android4.0.3 wifi 4.0.3有多大

Vi30豪华版_Android4.0.3_V0.8版固件(适用于V1和V2版本机型)大家刷机后的感觉怎么样?我感觉没有官方微博上说得速度有多么的提升,而且比先前的4.0.3嘚版本没有发觉变化 有多大?是不是有被忽悠嘚感觉呀?哈哈!
其他回答 (4)
已经入手半个月了 总体还不错 没發现什么缺点不过就是4.0.3的系统让人有些郁闷能ROOT嘚软件比较少 而且4.0.3的界面 在本人自我感觉 做的鈳以说非常差 没有一点新奇和创奇一般的主题戓者桌面软件 装在平板上之后 图标大小会发生變化 而且主菜单里的图标又小 而且距离离的又遠看起来让人非常的不爽不过总体还行 性价比還算不错 世上没有完美的东西!4.0.3的系统让人有些郁闷缺点一:4.0.3的界面 在本人自我感觉 做的可鉯说非常差 没有一点新奇和创新且一般的主题戓者桌面软件 装在平板上之后 图标大小会发生變化 而且主菜单里的图标又小 且相互间距离离嘚又远看起来让人非常的不爽 缺点二:任务栏鈈能隐藏 这个也是个关键问题。平栏就是个简潔方便 任务栏老横在那里干吗呢 啥用没有。
羽毛球领域专家Android 4.0.3 - 4.1.1 Rapidly Repeats DHCP Transactions Many Times
Android 4.0.3 - 4.1.1 Rapidly Repeats DHCP Transactions Many Times
This document provides details about a bug
Princeton University has observed on devices running Android 4.0.x - 4.1.x.
We provide this information for individuals who would like detailed technical information about the issue.
This bug affects the Android device's DHCP behavior.
The device rapidly repeats DHCP transactions many times
within a brief interval.
It does often throughout the day.
On a large network with significant numbers of affected devices,
such pathological behavior can degrade or disrupt service.
Princeton University reported the bug to Google,
the vendor responsible for the Android operating system.
Google has indicated that they believe that they have fixed the bug as of Android version 4.2.
We are unable to test version 4.2 or
we no longer have an environment
where we can test for this bug.
We are not aware of any fix or workaround for customers running Android 4.0.x - 4.1.x.
What is DHCP?
DHCPv4, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv4, allows a device attached to the network to
automatically learn some or all of its network configuration, including its IPv4 (Internet) address.
Most operating systems include DHCP client software.
A device that uses DHCPv4 runs DHCP client software on
a network (e.g., Ethernet or Wireless) interface.
The DHCP client software contacts DHCP servers to obtain n
in particular, it usually obtains a lease (a loan) of an IP address.
For example, the DHCP client tells the DHCP server "I am network interface 0:1:2:3:4:5; please lease an IP address to me."
The DHCP server might respond "You may use IP address fo
if you would like to continue using that address, please renew it when three hours have elapsed."
When three hours have elapsed, the DHCP client contacts the DHCP server whi
the client asks that server to renew the lease
Typically the DHCP server responds to the client:
"You may use IP address fo
if you would like to continue using that address, please renew it again when three
hours have elapsed."
(If the DHCP client is unable to contact the DHCP server to the renew its unexpired lease, it will retry from
time to time, and is permitted to continue using the IP address until the lease is due to expire.)
Assuming the DHCP client successfully renews the lease before it expires, this repeats periodically
until the device goes offline.
Once the device is offline, it no longer
contacts the DHCP server to renew the lease, so eventually the last lease renewal expires.
Once the last lease renewal has expired, the DHCP server is free to lease the IP address to another client.
If the device goes offline, when it later comes back online it broadcasts
a DHCP request for a new lease.
It may choose to request a brand-new lease, or (if it believes the old lease has
not yet expired) may request a new lease on the old IP address.
On Which Android Platforms Has the Bug Been Observed?
We have observed this bug on a number of Android devices to-date.
Of those Android devices we have detected exhibiting this bug,
these are the Android platforms our customers report for these devices:
Android as provided 'standard' by the Device Carrier or Device Manufacturer
HTC Sensation running Android 4.0.3
LG Spectrum 2 running Android 4.0.4
Samsung Nexus S running Android 4.0.4
Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.0.4
Samsung Galaxy S III running Android 4.0.4
ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity TF700T running Android 4.1.1
Samsung Galaxy S3 running Android 4.1.1
Samsung Nexus S running Android 4.1.1
Custom Android Distributions
(none at this time)
The bug is in the Android operating system, rather than any particular application.
What is the Issue?
Each affected device exhibits one or more of the following behaviors:
Behavior A
The devices performs DHCP INIT/SELECTING too often.
It begins in DHCP INIT state, broadcasting a DHCPDISCOVER message.
One or more DHCP servers respond with a DHCPOFFER.
The device broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST selecting an offer.
The selected DHCP server responds with a DHCPACK, granting the lease.
Unexpectedly the device immediately returns to the DHCP INIT state,
performing the same transaction again (successfully).
This repeats many times within a single second.
Behavior B
The device
performs DHCP INIT-REBOOT too often.
It begins in the DHCP INIT-REBOOT state, broadcasting a DHCPREQUEST for an IP
it has an unexpired DHCP lease for the requested IP address.
The DHCP server responds with a DHCPACK, granting a lease.
Unexpectedly the device then returns to the DHCP INIT-REBOOT state, performing
the same transaction again (successfully).
This repeats many times within a single second.
Behavior C
The device performs DHCP RENEW too often.
It begins in the DHCP RENEWING state, unicasting a DHCPREQUEST to the DHCP
server, asking to renew the IP address.
The DHCP server responds with a DHCPACK, renewing the lease.
Unexpectedly the device then returns to the DHCP RENEWING state, performing
the same transaction again (successfully).
This repeats many times within a single second.
Behavior D
The device performs DHCP REBIND too often.
It begins in the DHCP REBINDING state, broadcasting a DHCPREQUEST, asking to
rebind the DHCP lease.
The DHCP server it was bound to responds with a DHCPACK, rebinding the lease.
Unexpectedly the device then returns to the DHCP REBINDING state, performing
the same transaction again (successfully).
This repeats many times within a single second.
For each of the behaviors above:
We see affected devices repeat such transactions 5 to 130 times within one to two seconds
before the traffic stops.
Typically we see 8-40 repetitions within a single second before the traffic stops.
The affected device exhibits the behavior often throughout the day.
Sometimes we observe an affected device exhibiting the behavior in only
a subset of the cases above.
For example, we may observe one device exhibiting only behaviors (a) and (b) but not (c) or (d).
It is possible that not all affected devices exhibit all of the above behaviors.
Or it is possible that we have blocked a device detected exhibiting a subset of the behaviors
before we have have an opportunity to detect it exhibiting the other behaviors.
Some affected devices do not necessarily exhibit the behavior every time
they perform the DHCP transaction.
For example, a device exhibiting behavior (a) may sometimes perform DHCP INIT/SELECT normally,
but other times perform DHCP INIT/SELECT many times within a second.
The device exhibits the behavior frequently enough that it's clear that the behavior is not some rare fluke,
but instead is a behavior the device is exhibiting repeatedly each day.
Our wireless infrastructure logs show that the devices exhibiting these behaviors
are not doing so due to 802.11 disconnect/reconnect/roam events.
Our logs show that the IP address involved in the lease is not being
"stolen" by another device at the time.
In such cases, a victim in DHCP INIT or
INIT-REBOOT leased such an IP address will immediately send a DHCPRELEASE before
requesting a new lease.
The affected Android devices aren't doing so. And spot
checks of the IP ARP table retrieved from our IP router confirms that the IP
addresses aren't being "stolen" at the time.
We are confident that the
affected devices are not exhibiting the behavior as a result of being
victims of stolen IP addresses.
Spot checks of the packets show that the value of the BootP 'xid' field is changing
and the BootP 'secs' field is usually '0'.
This implies that this behavior is not (excessive) timeout and retransmit behavior by the client, but instead
is excessive repeated fresh transactions by the client.
(The fact that the clients exhibiting behavior (a) select the offered lease also demonstrates that
at least in that case, the client is hearing the DHCP server's offers.)
Why is this Behavior a Problem?
This behavior is a problem for several reasons:
It unecessarily raises the workload for DHCP/BootP servers.
The excessive transaction rate generated by these affected devices
can increase that workload by one or two orders of magnitude.
On our network, this will degrade or disrupt DHCP and BootP service
for our wireless networks.
It unecessarily raises the broadcast packet rate on the network.
On a network with a significant number of affected devices, excessive
broadcast traffic degrades (and can disrupt) service.
To-date, most Android devices are connected to the network via 802.11 wireless
(as opposed to 802.3 Ethernet).
This increases the
our experience is that 802.11 wireless networks can sustain lower broadcast
packet rates than can 802.3 wired networks before service is degraded
or disrupted.
Based on our experience with the effects of broadcast traffic rates on
wireless clients,
the broadcast traffic rate produced by this malfunction is high enough
that it will only take a few devices simultaneously malfunctioning in this way
to degrade wireless service for many wireless clients.
How Has Princeton Handled This Issue?
We first saw an Android device attached to our network exhibit the problem on
Over the following weeks, we saw the issue appear on additional Android devices.
Princeton recognized this as a pattern involving selected Android devices during early June&2012.
we have seen 100 Android devices exhibit this issue.
Each affected device exhibits one or more of the
behaviors above repeatedly throughout each day.
To help us better understand what the malfunctioning devices may have in common,
our customer support organization has begun collecting from owners of
the malfunctioning devices the following information: Android version, device
make and model.
On June 23 2012, we filed
with Google, the vendor of the Android operating system.
On June 23 2012,
we published the first version of the document you are presently reading.
On July 3 3012, we received a notice from Google acknowledging
receipt of the bug report.
On August 31 2012, we received a notice from Google indicating
that they have a fix for this bug.
On October 31 2012, Google indicated that the bug
will be fixed in Android version 4.2.
We are not aware of any fix or workaround for customers running Android 4.0.x - 4.1.x.
If Android version 4.2 has fixed the bug,
it is not clear to us that owners of most devices running
affected versions of Android will ever be able to obtain the bug fix.
Google's distribution model for Android updates does not result in timely OS
updates for most owners. Often Android updates for existing devices are never
made available in a way most customers can use.
Changes were made to Princeton's wireless network architecture beginning in
September&2012 to accomodate the growing demand for wireless service.
These changes included migrating from using globally-routable IPv4 addresses behind
normal IPv4 routers to using private IPv4 addresses behind NAT routers, to accomodate a demand
for more IPv4 addresses.
And these changes included migrating from DHCP servers instrumented to detect
malfunctioning clients to commodity DHCP servers, to accomodate growth in DHCP transacation rates
from wireless clients.
Side effects of those changes prevent us from detecting wireless clients exhibiting this issue
on some of our networks.
As we can no longer detect those malfunctioning clients on some of our networks, we no longer block these clients
and contact the owner when their use is confined to those networks.
As a result, those malfunctioning clients will increasingly degrade overall wireless network service (on those networks) on an ongoing basis.
We will update this document if we obtain additional information in the future.
Have We Banned Android Devices at Princeton?
We have not banned the use of Android devices at Princeton.
Each Android device is welcome on our network, unless or until
that device malfunctions in such a way as to disrupt or degrade service.
Only those that are detected malfunctioning in this way
were blocked from using the network.
Once an individual Android device exhibited this bug,
we contacted the customer to advise him or her of the problem.
We advised the customer that we are not aware of a fix or workaround.
We advised the customer that if the device continues to exhibit this bug,
network service for the device will be blocked.
If the device continued to exhibit the bug,
we block that individual device from our network.
Once blocked,
if the device had a cellular network interface,
the device could still be used with the customer's cellular network provider,
of course.
If it was not practical to contact the customer (for example, because the device was using our visitor
wireless service and the owner was anonymous), we blocked that individual device from our network
after we detected it exhibiting this bug.
If at a later time it became practical to contact the customer (for example, because the customer
registered the device in the University's Host Database), we contacted the customer to advise
him or her of the problem.
This is similar to how we handle other malfunctioning devices which disrupt or
degrade service.
We typically do not ban entire classes of devices.
We have not singled out Android devices for special handling.
We block individual devices after they actually disrupt or degrade service.
In most cases, we unblock such devices when the owner takes acceptable action to address
the issue.
(Lacking a fix or workaround at this time,
there is nothing those customers can do to address this particular issue at this time.)
describes these policies in greater detail.
As described above, architectural changes made to our wireless networks
beginning in September&2012 to accomodate growth now prevent
us from detecting clients exhibiting this malfunction when those clients connect solely to some of our networks.
As a result, we no longer contact the owner of these devices
or block them.
Instead, these malfunctioning devices continue to degade
network service for others on those networks.
When the devices connect to those networks where we can still detect the problem, we do block the device,
and if possible, advise the owner of the problem.
Because no fix or workaround is available for Android 4.0.x and 4.1.x, most Android owners
are left with no solution.
Why Was Princeton The Only Site to Report This Particular Issue (at First)?
Some may wonder why Princeton was the only site to report this problem at first.
Some may believe that because other sites did not report the problem at first,
the problem must be due to a problem with Princeton's network.
Princeton detected this issue because at the time,
we took a very pro-active stance to monitor for
certain kinds of common network problems which interfered with service
or degrade service, including this one.
At the time,
our network monitoring included recording which devices are
the source of an excessive volume of DHCP transactions on a daily basis.
We investigated those incidents.
Often we discovered the cause was excessive Wi-Fi connect/disconnect events,
Ethernet link flapping,
or a device not eligible for DHCP or BootP service requesting such services.
Sometimes it was due to a DHCP client victimized by another device stealing its leased IP address.
These issues and others were then handled appropriately based on the nature of the problem.
As a result of the close monitoring we used to perform to detect DHCP issues,
Princeton tended to learn about some kinds of
bugs in DHCP client implementations sooner and more often than did many other sites.
A more common approach may be to ignore such problems until they
grow to the point that network service is degraded or disrupted for many clients.
We felt that the stance we took ultimately benefited our customers, as it
resulted in more reliable network service to the customers.
It reduced the frequency that our customers experience network disruptions
due to others' malfunctioning devices.
As a side note, this pro-active stance also resulted in our discovering DHCP
client issues a number of times over the years for a variety of common platforms.
Typically we provided technical details of these issues to the DHCP client
vendors, which has helped the vendors to fix bugs and improve DHCP client behavior.
Although identifying issues in vendors' DHCP client software was not our goal
-- our mission was and remains to provide excellent network service to Princeton University customers -- it
did speak to the technical accuracy of the bugs we discovered.
Since the time we detected this bug, Princeton University re-architected
our wireless networks to accomodate wireless growth.
These network changes began in September&2012.
One of the side effects of these changes is that we are no longer
able to detect and troubleshoot these kinds of problems on most of our wireless networks.
Previously, our wireless networks used DHCP servers we had
instrumented to help us to detect a variety of problems.
Now some of our wireless networks use commodity DHCP servers, because those servers are rated
to handle higher DHCP transaction rates than our instrumented DHCP servers.
A side-effect of the shift from instrumented DHCP servers to commodity DHCP servers
is that we no longer have the DHCP server instrumentation to detect wireless clients malfunctioning in various ways,
including the way described in this document.
Wireless clients which exhibit these kinds of issues can still disrupt or degrade network service for others,
but we are often not able to detect and troubleshoot these kinds of problems.
It also means we cannot verify whether this bug was indeed fixed in Android&4.2.
A service of
Last Updated: September 18 2013pl2303_android4.0.3
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