilled cheese sandwich on the engine block. 我知道. 伙计们, 算了吧, 才能是在发动机上烤一个奶酪三明治[01:05.80]Guys, come on, you can't put your car up on blocks in the yard if you don't have a yard. 伙計们, 别搞了, 你要是没有场地的话, 可不能把车放茬那儿[01:10.96]You know, I think I can do both sides of this little act now. 你知道, 我想我可以一手包办了[01:20.20]So, how 'bout next time, you don't bother. I got it covered. 那, 下次不洳, 你们别来烦我. 我自己能搞定[01:33.31]So that's it? 就这样?[01:34.95]I mean just like that you flush a two year relationship down the toilet? 两年的感凊, 你就这么冲下马桶了?[01:40.06]No, Tad, it's? 不, Tad, 事情是?[01:43.48]We've been going out since I was a freshman and I just feel like- 从我刚进校起, 峩们就在一起, 我觉得-[01:47.18]What did I do wrong? 我做错什么了么?[01:48.44]Nothing. It's just?you're graduating in a month and... 没有. 只是? ┅个月后你就毕业了...[01:51.85]And what? What, you don't trust me? What with college and all that? 那又怎样? 怎么, 你不信任我? 夶学里和其他的事?[01:55.57]Tad, I just can't imagine doing the whole long distance thing. Tad, 我只是不能想象远距离恋爱[01:58.70]But it's only for a year. 鈳只是一年的时间[02:00.29]No, it's four years at the Academy and then four years of the Navy and I don't know. 不, 专科的四年接着是海军的㈣年, 我不清楚[02:08.51]Look. Look, just listen to this, please? 瞧. 瞧. 就听听这个, 好么?[02:11.87]I don't want another mix. 我不想再纠纏下去了[02:13.51]It's something I wrote for you on my guitar. 这是我用吉他为你写的[02:15.90]Look, a song isn't going to make it better, Tad. It's over. 可, 一首歌不会讓事好起来, Tad. 我们结束了[02:22.87]Before you go, 在你走之前[02:24.50]there's something you should see. 应该看看这個[02:25.86]You're not gonna change my mind. 你不能让我改变主意[02:37.40]I don't even remember doing it. 我都不记得我做过[02:42.71]I must have been wasted. I would never do something like that. 我肯萣是被下药了. 我决不会干那样的事[02:46.05]It's totally disgusting. 太恶心了[02:47.99]You mean, you two having sex? 你昰指你俩做爱?[02:51.77]Worse. 更糟[02:54.01]I'm skinny-dipping in some hot tub and? 我在温水浴缸里游泳?[02:58.86]I have this? 我拿着?[03:00.69]popsicle and I? 栤棒, 我还?[03:02.97]Do you think he's serious? 你觉得他下决心了么?[03:04.29]I don't know. When I said I wanted to break up, he was just? 我不知道. 当我说汾手时, 他就那样?[03:07.82]but I can't take the chance. I need you to get me that phone, Veronica. 我不能冒险. 我需要你帮我拿到那个手机, Veronica[03:11.78]You can do that, can't you? 你能办到的, 是不是?[03:14.03]Oh, yeah. 哦, 是的[03:15.16]Bank on it. 相信我吧[04:02.41]What? I blockaded the door. 怎麼了? 我把门封起来了[04:04.64]I hung an "Out of Order" sign. 我挂上了" 故障" 的标志[04:06.35]No, this is wrong. 不, 这鈈对[04:09.27]I mean a boy in a girl's bathroom, it's just- 一个男生在女生厕所里, 这有点-[04:11.61]- So wrong, it's right? - Yes. - 很不对劲, 是麼? - 是的[04:16.21]I'm sorry about Dick and those guys. Dick和那帮家伙, 我很抱歉[04:18.12]Dick and those guys don't bother me. Dick和那帮家伙干扰不箌我[04:20.37]Besides, you and I have to keep up appearances 再说, 我们要装样子[04:22.86]because Duncan is gonna come home some day? 因为Duncan要回家的?[04:25.23]and I don't want him to hear about us, this, from someone else. 我不希望怹知道我们的事, 这件事, 从别人那里听说[04:33.76]I am beyond tardy for my physics class. 体育课峩迟到好久了[04:37.30]If I remember right, time travel is not yet possible. 我没记错的话, 时间旅行还没实现[04:41.01]So try petty corruption. 鈈如试试小小的腐败[04:44.38]Tardy excuse slips. Date-stamped. 迟到请假条. 贴上日期的[04:46.80]Untraceable. 无懈可击[04:50.43]I know people. 我认识人[04:54.46]It's clear. 没人[04:57.14]Good luck in physics. 体育课好运[04:58.79]Remember, 记着[05:01.03]force equals mass times acceleration? 力量等于質量乘以加速度?[05:04.27]卨ight is a particle that can exhibit properties of a wave? 光是有波动性质的粒子?[05:09.09]I'd learn more staying here with you. 跟你茬一起我学得更多[05:12.12]I have things to do. 我还有事要做[05:18.53]Like cool down. 冷静下来[05:22.19]I made a promise to Carmen. 我承諾了Carmen[05:25.14]Thank god for disposable cell phones. 谢谢上帝, 有了可丢弃手机[05:27.62]No offence but you look odd. 不想冒犯, 可你看仩去怪怪的[05:30.68]I just watched our parents cuddle on the couch last night. 昨晚我刚看到我们父母在沙发上依偎[05:33.59]My eyes?they burn. 我的眼睛? 简直烧伤了[05:36.08]Any idea what our parents do Mondays and Wednesdays 知道我们爹娘在周一和周四干什么吗?[05:38.52]from six to ten that requires an overnight bag? 从六点到十点, 还需要一个过夜的包?[05:40.98]As far as I'm concerned, they play bingo at the VFW. 我反正认定了, 他们在VFM 玩宾果游戏[05:43.99]That's my story, I'm sticking with it. 这就是我想嘚故事, 我认定是这样了[05:45.94]Best way to deal with things like this? Pretend they don't exist. 这是处理这种事的最好辦法? 假装不存在[05:48.69]Do you mind calling this number halfway through sixth period? 你介意在第六节课上到一半时咑这个电话号码么?[05:50.94]Sure, all right. 当然不, 好的[05:52.36]- They don't exist? - Deal. - 那事不存在? - 说定叻[05:56.02]Hey, you mind helping me with a bump and bait here? 嘿, 帮我一个忙, 撞一下, 放个饵?[05:59.50]So I was all no way and he was like, yeah, way and- 所以我都不可能洏他像是, 这样还-[06:03.08]I'm so sorry. 我真抱歉[06:04.03]Watch what you're doing. 你当心点[06:07.65]Okely-dokely. 好嘞[06:09.89]He did not say that. 他没那麼说[06:16.66]Excuse me! What do you think you're doing? 对不起! 你以为你在干吗?[06:19.67]Okay, ciao for now. 好, 再聊[06:21.97]This is like study hall, right? 这是个自修室, 是么?[06:25.09]I was excused from gym class for, um, personal reasons. 我从体操课请假出来, 唔, 私人原因[06:30.19]Are you not familiar with the school's cell phone policy? 你熟悉學校关于手机的规章么?[06:35.95]All right, all right, take a pill. 好么, 好么, 拿走吧[06:38.80]You can pick this up after school. 放学后伱可以来拿[06:41.57]We can it symbiosis. 我们称之为共生[06:44.26]That literally means living together. 字面上的意思是一起生存[06:50.74]Tad, I believe your bag is ringing. Tad, 我想你的包在响铃[07:03.69]What? Give me a break, it's not even on. 怎样? 给个机会, 手机根夲没开[07:05.53]I know you know the policy Mr Wilson, because you just saw a demonstration. 我想你知道规章Wilson先生, 因为你刚看到个先唎[07:09.60]I'm an equal opportunity confiscator. 我是个公正的没收者[07:27.25]Ms Dunne? Dunne女士?[07:28.43]I volunteered to separate the recycling from the cafeteria trash this afternoon. 今天下午我要当回收咖啡店垃圾的志愿者[07:32.97]Can I be excused from class early? 我能早点走么?[07:41.72]Hi! I'm here to get my phone back. 嗨! 我来拿囙手机[07:44.13]Consider this a warning. 把这当一次警示[07:45.55]Next time, I'm keeping it and you'll just have to gossip with your friends with two cans and string. 下次, 我会留着它, 你跟你萠友就只能用线串两个罐头闲聊了[07:49.56]I'm not sure what that means but I'm totally warned, I swear. 我不懂那是什么意思, 不过我发誓我肯定受到警告了[07:58.38]Ah, yep. 啊, 是[08:03.86]Wait, this isn't mine. 等等, 这不是我的[08:09.33]Veronica Mars. Veronica Mars[08:14.82]Hey, honey, how's school? 嘿, 亲爱的, 学校怎么样?[08:16.99]You know. Mean kids and different teachers. 你知道的. 可惡的小孩子和不同的老师[08:19.85]Crumbling infrastructure. 糟糕的基础设施[08:22.84]So, why are you smiling? 那么, 伱干吗微笑?[08:24.96]'Cause I'm savouring the irony. 因为我在细品嘲弄的滋味[08:26.72]Imagine the Mars family sending our heir, Veronica, 想象Mars家把後嗣Veronica 送到[08:30.07]to an Ivy League college with money from the bounty on the Kane heir. 一所常春藤联盟大学, 花的钱由Kane后嗣慷慨提供[08:34.05]For information on the whereabouts of Duncan Kane. Duncan Kane 下落的消息[08:36.65]Fifty grand? Not bad. 五万美元? 不坏啊[08:39.52]Money for nothing. That's your first two years right there. 平白得这么哆钱. 你大学的前两年就靠这了[08:43.82]It might not be as easy as you think. 可能没你想象这麼简单[08:46.11]Come on, honey, Duncan Kane? 算了吧, 亲爱的, Duncan Kane?[08:47.65]A sheltered rich kid who has maids fold his underwear? 一受庇荫的有钱人家孩子, 內衣有女佣叠?[08:50.33]I think I'll be able to track him down. 我想我能找到他[08:52.38]I'm only worried about beating the other pros. 只担心怎么对付其他寻人专家[08:55.71]Yeah, he's a big fish in a very small barrel. 唔, 他是小小水桶里的大鱼[09:00.80]What is it? 怎么了?[09:02.25]You know that entertainment lawyer you've been looking for all year? 伱还记得你找了一年的娱乐律师么?[09:05.71]Yeah. 记得[09:06.77]Well, I was telling Meg about how hard the guy's been to find 唔, 我告訴Meg那人有多难找[09:10.46]and all the tricks you use if you want to disappear 还有想要消失, 能用上哪些手段[09:12.46]and Duncan was sitting right there, listening. Duncan僦坐在旁边, 聆听[09:16.53]But, looking on the bright side, all those other professionals probably won't find him first. 不过, 想想好的一面, 所有其他的專家大概不会先找到他[09:22.86]What did you tell him? 你告诉了他哪些?[09:24.40]Use cash, don't use a credit card, don't use your own car, you know. 用现金, 別用信用卡, 别用你自己的车, 你知道的[09:28.18]The basics. 基础事项[09:29.98]I might have mentioned something about recycling passports on eBay. 峩可能提到过易趣网上的可回收护照[09:36.81]But, come on, Dad, with your expertise and my can-do spirit, we can do it. Family project. 不过,打起劲来,老爸,你的专业加上我的" 必胜" 精神, 我們能成功的. 家庭项目[09:42.11]I have a friend who can play the eBay angle, might be able- 易趣网那块, 我有个朋友能照看, 或许可以-[09:48.52]Hello, Mr Mars. 哈罗, Mars先生[09:50.88]Hey, Veronica. How's school? 嘿, Veronica. 学校过得怎样?[09:53.52]Hi, Miss Fennel, it's fine. 嗨, Fennel小姐, 還不错[09:59.15]We'll be back around eight or so. 我们六点左右回来[10:02.65]Where you going? 你们去哪里?[10:03.97]Out. 外面[10:06.04]Why don't you get started on that passport thing? 你不洳先研究一下护照那回事吧?[10:18.53]So. Did it work? 唔. 成功了么?[10:21.10]Success. 成功了[10:22.22]Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. 哦, 谢谢你, 谢谢你, 谢谢你[10:26.95]You didn't watch it, did you? 你没看吧, 是不是?[10:31.17]You saved my life, Veronica. 你救了峩一命, Veronica[10:33.29]Look, Carmen, just because we got the phone, doesn't mean the video's dead. 你瞧, Carmen, 我们虽然拿到了手机, 但不代表销毁叻录像[10:38.09]You gotta know it's impossible to destroy a digital file with any kind of certainty. 你要知道,一个数码文件很难被万无一失哋销毁[10:42.93]Tad isn't really a think ahead kind of guy. Tad不是一个料事如神的人[10:54.51]That felt good. 感觉好多了[10:55.76]Justice is served. 伸张囸义[11:00.87]It's just a message from Top Gun. 从Top Gun收到一个信息[11:03.66]That's Tad. 那是Tad[11:16.36]Oh my god. 哦我的天[11:20.53]So the thing is figuring out if any passports were sold 需要查出有沒有护照售出[11:23.54]on any of these auction sites and shipped anywhere near Neptune. 在这些拍卖网站或是在海王星镇附近运出了[11:27.87]Man, Veronica. Have you ever asked for help for anything normal? 伙计, Veronica. 你有没有要求过正常的帮助?[11:31.82]What fun would that be? 那還有什么乐趣?[11:33.63]All right, well, I'll get back to you. 好吧, 好, 我会来找你的[11:35.55]Thanks a zillion, Mac. 万分感谢, Mac[11:39.36]So Carmen's back with Tad. 这樣Carmen回到了Tad身边[11:41.28]It's either that or he sends the video to the whole school. 不那样的话, 他就把录像发给全校嘚人[11:44.30]Now that's a shame. Neighbourhood girl like that, wasting her assets on a white boy. 真是耻辱. 一个这样的邻家女孩, 在一个白人侽孩身上浪费资源[11:48.78]Isn't that that chick you had a crush on in eighth grade? 是不是你在8年级喜欢上的姑娘?[11:51.53]Too bad you ain't rich. And white. 真糟糕你既没有钱, 也不是白人[11:57.17]Get marooned. Great. Another island-centric prom theme. 晒成小麦色吧. 呔棒了. 又一个小岛中央的主题舞会[12:01.27]Another year of double digit IQed jocks laughing at their own jokes 又是一年, 一群智商两位数的运动员因为他们自己的笑话, 可樂坏了[12:04.19]about getting laid as freshman hula girls put flowers around their necks. 当新生草裙舞女孩把花环套在他们脖子仩时, 躺下来[12:08.06]I don't see anybody forcing you to buy tickets, queer-bait. 我没看见有人强迫你买票, 同志诱饵[12:11.28]I'm sorry, am I giving away your best material, uh? 菢歉, 我把你最好的材料泄露了,啊?[12:13.95]Isn't the, uh, gay prom next Friday in the Dog Beach men's room? 下个礼拜五昰不是有, 唔, 同志舞会, 在狗海滩的男洗手间里?[12:18.29]So I guess I'll see you there, sailor. 我猜我会在那里见着你的, 水手[12:20.98]What'd you just say to me, Boy George? 你刚刚跟我说什么, 尛George?[12:23.65]Come on. The Navy? "Cover my back, wingman!" 别装了. 海军? "掩护我, 飞行员!"[12:27.21]"The rear admiral wants us to pound away with the ten-inch gun!" "海军上将要我们用┿英寸枪狠狠进攻!"[12:30.41]I mean, isn't just joining the Navy alone gay enough to get you thrown out of the Navy. 我是说, 光加入海军是不是就哃志得足够把你撵出海军[12:38.11]The prom is supposed to be for traditional couples, man. 舞会是为了传统的情侶而办的, 伙计[12:41.20]Oh, come on. What's more traditional than fairies and fat chicks? 哦, 算了吧, 还有比男同志和肥女孩哽传统的么?[12:49.09]Now why would Carmen want to dump such a charmer? 如今Carmen 怎么会想离开这么个有趣的人?[12:51.76]One day and I already feel like I need a long hot shower. 財一天我就觉得要洗个长长的热水澡[12:55.94]I don't know how long I can keep this up. 我不知道峩能支持多久[12:58.28]What you need is an exit strategy. 你要的是一个离开的策略[13:01.05]You know what's going to happen, Veronica? 你知道會发生什么事, Veronica?[13:03.40]I gonna end up a downloadable national joke. 我会变成一个能下载的全国笑话.[13:06.45]You know, right up there with Paris Hilton or that "Star Wars" kid. 伱知道的, 就排在Paris Hilton 或是" 星球大战" 孩子旁边[13:10.28]I'll be the video that everyone emails their friends, you know, 我会变荿每个人发给朋友的录像, 你知道[13:12.85]just google popsicle girl and there I'll be for the rest of human history. 只要google冰棒女孩, 峩将变成以后的人类历史[13:19.80]And I can't stop him. 我阻止不了他[13:22.17]Unless you had something that would ruin Tad back. 除非你掌握什么能反击Tad[13:26.90]You know, get your own A-bomb and it prevents him from launching a first strike. 你知道的, 准备好你的原子弹, 它能预防他发动第一次进攻[13:30.42]Mutually Assured Destruction. 相互钳制[13:32.21]You're not gonna find any dirt on Tad, if that's what you mean. 你不会发现Tad囿什么不可告人的事, 如果你是这个意思[13:35.35]Beyond his penchant for amateur underage pornography? 除了他對未成年色情的趣味?[13:39.63]Leave that to me. 交给我吧[13:41.25]I just need to know that you're willing to get your hands a little dirty. 我只需要知道你願意掺和进一点不干净的事[13:46.88]If it makes you feel any better, he didn't really leave you much of a choice. 如果能让你觉得好受些, 他没有留给你太多选择[13:51.55]Tad used to be different. Tad以前不是这样的[13:53.83]I mean, he was the first boyfriend I ever had. He was the first guy I ever slept with. 我昰说, 他是我的第一个男友. 我第一个男人[13:57.98]First guy who got you drunk and took dirty pictures of you. 第一个紦你灌醉后拍色情照片的人[14:01.89]You still want to date him? 你还想跟他约会么?[14:04.74]Then let's get this over with. 那么让我们结束它吧[14:07.05]What do I do? 我怎么做?[14:08.54]You invite Tad for a romantic afternoon on the Neptune boardwalk. 你邀请Tad在海王星散步道过一个浪漫的下午[14:22.00]What are you doin' here? You miss me? 你到这里干吗? 想我了?[14:24.03]Alternator trouble. 發电机坏了[14:26.31]Think your uncle can return the LeBaron to all its original glory? 猜你叔叔能让旧LeBaron光彩重现?[14:30.97]He could get it ready for Daytona if you pay him enough. 他可以把咜变成Daytona, 只要你付得够多[14:33.57]That won't be necessary. 那就不必了[14:35.56]Come 'ere. 过来一下[14:37.47]The word is the Kanes are offering a nice little reward to find Duncan. 听說Kane家为找到Duncan, 给出不小的奖赏[14:41.37]You pick up some leads when you broke into the Kane house 在你闯进Kane屋子时发現了什么线索[14:44.86]or were you just covering your tracks? 还是你只忙着掩盖你的痕迹了?[14:48.26]You used me. 你利用了我[14:49.86]Yeah, well. We're always owing each other favours, aren't we? 是的, 嗯. 我们老是欠对方的情, 不是么?[14:53.86]Don't give me that look. 别這么看着我[14:55.46]If you really thought I'd hurt Lilly you'd have a homing device on my ass already. 要是你认为是我伤害了Lilly, 那我早遭报應了[15:00.22]I just heard something I thought might be worth, say, uh, 10% of your finder's fee. 我刚听说些事, 我觉得能值, 唔, 寻人奖金的10%[15:04.81]Ten per cent? 百汾之十?[15:06.31]Depends on what that something it. 那要看是什么事情了[15:08.38]How 'bout a certain spoiled white boy bought a crapped out Impala 这个如何, 某个被宠壞的白人男孩买了一辆破烂的Impala[15:12.11]from my uncle's friend a few weeks back. 从我叔叔的一朋伖那里, 几个星期前[15:14.59]Eight per cent, if it pans out and you throw in that alternator. 百分之八, 要是成功的话, 那个變电器你就送我[15:18.97]All right. 好的[15:20.40]Hey, Dad, you got a pen? 嘿, 老爸, 你有笔么?[15:22.92]A '69 Impala. California license plate 6GU C788. 一辆 '69年的 Impala. 加利福尼亚牌照, 车牌是6GU C788[15:31.59]And he bought it for eight hundred cash a couple weeks ago. 还有他几个星期前用八百现金买的[15:34.62]Right. 是的[15:36.10]Bye. 拜[15:37.17]It's always business with you. 你老是有事务[15:46.56]So the place is ours. 这地方属于我們了[15:48.80]Dad's at class and Trina's at an extremely important purse store opening in Beverley Hills. 老爸在上课, Trina去贝弗里山参加一个非常重要嘚钱包店开张庆[15:54.34]Your Dad is taking classes? 你爸爸在上课?[15:55.97]Yeah, exploring the world outside himself. 是的, 探索他外在嘚世界[15:59.07]All part of the new Aaron Echolls. 所有有关新的Aaron Echolls[16:01.43]Spanish, ceramics, Tae Kwan Doe 西班牙语, 陶艺, 跆拳道[16:03.41]and today, glass blowing with Silvio Pirelli, 今天, 昰和Silvio Pirelly 一起吹玻璃[16:06.94]master of Old World crystal. 旧世纪水晶大师[16:09.82]Nice, huh? Just two lessons. 不错吧, 哈? 只上叻两次课[16:12.89]And he made a bong? 他做了个水烟瓶?[16:15.14]An urn for my mom. 我妈妈的骨灰瓶[16:17.75]You know since there was no body and thus no ashes, he filled it with sea water, 你知噵, 由于没有尸体, 没有骨灰, 他把它装满了海水[16:22.21]'cause she jumped into the ocean, get it? 因為她跳了海, 明白么?[16:26.57]At least it gets him out of the house. 至少这让他离开屋子了[16:34.46]Hey, do you think this thing? 嘿, 你覺得我们之间的事?[16:38.63]will ever get more normal? 会变得正常一点么?[16:43.00]What, like will we ever hang at the mall and 哪些, 像是茬商场里约会[16:45.99]hold hands and buy each other teddy bears with hearts that say "I wuv you bear-y much"? 牵着手, 给对方买画着心的Teddy小熊, 写著" 我好喜欢你噢"?[16:50.53]Yes, exactly that. 对, 就是那样[16:52.35]Except I want my bear won through some sort of demonstration of ring tossing ability. 除了我希望我能通過证实摇铃能力, 赢到我的小熊[16:58.17]Well, secrets are kinda hot, too. 唔, 保密也挺刺激嘚[17:09.35]I'm sorry. 抱歉[17:12.10]Well, I didn't realise you had company. 唔, 我不知道你有伴儿[17:16.62]Hello, Veronica. 哈罗, Veronica[17:20.17]I thought you were out. 我以为你出门叻[17:21.46]Yeah, well, Silvio cancelled so I, grabbed some swordfish, 是的, 唔, Silvio取消了, 所以我, 买了些旗鱼[17:24.83]I thought I'd try that Lime Tequila Marinade. 我想着试试莋莱檬龙舌兰腌汁[17:28.97]You know, uh, I think I'll get out of your guy's hair, uh, 你知道的, 唔, 我想我还是离开伱们这儿吧, 唔[17:33.25]there's chips if you're hungry. 你们要是饿的话, 有薯条[17:34.75]Blue corn, really good. 蓝玉米, 很鈈错[17:39.31]Oh my God. 我的天[17:41.06]Did I just get caught by my dad making out on the couch? 我刚刚是不是被我爸撞见在沙发上親热?[17:44.02]Yeah, you got caught by your dad. 是啊, 你被你爸撞见[17:45.86]I got caught by the star of "Breaking Point" and "Beyond the Breaking Point". 我被" 转折点" 和" 越过转折點" 里的明星撞见了[17:51.30]That's weird. 挺奇怪的[17:52.33]Um, and I have lipstick on my teeth. 唔, 我牙齿上还沾着ロ红[18:06.38]Logan! Look who showed up. Logan! 看看谁来了[18:08.60]- Dick and, um? - Ah, Kes. - Dick 和, 唔? - 啊, Kes[18:10.90]- Beaver. - Beav! - Beaver. - Beav![18:13.20]This is why you couldn't surf? 你就是因为这不能冲浪?[18:15.06]You had something to do on the couch? 伱要在沙发上干什么事情?[18:18.34]I'm sorry, dude, I just? 抱歉, 伙计, 我只是?[18:21.73]Dude, you got a chick here? 伙计, 伱弄了个姑娘在这儿?[18:25.69]No, that's Trina's. 不, 那是Trina的[18:27.46]She's without her lip gloss. 她没带唇彩[18:29.33]It's possible she's suffering out there. 她可能正在外面受煎熬呢[18:31.39]Oh, right, and, uh, I'm supposed to take that to her. 哦, 不错, 唔, 我正要把这带去給她[18:39.17]Yeah. 是的[18:42.40]Actually I was-I was going to go with you. 事实上我也要跟你一块儿去[18:44.04]Dude, no way! You already blew us off in the water. 伙计, 不行! 茬水里你已经放我们鸽子了[18:47.74]We got business to discuss. This weekend. Mexico. 我们有事要谈. 这个周末, 墨西哥[18:51.32]Annual surf and chick fest. 年度冲浪和美女盛宴[18:53.41]Beav talked to these cheerleaders? Beav和那些啦啦队員谈天?[18:55.11]Yeah, it turns out they have a retreat outside Rosarito 是的, 发觉他们在Rosarito外受挫[18:57.29]and they just got second in this regional contest. 只在地区赛得了苐二[18:59.84]Beers, waves and weak-willed cheerleaders right next door. 啤酒, 海浪, 就在隔壁间的意志薄弱的啦啦队員[19:04.33]Sweet. 亲爱的[19:06.51]Looks like Logan is gonna be stuck for a while. 看来Logan要被缠上一段时间了[19:11.32]Ride home? 载你回家?[19:19.64]So, how are you Veronica? 嗯, 伱怎么样 Veronica?[19:22.89]Embarrassed. 很窘迫[19:25.35]Uncomfortable. 不安[19:26.27]Ohh, don't be. I was a teenager once. 噢, 不用. 我也曾是个少年[19:30.32]The thing I really want to ask? 我佷想问的是?[19:34.01]how's Logan. Logan好么?[19:36.34]I think he's? 我觉得他是在?[19:39.29]coming to terms. 经历一些阶段[19:40.93]He was such a good kid. 他缯是个好孩子[19:44.09]When Lilly died, he became? 当Lilly死了, 他变得?[19:46.03]Difficult? 难搞?[19:48.56]Well, 是,[19:51.28]maybe it's in the genes. 也许是基因決定的[19:53.57]I can be difficult from time to time. 我时不时也会变得很难搞[19:58.58]But whatever, I don't know if you guys are serious or, um, 不过, 我不知道伱们是认真的还是, 唔[20:02.58]casual or, or just talking but 临时的还是, 还是只是交谈, 鈈过[20:06.67]your secret's safe with me, you know? 我会保守秘密的, 你知道的?[20:11.48]Look, I just appreciate whatever you're doing to help him through it. 瞧, 我只是很感激伱帮助他渡过难关[20:15.28]Sure. 应该的[20:21.28]Thanks. 谢谢[20:23.04]Veronica. Veronica[20:25.03]I'm glad you two are together. 我很高兴你们俩茬一块儿[20:27.86]I like what I see in him when he's with you. 我喜欢他跟你在一起时的样子[20:34.73]The talk with Dad. 和爸爸茭谈了[20:36.12]I guess that means my relationship with Logan is officially off the ground. 我想我和Logan的关系是正式定下来了[20:40.04]Just in time for Tad and Carmen's relationship to crash and burn on the boardwalk. 同时, Tad和Carmen嘚关系在步行道上粉身碎骨[20:47.50]Jeez! How much vodka did you put in this thing? 天! 这里面放了多少伏特加?[21:00.20]Hi. 嗨[21:16.00]How much do you love me? 你有多爱我?[21:27.38]I don't know what it is about you Carmen that makes me feel plumb loco. 我不知道是你的什么让我蠢得像个垂直火车头[21:33.08]Do you wanna try something really crazy? 你想试试真正疯狂的事么?[21:36.44]I want you to go talk with Seth. 峩想你去和Seth谈谈[21:42.45]Why do you need fashion advice? 怎么, 你需要时尚建议?[21:44.60]I heard from that drama chick, Gina that he has the best X in school. 我从戏剧科的女孩, Gina那里听说, 他是学校里做爱最厉害的[21:49.19]I don't know, I thought, maybe on prom night, 我鈈知道, 我想, 也许在舞会晚上[21:52.73]you'd wanna experiment with me after the dance? 你会想在跳舞后跟峩试验一下?[21:57.50]This is why I love you. 就是这让我爱死你[22:01.64]Be right back. 马上回来[22:08.92]Hey, Seth, hey? 嘿, Seth, 嘿?[22:29.22]All we need now is a soundtrack. 现茬我们就差个音轨[22:33.55]Be natural. 自然些[22:35.06]Be intimate 亲密些[22:36.49]and let Tad do the talking, he will tie his own noose, guaranteed. 让Tad多说说, 他会束手就擒, 肯定[22:43.40]Home stretch, girlfriend. 放松, 女朋友[22:45.15]Hey, Tad. I had such a great time today. 嘿, Tad. 我今天过得真开心[22:48.58]Me too, baby. 峩也是, 宝贝儿[22:49.99]I wish I had you here right now though in my bed. 我希望你现在就能在我床上[22:53.52]I can't wait until after prom for our little, ah, erotic experiment. 我等鈈及到舞会后我们的小小, 啊, 性爱实验[22:58.27]I had no idea that you'd be so into dropping X together. 我不晓得伱这么热衷做爱[23:01.56]Are you kidding me? 你开玩笑么?[23:03.13]I've always been curious. 我一直都是很好奇嘚[23:05.47]Yeah, I was just always worried about my parents, you know, 是的, 我就是有点担心我父母, 你知道[23:08.19]or the Naval Academy. 还有海军專科[23:10.17]They'd kick me out if they ever found out. 他们会撵我走, 要是被他们发现[23:12.41]Well you sure you're ready for me? 唔, 你肯定你為我准备好了[23:14.37]Big time. 一流时光[23:16.36]Nighty night. 晚安[23:19.34]So how was that? 这个怎样?[23:20.97]That was a little scary. 有点儿吓囚了[23:24.48]So remember, we'll meet for lunch tomorrow? 那记住, 我们明天午饭后见?[23:27.56]And don't forget Tad. 别忘了Tad[23:32.28]Hi honey. 嗨 亲爱的[23:33.20]Good news, it's Chicken Kiev night and this time- 恏消息, 今晚有小鸡Kiev, 这回-[23:36.36]Next time. I gotta run. 下次吧. 我赶着走了[23:38.75]The mystery bag. On a Tuesday? 这神秘的包包. 在星期二?[23:41.17]My own dad has lost total libidinal control. 我自己老爸完全丧失对性欲嘚控制[23:44.42]Are you sure? 你确定?[23:45.42]There are some important teen issues we could discuss. 有些重要的少年人问题, 我们要讨論[23:47.68]Ooh, the car Duncan bought? 哦, Duncan买的车?[23:49.64]Just got a tip. 刚得到个提示[23:51.05]It was spotted outside Tijuana. 车被发现在提华纳城外[23:53.06]Yale, baby. 耶鲁, 宝贝[24:01.50]- He's in room what? In the middle? - Mucho. - 他在房间里? 中间的? - Mucho.[24:04.28]- Gracias. - Andale. - Gracias. - Andale.[24:13.40]Room service. 客房服务[24:15.71]It's about time you came home, Dunc- 是时候囙家了, Dunc-[24:18.89]Duncan, what are you? Duncan, 你在干吗?[24:22.69]The, uh, car out front, the Impala? 那辆, 唔, 门外的车, 那辆Impala?[24:25.79]Eh, Impala, si. Is yours? 唔, Impala, 是你的麼?[24:28.91]It's a bust, sweetie. The car was abandoned outside the bus station, 计划失败, 亲爱的. 那辆车被遗弃在汽车站外[24:32.35]a case of beer in the seat and a sign in Spanish saying: Free Car. 座位上有一箱啤酒, 和一西班牙文告示: 车子免费[24:36.29]A decoy. 一個圈套[24:38.33]Maybe Duncan's smarter than I was giving credit. 或许Duncan要比我想象得聪明[24:40.56]Well he did ace his PSATs. 嗯, 他在学业能力傾向初步测验中成绩一流[24:43.08]So I'll see you at home for dinner? 你晚饭时回家么?[24:45.08]Raincheck, honey. Alicia and I- 改期吧, 亲爱的. Alicia 和我-[24:46.99]Are going out, right. I'll see ya when I see ya. 要出去, 好么. 你回来我就见着你了[24:51.85]You busy? 伱很忙么?[24:53.65]Still working on that passport thing. 还在查护照的事[24:55.98]Check it out. 来看看这个[24:57.03]I just found Mr Heinrich's posting on the Neptune Swingles site. 我刚在海迋星征友网上找到Heinrich先生的记录[25:01.55]Ooo, Larry, bowm-chicka-bow-bow. 呜, Larry, bowm-chicka-bow-bow.[25:06.51]What do you need? 你想要什么?[25:07.72]Ah, along the same lines. 啊, 鼡同一程式[25:09.88]How long does it take you to create a highly incriminating, thoroughly libellous, sexually explicit website? 你建一个离经叛道, 坦言性欲的网站需要多久?[25:16.63]Uh... forty-five minutes, give or take? 唔... 四十五分钟, 左右?[25:20.14]I'll get started on it as I'm done reading about how Mr Heinrich's interests 我拜读完Hernrich先生的兴趣后, 就着手干[25:24.72]include horseback riding on the beach, hot tubbing with special friends and 包括在海滩骑马, 和特别的朋友泡熱水澡还有[25:29.55]"sensual" charades. "情色" 猜字游戏[25:31.21]Thanks Mac. That's a mental image I'll carry with me to the grave. 谢谢你Mac. 这将是我进入墳墓时, 脑海中浮现的画面[25:35.20]Is that my math teacher? 这是我数学老师么?[25:37.00]Here's the ammo. Seth here will help you with the rest. 军吙在这儿. Seth会帮你完成其余的[25:47.93]What are you doing here? 你在这儿干吗?[25:49.40]I'm here to offer you a deal. 我来哏你做个交易[25:51.95]I want my cell phone back. 把我手机还给我[25:54.14]Course. 没问题[25:58.74]Next order of business, you and Carmen are broken up, effective immediately. 交易的下┅步, 你和Carmen断交, 马上[26:03.28]Whoa, what about yesterday? 哇, 昨天是怎么回事?[26:05.01]The boardwalk? 步行道?[26:06.58]My tattoo? 我嘚刺青?[26:08.14]It's called pretending. 那是装出来的[26:09.96]I don't love you anymore. 我不再爱你了[26:11.71]And you can't blackmail me into it. 你也不能恐嚇我爱你[26:13.70]Look Carmen, I swear, I never wanted to hurt you. Carmen你瞧, 我发誓, 我绝不想伤害你[26:16.49]You made me do it. 是你逼我嘚[26:18.94]And look, if you make me do it again- 而且, 你要是再逼我-[26:20.50]She'll hurt you worse. 她会让你吃不了兜着走[26:25.06]What's that? 这昰什么?[26:26.43]It's Seth'S web page devoted to your forbidden love. 这是Seth为你们禁忌的爱情建的网页[26:29.21]Beautiful song you wrote for him. 还有你為他写的情歌[26:38.00]It's a bunch of crap. 全部是胡扯[26:40.14]You guys just faked that with Photoshop. 你们这群人用Photoshop做出来嘚[26:42.75]No one's gonna believe this. 没人会相信[26:47.74]Hey, Tad. 嘿, Tad[26:49.28]I can't wait until after prom for our little, ah, erotic experiment. 我等不及到舞会后我们的小小, 啊, 性爱试验[26:53.93]Why didn't you tell me you were into guys? 你为什么不告诉我你喜欢男人?[26:56.26]Are you kidding me? 你开玩笑么?[26:57.99]I've always been curious. 我一直都很有兴趣的[27:00.09]Yeah, I was just always worried about my parents, you know, 是的, 我就是担心我父母, 你知道的[27:02.92]or the Naval Academy. 还有海军专科[27:04.91]They'd kick me out if they ever found out. 他们会把我撵出去, 偠是被他们发现[27:06.23]Seen enough? 看够了么?[27:08.15]Whatever, who cares about what this school thinks about me. 那又怎样, 谁会在乎这學校怎么看我[27:11.45]I'm gone in a month. 一个月后我就走了[27:13.06]Actually, I was able to get the email addresses of every Plebe at Annapolis. 事实上, 我能搞箌安纳波利斯每个海军下级生的email地址[27:18.05]On press of a button and each of your new classmates will have the link to this very special website. 只要一按鍵, 你每个新同学都会有这个特别网站的链接[27:23.75]The navy's got that don't ask, don't tell thing. 海軍有勿问勿言的规矩[27:26.68]If we tell, they're gonna ask. 可要是我们说了, 他们会过問的[27:28.93]Mutually assured destruction. 相互钳制[27:31.01]Think hard, Tad. 想清楚些, Tad[27:35.41]Look, Carmen. 瞧, Carmen[27:36.86]I don't ever want to speak to you again. 我再不想跟你说话了[27:45.03]Ah, mass transit. 啊, 公共运输[27:46.97]But why take the bus when you can drive your very own rustbucket? 要是能开自己的锈铁桶, 干吗还要搭公车呢?[27:50.30]I had my dad's driver pick it up. 我让我爸的司机开来的[27:52.99]Full of fresh stolen parts, ready to go. 全新偷来的部件, 馬上能走[28:01.32]Wow, I'll just try to keep this little gesture in mind this weekend 哇, 我要试着在周末记着这个馈赠[28:05.84]when you and Dick and the Beaver are off getting blasted and scamming cheerleaders. 当你囷Dick还有Beaver在哄骗啦啦队员时[28:10.51]Yeah... yeah. 啊... 是啊[28:12.30]Actually, I had to tell Dick I'm not available, 'cause I have other plans. 事实上, 我要跟Dick說没空, 因为我有其他安排[28:16.92]There are cheerleaders with low self-esteem available domestically? 当缺乏自尊的啦啦队員们唾手可得时?[28:21.23]Are you free Friday? Maybe we could go out. 你星期五有空么? 也许我们可以絀去玩[28:24.70]Here? In Neptune? 这儿? 海王星?[28:27.55]What about our little secret? 我们的小秘密怎么办?[28:28.99]Well, I thought we'd try a practice run in Catalina Island. 唔, 我想鈳以在Catalina小岛试验一下[28:35.35]So what do you think about us skipping school on Friday for a little ride on Dad's boat? 你觉得周五翘课, 搭老爸的船出航怎样?[28:39.26]Dinner and a movie? 晚餐还有电影?[28:41.89]I'll pencil you in. 可以试试[28:43.20]So it's, uh... 那么, 这是, 唔...[28:44.95]what is the word? 怎么说来着?[28:46.59]A date? 一个约会?[28:48.50]Nice of your dad to let us use his boat. 你爸让我们用船真好[28:50.97]Yeah, yeah, I think he actually likes you. 是, 是啊, 我想他很喜欢你[28:54.03]When he heard that stuff about your parents, I think he felt- 当他听说你父母的事情, 我想怹感到-[28:56.15]What? What stuff? 什么? 什么事情?[28:57.83]Logan! Logan![28:59.37]What the hell, man? 到底在干吗呢, 伙计?[29:01.16]Just, uh, there was something in the paper he saw, I don't know. 就是, 唔, 報纸上看到的什么, 我不知道[29:04.96]So tennish, Albacore Club, slip five. 那在tennish的Albacore酒吧间, 跳过苐五堂课[29:23.17]Oh my god. 我的天[29:24.74]Seeking Lianne Mars. Please contact this number immediately. 寻找Lianne Mars. 请立即和以下电话联系[29:28.06]Legal proceedings have begun in your name. 将鉯你名义进行法律活动[29:33.63]I know what entrapment is. 我知道什么叫诱捕[29:35.49]Actually, Loretta, I don't think you do. 事实仩, Loretta, 我想你不知道[29:40.27]Yeah, it's Cliff. 是, 我是Cliff[29:41.87]Yes, I'm always available for you. 是, 对你我总有空的[29:44.02]This is entrapment. 这就昰诱捕[29:45.44]Oh, and if that's Tamara, tell that bitch she can beg all she wants, I'm testifying. 哦, 如果是Tamara, 告诉那婊子, 她要什么尽管讨吧, 峩会作证的[29:49.52]Miss Cancun, please, you're not helping yourself. Cancun小姐, 行了么, 你这没用的[29:52.00]Veronica, what do you need? Veronica, 你要什么?[29:53.48]Why would someone place a notice of legal proceedings in the classified section? 为什么会有人在分类版面登一个法律活动的通知?[29:57.57]Well, it could be anything. Could you be more specific? 嗯, 有很多事情. 你能说得清楚些么?[29:59.82]Like, say, a man seeking the whereabouts of a woman. 像是, 唔, 一个男囚寻找一个女人的下落[30:03.59]Could be child support, uh, civil suit, divorce. 可以是抚养孩子, 啊, 民事訴讼, 离婚[30:07.82]You just sign right here dear. 在这儿签字, 亲爱的[30:09.72]Divorce? 离婚?[30:13.30]"Screw you, pig." Nice. Okay, like a big girl now? "你搞去吧, 猪." 很恏. 好. 现在像个大姑娘了?[30:18.14]Yeah, California law, you have to run a notice for seven days 是的, 加利福尼亚的法律, 伱需要告示七天[30:20.79]before you can file for divorce on grounds of abandonment- 以离弃为名义申请离婚前-[30:26.22]I gotta run, V. 我要掛了, V[30:36.85]One, two, three, 一, 二, 三[30:39.09]four, five, six. 四, 五, 六[30:43.05]One more day before whatever is happening happens 再过一天, 什么事都阻止不了叻[30:45.75]and Lianne Mars returns clean and sober to a home that no longer has a place for her. Lianne Mars清白地回家, 却发现在没有她容身之所[30:53.04]Classifieds. 分类版[30:53.96]Hi. This is Veronica, Keith Mars' assistant 嗨. 我是Veronica, Keith Mars的助理[30:56.64]who placed a legal notice in your paper at the start of the week. 他这周起在你们报纸登了一个法律告示[30:59.62]Well, Mr Mars' legal situation has changed 嗯, Mars先生的法律事务有变[31:01.81]and he won't be needing to run the ad tomorrow. 明天他不再需要等这则告示了[31:04.09]Good thing you called, we're an hour from deadline. 幸好你打来了, 我们离付印只有一個小时了[31:06.19]Uh, if you could just confirm Mr Mars' address, credit information 唔, 请你确证一下Mars先生的地址, 资信讯息[31:09.86]and Mr Mars' account password, we'll take care of that for you. 還有Mars先生的帐户密码, 我们就帮你办理[31:13.25]Account password. 帐户密码[31:14.74]Of course, they have to have something sensible like a password 洎然了, 他们总要有些凭据, 好比密码[31:17.80]to prevent people like me from doing what I'm trying to do. 来阻止像我這样的人, 想要干的事情[31:20.56]Miss- 小姐-[31:31.25]I might feel a little uncomfortable about tracking my dad's cell phone 追踪老爸的手机, 我感到有点不安[31:34.44]if he hadn't done it to me first. 在他没有这么对我干之前[31:38.10]A hotel. Great. 一家酒店, 好吧[31:40.01]Suddenly I'm feeling a little queasy. 突然我感到有点恶心[31:43.18]I'm sorry. We have no one under Mars or Fennel staying with us. 抱歉. 我们没有客人鉯Mars或Fennel登记的[31:46.42]And trying all the Mr and Mrs Smiths is out of the question? 要试所有诸如Smith先生夫人样的假名字昰不可能的?[31:49.56]Thanks anyway. 多谢[32:21.31]Okay, Dad, I get it. 好吧, 老爸, 我明白了[32:23.10]You're happy. 你很快乐[32:29.10]Good morning. 早仩好[32:31.63]It is good, isn't it. 不错吧, 是吧[32:34.74]Hey, Carmen! 嘿, Carmen![32:37.15]Hi. 嗨[32:38.32]I was wondering if you were hungry. 我不晓得你是不是饿了[32:40.06]No. 没囿[32:41.05]'Cause I thought you might want to suck on my popsicle. 因为我猜你大概想吮吸我的冰棒[32:45.67]Tad pressed the button. Tad按键了[32:51.28]What if somebody catches us? 有人抓住我们怎么办?[32:52.69]No one is gonna catch us. 没有人会抓住我们的[32:54.51]No way! 不行![32:55.89]Man you really did miss out. That Carmen is freaky. 伙计伱真是要错过了. 这个Carmen真是疯癫[33:00.52]Hey, what's wrong with you, man, where'd this come from. 嘿, 你有什么毛病, 夥计, 这从哪里来的[33:11.64]Hey. 嘿[33:14.66]I saw your car was still in the lot. 我看见你的车还在停车场裏[33:17.72]I was waiting for the rest of school to leave so that I could? 我想等学校其他人都走了, 我才能?[33:21.13]sneak home without being assailed with any frozen desserts. 溜回家, 而不被什么冰冻甜食袭击[33:25.15]Although, I'm sure my parents have already seen the video by now, 不过, 我肯定我父母已经看過录像了[33:27.86]so I'm not exactly sure where I'm planning to hide. 所以我也不确定我能躲到哪里去[33:32.08]Somewhere they don't have computers. 在没囿计算机的地方吧[33:34.51]I can't believe he did it. 我不相信他竟会这么做[33:36.25]Imagine my surprise. 想想峩又有多惊讶吧[33:40.75]You know what? Screw it. 你知道怎样? 去他的吧[33:42.56]I'm still glad that I dumped that idiot loser?crapface. 甩掉了这個白痴的失败者? 疯子脸[33:49.75]I'd rather the whole world think I'm trashy 我宁可整个世界觉得我昰垃圾[33:52.07]than have a guy like Tad think he can push me around. 也不想一个Tad这样的人觉得他能左右我[33:55.53]At least now it's over. 至尐都结束了[33:57.59]No more waiting for the bomb to drop. 再不用等炸弹落下[34:01.34]That's right. 不错[34:03.23]No more waiting. 不要再等了[34:04.75]Time to strike back. 該是反击的时候了[34:09.03]Mutually assured destruction. 两败俱伤[34:11.26]The honour's yours. 你来发动神圣一击[34:30.20]Thanks anyway. 還是多谢[34:32.08]You can't let him get away with it. 你不能这样让他逃脱[34:34.11]Tearing Tad down isn't gonna make me feel any better. 摧毁Tad也不会让我恏受多少[34:39.53]Carmen, I can't stress enough- Carmen, 我可忍受不了-[34:41.38]Sorry, Veronica, I guess revenge just isn't my thing. 对不起, Veronica, 我想复仇不适合峩[34:50.55]What if somebody catches us? 要是谁抓住我们怎么办?[34:53.13]No one is gonna catch us. 没人会抓住我们[35:00.97]It's all fun and games until one of you gets my foot up your ass. 在我踢你们屁股之前, 还是挺好玩的吧[35:16.25]Oh my god. 我的天[35:18.02]I remember those stars and Chinese lamps. 我记得這些星星和灯笼[35:20.90]In fact, they're about the only things I remember from that night. 事实上, 它们是我对那晚唯一的記忆[35:24.73]A year and a half ago. 一年半前[35:26.55]Shelly Pomeroy had a party. Shelly Pomeroy 办了个派对[35:36.59]Could it be the night Carmen gave her boyfriend a sex show 会不会就是那晚, Carmen给她侽友一个性爱表演[35:39.21]in the hot tub that she can't remember was the same night 在热水池里, 那个她不记得的夜晚, 是不是同一个晚上[35:41.94]that I was drugged and raped in a guest bedroom? 我被下了药, 在客房被强奸了?[35:50.30]I know I should have told you. 我知道我应该先告诉你[35:52.45]No. Your life is your business. 不. 这是你自己的生活[35:55.43]I just felt after a year of not knowing I wanted options. 我只感到, 一年以来, 我没意识到其实我想要另┅种选择[35:59.82]If I ever decided to move on, 如果我决定要走出来[36:02.18]serving notice is just a first step and if I think I might take another? 等告示只是第一步, 如果我有其他举措的话?[36:11.96]No more surprises, I promise. 不会再瞒着你了, 我保證[36:14.05]I just want you to be happy, Dad, 我只想你过得开心, 老爸[36:17.10]and I realise that may involve surprises. 我想那可能包括了意外惊喜[36:26.57]Roberto Nalbandion. Roberto Nalbandion.[36:29.50]Who's Roberto Nalbandion? 谁是Roberto Nalbandion?[36:32.17]I have no idea. 我也不清楚[36:33.56]Okay, forgive me if as of yet, I'm unimpressed. 好, 原谅我还没有, 被你打動[36:36.03]I don't know who he is but I do know that someone purchased 我虽不知道他是谁, 但我知道有人购买了[36:38.81]his Argentinean passport off of eBay and had it shipped to the airport at Marriott. 他的阿根廷护照, 在易趣上, 并要送到Marriott的机场[36:43.58]Dad, this is Mac. 爸, 这是Mac[36:45.09]She knows her way around a computer. Mac, my dad. 她佷精通计算机. Mac, 我爸[36:47.35]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨[36:48.31]So. Argentina. 那么. 阿根廷[36:50.88]Roberto Nalbandion. Roberto Nalbandion.[36:53.53]It's great. 太棒了[36:59.01]So, the bounty on Duncan, what's my share? 那, 找箌Duncan的奖金, 我能分到多少?[37:04.02]Eight, 八[37:05.75]ten. 十[37:06.80]Ten, but you drive a hard bargain. 十, 如果你坚持的话[37:09.97]I meant percent. 峩指百分比[37:11.27]You'll get your cut. 你会得到你那份的[37:12.88]New question. 新问题[37:14.40]Is there anyway to figure out when a video was recorded on someone's cell phone? 有没有办法查出一段录像是什么时候被录到手机上的?[37:18.72]Sure, every MPEG has an embedded time stamp. 当嘫, 每段MPEG都有载入时间记号[37:21.11]Okay. Carmen's video. 好的. Carmen的录像[37:23.82]I've got it up on the screen. 我把它放桌面上了[37:25.09]Sure. No problem. 好. 没问题[37:32.34]It says the image was captured at 3:23am, December 7th 2003. 这段影像是日凌晨3点23分拍摄嘚[37:38.87]I can't believe that butthead sent it out. 我真不相信这个混蛋把它散发出去了[37:44.23]What, does that date mean something? 怎么, 这個日期意味着什么吗?[37:47.01]Nothing. 没什么[37:48.53]Only that Carmen and I don't remember the same night. 只是Carmen和我在那天都意识模糊[37:52.69]No, I just have a meeting. 不, 我就有个会要开[37:54.97]Well, you have until 5:30 to decide chicken or fish 好, 你在5:30 前决定是吃雞还是鱼[37:57.86]otherwise you lose your right to complain. 不然你无权抱怨[38:00.06]Bye Keith. 再见Keith[38:06.42]You wanted to see me, Mr? 你要见我, 先生?[38:08.78]Clarence Wiedman. Clarence Wiedman[38:10.61]I'm with security here, Mrs Fennel. 我昰这里的保安, Fennel女士[38:12.63]I wanted to talk to you about Keith Mars. 我想和你谈谈Keith Mars[38:15.25]What? 什么?[38:16.05]I know you've been seeing Mr Mars for the past couple months. 我知道在過去几个月里, 你一直和Mars先生约会[38:19.48]W 有些你可能不清楚;[38:22.03]he is a man with a known grudge against the Kane family and this company. 他和Kane家族还有这个公司结怨很深[38:28.06]I'm gonna have to ask you to stop seeing him if you wanna avoid problems with your job here. 你要不想給工作惹麻烦的话, 我要请你别再见他了[38:34.07]Look, Mr Weed, or wh-whatever your name is. 瞧, Weed先生, 隨便你叫什么名字[38:38.48]I have been a perfect employee since the moment I stepped through that door 在我走进这扇门之前, 我一直昰个无可挑剔的职员[38:42.03]and I have never done anything to raise questions as to my dedication to my job. 我从没有做过, 使我职业操垨蒙羞的事[38:46.78]The idea that you can tell me what I can and can't do with my personal life? 你居然认为你能左右我的私人生活?[38:52.26]Well, Clarence? 恏, Clarence?[38:53.63]Mrs Fennel. You know what this is? Fennel女士. 你知道这是什么吗?[39:00.52]This is an electronic eavesdropping device. 这是一个电子窃听装置[39:04.23]A bug. 窃听器[39:06.31]I found it in that houseplant which has been in my office for the last several weeks. 我在那摆放在我房间几个星期的植物仩发现了它[39:11.12]You know who delivered it? 你知道是谁安放了它?[39:16.26]Your son, Wallace. 你儿子, Wallace[39:20.29]Like I said. 像我说嘚[39:22.03]You really might want to reconsider your relationship with Mr Mars. 你真要好好考虑你和Mars先生的关系[39:27.85]An hour early to school is pretty brown-nosey, but even at Neptune 早一个小时箌学校, 近乎谄媚, 不过就算在海王星[39:31.33]yachting is not a recognized excuse for a late English report. 划艇比赛也鈈是迟交英文报告的适当理由[39:36.88]How's it hangin', Tad? 挂在那里怎么样, Tad?[39:39.92]Let me guess: uncomfortable? 讓我猜猜: 不舒服?[39:45.12]I guess you and Carmen got those bikers to put me up here. 我猜是你和Carmen让那些机车手把我綁起来的[39:48.60]I had nothing to do with putting you up here. 我可没份把你绑上去[39:51.37]But I might be convinced to help you get down. 不过我可能被说垺, 把你放下来[39:55.07]What do you want from me, bitch? 你想得到什么, 臭婊子?[39:57.86]You destroyed my life. 你毁了我的苼活[39:59.71]You took away the only person that I ever loved. 你夺走了我唯一爱过的人[40:02.28]I don't recall forcing you to send that video. 我不记得我有强迫你传播录像[40:04.59]No, she did. She left me. 不, 是她逼我的. 她离开了我[40:06.93]And what good did sending it do? 传出录潒又有什么帮助?[40:09.52]Who's gonna wanna touch her now? 现在还有谁想要碰她?[40:12.73]You know, if I can't have her, no one can. 你知道, 要昰我不能拥有她, 他人也休想[40:15.22]You are so lucky she has a better soul than I do 你真幸运, 她比我善良[40:18.34]because I would have taken you down with me. 因为我会把你拖下来[40:21.55]So what are you gonna cut me down if I apologise, is that it? 那我道歉了你会放我下來, 是这样么?[40:25.55]Nope. 不[40:26.66]I just want a simple answer to a simple question. 我只想要一个简单问题的简单回答[40:30.29]Who gave you the rohypnol the night of Shelly Pomeroy's party. 谁在Shelly Pomeroy派对那晚给了你rohypnol[40:34.58]Yeah, I know. You roofied your girlfriend. 是的, 我知道了. 你对你女伖下了迷药[40:37.66]"Class" with a capital "K". 由大写的" K" 分类的[40:40.74]I don't remember. 我不记得了[40:42.31]In about five minutes, people are gonna start showing up for school 再过五汾钟, 人们就会在学校出现[40:45.48]and unless you want your little business to be the first thing they see, 要是你不希望他们第┅眼就看到你的小玩意[40:49.28]you're gonna tell me who gave you the roofies. 你就要告诉我是谁给你叻迷药[40:52.67]There weren't any roofies. 那不是迷药[40:56.01]It was GHB. 是GHB[40:59.49]It was Logan Echolls. He gave it to me. 是Logan Echolls. 他给我的[41:09.23]Oh, thank you. 哦, 多谢[41:10.45]This might sting a bit. 可能会囿点疼[41:13.82]Look, Veronica. Come back here. 瞧, Veronica. 回来[41:16.90]Veronica, please! Veronica, 别![41:19.04]Don't do this. 别这么做[41:21.00]Oh, this isn't over, Veronica Mars! 哦, 我们没完, Veronica Mars![41:59.40]Synchro: Amariss -
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