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UID2631759主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1654金钱6347 荣誉1 人气5 在线时间3533 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1654, 距离下一级还需 346 积分
帖子精华0积分1654金钱6347 荣誉1 人气5 评议0
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[ 本帖最后由 eggplant19 于
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总评分:&金钱 + 10&
处理器 i5-2310 @ 2.90GHz 四核
主板& &华擎 H61M-VS. (英特尔 H61 芯片组)
内存& &金士顿 8GB&&DDR3 1333MHz
硬盘& &西数 1TB 7200 转/分
显卡& &Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 v2&&1024M
UID3726339主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分31金钱1048 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间339 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 31, 距离下一级还需 169 积分
帖子精华0积分31金钱1048 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
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UID1025559主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分154金钱2040 荣誉1 人气2 在线时间1561 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 154, 距离下一级还需 46 积分
帖子精华0积分154金钱2040 荣誉1 人气2 评议0
UID4459958主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分616金钱2352 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间364 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 616, 距离下一级还需 384 积分
帖子精华0积分616金钱2352 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID3159334主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分254金钱4637 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间1215 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 254, 距离下一级还需 246 积分
帖子精华0积分254金钱4637 荣誉0 人气1 评议0
大家早啊。。。& & 求翻译啊。。 后悔英语没学好
Eason goes on
& & Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz
& && && &&&技嘉 P55A-UD3R
& && && &&&2GB (宇瞻 PC3-10700H DDR3 SDRAM 1334MHz)
& &&&Western Digital WD6400AAKS-00D7B0(640GB, 7200转/分)
& && && && & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 (896 MB)
& && && &宏碁 V223HQ(21.4 英寸)
UID2415299主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分337金钱5779 荣誉1 人气52 在线时间6985 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 337, 距离下一级还需 163 积分
帖子精华0积分337金钱5779 荣誉1 人气52 评议0
先瞧瞧吧,是用谷歌翻得:新的NBA 2K11透视:“通过艺术的”
方式:2K的管理罗恩| 日星期二
扎克蒂默曼在这里,游戏性在NBA 2K11生产者。您可能已经读了我以前的了解约旦的挑战。这一次我要进入的较少,但一谈到的具体细节方面,更重要的篮球:艺术的传承。
1。右棒传递 - 这个机械的优点在于你不必用你的左摇杆瞄准的传递,然后打开了传球和快速释放偶尔看起来没有更多的机会。按住右肩键,用户可以利用使用权棒作为一个合格技工,使两者得到坚持正确的方向移动,将抛出的球沿着这条线的接收器。
2。总量控制传递 - 加入到我们的游戏的多功能性,特别是高级用户,始终是一个必须和通过列出这个伟大的机会。在2K11我们加入了一个名为总量控制功能,通过传递,从而使用户能够利用一个无球的队友控制,同时还确定在何时何地,他将被抛出的球。按住右按钮在360(;在PS3上右一),用户将被提交合格的图标按钮,此时举行的一个按钮可以手动控制与相应的播放器为用户运动左摇杆。释放该按钮,同时保持在360右边的按钮举行(;或在PS3上右一)在向用户传递的结果。如果用户释放按钮在右侧360(;或在PS3上右一),同时保持接收器的按钮举行,用户将暂时采取控制的球员,直到他通过电话了。
3。假传球虽然站着或移动,一通假,可以拉出按上360(关于PS3的圆圈(乙)按钮关闭 - )。这是一个有益的技工,我们要带回,因为它可以是非常有益的尝试,以继续当他的脚趾您的捍卫者。虽然没有在后,就业人数,你可以瞄准你的假通过使用左摇杆。假通行证的类型选择的是通过对常规的逻辑基础。例如,这种情况会产生一个间接通过也将产生一个假的开销。也是一样,为反弹高吊球和胸部通行证。捍卫者也作出适当反应的每个假通行证类型。新的东西,我们从来没有做过的,是让假的能力,而在合格后,鼻翼加索尔。这会使球员参与,并会增加一个元素的多功能性在后的游戏动作。
4。邮政传递 - 虽然不是一个新的“功能”,传递出一个职位,即得到了一些关注游戏区。与“假及格”以上的功能结合在一起,你现在可以通过伪造而在后从事。今年还新的能力,从后触摸位置,在那里你可以排队了,而通过它传递给内线球员通过。每个职位类型可以捕捉到分行通过各种接触。例如,一个内线球员可以抓住球高高用一只手,然后立即回了菜从来没有因为我们把球下降到双手到外围。它可以迅速转移球,使运动员三思而后行了一倍或跳跃传递通道。通过后的另一个新的因素是能够在大街小巷张贴折腾。熟练的路人都必须成功地完成这件事,但高球的球在你的肩膀下来的一对线中刀向篮框前可以非常壮观。最后,我们一般通过投入大量的工作,同时张贴。这包括通过让你更快的重新项和后的菜是从事打刀的伟大。在这些改进和所有功能的组合确实有助于巩固后传球,最后,给你更多的理由使用剧目的一部分作为您的游戏后。
1。驱动器与碟裹 - 是我们通过更令人沮丧的一个方面,在过去几年中是无法创造一个凉爽包裹传递在离反弹的关键。他们是通过CP3一辆离开时,他击败了他的运球的人,获得空气中的男子,并帮助周围的包装为打开他的队友扣篮得分后卫球。去年,你会不断看到头顶抛出,因为它是最安全的传递给扔掉,但它往往断送了突出发挥的机会在这种情况下。今年,我们消灭了作为一个合格线沿线的威胁立即通过辩护人,这样做确实有助于打开这些类型的通行证了。当你拉一过,他们看起来令人难以置信,但记住,只有良好的途人有能力做到这一点。
2。踢出证 - 当你过了男子向箍方式和一名后卫在外围脱落,帮助他的人了,它会创建一个很好的机会,踢的球开出的后卫球员,帮助刚离开。在去年的比赛中你会经常得到您的通行证已停止向前运动,转向你扔球。今年,我们抓获了踢出来的球员在经过一群只会拿起他的手运球,而不是停止其势头丢出来的球。其结果是一个非常快速传递,有助于开拓周边在这种情况下比赛。
3。传递的上篮和扣篮输出 - 很多时候,你会发现自己尝试一次上篮或扣篮交通只有意识到你已经获得了一个更好的期待您打开附近队友。月票,从这个2K10导致常常是难看。它通常是用于一个跳投,让您的球员将最终停止不切实际的盘片上,在空中和纺纱丢的球了。对于2K11我们抓获传递这种情况特别,游戏现在在路人的势头看,选择最好的“传递出杆”动画,作为特科格鲁以上,LeBrons苍蝇的传递时间。这一切再加上我们的驱动器及盘通行证和你有一些潜在的美观内部传递的结果。
1。帕斯定位 - 很多人是图标路人(包括我自己)和很多人左摇杆+(甲)按钮路人。通过图标的好处是,你总是得到你的谁,因为你确定了一个按钮按下它的目的。为什么不能左摇杆路人得到同样的爱?的第一件事情就是我们通过与今年没有被完全消灭我们通过定位系统。有太多的变数补充说,只有偶尔给了我们什么,我们希望它成为太乱一起工作。帕斯针对目前几乎完全依赖于一件事,那就是你的棍子被按下方向。很简单。现在,有两个原因你的密码可能不会达到现在的球员你有意这样做的。 99%的时间也将是正确的,因为你不是在合适的球员瞄准你的记忆棒或有一个相同的球员你希望直接打线的队友。有几个非常重要的变量将在今年为跳过传递和能力达到了一个行外的家伙让两名球员占据。但对于大多数情况下,你将要传递给你和谁在瞄准左摇杆。针对该课题通过在我们的办公室开始频繁尖叫峰会,去年,主要是从游戏内容总监Rob琼斯。幸运的是,今年,我们已经很难听到了窥视。
2。邮政饲料 - 你的时间试图饲料后,去年的结果大多是一个高吊球通过。这成为非常明确,还因为速度慢的高球,对路人的时间可能会增加一倍的内线球员准备把地上的球了辩护人。这是令人沮丧,真正阻碍后的游戏。我们已经改善了这个巨大的饲料逻辑与我们的工作后,为让更多的反弹包传递到这个职位。这包括包装通行证,而站立而在看到魔术队的德怀特上述动议。我们现在可以智能地决定是否抛出一个高吊球或包裹反弹传球。虽然我知道它会带来很大的不同,我是真的陷入关闭的是如何更好地守卫我们的游戏现在看来,觉得当涉及到谁进入传递到球员都在后密封的维护者。这也是另一个大原因貌似使用后游戏。
3。帕斯选集 - 我读过的评论就开销传球时,球被普遍被周围的Momentus首演拖车从周边通过。我可以向你们保证,这是一个孤立的剪辑,编辑的感觉好工作了拖车。我们已经大大改善了2K11的合格线代码为更多的胸部和经过允许的情况下反弹的最安全的地方通过,开销,不一定需要。这会影响到几乎每一个领域,但通过多注意的是通过各地的外围或通过在一个过渡情况的法院。架空传递的速度太慢了的情况下你看到他们去年的辛勤工作,所以我们提出,以确保公正的唯一时间是当你看到他们真的觉得我们是在合格线的潜在威胁很大,可能拦截或转移你的密码。
4。空中接力 - 哎呀,我们已经在我们的游戏错误,人为地把他扔的路人空中接力。它没有影响投掷或有能力完成和准确性往往不明显,但是当它发生,那是相当难看。我们的现成的玻璃胡同在2K10哎呀还载有一个错误,实在不容许可喜成果之一。那么,现在这一切是固定的,我善良的结果是惊人的。将这些与另外寻找一些新的流体胡同LOB的错误修复和你在商店正在寻找一些惊人的空中接力在2K11序列。
5。在追赶进度一篮子通行证 - 当一名球员削减的篮子,你打他,大步向前迈进,你希望得到的是,接收到一个位置,他可以轻松地去附近的一个箍飙升付诸表决。过去的事你要他做的是最后的底线附近,甚至更糟的是,超越箍5-6英尺高。我们最珍贵的修正之一是夹紧在移动接收器捕捉点要在篮框右前方。随着其他一些微调,它现在很容易不可否认径直去了附近拍摄的过程中(篮子,避免接触或让你的拍摄到第三行是对你扔)。
那么。祝你好运2K的玩家在NBA 2K11。很多事情处理和传递,提高你可以看看这些和其他的游戏时扭了10月5日。您可能还需要检查出的各种视频游戏在未来的情侣击中,其中1人罗尼是提供给运营体育特色的奥兰多魔术队和丹佛掘金队。我期待着阅读您的反馈。
- 扎克蒂默曼
UID2293608主题阅读权限70帖子精华0积分652金钱2140 荣誉1 人气3 在线时间1445 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分652金钱2140 荣誉1 人气3 评议0
极16 卡爆了有木有 伤不起啊
UID2631759主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1654金钱6347 荣誉1 人气5 在线时间3533 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1654, 距离下一级还需 346 积分
帖子精华0积分1654金钱6347 荣誉1 人气5 评议0
处理器 i5-2310 @ 2.90GHz 四核
主板& &华擎 H61M-VS. (英特尔 H61 芯片组)
内存& &金士顿 8GB&&DDR3 1333MHz
硬盘& &西数 1TB 7200 转/分
显卡& &Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 v2&&1024M
UID3222316主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分3184金钱2876 荣誉4 人气21 在线时间1571 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3184, 距离下一级还需 2816 积分
帖子精华0积分3184金钱2876 荣誉4 人气21 评议0
UID3159334主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分254金钱4637 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间1215 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 254, 距离下一级还需 246 积分
帖子精华0积分254金钱4637 荣誉0 人气1 评议0
... 最后那张图 太阳15号& &是LPZ?? . 记不住了. 鞋子怎么都进地板了????
Eason goes on
& & Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz
& && && &&&技嘉 P55A-UD3R
& && && &&&2GB (宇瞻 PC3-10700H DDR3 SDRAM 1334MHz)
& &&&Western Digital WD6400AAKS-00D7B0(640GB, 7200转/分)
& && && && & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 (896 MB)
& && && &宏碁 V223HQ(21.4 英寸)
UID2631759主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1654金钱6347 荣誉1 人气5 在线时间3533 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1654, 距离下一级还需 346 积分
帖子精华0积分1654金钱6347 荣誉1 人气5 评议0
看到游民的评论我都无语了,就会在那喷这不行那不行 [冲啊]
处理器 i5-2310 @ 2.90GHz 四核
主板& &华擎 H61M-VS. (英特尔 H61 芯片组)
内存& &金士顿 8GB&&DDR3 1333MHz
硬盘& &西数 1TB 7200 转/分
显卡& &Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 v2&&1024M
UID2219996主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分648金钱4489 荣誉21 人气100 在线时间3034 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 648, 距离下一级还需 352 积分
帖子精华0积分648金钱4489 荣誉21 人气100 评议0
12:17:11 上传
[ 本帖最后由 eggplant19 于
12:17 编辑 ]
总评分:&金钱 + 25&
UID4514611主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分669金钱1940 荣誉7 人气4 在线时间107 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 669, 距离下一级还需 331 积分
帖子精华0积分669金钱1940 荣誉7 人气4 评议0
保罗面补不像。。。john wall 也一般。。。
UID3902390主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分213金钱494 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间9 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 213, 距离下一级还需 287 积分
帖子精华0积分213金钱494 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2768162主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1681金钱1641 荣誉12 人气32 在线时间4362 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1681, 距离下一级还需 319 积分
帖子精华0积分1681金钱1641 荣誉12 人气32 评议0
UID2157713主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分92金钱971 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间271 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 92, 距离下一级还需 108 积分
帖子精华0积分92金钱971 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1033085主题阅读权限50帖子精华2积分1186金钱2910 荣誉44 人气2 在线时间365 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1186, 距离下一级还需 814 积分
帖子精华2积分1186金钱2910 荣誉44 人气2 评议0
UID2726337主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1410金钱9380 荣誉0 人气9 在线时间2986 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1410, 距离下一级还需 590 积分
帖子精华0积分1410金钱9380 荣誉0 人气9 评议0
原帖由 Tie_shen 于
15:32 发表
是呀! 尤其那雙默認鞋不如不做好過拉, 難看到死
UID525109主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分300金钱3073 荣誉8 人气0 在线时间825 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 300, 距离下一级还需 200 积分
帖子精华0积分300金钱3073 荣誉8 人气0 评议0
呃。。。 今年的传球改变太多太多了。。。。。。。
Zach Timmerman here, Gameplay Producer on NBA 2K11. You may have read my previous insight on The Jordan Challenge . This time around I’m going to get into the nitty-gritty details of one of the less talked about but more important aspects of basketball: The Art of Passing.
我是 Zach Timmerman,NBA 2K11 遊戲製作人。 你或許有閱讀過我之前發佈過關於“挑戰喬丹”的報導。這次我將說下籃球方面一項很少被提及可又是非常重要的:傳球的藝術。
When I took over passing this year, I immediately gathered community feedback and combined your issues with ours. Fortunately, your concerns and ideas very closely matched our plans and this resulted in a colossal amount of positive changes and features to help take our game to a new level. While I’d like to tell you everything we did, I’ll save you from the mind-numbing jargon and highlight some of the more enjoyable and most notable changes instead.
I’ll start with the features and then segue into some of the improvements.
Right Stick Passing – The beauty of this mechanic is that you don’t have to use your left stick to aim the pass, which then opens up more opportunities for quick release passes and occasional no looks. While holding the right shoulder button, the user can make use of the right stick as a passing mechanic such that whichever direction the right stick gets moved, the ball will be thrown to the receiver along that line.
右搖杆傳球 - 这方法的美妙之處就是你不需要用左搖杆去定位傳球的方向,進而能更快的找到機會進行快速傳球還有機會實現NO-LOOK傳球。當你按住RB按鍵时,玩家可以用右搖杆來傳球,你的右搖杆移到哪個方向,球就往該方向傳球。
Total Control Passing – Adding versatility to our game, especially for advanced users, is always a must and passing presents great opportunities for that. In 2K11 we’re adding a passing feature called Total Control Passing, which gives users the ability to take control of a teammate off the ball while also determining when and where he will be thrown the ball. While holding the right button (on the 360; R1 on the PS3), the user will be presented with the passing icon buttons, at which point holding one of those buttons allows for the user to manually control the movement of the corresponding player with the left stick. Releasing that button while keeping the right button held (on the 360; or R1 on the PS3) results in a pass to the user. If the user releases the right button (on the 360; or R1 on the PS3) while keeping the receiver’s button held, the user will temporarily take control of the player until he calls for a pass.
全局控制傳球 - 讓遊戲變得多元化,特別對於資深玩家來說,這是必須的,而傳球就恰恰帶來這樣的特性。我們在2K11里添加了 Total Control Passing (全局控制傳球) 的傳球功能,這能讓玩家可以控制一個無球球員,且可以決定何時何地傳球給這個球員。按住RB按鍵(在360上;P3是R1鍵),玩家可以看到傳球標誌圖標,當你按住其中一個標誌鍵時,玩家可以用左搖杆控制移動該球員。鬆開之前選中的標誌鍵,但是繼續按住RB鍵(在360上;P3是R1鍵)球便會傳給這個球員。 如果玩家鬆開的是RB鍵(在360上;P3是R1鍵),而選中球員標誌鍵一直被按住,玩家則可以暫時控制該球員直到這個球員要球為止。
Fake Passing – While either standing or on the move, a fake pass can be pulled off by pressing the (B) button on the 360 (circle on PS3). It’s a useful mechanic that we wanted to bring back as it can be very beneficial when trying to keep your defender on his toes. While not engaged in the post, you can aim your fake pass using the left stick. The type of fake pass chosen is based on the logic of regular passing. For example, a situation that would have yielded an overhead pass will also yield an overhead fake. Same goes for bounce, lob and chest passes. Defenders also react appropriately to each type of fake pass. Something new that we’ve never done before is allow the ability to fake a pass while in the post, ala Pau Gasol. This will keep the players engaged and will add another element of versatility to the moves in the post game.
假傳 - 不管原地還是移動中,按下360的B鍵,PS3的圓圈鍵便可進行假傳。我們很想帶回這項很有用的技術,因為它可以很有效的對付那些警惕性很高的防守球員。當沒有靠打時,你可以用左搖杆進行假傳。至於會進行什麽類型的假傳取決於常規傳球的思維方式。比方說,需要一個過頂傳球時,就會執行一個過頂假傳。有些則要反彈傳球,高傳 和 胸口傳球。 防守球員對於不同假傳也會有不同的反應。有些以前所沒有的東西,而現在可以便是在靠打的時候也可以進行假傳,例如Pau Gasol。這可以為靠打的球員添加多元化的行動變化。
Post Passing – While not a new “feature”, passing out of the post is an area of the game that was given some attention. Combined with the “fake passing” feature above, you can now fake pass while
engaged in the post. Also new this year is the ability to touch pass from a post position, where you can queue up a pass while it’s being delivered to the post player. Each type of post catch can branch into various
types of touch passes. For example, a post player can catch the ball up high with one hand and then immediately dish it back out to the perimeter without ever having to bring the ball down to both hands. It allows
for quick ball movement and makes players think twice about doubling down or jumping pass lanes. Another new element of post passing is the ability to toss alleys while posted up. Skilled passers are required to
successfully pull this off, but lobbing a ball over your shoulder to the front of the rim for a cutter coming down the middle of the lane can be pretty spectacular. And finally, we put a lot of work into general passing
while posted up. This includes passes that keep you engaged for quicker re-entries and post dishes that are great for hitting cutters. The combination of all of these improvements and features really helps to solidify
the post passing game and in the end, gives you more reason to use the post game as part of your repertoire.
靠打傳球 - 不算是一個新“特色”,靠打中傳球我們一直都有所專注。和“假傳”功能連在一起,你可以在靠打中進行假傳。接球後馬上傳球也是一個今年才有的新特色,就是你可以提前進行傳球操作,當球傳給靠打球員時便會即時被傳出去。比方說,一個靠打球員可以單手持球且將球居高,然後馬上把球傳出這個區域,少去那些用雙手護球的多餘多做。這可以讓球移動得更快,讓球員處於夾防或者跳起截球的兩難處境。還有一個新靠打傳球元素便是靠打中將球輕輕地高拋。傳球技術精湛的球員可以輕易完成這個技能,過肩高傳給前方球入內線的球員將會讓人覺得非常精彩。 最後,我們也花了很多功夫在普通靠打傳球上。包括傳球後繼續保持靠打,準備二次進攻。還有靠打傳球給切入的球員。所有這些改進和特色會讓靠打傳球變得更強大。最後,告訴你更多讓你去體會靠打的理由。
Steve Nash, John Stockton, Chris Paul, Jason Kidd. When you read these names one of the first things that should enter your mind is their amazing passing ability. They’ve got the innate gift of hitting players right
where the ball needs to be. They not only complete the pass but also put receivers in position to make the next move. With this being said, has a player’s passer rating ever really mattered in a basketball videogame
to this extent? Sure, it might have been factored into whether or not a player will be able to throw a good alley-oop or dish off a fancy pass. But in the end, couldn’t you throw a 35 foot chest pass to a covered
receiver with the same accuracy using Steve Nash as you could with, say, Joel Przybilla? The answer is a resounding yes, but in 2K11, pass ratings matter in almost every aspect of throwing the ball. Whether you’re
trying to thread the needle on a pass to the interior or you’re attempting to pass out of a shot, the passing ability of the ball-handler now matters. It determines whether or not the pass will be clean or will force the
receiver to adjust his stance to catch the ball. The receiver might have to lean or the pass might force him to adjust so much that he bobbles the ball (which in turn can be retrieved by anyone). Many factors come
into play here other than the pass rating, such as the distance to the receiver and how open the receiver is where he’s supposed to catch the ball. It’s amazing the difference this has made to the passing game
and we’re very happy that pass ratings finally matter.
Steve Nash,John Stockton,Chris Paul,Jason Kidd。當你讀到這些名字的時候,第一直覺就是他們都有非常強的傳球能力。天生精准的傳球能力。傳球不僅到位而且可以幫助接球球員執行下一個進攻動作。剛提起的這些,就是要說明在某種程度上,現在在籃球遊戲里,球員的傳球能力值將有大的作用性。嗯,或許可能被看成一個球員能不能傳送出一個好的空接或者能不能做出一個花哨傳球。但是最後,比如說,能不能用Joel Przybilla,就像用Steve Nash那樣,準確的送出一個35英尺的胸口傳球給一個被守住的球員。答案當然是很響亮的一個YES。 不過在2K11,傳球數值基本關係到把球扔出去的每個方面。 不管你是不是嘗試做一個超精准的傳球給內線,還是試著傳到外線進行跳投,持球者的傳球的能力變得攸關緊要。 它決定傳球是否到位,或者是要強迫接球者去改變自己的位置去接球。接球者可能要屈身去接球,或者導致他最終丟球(進而被其他人獲得持球權)。很多因素都有關係,不只是傳球數值,例如跟接球者的距離還有他是有接球的空擋。這已經讓傳球遊戲變得很棒,我們很高興現在傳球得數值終於起到一點作用性。
When I decided to take on passing this year, one of the many goals I had was to wipe out some of the pass animations we’ve been using for years to give us a fresh new look. I also wanted to ensure that what we
captured contained crisp, clean passes that covered all the appropriate angles and distances. Unexpectedly, and to the ire of our animators, this resulted in over 700 new pass animations for 2K11! But for me, and
soon for you, this massive influx is welcoming.
On top of recapturing pass types that we’ve had in years past, we also added a bunch of new types. I’ll break down my favorite three:
Drive & Dish Wraps – One of the more frustrating aspects of our passing over the last few years was the inability to create a cool wrap pass in the key off the bounce. They’re the passes CP3 pulls off when
he beats his man off the dribble, gets the help man in the air and wraps the ball around the defender to his teammate for the open dunk. Last year you’d continually see overhead throws in this situation as it was
the safest pass to throw but it often ruined an opportunity for a highlight play. This year we eliminated the immediate defender as a pass threat along the pass lane and doing so really helped open these types of
passes up. When you pull one off, they look incredible, but keep in mind, only good passers have the ability to do this.
運球 & 繞傳 - 過去幾年的傳球讓我覺得沮喪的一個方面是,沒有能力去實現反彈地面的繞傳。這是CP3常做的,當他運球過了防守球員,讓幫助他的球員躍起,然後繞過防守球員把球傳出去形成一個空擋空接。去年你會持續看到過頭拋傳,這種情況最安全的傳球就是拋傳,不過這樣經常導致失去一次重看精彩表現的機會。今年,我們不把進逼的防守球員作為傳球的威脅來看,這樣做我們讓傳球變得多樣化。當你成功執行一次,看起來非常棒,不過要注意,只有傳球能力強的才能做到。
Kick-out Passes – When you get past your man on the way to the hoop and a defender comes off his man on the perimeter to help out, it creates a great opportunity to kick the ball out to the open player
that the help defender just left. In last year’s game you’d often get a pass that stopped your forward motion and turned you to throw the ball. This year we captured a bunch of kick-out passes where the player
would simply pick up the ball with his dribble hand and not stop his momentum to toss it out. The result is a very quick pass that helps open up the perimeter game in this situation.
快速傳球 - 當你過了防守球員,進攻籃框,面對另一個防守球員離開他自己的區域來防守時,有很大機會形成空擋把球傳給無人防守球員。去年遊戲裏面,經常出現一個傳球導致進攻動作被阻止,最終出現丟球情況。今年我們錄製很多快速傳球,當球員簡單的用常用運球的手撿起球,然後動作不停頓的把球扔出去。 這形成一個非常快傳,幫助拉開區域防守。
Passing Out of Layups & Dunks – Often times, you’ll find yourself attempting a layup or dunk in traffic only to realize you’ve got an open teammate near you for a better look. The pass that resulted from
this in 2K10 was often an ugly one. It was normally intended for a jump shot, so your player would end up unrealistically stopping in mid-air and spinning on a platter to toss the ball out. For 2K11 we captured passes
specifically for this situation, and the game now looks at the momentum of the passer to choose the best “pass out of shot” animation as seen above with LeBrons pass as Hedo flies by. Combine this with our drive
& dish passes and you’ve got some potentially beautiful looking interior pass results.
上籃&扣籃中傳球 - 經常,你嘗試上籃和扣籃遇到阻攔,然後才發現其實在你附近有一個空擋球員。2K10的結局便是一個醜陋的傳球。以前你想要跳投,然後你的球員會不真實的停止在半空中,轉身然後傳球。2K11,我們錄製很多這種情況的傳球,現在遊戲根據傳球員動力來選擇最佳“停止投球后傳球”動作,就像上面的一樣,LeBrons 傳球給 Hedo。 這個跟前面說的 運球 & 繞傳 就可以讓遊戲的傳球給內線變得很美妙。
Pass Targeting – A lot of people are icon passers (myself included) and a lot of people are left stick + (A) button passers. The benefit of icon passing is that you always get who you aim for because you’re
determining it by a single button press. Why can’t left stick passers get the same love? One of the first things we did with passing this year was completely wipe out our pass targeting system. There were too many
variables added that only occasionally gave us what we wanted and it became too messy to work with. Pass targeting now relies almost solely on one thing and that is the direction your stick is pressed. Pretty simple.
Now, there are a couple of reasons your pass may not have reached the player you intended it for. 99% of the time it’s going to be because you’re not correctly aiming your stick at the right player or there’s a
teammate in the same direct line of the player you were hoping to hit. There are a few very important variables added this year that allow for skip passing and the ability to hit the outside guy in a line two players are
occupying. But for the most part, you’re going to pass to who you’re aiming the left stick at. The pass targeting topic initiated frequent scream fests in our offices last year, mainly from Gameplay Director Rob
Jones. Fortunately, this year, we’ve hardly heard a peep.
選擇傳球目標 - 很多玩家都是用圖標標誌來傳球(包括我) 還有很多用左搖杆+A鍵(360)。 圖標標誌傳球的好處就是你可以按一鍵就可以傳給你選中的球員。 爲什麽左搖杆就不能做到一樣的?首先我們把今年的選擇傳球目標系統重做了。 太多的變量,只有少數時候我們才得到我們想要的,大部份時間都是混亂的。選擇傳球目標現在最注重一樣東西,那便是你的搖杆是哪個方向。非常簡單。現在,有一兩個原因可以讓你的球無法到達你要傳給的球員。 99%的情況是因為你沒有準確的用搖杆瞄準你要的球員,或者在同一個方向存在另一個隊友。今年加入了一些很重要的變量,這些可以允許你繞越傳球,如果有兩個球員在同一線上,讓你傳給外面的球員。不過大部份時候,你將用左搖杆傳球給你瞄準的球員。選擇傳球目標這個話題最經常在我們辦公司引起喧嘩,主要都是因為我們的遊戲性監督 Rob Jones。 幸運的是,今年,我們基本沒有任何吵鬧。
Post Feeds – Most of the time you tried to feed the post last year the result was a lob pass. This became very predictable and because of the slow speed of the lob, the defender of the passer could double
down by the time the post player was ready to put the ball on the floor. It was frustrating and really hindered the post game. We’ve improved this tremendously by working with our post feed logic, allowing for
more bounce wrap passes into the post. This includes wrap passes while standing and while on the move as seen above from Jameer to Dwight. We can now intelligently decide whether to throw a lob or a wrap
bounce pass. And even though I knew it would make a big difference, I was really caught off guard by just how much better our game now looks and feels when it comes to entering passes into players who have
their defenders sealed in the post. It’s also yet another deceptively large reason to use the post game.
給球于靠打球員 - 去年大部份時間你都想把球高傳給靠打球員。 這很容易被預判因為高傳球速很慢,防守傳球的那個球員可以在球到達靠打球員的時候就形成包夾,并將球搶斷。很煩躁,也讓靠打球員沒辦法玩下去了。我們今
Pass Selection – I’ve read comments regarding the overhead passes that were prevalent when the ball was being passed around the perimeter from the Momentus Premiere Trailer. I can assure you that it
was an isolated clip that the editor felt worked well for the trailer. We’ve greatly improved the pass lane code for 2K11 to allow for more chest and bounce passes in situations where our safest pass, the overhead, is
not necessarily needed. This affects nearly every area of passing but is mostly noticed when passing around the perimeter or passing up the court in a transition situation. Overhead passes are too slow for a lot of the
situations where you saw them last year so we put in hard work to ensure that just about the only time you see them is when we truly feel there is a potential threat in the pass lane that could intercept or deflect
your pass.
傳球選擇性 - 我讀過很多關於過頭傳球的回覆,在 Momentus Premiere 視頻中,區域傳球司空見慣。我可以保證那是一個只會出現一次的視頻,因為編輯覺得他們那個視頻已經做得很好。 我們在2K11中改進了很多傳球路線代碼,允許更多胸口和彈地傳球,避免我們最安全的傳球方式-過頭傳球-不需要被用到。 這影響到傳球的每個方面,但是值得留意的就是區域傳球,或者傳球到前場。 去年過頭傳球大多數情況下都太慢,所以我們花了很多努力去保證你只有在當你感覺在傳球線路上有潛在的威脅可能會被攔截或者傳球被反彈的情況下看到。
Alley-Oops – Oops, we had a bug in our game that unnaturally turned the passer when he threw alley-oops. It didn’t affect the accuracy of the throw or the ability to finish and was often unnoticeable, but
when it happened it was pretty ugly. Our off-the-glass alley-oops in 2K10 also contained a bug that really didn’t allow for pleasing results either. Well, now all of this is fixed and my goodness the results are
amazing. Combine these bug fixes with the addition of some new fluid looking alley lobs and you’re in store for some startling alley-oop sequences in 2K11.
空接 - 我們有個bug,傳球者要傳球空接的時候,很有不自然的轉身。不會影響到傳球的精確度,或者完全這個技能,因此很少被注意到,但是當被注意到的時候你會發現這個很醜陋。 我們2K10的擊板空接還有另一個bug,經常會有不如意的結果出現。現在全部都被修正了,結果就是現在很棒! 把這些修正的bug和一些新的空接傳球和在一起,2K11的空接將會令人驚訝。
Catching a Pass in Progress to Basket – When a player cuts to the basket and you hit him in stride, your hope is that the receiver gets put into a position where he can easily go up for a shot near the hoop.
The last thing you want him to do is end up near the baseline, or even worse, 5-6 feet beyond the hoop. One of our most prized fixes was clamping the catch point on a moving receiver to be right in front of the
hoop. Along with a few other tweaks, it’s now undeniably easy to go right up near the basket for the shot (of course, avoiding contact or getting your shot tossed into the 3rd row is on you).
接到進攻籃框的傳球 - 當球員切入內線,你快速傳球給他,你希望接球者可以在籃框位置接到球后投籃。最不想看到的就是他最終停留在底線,或者更差的,離籃框5-6尺。我們最有價值的一個修正就是,移動接球者的接球點差不多在籃球前附近還有一些別的修改,現在無可避免的,也很容易的就可以在籃框附近投籃(當然,防止對抗或者不把球射到觀眾席第三排就看你的了)。
Well then. Good luck 2K gamers on NBA 2K11. Many things addressed to improve Passing and you can look for these and other tweaks when the game is out October 5th. You may also want to check out the various
game play videos hitting in the next couple, including one Ronnie is providing to Operation Sports featuring the Orlando Magic and Denver Nuggets. I’m looking forward to reading your feedback.
好吧。 2K 玩家祝你玩2K11玩的開心點。談了很多改進傳球的東西,你可以在10月5日發佈遊戲后體會一下。你還可以看下接著會發佈的遊戲視頻,包括Ronnie會給Operation Sports的魔術vs掘金的視頻。 我希望可以讀到更多你們的
- Zach Timmerman
Gamplay Producer
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