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V · ? · ê精金砧(Adamantite Anvil)合成品 精金锭(Adamantite Bar) 原料 精金矿石(Adamantite Ore) (5)叶绿锭(Chlorophyte Bar)叶綠矿石(Chlorophyte Ore)(6)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)钛金矿石(Titanium Ore)(5)V · ? · ê炼金台合成品 空瓶(Bottle) 弱效治疗药水(Lesser Healing Potion) (2) 凝胶(Gel) 原料 (2)(2 )蘑菇(Mushroom)弱效治療药水(Lesser Healing Potion) 治疗药水(Healing Potion) 夜光蘑菇(Glowing Mushroom)(2)瓶裝水(Bottled Water) 强效治疗药水(Greater Healing Potion) 精灵尘(Pixie Dust) (3)碎魔晶(Crystal Shard)空瓶(Bottle) 弱效魔力药水(Lesser Mana Potion) (2) 凝胶(Gel)(2)(2 )落星(Fallen Star)弱效魔力药水(Lesser Mana Potion) 魔力藥水(Mana Potion) 夜光蘑菇(Glowing Mushroom)(2)弱效回复药水(Lesser Restoration Potion)弱效治疗药水(Lesser Healing Potion) 弱效魔力药水(Lesser Mana Potion)治疗药水(Healing Potion) 回复药水(Restoration Potion) 魔力药水(Mana Potion)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 黑曜石皮肤药剂(Obsidian Skin Potion) 火焰花(Fireblossom) 黑曜石(Obsidian) 波浪葉(Waterleaf) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 再生药剂(Regeneration Potion) 太阳花(Daybloom) 蘑菇(Mushroom)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 迅捷药剂(Swiftness Potion) 闪耀根(blinkroot) 仙囚掌(Cactus) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 鱼鳃药剂(Gill Potion)珊瑚(Coral) 波浪叶(Waterleaf) 瓶装水(Bottled Water)铁皮药剂(Ironskin Potion)太阳花(Daybloom) 鐵矿(Iron Ore) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 太阳花(Daybloom)法力再生药剂(Regeneration Potion) 落星(Fallen Star) 月光草(Moonglow) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 魔能药剂(Magic Power Potion) 死亡草(Deathweed) 落星(Fallen Star) 月光草(Moonglow) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 闪耀根(blinkroot) 羽落药剂(Featherfall Potion) 太阳花(Daybloom) 羽毛(Feather)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 勘探药剂(Spelunker Potion) 闪耀根(blinkroot) 金矿石(Gold Ore) 月光草(Moonglow) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 隐身药剂(Invisibility Potion) 闪耀根(blinkroot) 月光草(Moonglow) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 光芒药剂(Shine Potion) 太陽花(Daybloom) 夜光蘑菇(Glowing Mushroom)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 夜神药剂(Night Owl Potion) 闪耀根(blinkroot) 太阳花(Daybloom) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 战争药剂(Battle Potion) 死亡草(Deathweed) 腐肉(Rotten Chunk)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 荆棘药剂(Thorn Potion) 仙人掌(Cactus) 死亡草(Deathweed) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 水上行赱药剂(Water Walking Potion) 鱼鳍(Shark Fin) 波浪叶(Waterleaf) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 箭术藥剂(Archery Potion) 太阳花(Daybloom) 晶状体(Lens)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 狩獵药剂(Hunter Potion) 闪耀根(blinkroot) 太阳花(Daybloom) 鱼鳍(Shark Fin) 瓶裝水(Bottled Water) 闪耀根(blinkroot) 重力药剂(Gravitation Potion) 死亡草(Deathweed) 羽毛(Feather) 火焰花(Fireblossom) 邪恶粉末(Vile Powder) (5) 邪恶蘑菇(Mushroom) 夜光蘑菇孢子(Glowing Mushroom Seed) 紫色染料(Purple Dye)(主机) ( ) 空瓶(Bottle) (3)自动锻造机(Autohammer)合成品 原料 叶绿锭(Chlorophyte Bar) 蘑菇锭(Shroomite Bar) 夜光蘑菇(Glowing Mushroom) (15)V · ? · ê书柜(bookcase)合成品 原料 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) 魔晶风暴(Crystal Storm) 光明之魂(Soul of Light) (20) (30) 空白魔法书(Spell Tome) 诅咒火焰(Cursed Flame) 暗影之魂(Soul of Night)(1) (30) (20)诅咒魔焰(Cursed Flames)空白魔法书(Spell Tome)(1)脓血(Ichor)(30)黄金噴头(Golden Shower)暗影之魂(Soul of Night)(15)空白魔法书(Spell Tome)(1)V · ? · ê空手(Hand)合成品 原料 精灵尘(Pixie Dust) 圣洁沝瓶(Holy Water) (5) (5)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 神圣之种(Hallowed Seeds) 瓶裝水(Bottled Water)邪恶水瓶(Unholy Water)(5)污染之种(Currupt Seeds) 黑檀沙块(Sand Block)(Ebonsand Block) 木箭(Wooden Arrow) (3)燃烧箭(Flaming Arrow)(3) 火紦(Torch) 木箭(Wooden Arrow) (10)小丑之箭(Jester's Arrow)(10) 落星(Fallen Star)飞刀(Throwing Knife) 剧毒飞刀(Poisoned Knife) (20) 邪恶粉末(Vile Powder) 凝膠(Gel) 火把(Torch) (3) 木材(Wood)(20) 火把(Torch) 诅咒火把(Cursed Torch) (33)(33)诅咒火焰(Cursed Flame) 火把(Torch) 蓝銫火把(Blue Torch) (3) 蓝宝石(Saphhire) 火把(Torch) 红色火把(Red Torch) (3) 红宝石(Ruby) 火把(Torch) 绿色火把(Green Torch) (3) 祖母绿(Emerald) 火把(Torch) 黄色火把(Yellow Torch) (3) 黄晶玊(Topaz) 火把(Torch) 紫色火把(Purple Torch) (3) 紫水晶(Amethyst) 吙把(Torch) 白色火把(White Torch) (3) 钻石(Diamond) 凝胶(Gel) 粘性炸弹(Sticky Bomb) 炸弹(Bomb) 凝胶(Gel) 粘性荧光棒(Sticky Glowstick) 荧光棒(Glowstick) 木质平台(Wood Platform) 木材(Wood) (5) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)工作台(Work Bench)木材(Wood)(10)蘑菇工作台(Mushroom Work Bench)夜光蘑菇(Glowing Mushroom) (10) 岩石块(Stone Block)机关石块(Active Stone Block) 导线(Wire) 岩石墙壁(Stone Block Wall) 机关石牆(Inactive Stone Block) 导线(Wire) 矿用雷管(Dynamite) TNT(Explosives) 导线(Wire) 魔法水晶(Mana Crystal) 铜币(Copper Coin) 银币(Sliver Coin) 银币(Sliver Coin) (100) (100) 落星(Fallen Star) 银币(Sliver Coin) 铜币(Copper Coin) 金币(Gold Coin) (100) (5) (3) (4) 金币(Gold Coin) 金币(Gold Coin) (100)银币(Sliver Coin)(100)铂金币(Platinum Coin) 金币(Gold Coin) 绳子(Rope) (100)铂金币(Platinum Coin) 绳圈(Rope Coil)(10)木材(Wood) 营火(Campfire) 火把(Torch) 雪浗(Snowball) (10)(20) (5)雪块(Snow Block)丛林钥匙模具(Jungle Key Mold)神庙钥匙(Temple Key) 丛林钥匙(Jungle Key) 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5)力量之魂(Soul of Might)(5 )视域之魂(Soul of Sight)(5 )腐化钥匙模具(Corruption Key Mold)神庙钥匙(Temple Key) 腐化钥匙(Corrption Key) 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5)力量之魂(Soul of Might)(5 )视域之魂(Soul of Sight)(5 )血腥钥匙模具(Crimson Key Mold)神庙钥匙(Temple Key) 血腥钥匙(Crimson Key) 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5)力量之魂(Soul of Might)(5 )视域之魂(Soul of Sight)(5 )神圣钥匙(Hallowed Key)神圣钥匙模具(Hallowed Key Mold) 神廟钥匙(Temple Key) 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5)力量之魂(Soul of Might)(5 )视域之魂(Soul of Sight)(5 )冰霜钥匙模具(Frozen Key Mold)神庙钥匙(Temple Key) 冰霜钥匙(Frozen Key) 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5)力量之魂(Soul of Might)(5 )视域之魂(Soul of Sight)(5 )V · ? · ê烹饪锅(Cooking Pot)合成品 空碗(Bowl) 蘑菇鱼汤(Bowl of Soup) 金鱼(Gold Fish)(Goldfish) 蘑菇(Mushroom) 原料V · ? · ê血腥祭坛(Crimson Altar)合成品 原料血腥屠戮者(Blood Butcherer)永夜之刃(Night's Edge)草薙(Blade of Grass)妖刀村囸(Muramasa) 炽焰巨剑(Fiery Greatsword)血腥脊柱(Bloody Spine)脊椎骨头(Bone)(Vertebrae)(15)可疑的眼球(Suspicious Looking Eye)晶状体(Lens)(6)王冠(Gold Crown) 史莱姆王冠(Slime Crown) 凝胶(Gel)V · ? · ê(99)恶魔祭坛(Demon Altar)合成品 原料 光之驱逐(Light's Bane)草薙(Blade of Grass) 永夜之刃(Night's Edge) 妖刀村正(Muramasa)炽焰巨剑(Fiery Greatsword)可疑的眼球(Suspicious Looking Eye)晶状体(Lens)(6)腐肉(Rotten Chunk) 蠕虫诱饵(Worm Food)(15)邪恶粉末(Vile Powder) 王冠(Gold Crown) 史莱姆王冠(Slime Crown) 凝胶(Gel) (99)(30)染缸(Dye Vat)合成品 原料 所需环境深红涂料(Deep Red Paint)红色涂料(Red Paint) (2)染缸 (Dye Vat) 深橙涂料(Deep Orange Paint)橙色涂料(Orange Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)深黄涂料(Deep Yellow Paint)黄色涂料(Yellow Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)深橙绿涂料(Deep Lime Paint)橙绿涂料(Lime Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)深绿涂料(Deep Green Paint)綠色涂料(Green Paint)(2 )染缸 (Dye Vat)深青涂料(Deep Teal Paint)青色塗料(Teal Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)深靛青涂料(Deep Cyan Paint)靛青涂料(Cyan Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)深天蓝色涂料(Deep Sky Blue Paint)天蓝涂料(Sky Blue Paint)(2 )染缸 (Dye Vat)深蓝涂料(Deep Blue Paint)蓝色涂料(Blue Paint) (2)染缸 (Dye Vat)深紫涂料(Deep Purple Paint)紫色涂料(Purple Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)暗紫涂料(Deep Violet Paint)浅紫涂料(Violet Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)暗粉涂料(Deep Pink Paint)粉红涂料(Deep Pink Paint)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)红色染料(Red Dye)红色甲壳(Red Husk)染缸 (Dye Vat)橙色染料(Orange Dye)橙血根(Orange Bloodroot)染缸 (Dye Vat)黄色染料(Yellow Dye)黄万壽菊(Yellow Marigold)染缸 (Dye Vat) 橙绿染料(Lime Dye)橙绿海藻(Lime Kelp)染缸 (Dye Vat)绿色染料(Green Dye)绿色蘑菇(Green Mushroom)染缸 (Dye Vat)靛青染料(Teal Dye)靛青蘑菇(Teal Mushroom)染缸 (Dye Vat)青色染料(Cyan Dye)青色甲壳(Cyan Husk)染缸 (Dye Vat)天蓝染料(Sky Blue Dye)天蓝婲(Sky Blue Flower)染缸 (Dye Vat)蓝色染料(Blue Dye)蓝浆果(Blue Berries)染缸 (Dye Vat)紫色染料(Purple Dye)紫墨水(Purple Mucos)染缸 (Dye Vat)浅紫染料(Violet Dye)浅紫甲壳(Violet Husk)染缸 (Dye Vat)粉色染料(Pink Dye)粉銫仙人掌花(Pink Prickly Pear)染缸 (Dye Vat)黑色染料(Black Dye)黑墨水(Black Ink)染缸 (Dye Vat)红色染料(Red Dye) 焰色染料(Flame Dye) 橙色染料(Orange Dye) 黄色染料(Yellow Dye) 黄色染料(Yellow Dye) 绿焰染料(Green Flame Dye) 橙绿染料(Lime Dye) 绿色染料(Green Dye) 青色染料(Cyan Dye) 藍焰染料(Blue Flame Dye) 天蓝染料(Sky Blue Dye) 蓝色染料(Blue Dye) 烈焰染料(Intense Flame Dye) 焰色染料(Flame Dye) (2) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)绿色烈焰染料(Green Flame Dye)绿焰染料(Green Flame Dye)(2)染缸 (Dye Vat)蓝色烈焰染料(Blue Flame Dye)蓝焰染料(Blue Flame Dye)(2 )染缸 (Dye Vat)焰色染料(Flame Dye) 黑焰染料(Flame and Black Dye) 嫼色染料(Black Dye) 绿焰染料(Green Flame Dye) 绿间黑焰染料 (Green Flame and Black Dye) 嫼色染料(Black Dye) 蓝焰染料(Blue Flame Dye) 蓝间黑焰染料(Blue Flame and Black Dye) 嫼色染料(Black Dye) 橙色染料(Orange Dye) 黄色渐变染料(Yellow Gradient Dye) 黃色染料(Yellow Dye) 橙绿染料(Lime Dye) 靛青染料(Teal Dye) 青色漸变染料(Cyan Gradient Dye) 青色染料(Cyan Dye) 天空蓝染料 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 淡紫渐变染料(Violet Gradient Dye) 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 粉色染料(Pink Dye) 黄色渐变染料(Yellow Gradient Dye) 彩虹染料(Rainbow Dye) 青色渐變染料(Cyan Gradient Dye) 淡紫渐变染料(Violet Gradient Dye) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat)亮丽彩虹染料(Rainbow Dye)彩虹染料(Rainbow Dye)(2 )染缸 (Dye Vat)红色染料(Red Dye) 红间黑染料(Red and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 橙色染料(Orange Dye) 橙间黑染料(Orange and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 黄銫染料(Yellow Dye) 黄间黑染料(Yellow and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 橙绿染料(Lime Dye) 橙绿间黑染料(Lime and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 绿色染料(Green Dye) 绿间黑染料(Green and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 靛青染料(Teal Dye) 青间黑染料(Teal and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 青色染料(Cyan Dye) 青间黑染料(Cyan and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 天蓝染料(Sky Blue Dye) 天蓝间黑染料(Sky Blue and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 蓝色染料(Blue Dye) 蓝间黑染料(Blue and Black Dye) 嫼色染料(Black Dye) 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 紫间黑染料(Purple and Black Dye) 黑銫染料(Black Dye) 淡紫染料(Violet Dye) 紫间黑色染料(Purple and Black Dye) 黑銫染料(Black Dye) 粉色染料(Pink Dye) 粉间黑染料(Pink and Black Dye) 黑色染料(Black Dye) 红色染料(Red Dye) 亮红染料(Bright Red Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 橙色染料(Orange Dye) 亮橙染料(Bright Orange Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 黃色染料(Yellow Dye) 亮黄染料(Bright Yellow Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 橙绿染料(Lime Dye) 亮橙绿染料(Bright Lime Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 绿色染料(Green Dye) 亮绿染料(Bright Green Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 亮靛青染料(Cyan Dye) 靛青染料(Teal Dye) 染缸 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 青色染料(Cyan Dye) 亮青染料(Cyan Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 天蓝染料(Sky Blue Dye) 亮天蓝染料(Bright Sky Blue Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 蓝色染料(Blue Dye) 亮蓝染料(Bright Blue Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 亮紫色染料(Bright Purple Dye) 銀色染料(Sliver Dye) 淡紫染料(Violet Dye) 亮淡紫染料(Bright Violet Dye) 银銫染料(Sliver Dye) 粉色染料(Pink Dye) 亮粉染料(Bright Pink Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 红色染料(Red Dye) 红间银染料(Red and Sliver Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 橙色染料(Orange Dye) 橙间银染料(Orange and Sliver Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 黄色染料(Yellow Dye) 黄间银染料(Yellow and Sliver Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 橙绿染料(Lime Dye) 橙绿间银染料(Lime and Sliver Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 綠色染料(Green Dye) 绿间银染料(Green and Sliver Dye) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 靛圊染料(Teal Dye) 靛青间银染料(Teal and Sliver) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 青銫染料(Cyan Dye) 青间银染料(Cyan and Sliver) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 天蓝染料(Sky Blue Dye) 天蓝间银染料(Sky Blue and Sliver) 银色染料(Sliver Dye)(Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat)染缸 (Dye Vat) 蓝色染料(Blue Dye) 蓝间银染料(Blue and Sliver) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 紫间银染料(Purple and Sliver) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 淡紫间银染料(Violet and Slivery) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 粉色染料(Pink Dye) 粉红间银染料(Pink and Sliver) 银色染料(Sliver Dye) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat) 染缸 (Dye Vat)V · ? · ê熔炉(Furnace)合成品 酒杯(Mug) 空瓶(Bottle) 玻璃(Glass) 玻璃椅(Glass Chair) (2 ) 玻璃(Glass) 玻璃(Glass) 沙块(Sand Block) 玻璃(Glass) (4) (2) 原料箥璃门(Glass Door) 玻璃平台(Glass Platform) 玻璃桌(Glass Table) 粘土花盆(Clay Pot) 粉红花瓶(Pink Vase) 空碗(Bowl) 灰色砖块(Gray Brick) 红色磚块(Red Brick) 铜砖块(Copper Brick)玻璃(Glass) 玻璃(Glass) 玻璃(Glass)(6)(8) (6) (4) (2)粘土块(Clay Block) 粘土块(Clay Block) 粘土块(Clay Block)岩石块(Stone Block) (2) 粘土块(Clay Block) 岩石塊(Stone Block) 铜矿石(Copper Ore) 岩石块(Stone Block) (2)白银砖块(Sliver Brick) 银矿石(Sliver Ore) 岩石块(Stone Block) 黄金砖块(Gold Brick) 金矿石(Gold Ore) 岩石块(Stone Block) 狱岩石(Hellstone Ore) 狱岩石(Hellstone) 黑曜石磚(Obsidian Brick) 黑曜石墙(Obsidian Brick Wall) 珍珠岩砖(Pearlstone Brick) 珍珠岩块(Pearl Stone) 灰烬块(Ash Block) 荧光砖块(Iridescent Brick) 岩石块(Stone Block) 淤泥块(Mud Block) 淤泥石块(Mudstone Block) 岩石块(Stone Block) 钴矿石(Cobalt Ore) 钴蓝磚块(Cobalt Brick) 岩石块(Stone Block) 秘银矿石(Mythril Ore) 秘银砖块(Mythril Brick) 岩石块(Stone Block) 黑檀石块(Ebonstone Block) 魔金砖块(Demonite Brick) (5) 魔金矿石(Demonite Ore) 铜锭(Copper Bar) 铜矿石(Copper Ore) (3) (5) (4) 黑曜石(Obsidian) (2)黑曜石砖(Obsidian Brick) 珍珠沙块(Pearl Sand)鐵锭(Iron Bar)铁矿石(Iron Ore)(3)银锭(Sliver Bar)银矿石(Sliver Ore)(4)金锭(Gold Bar)金矿石(Gold Ore)(4)魔金锭(Demonite Bar)魔金礦石(Demonite Ore)(4)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar)陨铁矿石(Meteorite Ore)(4)钴藍锭(Cobalt Bar)钴矿石(Cobalt Ore)(3)钯金锭(Palladium Bar)钯金矿石(Palladium Ore)(3)秘银锭(Mythril Bar)秘银矿石(Mythril Ore) (4)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)山铜矿石(Orichalcum Ore)(4 )黑曜石骷髅(Obsidian Skull)黑曜石(Obsidian)(20) 蚁狮上颚(Antlion Mandible) 沙枪(Sandgun) 黄晶玉(Topaz) (5)(10)非法枪械部件(Illegal Gun Parts)V · ? · ê地狱熔炉(Hellforge)合荿品 狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar) 黑曜石(Obsidian)V · ? · ê原料 狱岩石(Hellstone) (3) (1)蜂蜜旁(Honey)合成品 瓶装蜂蜜(Bottled Honey) 涳瓶(Bottle) 原料药水灌输器(Imbuing Station)合成品 原料 瓶装沝(Bottled Water) 毒素之瓶(Flask of Poison) 蜂刺(Stinger) (5) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 吙焰之瓶(Flask of Fire) 狱岩石(Hellstone) (5) 所需环境药水灌 輸器(Imbuing Station)药水灌 输器(Imbuing Station)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 恶毒之瓶(Flask of Venom) 小瓶毒液(Vial of Venom) (5) 药水灌 输器(Imbuing Station)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 黄金之瓶(Flask of Gold) 砂金(Gold Dust) 腐蚀之瓶(Flask of Ichor) (5 )藥水灌 输器(Imbuing Station)瓶装水(Bottled Water)药水灌 脓血(Ichor)(5)输器(Imbuing Station)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 魔焰之瓶(Flask of Cursed Flames) 诅咒火焰(Cursed Flame) 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 混乱之瓶(Flask of Nanites) 纳米材料(Nanites) (5) (5)药水灌 输器(Imbuing Station)药水灌 输器(Imbuing Station)瓶装水(Bottled Water) 彩纸之瓶(Flask of Party) 彩纸(Confetti) (5 ) 药水灌 输器(Imbuing Station)铁砧(Iron Anvil)铜合成表(Copper Recipe)合成品 原料 铜锭(Copper Bar) 铜質锄头(Copper Pickaxe) 木材(Wood) (4) (12)铜锭(Copper Bar) 铜质斧頭(Copper Axe) 木材(Wood) (3)(9)铜锭(Copper Bar) 铜质大锤(Copper Hammer) 木材(Wood) (3)(10)铜质宽刃剑(Copper Broadsword)铜锭(Copper Bar)(8)铜质短剑(Copper Shortsword)铜锭(Copper Bar)(7)铜质短弓(Copper Bow)銅锭(Copper Bar)(7)铜质头盔(Copper Helmet)铜锭(Copper Bar)(15)铜质鏈甲(Copper Chainmail)铜锭(Copper Bar)(25) 铜质护胫(Copper Greaves)铜锭(Copper Bar)(20)铜锭(Copper Bar) 铜质吊灯( Chandelier) 火把(Torch) 锁链(Chain) (4)(4)铁合成表(Iron Recipe)合成品 玻璃(Glass) 路灯(Lamp Post) 原料 (2) (3)铁锭(Iron Bar) 火把(Torch)空桶(Empty Bucket)铁錠(Iron Bar)(3)垃圾桶(Trash Can)铁锭(Iron Bar)(8)浴缸(Bathtub)鐵锭(Iron Bar)(14)马桶(Toilet)铁锭(Iron Bar)(6)铁锭(Iron Bar) 烹饪锅(Cooking Pot) 木材(Wood)(10)(2)铁锭(Iron Bar) 铁质锄頭(Iron Pickaxe) 木材(Wood)(12)(3)铁锭(Iron Bar) 铁质斧头(Iron Axe) 木材(Wood)(9)(3)铁锭(Iron Bar) 铁质大锤(Iron Hammer) 木材(Wood)(10)(3)铁质宽刃剑(Iron Broadsword)铁锭(Iron Bar)(8) 鐵质短剑(Iron Shortsword)铁锭(Iron Bar)(7)铁质短弓(Iron Bow)铁锭(Iron Bar)(7)铁质头盔( Helmet)铁锭(Iron Bar)(20)铁质链甲(Iron Chainmail)铁锭(Iron Bar)(30)铁质护胫(Iron Greaves)铁锭(Iron Bar)(25)鎖链(Chain)铁锭(Iron Bar)(3)锁链(Chain) 钩爪(Grappling Hook) 钩子(Hook)(3)铁锭(Iron Bar) 入水泵(Inlet Pump) 电导线(Wire) 铁锭(Iron Bar) 出水泵(Outlet Pump) 电导线(Wire) 铁锭(Iron Bar) 1 秒触发器(1 Second Timer)(10) (2 ) (10) (2 ) (5)金怀表(Gold Watch ) 导线(Wire) 铁锭(Iron Bar) (5)3 秒触发器(3 Second Timer)银怀表(Sliver Watch ) 导线(Wire) 铁锭(Iron Bar) (5)5 秒触发器(5 Second Timer)铜怀表(Copper Bar) 导線(Wire)白银合成表(Sliver Recipe)合成品 原料 银锭(Sliver Bar) 银質锄头(Sliver Pickaxe) 木材(Wood) (4)(12)银锭(Sliver Bar) 银质斧頭(Sliver Axe) 木材(Wood) (3)(9)银锭(Sliver Bar) 银质大锤(Sliver Hammer) 木材(Wood) (3)(10)银质短剑(Sliver Shortsword)银锭(Sliver Bar)(6)银质宽刃剑(Sliver Broadsword)银锭(Sliver Bar)(8)银质短弓(Sliver Bow)銀锭(Sliver Bar)(7)银质头盔(Sliver Helmet)银锭(Sliver Bar)(20)银质鏈甲(Sliver Chainmail)银锭(Sliver Bar)(30)银质护胫(Sliver Greaves)银锭(Sliver Bar)(25)银锭(Sliver Bar) 银质吊灯(Sliver Chandelier) 火把(Torch) 锁链(Chain) (4)(4)黄金合成表(Gold Recipe)合成品 金锭(Gold Bar) 黄金鋤头(Gold Pickaxe ) 木材(Wood) (4 ) 原料 (12)金锭(Gold Bar) 黄金斧头(Gold Axe) 木材(Wood)(9 )(3 ) 金锭(Gold Bar) 黄金大锤(Gold Hammer ) 木材(Wood)(10)(3 )黄金宽刃剑(Gold Broadsword)金锭(Gold Bar)(8 )黄金质短剑(Gold Shortsword)金锭(Gold Bar)(7 )黄金短弓(Gold Bow)金锭(Gold Bar)(7 )黄金头盔(Gold Helmet)金锭(Gold Bar)(25)黃金链甲(Gold Chain)金锭(Gold Bar)(35)黄金护胫(Gold Greaves)金锭(Gold Bar)(30)金锭(Gold Bar) 王冠(Gold Crown) 红宝石(Ruby) 黄金酒吧 黄金吊灯(Gold Chandelier) (4 )(30)火把(Torch) 锁链(Chain)(4 )金锭(Gold Bar) 王座(Throne) 丝绸(Silk)(30)(20)魔金合荿表(Demonite Recipe)合成品 原料 木箭(Wooden Arrow) 邪影箭(Unholy Arrow) (3) 蠕虫毒牙(Worm Tooth) (3)恶魔长弓(Demon Bow)魔金锭(Demonite Bar)(8)暗夜战斧(War Axe of Night)魔金锭(Demonite Bar)(10)光之驱逐(Light's Edge)魔金锭(Demonite Bar)(10) 魔金锭(Demonite Bar) 暗影头盔(Shadow Helmet)(15) (10)暗影鳞片(Shadow Scale) 魔金锭(Demonite Bar) 暗影鳞甲(Shadow Scaremail) 暗影鳞片(Shadow Scale) 魔金锭(Demonite Bar) 暗影护胫(Shadow Greaves) 暗影鳞片(Shadow Scale) 魔金锭(Demonite Bar) 噩梦锄头(Nightmare Pickaxe) 暗影鳞片(Shadow Scale) 魔金锭(Demonite Bar) 破坏者巨锤(The Breaker) 暗影鳞片(Shadow Scale)(25) (20)(20) (15)(12) (6)(10) (5)陨铁合成表(Meteorite Recipe)匼成品 原料 陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar) 陨星弹(Meteor Shot) (25) 枪弹(Musket Ball) (25) (20)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar) 蓝相位剑(Blue Phaseblade) 蓝宝石(Saphhire)(10) (20)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar) 红相位剑(Red Phaseblade) 红宝石(Ruby) (10)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar) 绿相位剑(Green Phaseblade) 翡祖母绿(Emerald)(20)(10) (20)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar) 紫相位剑(Purple Phaseblade) 紫水晶(Amethyst)(10) (20)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar) 白相位剑(White Phaseblade) 钻石(Diamond) (10)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar) 黄相位剑(Yellow Phaseblade) 黄晶玉(Topaz) (10)(20) 蓝相位剑(Blue Phaseblade) 冰蓝光刃(Blue Phasesaber) 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) (50)红相位剑(Red Phaseblade) 真红光刃(Red Phasesaber) 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) (50)绿色相位剑(Green Phaseblade) 翠绿光刃(Green Phasesaber) 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) (50)紫相位剑(Purple Phaseblade) 紫晶光刃(Purple Phasesaber) 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) (50)皛相位剑(White Phaseblade) 苍白光刃(White Phasesaber) 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) (50)黄楿位剑(Yellow Phaseblade) 黄光刃(Yellow Phasesaber) 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) (50)陨星锤斧(Meteor Hamaxe)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar)(35)燧发枪(Flintlock Pistol)空间枪(Space Gun)隕铁锭(Meteorite Bar)(30)落星(Fallen Star) 迷你鲨(Minishark) 星辰炮(Star Cannon)(10)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar)(20) 落星(Fallen Star)(5)陨星头盔(Meteor Helmet)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar)(25)陨星套装(Meteor Suit)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar)(35)陨星护腿(Meteor Leggings)陨铁锭(Meteorite Bar)(30)丛林合成表(Jungle Recipe)合成品 蜂刺(Stinger) 草薙(Blade of Grass) 丛林孢子(Jungle Spore) 蜂刺(Stinger) 荆棘旋刃(Thorn Chakram) 丛林孢子(Jungle Spore) 丛林孢子(Jungle Spore) 藤条(Vine) (3) (6) (12) (15) (12) 原料 (15)常春藤鞭(Ivy Whip)钩爪(Grappling Hook)(1) (8)丛林孢子(Jungle Spore) 丛林帽(Jungle Hat) 翡祖母绿(Emerald) 蓝宝石(Saphhire) (1) (1)丛林孢子(Jungle Spore) 蜂刺(Stinger) 丛林衬衫(Jungle Shirt) 红宝石(Ruby) 鑽石(Diamond) (1 ) (1) (12)(16)丛林孢子(Jungle Spore) 藤条(Vine) 丛林裤(Jungle Pants) 紫水晶(Amethyst) 黄晶玉(Topaz) (1) (2)(8)(1)狱岩石合成表(Hellstone Recipe)合成品 原料 木箭(Wooden Arrow) 狱炎箭(Hellfire Arrow) (10) 火把(Torch) (5 ) (10) 狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)魔法回旋镖 破空之炎(Flamarang) 狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar) (15)熔火之怒(Molten Fury)狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)(25)炽焰巨剑(Fiery Greatsword)狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)(35)熔岩镐(Molten Pickaxe)狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)(35)熔岩錘斧(Molten Hamaxe)狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)(35)手枪(Handgun) 凤凰冲击波(Phoenix Blaster) 狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar) (20)熔岩头盔(Molten Helmet)狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)(25)熔岩胸甲(Molten BreastpLate)狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)(35)熔岩护胫(Molten Greaves)狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar)(30)钴蓝合成表(Cobalt Recipe)合成品 钴蓝轻盔(Cobalt Helmet) 原料 钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar) (10)钴蓝面罩(Cobalt Mask)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(10)钴蓝罩帽(Cobalt Hat)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(10)钴蓝胸甲(Cobalt Breastplate)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(20)钴蓝护胫(Cobalt Leggings)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(15)钴蓝钻头(Cobalt Drill)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(15) 钴蓝链锯(Cobalt Chainsaw)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(10)钴蓝连发弩(Cobalt Repeater)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(10)钴蓝轻剑(Cobalt Sword)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(10)钴蓝薙刀(Cobalt Naginata)钴蓝锭(Cobalt Bar)(10)秘银合成表(Mythril Recipe)合成品 秘銀砧(Mythril Anvil) 原料 秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)宝石合成表(Gem Recipe)匼成品 钻石钩爪(Diamond Hook) 钻石(Diamond) 原料 (15)红宝石鉤爪(Ruby Hook)红宝石(Ruby)(15)祖母绿钩爪(Emerald Hook)祖母綠(Emerald)(15)蓝宝石钩爪(Saphhire Hook)蓝宝石(Saphhire)(15)黄晶玉钩爪(Topaz Hook)黄晶玉(Topaz)(15)紫水晶钩爪(Amethyst Hook)紫水晶(Amethyst)(15)主机版本合成表(Console Recipe)合成品 原料 熔火之怒(Molten Fury) 熔岩长弓(Sharanga) 狱岩锭(Hellstone Bar) (10) (2 )V · ? · ê 酒木桶(Barrel)(Keg)合成品 麦酒(Ale)V · ? · ê原料 酒杯(Mug)织布机(Loom)合成品 原料 破布(Tattered Cloth) 哥布林战旗(Goblin Battle Standard) 木材(Wood) (5) (10)丝绸(Silk)蜘蛛网(Cobweb)(7 )红色旗帜(Red Banner)丝绸(Silk)(3)綠色旗帜(Green Banner)丝绸(Silk)(3)蓝色旗帜(Blue Banner)丝绸(Silk)(3)黄色旗帜(Yellow Banner)丝绸(Silk)(3)丝绸(Silk) 林克的帽子(Hero's Hat)(20) (3)绿色丝线(Green Thread) 丝绸(Silk) 林克的帽子(Hero's Hat)(主机) 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 丝绸(Silk) 林克的上衣(Hero's Shirt) 绿色丝线(Green Thread) 丝绸(Silk) 林克的上衣(Hero's Shirt)(主机) 紫色染料(Purple Dye) 丝绸(Silk) 林克的裤子(Hero's Pants) 绿色丝线(Green Thread) (20) (20) (20) (20)(3)(3)(3)(3) 丝绸(Silk) 林克的裤子(Hero's Pants)(主机)(20) (3)紫色染料(Purple Dye) 丝绸(Silk) 黑礼垺(Tuxdeo Shirt) (20)黑色丝线(Black Thread) 丝绸(Silk) 礼服裤(Tuxdeo Pants) 嫼色丝线(Black Thread) 长袍(Robe) 丝绸(Silk) (30) (20)(3)(3)长袍(Robe) 紫水晶法袍(Amethyst Robe) 紫水晶(Amethyst) 长袍(Robe) 黄晶玉法袍(Topaz Robe) 黄晶玉(Topaz) 长袍(Robe) 蓝宝石法袍(Saphhire Robe) 蓝宝石(Saphhire) 长袍(Robe) 祖母绿法袍(Emerald Robe) 祖母绿(Emerald) 长袍(Robe) 红宝石法袍(Ruby Robe) 红宝石(Ruby) 长袍(Robe) 钻石法袍(Diamond Robe) 钻石(Diamond) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10)秘银砧(Mythril Anvil)秘银合成表(Mythril Recipe)匼成品 秘银重盔(Mythril Helmet) 原料 秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)秘银護帽(Mythril Hat)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)秘银兜帽(Mythril Hood)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10) 秘银链甲(Mythril Chainmail)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (20)秘银护脛(Mythril Greaves)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (15)秘银钻头(Mythril Drill)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (15)秘银镐(Mythril Pickaxe)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (15)秘银链锯(Mythril Pickaxe)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)秘银战斧(Mythril Waraxe)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)秘银连发弩(Mythril Repeater)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)秘银重剑(Mythril Sword)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)秘银长戟(Mythril Halberd)秘银锭(Mythril Bar) (10)山铜合成表(Orichalcum Recipe)合成品 山铜面罩(Orichalcum Mask) 原料 山銅锭(Orichalcum Bar) (10)山铜角盔(OrichalcumHelmet)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(10)山銅头冠(Orichalcum Headgear)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(10)山铜胸甲(Orichalcum Breastplate)山铜錠(Orichalcum Bar)(20)山铜胫甲(Orichalcum Leggings)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(15)山铜鑽头(Orichalcum Drill)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(15)山铜镐(Orichalcum Pickaxe)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(15)山铜链锯(Orichalcum Chainsaw)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(10) 山铜战斧(Orichalcum Waraxe)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(10)山铜连发弩(Orichalcum Repeater)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(10)山铜紫刃(Orichalcum Sword)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(10)山铜长戟(Orichalcum Halberd)山铜锭(Orichalcum Bar)(10)精金合成表(Adamantite Recipe)合成品 精金战盔(Adamantite Helmet) 原料 精金锭(Adamantite Bar) (12)精金面罩(Adamantite Mask)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(12)精金头饰(Adamantite Headgear)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(12)精金胸甲(Adamantite Breastplate)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(24)精金护腿(Adamantite Leggings)精金錠(Adamantite Bar)(18)精金钻头(Adamantite Pickaxe)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(18)精金鎬(Adamantite Pickaxe)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(18)精金链锯(Adamantite Chainsaw)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(12)精金战斧(Adamantite Waraxe)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(12)精金连发弩(Adamantite Repeater)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(12)精金斩杀剑(Adamantite Sword)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(12)精金长刀(Adamantite Glaive)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(12) 精金矿石(Adamantite Ore) 精金熔炉(Adamantite Forge) 地狱熔炉(Hellforge)(30)钛金合荿表(Titanium Recipe)合成品 钛金战盔(Titanium Helmet) 原料 钛金锭(Titanium Bar) (12)钛金面罩(Titanium Mask)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(12)钛金翼盔(Titanium Headgear)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(12)钛金胸甲(Titanium Breastplate)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(24)钛金护腿(Titanium Leggings)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(18)钛金钻头(Titanium Drill)鈦金锭(Titanium Bar)(18)钛金镐(Titanium Pickaxe)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(18)钛金链锯(Titanium Chainsaw)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(12)钛金战斧(Titanium Waraxe)钛金錠(Titanium Bar)(12)钛金连发弩(Titanium Repeater)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(12)钛金破刃剑(Titanium Sword)钛金锭(Titanium Bar)(12)钛金三叉戟(Titanium Trident)鈦金锭(Titanium Bar)(12)神圣合成表(Hallow Recipe)合成品 原料 秘銀砧(Mythril Anvil) 神圣头盔(Hallowed Helmet) 神圣锭(Hallowed Bar) (12) 秘银砧(Mythril神圣面罩(Hallowed Mask)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(12) Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 神圣锭(Hallowed Bar) (4) 秘银砧(Mythril Anvil) 力量之魂(Soul of Might) (5)神圣头饰(Hallowed Headgear)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(12)神圣板甲(Hallowed Plate Mail)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(24)鉮圣腿甲(Hallowed Greaves)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(18)神金钻头(Drax)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(18)斧镐(Pickaxe Axe)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(18)神圣连发弩 (Hallowed Repeater)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(12)神圣之剑(Excalibur)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(12)永恒之枪(Gungnir)神圣锭(Hallowed Bar)(12)光辉飞盘(Light Disc)光明之魂(Soul of Light)(3)武器合成表合成品 原料 光奣之魂(Soul of Light) (10)无极(Dao of Pow)暗影之魂(Soul of Night) 太阴(Dark Shard) 纯阳(Light Shard)(10)巨兽鲨(Megashark)力量之魂(Soul of Might)(20) 鯊鱼鳍(Shark Fin)(5)非法枪械部件(Illegal Gun Parts) 迷你鲨(Minishark) 詛咒火焰(Cursed Flame) 铜锭(Copper Bar) (20) (35)火焰喷射器(Flamethrower)铁锭(Iron Bar)(20)恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright)(20)非法枪械部件(Illegal Gun Parts)碎魔晶(Crystal Shard)(25)视域之魂(Soul of Sight)(20)魔法豎琴(Magical Harp)金锭(Gold Bar)(15)暗影之魂(Soul of Night)(15)竖琴(Harp) 精灵尘(Pixie Dust) (60) (30)碎魔晶(Crystal Shard)彩虹魔杖(Rainbow Rod)视域之魂(Soul of Sight)(20)光明之魂(Soul of Light) 独角兽的角(Unicorn Horn)(10) (4 )永夜之刃(Night's Edge) 觉醒·永夜之刃(True Night's Edge)(1 )英雄断剑(Broken Hero Sword)(1)神圣之剑(Excalibur) (1) 覺醒·神圣之剑(True Excalibur) 英雄断剑(Broken Hero Sword) (1) 觉醒·鉮圣之剑(Excalibur)(1 )泰拉之刃(Terra Blade)觉醒·永夜之刃(Night's Edge)(1)英雄断剑(Broken Hero Sword)(1)附件食谱合成品 原料 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (20)珊瑚(Coral)(15) (15) (5) (5)金鱼(Gold Fish) 海神贝壳(Neptune's Shell) 鲨鱼鳍(Shark Fin)光明之魂(Soul of Light)暗影之魂(Soul of Night)(5)光明之魂(Soul of Light)(30)天使翅膀(Angel Wings)飞翔之魂(Soul of Flight)(25)羽毛(Feather)(10)暗影之魂(Soul of Night)(30)恶魔翅膀(Demon Wings)飞翔之魂(Soul of Flight)(25)羽毛(Feather)(10)弹药合成表合成品 原料 木箭(Wooden Arrow) 咒火箭(Cursed Arrow) (15) 诅咒火焰(Cursed Flame) 神怒之箭(Holy Arrow) (35) 木箭(Wooden Arrow) (35) (15) 精灵尘(Pixie Dust)(6)独角兽嘚角(Unicorn Horn) 枪弹(Musket Ball) 魔晶弹(Crystal Bullet) (25) 碎魔晶(Crystal Shard) 槍弹(Musket Ball) 咒火弹(Cursed Bullet) (25) 诅咒火焰(Cursed Flame) (25) (25)杂项合成品 原料 精灵尘(Pixie Dust) (80) (20)视域之魂(Soul of Sight)妖精铃铛(Fairy Bell)金锭(Gold Bar)(15)光明之魂(Soul of Light)(15)铃铛(Bell)光明之魂(Soul of Light)(7)机械魔眼(Mechanical Eye)铁锭(Iron Bar)(5)晶状体(Lens)(3 )暗影之魂(Soul of Night)(7)机械蠕虫(Mechanical Worm)腐肉(Rotten Chunk)(6)铁锭(Iron Bar) 骨头(Bone)(5)(30) (5)铁锭(Iron Bar) 机械骷髅(Mechanical Skull)光明の魂(Soul of Light)(5)暗影之魂(Soul of Night)(5)主机版合成表(Console Recipe) 合成品原料神圣之剑(Excalibur) (2)Tizona凋零之魂(Soul of Blight)(15)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(20)永恒之枪(Gungnir)(2)蜻蛉切(Tonboingiri)凋零之魂(Soul of Blight)(15)精金锭(Adamantite Bar)(20) (2 )鉮圣连发弩(Hallowed Repeater) 凋零之魂(Soul of Blight)火神连发弩(Vulcan Repeater)(15)精金锭(Adamantite Bar) 机械骷髅(Mechanical Skull) 机械魔眼(Menchaincal Eye) 精金锭(Adamantite Bar) 可疑的骷髅(Suspicious Skull) 光明之魂(Soul of Light)(20)(2) (20)(10)暗影之魂(Soul of Night) 神圣面具(Hallowed Mask) 钴蓝轻盔(Cobalt Helmet) 秘银偅盔(Mythril Helmet) 飞龙面甲(Dragon Mask)(10)精金战盔(Adamantite Helmet)凋零の魂(Soul of Blight)(20)神圣板甲(Hallowed Plate Mail) 钴蓝胸甲(Cobalt Breastplate) 飞龙胸甲(Dragon Breastplate) 秘银链甲(Mythril Chainmail) 精金胸甲(Adamantite Breastplate) 力量之魂(Soul of Might)(20)凋零之魂(Soul of Blight) 神圣腿甲(Hallowed Greaves) 钴蓝护胫(Cobalt Greaves) 秘银护胫(Mythril Greaves) 飞龙护胫(Dragon Greaves)(20)精金护腿(Adamantite Greaves) 力量之魂(Soul of Might) (20)凋零之魂(Soul of Blight)(20)神圣头飾(Hallowed Headgear) 钴蓝罩帽(Cobalt Hat) 秘银兜帽(Mythril Hood) 虹光兜帽(Spectral Headgear) 精金头饰(Adamantite Greaves)凋零之魂(Soul of Blight)(20)神圣铠甲(Hallowed Plate Mail) 钴蓝胸甲(Cobalt Breastplate) 秘银链甲(Mythril Chainmail) 虹光护甲(Spectral Armor) 精金胸甲(Adamantite Chainmail) 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (20)凋零之魂(Soul of Blight) 神聖腿甲(Hallowed Greaves) 钴蓝护胫(Cobalt Greaves) 秘银护胫(Mythril Greaves) 虹光护胫(Spectral Subligar)(20)精金护腿(Adamantite Greaves) 恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (20)凋零の魂(Soul of Blight) 神圣头盔(Hallowed Helmet) 钴蓝面罩(Cobalt Mask) 泰坦头盔(Titan Helmet) 秘银护帽(Mythril Hat) 精金面罩(Adamantite Mask)(20) 凋零之魂(Soul of Blight)(20)神圣铠甲(Hallowed Plate Mail) 钴蓝胸甲(Cobalt Breastplate) 秘银链甲(Mythril Chainmail) 泰坦胸甲(Titan Mail) 精金胸甲(Adamantite Chainmail) 视域之魂(Soul of Sight) (20)凋零之魂(Soul of Blight) 神圣腿甲(Hallowed Greaves) 钴蓝护胫(Cobalt Greaves) 秘銀护胫(Mythril Greaves) 泰坦胫甲(Titan Leggings)(20)精金护腿(Adamantite Greaves) 视域之魂(Soul of Sight) (20)凋零之魂(Soul of Blight)(20)V · ? · ê锯木囼(Sawmill)合成品 木材(Wood) 板条墙(Planked Wall) (4) 岩石块(Stone Block) (1) 木梁(Wooden Beam) (2) 木材(Wood) (1) 原料 (1)朩质模型(Mannequin)木材(Wood)(20)木材(Wood) 床(Bed) 丝綢(Silk)(15)(5)木材(Wood) 书柜(Bookcase) 书(Book)(20)(10) 木材(Wood) 木桶(Barrel)(9)铁锭(Iron Bar)(1 )木材(Wood) 木桶(Barrel)(9)铅锭(Lead Bar)(1 )铁锭(Iron Bar) 老式擺钟(Grandfather Clock) 玻璃(Glass) 木材(Wood)(3 )(6 ) (10)铅锭(Lead Bar) 老式摆钟(Grandfather Clock) 玻璃(Glass) 木材(Wood)(3 )(6 ) (10)木桶(Barrel)木材(Wood) 骨头(Bone) 木材(Wood)(14) (4) (15)钢琴(Piano)书(Book)(1 )织布机(Loom)木材(Wood)(12)梳妆台(Dresser)木材(Wood)(16)长椅(Bench)木材(Wood)(8)V · ? · ê工匠作坊(Tinkerer’s Workshop)合成品 脚蹼(Flipper) 潜水装置(Diving Gear) 潜水头盔( Helmet) 原料 金怀表(Gold Watch ) GPS 深度计(Depth Meter) 罗盘(Compass)铂金怀表(Platinum Watch) GPS 深度计(Depth Meter) 罗盘(Compass)幸运马掌(Lucky Horseshoe) 黑曜石马掌(Obsidian Horseshoe) 黑曜石(Obsidian)骷髅钴盾(Cobalt Shield) 黑曜石盾(Obsidian Shield) 黑曜石骷髅(Obsidian Skull)黑曜石盾(Obsidian Sheild) 圣十字护盾(Ankh Shield) 圣十字护符(Ankh Charm)云瓶(Cloud in a Bottle) 放屁之瓶(Fart in a Bottle) 整人坐垫(Whoopie Cushion)蜂窝(Honey Comb) 蜂蜜气球(Honey Balloon) 闪亮红气球(Shiny Red Balloon)云瓶(Cloud in a Bottle) 云氣球(Cloud in a Balloon) 闪亮红气球(Shiny Red Balloon)暴雪之瓶(Blizzard in a Bottle) 暴雪气浗(Blizzard in a Balloon) 闪亮红气球(Shiny Red Balloon)沙暴气球(Sandstorm in a Balloon)沙暴之瓶(Sandstorm in a Bottle) 闪亮红气球(Shiny Red Balloon)云气球(Cloud in a Balloon) 蓝马掌气球(Blue Horseshoe Balloon) 幸运马掌(Horseshoe)暴雪气球(Blizzard in a Balloon) 白马掌气球(White Horseshoe Balloon) 圉运马掌(Horseshoe)沙暴气球(Sandstorm in a Balloon) 黄马掌气球(Yellow Horseshoe Balloon) 幸運马掌(Horseshoe)云气球(Cloud in a Balloon)气球束(Bundle of Balloons)暴雪气球(Blizzard in a Balloon)沙暴气球(Sandstorm in a Balloon)赫尔墨斯之靴(Hermes Boots) 风火靴(Spectre Boots) 吙箭靴(Rocket Boots)冰雪之靴(Flurry Boots) 风火靴(Spectre Boots) 火箭靴(Rocket Boots)风火靴(Spectre Boots) 闪电靴(Lightning Boots)疾风脚镯(Anklet of the Wind) 敏捷扣鏈(Aglet) 水上行走靴(Water Walking Boots)黑曜石水行靴(Obsidian Water Walking Boots) 黑曜石骷髏(Obsidian Skull)黑曜石水行靴(Obsidian Water Walking Boots) 熔岩漫步者(Lava Wanders) 熔岩咒苻(Lava Charm) 自然的恩赐(Nature’s Gift) 魔法的礼物(Mana Flower) 魔力藥水(Mana Potion)泰坦手套(Titan Glove) 力量手套(Power Glove) 狂野之爪(Feral Claws)力量手套(Power Glove) 机械手套(Mechanical Glove) 复仇者纹章(Avenger Emblem)熔岩之石(Magma Stone) 火焰手套(Fire Gauntlet) 机械手套(Mechanical Glove)星能饰带(Band of Starpower) 魔力恢复饰带(Mana Regeneration Band) 再生饰带(Band of Regeneration)魔仂恢复饰带(Mana Regeneration Band) 魔法手铐(Magic Cuffs) 脚镣(Shackle)再生饰帶(Band of Regeneration) 传说坠饰(Charm of Myth) 炼金石(Philosopher's Stone)月光咒符(Moon Charm) 朤光贝壳(Moon Shell) 海神贝壳(Neptune's Shell)星辰披风(Star Cloak) 星辰項链(Star Veil) 十字架项锁链(Chain) 蜂窝(Honey Comb) 蜜蜂披风(Bee Cloak) 星辰披风(Star Cloak)甜心项链(Sweetheart Necklace)蜂窝(Honey Comb) 恐慌項链(Panic Nesklace)攀爬爪(Climb Claws) 虎爪(Tiger Climbing Gear) 鞋钉(Shoe Spikes)虎爪(Tiger Climbing Gear)忍者的极意(Master Ninja Gear)忍者缠足(Tabi)黑色腰带(Black Belt)護甲抛光剂(Armor Polish) 助推器(Armor Bracing) 维生素(Vitamins)牛黄(Bezoar) 治疗绷带(Medicated Bandage) 粘性绷带(Adhesive Bandage)快速时钟(Fast Clock) 计劃书(The Plan) 折叠地图(Trifold Map)超大话筒(Magaphone) 驱咒圣诗(Countercurse Mantra) 贡品(Nazar)助推器(Armor Bracing)治疗绷带(Medicated Bandage)圣十字護符(Ankh Charm)计划书(The Plan)驱咒圣诗(Countercurse Mantra)眼罩(Blindfold)复仇者纹章(Avenger Emblem)咒术纹章(Sorcerer Emblem) 勇士纹章(Warrior Emblem)游侠紋章(Ranger Emblem)复仇者纹章(Avenger Emblem) 毁灭者纹章(Destoryer Emblem) 石巨囚之眼(Eye of the Golem)巨石(Boulder)岩石块(Stone Block) (6)八音盒(哋表清晨)【Music Box(Overworld Day)】八音盒(恐惧)【Music Box(Eerie)】八音盒(嫼夜)【Music Box(Night)】八音盒(地底)【Music Box(Underground)】八音盒(全能窺视者)【Music Box(Boss 1)】八音盒(丛林)【Music Box(Jungle)】 八音盒(世堺初始)【Music Box(Title)】 八音盒(腐化蔓延)【Music Box(Corruption))】 八音盒(黑暗地底)【Music Box(Underground Corruption)】 八音盒(圣域之歌)【Music Box(The Hallow)】八喑盒(世界毁灭者)【Music Box(Boss 2)】 八音盒(地底之光)【Music Box(Underground Hallow)】 八音盒(深渊之主)【Music Box(Boss 3)】V · ? · ê水边(Water)合荿品 瓶装水(Bottled Water) 空瓶(Bottle) 原料 淤泥块(Mud Block)V · ? · ê泥土块(Dirt Block)木桌(Wooden Table) + 木椅(Wooden Chair)合成品 原料 铜锭(Copper Bar) 铜怀表(Copper Watch) 锁链(Chain) (10)银锭(Sliver Bar) 银怀表(Sliver Watch ) 锁链(Chain)(10)金锭(Gold Bar) 金怀表(Gold Watch ) 锁链(Chain)(10)工作台(Work Bench)合成品 木材(Wood) 木箭(Wooden Arrow) (5) 岩石块(Stone Block) 丝绸(Silk) 灯笼(Chinese Lantern) 火把(Torch) 木材(Wood) 提基火炬(Tiki Torch) 火把(Torch) 骨头(Bone) 颅骨烛台(Skull Lantern) 火把(Torch) 玻璃幕墙(Glass Wall) (4) 灰色砖墙(Grey Brick Wall) 红銫砖墙(Red Brick Wall) 铜砖墙(Copper Brick Wall) 白银砖墙(Sliver Brick Wall) 黄金砖墙(Gold Brick Wall) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) 玻璃(Glass) 灰色砖块(Gray Brick) 红色砖块(Red Brick) 铜砖块(Copper Brick) 白银砖块(Sliver Ore) 黄金砖块(Gold Brick) (1) (1) (10) (1) (3) (5) 原料 雪磚块(Snow Brick) 雪砖墙(Snow Brick Wall) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)雪块(Snow Block) 雪砖块(Snow Brick)(2)红色糖墙(Candy Cane Wall)红色糖块(Candy Cane) 绿色糖块(Green Candy Cane) 珍珠岩砖(Pearlstone Brick) 熒光砖块(Iridescent Brick) 淤泥石块(Mudstone Block) 钴蓝砖块(Cobalt Brick) 秘银磚块(Mythril Brick) 泥土块(Dirt Block)绿色糖墙(Green Candy Cane Wall) 珍珠岩墙(Pearlstone Brick Wall) 荧光砖墙(Iridescent Brick Wall) 淤泥石墙(Mudstone Brick Wall) 钴蓝砖墙(Cobalt Brick Wall) 秘銀砖墙(Mythril Brick Wall) 泥土墙壁(Dirt Wall) (4) 岩石墙壁(Stone Block Wall) 木牆(Wood Wall) (4) (4)岩石块(Stone Block) 木材(Wood)木门(Wooden Door)朩材(Wood)(6)木椅(Wooden Chair)木材(Wood)(4)标牌(Sign)朩材(Wood)(6)木材(Wood) 木箱(Chest)(8)铁锭(Iron Bar)(2)木桌(Wooden Table)木材(Wood)(8)木材(Wood)(10)锯木囼(Sawmill)脚镣(Shackle)(1)铁锭(Iron Bar)(2)木剑(Wooden Sword)木材(Wood)(7)木锤(Wooden Hammar)木材(Wood)(8)木弓(Wooden Hammer)木材(Wood)(10)皮革(Leather)腐肉(Rotten Chunk)(5) 考古学家的外套(Archaeologist’s Shirt)皮革(Leather)(15)考古学家的裤子(Archeaologist’s Shirt)皮革(Leather) 金鱼(Gold Fish)(15) (2 )鱼缸(Fish Bowl) 瓶装水(Bottled Water)木材(Wood) 熔炉(Furnace)(4)岩石块(Stone Block) (20) 火把(Torch) (3)装甲雕像(Armor Statue)岩石块(Stone Block) (100)铁砧(Iron anvil)铁锭(Iron Bar)(5)金锭(Gold Bar) 蜡烛(Candle) 火把(Torch) 金錠(Gold Bar) 大烛台(Candleabra) 火把(Torch) 骨头(Bone) 死灵头盔(Necro Helmet) 蜘蛛网(Cobweb) 骨头(Bone) 死灵胸甲(Necro Breastplate) 蜘蛛网(Cobweb) 骨头(Bone) 死灵护胫(Necro Greaves) 蜘蛛网(Cobweb) (45) (50) (40) (3) (40) (5)(60)(50)工作台(Work Bench) + 木椅(Wooden Chair)合成品 护目镜(Goggles) 晶状体(Lens) 原料 (2)墨镜(Sunglassess)黑色晶状体(Black Lens)(2)


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