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《攻城大师》Castle Master 3D入门攻畧
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攻城大师 Castle Master PLUS
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这是一款大型的 3D 策略游戏,制作商聲称游戏的创意结合了三国志系列的策略要素囷暗黑破坏神系列的ARPG 要素,最终形成了动作策畧的游戏类型。游戏采用了全 3D 的画面,以及可愛路线 Q 版风格。玩家将率领军队攻城拔寨,全哋图一共有 45 个城堡,你要帮助他们摆脱冥王的陰影。游戏提供有 29 种不同的武器和 9 套盔甲,你鈳以用他们来装备自己的军队,并且为他们进荇技能升级。推荐给热衷于策略喜欢深究的玩镓!
★ What is Castle Master Plus?Enjoy $5 worth of benefit in just $2.99 (Special privilege of paid version)Well complimented by Revision 3! Enjoy Castle Master 3D easier and faster with paid version! ? Suggested by biggest internet TV show as a mobile version of Diablo, Castle Master 3D!“My heart belongs to Castle Master 3D… it kinda snuck up on me. I have blown it off as another painful KRPG, that’s a Korean rpg… the game isn’t nearly as Diablos, Dungeon Hunter 3 but this is definitely some very satisfying Hack n Slash action with very unique control and attack. Hear that? Isn’t that a raddest charge sound design? The tutorials aren’t the best in Castle Master, but the first time I was thrust into raiding a castle, I couldn’t help but get a rush of giddy excitement. The army and building management is simple and engaging the castle take-over strategy eventually becomes painfully clear. Even the freemium pay-to-upgrade and build units business model is totally OK in my book, especially in comparison to Dungeon Hunter’s money-siphoning model. If you are looking for fun, top-down Hack n Slash action, Castle Master 3D is my sleeper pick.” –Appjudgement, aired in May 17th, 2012-? “Strategy-RPG Castle Master 3D fights its way onto iPhone and iPad “–
?Romance of the three kingdoms’ Strategy + Diablo’s Action! ?? Unify all 45 castles and win the heart of Zeus’s daughter!Abandoned by gods because of their arrogance and greed, humans have lost all of their lands and castles. However, miraculously survived prince has formed a last resistance. To take back the land, and their home, the final push has begun. ? Enjoy the out of the book RPG! Strengh, Intelligence, and Constitution… the choice is yours! From Orthodox Sword and Shield, Rapid Duel Swrod, and indomitable Two-handed Swordman, the choice is yours to make! Find all 27 types of weapon and 9 types of armor and enjoy what is means to ‘level-up’!? First in Mobile, a thrilling and breathtaking mobile 300 vs 300 castle siege! Improve your castle by management and train & recruit your soldiers!? Conquer enemy’s castle and appoint Castle lords!? Utilize your spy and deployment of your troops to take control of battlefields!? Win the love of Zeus’s daughter and obtain the ultimate weapon, Zeus Blade!In town, not only there are merchants who sell weapon, armors, accessories, and potion but also your lieges who increase loyalty of your citizens…. And there is a daughter of Zeus who gives you Zeus Blade, ultimate weapon in the game, as promise of her love. However, only the chosen one can win her true heart.
攻城大师 Castle Master PLUS版本1.10中的新功能
small bug fix
攻城大師 Castle Master PLUS评测攻略
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